German school of football. Franchise of the German football school Stuttgart

We have a large selection of cool football camps! Moscow region, Germany and Bulgaria! Take a short survey and we will select the best camp for your child

FC Stuttgart invites children aged 3 to 17 to children's football camps in Russia, Germany and Bulgaria! Take a short survey and we will select the best option for your child.

Children's football camp is a great choice for a child who is fond of sports. Firstly, you will be sure that he is under supervision and is doing useful work. Secondly, intense training in our football camps give the guys the opportunity to learn new skills and improve the ones they already have. Thirdly, such a sports academy can be an important career step for someone who expects to become a professional player.

Football camps FC STUTTGART

MARCH 2020 and APRIL 2020

Football camp in Ognikovo

Istrinsky district, park hotel Ognikovo,
50 km from Moscow

Four meals a day

Eurostandard rooms, swimming pool.

June 2020

city ​​football

Two meals a day

Football camp in Horizont

Odintsovo district, Horizon football base,
45 km from Moscow

Four meals a day

Eurostandard rooms, swimming pool, new field of the latest generation.

July 2020

Football camp in

Odintsovsky district, recreation center Pokrovskoye,
40 km from Moscow

Four meals a day

Rooms Eurostandard, a new field of the latest generation.

1 shift: from 4 to 11 July, year of birth 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008
2 shift: from 11 to 18 July, year of birth 2010, 2009, 2008, 2007, 2006, 2005

Football camp in
Munich, Germany

Oberstaufen, 170 km from Munich

Four meals a day, water park, excursions, games with German teams.

premium rooms,
two new fields of the latest generation.

Four meals a day

Age: from 7 to 17 years old.

August 2020

Premium football camp in Peresvet

Moscow region, Sergiev Posad city district,
football base Peresvet, 94 km from Moscow

Four meals a day

Premium rooms, swimming pool, new last generation field.

Two shifts: PRO-CHANGE from July 21 to July 31, 2020,
REGULAR-CHANGE from July 31 to August 07, 2020
Age: from 7 to 17 years old.

city ​​football

North-west of Moscow, Luch stadium, Spartak metro station

Two meals a day

Two football training per day, English classes, master classes.

Children's football camps 2019: our advantages

The first thing we want to draw your attention to is that our organization offers several options. You choose what suits you and your child best: Moscow region, Bulgaria or Germany. .

Football camps for children from FC Stuttgart are:

  • regular training according to an effective European methodology;
  • qualified trainers who pay attention to each child;
  • special sports nutrition;
  • rich leisure program;
  • possibility of accommodation with parents.

Those who attend our children's camps in Moscow and abroad are closely monitored by specialists from the German League Club. They are interested in promising young players. Thanks to this, our football academy can become a pass for a child to the world of big sport. But even those children who do not plan to build a professional sports career have a good time doing fresh air and interacting with peers. .


football school is:

Qualified trainers trained in Germany

Developed football infrastructure

Sports diet

A rich football and leisure program

Possibility to stay with parents

Chance to get into a German league club

Football camps: we will answer all questions

Detailed information about sites in the Moscow region, Germany and Bulgaria is presented on our website. Here you will find basic information: features of accommodation and meals, cost, time at which shifts are held, and much more.
You have questions? Contact us at the phone number indicated on the website or click "Request a call", and our manager will promptly contact you. .

Invite your child to go to football camp 2019! This is both interesting and helpful! .

Turnover from 1.5 million rubles per month at the football school

In September 2016, the former head coach Russian national football team Leonid Slutsky doubted that Russia - football country. And you can't argue - the results recent years speak for themselves. The low level of development of children's and youth football, which many experts unanimously speak about, is also considered a problem. Today, football schools of a new format are only in their infancy. We bring to your attention the case of one of the most successful projects in this direction - the Russian network of football schools, which was provided by one of the project leaders - Igor Pugachev.

Foreign countries will help us

Stuttgart is its own brand football school whose history began in 2014. Entrepreneurs Igor Pugachev and Sergey Rodionov, as well as the head coach of the German Oberliga Waiblingen club Nikolai Zaitsev, stood at the origins.

