Oleg shatov - biography, information, personal life. Oleg Shatov, footballer: biography, personal life, sports career In which club does Oleg Shatov play

Today Oleg Shatov is a top-level footballer, as evidenced by his invitation to one of the main favorites in the championship race recent years v Russian Premier League- St. Petersburg "Zenith". As a rule, a footballer acts as a winger on the left flank, he can also take a place under the striker.

The first coach of the future player of the St. Petersburg team was Sergei Ovechkin, and strengths midfielder has always been considered good speed and high precision transmission. He is also not deprived of the ability to dribble, which is an undoubted trump card for a player who spends the lion's share of the match on the flank of midfield.

Oleg Shatov is a native of Nizhny Tagil. Together with his wife Victoria, the footballer is raising two sons. In one of the interviews, the player said that he had not yet thought about the professional future of his children, but he did not rule out that they would want to follow in the footsteps of their father.

Football youth

Oleg Shatov started playing with the ball with early childhood... By the way, he started in mini-football at a club called Sinara, which is based in Yekaterinburg. The young footballer literally reveled in the game, taking part in competitions and watching the fights of his peers. In big football, Shatov also made his debut quite early - at the age of seventeen. His first professional club was Ural. In total, Oleg played 127 fights for Yekaterinburg, in which he managed to upset the opponents of the Orange-and-Blacks sixteen times. His greatest achievement as part of the Urals can be called the semifinals of the National Cup in the 2007-2008 season. From personal awards, we will single out the title of the best player in November 2010.

Golden "Anji"

In 2012 Makhachkala "Anji" experienced an unprecedented heyday. A lot of money came to the club, and in the person of the team from Dagestan, investors saw a powerful opposition to the Moscow teams and St. Petersburg Zenit. Just what is the invitation to the ranks of the Makhachkala eagles such stars as Roberto Carlos, Samuel Etoo, and later the eminent Dutch specialist Guus Hidding and others. category TOP.

Yuri Zhirkov, Vitaly Denisov, Oleg Shatov appeared in the team in turn. The midfielder's biography was replenished with another club, and the Makhachkala team acquired a potentially strong player capable of playing all 90 minutes in different positions in the attack.

New challenge

Oleg Shatov's Makhachkala voyage was limited to one season. The midfielder made his European debut, as well as better side proved himself in the national championship. It is not surprising that a year later the young but talented football player was noticed in St. Petersburg. The footballer immediately agreed to the transfer, and the blue-white-blue fans very quickly remembered who Oleg Shatov was.

“Zenith” got at its disposal another high-quality attacking player, which allowed the then coach Luciano Spalletti to establish combination football. By the way, new coach"Zenith" Mircea Lucescu has the fame of a mentor who largely relies on foreign performers, in particular, Brazilian. However, in the first six months, under the leadership of the Romanian, Shatov became an unconditional player in the main team.

Today the midfielder is a key figure in the St. Petersburg team, and after the jet Hulk left for China, he is also a new engine of the team. In all tournaments, Oleg Shatov played for the St. Petersburg team about 90 official matches, scored seventeen goals. As part of Zenit, Oleg admitted several times best player and, in addition, became the champion of Russia in football, and also won the national Cup in 2016. The St. Petersburg winger is considered one of the most talented and promising midfielders in the entire Russian championship, and his transfer cost, according to an authoritative British resource, exceeds 20 million euros.

National team

The player's football qualities could not go unnoticed at the state level. Until 2013, the midfielder defended the colors of the Russian youth team, for which he managed to play 15 matches. He scored his debut goal at the goal of his peers from Ukraine.

Since 2013, Shatov has been called up to the national team and has already managed to play about three dozen fights for it. In his first match, Oleg appeared on the field only in the second half, but twenty minutes later from the moment he appeared on the lawn, Shatov scored a productive shot at the gate of the Icelandic national team. It should be noted that the goal pass was given by Oleg's teammate Roman Shirokov at that time.

By the way, after the disastrous Euro 2016 for Russia, Shatov, unlike some of his colleagues leading a secular lifestyle, decided on a frank interview with journalists. The midfielder quite soberly assessed the prospects of Russian footballers, who, after such a tournament, would hardly have paid attention to large European clubs from the top championships.

