The main thing is to knock your opponent down! Varieties of judo throws and their names. Hold between the legs

Legs throws

Throw with a capture of two legs.

This technique is performed when the enemy does not control you by grabbing (Fig. 108 ).

At the command "Do it once", step to your partner and firmly grab his hips above the knees, pressing against them with your chest. In a fight, try to do it quickly so that the enemy does not have time to spread his legs.

At the command "Do two", jerk his legs out to the side, pushing them with the shoulder joint.

rice. 108

This technique can be done with a fall.

Heel jerk.

I. p.: You are in the left stance, the partner is in the right. Right hand you are holding your partner above the left elbow bend outside (fig. 109 ).

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At the command "Do once", pull your partner left hand down to place it on your left foot.

On the command "Do two," dive forward with your left foot out and reach the heel of your partner's left foot with your left hand.

On the command "Do three", with a jerk of your right hand, direct your partner's left hand down behind you, with your left hand, turning the hand inward, upward from you. With the correct execution of the throw, you are guaranteed a clean victory.

Throw with the capture of the sleeve and opposite leg (Fig. 110).

I. p.: You and your partner are in the right stance. The partner presses on you with his left leg outstretched. With your right hand, grab it from the inside by the left sleeve on the back of the shoulder above the elbow.

rice. 110

On the command “Do it once”, pull your partner down by the sleeve and pretend you want to grab his left heel. In response, he will remove his left leg.

On the command "Do two", placing the partner on the left foot, grab his right by the outer surface of the lower third of the thigh or upper third of the lower leg.

On the command “Do three”, make a sharp throw, pushing your partner with your head and left shoulder with a jerk with your right hand on the left sleeve down to the right behind you; with your left hand, pull his right leg up from you.

Two ways to release from capture

To free the sleeves from the grip, you need to rotate the gripped hand clockwise or counterclockwise to the side thumb enemy (Fig. 111 ).

rice. 111

To free the lapel of the jacket, you need to firmly grasp the opponent's sleeve with both hands and pull him strongly upward from yourself, while simultaneously recoiling from him in the opposite direction, i.e. back (Fig. 112 ).

rice. 112

Release from the grip on the sleeve (carried out by a wrestler in a dark jacket).

This text is an introductory fragment. From the book Judo Wrestling [First Lessons] the author Shulika Yuri Alexandrovich

THROWS Throws are techniques in which the opponent is transferred from a standing position to his back or to his side. Throws while turning (type "cranking" ("A") These are throws of the opponent (Uke) in front of him with a preliminary turn towards him with his back or side.

From book Greco-Roman wrestling: textbook the author author unknown

4.1.1. Throws Throws are techniques in which the opponent is transferred from a standing position to his back or to

From the book Judo [System and Struggle: Textbook] the author Shulika Yuri Alexandrovich Throws by cranking A. Throws by turning (type "cranking") These are throws of the opponent forward, in front of him with a preliminary turn towards him with his back or side. When they are performed, the attacker first turns in front of the enemy at an angle from 90 ° to 270 ° and comes into contact with

From the Hapkido book for beginners author Master Choi

6.1.1. Throws (Appendix 4.1) Throws are called techniques, as a result of which the opponent is transferred from a standing position on his back or on his side. In this chapter, the traditional description of the technique for executing

From the book Wrestling Sambo the author Kharlampiev Anatoly Arkadievich

Push while grabbing the opponent grabbed you by the left shoulder with his right hand. With the left hand grab the opponent’s belt. At the same time with a step forward with the right foot, strike the opponent’s throat with the palm of his right hand. Then step your left foot forward to the left, pulling

From the book One Hundred Techniques for Self-Defense [A Guide for self-study] the author Taras Anatoly Efimovich

THROWS Throws are techniques by which the opponent is transferred from the standing position of the fight to the prone position. This transfer should be carried out not by smoothly lowering the opponent onto the carpet or pressing him to him, but by means of such

From the book A Little Book of Capoeira the author Capoeira Nestor

Throws In many cases, throws are effective techniques, especially for protection from punches and when releasing from grabs. But most often they represent one of the elements of a combination of defensive actions.

From the book The Hard Book of Tricks the author Shlakhter Vadim Vadimovich

From the book Special Techniques hand-to-hand combat[Practical guide] the author Petrov Maxim Nikolaevich

Kinks and throws For many years I have been engaged in wrestling. And as a result, I came to the conclusion: everything that the coaches teach is good for the tatami and carpet. For real combat, many things are absolutely inappropriate. Nobody and nowhere will spread mats for us. You will have to fight on the asphalt, on the steps

From the book Prohibited Self-Defense the author Alekseev Kirill A

Throws The meaning of any throw is not to force the opponent to take a certain position, but to neutralize him, make him unable to move. Any of your throws should end for him with the inability to do something in relation to you further.

From the book 10 thousand paths to victory the author Lukashev Mikhail Nikolaevich

Chapter 4. THROWS 18. Throw over the hip Stand facing your opponent: 1. Grab him by the arms or clothing just above the level of the elbows. Pull it down with your right hand and upward with your left, thus unbalancing. At the same time, quickly shift your left leg as fast as possible.

From the book All About SAMBO the author Gatkin Evgeny Yakovlevich

Throw with grasping of both legs The throw is quite difficult and dangerous for the performer, but if correctly set, it is very effective. Perhaps this is one of the most effective throws. If done correctly, there is a good chance that the fight will end there.

From the book How to Defeat Any Opponent in Emergency Situations. Special Forces Secrets the author Kashin Sergey Pavlovich

From the author's book

From the author's book

Throws A throw is a technique as a result of which the opponent, unbalanced, falls. You need to train the throws in divisions, because by fixing the body in certain positions, it is easier to correct mistakes. The commands are given as follows: "Do one", "Do two", "Do three".

From the author's book

Throws According to their technical execution, throws belong to a complex group of techniques. They are used mainly in close-range combat when there is no numerical or physical superiority of the enemy. The throws themselves are not the ultimate goal of combat; their

Current page: 10 (total of the book has 17 pages)


100% +

Shoulder throws

Throw over the shoulders ("mill").

You already know the way around this technique (remember how you took on your partner's shoulders as a burden).

I. p.: Right stand, sleeve opposite hand grab the partner from the outside above the elbow bend (Fig. 105 ).

On the command "Do it once" in a half-squat position, come close to the chest to the partner's thigh, the same grasped hand, naturally, without bending your back and without weakening the thrust of his arm. Pull your partner around your neck, grab his thigh from the inside above the knee.

At the command "Do two," straighten your legs and lift your partner onto your shoulders.

On the command "Do three", turn and lean forward so that the shoulder of the hand that has grabbed the partner's sleeve is in front of the bottom. Use your hands to guide your partner's head between your legs.

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The reverse "mill" is carried out with the capture of the opposite arm and leg (Fig. 106 ).

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A throw over the shoulders from the knees.

