Muscle tone in a child: why does it occur and how to treat it? What is muscle hypertonia, what are its causes, symptoms and treatment in adults? Pronounced muscle tone.

Muscle tone is essentially the degree of muscle elasticity and resistance that accompanies passive flexion or extension of the limbs. Muscle tone is due to various factors. First of all, it depends on the state of the muscles, peripheral nerve fibers and impulses. The ability of muscles to contract when overcoming a certain load is an important indicator of human health. It is completely normal for the muscles to be under some tension even when they are relaxed. As a result of disease and injury nervous system muscle tone may change. One or another type of violation leads to its decrease or increase. In accordance with this, hypo- and hypertonicity of muscles is distinguished.

Increased muscle tone can be:

  • spastic;
  • rigid.

A distinctive feature of the spastic look is unevenness, selectivity. The cause of its occurrence is the violation that affects the components of the pyramidal system. In this case it comes about a chain of neurons, the main task of which is to transmit motor commands addressed to skeletal muscles. Due to the fact that the central neuron in this system is damaged, spastic hypertonicity develops. The performance of movements of a passive nature occurs with difficulty, but this is characteristic of the very beginning of the action. In the future, these manipulations are done quite easily. When making movements in fast pace such symptoms are more noticeable. Since there are lesions in the motor center of the brain, the violation affects not one muscle, but their entirety, for example, the flexor / extensor group of the feet. It is in this that the selective and uneven nature of this type of hypertonicity is manifested. The factors due to which it can occur are strokes, brain injuries, various disorders of the nervous system, meningitis, sclerosis, hypoxia, phenylketonuria and other diseases.

Rigid increased muscle tone is also called plastic. It manifests itself if the extrapyramidal nervous system is affected. This system includes brain structures and nerve pathways that are directly involved in both the regulation and control of motor manipulations. As a result of this, a motor reaction is organized when laughing or crying, a certain posture in space is maintained, and so on. Distinctive feature a rigid variety is that the difficulty in performing passive motor manipulations is permanent, as a result of which all muscles spasm. The limbs freeze in those poses that were given to them. In some cases, a damaged pyramidal and extrapyramidal system can lead to a mixed type of hypertonia. As a rule, brain tumors are the cause of this pathology.

Reasons for increasing muscle tone

Muscle hypertonicity in adults is not in all cases associated with pathology, a characteristic feature of which is the persistence of its increase. Sometimes it is associated with physiological reasons:

  1. Tired, tense muscles. When performing work for a long period of time, the muscles lose energy, which leads to fading. muscle fiber in a reduced state.
  2. The duration of being in an uncomfortable or monotonous position. Since in such a situation all the load is associated with a certain type of muscle, spasm occurs, as with overstrain. Very often, the appearance of such a spasm in cervical muscles ah is observed in people sitting at the computer for a long time. Hypertonicity of the back muscles in adults is often found in those who work in the garden for a long time.
  3. A protective reaction to pain. In this case, we are talking about the occurrence of pain syndrome, spastic hypertonia as a kind of reaction, for example, damage to the spine leads to spasm of the corresponding muscles.
  4. Bruises, lumbar pains. In the presence of pathologies spinal column there is an increase painful sensations.

The syndrome of muscle hypertonia is accompanied by many different diseases. For example, it can be observed when:

  • acute circulatory disorders of the brain, which leads to ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke;
  • tumors of both the spinal cord and the brain;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • spastic form of torticollis;
  • bruxism;
  • dystonic syndrome;
  • hepatic encephalopathy;
  • infections of the central nervous system;
  • multiple sclerosis.

If a similar condition for an adult is a deviation, then for a newborn it is within the normal range. This is due to the position of the baby in the womb. Prolonged intrauterine stay in the embryo position is accompanied by close contact of the limbs, chin and trunk, which leads to muscle tension in the fetus. Closed fists bent legs, throwing back the head - all these are signs of hypertonicity of a month-old baby.

Preservation muscle tension at the age of six months is a serious reason for contacting a qualified specialist.

Symptoms and Treatment

Like any disease, muscle hypertonia has its own symptoms. Increased muscle tone in adults is characterized by:

  • tension, inactivity;
  • uncomfortable sensations when moving;
  • muscle stiffness;
  • spontaneous active movements;
  • increased tendon reflexes;
  • a slowed down process of relaxation of muscles that have undergone a spasm.

