How Maryana Naumova became a record holder. The strongest girl in the world

The name of Maryana Naumova is known to many compatriots. Popularity came to her just a few years ago, when the girl repeatedly set several world records in powerlifting at once. Not everyone can boast of such achievements, given the age of the girl.

The brightest achievements

Naumova Maryana Aleksandrovna was born in Moscow Khimki on April 22, 1999. She started sports at the age of five, doing harmless sports aerobics. 5 years after that, the young girl decided to go in for powerlifting, almost immediately achieving tremendous results. The first achievement happened in February 2010, when Maryana won the WPC / AWPC Championship of the Moscow Region in powerlifting and bench press, having squeezed 37.5 kg there. Literally a month later, the next milestone was taken - Maryana Naumova reached a weight of 46 kg in the bench press. By the end of 2010, Naumova became the absolute world record holder among all powerlifting federations in bench press without special equipment among girls under 14 years old. Record - 60 kg! The last record was set in 2015, when Maryana Naumova took the weight of 150 kg, putting absolute record Peace among girls under 18 years old.

Maryana Naumova and bench press are now two inseparable concepts. Despite her age, the girl managed to break more than 15 world bench press records, competing with girls under 18 years old. Throughout her career, Maryana has received many awards - she is the owner of many diplomas and commemorative signs. And some media outlets call Naumova the "Princess of the Barbell" and the "Girl-Ant". Speaking of ants, they can lift more of their own weight. Associations of the media with Maryana Naumova are connected with this.

Photos and videos with Maryana Naumova

Maryana Naumova in the photo is an ordinary sweet girl with an appearance that is fully consistent with her years. But this appearance hides remarkable strength. Not everyone will dare to compete with the World Powerlifting Champion Maryana Naumova, as many have already seen. Photos of Maryana Naumova appear on literally every website dedicated to sports, which is an indisputable proof of the girl's popularity in the sports environment. She became an idol and a role model, showing the world what can be achieved in adolescence. It is no wonder that Maryana Naumova and the video from her sports performances literally overwhelmed social networks and video hosting.

Powerlifting champion Naumova Maryana Aleksandrovna managed to visit many countries of the world. For example, in February 2011, she broke records in Ukraine, and in 2013, she visited the United States, at the Arnold Classic 2013 tournament. After that, a photo of Maryana Naumova appeared on the network together with Arnold Schwarzenegger, who is the organizer of this tournament. Not long before this photo of Maryana Naumova was published on the cover of Powerlifting USA magazine - this is the largest publication in the United States, and getting on the pages of which, let alone the cover, is not so easy. In addition, the girl even managed to visit North Korea, where she ended up after a letter to Kim Jong-un.

Naumova Maryana Aleksandrovna is not just a champion in powerlifting among girls under 18 years old. She is an active young girl who strives to popularize sports. The list of her achievements is quite large, and in the future there will be even more of them, because this year she will be only 16 years old - modern youth have something to be equal to!

Maryana Alexandrovna Naumova(born April 22, 1999, Staraya Russa, Novgorod region, Russia) - Russian athlete in powerlifting - bench press. International Master of Sports of Russia. Honored Master of Sports of the Donetsk People's Republic.

The absolute world record holder of 2010-2013, the owner of more than 15 world records in the bench press among teenage girls according to the versions of various powerlifting federations.

Trainer - from 2011 to the present, Vyacheslav V. Soloviev (Vladimir).

December 19, 2010 at a competition in Moscow, "Worldlifting" for the first time in history among athletes under the age of 14, conquered the weight of 60 kilograms in the bench press without the use of special equipment.

On June 25, 2011, at the second international professional tournament in individual types of unprotected powerlifting "Battle of Champions", held in Arkhangelsk, Maryana Naumova set a new absolute world record among athletes under the age of 14, having coped with a barbell weighing 70 kilograms without the use of special equipment. Maryana became the first girl under 18 in Europe to be admitted and competed in a professional powerlifting tournament.

