How the elders will tumble down. How to Defeat a Larger, Taller Opponent in a Street Fight

Every guy and man in life has situations when you need to get into a fight. Even if you train sometimes and have a good physical fitness, this does not guarantee victory. You should take advantage weak points enemy and inflict crushing blows on him.

How to beat your opponent in a fight?

Many guys are interested in this question, but if the chance to win strong adversary or should you give up immediately? In fact, the winner in battle is not the one with big fists or biceps, but the one who is braver, faster and smarter. Today we want to present you with some simple tricks, using which you can become a winner and show your opponent what you are worth.

Here are the top secrets to help you avoid calling an ambulance and a hospital bed:

Wake up! When someone threatens you, you must concentrate all your attention on the enemy and track all his movements. If you don't look both ways, he will attack you and deliver a crushing blow. Also, you need to quickly look around and with your eyes find objects that can be used instead of weapons. It will not hurt to find a way out into which you can escape if necessary, if there are several opponents.

Try to defuse the situation. How to beat your opponent in a fight? Talk to your opponent and calm him down, you don't need to ask for trouble. After all, your health and life are much more important than arguing with some stupid idiot. There is nothing wrong with admitting that you are to blame for the situation and apologizing. Yours the main objective- avoid fighting. Do not under any circumstances show the enemy that you are afraid of him.

Take a fighting stance. If a fight is unavoidable, you must be on the lookout. Never turn your back on the enemy, just face. Use your hands to protect your stomach, jaw and chest, clench your fingers into fists, legs wider than your shoulders for stability. The goal is to maintain balance, you should not be on the ground. Most often they injure the jaw and ribs in a fight, so try not to give up.

Protect yourself. You must protect yourself from violence and unjustified aggression, so do not be afraid and strike. Hit those places that are not protected. If you have any object that can be used as a weapon, do so. It can be anything, like a chair or a bottle.

Knee to the groin.
No explanation is needed, you already know why this is effective. Kick in the groin, knee, or abdomen. They will incapacitate the attacker for a long time, and you will have time to leave. It also doesn’t hurt to hit it in the face, you can hit it with your forehead. Hit him in the nose, it is effective and painful.

Strike effectively. Don't waste your energy and try to hit weak spots as accurately as possible. One good hit will replace 10 low-quality ones, but you will save your strength to continue the fight.

Battle cry. Do not be silent, you must tear and throw! Your battle roar should hit the enemy and intimidate him. Many even the most courageous men get scared when they hear a loud exclamation of the enemy, this is a sign that he is not afraid to engage in a fight. Intimidate the enemy and distract him, so you will have a much better chance of leaving. Another reason is to attract attention, it is quite possible that some of the passers-by or local residents will hear you and call the police.

Run away. If you used all the above tips, but they did not give the desired result, there is only one thing left - you have to run from there as fast as you can! Don't ask for trouble and hide as quickly as possible.

In an extreme situation, you will not have time to think things over well. Decisions need to be made as quickly as possible. Literally every second counts, and if you feel fear, then the ability to defend will be significantly weakened. You must take our word for it that during a fight, the pain will not be as pronounced as it might seem. Adrenaline, the concentration of which increases in extreme situations, will extinguish the pain.

How to deal with a street fight?

If you want to know how to win a street fight, you must first be confident in your own strengths. When you think that you can stand up for yourself or your girlfriend, then your chances of a successful outcome of the confrontation increase dramatically.

When a person is confident in their own abilities, then their thinking changes dramatically, and you can better resist bullies. If you are afraid, then the situation worsens. We are aware that this sounds trite, but you have to work on yourself psychologically.

Many people are familiar with guys who alone are capable of attacking several attackers at once and disperse them. Moreover, he does not have to have outstanding physical data. It's all about confidence, which helps him in difficult situations.

If you have a fight in an enclosed space, say, a cafe, then try to sit with your back to the exit. The fight may well end after one blow, and you will probably have to leave the room after that. Do not assume that leaving is a manifestation of fear. This is completely wrong and there is nothing wrong with leaving if your opponents are dishonest. If there are more than one person attacking, or you are threatened with a weapon, it is better to leave the scene immediately.