Igor Pugachev: “We have known Sergey for 7 years, studied at the same university. I played football as a child, in a small town. Sergei and I had a football section for adults. Then we met Nikolai, and an idea was born that grew into this project.”

The discussion by the creators of the situation in the industry showed that the development of a youth football school should be based on foreign experience, since the RFU (Russian Football Union) still does not have uniform programs and recommendations on this issue. Each professional club develops its own training structure for young football players. In cities where there are no such clubs, the situation is even more deplorable.

The German direction was chosen not only thanks to the connections of Nikolai (he became the head coach of the school). The point is that Germany has the best training system for young athletes in the world. Having failed at the time the European Championship in 2000, the German Union completely reformed it. In 2009 boys brought up under this program won youth championship Europe, and in 2014 they also became the main stars of the team that became the world champion among adults.

All this is important for one simple reason: the creation of a football school that will generate income and produce results requires a serious material part. It is necessary to clearly understand who will train athletes, according to what program and what results it will give. It was 20 years ago that almost any physical education teacher could recruit children from their school for paid additional football lessons. Today, the requirements for the section are completely different.

One of the main competitive advantages of the Stuttgart school was the ability to send talented players to see German clubs, organize trips to a full-fledged football camp to participate in international tournaments with German peers. Competitors did not have similar offers at the time of the creation of the business.

First bumps

According to our interlocutor, in just a few years, the industry has seriously changed.

Igor Pugachev: “The market is growing at a fast pace, and there are two factors that have influenced this. Firstly, this is the World Championship, which will be held in Russia in 2018. It stimulates interest in football in children. Secondly, this is competition, which is growing from year to year. People are realizing that you have to pay for sports and good services.”

Today, there are hundreds of football schools in Moscow and the regions, and many are trying to organize their work on a franchise basis. Franchising in this industry pursues both directly commercial tasks of increasing profits and capturing new markets, as well as other, no less significant ones. Now almost every young football player from the regions has a real opportunity to attract the attention of foreign coaches and get a ticket to big sport. And this additional incentive for parents to pay for his studies.

Another significant feature of the German system is the emphasis on developing individual skills. In the "theory of physical education teachers" training is the setting of a team game. This approach has a number of advantages (in particular, it helps the coach win children's tournaments and receive well-deserved regalia). But here is the most important thing for children and youth sports school- the development of individual qualities of capable players - is hampered. And that is what gives the result. In addition, it is the development of YOUR child, and not the achievements of his coach, that interests parents.

None of the founders had experience in creating such a project, so there were difficulties. In particular, the organizers faced a seasonal factor - it is difficult to conduct training in cold weather, besides, children often get sick during this period, and parents temporarily interrupt classes.

The usual training format was soon supplemented by special groups: a goalkeeping school, classes for adult amateurs and even a separate group for professional players who want to develop their skills in their free time at the club. All this expanded the target audience and increased the profitability of the project.

And here is the result

Customer focus is the most important factor in modern business. Today it is not always possible, as before, to weave three boxes to the client, take the money and disappear into the air. Before the client pays, he will study you inside and out. A negative feedback can't be removed from the internet. Therefore, it is not enough to promise screenings in German clubs, you need to organize them. Three guys, thanks to the complicity of the Stuttgart football school, have already set off to conquer Germany.

The first "swallow" was the 12-year-old Moscow "Dynamo" Nikita Gloydman. He came to school almost immediately after its opening, and in November 2014, coach Nikolai Zaitsev gave him a screening in several German clubs. The result was not long in coming - six months later the boy joined the ranks of Waiblingen, where he continues to train today. Soon two more juniors followed in the same direction: Nikita Aksenov, a 15-year-old pupil of the Voronezh Fakel, and 12-year-old Moscow Spartak player Mikail Uzhakhov.

Igor Pugachev: “The main emphasis should be placed on the product (selection of coaches, training methods) - this is the most important thing in this business.”

V professional football there is a system of licensing coaching staff. In accordance with it, every coach working in a football school must have at least a category C license. This is the lowest level that gives the right to work with youth teams. In fact, in most schools, trainers do not have this license. This means that there is no confirmation of the possession of the necessary theoretical knowledge and skills of pedagogical work.