On September 27, at the IPA-2011 World Cup in powerlifting and bench press, held in Yekaterinburg as part of the Golden Tiger 5 multi-festival of power sports, Maryana Naumova fulfilled the standard of International Master of Sports according to the IPA Powerlifting Federation (NAP) -Russia ( Amateur is a division with a mandatory doping control). Result shown on this tournament- 73 kg in weight category up to 48 kg.

April 15, 2012, at open championship In the Moscow region, according to the IPA-Russia federation, held in Mytishchi, Maryana Naumova has consistently doubled her own record by squeezing out the barbell weighing 82.5 and 85 kilograms. Maryana became the first girl under 18 in Russia to fulfill the "Elite of Russia" standard in the professional bench press division.

In April 2012, for the popularization of strength sports among young people and outstanding sports achivments Maryana Naumova for the first time in the world among girls under 18 became the face of the cover of the largest powerlifting magazine Powerlifting USA ( en: Powerlifting USA). For the entire existence of the magazine among Russian athletes only Andrei Malanichev was honored with this.

On November 6, 2012, at the WPC World Championships in Powerlifting and Bench Press, held in Las Vegas, USA, Maryana Naumova fulfilled the standard of International Master of Sports according to the WPC-Russia Powerlifting Federation (professional division). The result shown at this tournament is 90 kg in the weight category up to 60 kg

Maryana Aleksandrovna Naumova was born on April 22, 1999. Father - Deputy Director of the motor transport department of CJSC "Furniture Association" Moscow "", mother - a housewife. As of March 15, 2013, Maryana Naumova is a student of the 7 "A" class of the Khimki Lyceum No. 12. From the age of 5 she has been engaged in sports aerobics, a prize-winner of a number of tournaments, including the "Cup of the Moscow Region 2010" and "Cup of Bagration 2010", "Championship of the Moscow Region 2013 ".

Since December 2009 he has been engaged in powerlifting (bench press). Master of Sports by WPC, AWPC and WDFPF Powerlifting Federations. International Master of Sports according to the IPA-Russia and WPA-Ukraine Powerlifting Federations.

As of March 15, 2013, he has an absolute record among all powerlifting federations and all weight categories in the bench press among teenage girls under 15 years old without the use of special equipment, which is 105 kg.

At the Worldlifting tournament, Maryana Naumova was awarded the title of "Discovery of the Year" - from the magazine "World of Strength", a certificate of honor for her contribution to the development of powerlifting and healthy way life - from the organizing committee of the largest in Europe International Festival power sports "Golden Tiger" - the European analogue of "Arnold Classic" - a festival that has been held for more than twenty years in the United States of America by the famous actor, athlete, businessman and ex-governor Arnold Schwarzenegger.

After performing in the summer of 2010 at the Black Sea Cup in Odessa, Ukraine, Komsomolskaya Pravda in Ukraine in its article called Maryana Naumova "Ant Girl" (an ant lifts more of its weight). After the demonstration performance at the Worldlifting tournament, some media began to call Maryana Naumova the “Princess of the Barbells”.

December 19, 2010 11-year-old Maryana at the Worldlifting tournament in Moscow, lying from her chest, squeezed a barbell weighing 60 kg. The record was recorded by representatives of the Russian Book of Records (the Russian analogue of the Guinness Book of Records), and, after checking the uniqueness in various databases of sports federations, on February 2, she was issued a diploma and a memorable sign of the record holder of the Russian Book of Records.

On February 18, 2011 in Novy Bug (Mykolaiv region, Ukraine) Maryana Naumova set a record of Ukraine: “The most heavy weight in the bench press (powerlifting) without special equipment girls aged 11 years 7 months and 24 days - 62.5 kilograms. " The record was recorded within the Ukrainian Championship in Powerlifting and Bench Press and entered into the National Register of Records of Ukraine (Ukrainian analogue of the Guinness Book of Records).