Goals by Oleg Shatov

It cannot be said that Shatov often upsets opponents with a goal. On the contrary, for the footballers playing in his position in the European championships, in the column “ goals scored»More outstanding results happen. It is noteworthy that many of the midfielder's goals have their own flavor. So, for example, playing at Anji, Shatov scored goals in the European Cup campaign at the gates of Hungarian Honved and Dutch Vitesse. Already being a Zenit player, the midfielder scored important goals against Spartak, Standard Liege and Borussia Dortmund.


Oleg Shatov remembers well where he was from and how difficult it was to achieve success in the conditions that he had in childhood. That is why a football player is a patron of the arts. children's football in his native Nizhny Tagil. For a considerable amount of money, football grounds were equipped, conditions were created for everyone who wants to take part in the game of millions. And all this is far from the best area of ​​the city. Oleg plans to create similar conditions for playing football in other cities of Russia. Despite his "stardom", Oleg Shatov is an open and friendly person who is not alien to the concept of generosity and kindness.

Name: Shatov Oleg Alexandrovich.
Date of Birth: July 29, 1990
Place of birth: Nizhny Tagil, USSR.
Position: Midfielder.

Oleg Shatov - the story of a football player

He started playing football at the age of seven, in the section of the mini-football club "VIZ-Sinara".

The player started playing for VIZ-Sinar in 2006, but on March 21, 2007 he was loaned to the Ural football club. Since then Oleg Shatov was the main player in the team from Yekaterinburg. Was one of its best players from 2007 to 2011. In total, Shatov played 127 games for this club, scoring 16 goals.

From 2006 to 2011 he played for the mini-football club "VIZ-Sinara" from Yekaterinburg.

In January 2012, he went to the training camp with CSKA Moscow, but continued his career in Anzhi, Makhachkala. The contract was signed for 4 years. Scored his debut goal for Anji in the Europa League against the Hungarian Honved. The first goal in the Premier League of the Russian Federation was realized by a talented midfielder against the St. Petersburg Zenit. On September 16, he scored one of the fastest goals in the Russian championships. The ball was driven into the gates of Krasnodar in the 33rd second. In total, Oleg played 34 matches for Makhachkala residents and scored 3 goals.

August 14, 2013 signs a contract with St. Petersburg Zenit. He made his debut with them in the match against Dynamo Moscow. Playing for this team, Shatov, thanks to his speed and good dribbling, became one of the main players of the club, periodically scoring important goals both in the championships and in the euro arena.

Oleg Shatov's career in the Russian national team

On November 16, 2010, the talented midfielder made his debut for the Russian youth team in a friendly game against France. The match took place in France, in the city of Le Mans. The midfielder came on as a substitute in the 76th minute of the match. Russia won the confrontation 1: 0. On February 9, he made his first goal for the Russian youth team against the Ukrainian youth team. In total, Shatov played 15 matches for this team, scoring 4 goals.

On February 6, 2013, he made his debut for the Russian national team in the confrontation with Iceland. The player was absent from the starting lineup, came on as a substitute in the 46th minute of the match, and already on the 66th, shot straight into Iceland's goal. He played with the national team at Euro 2016, and gave an assist in the match against Slovakia.

Let's move on to achievements and club statistics on the example of the table:

Club Year League Cup Eurocup
games / goals games / goals games / goals
URAL 2007 8/2 0/0
2008 26/1 2/0
2009 28/2 3/0
2010 35/4 1/0
2011/12 27/7 2/0
"ANZHI" 2011/12 8/0 0/0 0/0
2012/13 24/3 3/0 14/2
2013/14 2/0 0/0 0/0
"ZENITH" 2013/14 22/4 1/0 7/1
2014 28/4 2/1 16/1
2015 27/8 3/0 7/2
2016 18/2 2/1 4/1
2017/18 13/0 0/0 3/0

We also look at the list of achievements that he achieved with FC Zenit:

  • became the champion of Russia - 2014/15;
  • Russian Cup winner - 2015/16;
  • winner of the country's supercup - 2015, 2016.

Personal life of Oleg Shatov

Married to Victoria Shatova, the couple has two sons - Mark and Leo.

Also on our website you can find the biography of another footballer of the Russian national team

Knocked out a guy from his other club, mini-football "VIZ-Sinara". Ivanov and his "football son" continue to communicate: Shatov always receives words of support and remembers where he came from, does not forget his worldly and sporting roots. Not so long ago, Shatov spent 15 million rubles on the construction of a stadium in his native region. Grigory Viktorovich is considered an extremely controversial figure, but he needs to be thanked for the fact that he "unearthed" and brought into the people a small nugget from Nizhny Tagil.

