Chronological plan of reading the Bible. Open Library - open library of educational information

  1. Menelic Theorem

    A theorem on the relationship between the lengths of segments on the sides of a triangle intersected by a straight line. Namely, if the straight line intersects the sides of the triangle ABC (or their extensions) at the points, then the relation M.

    Encyclopedia of Mathematics
  2. Menela Mountain

    mountain in Laconia southeast of Sparta near Ferapna with a sanctuary (ἠρῶον) Menelaus and Elena

  3. menelaus

    inosk.) - deceived husband (a hint of Menelaus- husband of "beautiful Elena")
    Wed Thought to turn into Menelaus
    when will it be possible for me ... to see what came out of this date of the modern Menelaus with my

  4. ATREY

    ATREY - in Greek mythology king of Mycenae, father of heroes Trojan War Agamemnon and Menelaus.


    Menelaus, broke the truce between the Achaeans and the Trojans. Killed by Diomedes.

    Big encyclopedic dictionary
  6. Lysimachus

    The name of two persons: Esther 10 - the son of Ptolemy, mentioned at the end of the book. Esther, in addition. 2 Mac 4:29 - brother of the Jewish high priest Menelaus.

  7. Atreus

    A. - the father of the heroes of the Trojan War - Agamemnon and Menelaus(See Menelaus.)


    looks. Taught in Egypt Menelaus capture her father and find out from him a way to return home.

    Big encyclopedic dictionary

    Argos Plaisten, then his brother Atreus. She gave birth to the last Agamemnon and Menelaus.

    Big encyclopedic dictionary
  10. Hermione (myth.)

    Hermione) - daughter Menelaus and Helena, betrothed by her father, according to the promise made under Troy, with her son
    Delphians to kill Menelaus... According to Virgil, she was already married to Orestes when she was kidnapped by Neoptolemus.

  11. PANDAR

    acts as a skilled archer; impelled by Athena, he wounds Menelaus and thus violates
    pre-duel armistice agreement Menelaus with Paris. (Note. II. IV 86-147). Another time P

    Mythological encyclopedia
  12. Deiphobe

    and Hector. After the capture of Troy, his house was first destroyed, and D. himself was betrayed by Elena, whose spouse he was after the death of Paris, into the hands of Menelaus.

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron

    HERMIONE - daughter in Greek mythology Menelaus and Elena. During the capture of Troy, Neoptolemus was promised

    Big encyclopedic dictionary
  14. Canopus

    supergiant, F-star of magnitude -0.7. Named for the leader of the king's fleet Menelaus from Greek mythology.
    See: Table 3.

    Big Astronomical Dictionary

    between the goddesses Hero, Athena and Aphrodite; for the promise to help in the abduction of Helena (the wife of the king of Sparta Menelaus) was awarded by Paris to Aphrodite.

    Big encyclopedic dictionary
  16. Paris

    Onegin. 5, 37.
    Paris is the son of Priam and Hecuba; he took his wife Menelaus- Helen, which resulted in the Trojan War and the destruction of Troy.
    See the judgment of Paris.

    Phraseological Dictionary of Michelson

    in Greek mythology, daughter Menelaus and Elena. The Odyssey (IV 3-9) reports on the extradition of
    grandfather Menelaus in Sparta (Apollod. epit. VI 14; 28). According to the version of the myth adopted by Euripides in Andromache

    Mythological encyclopedia
  18. Agamemnon

    troops during the Trojan War (See Trojan War). Son of Atreus (See Atreus) and brother Menelaus(See Menelaus

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  19. Kanob

    Menelaus... K. disappeared since the introduction of Christianity in Egypt. Strab. 17, 800 words

    Dictionary of Classical Antiquities
  20. Helena

    extraordinary beauty. Married to a Spartan king Menelaus(See Menelaus) E. was kidnapped by a Trojan

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  21. DEIFOB

    Elena. During the capture of Troy, he dies at the hands of someone who broke into his house. Menelaus(Apollod. Epit. V 9, 22). v. I am.