On December 2, 2011, in the State Duma of the Russian Federation, the Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation G. A. Zyuganov presented Maryana Naumova with the Certificate of Merit of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation "For champion character and brilliant sports victories under the flag of the Communist Party." The ceremony was attended by the First Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation I. I. Melnikov, Deputy Chairman of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation V. I. Kashin, member of the Presidium, Secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party V. F. Rashkin. During the meeting, problems were discussed children's sports, alternative powerlifting federations.

On May 20, 2012 in Moscow, on Red Square, at the solemn assembly dedicated to the Day of Pioneers, Maryana Naumova joined the ranks of the pioneer organization named after I. V.I. Lenin. On May 1, 2014, she was solemnly admitted to the Lenin Communist Youth Union of the Russian Federation.

In the summer of 2014, Maryana was invited to the DPRK after she sent a letter to Kim Jong-un asking him to look at the most closed country in the world. She had the best impressions of her visit to North Korea, and speaking on various television and radio programs, she talked about her trip to the DPRK. In particular, she stated that there has been no hunger there for a long time, and ordinary people use mobile devices, etc.

Arnold Classic Sports Festival-2013

December 10, 2012, for outstanding athletic performance and merits in the popularization of power sports, Maryana Naumova received a personal invitation to the The Champion of Champions Bench Press Competitions - XPC Arnold Bench Bash, held by the XPC Powerlifting Federation within the framework of the world's largest sports festival Arnold Classic-2013.

In addition to Maryana, the Russian-Ukrainian team formed by the National Powerlifting Association of Russia (NAP) included such outstanding athletes as Andrei Paley, Evgeny Yarymbash, Ilya Kokorev and others. Also, a 13-year-old athlete from Magnitogorsk, World champion and record holder among teenagers in bench press in equipment Semyon Paley received a personal invitation and the right to speak at the opening of the tournament.

On March 3, 2013, at the XPC Arnold Bench Bash tournament, Maryana Naumova for the first time in the history of strength sports among teenage girls under the age of 15 overcame the bar of 100 kg in the bench press without the use of special equipment. During the tournament, Maryana consistently coped with the weight of 92.5, 100 and 102.5 kg, and during the additional, fourth approach - 105 kg. At the show tournament held at the MHP stand as part of the Arnold Classic-2013 sports multi-festival »Mariana obeyed a barbell weighing 110 kilograms.

The organizer of the festival, Arnold Schwarzenegger, congratulated Maryana Naumova on the record.

Participation in events in the east of Ukraine

From 21 to 27 October 2014, Maryana Naumova visited schools in Donetsk, Torez and Makeyevka, where she met with schoolchildren, open lessons physical education, as well as the children's and youth tournament "Russian bench press in Novorossiya 2014". This visit was widely covered by the Russian media, and drew attention to the problems of children in the belligerent republic. Maryana also visited the crash site of the Malaysian Boeing, Saur-Mogila and the place of fierce battles in the village of Stepanovka.

At the invitation of the Vostok brigade, Maryana held a bench press competition among the militias.

In early January 2015, it became known that the Powerlifting Federation of Ukraine, by electronic voting of the members of the UBFP Executive Committee, deprived the young athlete of the title of Master of Sports of the UBFP for her trip to the territory of the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics.

On April 24, 2015, for her outstanding contribution to the popularization and development of children and youth sports, by the decision of the People's Council of the Donetsk People's Republic, Maryana Naumova was awarded the honorary title of Honored Master of Sports of the Donetsk People's Republic.

Sports achivments

02/06/2010 - Championship of the Moscow region in powerlifting and bench press WPC / AWPC, Krasnoarmeysk, Moscow region. 1st place among teenagers 13-15 years old. Result - bench press - 37.5 kg.

