Romanian boy giuliano stroy now. Giuliano Stroe is the strongest child

Pay attention to the photo of the boy from this article. This five year old bodybuilder has not only cute six cubes on his stomach, but also a whole real world record to his credit!

Giuliano Stroe, was born quite recently - July 18, 2004 in Romania in the family of a non-professional amateur bodybuilder. The boy, following the example of his father, began to play "iron sports" from the age of 2. His family currently lives in the Italian city of Florence ...

Junior record holder took pride of place on the pages of the world book of records after successfully completing one incredible exercise, stunning with its coordination ...

Following in the footsteps "Little Hercules" by Richard Sandrock, who not so long ago was declared the strongest boy in the world (and this is at the age of only three years), our hero is at that time five years old Giuliano Stroe(Giuliano Stroe - this is the original name of this kid) a couple of years ago he got into the Guinness Book of Records after performing the fastest ten-meter race on his hands with a weight that is gigantic for his own weight fixed on his body (between the legs).

With a physique that instantly became the envy of many people - incredibly muscular arms and six cubes on his stomach, the boy turned into an Internet star in the blink of an eye. Video clips with his participation beat all viewing records.

He also regularly performs his new stunts in front of a live audience right on the street and on various Italian TV shows. As a result, the baby in record time became just an Internet sensation, millions of people watch his amazing videos on Youtube.

Father Giuliano Stroe comments it like this:

“He started going to the gym with me ever since God gave us his birth. I always took it with me when I went to train. "

Giuliano Stroe videos:

“I have trained all my life, and have tremendous experience in this business, which I am happy to pass on to my son. I never allow a boy to train on his own, because he is just a child, and as soon as he gets tired, we immediately go to play with him. "

Young Champion says that copper pipes and lightning fame did not turn his head at all. And he adds that, like all ordinary children, he still performs the actions inherent in all kids: he loves watching cartoons, drawing and, of course, playing with peers ...

Here's a cautionary tale. I think this kid will loudly declare himself more than once - in any case, his potential is now simply enormous.

Many parents teach their children to play sports from a very early age. But only a few of them, not yet really having time to get stronger, already manage to set world records and declare themselves louder than professional athletes with many years of experience.

Giuliano and Claudio Stroe

The Romanian brothers-strong men from an early age began to conquer the Guinness Book records. Older brother Giuliano began training with his father at the age of two, and already at four he first entered the Book of Records for the fastest ten-meter penetration on his hands with sandwiched between his legs gymnastic ball... Giuliano set another record at the age of 9, having squeezed out 20 times on wooden pegs.

The youngest in the family, Claudio, did not give in to his brother and also set his first record at the age of 4 - he did 20 push-ups from the floor in a handstand.

Maryana Naumova

Our compatriot Maryana Naumova at the age of 16 has already set more than 20 world records in the bench press. The first resounding success happened already at the age of 11 at a competition in Moscow, when Maryana pressed 60 kg. After that, the schoolgirl was recognized as the discovery of the year according to the magazine "World of Power".

Soon, Maryana became the first teenage girl admitted to compete in one of the main tournaments of the planet for strong men - the Arnold Classic. Arnold Schwarzenegger personally congratulated the athlete on the victory and the new record. Last year, on the same Arnold Classic, Mariana in single-layer equipment has already pressed 150 kg.

Richard Sandrak

American guy with Ukrainian roots began to swing when he was only six years old, and already at eight had the most quick blows in the world - 110 punches in 15 seconds and 30 kicks in the same time. Soon little Richard was noticed by the media, after which he decorated the main events in the world of bodybuilding with his performances - "Mr. Olympia", Arnold Classic, "Night of Champions" and others.

In 2005, when Richard was only 12 years old, he became the host of the video program "Little Hercules for Children", which was translated into many languages, including Russian. Now Richard is 23 years old, and physically he practically does not differ from his peers.