    Mythological encyclopedia
  22. POLIB

    on the way from under Troy Menelaus and Elena (Horn. Od. IV 125 next); 2) the Sikion king, the grandfather of Hell growth

    Mythological encyclopedia
  23. Pandar

    He hurt Menelaus and thus broke the alliance just concluded, but in the ensuing struggle he died by hand

    Dictionary of Classical Antiquities
  24. Polyb

    hospitably received and gifted Menelaus during his wanderings in the destruction of Troy. No. Od. 4, 125 sl

    Dictionary of Classical Antiquities
  25. PARIS

    secured her support for his abduction of the wife of the king of Sparta Menelaus- beautiful Elena, but called

    Big encyclopedic dictionary

    Of the Trojan War A. received Odysseus in his house and Menelaus who arrived as ambassadors for negotiations
    Odyssey's suggestions and Menelaus, but also tried to kill them, and only A.'s intervention saved the Achaean leaders (Apollod

    Mythological encyclopedia
  27. Elena, in mythology

    blight), in Homer's poems is a mortal woman, wife Menelaus, king of Sparta; due to abduction
    "Iliads" and "Odyssey" about sojourn Menelaus with E. in Egypt, legends spread that E.
    sons Menelaus after his death, they expelled E. from Sparta; she fled to Rhodes, where she died

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  28. Kanob

    The Greeks derived the name of the city from the legendary helmsman who moored here Menelaus(hence the later

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  29. HELENA

    ELENA - in Greek mythology, the most beautiful of women, the wife of the king of Sparta Menelaus... Helen's abduction

    Big encyclopedic dictionary
  30. Pasquino

    square of Navona). The statue depicted Ajax with the corpse of Achilles (according to others - Menelaus, with a corpse

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  31. Katrei

    and Menelaus; Klymene married Navilius and bore him Eacus and Palamedes. Alfemen with his sister Apemosina

    Dictionary of Classical Antiquities
  32. Helena

    but freed by her brothers. Tyndareus (see Tyndareus, Tyndareus) gave her off as Menelaus, the king of the Spartans
    and betrays Deiphobus into his hands Menelaus(Verg. Aen. 6, 517 ff.); then, after eight years of wandering
    after death Menelaus she was expelled by his sons, fled to the island of Rhodes, where she was hanged

    Dictionary of Classical Antiquities
  33. Paris

    him to kidnap Elena - the wife of the Spartan king Menelaus, which was the reason for the Trojan War. At the end

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  34. Telemachus

    learned from Menelaus about Proteus's prediction regarding the return of Odysseus. Returning home, T. met

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  35. Tyndareus

    son-in-law Menelaus to Sparta and handed him royal power. The Temple of Athena Halkioiki in Sparta was erected, according to legend, T .; in Sparta, they showed the tomb of T.

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  36. Deiphobe

    destroyed by Odysseus and Menelaus (No. Menelaus... Verg. Aen. 6, 494 ff.

    Dictionary of Classical Antiquities
  37. Iphigenia

    daughter. When the calmness sent down by Artemis, angry at Agamemnon or Menelaus, did not allow
    that I. should be sacrificed to the goddess. Requests Menelaus persuaded Agamemnon to send for his daughter

    Dictionary of Classical Antiquities
  38. Proteus, in mythology

    her ghost, and she herself lived with P. until her return Menelaus... Still, according to another legend, P. moved from Egypt

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  39. Trojan War

    to the war with Troy was the abduction of the wife of the Spartan king by the Trojan prince Paris Menelaus- Elena

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia
  40. Iphigenia

    I. Agamemnon, at the insistence Menelaus and the troops, had to agree to this, and I. was required

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  41. He and I

    high priest Onias 4th. When, after death Menelaus, Alcimus was appointed high priest from Antiochus Eupator

    Bible Encyclopedia Archim. Nikifor
  42. Ilyinsky A.V.

    Menelaus("The Beautiful Helena" by Offenbach), Nikosha ("The Merry Widow" by Lehar), Frascatti ("The Violet of Montmartre

    Musical encyclopedia
  43. Atreus

    Agamemnon and Menelaus and together with his father seizes power in Mycenae.

    Dictionary of Classical Antiquities
  44. Palamed

    Helen in Troy, P. was on the island of Crete. Learning about the misfortune Menelaus, he joined the plan

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  45. Chevy's Theorem

    triangles are called Chevy straight lines, or Chevians. Frequency t is metrically dual Menelaus theorem

    Encyclopedia of Mathematics
  46. Hermione

    from the underworld into the light. Strab. 8, 373;
    2. the name of Demeter and Persephone in Syracuse;
    3.daughter Menelaus and Elena

    Dictionary of Classical Antiquities
  47. HELENA

    fulfilling the promise given to Paris - the son of the Trojan king Priam, brings him to the house Menelaus, E
    waiting for the return Menelaus from the Trojan campaign (the plot is elaborated in detail in the tragedy of Euripides “E
    her Menelaus... There are also various versions about the subsequent fate of E. One by one, she was after death
    Menelaus expelled by his sons and fled either to the island of Rhodes, or to Taurida; on others
    used plots: "the birth of E.", "the abduction of E. Theseus", "the abduction of E. Paris", "meeting Menelaus