In addition, hypertonicity calf muscles in adults it is manifested by walking on "socks". This indicates the neglected nature of the disease from childhood. The occurrence of seizures is directly related to the tension of a muscle. With any mechanical impact, a person experiences severe pain. Hypertonicity of the leg muscles in adults as a result of prolonged stress leads to impaired blood circulation, the formation of painful seals.

Hypertonicity in newborns is characterized by:

  • restless, short sleep;
  • compressed state of the upper and lower limbs;
  • thrown back position of the head;
  • resistance, accompanying attempts to dilute the upper, lower limbs of the baby;
  • painful response to various stimuli, such as light;
  • frequent regurgitation.

In the presence of the described signs of increased muscle tone, you should consult a doctor: a therapist or a neurologist. Fast Achievement positive results treatment is ensured by the timely treatment of a specialist. At the first stage of treatment, the underlying disease is overcome, which provoked an increase in muscle tone. The second stage is corrective and aims to facilitate therapy.

Treatment of muscle hypertonicity can be carried out using:

  1. relaxing massage;
  2. physiotherapy exercises;
  3. electrophoresis;
  4. paraffin applications;
  5. swimming;
  6. drug treatment.

The main purpose of drug treatment is to minimize painful sensations, normalize the functioning of the central nervous system. In each case, drug therapy can be associated with:

  • relief of symptoms;
  • decrease in spasmodic phenomena;
  • facilitating physical activity.

Similar goals are achieved with the use of muscle relaxants, antipsychotics.

Timely diagnosis of muscle hypertonicity, adherence to the treatment prescribed by the doctor, regular exercise will help to overcome the disease in short time and reduce the risk of possible complications.

Muscle hypertonicity is a pathological condition in which there is increased muscle resistance when performing any passive movements. Thus, muscle fibers remain tense during periods of relaxation and rest. The increased muscle tone creates an obstacle for the performance of voluntary actions.

In neurology, this pathological condition is diagnosed quite often. It occurs in both adults and children. This violation has an extremely negative effect on a person's ability to lead a full-fledged lifestyle, since it becomes the cause of physical discomfort.

Causes of pathology

Hypertonicity of muscle tissue in most cases is a symptom of other pathological conditions and disorders. Muscle tone largely depends on the elasticity of muscle tissue, the correct functioning of the motor neurons located in the spinal cord. In addition, the motor center of the brain is responsible for the regulation of muscle tone.

Thus, the appearance of hypertonicity can be the result of damage to both muscle tissue and the nerves of the central and peripheral nervous system, which regulate tension and relaxation of the muscles of the body. The reasons for the development of hypertonia in patients of different ages differ. In adults, the causes of this disorder can be roughly divided into physiological and pathological. The physiological reasons for the appearance of such a problem include:

  • overstrain of muscle fibers;
  • being in uncomfortable posture for a long time;
  • defensive reaction to pain;
  • stressful situations and bruises.

With a strong overstrain of the muscles, the depletion of the energy accumulated in them is observed. This leads to the fact that the muscles freeze in a tense position until the moment the necessary energy is accumulated for relaxation. Often due to overstrain, spasm of the calf muscles of the lower leg occurs after running or intense physical exercise.

When staying in an uncomfortable position, an overload of certain muscle groups is observed, which leads to an increase in their tone. Often, such a violation occurs during prolonged work at the computer. Hypertonicity of the lumbar and cervical spine is often diagnosed.

The muscles of the back with such prolonged tension do not completely relax even when the posture is changed. With hypertonicity of the muscles of the neck and lower back, there is a high likelihood of lumbago. The spinal cord and nerve endings extending from it can be subjected to compression.

Often, the appearance of spasticity of certain muscle groups can be a reaction to severe pain. Often this is observed with vasospasm of the lower extremities. Less commonly, a similar problem occurs when the nerve roots are damaged. spinal cord as a result of the progression of osteochondrosis. In this case, hypertonicity of the lumbar and cervical muscles is often observed.