One of the main secret admirers of Shatov's talent at that moment was who was following Oleg's performance in the Urals. I remember how on the plane to Albania, where I was taken to the match with the youth team, Shatov let out in an interview to me that Leonid Viktorovich personally was in contact with him. However, he will meet with the coach much later, already in the national team. As a result, quite scandalous story(although Oleg himself had nothing to do with it, since he simply followed the decisions of Ivanov, whom he completely trusted) Shatov intercepted from CSKA. The young player enjoyed special favor and attention from grandfather Gus, regularly received practice and demonstrated effectiveness, despite the fantastic midfield and attack of Anji: strong then ... By the way, the future superbomber Smolov was also in that company - and unlike Shatov's time received very little.

The unexpected collapse of “Anji” brought Shatov to. There, following Slutsky and Hiddink, he celebrated him in every possible way. In an interview, the Portuguese called Oleg the most talented player in Russia. Together with, (when he was not treated) and Shatov became part of the impressive and well-coordinated attack group "Zenith". Of course, in terms of names and ambitions, the team was obliged to achieve more. But in better days these guys were unstoppable.

In parallel, Shatov became an indispensable figure in - first under Capello, then under Slutsky. In the qualifying campaigns and final tournaments of the last two championships - the world and Europe - Oleg played almost always: in 2014 he ousted from the start, in 2016 - the best assistant in the league, etc. Not everyone liked these decisions of the coaches. Nevertheless, both Don Fabio and Leonid Viktorovich, completely different both stylistically and mentally, gave preference to Shatov. It cannot be said that decisive matches the midfielder succeeded. On the other hand, in general, the entire Russian team was a miserable sight at both the 2014 World Cup and Euro 2016.

Oleg SHATOV (pictured with Ural President Grigory IVANOV) visiting the Viz-Sinara multifunctional complex, where he started his career. Photo of MFC "Sinara"


Shatov's crisis fell in 2017 - certainly the worst in his career and, it seems, the only one when Oleg was no longer singled out from total mass and appreciate. He's on by and large first encountered such troubles and has not yet been able to overcome them. In such stories, it is important to show character - and Shatov himself must first of all look at himself from the outside, if he really wants to regain his usual status of a "golden boy" and become stronger.

Nevertheless, the recession fully coincided with the unfortunate times for the entire “Zenith”. A weak spring led to the fact that Shatov did not get into the national team for. Before the publication of the composition, I called him personally: to give reasons for the decision and make it clear that in the future he is counting on Oleg. Such an act of the coach is not politeness and not empty words. In the same way, Cherchesov talked to another unhooked,. And he kept his word: as soon as Alexander began to light on football fields, and not in clubs and Instagram, then immediately returned to the national team.

So the summer call means: in -2018 they are counting on Shatov. We don't have a team where creative players can be scattered about. Yes, now the problem in finding a group of creators does not look so acute thanks to the progress of several players following the Shatov - Smolov - Kokorin - Dzagoev generation. However, at least no one is immune from injuries (alas, the national team loses leaders every year due to injuries, and, for example, Dzagoev is very often sick), and Oleg certainly will not be superfluous - and in the state of 2014 - 2016, being enough universal, will be able to qualify for the main team.

But if nothing changes in the situation with “Zenith”, Russia is likely to lose Shatov at the World Cup. And if everything drags on, it can lose forever.

June 2016. Bad Ragaz. Oleg SHATOV and head coach Russian national team Leonid SLUTSKY during preparations for Euro 2016. Photo by Alexander FEDOROV, "SE"


The situation, unfortunately, is trivial and simple. Player Oleg Shatov is not needed by the coach. It would be wrong to blame the Italian for this: he is responsible for the result and chooses the players to achieve the goals.

In fact, the Italian began to express his attitude at the very first press conferences. Although at first, after all, Shatov even played at Mancini at the base. And, by the way, he was effective - in the first matches of the season he gave several assists. The situation worsened by the middle of autumn and again layered on the decline in the results of “Zenith” - however, here I would not draw a parallel.

For clarity, here is a table of performances of Oleg and “Zenith”. Obviously, with Shatov, who gains trust, the blue-white-blue performed better than without him, but there could be a million reasons and coincidences: the strength of the opponents, a good or bad moment of the season, and so on.