How to win a street fight - the main rules


This is not about you having to dance, but simply changing the direction of your movement to prevent your opponent from delivering an accurate shot. In this case, it is important not to lift your feet off the ground, which will maintain stability. See how professional boxers behave in the ring. They move actively and do not leave their feet off the ground.

It is very important to stay as mobile as possible without losing stability. We recommend practicing at home to understand the capabilities of your body. Never try to strike a large number of blows, as they require a lot of energy. If you want to know how to win a street fight, then be patient and wait for the moment when the attacker makes a mistake. Each of your blows should be as accurate and strong as possible.

The basics of military equipment

First of all, you must learn how to clench your fist correctly. If you have the opportunity to fill the space between your palm and fingers with something, be sure to do it. To solve this problem, you can use any objects that come to hand - sand, newspaper, coin, hat, etc. This will allow you to increase the power of the blow.

But to use for this thumb is an pure water madness. If you hold it in the palm of your hand, then after the first blow it will be injured. When you clench your fist, your thumb should be at right angles to your index finger. So you will not only apply more powerful blows, but also prevent the opponent from grabbing the palm. Also, during a blow, you must not bend your wrist so as not to break your arm.

What techniques can be used during a street fight?

Let's start our conversation with blows, of which there are a large number. Each of you at least once saw a fight between boxers or representatives of other martial arts. During the battle, they use various techniques and combinations thereof - hooks, body punches, uppercuts, straight, etc.

In street fighting, side hooks are most often used when the strike is delivered with a large amplitude. They can be very effective if you have a certain level of training. Otherwise, you should refuse them for several reasons:

  • require a lot of energy;
  • are free;
  • able to bring you out of a stable position;
  • reveal your defense and literally provoke the enemy to counterattack.
By by and large All of this applies to various specialized shots that are only effective in the hands of a professional. Without a certain level of training, we recommend that you refuse to perform them.

If you want to know how to win in a street fight, then throw the usual straight punches. To do them, your arms should be bent at the elbow joint at an angle of 35-45 degrees relative to the body. The elbow joint straightens the arm at the moment of impact, and the force is generated in the shoulder.

Try to ensure that all your body weight goes into impact. It may sound strange to some, but it is. As an experiment, strike with one elbow joint... With its help, you can only harm a mosquito or a fly. If the hand and body at the moment of impact work harmoniously, then the situation will be completely different.

Your blows should impress your opponent and reduce his fervor. Put all your strength into it, as if you want to win with one blow. It is quite possible that this will happen. We have already briefly talked about the purpose of your attacks. It is necessary to strike at the enemy's weak points. This is the only way to quickly end the fight.

As you strike, exhale deeply to maximize your strength. Watch videos of the battles of representatives of various combat sports... There you will clearly see that all the fighters do just that. It should be noted that just by reading this article, you will not receive positive result... It's not enough to know how to win a street fight, you need to practice. Practice hitting in front of the mirror and bring all movements to automatism. In a fight, you will not have time to think.

How to take a hit in a street fight?

Perhaps you've watched one great movie called Million Dollar Baby? The hero of Clint Eastwood tells his ward (she was brilliantly played by Hillary Swank) that in order to minimize the force of the opponent's blows, it is necessary to perform a counter movement. In practice, this is what happens - by shortening the distance, you reduce the force of the impact.

However, it will also be difficult for you to counterattack. Being close to the attacker, but after all, victory in a fight is not always achieved thanks to blows. Even an aggressive defense can cool the opponent's ardor, and he will be forced to retreat. At this point, an accurate blow can knock him down.

Try to keep your chin as close to chest and move in such a way that the enemy adjusts to you, and not vice versa. During the fight, you must maintain balance, not only physically, but also emotionally. If you are not knocked down and you push the attacker back, then the initiative will go to you.

Watch your breathing, as in critical situations the body consumes more oxygen. We said that during a fight, the pain will not be as pronounced as it might seem right away. The greatest threat to you is posed by powerful knockout blows.