The pathological causes of muscle hypertonicity in adults include disorders that occur in the following pathological conditions:

  • spinal and brain tumors;
  • traumatic brain injury;
  • infectious lesion of the central nervous system;
  • syndrome of spastic torticollis;
  • epilepsy;
  • vascular pathologies of the spinal cord and brain;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • dystonic syndrome;
  • tetanus;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • vasculitis;
  • lack of calcium;
  • hepatic encephalopathy;
  • hemorrhagic and ischemic stroke;
  • bruxism.

In young children, symptoms of hypertension are common. The following disorders predispose to the appearance of such a pathology in newborns:

  • hypoxia during intrauterine development;
  • intrauterine infection;
  • birth trauma;
  • intracranial hemorrhage;
  • congenital developmental anomalies;

The risk of developing this pathological condition is increased in children who appear against the background of the presence of Rh-conflict in the mother and the fetus. Perinatal encephalopathy experienced by the child can contribute to the appearance of hypertonicity. The risk of developing pathology is higher in the presence of early and late toxicosis.

Localization of the disease

All muscles of the body can be affected by hypertonicity. Often there is damage to the muscles of the thigh and calf muscles. Subclavian, trapezius, deltoid, and sternum muscles may be affected.

In addition, a similar problem often affects the rhomboid muscles, as well as the elements involved in lifting the scapula. With lesions of the spine, hypertonicity of the posterior cervical muscles is observed. Cramping is often observed square muscle lower back. The occipital muscle may also be affected.

Typical symptoms

The development of hypertonicity is accompanied by the appearance of characteristic symptoms. In adults, this pathological condition appears as follows:

  • feeling of tension;
  • increased muscle density;
  • tightness;
  • impaired coordination of movements;
  • feeling tired;
  • deterioration in the work of the flexors;
  • painful cramps;
  • tremor.

In children, in addition to these symptoms, additional signs appear. A developmental disorder may indicate the presence of hypertonicity in a child. fine motor skills and coordination of movement. Often in children at the age of 3 months with hypertonicity, the tendency to squeeze the hands into fists remains.

The baby starts to hold his head too early. Chin tremors and frequent regurgitation may also indicate the presence of a similar problem in a child. In severe cases, children arch and throw their heads back. The onset of the problem may be indicated by the reflex of support and automatic walking. In this case, the child stands on one foot and at the same time tries to take a step with the other.

Diagnostic methods

In the presence of manifestations of hypertonicity, the patient needs a consultation with a neurologist, since it is possible to determine the presence of this pathology even by conducting special neurological tests. Anamnesis is being collected. The patient may need to consult a psychiatrist and endocrinologist. After that, general and biochemical blood tests are performed.

Determination of the level of electrolytes and CPK in the blood is mandatory. To determine the speed of conduction of nerve impulses, an EMG is prescribed. To assess the patient's condition and identify the cause of the problem, CT and MRI can be prescribed.

CSF analysis is mandatory. Often, a biopsy of nerves and muscles is prescribed to clarify the diagnosis.

Treatment methods

To remove hypertonicity, therapy is primarily aimed at eliminating the primary pathology that caused the problem. To relieve increased tone, various conservative treatment methods are used. Often prescribed medications with a sedative effect. These drugs help to suppress psycho-emotional stress.

In some cases, antispastic medications and muscle relaxants are prescribed to reduce hypertonicity. In addition, it can be introduced into the therapy regimen. In most cases, only drug treatment to eliminate hypertonicity is not enough.

Introduced into the course of therapy. To improve the condition, at least 10 procedures are required. Electrophoresis procedures are introduced into the treatment regimen. Swimming and specially selected therapeutic exercises can contribute to the relaxation of muscle fibers. Unlearn exercise therapy complex follows under the supervision of an instructor. In the future, you can do physical education at home.

To eliminate increased muscle tone, warm baths with herbal decoctions of thyme, chamomile, pine needles or valerian root can be recommended. Such decoctions can be made at home from herbs that are sold ready-made in a pharmacy, because their recipe is extremely simple. To prepare a strong decoction for the bath, take about 50 g of the selected herbal component and pour 3 liters of boiling water. You need to put the composition on fire and boil for 5 minutes.

After that, you should remove the broth from the stove and leave for 3 hours. The composition must be filtered and added to the water collected in the bath. To reduce muscle tone, warm paraffin wrapping and acupuncture are prescribed.