Young Jinlong

Young became known all over the world as the strongest child in China at the age of seven, when Chinese television showed a first grader pulling a 2-ton car. His father personally took up his son's workouts after the child lifted and carried the 90-kilogram parent on his back. The little strong man does not have an athletic physique at all, at the age of 7 he weighed more than 50 kilograms.

C.J. Center

An ordinary boy CJ from Georgia at the age of 10 became the youngest fitness instructor in history. The child began to train at the age of five, and already at ten he released the first disc with his own training method, which in the very first months sold 4,500 copies.

Jake Schellenschlyager

Another outstanding American teenager Jake Schellenschlyager became famous all over the world, at the age of 14 he lifted a barbell weighing 136 kilograms, which is more than twice more weight his body. It is worth noting that, unlike previous strongmen, Jake began to train quite late - at the age of 11, and reached a world record in just over two years.

A schoolgirl from New Jersey was recognized as the most strong girl the world in 2012, she was then 10 years old. Naomi squatted with a barbell weighing 97.5 kilograms with her own weight of 42 kg. A year later, she was able to further improve her results, squatting with a barbell of 105 kg and doing deadlift with a weight of 113 kg.

Varvara Akulova

The girl from Krivoy Rog twice got into the Guinness Book of Records - first in 2004 as the strongest child on the planet, and then as the strongest girl in the world. For the first time, Varvara performed at a powerlifting competition at the age of four and with her own weight of 22 kg showed the result of 92.5 kg in the sum of three exercises.

Already at the age of 10, the girl began to perform regularly in the circus. Her most impressive act was raising a dais with 10 men, total weight which was about 700 kg.

Who tortured animals and posted photos and videos in social media... One puppy was crucified, the other was hung on laces. They took them from shelters, animals that are already less fortunate than everyone else. Why teenagers are so violent remains to be seen. Today, the main person involved in the case was detained in Novosibirsk and sent under escort to her hometown.

Today MIR 24 decided to remember children who were not like everyone else from birth. Only they were distinguished not by cruelty, but by their extraordinary abilities.


Giuliano was born in Romania, now he is 10, but already at 5 he managed to become famous all over the world because of his pre-inflated abs, biceps and physical endurance.

At the age of 2, his father began to train him, and already at 5 he was entered in the Guinness Book of Records for being able to walk 10 meters on his hands, while holding a rubber ball weighing 15 kg. And at the age of 7 he put new record- wrung out 20 times without touching the floor with his feet.

The boy's father claims that in addition to sports, he, like all other children, plays with his brother, draws, watches cartoons, and trains as much as he can withstand.

Will we ever see the Stroy in professional sports, time will tell.


Who among us has never dreamed that a person could never sleep? It’s hard to imagine, but it’s possible.

At least 10-year-old Rhett Lamb has given such hope to scientists. The baby's parents almost immediately noticed that he could not sleep and took him to the doctors. After careful research, it turned out that the part of the brain responsible for sleep was pinched and did not fit in the skull due to the corresponding pathology.

At the age of 6, the child's condition began to deteriorate, signs of aggressiveness and irritability appeared. Parents and doctors nevertheless decided on an operation that made Lamba the same as the rest of us - a person who wants to sleep.


Bortnik was born in Florida in 2000 and became famous due to the fact that at the age of three he began to play the harpsichord, at five he asked his parents for a piano and began to write music.

Bortnik says that he did not learn to play the notes, but simply reproduced what they heard. He started with Mozart, although he believes that it was not entirely professional.

His debut on the big stage took place at the age of 7 on "The Tonight Show" with Jay Leno.

In addition, Bortnik entered the Guinness Book of Records as the youngest solo performer in the world. Bortnik's second record - he became the youngest headliner at a concert in the "city of sin" Las Vegas.


But the Russian land is full of all kinds of talents. For example, a child was born in Norilsk, who in a minute uttered the word: "dad". And 17 minutes after birth, the word "mom" is already.

