What day is it better to go to the gym. The best time to train: features and advice from professionals

What is the best time to go in for sports? This question is asked not only by novice and experienced athletes, but also by those who have decided to take seriously their health. Each of us has our own tasks, responsibilities and individual characteristics, therefore, based on this, it is not so easy to find time for training. Some have free time in the morning, for others in the evening, and for others at lunch, in the middle of the working day.

Naturally, another question arises: "When is it better to train for greater effect (efficiency), while not harming your health?" But first, I will tell you about two existing opinions on this matter.

First option

There is such a thing as biorhythms or human circadian rhythms. At one time, scientists set up a series of experiments that were aimed at determining the relationship between sports and exercise time (which half of the day). So, it turned out that at noon and in the early evening, a person's body temperature is slightly higher than at other times of the day. Therefore, we came to the conclusion that BETTER all exercise in the afternoon, in the late afternoon, because the risk of injury, at this time, is most reduced due to the higher body temperature. And for this, power loads and stretching (gymnastics, dancing, and so on) are better suited. However, early in the morning, light cardio activities are advised: jogging, cycling (stationary bike), race walking or swimming.

Second option

Others argue that it doesn't matter what time of day it is better to do sports, the only thing is to train regularly and at the same time. Since it is then that the body will adapt to you and already be ready for training.

In the end, since we are all different, but human body Is a complex biochemical machine. That specific time for each person does not exist. All you need to do is monitor your progress and your well-being, that is, what time you are most energetic and how you feel before and after training. Therefore, you need to experiment with yourself and choose the time that suits you best.

Where do they agree?

Both of them agree that you can go in for sports at any time, the main thing is that it is regular and comfortable for you and your well-being. But if you train incorrectly, that is, without a warm-up, with very heavy loads for your body (not enough training), violating the exercise technique, train very often (not letting the body recover), and so on. Then you will not only fail to make progress, but also regress, as well as get injured, thereby worsening your health.

There are many examples when professional athletes, exercising at different times (some in the morning, and some in the afternoon or in the evening) - achieve very high results. Therefore, there is no difference at what time it is better to go in for sports.

A very common question

People often ask. Is it possible to do immediately after sleep physical exercises or start running, swimming and so on (cardio)? The question is certainly interesting, especially how to understand the phrase "immediately after sleep." You don't start exercising right after you wake up.

In reality, something like the following happens in life. We wake up, get out of bed, go to the toilet-shower. We wash or take a shower, drink a glass of juice, tea, coffee or water. And already at this moment, the body begins to wake up completely, but since we are all different, someone wakes up completely after 10 minutes, and someone needs half an hour ... Then we get dressed, take a bag with us and go to the gym or to sports ground... We warm up well there and start training. And where is it right after sleep?

For example, in the east they train early morning starting at 4-5 am. There are a number of reasons for this. Well, first of all, it's very hot for them, and it's very hard to train in the heat, so they train before the sun comes up. And secondly, there is already a stereotype to train early in the morning and go to bed early. After all, there is a rich practice and people understand well where the benefits are and where the harm is.

How to determine for yourself what time of day it is better to go in for sports

Try experimenting a little with the time of classes and physical activity in order to find a middle ground for yourself. Naturally, you will have to take into account the possibilities that you have in real time and your biorhythms.

Morning workouts

  1. If after morning workouts there is a feeling of freshness and vigor. And there is still a whole working day ahead, then it is the morning time that suits you best. But in this case, you will have to go to bed very early.
  2. But if you need to go to work in the evening, then after training well in the morning, you can also have a great rest after training.

To make it easier to recover from sleep - use.

Workouts at lunchtime

This time for training is not uncommon, but on the contrary, a very common situation. Because if there is time for lunch and gym(sports ground) is not far from work, then why not practice, but morning and evening are free. This training time is perfect for both owls and larks, since both are already very vigorous and full of energy.

What time is better to do sports - evening workouts

The second type of people is "owls". They cannot perform early in the morning training exercises... Their body is so arranged that it needs more time to swing. Everything morning classes for such people it will be a burden, but in the late afternoon, their capacity for work is maximum. Therefore, it is better for them to exercise after work. You can do this as soon as you have free time or after you have rested for a while, after work. In any case, you have to look for yourself, when, most of all, you will have free time in the evening.