Folk remedies intended for oral administration are ineffective for hypertension. Such funds should be taken only on the recommendation of a doctor, tk. in some pathological conditions that can provoke the appearance of a problem, medicinal herbs can cause a deterioration in health.


Hypertonia can be both congenital and acquired pathological condition. Despite the fact that this violation gives the patient a lot of discomfort, when carrying out complex therapy, it is possible to achieve a pronounced improvement. In mild to moderate cases, treatment can completely eliminate the problem.

The musculoskeletal system consists of a huge number of muscles that actively contract and ensure the movement of people. They are highly elastic and extensible fibers made up of muscle tissue. When exposed to nerve impulses, a contraction process occurs. Muscles provide movement of various parts of our body, as well as the expression of emotions.
People perform various movements without problems, from the simplest ones - winking and smiling to complex ones. Correct muscle activity ensures not only mobility, but also the normalcy of all organs and systems, as well as the processes occurring in them. The nervous system regulates the work of all muscle tissues and is a ligament with the brain and spinal cord, and also takes an active part in the process of converting chemical energy into mechanical energy.


Prolonged work and heavy loads contribute to muscle fatigue. As a result of injury, as well as various diseases of the nervous system, the correct functioning of muscle fibers is disrupted and muscle tone occurs.
Muscle tone is an uncontrolled tension of muscle fibers, as a result of which they contract while in a relaxed state. The main pathological conditions are:

  • muscle hypotonia;


Hypotension is pathological changes in which muscle tone decreases. Often this condition is diagnosed not only in children, but also in people of the adult age category. Due to the occurrence of such a pathology, muscle fibers weaken, and over time they stop responding to impulses sent by the nervous system.


The main signs that indicate the presence muscle hypotonia are:

  • severe muscle weakness;
  • the onset of atony;
  • decreased physical activity or its complete absence;
  • breathing problems;
  • deformation of the joints;
  • a person is not able to sit on his own, he falls into a recumbent position.


These changes can provoke more than a hundred diseases. As a result, there is a division into the following types:

  • diffuse;
  • local;

According to the degree of development of this condition, hypotonia is subdivided into the following types:

  • gradually developing;
  • spicy.

The classification is also carried out in connection with the causative provoking the occurrence of a decrease in muscle tone:

  • congenital - develops as a result of genetic abnormalities;
  • acquired - appears throughout life, due to the transfer of various systemic diseases.


Factors in the occurrence of muscle hypotonia can be both genetic and other types of diseases. The main ones are:

  • Down syndrome;
  • Martin-Bell syndrome;
  • Rett syndrome;
  • Canavan's disease;
  • Pituitary dwarfism;
  • Menkes disease;
  • dystrophic changes in the muscles;
  • leukodystrophy;
  • atrophic processes in the spinal muscles;
  • meningitis;
  • polio;
  • sepsis;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • negative reaction to habituation;
  • celiac disease;
  • hypervitaminosis;
  • jaundice;
  • rickets.


Muscle paralysis is a pathological condition resulting in the loss of important muscle functions necessary for motor activity. Muscle tone occurs due to conditions such as:

  • myopathy;
  • muscular dystonia;
  • infectious diseases;
  • tumor formation and hemorrhage in the brain and spinal cord;
  • accidents and various injuries.

Paralysis is divided into two types:

  • flaccid - this is a very strong decrease in the muscular torus, which leads to the death of muscle fibers;
  • spastic - characterized by excessively increased muscle tone, in which a person is unable to independently control the movements of his body.

In addition to the above classification, there are separate diseases that belong to paralysis. The main ones are:

  • Bell's palsy;
  • bulbar paralysis;
  • Erb's palsy.

Bell's palsy

As a result various factors affecting our face, damage to the facial nerve may occur, which will lead to its paralysis. The main reasons are:

  • hypothermia;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • injuries and surgical interventions.

The appearance of the disease brings with it many inconveniences and serious changes that reduce the quality of life and lead to disability. After a few weeks, there is a loss of function of some muscles, and then their complete paralysis occurs. As a result of such processes, a person cannot speak, eat and completely close his eyes during sleep. It is extremely rare that there is a state of paralysis of all the muscles on both sides of the face.