    Mythological encyclopedia
  48. Agamemnon

    sl.) and Eropa and brother Menelaus(see this sl.). He fled after the death of his father by his nephew Aegistus, his son

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  49. Nasir Eddin

    mathematicians and astronomers: Euclid ("Elements"), Archimedes, Autolycus, Gipsicles, Menelaus, Ptolemy (4 books

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  50. Neoptolemus

    on the daughter Hermione promised to him earlier Menelaus... According to another legend (Virgil), when

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  51. OREST

    after Menelaus in Sparta, and later sources (Apollod. epit. 6,28) report the death of O. from a snakebite

    Mythological encyclopedia
  52. Paris, in mythology

    abandoned her husband's house and sailed with her at night to Asia, taking many treasures from the palace Menelaus... This act

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  53. Cheva Giovanni, mathematician

    others. The most remarkable of these was the first. In the first part, the author proves the theorem Menelaus

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron

    To fulfill her insidious plan, she, taking advantage of the absence of her husband, calls on her father Menelaus

  55. Krates

    them philosophical views and mathematical geography and the Stoics, Menelaus he forced from Ghadir

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron

    was the abduction by Paris, the son of the Trojan king Priam, the king's wife Menelaus Beautiful Elena
    dressed in women's clothing. But the soothsayer Calchas unraveled the plan of Thetis. Companions Menelaus Diomedes

    Encyclopedia of literary heroes
  57. Carnap's Rule

    A particular case of this theorem was proved by L. Carnot. If l is a straight line, then it turns out Menelaus

    Encyclopedia of Mathematics
  58. Horse

    Menelaus(Gift), Pindar - the victorious horse of Hieron (Ferenik); further, Bukefal Alexandra is known

    Dictionary of Classical Antiquities

    to their opponents the Achaeans. Then Paris sailed on a ship to Greece, stopped at a house Menelaus
    sent Odysseus and Menelaus to negotiate with the Trojans about the extradition of Elena and the return of the treasure
    others crash on the coastal cliffs, deceived by Nauplia's false signal. Menelaus and odyssey storm
    ", A dispute for her (battle Menelaus with Paris in III book. "Iliad"), a heroic duel (Hector

    Mythological encyclopedia
  60. Kokhanovsky

    them much later the drama "Refusal to the Greek Ambassadors" (1578), depicting the embassy Menelaus to Troy with a demand

    Literary encyclopedia
  61. Orestes

    daughters Menelaus, from whom he had a son, Tisamen, and from another wife, Erigona, the daughter of Aegisthus

    Dictionary of Classical Antiquities
  62. Agamemnon

    Agamemnon, Ἀγαμέμνων
    Homer has a son Atreus (Ἀτρεΐδης), king of the Mycenaeans, brother Menelaus; other's

    Dictionary of Classical Antiquities

    Trojan prince) wife of Sparta. king Menelaus- Elena. Menelaus and his brother Agamemnon called for help

    Soviet Historical Encyclopedia
  64. Paris

    Elena, the most beautiful woman, wife Menelaus, with whom he visited while traveling in Greece

    Dictionary of Classical Antiquities
  65. Utesov L.O.

    "in Moscow, t-ra" Palace "in Petrograd, where he played the role of Boni (" Silva "Kalman), Menelaus

    Musical encyclopedia

    and all her former suitors united in a campaign against Troy, A., as an older brother Menelaus and most

    Mythological encyclopedia
  67. Mavrolico

    translations M. contains "Spherica" ​​Feodosia, "Spherical" Menelaus, a book by Autolycus about a moving ball, a book

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  68. Comparison, in literature

    for the greatness of the king, for the glory of the charioteer, etc. For these details, we forget about the wound Menelaus, to whcih

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  69. Menelaus

    where the games were celebrated; they also showed him and Helena's grave there (see Μενελάϊον, Menelaus mountain);

    Dictionary of Classical Antiquities
  70. PARIS

    Spartan king Menelaus, kidnapped his wife - the beautiful Elena and great treasures. Insidious

    Mythological encyclopedia
  71. flank

    a niche flanked by church plantings. Pluzhnikov. || transfer Martial arts Menelaus with Paris