Just don't tighten or exercise before bed if you can't sleep after exercising. Since for some, training before bedtime very much excites the nervous system, after which they simply cannot close their eyes, and as a result - insomnia and poor health. True, there are exceptions to this rule. Some, on the contrary, fall asleep well after exercise.

Those who find it difficult to fall asleep after training are advised to do some simple relaxation techniques. They are well described in various sources, but I will give one of the options, which I myself use in training.

Learning to relax (relaxation)

These exercises are based only on your feelings and the ability to relax your muscles. So let's get started.

  1. Lie on a rug (rug), tatami or mat.
  2. Close your eyes.
  3. Breathe very deeply and slowly to stabilize your heartbeat and oxygenate your blood.
  4. Then, start relaxing your toes first, after the feet, lower leg and thighs. As a result, a wave of relaxation should sweep across the abdomen, chest, arms, neck and reach the face.
  5. Here you need to be careful and try to relax every muscle and ligament, as this is very important. So, several times pass mentally over each part of the body and feel how everything is filled with calmness and heaviness.
  6. Think of something good.
  7. And lie in this state, with your eyes closed, for 5-10 minutes.

When you learn to do this, then this relaxation will become an integral part of your workouts for you. Since this good way calm your nervous system. Well, if this does not help, then you will have to postpone the training time, a little earlier or even in the morning or afternoon hours.

Now you understand that the question is: “What time is it better to go in for sports? "- nothing more than an absurdity!

Pros of morning workouts

  1. In the morning you are full of energy, so you can give your best in training.
  2. Morning classes prepare (adjust) everything internal organs and systems, for their correct operation, and you just have to join the working rhythm.
  3. After training, you have a sense of accomplishment. And now you know that you can work calmly, without fear that you will not have the strength to train if you were training in the evening.
  4. The evening is free, so you can plan your vacation with your family or friends. Or watch your favorite movie or TV show and go to bed.

Pros of lunchtime workouts

  1. You are still full of strength (energy) for training, unlike evening classes.
  2. You don't have to get up early in the morning or go to the gym after work to work out.
  3. You know that your evening is free, so you can have a great rest.
  4. Thanks to this mode, you get a lot more time.

Pros of evening workouts

  1. Many people are most active in the evening.
  2. There is nowhere to rush, so you can take care of yourself, as there is plenty of time, unlike in the morning.
  3. After training, there is also time to take a walk and take time for complete rest from everyday activities.
  4. In the evening, you can do great sports with your friends and acquaintances.

  1. It so happens that work does not allow you to play sports at the same time. Of course, the situation is difficult, but not critical. Therefore, you need to adapt in order to be healthy and keep yourself in shape. There is only one way out - go in for sports when you have free time (at any time), but with all this, training should be regular, at least 2-3 times a week.
  2. Never look for reasons not to train, as they will always be found. On the contrary, look for ways to go to the sports field or gym.
  3. You need to train wisely, carefully thinking over the daily regimen, training program, diet and rest, because only if you comply with all these conditions, you will make progress.
  4. Only by experimenting with yourself, you will understand your body and achieve excellent results, because it is not for nothing that they say: "Everything comes with experience."
  5. If you are exercising with the goal of losing weight, then do not eat 2 hours before and after training - give the body the opportunity to waste its reserve reserves (fat). Learn more about post-workout and pre-workout nutrition.


Now you understand that it is absolutely not important at what time it is better to go in for sports, because it all depends on your individual characteristics, free time and well-being. The most important thing is to exercise regularly, eat right, rest well (give the body time to recover after training), monitor your progress, and try to train at the same time of day. After all, then the body will adjust to you and will be ready for stress (training).

And the last thing to do sports wisely is much more useful and better than not doing it at all. Sport is movement, and movement is life.

Go in for sports, eat right and get better - I wish you success.

Anyone who has made a strong-willed decision to regularly play sports in order to improve health or lose overweight, be sure to think about at what time it is better for him to study and at what interval after that to take. In these questions, the scientific research and recommendations that we have collected in this material will help to understand.

