Free-topic essays Successful fishing (1). The composition "Successful fishing (1) How I went fishing

I am a city dweller. And as a city dweller, I am accustomed to the fact that I am always surrounded by comfort and civilization, I am used to the noise of transport, factories, plants. Near shops, bus stop, telephone. The fast cycle of life, the alternation of days, weeks, months ... Before you have time to look back, a year has already passed, and now again on the first of September, again school and study. And therefore the moments of "detachment from civilization" are very pleasant and will be remembered for a long time. For example, the way my dad and I went fishing in the summer.

This summer I was in the village with my grandmother. One weekend my father came and we decided to go fishing. We woke up early that day. It was just getting light and it was pretty cool. We threw in jackets, took fishing rods, worms dug up in the evening, bread (also for bait), a thermos with steamed pearl barley (perch wonderfully peck at it), a small bucket, sandwiches. We got on our bicycles and went to the river. There we found a quiet place between two willows, settled down and cast our fishing rods.

We sat for a long time, waited, but the floats did not move, although dad said that he bites best at dawn. We changed the bait, cast our rods again, but nothing was caught. Dad complained that he hadn't fed the fish in the evening. And then I thought that it would be nice to hook both bread and a worm to the hook at once. And so I did. It didn't take long for my float to pull down. Hooray!

But it turned out that when the fish pecked, you still need to be able to correctly pull the fishing rod so that the prey does not fall off the hook (hook - raise the rod up with a quick and sharp movement). Dad congratulated me on my initiative. Then things went more fun. Once or twice the fish got off the hook, but my father pulled one after the other.

When I wanted to pull the rod out again to change the bait, I didn't succeed. The line suddenly became taut, and the rod began to bend menacingly. "Dad, help!" - I could not resist. He jumped up to me, and we began to pull the rod together. I was afraid that the line was simply tangled and we were pulling out some snag (the fish behaved too suspiciously quietly, if it was it). But then the rod jerked sharply, then again. It's good that I got a strong rod, otherwise it would have just broken. “Lead carefully to the shore! - taught the father. - Smoothly! " That's what I did. The fishing rod held out, the line did not break, and a huge (as it seemed to me) fish - bream - hung on the hook. I just couldn't believe my eyes.

When we came home and weighed our catch, it turned out that this large fish weighed as much as all the small ones. Dad laughed, and I was extremely proud of myself: the first fishing trip - and so successful. Well, let them say that beginners are always lucky.

Until the end of the summer, I sometimes went fishing myself, sometimes with friends. Grandmother cooked fish dishes with pleasure. She cooked it, and fried it, and salted it. And every time she wished me successful fishing. And for my departure, my grandmother prepared a wonderful stuffed carp.

    Wow, how the wind rises! What dark, heavy clouds are coming from the east! Thunder is heard. Lightning strikes on the horizon straight into the ground. There is a thunderstorm. Thunderstorms in summer are especially strong, and you don't know what to expect from them. The wind has intensified. Trees bend. It starts to get dark, clouds ...

  1. New!

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  2. New!

    Summer has come, the most wonderful time of the year. It is at this time of the year that you can properly rest and gain strength. On weekends, people try to leave the stuffy city for nature, and relax there. It is especially good to relax by the lake. You can sunbathe, ...

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I am a city dweller. And as a city dweller, I am accustomed to the fact that I am always surrounded by comfort and civilization, I am used to the noise of transport, factories, plants. Near shops, bus stop, telephone. The fast cycle of life, the alternation of days, weeks, months ... Before you have time to look back, a year has already passed, and now again on the first of September, again school and study. And therefore the moments of "detachment from civilization" are very pleasant and will be remembered for a long time. For example, the way my dad and I went fishing in the summer.

This summer I was in the village with my grandmother. One weekend my father came and we decided to go fishing. We woke up early that day. It was just getting light and it was pretty cool. We threw in jackets, took fishing rods, worms dug up in the evening, bread (also for bait), a thermos with steamed pearl barley (perch wonderfully peck at it), a small bucket, sandwiches. We got on our bicycles and went to the river. There we found a quiet place between two willows, settled down and cast our fishing rods.