03/19/2010 - Championship of Eastern Europe (extended championship of Russia) in powerlifting and bench press WPC / AWPC, Kursk. 1st place among teenagers 13-15 years old. Result - bench press - 46 kg.

04/24/2010 - Open tournament in powerlifting and bench press WPC / AWPC "Moscow Region Cup", Khotkovo, Moscow region. 1st place among teenagers 13-15 years old. Result - bench press - 48.5 kg.

05/16/2010 - European Championships in powerlifting and bench press "Eurolifting 2010", Moscow, VVTs. 2nd place in the category of women up to 44 kg. Result - bench press - 50 kg.

05.06.2010 - 4th international tournament on bench press "Black Sea Cup 2010" WDFPF, Ukraine, Odessa. 1st place in the overall standings, 1st place among adolescents, 1st place among women in the weight category up to 48 kg, 1st place in the National (Russian) bench press. Result - bench press - 50 kg.

12.11.2010 specialized exhibition sports nutrition and equipment "Sport Industry 2010", Ukraine, Kiev. Demonstration performance. The result is an absolute World Record in the bench press among teenagers - 55 kg.

12/11/2010 National Powerlifting and Bench Press Championships AWPC, Kursk. 1st place among teenagers 13-15 years old, 3rd place in the overall standings among women. Result - bench press - 56 kg.

12/19/2010. World Championship among professionals in powerlifting and bench press "Worldlifting". Demonstration performance. Result - The absolute world record among all powerlifting federations in bench press without equipment among girls under 14 years old - 60 kg ..

02/12/2011. Russian Federation IPA Powerlifting and Bench Press Championships, Yekaterinburg. 1st place among teenagers 13-15 years old, 1st place among women in the weight category up to 44 kg, 1st place in the overall standings among women (with doping control). The standard of the master of sports of international class according to the IPA-Russia Powerlifting Federation was fulfilled. Result - bench press - 61 kg.

02/18/2011 Open Championship of Ukraine in Powerlifting and Bench Press of the WPA Federation, Novy Bug, Mykolaiv region, Ukraine. 1st place among teenagers 13-15 years old, 1st place among women in the weight category up to 44 kg, 2nd place among women in the overall standings. The standard of the master of sports of international class according to the WPA-Ukraine Powerlifting Federation was fulfilled. The result of the bench press is 62.5 kg.

05/03/2011. IPA Federation European Powerlifting and Bench Press Championships, Sochi, Russia. 1st place among teenagers 13-15 years old, 1st place among women in the weight category up to 48 kg, 1st place in the overall standings among women (with doping control). Result - bench press - 65 kg.

05/29/2011. European Championship in powerlifting and bench press among professionals "Eurolifting-2011" Moscow, VVTs. 4th place among women in the PRO category (professionals). The standard of the Master was fulfilled according to the version of the association of powerlifting and bench press "Bogatyr Brotherhood". Result - bench press - 67.5 kg.

06/25/2011. International professional tournament in certain types of gearless powerlifting "Battle of Champions-2011", Arkhangelsk. Demonstration performances... A new absolute world record was set for teenage girls under 14 years old, amounting to 70 kg.

12/25/2011. Open Russian Cup in power sports and bench press according to the WPA-Russia federation, Moscow. Maryana Naumova again increasing her absolute world record among athletes up to 14 years old. The result is 77.5 kg.

03/31/2012. Yamal Cup in the city of Nadym. The second place in the absolute category among women. A new absolute world record was set for teenage girls under 14 years old, amounting to 80 kg.

04/15/2012. Open championship of the Moscow region in powerlifting and bench press federation IPA-Russia, Mytishchi, Moscow region. The absolute champion among women. A new absolute world record was set for teenage girls of 14 years old, amounting to 85 kilograms. The "Elite of Russia" standard was fulfilled, for the first time in Russia among girls under 18 years old.