All pros and cons in favor of the morning

Also evening workouts are most effective for relieving stress.

Cons of classes in the evenings

The disadvantages of exercising in the evenings include the fact that if a person has the priority to reduce forms and burn fat, such training should take place late in the evening, at least a couple of hours after.

This should also add the answer to the question: is it possible to do exercises before bedtime. Any exercise should be completed at least two hours before bedtime. The fact is that it is an important factor for the health of every person. And exercise raises the body temperature, increases blood circulation, brings the nervous system into a state of excitability, and the body to wakefulness. All these factors not only do not contribute to normal and timely falling asleep, but even hinder it.

Important! If there is no other time, except late in the evening, for training, then at the end of the set of exercises, breathing exercises should be carried out. They will help to establish normal breathing and normalize body temperature.

And one more important aspect- Going to bed after exercise is not recommended. You need to eat something light protein-carbohydrate.

What about lunch?

Lunch workouts are not as popular as morning and evening workouts. They are most often resorted to on, in, during the absence of work, etc. Let's consider whether the exercises are effective at this time.

Why can

During the daytime, the body's highest pain tolerance is observed. Therefore, it is good to carry out power loads at this time. Daylight favors more comfortable and effective activities.

The advantages of daytime visits to gyms include the fact that at this time they are not crowded, as a rule, there are free instructors who can pay more attention to you. Also, if you have the opportunity to play sports during your lunch break, this will allow you to soak up your bed in the morning or relax a little longer after a hard day in the evening.
Lunchtime workouts energize the rest of the day, stimulate, and increase productivity. Surely many are interested in the question: is it possible to play sports after eating, for example, at lunchtime. The optimal interval between workouts should be 1.5-2 hours (if the goal is only to be in shape, then it can be reduced to one hour).

In the morning and evening sports activities the main meal should be on. Lunchtime workouts should be done at the recommended intervals before and after meals. Better to have lunch after class.

Important! In the post-workout diet, you should minimize fat intake and eliminate caffeine (within two hours). Before and after classes, you need to drink at least half a liter of liquid for an hour.

Why not

In any person, regardless of the characteristics of biorhythms, zero activity of the body occurs in the afternoon hours - from two to three. Therefore, it is not worth planning sports activities for this time.

It will be difficult for a working person to plan the time for lunch, since it is not advised to eat a full meal before training, and the food after classes will already have to be for an afternoon snack, which should also not be oversaturated with calories.


Of course, everyone will select the time for training individually, depending on the rhythm of life, work or study schedule, their chronotype and desired result... The purpose of our article is to point out the changes in the body that occur at one time or another of the day during physical activity.
Summing up the above, we note that training at any time of the day and regardless of the interval of food intake will be useful for maintaining health. If the ultimate goal of exercise is to set muscle mass and it is planned to focus on strength exercises, on stretching, then the best time for this will be evening. Swimming and team sports are also good in the evening.

Those wishing to lose weight quickly and effectively should give preference to morning workouts. At this time, it is good to engage in light types of load: cycling, exercise, etc.

If you are clear about a certain chronotype, then "larks" tolerate training best before 12 noon, "pigeons" train well around 4 o'clock in the afternoon, and "owls" prefer to physically load the body in the range of eight in the evening.

Every person who starts doing fitness at some point asks the question: What is the best time to exercise? This question depends on many factors, but we will try to answer it as clearly and understandably as possible.

I would like to note that everyone who has pulled himself together and is engaged in any kind of sport is already on the right path, and it does not matter what time of day he is engaged. The main thing is that he does it! You need to understand that even after reading our recommendations, you yourself choose the training time in accordance with your employment and your desire.

Scientists have proven that the best time to exercise is in gym, it's 4-5 p.m. (Based on scientific research published in “Sports medicine” magazine). But who said that you cannot study at any other time? Let's take a look at the pros and cons of exercising at different times of the day.

Morning workouts

Morning workouts are incredibly enjoyable! For example, Dwayne Johnson always trains in the morning. Before dawn, at four o'clock in the morning, Dwayne goes for a run so intense that you can wring out your clothes afterwards. This early cardio helps him to feel energized and sets the right mindset for the rest of the day. Let's take a look at the pros and cons of morning classes.