We sat for a long time, waited, but the floats did not move, although dad said that he bites best at dawn. We changed the bait, cast our rods again, but nothing was caught. Dad complained that he hadn't fed the fish in the evening. And then I thought that it would be nice to hook both bread and a worm to the hook at once. And so I did. It didn't take long for my float to pull down. Hooray!

But it turned out that when the fish pecked, you still need to be able to correctly pull the fishing rod so that the prey does not fall off the hook (hook - raise the rod up with a quick and sharp movement). Dad congratulated me on my initiative. Then things went more fun. Once or twice the fish got off the hook, but my father pulled one after the other.

See also:

When I wanted to pull the rod out again to change the bait, I didn't succeed. The line suddenly became taut, and the rod began to bend menacingly. "Dad, help!" - I could not resist. He jumped up to me, and we began to pull the rod together. I was afraid that the line was simply tangled and we were pulling out some snag (the fish behaved too suspiciously quietly, if it was it). But then the rod jerked sharply, then again. It's good that I got a strong rod, otherwise it would have just broken. "Lead carefully to the shore! - taught the father. - Smoothly!" That's what I did. The fishing rod held out, the line did not break, and a huge (as it seemed to me) fish - bream - hung on the hook. I just couldn't believe my eyes.

When we came home and weighed our catch, it turned out that this large fish weighed as much as all the small ones. Dad laughed, and I was extremely proud of myself: the first fishing trip - and so successful. Well, let them say that beginners are always lucky.

Until the end of the summer, I sometimes went fishing myself, sometimes with friends. Grandmother cooked fish dishes with pleasure. She cooked it, and fried it, and salted it. And every time she wished me successful fishing. And for my departure, my grandmother prepared a wonderful stuffed carp.

It was at the end of June. I was constantly at home, it was very boring. And from this boredom, the idea of ​​going fishing somehow was born in my head. One hot evening I gathered the guys, they took a shovel and a scythe with them, and went to the river. The river is located about a kilometer from my house. We reached the river, found a place to fish. The first kid, his name is Sasha, took a shovel and made an entrance for me so that I could drive up close to the river in a wheelchair. The second, Lyosha, took a scythe and mowed the reeds so that there was an open place. A place where a fisherman sits in the reeds and catches fish is called a clutch or clearing.
Immediately on the same day, I took with me two kilograms of wheat. And after the laying was done, I scattered wheat about where my floats would float. When I did all this, it was already nine o'clock in the evening, and we went home. At ten I went to bed in order to get up early.