03/06/2013 Taking part in the powerlifting tournament held at the Arnold Classic festival by the XPC federation, Maryana consistently coped with the barbell weighing 100, 102.5 and 105 kilograms.

09/22/2014 Russian athlete Maryana Naumova at the largest power show "Mr. Olympia", which was held from September 19 to September 22 in Las Vegas, set a new world record - in the bench press in equipment, she easily coped with the weight of 145 kilograms in the third approach. Maryana used single layer equipment, bench press shirt "Titan SuperKatana".

11/22/2014 At the World Championship in unprotected powerlifting and bench press according to the IRP federation, which took place in Ciechanow (Poland), in the 4th approach Maryana coped with a barbell weighing 120 kg, setting the World record according to the IRP federation, as well as the absolute (among all powerlifting federations) World record in bench press without equipment among athletes under the age of 18.

Maryana Naumova - photo

Official media, experts and bloggers have unanimously supported the start of the military operation in Syria. However, the young weightlifter Maryana Naumova performed brightest of all. The 16-year-old bench press record holder is the new face of pro-Kremlin patriotism. Medialeaks looked into those eyes more closely.

On Wednesday, President Vladimir Putin said that Russia, at the request of the government of Bashar al-Assad, began to inflict airstrikes on the positions of the militants by the "Islamic State" (the organization is banned in the Russian Federation). This caused an explosion of jingoistic patriotic sentiments among the leading federal channels, deputies and activists.

This message was ideally formulated by the 16-year-old teenage powerlifting champion, Maryana Naumova.

Such a bright debut in the field of publicity, of course, did not go unnoticed by bloggers and social networks. Indeed, it is not every day that 16-year-old sportswomen suddenly begin to tell through the federal media how to love their homeland.

A week ago, Naumova returned from Syria. There she was part of the Russian delegation. From Damascus, a girl posted a selfie together with the supreme mufti Syria by Sheikh Ahmad Badr al-Din Hassoun, with the country's first lady Asma al-Assad, whom she called the president's "loyal rear", and with the military, who, as reported in the commentary, will move out in a few hours "to clean up the suburbs of Damascus from terrorists."

Naumova leads page on "VKontakte" and on Facebook. And, interestingly, the account records in the last weightlifter does in English.

Per Last year Naumova made a number of trips to Donetsk, where she met with representatives of the administration of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic. She was awarded the title of Honored Master of Sports of the DPR. As a result, the American sports nutrition company broke the advertising contract with it.

A year ago, Maryana was another stronghold of anti-Americanism, North Korea. A Komsomol schoolgirl received an invitation to visit the country after a letter to Kim Jong-un.

The trip was organized by the DPRK Ministry of Sports, which also held a meeting with the country's Olympic team. Naumova noticed that all the girls in the team walk in the same uniform and with the same haircuts, but she explained the choice of hairstyles by the heat.

“But their schoolgirls really almost all wear the same hairstyle - a square. And every citizen of North Korea has a badge on the chest, ”the athlete told the publication.

Maryana called the messages about cars with patriotic songs on the streets of cities and the monstrous hunger among the population a lie, as well as the obligation of tourists to hand over the phone and leave the guide a single step.

“But when we drove through the streets where we wanted, and not where the guide directed us, we saw children who bought lemonade, gum - people who do not have money for bread, they certainly don’t allow themselves,” she says.

Maryana Naumova was born in Staraya Russa in 1999. The holder of more than 15 world records in the bench press among teenage girls according to the versions of various powerlifting federations.

Naumova Maryana Aleksandrovna is the strongest girl in the world, who was born in 1999 on April 22. At the moment, her height is 173 cm, and her weight is 61 kg. She studies at Khimki Lyceum # 12, and studies only for grades and grades. At the same time, she is engaged in bench press lying. This is such a passion for a young beauty that has grown into real ones.