According to my information, relations between Mancini and Shatov passed the point of no return at the end of last year. At the same time, the club had a different attitude to Oleg, which thinks about a long-term strategy, and not only about "here and now," like any coach doomed to be fired due to lack of current success. We must pay tribute to the president of “Zenith”: he played the role of a peacemaker to the last - he regularly talked with both the coach and the midfielder. Fursenko's participation and influence influenced the fact that Shatov took part and played well with and. And then there was a strange way out in the game from the position of full-back, a reverse substitution and Mancini's harsh commentary as an answer to the player and the club - does he need the footballer Shatov.

The lack of inclusion in the list of participants in the training camp in the UAE did not surprise the player. According to our information, about a week before departure for the training camp, Shatov called the deputy sports director and said that if Mancini decides not to take on the collection, “Zenith” is ready to consider options with a lease. With two conditions - it cannot be, competitors in the fight for gold.

There were several teams wishing to get Oleg. Among them was, by the way, and “Locomotive” on the initiative, but for the above reason, this option was basically impossible. “Zenith” in the end has so far received one official offer - from. According to my information, a correspondence took place between the two clubs (as I understand it, an unspoken sports leader acted on the part of Zenit) Oreste Cinquini).

That it was about free rent until the end of the year and the right to buy out in the summer for 5 million euros. “Zenith” in response offered a difficult scheme with the participation of Shatov, Smolov and Dziuba. From it it turned out in fact that the rent for six months would cost the bulls 2 million euros, and the ransom amount would increase by several million. When the question was raised about the reasonableness of such conditions, the answer was received from “Zenith” that they had changed their mind about giving out on lease. Mysteriously ...

The reasons for this turn in the negotiations are unknown to me. There are different versions on the sidelines. Maybe this is a response to the fact that Smolov and Krasnodar were reasonably unpleasantly surprised by Zenit's offer to take top scorer and the Premier League player of recent years on loan - as if Fedor needed a probationary period. Or is the fact that Krasnodar is too close in the table (1 point behind), and by giving the player to the bulls, you risk burying yourself in the fight for gold and three places in the Champions League - it's better to hold it in Zenit- 2 "out of harm's way, even losing out on salary costs of 1.5 million in six months. Or have some other circumstances changed?

On this score, I will refrain from my own opinion - and I wanted to emphasize two points. Firstly, Shatov himself, according to some information, when moving to Krasnodar, agreed to a salary cut - from 3 million euros per year to 2. To understand, no one gets 3 from the bulls, and from the main star Smolov - about 2.5 million. If the rent becomes paid, then every Shatov match goes gold. We take 2 million and a salary for six months, 1 million - and divide into 10 matches that remained with the “bulls” in the Premier League. This is 300,000 euros for one game. It is transcendental and can hardly be accepted by a person with a business-minded mind. It turns out that “Zenith” deliberately put forward impracticable conditions?

And secondly, some lyrics. Fans are used to criticizing football players for receiving unreasonable money and willing to sell football for them. Shatov is a rare example of a person doing something that commands respect. He gives up money in favor of football, in favor of playing practice, in favor of the 2018 World Cup, in favor of his own prospects. Although I don't want to make Oleg a great martyr either. The deed has common sense and also a business component. If you go down today and revive your career, then tomorrow you will return to your previous level of earnings (or even higher). And after sitting in oblivion, you risk in the end to be nothing and without any offers at all. The most striking example is, for years running in a circle in Krasnodar for the sake of keeping his salary.

June 2017. Oleg SHATOV (right) and Artem DZYUBA at Zenit's training session at the Austrian training camp. Photo by Vyacheslav EVDOKIMOV, FC Zenit


As I said, Shatov, who yesterday took part in the training session of the FNL outsider, was ready for the current turn of events. De jure, he learned about not being included in the gathering from the command chat, where a list of those flying to the UAE was posted. Neither he nor Dziuba saw their surname there either - that's all the information.

The player, allegedly, found out the reasons for sending to the second team. Here, again, I am not ready to engage in moralizing: was it necessary to first familiarize Oleg with the claims and why Mancini did not personally (for example, by phone) communicate with any of the unhooked. Well, he didn’t and didn’t, it doesn’t change the essence of the matter globally, from the conversation Udelnaya and Zenit-2 would not turn into the Emirates and Zenit-1.