In the morning I got up at five in the morning, took with me two telescopic fishing rods, five meters long, on which there was a 0.3 mm fishing line and a "six" hook. At half past five I was there. I just threw one rod, did not have time to pick up the second one in order to unwind and throw it, when suddenly the float twitched on the first rod, I hooked sharply, and a small rudd, as we call the roach, was in my hands. The thought flashed through my head that now one roach would peck, and no fishing would work. I changed the worm and again threw the fishing rod, and again did not have time to take the second rod in my hands, when the float led. Then I hook up the box, as we call the crucian carp, everything in my soul has become more cheerful, I throw it in - after 15 seconds the float started again, I pull out the box again, already more, 300 grams. And so in three and a half hours I caught 5 kg of fish and At about half past nine I arrived home, slept until two o'clock, then went back to the river, for the evening bite, but there was no bite anymore: I caught a dozen dams and went home.
On the second day, I got up again at five in the morning, went to the river, caught a bucket of crucians and was very happy. But the next day my failures began. As usual, I came to the river at six in the morning, caught 16 crucians, but the bite was not over yet, when the rain started falling. I had to go home, because if the road gets wet, I won't get home: the road from the masonry to the asphalt - two hundred meters - is earthen. When I got home, the rain had already ended, it was already pointless to go back to the river. That night there was a good rain, and in the morning I did not reach my clearing. The bad weather lasted probably five days.
On the sixth day I went back to my place, but again I did not catch anything, although in the evening I fed the worms, as on the very first day. So I drove for four more days, and I didn't catch a single box. After that, he began to travel in a day or two, but again no success. And then one evening I was sitting on my clutch, slowly pulling the roach (what can I do?) And was already getting ready to go home. Then my friend, Yura, drives up to me on a motorcycle and offers me fish, and since I have not eaten good fried fish for a long time, I took it from him. He gave me 500 grams of carp, a carp, also 500 grams, and another carp, probably 800 grams. I asked where he got such a fish, he said that he had caught it at Krupsky. So we have one reservoir called, which is located five kilometers from my house.
I also wanted to go on such a fishing trip, but that evening I found not a single kid to go with me, and it’s dangerous for one to go so far in a wheelchair. Then he found it, agreed. As usual, I got up at five in the morning - while I was eating, while I was getting ready, I looked at the time - it was already ten minutes to six. While they were going there, boy, his name is Volodya, he pushed me about two kilometers so that the charge on the wheelchair would be enough for the return trip. When we arrived there, it was already half past seven. It turned out that this reservoir is stocked with fish, you cannot fish there. We drove up to the watchmen who guarded the river from amateurs fishing, in the hope that we will be allowed to fish. They said that we would not be allowed to fish, since the owner does not allow us, but if we are not in a hurry, then we can wait for the owner, he must drive up. At half past ten, the owner's son and the chief fish inspector for the Kavkazsky region drove up. We asked them for permission to fish, they gave us permission. They unwound the fishing rods, just threw them in, sat for three minutes - I looked, the float went under the water, I hooked, and with all my strength, I pull, I almost reached the shore, like a carp, 500 grams, breaks off and leaves. It's a little offensive, but what can you do? I throw it again in five minutes - it bites, I pull - again a carp. This I have not missed. And so we caught five from about half past ten to twelve. Then the fish stopped pecking, but the guards calmed them down, saying that the fish would begin to be caught at two o'clock in the afternoon. At this time, the evening biting will begin. And the truth: we sat for two hours - never pecked. But at ten minutes past three my float went under the water, hooked a carp, probably with a kilogram. I immediately became more cheerful, and after that we started fishing. From two to five we caught 18 fish - three carp, the rest of the carp, each fish weighed a kilogram. It turned out to be almost half a bag of fish! Volodya caught six fish, the rest were me. I was happier than ever, almost flying across the sky from such fishing. I have never had such fishing in my life.
I am still impressed. If allowed, I'll go in a week - there too ...

From the editorial board
We wrote about this guy who lost both legs in Chechnya [see: RELGA, no. 11 (101). 09.11.2004]. After that there was a difficult struggle for his life. Many people helped him survive - human rights activists and social workers, doctors and nurses (from the capital, Rostov, Krasnodar, district), relatives and friends - grandmother, sister, father, half-brother, just people, - a lot different people... Especially V.V. did a lot to save him. Kogan-Yasny. Through the efforts of these people, his life was extended, but not saved. The body could not cope with such destruction, medicine was already powerless, and he died.
Shortly before his death, he wrote his first story, which V.V. Kogan-Yasny sent it to Novaya Gazeta and to our editorial office. "Novaya" published it during his lifetime (No. 53 of this year), but we did not have time. We place the story in our editorial office, but practically unchanged. The text shows how he wanted to live ...

Hello again!!!

In this article I will tell you about my unsuccessful fishing, I went with a spinning rod. Usually fishermen brag about their catches, but I decided on the contrary - to show the unsuccessful fishing. The main thing in the article is the video.

I will also announce the winners of the "Best Commentator of the Month - MAY 2013" promotion. There are three of them and they will receive 200 rubles from me. Go...


At the end of May I went fishing. Of course, this is not serious fishing, so practice, check the tackle, feed mosquitoes and midges. Fished early morning, not far from his home in the village. I suggest watching a video of this fishing. The video included a piece of evening fishing, on the same day. But the camera ran out of battery and did not have time to shoot fully ...

I will not give the full text of the video, no need to ... I’ll just tell you a little about the nezatseplyayka tackle, popper and wiring that I showed in the video.

Non-sewing elastic band (rubber fish).

I love to fish in the grass, in overgrown reservoirs, to lure the pike out from under the grass. This fishing method is quite entertaining and interesting. There is often a stalemate - I know where the pike is standing, she knows that I am standing here and who will outwit whom. It can be fun. At the same time, of course, pike descents are an order of magnitude higher.

Take a look at the photo below. There is my fighting and catchy "nezatseplyayka".