School "Stuttgart" went its own way. The methods were developed by Nikolai Zaitsev (category B license, which gives the right to work with professional clubs) based on the recommendations of the German Football Union for German schools. Coaches who work directly with children in Moscow have the necessary certificates. In addition, a mandatory requirement for them was the passage of additional training and internships in Stuttgart.

Working for reputation and inviting qualified specialists has become the main credo of business organizers. Only in this way can you achieve your goals today and lay the foundation for success in the future.

Window to Europe

The organizers of the football school look to the future with optimism. There is confidence not only that the project will bring solid profits. The creators are deeply convinced that they are working for the good Russian sports, and this will be able to bear fruit in the future: to develop in Russian young players the culture of the most popular game on the planet, to form the desire to constantly work on themselves and hone their skills.

Igor Pugachev: “We have fully packaged our business into a franchise and at the moment we consider our offer to be the best in this niche. We believe that in 3 years we will have 100 partners in Russia and the CIS countries. And over time, our efforts will bring real change to Russian football.”

Another European principle of school work is several formats of education. The main one is the football school. There are four branches in Moscow, on the basis of which classes are held: two in the north-west, in the Tushino region, one in the Central Administrative District, on Paveletskaya, and one in the north-east, at VDNKh. The main groups of children 4-12 years old and additional groups for adult amateurs and professionals are engaged here. School franchisees work in Rostov-on-Don and Yekaterinburg.

Periodically, classes are held in the format of a camp in the Moscow region (Bronnitsy, Zvenigorod). A weekly shift allows novice athletes to feel in the shoes of professional football players: hard mode, proper nutrition, 3-time workout.

Camp in Germany is a 9-day internship at the Champions Park training base in Stuttgart. This is an opportunity to communicate and compete with German peers, get language practice and work directly with Nikolai Zaitsev and other qualified German trainers.

Organization of a player's viewing in Europe without connections is practically impossible. Thanks to the contacts of Nikolai Zaitsev, you can organize a viewing in almost any team. Getting into the youth structure of the famous European club provides a guarantee that young player will have a chance to prove himself. This is the best motivation for parents of young football talents.

Igor Pugachev: “We advise beginner entrepreneurs not to be afraid to make decisions. Do only what you love and what you are good at, only then there will be a result.

Figures and facts about Stuttgart

Year of creation

Competitive advantages

The only football school in Russia that uses German training methods: emphasis on the individual development of players, lessons on tactics and strategy.

Organization of football camps in Russia and Europe.

Possibility to get on viewing in any German club.

Staff of licensed trainers trained in Germany.

Start-up capital

300 thousand rubles. Source - own funds. Were spent on the purchase of equipment, training of coaches, rent of football fields, creation and promotion of the site.

Payback period

The project paid off within 5 months.

Ways to promote

Contextual advertising and Google Adwords. The cost of the application there is the lowest, and demand is only growing. We tried VKontakte, but the performance is worse. The application is slightly higher, and the cost of attracting a client costs 3 times more than through contextual advertising. Now we are trying Instagram and Facebook.


Each Moscow branch has 4 age groups of 12-20 people each, about 300 children in total. The cost of a monthly subscription is from 5 to 13 thousand rubles, depending on the number of trainings.


The main expenses are the salaries of coaches, the rent of football fields, and advertising. In general, one branch costs 150-250 thousand rubles a month.

Average business profitability


Manager (these functions can be performed by the business owner himself), two trainers per school, accounting (outsourcing).

More and more parents understand the importance of not only intellectual, but also physical development child. Football is one of the useful and exciting sports that children play with great pleasure. Moreover, a player involved in this childhood sport has great career prospects. This is partly due to the growth in the number of private football schools, which today can be found in most medium and large cities of the Russian Federation. A special place in the list of networks and private sports clubs occupies the Stuttgart network. Under this name, there are schools that use the best German technologies and teaching methods for young football players.

Description of the franchise

The main financial conditions and characteristics of the Stuttgart franchise are as follows:

  • The total amount of initial investment can be from 317,000 rubles;
  • Lump-sum contribution from 200,000 rubles;
  • Net profit from 150,000 to 390,000 rubles;
  • Project launch within 1 month;
  • Payback period of six months.