    Dictionary of gallicisms of the Russian language
  72. OREST

    but O. and Pilad attack his wife Menelaus Elena, sister of Clytemnestra, whom she saves by taking to heaven
    Apollo, and taking daughter hostage on Electra's advice Menelaus and Elena Germi-one. Hopeless

    Encyclopedia of literary heroes
  73. Iliad

    Spartan king Menelaus, the Trojan prince Paris, the son of King Priam, the Greeks under the supreme
    led by Agamemnon, brother Menelaus, for the tenth year unsuccessfully besieging Troy. When the neighbors are ruined
    indignant Elena and forces her to submit to the wishes of Paris. The Achaeans, meanwhile, believe Menelaus
    exodus, and at the instigation of Athena, an ally of the Trojans, Pandarus, Menelaus arrow. Truce this way
    a completely different course of events; martial arts of Paris and Menelaus

    king Menelaus, whose abduction was the closest reason to declare war on the people of Paris. Having decided
    so that the winner gets Elena and the kidnapped Menelaus hidden treasures. Paris is defeated and, only thanks to
    the concluded treaty, but the Trojan Pandarus violates the truce by firing an arrow into Menelaus, after which it is tied

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  74. Euripides

    Andromache's speech against Menelaus serves as an expression of the anti-Spartan policy of Athens and Argos
    on the version of the Trojan legend, according to which the spouse Menelaus was not at all in Troy, but moved

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  75. Mycenaean antiquities

    parts of the palace of Tiryns contribute to the clarification of Homeric descriptions - the chambers of Alcinoe, Menelaus

    who married after the capture of Troy, first to the widow of Hector Andromache, and then to his daughter Menelaus Hermione

    Dictionary of Classical Antiquities

    to sweep Menelaus and the ambitious adventure of Agamemnon. The third force is the hero Achilles, whose wounded

    Encyclopedia of literary heroes
  77. Robbery of the sea

    Argonauts (real robber expedition), bragging Menelaus by their corsairs and captured

    Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
  78. Rome

    v. includes the activities of the ancient Greek astronomer and mathematician Menelaus(See Menelaus) of Alexandria

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia


(Menelaus, ???? "????). Son of Atreus, husband of the beautiful Elena, father of Hermione, younger brother of Agamemnon, king of Sparta. Paris (see Paris) took Elena, wife of Menelaus, and this was the reason for the Trojan War During the war, Menelaus entered into single combat with Paris, who was saved by Aphrodite, covered with a cloud.After the death of Paris, Helen married his brother Deifobus, who was killed by Menelaus during the capture of Troy. Helen subsequently reconciled with Menelaus, together with him sailed from Troy and, after 8 years of wandering along the shores of the Mediterranean, they return to Sparta, where they live out their lives in peace and wealth.

A Brief Dictionary of Mythology and Antiquities. 2012

See also the interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what is MEANELAY in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