Love for sports opened at the age of 4. Mom brought Maryana to sports aerobics when she saw that her daughter was watching children's programs, sitting on a twine. In 2009, she accidentally watched her father in a barbell press competition. It was then that the girl decided to tightly connect her life with the barbell and took up intensive training.

She did not give up aerobics and took first place in the championship of the Moscow region. She also took part in the Australian Open, taking fourth place there. Naumova's training took place in a special way, which remains secret.

The main thing is that the child does not receive any sports injuries, that is why the day is scheduled, and the loads do not exceed the permissible norms.

She is called the "princess of the barbell", but how could it be otherwise. If in 2010 she becomes the absolute record holder in bench press among teenagers. Without special equipment, the girl lifted 60 kilograms at the Worldlifting competition, which was held in Moscow. Although she looks like a very fragile and gentle girl. Until now, many men are surprised when they see young Maryana in the gym during training. In many competitions, she gives odds to adult women. At the age of eleven, no one in the world has set such records. So there is something to envy even an accomplished athlete. The potential of a girl from the Moscow region has no boundaries.

She is noticed and invites in 2013 to the Arnold Classic tournament. She is the only girl under eighteen years old, here it is the recognition and respect of adults and the mighty of the world this. Maryana Naumova set 14 world records in bench press. She is admired and imitated by her peers. She even has her own branded T-shirt, on which an interesting inscription flaunts: Maryana is a press monster.

In many interviews, she talks about her dream of squeezing 100 kilograms. And she is ready to train to be the best.

On June 25, 2011, at the Battle of Champions powerlifting tournament, the girl lifts 70 kilograms and again sets another world record. At the age of 14, she travels to all corners of the country, she is invited by eminent sports clubs. There she shows her professional success and proudly speaks of his parents. Without their support, there would not have been all these records. The father accompanies his beloved and strong daughter at all competitions. She becomes the first child to carry the Olympic flame of the 2014 Russian Winter Olympics. Maryana is happy and proudly runs her distance.

At the age of 15, Maryana again conquers athletic heights and copes with a weight of 145 kilograms in an equipment bench press. But she cannot finish the fourth approach due to the onset of convulsions. The doctor does not allow the girl to continue the competition. She lacked only 5 kilograms.

March 9, 2015 Naumova Maryana trains and prepares for the world tournament. At the Arnold Classic 2015 championship, Maryana coped with a weight of 150 kg. Nobody discloses the training program, it is known that Maryana trains actively three times a week. The father is a true mentor and loyal friend.

Maryana also does not forget about school, first of all she is young and beautiful girl, and then a master of sports in strength sports and a world champion with a dozen different sports records.

On February 26, 2016, at the Russian Powerlifting and Bench Press Championships among juniors and athletes from 14 to 18 years old, according to the IPF Federation, Maryana set a Russian record for the classic bench press.

March 5, 2016 at Arnold Classic 2016 Maryana shrugged without equipment 110 kg, setting another world record in the bench press. Unfortunately, 115 kg in the third attempt was not submitted to her then.

In March 2016, Maryana Naumova, the only one participating in the Arnold Sports Festival (NS about the version of the IPF sports federation) athletes, it turned out positive result under doping control. The 17-year-old athlete lifted 110 kg and took 3rd place, but was later disqualified due to the presence of diuretics in the sample and, according to the WADA anti-doping rules, was banned from participating in competitions according to the IPF sports federation (the only international federation IOC accredited powerlifting) for two years from April 24, 2016 to April 24, 2018.

The athlete herself claims to have notified in advance sports federation about the drug being used and sees a bias in the withdrawal. Also, she does not exclude that the Powerlifting Federation of Ukraine is seeking her disqualification for her position in relation to the situation in Donbass.

She will definitely conquer her barbell, and we will hear more than once about the strongest girl in the world.

In February 2017, Naumova attended weightlifting and judo competitions in Syria, where she participated in the awarding of the winners. On sports event in Aleppo, she set an unofficial bench press world record with a 127.5 kilogram barbell.