In the photo above, in addition to the tackle, I put a "felt-tip pen" - a concentrated smell of blood. With which I paint my fish in the abdomen and tail area. Is there any sense from this device - to be honest, I don’t know, I don’t understand. The pike takes this and that. This "device" is sold in fishing shops.

The fish itself is sold in "pure" form, without hooks and sinkers. It is this dawn that I like most of all (more catchy), a black back, a white bottom and tail, and a bloody part in front, an imitation of a wounded fish ... supposedly a Hook, in this case with a tendril, which removes obstacles from the hook and therefore the tackle is called - non-hook.

For fishing in the grass, I use a load weighing 6 grams, for me it is the most optimal. 4 grams can often remain on the surface of the water, where there is dense vegetation. The 8 gram weight sinks too quickly to the bottom, which is not very interesting. But 6 grams is just right, and the vegetation breaks through and does not immediately go to the bottom.

It should be remembered that this weight of the lead is conditional, suitable for fishing in thickets. On the open water I have to look at the place, of course, I always have sinkers with different weights with me, and there are various fish in stock.


Popper is a surface bait that imitates a fish, a frog ... whatever, even a crocodile, from the English POP means gurgling (bubble-bull). Indeed, when wiring, the popper makes a gurgling sound, often with the release of water, for example, in the form of spitting or splashing in a fan. Often, after posting the popper, a trace remains on the water in the form of air bubbles on the surface of the water.

The popper's game attracts a predator, forcing him to start hunting, lures him out. I've had bites on the popper and evening time when the tackle is practically invisible in the dark. In the photo below is my "battle popper". Although he is a catcher, I do not like his behavior in the water - he runs uncontrollably to the left and right, and I prefer it when the popper goes straight or with one "side", for example, only to the right of the wiring line.

click on the picture to enlarge

In the photo above, you can see that I attached the tail unit in order to somehow reason with the popper, although there is a minus in this, the top tee sometimes catches on this tail.

3-stage wiring

For gum fish, I practice 3-step wiring. Mainly for fish with a regular hook, no antennae. This harness allows you to "explore the bottom" by simulating an injured fish trying to rise from the bottom. I will say that there was often a situation when I managed to catch a pike, already after some place was unsuccessfully fished by fishermen with a wobbler, a shaker, a spinner.

What is the point. The tackle-fish is thrown and we expect it to fall to the bottom. Usually, when deep or current, I only work with the coil. The tip of the rod is just above the eyes (head) so that you can clearly see the tip. I make three turns of the reel and wait for the fish to "hit" the bottom, which is clearly visible on the tip of the rod. By "touch" it is not always possible to feel that the tackle has hit the bottom, so the tip of the rod is the main reference point.

The general scheme can be seen in the picture below ... Yes, a little childish - drawn. In general, I try not to raise the fish much from the bottom, this can be controlled by the speed of the coil rotation, sometimes instead of a whole turn, you can make half a turn or, in general, almost "drag" the fish along the bottom, raising the dregs.

click on the picture to enlarge

I will not talk here for a long time on the topic of wiring ... Correct - not correct ... The main thing is that it gives results. I can only say that most often the pike bite occurs at step 3 / step - when the fish, as if exhausted, falls to the bottom. Less often there are bites when the fish just breaks away from the bottom (at 1 step).

Unsecured, in the grass, I usually wield differently. Either I "jump" on the leaves of water lilies, or I "wade" the fish through dense thickets and "exhausted" I lower the fish to the bottom in clean areas, in openings / windows among algae.

Top Commentators Site - May 2013

The best commentators in May 2013 are:
1. Denis, 42 comments (blog not specified) - 200 r.
2. Crepeer, 31 comments (blog - 200 p.
3. Anton Zimarev, 15 comments (blog not specified) - 200 rubles.

I congratulate you!!! I will send you an email shortly.

See screenshot of "Top Commenters!" for May 2013


By the way, I recently photographed one landscape, and so, this landscape was included in the popular ones on Yandex.Photos for May 30, 2013. Here is a snapshot, here it is certainly not particularly good quality, look better on yandex.fotkah, at this link

click on the picture to enlarge

Although I confess that this landscape is not very much for me, I like this one more "It was getting dark ..." (photo below) - which I did exactly that evening when I was shooting a video with fishing and the battery of the camcorder ran out. Well at least I also carry a camera with me all the time. Link to photo in good quality

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