I. p .: the same as in the previous case.

At the command “Do it once”, jump on both knees, pressing your chest tightly against your partner's thigh. The back is straight (Fig. 107 ).

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At the command "Do two" lift your partner, pulling him onto your shoulders.

On the command "Do three," conduct the throw by bending forward and turning your shoulders, as you would when throwing from a standing position.

Legs throws

Throw with a capture of two legs.

This technique is performed when the enemy does not control you by grabbing (Fig. 108 ).

At the command "Do it once", step to your partner and firmly grab his hips above the knees, pressing against them with your chest. In a fight, try to do it quickly so that the enemy does not have time to spread his legs.

At the command "Do two", jerk his legs out to the side, pushing them with the shoulder joint.

rice. 108

This technique can be done with a fall.

Heel jerk.

I. p.: You are in the left stance, the partner is in the right. With your right hand, you hold your partner above the left elbow on the outside (fig. 109 ).

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At the command “Do it once”, pull your partner's left arm down to place him on his left foot.

On the command "Do two," dive forward with your left foot out and reach the heel of your partner's left foot with your left hand.

On the command "Do three", with a jerk of your right hand, direct your partner's left hand down behind you, with your left hand, turning the hand inward, upward from you. With the correct execution of the throw, you are guaranteed a clean victory.

Throw with the capture of the sleeve and opposite leg (Fig. 110).

I. p.: You and your partner are in the right stance. The partner presses on you with his left leg outstretched. With your right hand, grab it from the inside by the left sleeve on the back of the shoulder above the elbow.

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On the command “Do it once”, pull your partner down by the sleeve and pretend you want to grab his left heel. In response, he will remove his left leg.

On the command "Do two", placing the partner on the left foot, grab his right by the outer surface of the lower third of the thigh or upper third of the lower leg.

On the command “Do three”, make a sharp throw, pushing your partner with your head and left shoulder with a jerk with your right hand on the left sleeve down to the right behind you; with your left hand, pull his right leg up from you.

Two ways to release from capture

To free the sleeves from the grip, you need to rotate the grabbed hand clockwise or counterclockwise towards the opponent's thumb (Fig. 111 ).

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To free the lapel of the jacket, you need to firmly grasp the opponent's sleeve with both hands and pull him strongly upward from yourself, while simultaneously recoiling from him in the opposite direction, i.e. back (Fig. 112 ).

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Release from the grip on the sleeve (carried out by a wrestler in a dark jacket).


Double tapping ("scissors").

This technique is more convenient to carry out when the enemy is standing sideways to you. At front pillar You will have to make an unnecessary movement of the enemy - go to him from the side (Fig. 113 ).

I. p.: The partner is standing straight. Your left hand controls your partner's right sleeve above the elbow, your right hand holds the lapel of the jacket at the level of the collarbone (one of the grip options).

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On the command "Do once", find yourself on the side of your partner and make a dash with your hands down. The partner will react by moving the torso in the direction opposite to the jerk, that is, it will bend.

On the command "Do two", without loosening the grip, jump to tap on the partner so that the leg closest to him lies on the lower abdomen and groin folds, and the other is at the level of his popliteal fossa. Briskly tap the popliteal fossa with your right foot, and your partner's groin folds with your left, so that he falls onto his back.


Front coup.

I. p.: Frontal or side stand, average distance. With one hand, grab the lapel of the partner's jacket on the side of the neck, above the trapezius muscle, with the other, his sleeve (Fig. 114 ).

At the command "Do it once", step with your foot, the arm of the same name, gripping the sleeve, as close to your partner as possible. Having released the grip on the hand and introduced it between the partner's legs, sit him on the biceps.

On the command "Do two" lift your partner, distributing the center of gravity on both legs and bending back a little.

At the command "Do three", turning it over in the air so that its legs are above the head, throw it on its back.

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In sambo wrestling, ground coups are not counted as throws. If you lift the opponent up from the ground above the belt and, standing on his feet, throw him, turning him over, the throw will be counted for you.

Rear flip.

I. p.: The same as in the previous throw (Fig. 115 ). At the command "Do it once", ducking under the partner's arm (the one for which he was grabbed), insert your shoulder between his legs from behind, pushing it as far as possible.

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At the command "Do two", jerk your partner into the air, bending back.

At the command "Do three", turn it over, swapping your hands (the one that was lower will become the upper one), and throw it on its back.

To obtain sports category, and subsequently to achieve high ranks and titles, an athlete must take part in competitions. Only in competitive fights can you become a real fighter!

In order for the competitors to be in approximately equal conditions, they compete in their weight categories.

It must be said that from the point of view of physical terminology, some inaccuracy is usually allowed here. Weight is mass times the acceleration of gravity. And in sports, speaking of weight, of course, they mean body weight. However, we will not be literal and will adhere to the terminology accepted by the wrestlers.

48 kg - Flyweight

52 kg - Bantamweight

57 kg - featherweight

62 kg - light weight

68 kg - first welterweight

74 kg - Second Welterweight

82 kg - first middle weight

90 kg - second average weight

up to 100 kg - light heavy weight

over 100 kg - heavy weight

During the period of important competitions, wrestlers try to be in a smaller weight category. This is understandable. For example, your usual weight is 63 kg. If you do nothing about the transition to a lower weight category, you will perform in a group of athletes weighing 62–68 kg. Your opponent (and there will be a majority of them) can be a wrestler whose usual weight is about 69-73 kg. Before the competition, he will drive 1–5 kg, and in 2 days of competition he will gain them again, and then you will have a hard time. Therefore, it is easier to drive 1 kg yourself and be in a lower weight category. How to do it?

According to various researchers, from 30 to 60% of a person's body weight is water. Its presence in the body varies depending on age (children have more of it than adults), gender, human constitution, season, nutritional conditions and water regime, climate, health ... But for each person, the percentage of water in the body is quite stable.

By limiting your water intake and increasing sweating (within reasonable limits, of course), you can regulate your weight. Lightweights without harm to health can drive 1–2 kg, heavyweights - up to 10 kg, of course, taking into account their constitutional features. Good remedy for this is a steam bath, especially when such a simple technique is used as scraping liquid from the surface of the body with a soap dish. However, the body needs to be restored water balance, so after the bath you will be thirsty. Dehydration is a rather dangerous phenomenon for health, in which metabolic processes are disturbed. The concentration of toxins in the blood and tissues (and many of them are toxic) increases. Therefore, you should not "drive" yourself into a knowingly someone else's weight category - it can cost you your health.

Start losing weight 5 days before the competition, limiting yourself somewhat in fluid intake. At this time, drink a little sour, thirst-quenching drinks (kefir, cranberry or lemon juice). You can suck on a lemon to quench your thirst. It increases salivation without the painful dry mouth feeling.

Food during this period should be complete and include proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Not worth eating at night. At night, the mass "burns out" well, and in the morning a person weighs less than in the evening. You need to have dinner 1-2 hours after training.