You should not use techniques that you only know from films. Low kicks or knee strikes can be very effective weapon, but only performed by an experienced fighter. At the same time, you can train them using a punching bag. At a certain time, you will be ready to use them in a street fight.

When counterattacking, aim at vulnerabilities but don't be substituted by the media. If you punch an opponent in the stomach or leg from a long distance, you will not get significant benefits. Targets include the solar plexus, nose, eyes, kidneys, neck, and face. In addition, you can twist your opponent's arms, break fingers and even bite. Any trick that could save your life in a street fight is totally justified.

Even if you clinch with an attacker or even fall to the ground, it is important to remain calm. If you are grabbed, they will not be able to strike and you have the opportunity to free yourself. If you find yourself on the ground with an enemy, then you should do one of 3 things:

  • do not allow the attacker to be on you;
  • turn on your stomach or side, trying to get up;
  • fight and try to throw it off.
Once on your stomach, protect your head from blows. It is best for this to press the chin to the chest, and hug the neck with your hands. If you are hit on the head, you need to close the distance to the attacker. As we said above, this will reduce the impact force.

If the enemy was behind you and grabbed, that is, three effective ways free yourself:

  • hit the leg with your heel with all your strength;
  • try to hit your face with a sharp blow with your head back;
  • twist your fingers so that the enemy looses his grip.

When to run away from a street fight?

In some situations, it will be correct to retreat from the battlefield. You should not consider this an unworthy act, because your life may be on the line.
  1. If you are faced with a stronger or better prepared opponent- try not to get hit by him and find a way to equalize the chances, for example, throw sand in your eyes.
  2. More than one attacker- stand in a corner so that opponents cannot attack at the same time and surround. You need to deal with them in turn.
  3. The attacker is armed- try to increase the distance as quickly as possible and at the same time find the shield. If a knife is used as a weapon, then use any improvised object so that the blade gets stuck in it, and not in your body.
In conclusion, I would like to remind once again that only a self-confident person can emerge victorious from almost any mess. You want to know how to win a street fight - throw all your aggression on the attacker. If you are sure that the attacker is stronger than you, then you should not give him a reason to also make sure of this.

Do everything to unbalance him and cool his ardor. Be sure to pay attention to the objects around you, because they can become a weapon. A street fight is not a ring where the fight takes place according to certain rules. Your life is at stake and should always be remembered. Most often, the main enemy is not the attacker, but fear, and it is the most difficult to overcome it.

Basic tips on how to win a street fight in the video below:

There is always a chance to defeat a more technical and talented opponent. In boxing very often strong boxers lose to the weak. These tips will help you defeat strong opponents.

How to defeat an opponent stronger than you?

Very often people ask the question of how to defeat a stronger opponent?

Honestly, there is only 1 way ... Cheating! ... This is a joke =). Never cheat. You may not be lucky, some boxer may use even more cunning tricks.

Many people think that boxing is a combination of hard work and talent. Those with insufficient talent should work. It's easier to understand the essence of the sport, but boxing is much more complex.

Skills and talent often predetermine victory in theory, but in practice everything is completely different. There are too many complexities in boxing, besides skill and talent, so that no one can determine the real outcome of the battle. I very often beat much more trained boxers, but also lost to less trained boxers. At times, it is easier to defeat a more talented boxer.

"There is nothing more mundane in the world than unsuccessful talented people."

1. Best style

Most The best way to defeat a more technical opponent - choose the most suitable one against him. Very often boxers say that "Style rules the fight!" There are “rock-paper-scissors” styles in boxing =)) Even if the amateur opponent is stronger than you, your style can help you win. Professionals often change their styles to win.

... look at Joe Fraser. If you compare him with, then it is unlikely that Fraser had a chance.

By analogy, beginners can also fight. If you are lucky enough, you may have a style that is perfect against your opponent. Although, in other cases, you will have to learn someone else's fighting style and learn to win it. Know, there are no invulnerable opponents!
Freddie Roach, one of the greatest boxing coaches, said in an interview: "I'm not looking for weakness, I'm looking for habits."