Scheme of working with the network of football schools Stuttgart

The responsibilities of the franchisor include:

  • Search and training of the best specialists in the franchisee city;
  • Attracting customers, creating a partner site, setting up advertising in Yandex Direct and Google AdWords;
  • Arrival of the best specialists to the city of the franchisee, a two-hour master class at the festive opening;
  • Familiarization of parents with the advantages of the Stuttgart method and conclusion of the first long-term contracts.

What are the responsibilities of a franchisee?

  • Search for a football field;
  • Placing an advertisement for vacancies and selecting candidates who will then be verified by the franchisor;
  • Purchase of sports equipment;
  • Inviting a large number of people to the festive opening of the football school (advertising, distribution of leaflets, booklets, etc.)

Description of the franchise, services

What does the franchisee get?

  1. Training methods developed by the best German specialists, detailed monthly training plans.
  2. Training of franchisee employees in Germany or in Moscow, confirmation of their knowledge and skills with a certificate.
  3. Control of all conducted classes directly from Germany.
  4. Departure of the coach from the capital to the opening of a new school, a free master class.
  5. Online support for franchisees on any issues.
  6. Assistance in solving accounting and legal issues.
  7. Form for employees.
  8. Quick launch of the project within 1 month.

About company

Stuttgart is a network of German football schools, which has already become very famous in Russia. In the clubs of the network, even the smallest players can not only learn more about this sport, but also develop the skills necessary to build a successful football career. At the moment, this project has no analogues in the Russian Federation, which leads to a constant increase in the audience of sports school students.

What is the secret to the success of the German football school Stuttgart?

  • There are very high requirements for the qualification of all coaches at the school - only a specialist with category A or B can become a coach in a network club.
  • School students spend a lot of time practicing with the ball.
  • Teachers try to pay maximum attention to the development of unique game mechanics, football thinking and the strengths of each of the students.
  • Education at the driving school Stuttgart is focused exclusively on the future further development each player's career.
  • Coaches encourage non-standard solutions to various initiatives, they try to make individuals out of players. In other words, Stuttgart schools do not use template teaching methods, but a departure from the given schemes, the manifestation of individuality and the adoption of independent decisions are welcome.
  • A well-thought-out teaching methodology allows consistently, lesson by lesson, training by training, to instill in the players the necessary qualities and give them the necessary knowledge.


  1. What are the main advantages of acquiring a franchise of the Stuttgart football school network?
  2. Unlike other sports club chains, Stuttgart positions itself as a school where future professionals are trained.
  3. Groups are divided by age from 4 to 17 years old, while 80% of the time the players spend not at their desks or on the bench, but directly on the field with the ball.
  4. Players studying at Stuttgart schools have the opportunity to attend football camps in Germany and meet regularly with players from German clubs.
  5. A reasonable amount of initial investment is from 400 to 800 thousand rubles.
  6. The franchisee receives comprehensive assistance and support not only from specialists working in Russia, but also from the current coach of the German club, who controls training online.
  7. The unique concept of schools. At the moment there are no other chains of sports clubs in the Russian Federation that would offer services at the Stuttgart level. There are also no schools that would have connections with the German teams.
  8. Using the latest German learning technologies.
  9. Providing step by step instructions for the opening of the school.
  10. Internship partner in Moscow or in one of the cities in Germany.
  11. Possibility to organize viewing in any in any of the clubs in Germany.
  12. School attendance guarantee.
  13. High standards of service quality.



Frequently asked Questions

Can I go to camp with my child?

Yes, you can. All of our training sessions are open to parents. You can book a room by yourself.

Where will the children live?

Children will be accommodated in triple or quadruple rooms.

Which children ride by skill level and age?

Children from 6 to 15 years old can come to the camp. Children are divided into age groups and level. The age difference in each group is no more than two years.

What is included in the kit and do I need to pay for it?

The set of equipment is included in the price of the tour and consists of:
- T-shirt
- Shorts
- Gaiters

Studs, shields are not included.

How many children are in one group?

The maximum number in a group per coach is 10-12 people.

Where will the training take place?