But all this applies only to the period of weight reduction. The rest of the time, do not limit yourself to anything. You cannot constantly suppress your natural needs, even for the sake of a higher goal. Having reached it, you understand that there are goals even higher, and the losses on the way to this have already deprived you of many joys.

Some wrestlers use diuretics (diuretics) to lose weight. As a doctor, I want to warn you that this is a dead-end path and is simply destructive for health. The mechanism of action of most drugs in this series is based on the enhanced excretion of potassium from the body, the molecules of which are associated with water molecules. It is a crime to interfere in this way in the vital activity of a healthy organism! An athlete who has embarked on this path disrupts the full-fledged work of the muscles, breathing becomes shallow, shortness of breath appears, heartbeat increases, and the feeling of thirst is so painful that thoughts about water displace all others. At any, even the most insignificant, load, it cramped the muscles (more often the muscles of the legs). In this state, the place is not on the wrestling mat, but on the hospital bed ...

So weight reduction is a serious thing and must be approached responsibly. This can only be discussed on the eve of important competitions. I am sure that many of you will find this experience useful later.


Shin hook from the inside.

I. p.: One hand fixes the opposite hand of the partner above the elbow bend, the other - the other hand outside, at the level shoulder joint, or captures the lapel of his jacket (Fig. 116 ).

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At the command "Do it once", step to your partner with the foot, the hand of the same name, which has grabbed the lapel, while placing it on the same-named leg.

At the command "Do two", place the other leg between his legs and grab the popliteal fossa that he abducts to maintain balance. Taking the grasped leg behind you (again, remember Exercise 29 of Chapter II), twist the partner's torso towards the leg you are attacking. Bending to this side, throw your partner on your back.

Toe from the inside with a fall.

I. p.: Frontal stand, average distance (Fig. 117 ).

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At the command “Do it once”, move your torso and arms to place your partner on one leg (you already know how to do this).

On the command "Do two", enter with your opposite leg between your partner's legs so that you are on your knee, squeezing the heel of his supporting leg with the popliteal fossa.

On the command "Do three", twisting your partner towards his blocked leg, put your whole mass on his shin and, when he falls, try to cover him from above.

Outside heel toe.

I. p.: Tight grip of the hands (in general, here you can experiment and choose the most convenient grip for yourself).

At the command “Do it once”, go to the partner from the side and stand next to him to look in one direction (Fig. 118 ).

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At the command "Do two", hook the foot closest to you in the Achilles tendon with the lift of the foot closest to him.

On the command "Do three", jerk your partner's leg forward, turning him back with your hands and tipping him onto his back.

Outside shin hook with fall.

I. p.: The distance is average, with your left hand you grab the partner's right sleeve above the elbow bend, with your right hand - the jacket lapel at the level of the collarbone (Fig. 119 ).

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At the command “Do it once”, come close to your partner, placing him on your left foot.

At the command "Do two" grab his shin from the outside with the thigh and lower leg right leg... Unfolding your torso and arms in right side, lean on your partner with your chest so that his center of gravity goes back behind your feet, and your right leg does not give him the opportunity to step back and restore balance.

Hook with the foot and lower leg (wrapped around).

I. p.: Your left hand grasps your partner's right sleeve above the elbow. The right one is held by the belt or grasps the jacket on the back (Fig. 120 ).

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At the command "Do it once", step towards your partner with your left foot and place him on your right.

At the command "Do two", wrap your left leg with your right leg, tightly wrapping it around your thigh, shin and foot.

On the command "Do three", start throwing, slightly twisting the leg inward, which was wrapped around the partner's leg. Falling with a backward bend, turn it outward, as in exercise 29 chap. II (institution of a leg bent at the knee); lifting your partner on it and turning it clockwise in the air, throw it on your shoulder blades. At the same time, try, describing an arc in the fall, to be on your stomach, covering your partner.

Pick up from the inside.

I. p.: Partner in a side or front stance, the distance is average. One of his hands holds you by the sleeve above the elbow, the other - on the lapel of the jacket above the collarbone or behind the collar in the back (Fig. 121 ).

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At the command “Do it once”, step towards your partner with your foot, the hand of the same name, holding the lapel of the jacket, turn it with your hands so as to put it on the leg of the same name with the hand he grasped.

On the command “Do two”, jump or make a sharp turn with your back to your partner, swinging him with your hands, as in the throw of the “front step”.

On the command "Do three", transferring the body weight to the leg of the same name as the hand pulling the partner by the shoulder, swing back with the other leg, at the same time leaning forward, almost touching the knee with the forehead. The swing leg should be in one line with the body. With this foot, knock your partner's opposite thigh from the inside in the upper third, turning him with your hands so that his head is between your legs, and his feet, describing an arc, are in front of you far from you.

Throw over the chest with a back bend.

I. p.: Frontal stance, close distance - one of the fighters comes close to the other. When throwing to the right side, your right hand, overlapping the left hand of the partner, holds him tightly by the belt on his back, the left hand grabs the partner's right hand from the outside, clamping it with his armpit (Fig. 122 ).

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At the command "Do it once" in a half-squat position, press your chest against the epigastrium (the area of ​​the anterior abdominal wall from the lower part of the sternum to the line connecting the lower edges of the costal arches) of the partner.

On the command "Do two", bending back, tear off the partner's legs from the mat and, turning in the fall to the right side, cover the partner from above. The throw is obtained in amplitude when, bending back, you knock your partner from below with your stomach. Reception should be "explosive".

You probably understood the basic principle of throwing technique: the throw can be carried out only when the center of gravity of the opponent is sharply brought out of the area of ​​his support.

Wrestling on the ground

The position of wrestling on the ground (lying) is one in which the wrestlers touch the mat not only with their soles, but also with other parts of the body.


Hold is an action in which one wrestler pushes the other with his shoulder blades to the carpet and holds in this position for some time. In SAMBO it is 20 seconds.

Holding for 20 seconds is estimated at 4 points.

Holding for 10 seconds or more (up to 19) is estimated at 2 points.

In a fight, only one hold within 20 seconds is counted. If the hold lasted less than 20 s and the wrestler received 2 points, then he can make another attempt. You cannot get more than 4 points for retention.

Hold from the side.

I. p.: The partner lies on his back. The conductive retention is to the right of it (Fig. 123 ).

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Place the elbow of your right hand under your partner's neck. Press his right hand tightly with your left so that it is in your armpit, and grab your partner's sleeve on the back or side of the upper third of your shoulder. You can join your hands. Bent into knee joint put the right leg with the outer-lateral surface of the thigh and lower leg on the carpet, place the left leg on the foot. If you do the hold correctly, the partner should try to leave.

Leaving a hold is any position in which the plane of the defender's back makes an angle greater than 90 ° with the plane of the mat.

If the attacker is trying to squeeze your head with his hands, and he can do this, resting on your chin or forehead, try to lower your head as low as possible.

If the enemy, standing on the bridge, tries to throw you over him, spread your legs wider, move your pelvis away from him (to increase the area of ​​support) and bend his neck.