Opponents' weaknesses may not help because boxers can quickly repair vulnerabilities. If you want to defeat a strong opponent, don't expect them to be wrong. Better look for his habits, especially "good" habits! Maybe he always jabs twice. Or he always dodges after a combination. There are different options, but you need to squeeze the maximum out of each.

It doesn't matter if the technique is good or not, if you know what to do, you will win!

2. Automatism

The 2nd best way to defeat a stronger opponent is to fight on the machine. Just fight, don't think, don't worry. Of course, you need to think, but it's best to think longer in training.

When you fight, your body should kick in automatically. You don't have to decide, your body just has to react. The better you fight, the less you think. Remember, be sure to do everything automatically in training, just like when you play a computer or basketball.

Even a person with poor technique can win if he fights on the machine.

3. Physical fitness

If your boxer is worse, then you need to pay more attention to body training. This method is the most impressive method for winning as it actually helps to win with the worst technique. I think every kid dreamed of Rocky style. In reality, this very rarely happens, because physical fitness is very important. For improvement physical fitness of course you need to work out with a barbell or on simulators, full catalog strength training equipment you can see.

If you are less technical, then you should be stronger.

4. Prepare mentally

A bunch of greatest boxers won only because of their morale. For example, Ali's fights against Foreman, against Hagler.

Win the battle mentally. Get the enemy out, piss him off. The angrier the opponents, the easier it is to win the battle. Deceive him, show him that you are not capable of anything.

Scare him, drive yourself into his head, make him think that you are much stronger than you really are. Hit one hit at a time. And then suddenly open up and knock him out. Well, or at least make him wary of you.

Scare him.

5. Heart

The most difficult thing is to win with your heart. But this is the greatest way enemy victories are stronger than you... Of course, this is incredibly difficult. You really need to have the heart of a champion. Many people don't even have the heart to survive in battle. For all the time of boxing, about 10% of boxers had a fighter's heart, and only 10% of them had a champion's heart. A fighter is one who wins mentally. Even if he loses, in the faces of the fans, he wins.

The fighters who have the heart of a champion are the people who don't say no to defeat. There are very few people who can actually reach the top. They never back down, they always find a way to victory. These champions will always be able to pick the perfect win.

Most fighters don't have good enough hearts. They can lose with honor but not win with their hearts.

You don't have to completely exhaust yourself with training. You must have the strength to fight.

6. Luck

The craziest way to defeat a strong opponent. For example, you win if your opponent's injuries or referees are bribed. Don't hope for luck, of course. You need to know that the Universe will help you if you work hard enough. If you are lucky one time, make it so that the next time the luck is not useful.

Luck has often helped me. Very often my opponents started to bleed from their nose, and they could not continue the fight. And it so happened that the gloves flew off the opponents. Sometimes even knocked out after hitting the body. Although, I usually consider myself a loser after this and train harder.

How to defeat a stronger opponent?

Remember, boxing is not just a regular fight. In boxing, it's not about who has the best jab or who has the best defense. In boxing, it is important who can fight, but not just throwing combinations of blows and using various technicians... If someone is better at fighting or better trained, it doesn't necessarily mean that they will beat YOU.

In the end, you will have to face someone who is better than you. This is a very important part of learning and improving your abilities. Chances are, you will already be ready for this. Never forget all your abilities and all the methods above. Fight opponents using different styles. Train hard and love sports. Even when you have already been very badly beaten, think of something good and enter the ring. An American friend of mine told me about a quote from one insane Russian boxer =).

Let's face it - size matters. When faced with a larger opponent, knowing how to attack and defend will come in handy in order to neutralize his advantage in height and weight. If a fight is imminent, you will have to move quickly and act correctly. While facing a larger foe can seem quite intimidating, if you stay cool and act correctly, you can win the fight.


Part 1

Self defense

    Don't get into fights unless absolutely necessary. When faced with a larger enemy, you have a lower chance of success. Try to avoid a fight by any means. Do your best to make up or leave. There is nothing to be ashamed about avoiding conflict, especially if you don’t know what it can escalate into. Your opponent may have weapons, or his comrades may come to his aid. Every effort should be made to avoid a fight.