Bulbar palsy

This type of ailment arises due to damage to the brain stems and is characterized by a violation of the motor functions of the oral organs, pharynx and larynx. Problems with speech, swallowing fluids and solid food are noted. Breathing becomes difficult and suffocation and death can occur.
In medical practice, bulbar paralysis is divided into two groups:

  • spicy;
  • progressive.

This type of paralysis is extremely rare, but once it has arisen, it cannot be completely eliminated. As a result, the patient's life expectancy can be several years.

Erb's palsy

This type very often occurs when a birth injury is received. brachial plexus... Damage to the fifth nerve of the spinal cord occurs. A difficult labor can result in paralysis of the muscles of the shoulder and forearm. Such cases are rare in newborn babies, but they do happen.
The child becomes restless, muscle tone decreases, problems arise with respiratory system and movements of the injured limb, or rather, it is practically absent.


Paresis is a condition in which there is a decrease in strength in the muscles.
The resulting paresis is characterized by the following symptoms:

  • when walking, a person waddles from foot to foot, like a duck;
  • the motor activity of the limbs is difficult;
  • the head and feet hang down when lifting the legs up;
  • it is difficult for the patient to stand and sit.


Depending on the place of localization, paresis is divided into the following types:

  • monoparesis - occurs in only one arm or leg;
  • hemiparesis - one side of the limb is affected;
  • paraparesis - localized only in both arms or legs;
  • tetraparesis - all limbs are located.


Often, paresis occurs due to the following factors:

  • violation of head and spinal blood flow;
  • disseminated encephalomyelitis;
  • abscesses in the brain and spinal cord;
  • poisoning with various poisons;
  • myasthenia gravis;
  • botulism;
  • epilepsy;
  • diseases of motor neurons (amyotrophic sclerosis).


To determine the factor that causes an increase or decrease in muscle tone in a medical institution, a number of the following diagnostic methods are carried out:

  • collection of data about the patient and his entire family;
  • examination of the affected areas by a specialist and checking for the presence of reflexes;
  • CT scan;
  • magnetic reflex tomography;
  • general and biochemical blood test;
  • genetic studies are carried out with hypotonia;
  • myelography;
  • nerve conduction studies;
  • biopsy of muscle fibers from the area where changes in muscle tone are manifested.

For a thorough study of the cause of pathological changes occurring directly at the site of muscle hypotonia, topical diagnostics are used. When it is carried out, a detailed study takes place:

  • peripheral nerve;
  • a peripheral motor neuron in the spinal cord;
  • cerebellum.

Diagnosis of paresis, in addition to the above methods, is carried out on a 5-point scale:

  • 5 points - functions are not impaired, there is no paresis;
  • 4 points - a slight decrease in muscle strength;
  • 3 points - significant decrease in muscle strength;
  • 2 points - muscle contraction when it is impossible to resist the force of gravity;
  • 1 point - unproductive contraction of individual muscle bundles of the muscle;
  • 0 points - lack of muscle strength.

Based on the results of the diagnostic measures carried out, the correct diagnosis will be made and an effective course of therapy will be prescribed, which will help get rid of this condition and return the lost functions.


For the treatment of hypotonia, medications are used that will help cure the ailment that causes muscle weakening.
A complex of massage is performed, with the help of active movements, the weakened muscles are affected. Often during the manipulation, the following techniques are used:

  • tingling;
  • rubbing;
  • kneading;
  • tingling.

During the procedure, massage specialists press on special points that will help increase muscle tone.
Medical gymnastics is also used. Performing a set of physical exercises helps to strengthen the muscles and get rid of hypotonia as quickly as possible.
Therapy for paralysis includes symptomatic treatment, and in parallel with it, therapeutic exercises, massage and reception medicines... In addition to these measures, it is imperative to place the affected areas of the body in the correct position.
Treatment of paresis, as well as paralysis and hypotension, is aimed at eradicating the disease that provokes its occurrence. Thermal treatments are also used in conjunction with massage. As a result of such manipulations, blood flow and tissue trophism are improved. There is a restoration of the working capacity of the affected limbs.


Muscle hypotonia can cause the appearance of various unpleasant processes in the human body, such as:

  • metabolic disease;
  • gaining excess body weight;
  • deformation of the spinal column.