In sports fights, it is forbidden to grab the opponent's neck with both hands. It can only be gripped with the hand.

It is forbidden to grab the hair, ears, face.

Hold from the side of the head.

I. p.: Partner on the back. You lie on your stomach from the side of his head and grab him so that the neck and one of the arms are in your armpits. You can join your hands on your partner's back. Spread your legs wide. Bend the leg of the same name to the hand that grabbed the partner's head at the knee joint and lay on the carpet with the inner surface of the thigh and lower leg. Straighten the other. Press your head against your partner's chest (Fig. 124 ).

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Hold across.

I. p.: Partner on the back. Lay your chest on his chest at a right angle and press your head tightly against him. Position your legs in the same way as when holding from the side of the head. Hand grips with this type of hold can be very diverse. One, passed under the far shoulder blade, can hold on to the partner's belt, the other - “turn off” his hands. You can grab his hands in the shoulder area and squeeze him tightly. Try to find a convenient way for you to keep your partner on your own (Fig. 125 ).

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Hold on top.

I. p.: Partner on the back. Sit astride him, grabbing his right hand in the upper third of the shoulder and press the left to your side. Grab his neck with your right hand. Press your chest against his chest, as the hold will be counted only in this position. When your partner begins to move away from the hold, he will most likely make an attempt to throw you over him, standing on the bridge. To prevent him from doing this, run your legs from the outside under his and lift them, bending back. This will deprive him of the support on his feet, and he will not be able to "pull" (Fig. 126 ).

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Hold between the legs.

I. p.: Partner on the back. Lie between his wide-spread legs and press your chest against his chest (as in the previous case, only this position will be considered a hold). The grips are the same as when holding on top. The main thing is not to let your partner enter his legs between him and you. To do this, they can be braided from the inside with their own (Fig. 127 ).

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Hold with the capture of the leg and neck.

Actually, this is a variant of holding across. Grab your partner's leg with one hand, and pass the other under his neck. By connecting your hands, you "turn off" his leg and tilt his head, which will not give him the opportunity to stand on the "bridge" (Fig. 128 ).

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Painful techniques

A more effective victory on the ground can be achieved with a painful hold. In sambo, painful techniques on the arms and legs are used (in the sports section, painful techniques on the fingers and toes, as well as on the wrist joint are prohibited). The mechanics of their implementation is based on bending the attacked joint against its natural bend or on twisting the shoulder. To avoid injury, a wrestler experiencing painful sensations gives a signal to surrender by patting his opponent's torso or carpet with his free hand, and if both hands are shackled, with a voice (exclamation “Yes!”).

Any exclamation that a wrestler makes at the time of a painful hold is regarded as a signal of surrender.

It is forbidden to carry out painful holds in a standing position, by jerking or after the referee's stopping whistle.

To the fighter who has completed painful hold, a clear victory is awarded.

Judo - martial arts created at the end of the 19th century in Japan... Judo includes many throws that are performed over the back or shoulder, over the thigh, as well as pick-ups and sweeps.

The techniques involve arms, legs and the whole body.

All throws in judo: names of techniques

All judo throws are divided into two kinds:

  1. Tati Waza: throws performed in a standing position.
  2. Sutema Waza: techniques performed with a fall on the enemy.

Tati Waza

Tae Waza(throws dominant use of hands):

  1. Ippon Seoinage- it is performed with the back, holding the opponent's hand on his shoulder. The throw is made mostly with the effort of the hands.

Photo 1. Ippon Seoinage throw technique. The opponent is grabbed by the shoulder, then thrown over the back.

  1. Kibisu Gaeshi- the athlete grabs the opponent's heel with one hand and twists it towards himself, and the second judoka holds the opponent by the kimono and helps to overturn him.
  2. Seionage- carried out over the shoulder with the opponent on his back.
  3. Kata Guruma - aka "mill"- to carry out this throw, you need to grab the fighter's hand with one hand, grab the leg with the other so that his body rests on your shoulders, and then kneel down and make a "wheel" with the fighter's body.
  4. Obi Otoshi- is performed through the leg with a grip on the opponent's belt.
  5. Morote Gary- a pass is made to the legs, then the opponent rises on his shoulder and a throw is made.
  6. Seoi Otoshi- the fighter should be placed on his back and his legs should be blocked, the front step with the interception of the hand from the knees to the shoulder.
  7. Sumi Otoshi- the opponent is unbalanced by pushing back.
  8. Sukui Nage- the opponent falls on his back through the front leg of the athlete, the throw is made mostly with his hands.

  1. Uchi Mata Sukashi- a counter-technique, carried out by twisting, from an internal grip.
  2. Tai Otoshi- across back leg the opponent is thrown with his hands.
  3. Pit Arasi- picking up both legs of the athlete from the front with the simultaneous capture of the sleeve and the lapel.
  4. Uki Otoshi- is made by twisting the efforts of the hands along a tangent trajectory.
  5. Kouty Gaesi- counter-reception with hands from an internal sweep.
  6. Kutiki taosi- gripping the opponent's lying popliteal fold from the outside.

Koshi Waza(in receptions hips and lower back are involved):

  1. Hane Goshi- tossing the opponent's body with the hip through the lower back with a leg sweep.
  2. Daki Age- one athlete lifts the other from the parterre by the torso and throws them down. This throw is not approved for use in competitions and tournaments.
  3. Koshi Guruma- The opponent must be grabbed by the neck and made a "wheel through the lower back."
  4. Harai Goshi- passage to the legs followed by a sweeping movement of the leg.
  5. Sode Tsurikomi Goshi- carried out through the thigh, grasping the fighter's sleeve crosswise.
  6. O-Goshi- is performed with a lining through the lower back and thigh with an amplitude.
  7. Tsurikomi Goshi- performed after grabbing the lapel of the opponent's kimono through the thigh.
  8. Tsuri Goshi- a throw through the thigh by means of a grip on the belt.
  9. Usiro Goshi- counter-technique with a hip implantation.
  10. Uki Goshi- is made through the lower back tangentially by lifting the thigh.
  11. Utsuri Goshi- throw with overturn and landing.

Asi Waza(techniques in which every effort is made mostly feet):

  1. Asi Guruma- both legs of the opponent are captured, provided that one of them does not touch the ground.
  2. Deasi Harai- sweeping under the front leg with a sweeping motion from the side.
  3. Harai Tsurikomi Asi- sweeping sweep with the foot with loosening of the opponent with a jerk upward.
  4. Ooty Mata- hitting the inner surface of the athlete's thigh with his foot, followed by a fall.
  5. Kosoto Gake- hook with the opposite leg of the leg of another judoka.
  6. Tsubame Gaeshi- a counter-technique used from the side sweep.
  7. Hiza Guruma- a sweep made exactly to the knee.
  8. Kosoto Gari- hooking from the outside under the heel.
  9. O-Guruma- twisting your body to catch the opponent's legs.
  10. Cooty Gary- internal undercut.
  11. O-Soto Gaeshi- used in a counter-move from the girth of O-Soto Gari.
  12. Okuriasi Harai- jogging in the rhythm of steps.
  13. O-Soto Guruma- a judoka makes a throw with a tap, throwing the opponent off balance with a pass to the legs and a jerk towards himself.
  14. O-Soto Gari- a jerk to oneself with external tapping.