    • If you manage to avoid collision, it will be a victory.
    • If a collision is imminent, remain calm. Do not panic, as this will negatively affect your reaction and ability to take adequate action.
  1. Take care of protection. Raise your hands and cover your head with them. In this case, the forearms should be vertical and parallel to each other, so that the palms are directed towards your cheeks. Slightly clench your palms into a fist to be ready to strike back. Bend down slightly and lower your elbows towards the middle of your body to protect your ribs and abdomen from the unexpected blow.

    • Do not relax or weaken your defenses, even if you are tired. If you drop your hands, your opponent will be able to deliver the decisive blow to you.
    • Maintain a defensive position from which you can quickly go on the attack and strike with your fist or elbow.
  2. Try not to block blows, but dodge them. It is likely that a larger opponent will be stronger than you, so it is best not to try to block his attack directly. Instead, try to constantly move and dodge punches. Chasing will drain your opponent, with each unsuccessful hit he will waste his energy. If it is not possible to retreat to a safe distance, take your head away from the blows. After each unsuccessful attack from the side of the enemy, try to immediately strike a surprise blow.

    Do not engage in contact combat with the enemy. In such a fight, the advantage is always on the side of a larger and stronger opponent. Don't put yourself at unnecessary risks and don't let your opponent take you. Keep at such a distance that he could not grab you, if the opportunity arises, attack and retreat to a safe distance again. If you and your opponent find yourself on the ground, you will be less able to control the course of the struggle and will lose such advantages as speed, freedom of maneuver and accuracy.

    Get ready to hit. It is unlikely that you will be able to get out of a fight with a larger opponent without a single scratch. You may not be able to react in time and miss a few hits. Get ready for this. Missing a punch is bad, but being caught off guard is even worse.

    Part 2

    Leveling up size differences
    1. Dodge punches. Move continuously so that the enemy cannot grab you or knock you to the ground. Lean on the balls of your feet - this will allow you to move quickly and confuse the enemy. Since it has more Long hands, stay away and approach only for the purpose of hitting or grabbing.

      Get closer to the enemy. Close the distance between you and your opponent when they least expect it. Thus, you will deprive your larger opponent of the advantage and be able to deliver one or more targeted hits. For success, you need to choose the right moment and correctly approach the enemy in order not to give him the opportunity to strike back.

      • When reducing the distance between you and a larger enemy, the first thing to remember is to stay out of the "danger zone". This is an area from which you are not able to reach your opponent, but he can hit you thanks to his longer arms.
      • Approach suddenly after dodging a punch or pretending to punch, or follow your opponent's hand as he deflects it after the punch.
    2. Wear your opponent. One of the disadvantages tall and more weight is that it takes more effort to move, and as a result, the larger person gets tired faster. Take advantage of this. Defend against attacks with dodges and dives and keep moving until your opponent starts to slow down. After that, you can take advantage of your speed advantage, get closer to the enemy and inflict several blows on him.

    Part 3

    Harming the enemy

      Use the element of surprise. If you feel like a fight is brewing, attack first. If an impact is imminent, deliver a sudden, well-timed blow to the jaw or solar plexus (the soft outer edge of the diaphragm below the breastbone). Put all your strength into the punch to end the encounter immediately. If successful, your opponent will fall and will not be able to continue the fight. If you're unlucky, at least you won't be caught off guard.

      • Before launching a surprise attack, try to assess the situation as accurately as possible. You can often limit yourself to verbal skirmishes and not bring the matter to a physical collision. Make sure you exhaust all possibilities before you get into the fray.
      • Be careful with a sudden blow. If you miss or the opponent blocks the blow, you cannot avoid a real fight.
    1. Wait for the right moment and move. It is worth repeating again: when facing a larger enemy, you must constantly move, and not stand still and wait for you to be hit. You will not be able to properly block powerful blows. Dodge blows and wait for the enemy to open up, then immediately seize the opportunity that comes along and deliver a hard blow. Go from defense to quick explosive attacks, and in the end you will wear out your opponent.