All training sessions will be held on an outdoor artificial grass football field.

If it rains will there be training?

It all depends on the circumstances, if a heavy downpour training is canceled and rescheduled for a time or day when there is no rain. If there is no heavy downpour, and light rain is dripping, the children are training.

Do you have medical staff?

All trainers are trained to provide first medical care. If something serious happens, an ambulance is called immediately.

Are phones taken away?

We have a lot of training and various leisure activities ( Board games, FiFA tournament, table tennis, bowling). We pick up phones from children and give them out only from 21:30 to 22:00 to contact their parents. Urgent communication for parents only through the phones of trainers.

Who are your coaches?

Coaching staff from the main branch of Moscow, having a higher profile education, trained according to the German methodology and having coaching licenses C or B.

How is security ensured?

Coaches live in the building with the children and are with them 24 hours a day. The base is guarded by a private security company. Access to third parties is prohibited.

Do the coaches supervise the children?

Coaches make sure that there is order in the rooms, that the child eats well, hand over dirty clothes for washing on time and monitor his health.

Rest with benefit

FC Stuttgart regularly organizes football camps for children. We provide an opportunity to spend the summer with benefit, not only to have a good rest, but also to improve your sports level. Children's football camps 2020 are waiting for children aged 6 to 16 years old. We invite young athletes regardless of the level of training. The football camp for children from FC Stuttgart allows beginners to become experienced amateurs, and amateurs to get closer to professionals.

There are several shifts during the summer. The schedule is presented on this page of our website, and the child can go to the football camp in 2020 when it is convenient for both him and his parents.

Our advantages

We conduct training according to the effective German method. This means that those who attend our football camps for children will have a lot of practice with the ball. At the same time, an experienced coach will work with them, closely monitoring each pupil, taking into account his strengths and tactfully pointing out flaws. Thanks to an individual approach, the football camp in Moscow will become a place for a young athlete to develop the skills that he already has and acquire new ones.

The daily routine is carefully observed. The kids are supervised all the time. You can be sure that our football camps for children are a place where you can spend time not only interesting and useful, but also safe.

More information can be found on the FC Stuttgart website. If you have questions about the cost of the tour, living conditions, location of the base, daily routine, please contact us at the specified phone number.

Football camp for children is waiting for young sports fans!

Oleg Malyukov, Senior coach

Education: Higher, RGUFKSMiT, Department of Theory and Methods of Football

Key professional skills:
UEFA B coaching license

Experience: FC Stuttgart (since 2016) Academy Dynamo Moscow (January 2013 - January 2016)

We offer European quality at affordable Russian prices. The FC Stuttgart football camp is a unique opportunity to get to know German football! These are unforgettable impressions and emotions for your child! If you want to learn more about our camp, leave a request for a consultation. We will be glad to see you in our football camp!

Base: Holiday house "Pokrovskoye"
Region: Russia, Moscow and Moscow region
Nearest city: Moscow, 43 km
Age: for children 6 - 16 years old
The address: 143066, Moscow region, Odintsovo district, Pokrovskoye settlement ()
Departure with escort: from Moscow, included in the price
Number of participants: 40
Starting year: 2015
Required documents:
Organizer: FC Stuttgart LLC
TIN: 7751526431
Did you like the camp? Tell your friends

FC Stuttgart organizes football camps in the Moscow region.

The camp will take place at the Pokrovskoye base! The complex is located in one of the most picturesque corners of the Moscow region - on the protected area of ​​​​Zvenigorod land among forests and springs, it combines ideal conditions for conducting training sessions. It's modern sports complex with a developed football infrastructure to fully support the training process. The base is located 43 km from the Moscow Ring Road. Everything is within walking distance, in one closed area. Children will stay in the townhouse in 3-bed TWIN rooms.


concert hall, gym, stadium, football field

Security and medical care:

Security and medical care 24 hours

Select a shift to view brief details of its program:

    All shifts 07/04/2020 - 07/11/2020 - 1 shift 07/11/2020 - 07/18/2020 - 2 shift

Change program:

Training process

Footballer's Leisure:

Change program:

A rich training program, combined with high-quality outdoor recreation, will allow children football camp get positive emotions and a boost of energy, as well as improve your sports skills every day. An incredible football atmosphere will help you get additional motivation, the desire to train more and reach new heights in the sport.