The course of therapy for paralysis does not guarantee that all muscle functions will be fully restored. Such people need special care, because they can be completely or partially immobilized for a long period. Prolonged stay in the same position provokes the development of a number of the following problems:

  • blood pressure rises or falls greatly;
  • joint mobility worsens;
  • metabolic processes are disrupted;
  • the lungs are not fully functioning;
  • problems of the urinary system;
  • disruption of the circulatory system;
  • headaches and dizziness;
  • fainting.

Such people are advised to use special compression agents that will help avoid thrombosis, and it is also very important to hygiene the body so that pressure sores do not occur.
With paresis, a persistent neurological defect occurs, which leads to violations of social and labor adaptation.


To avoid the occurrence of such changes in the muscles, you need to monitor your health and take preventive measures, such as:

  • complete rejection of bad habits (smoking, alcohol);
  • walks in the open air;
  • regular check-ups by a doctor;
  • getting rid of emerging diseases as quickly as possible.

Video: PARESIS AND PARALYCH. What is paresis? What is paralysis?

Study of muscle tone carried out in conditions of complete relaxation of muscles, preferably in a horizontal position of the subject, laid on a hard couch. The tone of the back muscles is determined in the position of the patient on the stomach.

To assess muscle tone the method is used to determine the lateral hardness (resistance) of the muscle and the depth of immersion (indentation) of the doctor's fingers into the muscle. The method is indicative, does not have clear criteria and is worked out empirically on a healthy person.

At research lateral hardness of the muscle, the doctor grasps the relaxed muscle with his thumb and forefinger and gently squeezes it, assessing the compression resistance and the depth of immersion of the fingers. In places where grasping of the muscle is impossible, the muscle is pressed against the bone by the finger, and both the resistance and the depth of the finger's immersion in the muscle are also assessed.

Have healthy person engaged in moderate physical labor, the muscles are normotonic. Muscles with high resistance are defined as hypertonic, they are dense, tense. Muscles with low resistance are assessed as hypotonic; they feel flabby and flaccid to the touch. Muscles that have lost resistance are atonic. Deviation from the normal tone can be generalized and local.

Another method research muscle tone is aimed at determining contractile tone (tonic resistance), that is, assessing the reflex muscle tension caused by its stretching during passive movements in the limbs, trunk, neck.

At study of contractile tone the doctor takes the distal part of the limb, which is in complete relaxation, and performs passive flexion and extension, while assessing the resistance of the flexor and extensor muscles functionally associated with this joint. The degree of tonic resistance of muscles is also estimated roughly on the basis of clinical experience and skill, as well as comparison of muscle tone in symmetrical parts of the limbs. A decrease or loss of muscle tone occurs due to a violation of the integrity of the reflex arc with damage to the peripheral motor neuron.

Muscle hypotension leads to an increase in the volume of passive movements in the joints, a decrease in muscle resistance, and stretching. With muscular atony, these signs are pronounced up to the complete laxity of the joint. Generalized muscle hypotension occurs with progressive atrophic damage muscular system- starvation, dehydration, severe debilitating diseases, generalized form of myopathy, myasthenia gravis. Limited muscle hypotension (atony) is more often detected on the limbs, in the muscles of the shoulder and pelvic girdle... The causes can be diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system, as well as long-term dysfunction of the joint.

Increased muscle tone observed in cases of damage to the pyramidal and extrapyramidal systems. Muscular hypertonicity is one of the leading symptoms of central paralysis.

Many people know what tone is. But only some parents ask the pediatrician if the muscle tone of the newborn is in order. There are deviations from the norm both in the direction of relaxation and in the direction of muscle overstrain.

The baby begins to move, being in the tummy. The joints and muscles of the formed fetus are designed so that it can roll over, push and feel itself in space due to flexion and extension of the limbs.

Barely born, the child tries to repeat the movements carried out by him in the womb. Naturally, outside of the amniotic fluid, this is not so easy for him. Therefore, the movements of newborns are always impulsive, there is no smoothness and coordination in them. But the tone in newborns should be present. It's another matter whether he is normal or not.