Photo 2. O-Soto Gari throw technique in judo. The enemy is attracted to himself, then falls on his back.

  1. Hane Goshi Gaeshi- counter-reception from receiving a planting.
  2. O-Soto Otoshi- a footrest at the back.
  3. Sasae Tsurikomi Ashi- front sweep, made under the leading leg.
  4. O-Ooty Gary- reception with the use of the toe of the opponent's leg with inside hips.
  5. Uchi Mata Gaeshi- used against pick-up from the inside.

Sutema Waza

This group of techniques includes the following groups of throws.

Masutemi waza(followed by a fall on the back):

  1. Hikikomi Gaeshi- grabbing an arm under the shoulder with the next fall.
  2. Tavara Gaeshi- the opponent is grabbed by the body from above and thrown over the head.
  3. Sumi Gaeshi- a counter-move from sumi otosi, performed over the head through a shin support.
  4. Ura Nage- a technique performed by the breast.
  5. Tomoe Nage- throwing the opponent over his head, resting his leg on his stomach.

Yoko Sutemi Waza(throws performed with a fall on the side):

  1. Daki Wakare- is made by the chest with the grip of the body.
  2. Harai Makikomi- grabbing with holding the fighter under the shoulder, "winding" him over yourself.
  3. Hane Makikomi- is carried out on the back with a shin implantation under the shoulder.
  4. Kawazu Gake- a technique prohibited in tournaments. It is also called "twine".
  5. Kane Basami- not used in competitions, commonly known as "scissors".
  6. O-Soto Makikomi- grabbing a judoka's hand under the shoulder with a fall and "winding".
  7. Tani Otosi- a footrest with a heel in front.
  8. Yoko Gake- a heel sweep followed by a fall.
  9. Uki Waza- a footrest in front of the heel.
  10. Yoko Guruma- throwing over the chest.
  11. Yoko Wakare- a footrest for a parallel leg.

Uchi or Uchi Mata

Separately, I would like to highlight the throw of Uchi Mata (literally translated "Throw by impact on the inner thigh"). It is performed from a stand through the back, followed by a fall by the efforts of the legs and pelvis. It is one of the most amplitude and effective.

Reference. There are variations of this technique. in sambo and freestyle wrestling.

Technique classic Ooty Mata:

  1. First you need to grab your opponent correctly... For convenience, some professional athletes it is recommended to hold the opponent by the lapel of the jacket with one hand in the ear area, and with the other hand they take him from below by the jacket on the elbow. And also the classic grip is practiced here.

Photo 3. Sequential Uchi Mata throw technique in judo. Reception consists of seven stages.

  1. Next, you need to transfer the weight of the enemy to yourself with a step forward. In this case, the elbow of the hand with which you hold the opponent on top needs to be raised a little, and with the other hand it is necessary to pull the athlete towards you. When carrying weight, the chest should become a "wheel".
  2. For a successful throw, you must sharply and tightly squeeze the enemy to yourself... The body of the enemy should be practically placed on your back.
  3. The most important part of this technique is considered to be the correct kick. After getting close to the enemy, you need to twist. Then, with your foot (on the same side of the hand with which you were holding the lapel of the jacket), you need to go between the opponent's legs and knock him from the inside of the thigh under your parallel leg. You need to raise your leg as high as possible so that the throw has the best amplitude, and you can lift the athlete off the floor.
  4. Tossing with the foot is done along with the forward tilt of the body. You have to throw with all your weight and move to throw the entire weight of the opponent, but the leg performs the sweep. The entire direction of the weight must go forward.
  5. When throwing up with your hands, you also need to help yourself to throw the opponent.
  6. Do not forget that when performing this technique, you must also twist the body inward.

Attention! When the opponent is already thrown over you, complete the throw and don't forget to control it. Control must be maintained even on the ground.

You may also be interested in:

Variations of throws: over oneself, thigh or shoulder

In addition to the classical form of execution, there are others:

  1. Variation with a shoulder grip. Here the hand that went to the elbow goes under the arm and helps to turn the opponent over. Otherwise, the technique is classic.
  2. There is a variation where most of the effort goes into jerk with the hips before striking. This performance is often equated with a throw over the thigh. This technique is called Uchi Mata Sukashi.
  3. Also, sometimes Uchi Mata is used as a counterattack against the toe.... To do this, you need to transfer your weight to the opposite leg from the hooked leg and wrap the toe in your direction. If you manage to unbalance the opponent, then it is possible to realize Uchi Mata.
  4. In sports practice, there is a technique when one the athlete blocks the movement of the second with his foot... After that, if the movement is successful, then the throw is made with the effort of the hands through the thigh and lower back.
  5. In sambo, the analogue of Uti Mata is catching the opponent's attacking leg and further hooking with a high leg lift.

Tilt throws

Tilt throws are performed by tearing the opponent off the carpet by the force of the trunk of the legs, followed by dropping onto the carpet with an inclination of the body. In freestyle wrestling, these throws are carried out most often with a hold on the legs. When seizing the legs, it is very important to get close to the attacker's legs, direct the head to the side of the opponent's torso and press the shoulder against his legs and body (Fig. 141-a).

When performing a take-off, it is necessary to substitute the leg standing behind, forward, straighten the torso, straighten the legs and, bending the arms, raise the opponent up.

Dropping is carried out by a sharp tilt of the body forward with simultaneous lowering to one or both knees. Throwing can be done in several ways: with the spread of the opponent's legs to the sides; with spreading the opponent's legs and knocking or toeing the legs; with the adduction of the opponent's legs to the side; with a grip on the trunk and thigh from the inside.

A throw with legs spread to the sides is used when the attacker is between the legs of the opponent, who, being on the shoulder, is hanging down with his torso. Lean forward, fall on one or both knees, spread your legs to the sides and make a jerk for your legs upward (Fig. 141-a, b). If the opponent bends back and tries to stand on his feet, the attacker must, simultaneously with bending forward, knock his leg from the back and from the inside (fig. 141 - c).

The throw to the side is performed when the opponent keeps his feet together and maintains a high stance. Straighten, direct his legs to the side, lift them up (Fig. 141-d), perform an incline and lower on one or both knees.

The throw with the interception of the trunk and hip from the inside is most effective. B. the moment of completion of the jerk with your hands, grab the opposite thigh from the inside. With the other hand, grab the body (Fig. 141 - e). Lean forward and throw the attacker on his back (Fig. 141-e). The throw can be performed with one hand gripping behind the back, and the other for the thigh of the same name from the inside.

Common mistakes ... 1. Big lunge. 2. Excessive spreading of the arms to the sides. 3. Joining hands into a lock. 4. The head rests on the opponent's stomach. 5. The location of the legs is wider than the shoulders or far from the opponent.