Training process

Classes are held on the field artificial turf. The program includes 3 intense workouts per day aimed at developing basic game characteristics such as technical ball handling, reaction, coordination, passing, shooting, as well as general fitness training.

  • First workout: General physical training, kicking without the ball.
  • Second training: Practicing technique, dribbling, feints. Intense ball handling.
  • Third training: Consolidation of the exercises worked out during the day in various game situations with tactical tasks from the coach.

Footballer's Leisure:

  • FIFA 2020 Tournament on Playstation
  • Bowling
  • air hockey
  • Table tennis
  • Photoshoot

General program:

Training process

All trainings will be held under the guidance of children's coaches from Germany, with the support of young and talented coaches. football club FC Stuttgart Moscow, who have a wide experience of working with children, within the framework of projects of previous years, and who have completed an internship in Germany! High quality fields, an ecologically clean area, and optimal climatic conditions contribute to training on the very high level. The German approach to the training process is currently the reference in the world! The camp program is aimed at developing the technical skills of the players. By visiting our camp, your child's football skills will grow significantly!


8:00 - Rise

8:30 - Breakfast

10:00 First practice

13:00 Day rest

14:30 Second training session

17:00 High tea

17:45 Third training session

21:00 Review of the day

21:15 Free time

22:00 End

Camp video:

Only customers of the site whose children have visited this camp can leave a review. We publish all (both positive and critical) reviews.

Add your review

Hitomi 9 years)


My son says that the coach always watched and listened to the children.
And together he solved problems with him.


There are no disadvantages.

About «FC Stuttgart» (boy rested 13 years)


Great coaching staff, counselor Nikita - did his job for 5+. The child is happy!


There are no disadvantages.

Kuanysh Oryngalievich About «FC Stuttgart» program (boy had a rest 13 years)


Good afternoon, greetings from Kazakhstan!!!
Our son liked it, he was delighted with everything that he wanted to stay more. I express my deep gratitude for all the staff, they were very loyal and worked professionally. The trainings were held at a high level, it was very useful for the boys in the camp of the positive. Thanks! We wish your team continued prosperity, and good luck in everything!


It seems that a week is not enough for the guys for one run, who now want to master their playing techniques. Sorry of course, but this is just my purely personal opinion.

Platon Alekseevich About «FC Stuttgart» program (boy had a rest 13 years)


There was a good young coaching staff. I would very much like the coaches to discuss with the guys some matches from the leading European / our championships, which either take place during the changeover period, or the most interesting from the recent past. This is important for understanding technique and tactics. Provide for machine drying of washed items. And so the child really liked it.


Leisure outside of training can be varied.

Vitaly Nikolaevich About «FC Stuttgart» program (boy had a rest 7 years)


Grade benefits.


Probably unlucky with the weather, it rained almost all week, so there were not all trainings. Of the minuses, leisure is practically absent, he sent his own without a tablet, he did not know what to do. On the site of the camp, it was stated that the child would reach a new level, he did not notice any special changes.

Dmitry Anatolievich About «FC Stuttgart» program (boy had a rest 12 years)


I liked it very much!


Please think of something with drying things during rainy weather.

About «FC Stuttgart» (boy rested 6 years)


Excellent coaching staff. Good physical activity.


Holiday home Pokrovskoe is not distinguished by a good and varied diet.

About the Football german camp FC Stuttgart» (boy rested 10 years)


Good intensity of the workouts themselves. Good food, accommodation.


Few workouts (promised every day for 3 workouts). There is no leisure time for children. Coaches swear!

response from the camp

Thanks for the feedback. We have reached out to you and resolved the issue. I liked the training process 100%, but I didn’t like that we had only two days of 3 workouts out of 7. The rest of the days it rained heavily and our coaches canceled workouts. Everything else was on the program, bowling, tennis, a FIFA tournament. We have a serious organization and swearing is not acceptable in it (what the child regarded as the word swearing is not clear to us as organizers), because parents are also present at the program, and incamp clients went to this shift and no such comments were noticed.