“Newborns cannot pronounce such complex syllables, children up to a month do not even go out for a walk! However, it happened. I will never forget about it! " - says the obstetrician-gynegologist of the maternity hospital №1.

Doctors explain this phenomenon by the fact that the child is able to learn while still in the womb. Therefore, if the parents deal with him as if he had already been born, then there is a high probability of giftedness.

True, there are scientists who believe that Bazheev was influenced by special radiation from space.


Pavone is now 11 years old, but he became famous already at 5, as the youngest professional drummer in the world.

Today, the eleven-year-old plays a 22-piece drum kit, including 17 cymbals and two large drums. He plays rock, funk, fusion and jazz beats using drum sticks and cymbals.

Povon began drumming at the age of three months. It's hard to imagine, but at 15 months he got a contract with a basketball team. Cleveland Cavaliers, in which he was responsible for playing drums, and at 20 months recorded his first disc with bassist Ralph Armstrong.


This girl is not a child prodigy or an indigo, but she ended up on our list because she was able to become famous all over the world due to her ... bad deeds.

At the age of 8, Clarke scribbled "Wash Me" on her parents' new Cadillac, stole a few hundred dollar bills from her mother, made a candle out of them and set them on fire.

Not without government manipulation: Clarke called the White House 167 times and demanded to speak with the president.

In addition, one day the girl blew up the toilet, destroyed her mother's favorite orchids with gas from a lighter, blinded two cats and cut off the dog's tail.

And when a journalist came to her house to talk about all the "unusual" actions of the girl, she put a teddy bear in his pocket and shouted that he had stolen it.

It is worth noting that now the girl has grown up and tied up with her eccentric behavior.


Aelita is only 9 years old, but she is already known all over the world as an abstract artist. She painted her first painting when she was 9 months old and became famous for her surreal style.

Giuliano Stroe is a young record holder who, at the age of 5, entered the Guinness Book of Records after completing the fastest ten-meter race on his hands with a weight fixed between his legs. It should be noted that the burden was serious - a ball weighing 15 kg! And this is not the only achievement of the young strongman! Giuliano's next record was 20 push-ups on his hands, without touching the floor with his feet.

Giuliano was born on July 18, 2004 in Romania. Now the Stroe family lives in Italy, in a beautiful city called Florence. It was there that the boy's path to fame began.

Giuliano's father, Julian Stroe, is a former gymnast athlete. According to the father of the little record holder, the boy started going to the gym very early. “He started going to the gym with me ever since he was born. I always took it with me when I went to train myself. " Already at the age of 2, Giuliano began training with various weights. Many may think that the parents of a baby are real monsters, because any child should have a childhood with toys, cartoons and other age-appropriate entertainment. We hasten to calm you down! Julian does not torment the child with training, does not force his son to train to exhaustion, and in general the boy's training is not hard (although, for those who are far from sports and can hardly do push-ups 2-3 times, it may seem completely different). “He’s a child! As soon as he gets tired, we stop studying and go to play. " Do not forget that Giuliano's father knows a lot about training and does not allow his son to train on his own in order to protect the child from any sports injuries and the dangers for. “I have trained all my life, and have tremendous experience in this matter, which I am happy to pass on to my son. I do not allow Giuliano to train on his own, because he is just a child. "

Thanks to his athletic achievements and physique, which no adult man would envy - muscular arms and abs, - Giuliano literally became a real star of the global web literally in the blink of an eye. Videos featuring the boy break view records, millions of people follow his progress. It is surprising and pleasant that the young record holder does not suffer from "star" disease. World fame did not turn his head and he still considers himself an ordinary boy. And, like all children, he loves to watch cartoons, play with his brother and peers, and draw.

The young athlete does not stop there and continues to amaze everyone around with his sporting achievements... Also, Giuliano often performs new tricks right on the street, in front of passers-by, participates in all kinds of shows in Italy and Romania. Surely he will not once declare himself, because the boy's potential is incredibly great!

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