Reducing the accuracy of Shatov's passes by 6% for last days became a meme in football circles... In addition, a number of claims were brought against Oleg:

- “benefited“ Zenith ”, was one of the leaders of the team, did a lot of work - but something went wrong”;

- "The indicator of the quality and the number of created chances has almost halved. Perhaps this is due to the loss of functional qualities";

- "I began to take less risks, less often to give sharp transmissions";

- "It seems that the accuracy of passes should have increased, but in reality the marriage has only increased, although the average pass accuracy for the team remained at the same level - 82.5%."

Then Malafeev sums up: “Shatov needs to work harder to meet the high requirements of the head coach and meet the level of the main team. will still benefit “Zenith”.

A day later in a large analytical material sports. ru Shatov was presented with a number of statistical claims - and it was noted that almost for the first time in Russian football the reason for dissatisfaction with the player was expressed in numbers.

This is true, but this approach is sly. It is really much easier to explain certain things to people from business who are used to focusing on rates, quotes, percentages and growth or decline charts with the numbers that the analytical department prepares. Still, in football, unlike the resource industry, a lot is understood intuitively, and numbers are too easy to juggle. Personally, in the case of Shatov, I was surprised that this kind of discussion was raised by Malafeev, himself a former football player. If you read a recent interview with Business Online, you will see that the coach uses different concepts, describing the problems and quality of the game of each of the players. In particular, for almost every player, Berdyev mentions factors such as giftedness, training, as well as moral, psychological and family aspects - in his opinion, they should be taken into account, too, because sometimes they are much more important than purely game indicators. I will take the liberty of saying that in the situation with Shatov, the very “coaching love” (or dislike), the decrease of which cannot be measured in percentage, also plays an important, if not key role.

Nevertheless, if the task was to defend Shatov, exclusively armed with numbers, this can be done with a competent presentation. Look. If we look at Shatov in the context of the entire team (we take into account the players of the midfield and attack lines) and its results, then we will see (data InStat):

1. leads among all midfielders and forwards of “Zenith” in the average number of assists per game (51), and in accuracy (79%) surpasses (65%), (76%), goes next to (81%, on average 41 passes ) and and is inferior only significantly (85%, 50 passes).

2. Shatov is the clear leader of “Zenith” in terms of key (sharpening) passes, on average 4.3 per game (none of the other players have and on average 3, the closest pursuer is Rigoni with 2.8).

3. In terms of the quality of the sharpening programs (47%) Shatov is in the same numbers as Kuzyaev (48%) and (47%), only they were taken to the collection, but he was not.

4. Shatov is the second in the team in terms of the number (6) and quality of strokes (62%) on average per game.

5. Shatov is ahead of other Zenit midfield players and attacks in the "expected goals" category in terms of "assists leading to a goal" ( KP 90 - 1.74) and "transfers leading to the impact" (A90 - 0.44).

The soccer geeks could go on with the numbers duel forever, but I'd like to ask a different kind of questions.

1. What is the role of the coach in the player's digital metrics? Is the game degradation, if it really exists, in direct proportion to the work of the coach, if the footballer shone for two seasons and suddenly took and reduced the accuracy of passes by 6%? Has the training intensity suggested to the athletes been considered? Is the division into “main” and “spare” taken into account?

2. Does the teamwork of the team and partners affect the accuracy of the passes, the quantity and quality of chances created and other indicators? Do Zenit players understand Shatov and does he understand them? The attack group has changed significantly, and more importantly, not a single person, including the head coach, will be able, after six months, to say which combination of players is now the main one for “Zenith”. This also applies to names and positions.

3. To what extent is it legitimate to use dry statistics in cases when a player plays in a wrong position, for example, a midfielder as a right-back? Or the player's mental readiness to reduce playing time, use as a reservist, and so on?

4. And most importantly, in my opinion. Is training at Zenit-2 filled with magic and can restore confidence to a football player, increase his passing accuracy by 6%, and improve the quality? created moments? Is this the place where the former strong Shatov will be revived? Doesn't the number "2" in the command name itself indicate that this is a real link? And in the links they never set the task of curing and returning to the previous level.

In the fall of 2017, Oleg SHATOV rarely appeared on the field as part of Zenit. Photo by Alexander FEDOROV, "SE"


This will depend primarily on further decisions. Apparently, the player intends to do without scandals and strictly comply with the club's requirements. But it cannot be ruled out that a footballer of the level of the Russian national team will have to spend the whole spring at Zenit-2. If the football player Shatov is really not needed by the coach of Mancini, and even if the Italian is once again persuaded to take this midfielder into the team, it will not end well anyway - you will not be forcibly sweet.