About Donbass, Schwarzenegger and powerlifting earnings: “I thought to squeeze 100 kilograms and calm down, but I reached 150”.

In March, 15-year-old schoolgirl from Khimki near Moscow, Maryana Naumova, at the Arnold Classic tournament in the United States, updated the world record in the bench press. The girl coped with the weight of 150 kilograms, improving her achievement by five kilograms.

At the tournament, Naumova met with Arnold Schwarzenegger and gave him letters from the children of Donbass. Returning to Russia, Maryana and her father, Alexander Naumov, told about a trip to the zone of recent hostilities, a short conversation with the Terminator, sports mood in the United States and earnings in powerlifting.

"": Maryana, why did you start doing powerlifting - not the most feminine sports? How did your happy barbell story begin?

Maryana: From the age of three I was engaged in sports aerobics. When I was ten, I went with my dad to competitions - he is an international master of sports in powerlifting. I looked - I liked it, cheered for dad and dragged him to the training room. I lay down under the barbell and squeezed 20 kilograms four times. The next day I went to the gym and started exercising.

So powerlifting is a family hobby?

Rather accidental. I tried it out of curiosity. I probably would still go in for powerlifting, because I have sport family... Mom always went to the gym, dad has been training for 17 years.

In fact, there are already more than 20 of them. The first happened after two months of training, at the championship of the Moscow region: 37.5 kilograms - this was a record for my age and weight category. I wanted to squeeze out 40, but it didn't work out. Then I became the first teenager under 14 years old who managed to take a weight of 100 kilograms.

According to the athlete, it is very difficult to meet with Arnold. To do this, you need to set some kind of record.
Journalists found out about you when you squeezed 145 kilograms at Mr. Olympia in September 2014. Did any of the participants in that tournament even come close to your result?

I never think about rivals. I set myself a goal, I go to it through training. Thanks to my coaches, they help in everything: they plan the optimal preparatory process, build a training program. Until recently, I performed among teenagers, and now I calmly beat women.

Alexander: Maryana two years ago received an invitation to the first "Arnold Classic", where she squeezed 105 kilograms without equipment. Even then, Arnold Schwarzenegger personally congratulated her. I remember that Channel One showed a story. Maryana, by the way, became the first girl who was admitted to these competitions.

Why did the organizers turn a blind eye to her young age?

A .: It's not just about age - women are usually not invited to such competitions at all. Arnold Classic is a tournament of the strongest men. In the States, Maryana was called not to compete, but to demonstrate personal achievements. I remember that at the first "Arnold" one of the organizers told us: "We are waiting for you at next year, click more! ". Americans see perspective. They study the interest of the audience, and it, of course, is higher, when, in addition to men's performances, you can also see such a miracle as strong child... Previously, girls did not participate in professional tournaments at all. Maryana is a pioneer in this sense.

How much do you earn from such events, if not a secret?

А .: Now it is 400 dollars, but thanks to the first "Arnold Classic" we signed a contract with a manufacturer of sports nutrition. So Mariana has a lot of things that few powerlifting stars can boast of: special equipment, better nutrition. I signed the contract because she was 13 years old at the time. It is quite modest when compared with the amount of awards in other sports, but by our standards it is very decent.

The athlete trains in the gym three times a week for an hour and a half. On other days, Mariana can do jogging to shake her legs.

Alexander and Maryana Naumov

Maryana's father Alexander Naumov is also a professional powerlifter and coach. In competitions, he squeezed 212.5 kilograms, in the hall - 230.

Maryana, how is it possible to combine travel, training and study at school?

Our sport doesn't take as much time as you think. I go to the gym three times a week, work out for an hour and a half. On some days I can shake my legs, run. In the morning, like everyone else, I go to school, then I do other things, and I run to the gym in the evening. I skip school only when I leave for the competition. Recently there was some crazy day: they wrote several different tests, but, pah-pah, everything seemed to go well ...