      • Be patient. Otherwise, you will begin to make mistakes, which can lead to disastrous results.
      • If you can't hit the head, hit the body. The solar plexus is a sensitive place, upon impact on which a person exhales all the air and begins to suffocate. The ribs are another weak point - they can break at a pressure of less than one kilogram per square centimeter.
    2. Hit sensitive areas. Unlike a boxing match, in which the rules prohibit hitting in certain places, in a street fight there are no such restrictions. Try to hit the most sensitive areas in order to inflict maximum damage on the enemy. One successful hit can incapacitate him. Usually, such attacks are quite unexpected, and people are not always ready to defend against them.

      • Despite the difference in size and height, our bodies share the same weaknesses.
      • Striking sensitive areas will temporarily discourage your opponent, and you will have time to retreat or continue the attack.
      • An open-handed hit to the ear loses balance and is as effective, if not more effective, than a hook to the left or right. After hitting the nose, the eyes fill with tears, which allows you to blind the enemy for a while and buy time for a decisive attack. A blow to the groin limits mobility and makes the opponent less determined to continue the fight.
    3. Use painful techniques. Suppose the enemy still knocked you to the ground, and you cannot get to your feet. In this case, resort to a painful technique: pinch or twist the opponent's body part so that he cannot continue the fight. Grab a joint, twist an arm, or perform a choke hold. Thus, you will inflict severe pain on the enemy and be able to complete the fight. Even a giant cannot continue to fight if he is knocked out of consciousness or his arm is broken.

      Do not disdain dirty tricks. Forget nobleness: there are no rules in the street fight. You do not know what damage and injury you will receive in case of defeat, so do not be shy and refuse dirty tricks. Bite, punch in the eyes, grab your opponent by the hair, squeeze his neck, kick in the groin and do everything to survive.

    • Keep your eyes on your opponent. Watch him constantly in order to dodge his blows in time and, if necessary, hit back.
    • When striking, always consider the distance between you and your opponent. If you are far away, kick in the knee, groin, or mid-body; at an average distance, hit the head and body with a fist; on the short distance strike with your head, knees and elbows.
    • If possible, spar with someone bigger than you, and practice attack and defense techniques on your partner.
    • Tilt your head forward and hide your chin in case your opponent does an uppercut.

Hello, friends. How to knock down a person who is more powerful, stronger and larger than you? After all, such a need may arise unexpectedly, for example, on the street. And what is the best way to act in such a situation?

The opponent has more mass and height

How to knock down a person who is taller and heavier than you? Parameters are often of great importance. How do you defeat such an opponent? Option one - just don't mess with him, leave or run away. Such a fight, by definition, will not bring you any benefit. The key to victory is to prevent conflict. But if a fight is inevitable, fear becomes your second rival. It is very important to overcome it. All your attacking actions must be properly coordinated. Good defense is also required.

How to knock down a person if he is bigger than you? When a conflict with this opponent turns into a duel, be sure to maintain your composure and do not allow rash actions.

The first step for good result- skillful organization of defense. Be sure to protect your head with your hands up. The forearms are upright. Keep them parallel to each other. The palms, slightly clenched into a fist, are close to the cheeks. You expect a retaliatory attack. Bend a little, lower your elbows to the center of your body. This will create protection for the ribs and belly.

During defensive actions, the whole body is tense. The hands are kept in the indicated positions. Otherwise, the enemy boarding will quickly pierce you.

These are the basic postulates of protection. And if you can hold it, you will be able to wear down a massive opponent. Will there be a great chance for a counterattack and in order to knock out a man with one blow? A fist or elbow is involved in such an assault.

In terms of parameters, your opponent is far superior to you. He will actively storm you. And his actions should not be met in blocks. He will crush them without any problems. In such a situation, the best tricks to knock a person down are slopes and constant movement. This will provoke the opponent into pursuit and spend a lot of energy. Will start to miss and make mistakes. If conditions do not allow you to retreat to a comfortable distance, move your head away from the attacks. As soon as he makes a mistake and misses, hit him immediately. This great option in the dilemma of how to knock a person to the floor with one blow.