This, of course, is for a start about the next six months, which, however, play a special role because of. Mancini's contract is for three seasons. There are no guarantees in football: Zenit can still become a champion by winning 10 or at least 9 RFPL matches, or take the Europa League, or get into the Champions League, but it may turn out to be the third, as it is now, or even outside the league-championship troika, and then the head coach will be in special demand.

Therefore, it is a short-term lease to a club of a decent level that looks like the most logical decision for Shatov, and for Zenit, and for the national team, and for all Russian football, where life, I would like to believe, will not end after the 2018 World Cup.

Separately, it should be said about. According to my information, the club was not so eager to get this player (I was told that once upon a time, an inveterate debater, heatedly debated how Shatov good football player), but a number of factors persuaded the management to make an offer to Zenit. This, in particular, is the willingness of a football player to deteriorate personal conditions for the sake of practice, and the opinion that worked with Oleg in the youth team, being the closest assistant to Pisarev. In addition, there is great hope that the change of environment, regular practice and the confidence of the coach, which Shatov received with, will once again inspire him. “Krasnodar” knows how to reveal talents and give love to football players - the same Smolov felt this among the “bulls”, and a little earlier in the “Urals”, and opened up widely and in a new way.

At the same time, Shatov must understand: - for the second coach in a row, with whom he did not work out (there was almost an open conflict in general), and another misfire, for example in Krasnodar with Shalimov, could be fatal for the player's prospects.

Recently, he called Shatov's link to Zenit-2 a humiliation, but here one cannot completely agree with him, because the coach's opinion prevails over everything. But in Lately In Russian football, the verb “destroy” is often used - this is when an unnecessary player is deprived of the most important thing, football, and a career begins to die. But personally, I really want the career of Shatov - a smiling, positive guy from Siberia and a really talented, outstanding football player - not to be destroyed, actually marinated in a double, but saved.

Oleg Shatov is a midfielder from the small provincial Nizhniy Tagil, who has achieved a successful career in big football by diligence and perseverance. Despite his fame, the athlete still remains a sympathetic, open person with a broad soul and a kind heart.

Childhood and youth

Oleg Shatov was born in the Ural town of Nizhny Tagil Sverdlovsk region July 29, 1990. The boy's parents are non-public people and rarely meet with journalists. According to Oleg's father, no one was particularly interested in football in the family, but from childhood his son loved to chase the ball with the courtyard boys. At the age of seven, the boy took his mother by the hand and led him to record him for football.

The first coach was a mentor football school"Spring" Sergei Ovechkin. The mentor recalls that the young athlete became the youngest in the group, but remained hardworking and persistent. There were three workouts per day for different age groups and little Shatov remained for all three. The boy had his own agreement with his father. Sports should not interfere with learning. In the morning, Oleg went to lessons, then did homework and only in the evening went to training.

Oleg Shatov in childhood (left)

When the boy turned 13, the player was noticed by the president of the Ural football club and the head of the VIZ mini-football club Grigory Ivanov. The coach personally invited the young football talent to Yekaterinburg. Since in hometown There were no development prospects for the football player, the parents agreed to the proposal. Shatov Sr. admits that letting his son go into an independent life so early was exciting, but the son showed independence and responsibility.

The coach took care of the young pupil, rented an apartment and hired a woman to look after the boy and take care of him. Shatov also changed the school. The football player's class teacher, a math teacher, shared in an interview that at first Oleg studied very well, the student was even transferred to a specialized polytechnic class. And then football began to take away all the time, it was sorely lacking for school and lessons.

Oleg's classmates recall that they rarely saw a student in class. But the footballer was distinguished by his determination. Shatov knew what he wanted to achieve in life, and from childhood he connected his biography only with football.


Arriving in Yekaterinburg, little Oleg at first played mini-football and on a large football field. When it came time to decide on the sport, the boy chose big football... In 2007 the young man became a player of FC Ural.

A fast, dexterous footballer of short stature - 173 cm with a weight of 73 kg, Oleg took the position of a midfielder and began to play effectively in the first matches for the honor of the club. Colleagues and coaches noted the peculiarities associated with the experience in mini-football - the speed of reaction and the ability to act competently at short distances.

The midfielder played 127 matches for the Ural Bumblebees and scored 16 goals against his opponents. Having gone to training camp with CSKA Moscow in January 2012, the midfielder eventually signed a contract with Anji Makhachkala. Oleg's first goal in the Premier League hit Zenit in August 2012.