Now I am in ninth grade, preparing for exams. I will pass the state final certification and transfer to another school. Then I plan to enter the university, the Faculty of International Relations. I am interested in journalism, but all my friends dissuade me from studying at the Faculty of Journalism: it’s better to go where you become a specialist in any field.

Mariana's bicep girth - 40.5 centimeters

Do your classmates know you're a powerlifting star? Do they have a special relationship with you?

Of course. At first, I was often called names, and in those years I had a difficult relationship with my peers. I came home and cried, and my parents comforted. This taught me not to pay attention to evil tongues. Now everything is fine: we communicate well with many guys, but at school I try not to talk about sports. Everyone knows about me, they read my personal VKontakte page. After the competition, congratulations are made, but they are treated like an ordinary girl. They may even ask you to cheat, so that everything is like ordinary high school students.

Do you see guys equal in strength in physical education?

I don't go to physical education. We have an agreement with the teacher: I carry out special projects, for which he gives me grades.

Do the boys offer to help carry the briefcase?

No, but we used to wrestle on our hands. Almost always I won (laughs). By the way, I have normal relations with the boys, but so far nothing special has arisen between us.

Who will help and support in difficult times, if not your own dad

Many people say that people like you have no childhood. This is true?

Childhood is already ending - I'm 15! I traveled, talked with idols when I was only ten, and at the age of 13 I met Arnold Schwarzenegger himself. So my childhood was the best.

Maryana travels a lot. Everywhere she is accompanied by her father Alexander, who deals with all organizational issues.

You were recently in North Korea, one of the most closed countries in the world with a tough political regime. What are your impressions of the trip?

I am a Komsomol member, I stand for sport Club Communist Party. When I was offered to go to the DPRK, I knew nothing about this country. I went to my dad for advice. He offered to write a letter to Kim Jong Un. I did so, and he answered us pretty quickly. Before the trip, I read the blogs, watched the video. As a result, I was a little afraid to go to the DPRK. I thought they would force dogs to eat, take away phones, a camera ...

But we led our usual way of life there, we were allowed to take pictures of everything we wanted, showed the whole country, sport complexes and the bases where they train Olympic champions(on Olympic Games 2008 North Korean weightlifter Park Hyun Suk won gold medal in the weight category up to 63 kilograms - approx. ""). The DPRK is an interesting country, I would like to visit there again.

Pictured: meeting with North Korean pioneers

Who was the initiator of your first trip to Donbass?

She wanted to. I watched TV programs about Donbass, and I was very scared, especially for the children. I began to look for people who could help with organizing the trip. I met journalist Alena Kochkina. Thanks to my dad, he supported me, and we drove off. Everything went well: we were met at the border, everything was shown, everything was told.

What are your future plans?

Now we are going to Donetsk. We are planning a wider program: we will visit schools, we will hold powerlifting events - that is, we will pay more attention to sports.

A.: I was told that Maryana will be able to make a speech in People's Council DPR. If it really works out, it will be great. We believe that our mission is to draw attention to the problems of the children of Donbass by all means.

Maryana with children during her first trip to Donbass, 2014

What do you want to achieve in sports?

Before, I thought to squeeze 100 kilograms and calm down. But it reached 150. The most global plans are a trip to Donbass and the autumn tournament "Mr. Olympia".

Maryana, you have a great figure. How do you keep fit?

The most important thing is nutrition. I was convinced of this last summer. A year ago, I started to eat right and lost a lot of weight - about ten kilograms. I gained weight for the competition, now I am losing weight again. Better not to eat sweets and rolls. And you don't even have to go to the gym, there are other options: dancing, cycling, boxing - you can find something interesting for yourself.

Losing weight is much easier than everyone thinks. The main thing is to eat right, it will quickly become a habit. For example, I constantly carry containers with healthy food with me so that I don't have the desire to eat something harmful.

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