  • Exercising in the morning speeds up your metabolism (metabolism).
  • You get a charge of vivacity and positive energy for the whole day.
  • Morning workouts are highly disciplined. As practice shows, it is much easier to accustom yourself to morning workouts than to daytime or evening workouts.
  • Since everyone is still asleep, you will have much less time spent on distractions.
  • In the morning, during exercise, first of all, there is a burning of fat reserves in your body, which means this is a great time for cardio workouts.


  • If you don't like or are not used to getting up early, it will be difficult for you to force yourself to exercise at a time like this.
  • In the morning, the muscles are not yet warmed up, therefore, without a high-quality warm-up, there is a high probability of injury.
  • If you are planning a strength workout, then you will have to get up even earlier for a good breakfast or a portion of the gainer, otherwise you will not have energy.
  • If you exercise at high intensity, then by the evening you will feel very tired and your efficiency will greatly decrease.

If your goal is to lose weight, and it is not difficult for you to get up early, then the best time for training is morning. For a weight loss workout program, see our article on High Intensity Interval Workout for Burning Fat. Yoga or meditation classes are also suitable for this time of day. It should be noted that in the morning our joints have little elasticity, so active exercises should be avoided. If you do decide to do strength training in the morning, do not neglect the warm-up and be sure to eat 1-1.5 hours before training.

Let's take a look at what scientists have to say about the ideal time to exercise. Consider the opinion of scientists from Williamsburg - a city in the United States. Here, scientists chose 100 untrained men for an experiment who trained at 8:00, 12:00, 16:00 and 20:00.

The results showed that the activation of fast-twitch muscle structures, which is responsible for lifting weights, is better when the body temperature is higher, which occurs in the afternoon. Thus, they set the best time for training: from 16:00 to 20:00.

Now let's turn our attention to the study of scientists from Washington. They argue that exercise is necessary depending on your body type and metabolic rate. Endomorphs with a slow metabolism should exercise in the morning to consume their internal stores of energy and fat.

Ectomorphs with a lean physique are forced to train in the evening so that by the time of training they have the necessary energy and nutrients derived from food. Mesomorphs, people with an average build and metabolism, can exercise both in the morning and in the evening. For more information on body types, see the article Body types.

Scientists from Washington say that you should listen to your own biorhythms, and also note that if you exercise at about the same time, your body will get used to it.

Day workouts

Daytime workouts are more suitable for schoolchildren or students, as well as those whose work schedule allows them to devote 1-2 hours to workout in the afternoon.


  • Body temperature is slightly higher than in the morning. It will be easier and more comfortable for you to get started.
  • Muscle glycogen stores and blood sugar are good.
  • Improves blood flow to the brain. After training, you will be able to work even more productively.
  • Reduces stress levels after work, school. You can throw out all the negative energy in the hall.
  • At this time, endurance increases. It is she who is important for training with weights.
  • Research shows that our lungs are at their best during this time.


  • Distractions that may prevent you from starting your workout at the scheduled time.
  • If you train at lunchtime, then the disadvantage will be time constraints, the training may turn out to be incomplete.

Summing up, it should be said that at this time the most effective classes will be strength exercises, stretching, crossfit and other exercises that require endurance and strength. Before such workouts, you should definitely take care of your food intake.

Evening workouts

Who is evening workout suitable for? They are ideal for those who feel sluggish and sleepy in the morning. They are also suitable for swimming and team sports.


  • Body temperature in the evening is ideal for exercise.
  • In the evening, in training, you can get rid of the stress accumulated during the day.
  • Your energy is at its peak from 6 to 9 pm. Place the main part of the workout during this period, for more late time you can leave the hitch and stretch.


  • Evening workouts can cause sleep disturbances and you will need to change your workout schedule.
  • Before the evening, you can come up with a number of excuses for not going to workout. The habit of evening classes takes longer to form than at other times of the day.
  • Fat burning will be ineffective due to its high blood sugar.