On August 14, 2013, the midfielder changes the club to Zenit St. Petersburg. The debut on the field for the "white-blue" took place on the field in the match against the capital "Dynamo". The next couple of seasons were successful for the athlete. In 2014, he was recognized as the best player in matches and months according to the results of a vote of the club's fans.

Together with the St. Petersburg club, he became the champion of Russia in the 2014-2015 season. The club took the Russian Cup in the 2015-2016 season, as well as the Russian Super Cup in 2015 and 2016. Also in 2013, he made his debut in the Russian national team in a friendly match against Iceland, scoring a goal against the opponents.

For a successful game on the field, a football player receives an appropriate reward. Clubs do not seek to advertise players' salaries, but, according to some information from sports publications that analyzed open information, Shatov's annual earnings at Zenit are € 2.5 million.

By the way, the coach changed the position of the athlete on the field with Zenit. As the midfielder admitted, the preferred location for him is the center, but the blue-white mentor chose places on the flanks for Oleg.

The best feints and goals of Oleg Shatov

Perhaps it was this choice that was the reason for not the most productive game in the 2016/2017 season. The club's management remained dissatisfied with the statistics of Shatov's goals and assists. Ultimately, the athlete ended up outside the list of the main line-up of players in the number of Zenit-2 players.

Personal life

Oleg tries not to dwell on the details of his personal life, however, like his beautiful wife Victoria. Joint photos, interviews of relatives and friends of the couple allow us to come to the conclusion that the lovers began dating back in Nizhny Tagil. The girl followed her future husband.

Victoria is very modest and charming. The wife gave her beloved two young sons, the youngest of whom was born in 2016. Victoria is engaged in charity and patronage. Together with her friend Ekaterina Smolnikova (wife of Igor Smolnikov - Shatov's colleagues at Zenit), she organized the Play & Help charity organization. Oleg often appears on the organization's Instagram page, who supports his spouse in his endeavors.

By the way, Oleg himself is also distinguished by the breadth and generosity of his soul. In 2016, with funds donated by the midfielder, in the homeland of a football player for 15 million rubles. a football field was built for young athletes.

But in social networks young man you rarely meet. The athlete's official page on VKontakte is run by fans. The reason for this is Oleg's busy schedule. It also interferes with visiting their homeland more often, with their parents, who still prefer to stay in Nizhny Tagil. Oleg's father is sympathetic to the rare visits of a star son and notes that they themselves visit a young family.

Oleg Shatov now

At the beginning of 2018, Zenit gave the midfielder on loan to an opponent - football club Krasnodar. Oleg, realizing that on the eve of the World Cup, he needed playing practice, agreed to the transition. Of course, the situation of misunderstanding with the coach Mancini, sending him to Zenit-2 did not cause pleasant emotions in the athlete.

According to the contract signed by the clubs, the midfielder could enter the field against Zenit only if he paid 10 million rubles. per match. On April 7, 2018, Oleg appeared in the Krasnodar line-up against the blue and white. It remains unknown who paid the amount stipulated in the contract. The player himself said that he does not play against Zenit, but for Krasnodar.

As a result, Krasnodar won with a score of 2: 1, with Shatov scoring one of the goals. However, for him the match turned out to be incredibly emotionally intense. Goal scored and the resulting injury was the reason for the replacement of the midfielder on the field. Once on the bench, the young man, unable to cope with the storm of emotions, shed a mean man's tear.


  • 2014/2015 - Champion of Russia
  • 2015/16 - Winner of the Russian Cup
  • 2015, 2016 - Winner of the Russian Super Cup
  • 2014/2015, 2015/2016 - on lists 33 best footballers Russian championship
Oleg Shatov is a young talented footballer who now plays for the St. Petersburg club "Zenith". He successfully played for the national youth team of the country, and now he defends the Russian national team.

Childhood and family of Oleg Shatov

Oleg was born in Nizhny Tagil. The boy began playing football at the age of seven. His first coach was Sergei Ovechkin. Father and mother were at work almost all the time, so playing football allowed the boy to be constantly busy.

Shatov studied well. Until the eighth grade, his grades were only five and four, and after the eighth grade, the novice footballer started his studies.

The beginning of the career of Oleg Shatov. Ural

When Shatov was only sixteen years old, he moved to Yekaterinburg, having received an invitation from the president of FC Ural. There, a novice footballer trained with a mini-football team every morning, then went to school for classes, and in the evening Oleg was in for big football. This went on for about three years.