Tactical training ... Grab the opponent's forearms from below and spread them to the sides. Push your arms up and grab your legs. Grab the opponent's opposite forearm or shoulder with the left opposite arm or shoulder, and grab his neck with the right. With a jerk towards yourself or to the left, unbalance him and attack his legs. Grab the forearm of the same name with the right hand, and the left shoulder of the same hand outside. Turn right and dash. Get into a high stoic position and put your foot forward. If the opponent grabs his legs with a lunge or dropping to his knees, put his legs aside or jump back. At the moment when the opponent straightens up or stands in a stance, grab his legs (see p. 371 “Transfer by a dive with a grab by the legs”). From a position outside the capture with false attacks, force the enemy to go into a low stoic and retreat back. Move around the enemy in a circle and make him turn in the appropriate direction. If the attacker transfers body weight from one leg to the other (actually stands on one leg), grab the legs.

Repeated attack. See “Leg Grab Translations”, p. 371.

Combinations ... Transfer by a jerk to the hand-Throw by an inclination (see combination). Transfer by a jerk with a hold on the neck and shoulder from above - Throw by an incline with a hold on the legs from the front (See combination). Transfer by a jerk with a hold on the neck and shoulder from above - Transfer by a dive with a hold on the legs. At the moment of grabbing the legs, do not kneel down. Toe from the inside with a grip on the hands from below - Throw in an incline with a grip on the legs from the front (see combination). Toe from the inside with a grip of the hands from below - Transfer by a dive with a grip by the legs. At the moment of grabbing the legs, do not kneel down. Transfer with a spinner with a grip on the hand - Throw in an incline with a grip on the legs from the front (see combination). Transfer by a turntable with a grip by the hand - Transfer by a dive with a grip by the legs. At the time of performing the spinner and grabbing the legs, do not fall on the knees. Throw with a mill with a grip for the hand and the leg of the same name from the inside - Throw with an inclination with a grip for the legs in front (see combination). Throw with a mill with a grip by the hand and the leg of the same name from the inside - Transfer by a dive with a grip by the legs (p. 371). At the moment of gripping the legs and when performing the mill, do not kneel down. Knock down with a grip on the neck, opposite shoulder from below and toe-toes - Throw in an incline with a grip on the legs from the front. If the opponent lifts his leg and leans forward, grab his legs and shoot. The combination can also be carried out in combination with knocking down by a jerk by the hand and a toe of the same name.

Protection.Preliminary ... See “Legs Dive Protection”, p. 373.

Immediate ... Protections used during transfers by a dive with a grab by the legs (p. 373). When grabbing the opposite shoulder and hip, put the right leg back and, leaning forward, prevent the left hand from moving the opponent's right leg forward (Fig. 142 - a).

When seizing the opposite hip and torso, bend forward, rest against the opponent's shoulder and put the left leg back (Fig. 142 - b).

When seizing the hip and torso of the same name, bend forward, rest your hands on the opponent's shoulders and put the left yoga back (Fig. 142 - c).

Countermeasures... See counter-techniques used from transfers to the ground with a hold of the legs.

Methodical instructions

For the successful use of these techniques, in addition to technical elements, it is necessary to develop appropriate motor qualities and teach how to correctly assess the distance, correctly determine the efforts for the attack and quickly respond to the actions of the enemy. In addition, the wrestler must have well-developed strength, especially those muscle groups that do the main work in the hold.

You can develop the necessary stability, mobility, and other qualities with the help of exercises recommended for learning and improving dive transitions with a grasp by the legs and transfers with a spinner with a grasp by the leg (see page 570). To develop the strength of the extensors of the trunk and legs, the wrestler needs not only to increase their strength indicators, but also to cultivate the ability to concentrate efforts in the most critical phases of the technique.

With the development of the strength of the hip extensors, it is necessary to take such a position in which the angle between the thigh and lower leg will be 25-30 °, since during the hold the wrestler has to bend his legs at an angle of 90-100 °.

The strongest wrestlers, before taking the opponent off the mat, tilt their body in relation to the hips at an angle of -55-65 °, and their shoulder in relation to the body at an angle of 75-85 °.

An inclined throw with a dive under the arm with a grip on the leg from the outside and a toe of the same name from the inside

The attacker is in the right stance, and the opponent is in the left. Grab the opponent's neck with the left hand, and grab the opposite arm with the right shoulder from above and make a dash downward toward you (Fig. 143-a).

Dive your head under the opponent's left arm. At the same time, sit down, bend your legs and tilt your body forward (Fig. 143-b). With your left foot, step between his legs. Move the left hand from the neck to the shoulder of the right hand, and with the right grab his left leg outside under the knee. Raise your head and take the opponent's left hand up (fig. 143-c). Straighten up and lift the attacked by the leg up. Pull the hand down and to the left and turn to the left. Raise the captured leg up and take it back to the right. Press your hand towards you and pull to the left. Hook his right leg with his right leg under the knee bend from the inside (Fig. 143-d). On 1 tilt the body forward and throw the opponent with his back on the carpet (fig. 143-e). Grab his neck with your left hand. With your right leg, lift the hooked leg up and press the attacker onto the shoulder blades, as well as when performing a roll over with the toe of the far leg from the inside.

Common mistakes : 1. The attacker does not raise the opponent's left shoulder with his head up. 2. The grip is above the knee. 3. Having hooked a leg, the attacker does not lift it up and back. 4. When pressing in, the attacker does not lift the hooked leg up. 5. Dozhinaya, the attacker does not lean on the opponent's chest.

Hand grip rear footrest

The back step is performed with a grip: by one arm, by the arm and torso, by the leg and arm, etc. It is better to hold the technique from a high stand, with a fall on the knees.

Grab the opponent's right hand with both hands and press down and back on him. Take a step with your left foot forward-left and place it next to the opponent's right foot at a distance of two feet, while turning the foot outward. Slightly swing the bent right leg to the left and forward and knock the opponent's right leg (into the popliteal fold) with the popliteal fold. Bend the left leg at the knee, transfer the weight of the body onto it and throw the opponent onto the carpet (Fig. 144-a, b, c).

Typical errors: 1. The weight of the body is transferred to the knocking leg and it bends. 2. The footrest is performed under a far-set foot. 3. Weak jerk with hands.

Tactical training ... Disrupting balance. With a jerk, force the opponent to put his right foot forward.

Maneuvering ... Move on the carpet and push from yourself to force the opponent to change the position of his legs. Try to grab his left leg with your right hand when the opponent puts it back, perform a back trip under the right leg.

Combination ... Inside Grip - Rear Step.

Protection... 1. Transfer the weight of the body to the left leg, and lift the right leg and put it back. 2. Tilt your torso forward.

Countermeasures... When the hitting leg of the attacker begins to move the kickstand, throw the opponent with the same technique. Transfer by jerk with a hold on the trunk.

Special exercises... See page 556.