For physical and psychological development, the infant must have adequate muscle tone.... This means maintaining minimal muscle tension even in a state of complete rest of the body, for example, in sleep. This is called tone.

In inactivity, the muscles work (tense) differently. Their intensity depends on the task being performed and the load. In addition, the younger the child, the more it depends on the tone. Many mothers note that the newborn constantly squeezes the arms and legs - this is normal. Thus, he is trying to recreate his usual intrauterine position, which he occupied for 9 months.

Normal tone muscles in newborns are arms and legs slightly bent and pressed against the body, as well as a head tilted back. The fact is that the increased tone, which remains in a child up to 3-4 months, is higher in the flexor muscles. This is especially pronounced in the position of the legs - they are constantly divorced to the sides and bent. When you try to straighten them, the muscles provide tangible resistance. Usually, by the age of six months, hypertonicity disappears. And by the age of 1.5-2, the tone of the child becomes the same as that of an adult,

A deviation from the norm is muscle relaxation (hypotonia), increased tension - hypertonicity - persisting even in sleep, and muscle dystonia - an uneven tone. Each of these conditions is expressed in its own way, but they all bring discomfort to the baby and require timely treatment.

Varieties of muscle tone pathology

Regular check-ups with a pediatrician will allow timely detection of symptoms of tonicity in newborns and take appropriate measures. The diagnosis must be confirmed by a neurologist, but the first signs of deviations can be noticed by parents on their own.

1. The most common increased tone muscles in newborns. Such a pathology is expressed in the constant anxiety of the child, frequent unreasonable crying, absence or disturbance of sleep. In addition, babies with hypertonicity are extremely excitable, they wake up from every rustle, they can cry in bright light. When crying, these children often have chin tremors. They also do not eat well, and after feeding they regurgitate almost all the milk they have sucked out.

Increased muscle tone in newborns is easy to notice almost from the first days of life: these babies hold their heads well and press their limbs to the body. If you try to straighten an arm or leg, you can encounter serious muscle resistance. In addition, with such manipulations, the child often begins to cry. And if you repeat the procedure for extending the limb, muscle resistance will increase each time. This is the most striking sign of hypertension.

If hypertonicity is not cured in time, it will be noticeable even in adulthood. For example, people with increased tone muscles often walk as if on tiptoes, leaning on their toes, which is why they wear out the shoes in front.

Newborns with hypertonicity do not just hold their heads well from the first days of life. However, they may suffer from curvature of the neck muscles. This happens if there was an injury during childbirth. cervical spine.

The pathogenesis of tonus in newborns can have both physiological and viral nature... For example, if the cerebral cortex of the child was damaged during pregnancy or childbirth, resulting in an increase in intracranial pressure, then from the first days of life, the infant may experience perinatal encephalopathy. It is this pathology that can provoke hypertonicity.

Also, a deviation from the norm can occur against the background of infection of a pregnant woman with various viral infections.

Hypertonicity is diagnosed if muscle tension does not correspond to the child's age. That is, up to six months such a picture is the norm, and at 7-8 months - a pathology.

2. Much more should worry parents weak muscle tone in newborns, called hypotonia. Nevertheless, it is this state that least arouses suspicion, and in vain. External calmness and problem-free behavior of a child can be pathology.

Children with hypotonia, at first glance, seem to be a gift from heaven - they rarely cry, sleep all night long, and during the day they do not cause much trouble, obediently allowing them to carry out any manipulations on themselves - washing, feeding, dressing. They just wake up on their own with difficulty, do not suck at the breast, often fall asleep during feedings, do not gain weight.

By itself, hypotonia is not an ailment. This is a symptom indicating any abnormalities:

  • neurological (perinatal encephalopathy);
  • neuromuscular (spinal amyotrophy);
  • chromosomal (Down syndrome).

Also, decreased muscle tone, especially if it did not appear immediately, may indicate diabetes mellitus, polio, rickets and other diseases.

Still, don't panic. It is possible that the parents took it for signs of hypotonia, it is simply a feature of the child's temperament. The character manifests itself from the first day of life, so it is possible that the baby simply inherited a phlegmatic disposition from one of the relatives.

3. Dystonia is called asymmetrical or uneven tone muscles in newborns. With such a deviation, the baby has signs of both hypertonicity and hypotension.