The best time for strength training and weight training

The evening is the perfect time to spend strength training... You can familiarize yourself with weight training in our article Weight training program. However, you should provide for dinner 1.5-2 hours before training, so as not to burden your body with a heavy meal before going to bed.

It should also be remembered that there are many other equally important components of a successful training. The most important of these are:

  • regular training
  • good and proper nutrition
  • recreation
  • desire and belief in the result

If you have the opportunity to do at the recommended times the type of physical activity that is most suitable for this, then this is great: you naturally help your body achieve the desired result faster. If you do not have such an opportunity, then do not be discouraged, your body will choose the best time for training, the main thing is to listen to it well and help it find this time.

And in conclusion, a summarizing video on this issue from the leaders of fitness and bodybuilding in Russia.

We have analyzed all the pros and cons of training at different times of the day. Adjust the timing of your workouts to your goals and your well-being, so it will be easier for you to organize yourself and you do not want to miss workouts. One way or another, the main thing is not the time of training, but its content and consistency. Always work out at the same time, then your body will get used to the loads and adjust to your training schedule.

Many circumstances affect our ability, desire and ability to engage in fitness, as well as the effectiveness of these activities, ranging from lifestyle, time of day, strength of character, psychotype, biorhythms, habits to profession.

Therefore, it is not possible to unambiguously determine the time period common for each and every one for the most comfortable and effective workouts.

Each period has its own pros and cons. Each individual will have something different.

Benefits and cons of morning workouts

If you are a morning person

Do you like to get up at dawn, while you feel cheerful? You are lucky.

Exercising in the morning will be especially effective because:

  • During this period, metabolism occurs in the best way, energy will be drawn from the breakdown of fats.
  • Exercise is a wonderful stress reliever.
  • Mental health is being optimized.
  • Morning fitness improves productivity for the entire day.

Larks are better suited active morning workouts .

Quite acceptable:

  • cardio;
  • group lessons;
  • interval;
  • water aerobics.

Thus, you will raise the tone, activate metabolic processes, functions nervous system Lose subcutaneous fat easier and faster.

Remember the peculiarities of training in the morning.

  1. Take more time to warm up:
  • The body, joints, ligaments in the morning are not so flexible, mobile.
  • Give your heart an opportunity to "wake up". In a dream, the blood becomes thicker, the circulation slows down. The heart pump reduces contractions and emissions.

Do not jump out of bed, do not overload the heart muscle, do not force blood to be pumped at an accelerated rate. About the signs of myocardial infarction.

  1. After a warm-up, a higher intensity of work is permissible, and it will give more results than in the evening, since you did not have time to get tired during the working day.
  2. Pump your muscles, push heavy weight, it is not recommended to overload the body.

If you are an owl

Getting up early is not for you?

The alarm clock rings, but you have no strength to move or open your eyes, and not to act somehow?

A few simple life hacks will help you to wake up easier and force yourself to get up:

  1. Think about how uncomfortable you are after a release. morning workout due to weakness and cowardice, and possibly. Conscience gnawed, mood fell.
  2. Ask yourself, have you ever regretted after busting yourself, getting up and doing a good workout? No! On the contrary, they felt proud, vigorous, the mood was rising, the day passed with a plus sign.
  3. Think about how, over time, you will more easily cope with the difficulty of awakening, and doing fitness will help strengthen health, muscles, and remove excess fat. And each time it will be easier, and the result will be more tangible. And ... come on, get out from under the covers!
  4. Open your eyes, stretch in all directions, do light twists, stroke your body, starting the movement of blood, lower your legs, sit down.
  5. Talking about, we wrote that in order for the sleep hormone melatonin to be produced, darkness is needed. Now you need to act from the opposite. We begin to bring light into the room. Turn on the lamp on the bedside table. Blind the windows.
  6. Replenish the body with fluid:. What will it give?
  7. Tousle the hair on your head. Massage your skin and hair roots well. Focus on the base of the skull and temples.

The release of endorphins, stimulation of blood flow, will help to finally awaken, and along the way will strengthen the hairline.

In the morning they will be useful and feasible calm exercises such as:

  • Stretching.
  • Yoga.
  • Gymnastics for the joints.
  • Just gymnastics at home is possible.