Grip from the inside with a grip by the leg

When holding a hold, it is better when the wrestlers are of the same height. Grab the opponent's right leg and lift it up and to the side. Step forward with your left foot. Hit the popliteal fold of the opponent's other leg from behind with the popliteal fold of the right leg and throw it on his back (Fig. 145-a, b, c).

Tactical training ... You can use the tactical training methods recommended for grabbing one leg and lifting it up.

Common mistakes ... 1. The attacker kicks the opponent's leg with his shin. 2. When swinging the leg, the wrestler does not deviate to the left. 3. The attacker is far from the enemy. 4. When performing a grab, the attacker lowers the opponent's grabbed leg.

Side stand with a grip on the arm and neck from above

The technique is performed when the opponent, kneeling down, grabs his legs. Lean forward, grab the attacker's neck and right hand from above with your left hand, and your left hand with your right. Press your head to your left side, and your left hand with your forearm to your stomach (Fig. 146-a, b). Raise the opponent up, step forward with your right foot, place it closer to his legs and transfer the weight of the body onto it.

Turn to the right, tilt the body forward and to the right. Bring the left leg forward and outside of his left leg, put it on the side and press on the thigh with the leg down-to the left (Fig. 146-c).

Fall forward to the right and throw the opponent onto the carpet (Fig. 146-d). When the opponent falls, raise his left leg up and turn his back to the carpet. Without releasing grips, squeeze the opponent with your shoulder blades to the carpet.

Often, the attacked during the implementation of the technique tilts his body too forward and to the side opposite to the technique. In this position, the opponent is difficult to throw.

It is necessary to bring the left leg to the hip of the attacked from the outside and not to twist, but, jumping forward on the right leg, tilt the body in the same direction. Put your foot behind his left thigh. The reception is carried out towards the back of the opponent. After the attacker begins to fall back on the carpet, twist it to the right over the leg.

Typical error ... A technique is started when the opponent's torso is too tilted forward and to the side opposite to the movement of the technique.

Shoulder throws (mill)

These types of throws are often used in fights and are well combined with transfers, throws for the legs and throws with a turn with your back to the opponent. Mill throws have many variations and are also used as counter moves.

A mill with a grip by the hand and the leg of the same name from the inside (basic version)

If the opponent tilts his body forward or begins to grab the attacker's arm from below-outside, then the attacker must grab his right arm from above with his left hand. With your right hand, grab the other shoulder or neck from the outside. The elbows of both hands are lowered down and slightly brought together (Fig. 147-a).

The right leg should be placed closer to the opponent's right leg, and the left leg should be put back to the left. Place your body weight a little more on the right leg. Pull the right shoulder and unbalance the opponent forward. At the same time, sit down and dive with your head under the captured hand (Fig. 147-b). Turn left sideways to the enemy. Get down on your right knee near the inside of his right leg. Grab it with your right hand from the inside by the popliteal fold and press it to your chest. Substitute your shoulders under the lower part of the attacker's body as close as possible to his center of gravity (Fig. 147-c).

When squatting, pull it to your shoulders. First, pull along the carpet, and when the attacker dives with his head under the arm, pull down to the carpet, to the left and away from himself. Clamp the grasped hand with your left hand between the left shoulder, neck and head.

Tilting the body to the left, throw the opponent onto the carpet (Fig. 147-d). When throwing, put the left leg with a roll from the foot to the knee, tilt your head in the direction of the throw, push off with your legs and, straightening the body, knock the attacked with your shoulders.

With your right hand, hold the leg of the same name and do not allow it to be put back and to the side. After the throw, turn your chest towards the opponent. Let go of the grip of the leg, transfer the right hand to the torso from above and squeeze it onto the shoulder blades (Fig. 147-e).

Long-body wrestlers can throw on both knees. Reception is carried out in the same way as in the main version, only the jerk by the hand must be made stronger. After the jerk, fall on both knees with an incomplete left turn.

It is better to start throwing the mill by grabbing the opponent's hand with the palm over the shoulder. In this case, the attacker retains great maneuverability and it is easier to hide the beginning of the reception from the enemy. But often the throw is carried out from the very beginning, grabbing the attacker's arm under the shoulder. It is easier to maintain such a grip during the execution of the move, but the attacker loses the advantage in maneuverability, revealing his intentions long before the start of the move.

Common mistakes ... 1. Reception is carried out from a long distance. 2. The attacker goes down on one knee without a jerk by the hand. 3. The grasped hand stretches down and does not press against the neck. 4. The closest leg is placed on the foot. 5. The grip of the hand is carried out at the elbow bend.

Tactical training ... Grab the opponent's right hand with your left hand and sharply push the shoulder away from you and forward. With your left elbow, knock the forearm of the captured hand up and force the attacker to raise his hand up. When the enemy, resisting, begins to move forward and hand down, perform a trick. It is necessary to start grabbing the opponent's hand not from above, but from below. First, you need to grab the shoulder with one hand, and keep the other hand down to stop the attempt to grab the legs.

If the throw is unsuccessful with the mill, you should not let go of the captured hand. Holding it, the attacker fetters the opponent's actions and can quite easily return to the starting position or switch to other techniques, most often with the capture of the attacker's legs. It is good if the attacker is equally effective in throwing the mill in both directions. Then he can approach the enemy in a frontal stance and use shoulder grips with equal force. The attacker then throws in the direction the opponent least expects.

Combinations ... Knocking down with a grip on the arm and leg of the same name from the inside - Mill with a grip on the arm and leg of the same name from the inside. Grab the arms and leg of the same name from the inside. Start knocking down. When the opponent bends his torso forward and falls on his shoulders from above, execute the mill. The success of the reception depends on the speed of the transition from churning to the mill. It is necessary to use defensive actions that coincide with the direction of throwing the mill.

Side sweeping with a grip by the hand from the inside - Mill with a grip by the hand and the leg of the same name from the inside. Grab the shoulders of the attacked from the inside and make several unexpected jerks from yourself to yourself, to the right, to the left, and force the enemy to defend against the jerks. When he puts his left foot forward, hook the right foot into his left leg from the front to the outside. At the same time, make a dash for the shoulders to the right. If the opponent deflects the body to the right and puts the leg to be cut back, throw the mill to the left. The squat under the opponent should be done immediately after the false sweep with the right leg. In this case, the efforts of the attacker conducting the throw with the mill will coincide in direction and time with a deviation and protective actions attacked.

Protection.Preliminary ... Use restraining hand grips. Rest your hand on your shoulder.

Immediate ... 1. Make a movement with the forearm down-inward under the attacker's shoulder and grab his shoulder with the same grip. 2. Knock down the grip by moving the shoulder of the grasped hand downward and inward, and with the other hand grab the wrist of his hand, with which he intended to grab the leg from the inside. Straighten up and pull your hand out of the grip. Transfer the weight of the body to the captured leg. Put your hand on the shoulder of the attacker. Set aside the captured leg back-in side. Grab the opponent's head and arm from above. Tilt his torso to the carpet and throw his legs back.