The easiest way to identify muscle dystonia is to put the baby on the tummy. With an asymmetric tone, the baby will roll over to the side where hypertonicity is observed. At the same time, his body will bend in an arc from neck to foot.

When supine, a child with muscular dystonia will constantly bend the head and pelvis to one side. In addition, the limbs with increased tone will be drawn in, and those with decreased tone will be relaxed. Dystonia that affects all muscle groups is called generalized. In addition, focal dystonia is distinguished, which develops in any one part of the body, for example, the limbs.

In addition, muscular dystonia is primary and secondary. The first develops against the background of chromosomal abnormalities or on its own, without affecting other organs.

The second - against the background of a genetic disease - Wilson-Konovalov syndrome, associated with impaired copper metabolism. In this case, dystonia is just the tip of the iceberg that hides serious pathologies in the development of the central nervous system and internal organs.

All these facts once again confirm the need for regular monitoring of the newborn by a pediatrician, as well as postpartum examinations.

Methods for treating muscle tone in infants

If you have something alarmed in the behavior or condition of the child, seek the advice of a doctor. If there are clear signs of increased, decreased, or uneven muscle tone, insist on a full examination. Better to play it safe than to miss the moment when symptoms start to progress. Moreover, the treatment of muscle tone is quite affordable and almost painless for a child, if done on time.

The main therapy for any type of tone is massage and exercise ... But sessions can be carried out only with the permission of a neurologist, otherwise there is a risk of harming the child and aggravating his condition.

For children with hypertonicity, a relaxing massage is shown, which is carried out in a course of 10 procedures. After full course you need to make a half-year interval, and then repeat the sessions.

Massage with increased muscle tone should be accompanied by various manipulations: electrophoresis, swimming, medical gymnastics ... The sooner the therapy is carried out, the less likely that hypertonicity will leave consequences for the child's health.

If the problem is untimely detected, the baby's condition can become serious. In such cases, various drugs ... For example, in order to relieve spasm and dilate blood vessels before massage, the child is injected with dibazol. In addition, vitamins of group B (B6, B12), most often prescribed in the form of injections, become an auxiliary treatment.

Relaxing massage done through gentle strokes. Movements are carried out both with an open palm and with bent fingers. You can also stroke the baby's limbs by using a palm grip. All movements are upward.

First you need to gently rub the baby's body in a circular motion by gently moving his skin from bottom to top. At the end, you need to quickly but gently shake the baby's arms and legs, gently spreading them to the side. The relaxing massage eliminates the slapping and chopping motion with the edge of the palm.

Weak muscle tone in newborns is also treated with massage, but the movements are of a different nature. Muscles need to be flexed in order to activate their tone and stimulate growth. Such therapy necessarily involves chopping and patting. Almost all massage for hypotonicity is based on them.

Movements should be ascending, intense enough, going from the periphery to the center. But still it is worth remembering that there is a baby in front of you and calculate your strength.

With dystonia muscles will have to combine two types of massage - relaxing and stimulating. Naturally, gentle stroking should be done on the side where there are signs of hypertonicity, and patting on the side where there are symptoms of hypotension.

In addition to massage, it is worth doing exercises with a baby on an inflatable ball - fitball ... It is easier for parents to do them together - dad, for example, will press the baby's legs with their feet folded together to the surface of the ball, and at the same time mom will gently pull the child by the handles.

It must be remembered that parents cannot independently diagnose and prescribe treatment. Only a neurologist is able to identify foci of muscle tension and prescribe appropriate therapy. It is the doctor who decides whether to supplement the massage with special heating - azokyrite boots.

Signs of abnormal muscle tone can be constantly changing. Therefore, you need to regularly show the child to the doctor and monitor his condition not only during the treatment period, but also after it.

Many tips for treating tonicity in newborns belong to the legendary healer Vanga. Some of them are recognized by official medicine. But only parents can decide whether to apply them in practice.

For example, the relaxing baths recommended by Vanga will be relevant for hypertension and now. They are made with sea salt, pine needles, as well as valerian, motherwort, sage. After these baths, a relaxing massage will be more effective. The concentration and frequency of baths must be agreed with the treating neurologist. It also makes sense to prescribe homeopathic remedies to the child.

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