You will be able to fill up a hulk, and quickly. These are basic superficial treatises if you need to knock someone down quickly.


If you start a contact fight with such a powerful opponent, you are doomed to defeat. You shouldn't risk it here. Also guard against grabbing. The key to victory is keeping the required distance. How to hit first and where at the right moment? Ideally - in lower jaw or head. How - fast and biting. You can even use your palm. After the attack, immediately retreat and build up a defense, and retreat to a comfortable distance.

If you can dump a person with one blow with such a boarding, you can do this:

  1. Finish him off immediately. If he crouches down and holds on to his face, you can drop an opponent with a kick from the foot. If only he didn't catch her.
  2. Wait for his reaction and act on the situation. After all, it may turn out that there will be a real chance to defeat the enemy higher and stronger than you. But when attacking, he will skillfully catch and punish. And if he does not get up for a while, the fight may end or the opponent will wake up and become thoroughly angry. If he follows the lead of emotions and rushes to attack, you can immediately knock such an opponent to the ground with a sharp blow to the face.
  3. Just walk away. There is a variation that he will catch up and hit from the back. But there is an option that he will apologize and the fight will end. If he catches up with you, being confident in the surprise of his attack, you can trip the person to the ground. Here it is important to turn around quickly and unexpectedly for him and carry out a sweep. This effective method to easily knock a person to the ground. The main thing is to act faster than him.

These are all in your favor. There is no guarantee that you will be able to efficiently implement these techniques. And it's even more difficult to win a fight if you are weaker, and even knocked to the ground.

Under such circumstances, you lose:

  • control over the battle,
  • accuracy, coherence and dynamics of attacks.

In such a situation, it is important to get up quickly and in an orderly manner, and immediately dodge the attack. This will come as a surprise to the enemy. Your task is to carry out a fast and smashing boarding into his jaw. So with one blow, knock down a man who was already convinced of his total superiority.

In such a meeting, you will most likely get some kind of injury. No matter how skillfully you try to act. The key aspect is the protection of critical areas:

  • jaw,
  • nose,
  • temples,
  • solar plexus,
  • edges.

For defense, elbows and shoulders are involved. Backward displacements are also needed. This is a way to soften the blow.

The enemy is bigger, but you are smarter

If the fight with a massive, tall opponent takes place on the street, you have plenty of room to coordinate the distance. And where is it better to beat in a fight on the street? The goals do not change: the jaw, the head, or at least the body, the liver zone. If your opponent is tall and massive, or even fat, you can seriously increase your chances of winning with a skillful punch to the liver.

When both of you are in the same position, don't fall over. Circle around him at a comfortable distance. It will just piss him off, he will arrange an attack. You duck or duck.

If your kicks are well honed and strong, this can be used. This will help in such a confrontation.

It is impossible without a swift surprise attack and varying distance. It is necessary to deprive a large adversary of his advantages. You must not be mistaken with the moment for your strike and skillfully close the distance. And the key point is staying in the zone from which you reach the enemy, he is not you.

It is difficult to knock down an opponent in such a fight without dodging and imitating attacks. They should be followed immediately by a rapprochement. After his boarding, the opponent withdraws his hand. And you can follow her.

Wearing your opponent down is imperative. Yes, he has more serious dimensions. But he also spends serious amounts of energy on his attacks and fizzles out faster.

When the dynamics of his action weakens, you gain a speed advantage. Break the distance and implement a series of punches. This is an effective method to bring down big man in a fight.

If you have strong heart and vessels, you will hold out longer than your opponent in the fight.

Aspects of aggression

In a duel with a giant, it is important to act quickly and suddenly. When a fight starts, act first. Where do you need to hit in order for a person to fall in this situation? Hit him hard in the jaw. A defeat of this zone from any side will do. You can also hit the solar plexus with a crushing blow. Put all your power into this attack. If implemented correctly, send the strong man to a knockdown or knockout. If performed incorrectly, but correctly maintaining the distance, you will not fall into formidable counter-attacks.

Before stepping on suddenly, study the situation carefully. Think over every blow. After all, even if you hit suddenly, but not deliberately, you can miss or run into the defense. And in response to receive a smashing attack.