They will wake up and prepare the body for the working day, activate the creative message.

Planning a run? Don't do it straight from the bed. Do not force the myocardium, forcing it to pump more "heavy" blood. Transfer it an hour and a half later.

At the beginning of the day - only light loads: excessive activity, especially for owls on "cold" muscles and joints, is traumatic. Power loads set aside for the evening.

If the possibility of training in a fitness club is available only in the morning, they should be gentle.

Exercising regularly in the morning will help to slightly shift your bio clock, you will be able to fall asleep earlier, and in the morning you will feel more vigorous, or at least less overwhelmed.

But! If all this is extremely difficult, - do not break yourself!

Training sessions, constantly produced through withdrawal, will not be efficient enough and energy-consuming.

Should you eat before fitness?

Whether you should do it on an empty stomach, or after having breakfast, the opinions of experts and practitioners on this issue differ.

The cons

After waking up, the metabolism is activated. Exercising in the morning on an empty stomach will force the body to deplete available energy reserves for energy production, burning fat.

However, this does not apply to classes that will take place 1-1.5 hours after waking up.

And you should definitely drink a glass of water or an isotonic drink.

Immediately after sports load have breakfast with complex carbohydrates. Lack of breakfast will slow down metabolic processes.

The pros

In the morning, the body has a low energy level, low blood sugar.

Exercising on an empty stomach:

  • you get tired quickly;
  • lack of energy will lead to low intensity of training;
  • the number of approaches or exercises will be less than possible.

In any case, do not exhaust yourself with heavy loads and hunger.

Afternoon workouts

They are almost as effective as morning ones.

But, since you have already taken food a couple of times, the blood sugar in the body has increased, there is energy that will make them more intense.

Such classes:

  • increase efficiency;
  • help:
    • cheer up;
    • avoid a breakdown
    • change your occupation, refocus;
    • use the energy received during the meal;
    • activate the brain;
    • take off that may manifest overweight, other problems.


  • breathing exercises;
  • stretching;
  • cardio;
  • bench press;
  • strength training with a barbell or dumbbells.

During this period, the muscles are most active, not overworked, which will help in a short time to correct the figure, build up muscles, and work out the reliefs of the body.

Evening workouts: good or bad?


  • In the evening, the best response of the neurons responsible for the interconnection of the brain and muscles.
  • The results of the studies, published in the journal Experimental Physiology, indicate that fitness in the evening not only does not affect sleep, but reduces the production of the hormone ghrelin, which stimulates hunger, which also contributes to weight loss.
  • Evening workouts can help relieve stress.
  • Most suitable:

    • bike;
    • martial arts;
    • water aerobics.

    It is believed that evening classes will disrupt sleep patterns. However, if after them and water treatments go to bed right away, there will be no problems. You can also use relaxing yoga or these.

    Which workouts are more effective: morning, afternoon or evening?

    The main thing is to have them!

    Take the time and exercise!

    Be sensitive to your physiology, do not force yourself. It will certainly not bring any pleasure or results.

    However, you should know that for some diseases, for example, such as, physical activity should be abandoned.

    What is the best time to train in the gym - this is one of the most frequently asked questions. While some people lace up their sneakers at dawn and go to train, others cannot get themselves out of bed until noon.

    Opinions also vary among experts. Someone claims that it is better to do this in the morning, and someone in the evening. Everyone is trying to give their reasons. But what does science say about this? Let's try to figure out what is the best time to work out in the gym? In the morning, afternoon or evening?


    The daily rhythm is regulated by the Earth's 24-hour rotation pattern. This affectsbody functions playing important role in its readiness for physical activity: blood pressure, temperature, hormone levels, metabolism and heart rate. These fluctuations in the intensity of various biological processes in connection with the cycles of sleep and wakefulness of a person are called circadian rhythms.

    The circadian rhythm of our body determines whether we are an owl or a lark. Therefore, our chronotype plays an important role in deciding when to train. It is easier for owls to exercise in the evening, while larks exercise in the morning. Once you have such a clear preference, it is fairly easy to decide which schedule is right for you. While the scientifically proven fact is interesting that no matter what time we think is the best, almost all of us are physically stronger and more enduring at the end of the day.