At that time, it seemed to the novice footballer that in futsal his successes and prospects were more obvious than in big football. Nevertheless, when he had to make a choice, he chose big football. So he decided for himself, the same was advised by his father. Thanks to indoor soccer practice, young footballer there was agility, confident dribbling skills, the ability to make quick decisions and excellent speed.

In Yekaterinburg, a teenager lived in a separate apartment, where a woman named Svetlana looked after him, brought up, prepared food and sometimes helped with lessons.

Shatov's professional success, playing in different clubs

Shatov fell in love with Yekaterinburg, he became almost dear to him. Oleg liked the measured life of this city. For the first time in a bumblebee shirt, Oleg came out in August 2007 in a First Division match. It was a game against Dynamo Bryansk. Ural then won with a score of five to zero. Shatov scored his first goal for the team in October of the same year while playing against Anji. In that match, Oleg first appeared on the field in the starting lineup.

Goals by Oleg Shatov

Shatov played over a hundred matches for Ural. He has been on the pitch in the first team all the time since the second half of 2008. In the 2007-2008 Russian Cup, the footballer took part in the semifinals. Unfortunately, in that match the Yekaterinburg team lost to the Amkar team with a score of one-zero. In November 2010, he was awarded first place according to the results of a vote of the club's fans and local media, Oleg was named the best player in the team.

By the end of the first season of 2011-2012, Shatov managed to play in one hundred and twenty-four matches for Ural and score sixteen goals.

Oleg Shatov at Anji

At the beginning of 2012, Oleg was at the training camp together with the capital "CSKA". After some time, information appeared in the press about the player's probable transfer to Anji. Indeed, in 2012 it became known that Shatov had signed a contract with Anji for four years.

For a football player, the 2012-2013 season turned out to be very successful. V qualifying round In the Europa League, he scored the goal against the Hungarian Honved in the second leg. In the European campaign of "Anji" Shatov's goal was the first goal scored Russian footballer... Already in the very next match in the first half, the footballer beautifully sent the ball into the goal of Vitesse, having opened an account.

Football Russians: Oleg Shatov

In August 2012, in the game against Zenit in the national Premier League, Oleg Shatov scored his first goal. He especially distinguished himself in the same year in the match with the Krasnodar team, when the ball flew into the goal already at the thirty-third second of the game. The author of this very quick goal there was Shatov.

Oleg Shatov at Zenit

In August 2013, it became known from official sources about Oleg's transfer to Zenit St. Petersburg. At the end of August, the footballer entered the field against the capital "Dynamo". This game was the debut for Shatov.

In the away match of the Russian championship against the Krylya Sovetov team, the footballer managed to send the ball into their goal twice. Oleg scored the winning goal in the home match against Spartak. In February 2014, the talented footballer became the author of the ball against Borussia Dortmund. It was the first leg of the one-eighth Champions League final.

Shatov's games for the Russian national team

For the first time, Oleg received a call-up to the youth team under twenty-one in November 2010. In a friendly match with France, the footballer made his debut, where he appeared on the field at the seventy-sixth minute, coming on as a substitute. This match took place on the road in the city of Le Mans. The Russian youth team won with a score of one to zero.

As part of the youth team in 2011, Oleg repeatedly took part in the matches of the Commonwealth Champions Cup. Within the framework of this tournament in January 2011, Shatov scored his debut goal for the national team in the match with Finland in the forty-ninth minute. Oleg's goal was the only one for both teams in this match. By the beginning of 2012, Shatov played for the youth team in eleven matches, and managed to score four goals.

For the first time, Oleg was called up to the national team when he was still playing for Anji. He made it to the final squad of the Russian national team at the 2014 World Cup.

Personal life of Oleg Shatov

The footballer has an open character, he is sociable, but Oleg never talks about his personal life, this topic is always banned. All that is known is that he is married to a girl named Victoria. Often they appear together at sporting events.

What profession Victoria has is unknown, but it is definitely not connected with mass culture and television. She devotes a lot of time to Oleg and her career. She is friends with the wife of Igor Smolnikov (Zenit defender), together the ladies launched the Play & Help charity initiative

Oleg Shatov now

In 2016, Oleg Shatov entered the Russian national team at the European Championship in France. He and the rest of the team trained hard under the supervision of coach Leonid Slutsky.

In June of the same year, it became known that Oleg Shatov had invested 15 million rubles in the construction of a school stadium in his native Nizhny Tagil.

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