Countermeasures... Countermeasures from the mills are most convenient to carry out at the very beginning of the technique, when the attacker has not yet managed to shackle the enemy with grabs by the arm and leg and load him onto his shoulders.

So, attacking sambo wrestling techniques from the stand:

Side flip

Classic reception from sports sambo, is considered a body throw and is quite forceful. A very scary throw, especially in rough terrain and outdoors. I can safely call him one of my “crowns”.

If at the top of the throw, when a spin is in progress and the arm with legs pulls up more strongly than the arm in which the body is gripped, then the opponent will not hit the surface with his back, but with his neck or head. It all depends on the angle of application of the force.

Side flip with walking

Twist throw

Capture collars and sleeves.

Situation: the opponent is in the left stance, pushing.

Preparation: landing on the far heel; institution

Footwork; the left step to the right heel; with the right foot from the inside, hook the heel of the opponent's opposite leg with the foot. turning sideways to him and pulling his heel towards you with his foot; push the opponent down with the thigh of this leg.

Hand work: with the right pull the opponent down towards you, with the left push away from you. Leaning over and freeing the grip of the leg, throw the opponent onto the carpet.

Throw to the side of the captured gate

Throw with a capture of two legs

Both sambists are in the right stand position. Grabbing the clothing under the opponent's elbows, pull strongly with both hands down and away from you, forcing the opponent to transfer the weight of the body to the heels. Having made a small step with the right leg forward, squatting on both legs and bending the torso, grab the opponent's legs from the outside for the popliteal folds with both hands and rest against his stomach with the right shoulder. Pressing your right shoulder into the opponent's belly away from you, make a strong jerk for his legs towards yourself and up with your hands, at the same time spreading them to the sides. When the opponent falls on his back, put the right leg back and, grabbing the opponent's shins under the armpits, make his fall as soft as possible.

Self-belay: correct fall on your back. If the opponent bends his legs and pulls on himself, then this moment is most favorable for carrying out a throw with a grab of two legs.

The best preparation of the opponent for this throw: settling the opponent on both legs or moving his hands from the grip by the sleeves from below in a circle inward-up-out-down directly to his popliteal folds. In addition, you can grab the opponent's belt with both hands and, by strongly pulling the opponent as close to you as possible, thereby facilitating the capture of his legs.

In addition to the described method, a throw with a grab of two legs can also be carried out by lifting.

Grabbing the opponent's legs, straighten your back and lift the opponent straight up. After lifting, you can throw the opponent, bringing both his legs to one side (left or right).

The most common mistake when performing this technique: they forget to put their right leg forward (when grabbing the opponent's legs).

Throw with a hold on the leg

Both sambists are in the right stand position. Each grabs his opponent's back with his right arm from under his left arm. At the same time, with the shoulder of your left hand, you need to squeeze the opponent's right forearm under the armpit and with your left hand grab the clothes between the elbow and the armpit of the opponent's right hand.

Having chosen the moment when the opponent stands on his right foot, make a strong jerk with his left hand to the left and down and towards himself, and with his right hand pull it to the left and up. Taking advantage of the fact that the point of support for the enemy is one of his right leg and, therefore, the leg has become inactive, grab it with the left hand from the outside by the popliteal bend (Fig. 49, a). Then, raising the opponent's right leg to the left and up with his left hand, with a sharp push of his right hand away from himself and to the right, force the opponent to stand on his left leg, which at the same moment grab the right hand from the outside by the popliteal fold, and, tearing it off the ground, lift it up - to the right (fig. 49, b).

If the opponent has put his left leg far enough and it is difficult to grab it in the usual way, you can grab the opponent's left popliteal fold with the right hand from the inside, holding the hand so that the little finger is above the big toe.

The preparation for the throw can be knocking down or pushing the opponent down on one leg.

The belay and lanyard are the same as for a normal throw with a two-leg grip.

Outside leg grab throw

Inside Heel Throw

Throw with grabbing an arm under the shoulder

Throw over the hip while advancing

Throw over the hip while retreating

Throw over the hip with a tap

Hip Throw with Inside Entry

Throw over the head with a hip grab

Throw over the head with a hand grab on the shoulder

Throw over the head with a shin hook (opponent in the left stance)

Throw over the head with a shin hook (opponent in the right stance)

Throw over the head with the foot in the stomach

Throw over the head with an emphasis of the foot in the stomach with a turn

Deflection throw

Throw over the chest with a hip lift

Throw over the chest with shin hoop

Twisting through the chest

Reverse throw over the back

Throw over the back from the rack

Backstop throw

Throw over the back from the knees

Throw over the back from the knees with the capture of the leg

Throw over the back with a turn on the supporting leg (from the rack)

Shin hook from lateral flip

Shin hook under the leg of the same name

Shin toe under the heel

Shin hook with institution

Shin hook with fall

Outside shin hook

Toe under the leg of the same name with a grip on the leg

Toe with a fall

Outside toe hook

Outside toe hook with a jump


Mill from the rack

Reverse mill

Mill from knees

Fall mill

Mill with potting



Pulling from the inside from the front flip

Front flip

Shifting to the knee lever from the rack

Shifting to knee lever from overhead throw

Switching to the elbow lever from the stand with hopping

Roll back to elbow lever

Shifting to the elbow lever with knocking out the leg

Shifting to the elbow lever with jumping and hand support

Transition to the pinching of the Achilles tendon from the rack

Rear footrest from a throw across the back

Rear footrest with jump

Rear footrest

Heel foot (rear)

Heel foot (front)

Side flip heel kick

Footrest on the heel under the far leg from the rear footrest

Front footrest

Front footrest with step

Front footrest with knee

Front footrest with knee retreating

Front footrest with a turn on the supporting leg

Thigh lift

Hip lift with hand grabbing on the shoulder

Side sweep at the pace of steps

Side sweep under the exposed leg (stepping on)

Side sweep under the exposed leg (retreating)

Undercutting from the inside

Front sweep

The fighters are in the right attacking position.

Take a step with the right foot forward - to the right, turning the toe inward, put the leg bent at the knee, on the outside at the toe of the opponent's left leg. Turning to the left and leaning back, transfer the weight of your body to your right leg. With a jerk with your left hand forward - down to your left side, and with your right right - up - forward, strongly deflect the opponent to the right - forward. When the opponent transfers the weight of his body to the toe of his right leg, hit him in the instep or in the lower part of the right shin with the toe of his left foot. Simultaneously with tapping, strengthen the jerk with your hands by turning the head and shoulders to the left, bending the body and straightening the supporting leg (see fig). To maintain balance at the moment the opponent falls, swing the left leg back - to the left and, turning the toe to the left, put it bent at the knee. With your right hand, grab the opponent's left sleeve at the elbow and pull it to the toe of your left leg.

Front sweep from side flip

Front sweep with knocking out of the leg

Front sweep with fall

Pickup under two legs with a belt grab from above

Pickup under two legs with a step

One leg grip

One leg grab with step

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