    Scientists have found that although circadian rhythms are innate, we can change them based on our behavior. For example, using alarms, meal planning and exercise. Research shows that our ability to maintain high intensity workouts will adapt to the timing of their exercise. People who constantly exercise in the morning have accustomed their bodies to work at this time of day. And when they do evening exercises, they don't feel so strong. Therefore, if circumstances do not allow you to exercise at your preferred time, this is not a reason to be upset. You can change your rhythms and your body can adjust to the new training time. However, it can take about a month to reset the internal clock.


    Body temperature is an important factor in conductingquality workout. A cold body is tight muscles that do not give the opportunity to work as efficiently as possible, moreover, they are susceptible to sprains. The increased body temperature makes the muscles more elastic. It usually increases during the day, reaching a peak in the evening. In the afternoon, among other things, the reaction time and speed are better. Heart rate and blood pressure are low. All of this increases productivity and reduces the likelihood of injury.

    This is supported by scientific evidence. For example, a study published in 1998 in the journal Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, studied the effect of time of day on muscle performance in a group of young untrained men. Each of them performed a series of endurance exercises at 08:00, 12:00, 16:00, and 20:00. The performance was overhigh in the evening.

    And in a study published in 2009 in The Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, a group of young men showed greater increases in both muscle over 10 weeks (3.5% versus 2.7% with morning group), and strength during classes in the evening (from 17:00 to 19:00).


    Research shows. What optimal time for training - this is the evening. But if you have problems planning and consistency in your workout routine, then morning is best. In the afternoon and evening, exercise often conflicts with other responsibilities and activities. Plus a whole day of stressful work can do serious damage to willpower.

    Morning exercise can also be a good option for improving your sleep quality. If you have trouble sleeping, read the article ““. Because exercise increases heart rate and body temperature, exercising too late can disrupt sleep, while a 2014 study published in the journal Vascular Health And Risk Management found that physical exercise 7 a.m. (versus 1 p.m. or 7 p.m.) can help you sleep more soundly at night.

    And in an experiment published in 2011 in The Journal of Strength And Conditioning Research, levels were tracked blood pressure and sleep in people between the ages of 40 and 60. Each participant did moderate walking on a treadmill at 7:00, 13:00, and 19:00 for 30 minutes, three times a week. The researchers found that all participants who exercised at 7 a.m. showed a 10% overall decrease in blood pressure and a 25% decrease in nighttime blood pressure.

    Morning cardio - one of the first assistants in fat burning. A 2013 study published in The British Journal of Nutrition reports that people can burn as much as 20% more fat by exercising on an empty stomach, which is much easier to do in the morning than in the evening. This once again confirms the popularity of hungry cardio. So if you are a morning person or prefer to workout in the morning for some other reason, feel free to go to the gym, just make sure your muscles are warmed up.


    A great way to take a break from mental work in the middle of the day is if there is a gym near your work. Daytime workouts are good because you have already woken up, but have not yet had time to get tired mentally and physically. Also, this training option is suitable for those who work late or get too tired after work.

    Hormone levels are also important in determining the optimal training time. Hormones such as testosterone and cortisol change throughout the day. Testosterone peaks in the morning and drops towards the end of the day. But despite the fact that the level of this hormone reaches its lowest point in the evening, its level after training is higher in the evening than in the morning. In addition, the stress hormone cortisol, which plays a large role in fat storage and muscle tissue burning, peaks in the morning and decreases during the day.

    In other words, the testosterone-to-cortisol ratio (when testosterone is highest relative to cortisol) is better in the early evening than in the early afternoon.

    Since testosterone is essential for muscle growth and strength, in theory this makes the evening a less "catabolic" time to workout. But that's just in theory, because short-term changes in hormone levels don't really tell much. Our body is very highly adaptive, and everything is very individual. Moreover, in addition to this, there are many much more important factors that affect the final result.


    You don't have to be a circadian rhythm expert to determine the best time to work out in the gym. Just try to work out in the morning, afternoon or evening and choose what is right for you! The most important thing, according to experts, is choosing the time of day when it is easiest for you to stick to the regime.

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