In a duel with a giant, it is important to be patient, to wait best moment and constantly move. Static in battle is a guarantee of defeat. Protection is formed only from the slopes. Blocks are powerless against the most powerful offensives.

The main scheme is observed here: the enemy opens up - you attack very hard.

Only so are the chances of knocking a person down with one blow, even if he has huge dimensions. The transition from defensive to offensive operations is lightning fast. This is the most disadvantageous and exhausting option for the enemy.

Fight carefully, even if you managed to carry out a good attack. Don't get caught up in emotion. They can lead to fatal errors.

Headshots are an effective method to win. And if it is difficult to implement, storm your opponent's body. With this variation, the cherished targets are the ribs and solar plexus. If you hit them successfully, you will disrupt the enemy's breath.

The ribs can be broken at a certain power. Their fracture is obtained if 1 sq. cm affects a minimum of 1 kg.

Aim for these areas. The fight on the street is not by the code. This is not a sport. There are no codex restrictions here. You can press to hit key areas as much as possible and cause serious damage to the vis-a-vis.

Just one well-thought-out and executed blow can bring you a quick victory.

Your opponent is massive, tall, but he is also human. And he has vulnerable points like all people. Their penetration will weaken the enemy's consciousness for a while. You will have a comfortable interval for continuing attacks or defensive retreat.

In battle, you can use good weapon- open palm. She should hit the following areas:

  1. An ear. This will knock the opponent off balance. Boarding efficiency equates to a side hook.
  2. Nose. In this case, the eyes will fill with tears. You will get temporary blindness. In these seconds, you can crush the most important vulnerable points. And instantly knock a man down.
  3. Groin. This paralyzes the opponent somewhat.

Will come in handy and painful holds... They are especially needed when the opponent was able to knock you to the ground.

In this situation, it is difficult for you to get up. It is better to act like this in it:

  1. Squeeze any part of the vis-a-vis's body and twist it strongly in order to complicate his further conduct of the fight. Here you can grab the joint, twist the arm, and strangle. This will deliver powerful painful effects to the opponent. It will be easier for you to end the battle with your victory. If his arm is broken, consciousness floats, he will be crushed.
  2. Grab your opponent's neck depending on your position. Suffocate for 5-15 seconds. The enemy will breathe heavily, and may even lose consciousness.
  3. When grabbing the hand, squeeze the elbow or shoulder joint... This technique is especially effective when the opponent carried out the attack slowly, after which he left his hand. You will hurt his hand. And in such a situation it will be extremely difficult for him to fight.


Since usually such fights do not take place according to some rules, and the goals of the attacker can be criminal, you can act according to trashy methods, that is:

  • bite,
  • attack the eyes,
  • grabbing and tugging at the hair,
  • compress the neck.

It is also wise to use things that come to hand in an attack. These are glass bottles, stones, fittings, furniture legs, etc. It is possible that the opponent, seeing your aggression, will abandon the fight altogether and leave, considering you to be mentally ill.

If the collision occurs in winter, then your main task is to knock a person into the snow. Then you can immediately run away. Any of the above methods can be applied. You can just ignore this type and walk away. You can abruptly and unexpectedly mow him down with a football tackle or a fighting bandwagon. You can throw a stone, a glass bottle, some piece of iron at him, pierce his legs with a stick (preferably an iron one). It will collapse quickly.

If you are a girl, and such a bully is rushing at you, and you are not engaged in martial arts, run away immediately. If you cannot escape, immediately sharply punch him into an intimate place, preferably twice. And then add a stone to the head. These are proven techniques for girls. But you can't fight him on earth.

In a fight with someone who is much larger and taller than you, the most important criteria are as follows:

  1. Constant visual control over the opponent. This will make it easier to dodge and counter attacks.
  2. Kick in the knee or groin from a long distance. On average, hit the head or body with your fist. On the near side, connect your knees and elbows.
  3. When If the enemy comes with an uppercut, protect your chin and tilt your head forward.


Don't clash with giants. And if the fight goes on, use the indicated methods.

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