    (2 Mac 4:23) - The high priest of the Jews in the time of the Maccabees. Having taken away the high priesthood from Jason, brother of Onias, he caused the Jews many calamities. Died ...
    - the king of Sparta. Spouse of Elena the Beautiful, daughter of Leda and Zeus. The son of the king of Mycenae Atreus and Aeropa, brother of Agamemnon, married to ...
    In Greek mythology, the son of Atreus and Aeropa, brother of Agamemnon, After the assassination of Atreus by Aegisthus, Menelaus and Agamemnon were forced to flee from ...
  • CHANGE in the Dictionary-Directory Who's Who in the Ancient World:
    1) The younger brother of the Spartan king Agamemnon and the husband of Elena. In the hostilities of the Trojan War, his image is insignificant against the background of others ...
  • CHANGE in the Sex Lexicon:
    in Greek mythology, the king of Sparta, the husband of the beautiful Helena. For the sake of the return of his wife, kidnapped by the Trojan Paris, he achieved a speech by the united Greek. troops in ...
  • CHANGE in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    in Greek mythology, a participant in the Trojan War, the king of Sparta, the husband of Helena; organized a campaign near Troy in order to return the kidnapped by the Trojan Paris ...
  • CHANGE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Euphron:
    (????????) - the son of Atreus, the younger brother of Agamemnon. The brothers expelled by Tiestes fled from Mycenae to Sparta, to Tyndareus, whose daughter, ...
    MENELAI, in Greek. mythology participant in the Trojan War, king of Sparta, husband of Helena; organized a campaign near Troy in order to return the kidnapped by the Trojan Paris ...
  • CHANGE in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    MENELAI Alexandrian (1-2 centuries), ancient Greek. mathematician and astronomer. Tr. spherical geometry and trigonometry ("Spherical", book ...
  • CHANGE in the Encyclopedia of Brockhaus and Efron:
    (????????)? son of Atreus, younger brother of Agamemnon. The brothers expelled by Tiestes fled from Mycenae to Sparta, to Tyndareus, whose daughter, ...
  • CHANGE in the dictionary of Synonyms of the Russian language.
  • CHANGE in the Modern explanatory dictionary, TSB:
    in Greek mythology, a participant in the Trojan War, the king of Sparta, the husband of Helena; organized a campaign near Troy in order to return Elena, kidnapped by the Trojan Paris. ...
  • BERIA in the Biblical Encyclopedia of Nicephorus:
    (2Mac 13: 4) - The Syrian city between Hieropolis and Antioch, where the unworthy high priest Menelaus was executed by order of Antiochus Eupator. ...
  • 2 МАК 5
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "DREVO". Bible. Old Testament. The second book of Maccabees. Chapter 5 Chapters: 1 2 3 4 ...
  • 2 MAK 4 in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "DREVO". Bible. Old Testament. The second book of Maccabees. Chapter 4 Chapters: 1 2 3 4 ...
  • 2 МАК 13 in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "DREVO". Bible. Old Testament. The second book of Maccabees. Chapter 13 Chapters: 1 2 3 4 ...
  • 2 МАК 11 in the Orthodox Encyclopedia Tree:
    Open Orthodox encyclopedia "DREVO". Bible. Old Testament. The second book of Maccabees. Chapter 11 Chapters: 1 2 3 4 ...
  • EGISF in the Dictionary-reference book Myths Ancient Greece,:
    (Aegistus) is the son of Fiesta and his daughter Pelopia, who abandoned the child. He was brought up at the court of his uncle Atreus, the king of Mycenae, who ...
  • HELENA in the Dictionary-reference book Myths of Ancient Greece:
    - the fairest of women. Daughter of Leda and Zeus, who took the form of a swan, sister of Dioscuri and Clytemnestra (Castor and Clytemnestra were children ...
  • GLAVK in the Dictionary-reference book Myths of Ancient Greece:
    1) sea deity, son of Poseidon. According to the myth, he was a fisherman from Anfedon in Boeotia. He drank a witch's potion, after which he ended up in ...
  • HELENA in the Handbook of Characters and Cult Objects of Greek Mythology:
    In Greek mythology, the Spartan queen, the most beautiful of women. The ancient tradition calls Elena's father Zeus, mother - Leda or Nemesis. V …
  • DEMETRY I in the Handbook of Characters and Cult Objects of Greek Mythology:
    Poliorket King of Asia 306-301 BC King of Macedonia 294-287 BC Son of Antigonus I Cyclops. Genus. ...
  • EURIPIDES in the Handbook of Characters and Cult Objects of Greek Mythology:
    EURIPIDS is the third among the most famous Greek tragedians, Greek tragedians, whose dramas have survived in part. He was born according to the usual order in 480 BC ...

The rows of empty years clearly reveal the method of compiling the code according to the listed sources. In the arrangement of the collected chronicle material, the compiler was guided by the chronological plan, which was the basis of the entire set. For the construction of this plan, the compiler had, on the one hand, the instructions of the Byzantine chronographs and the dates of the Russian treaties with the Greeks, and on the other hand, the number of years of the Kiev reigns, kept in the memory of the Kiev society. In the Tale of the Beginning of the Russian Land, following the legend of the invasion of the Khozars on the glades, we meet such an insert under 852 ᴦ .: having said that under Emperor Michael III, “they began to call the Russian land,” because then Russia attacked Constantinople, as it is described in Greek chronicle, the author of the insert continues: "Let us put the same things in the same place and put the numbers." This inset is evidently made by the compiler of the vault. He leads his chronology from the flood, indicating how many years have passed from the flood to Abraham, from Abraham to the exodus of the Jews from Egypt, etc. Calculating various chronological periods, the compiler of the code comes to the time when (in 882 ᴦ.) Oleg was established in Kiev: "from the first summer of Mikhailov to the first summer of Olgov, the Russian prince, about 29 years old, and from the first summer of Olgov, less gray in Kiev, to the first summer of Igor, about 31 years old", etc. until the death of the Grand Duke of Kiev Svyatopolk: "and from the death of Yaroslavl to the death of Svyatopolch, 60 years." The death of Svyatopolk, which happened in 1113 ᴦ., Serves as the limit of the chronological calculation on which the vault is built. So, the code was compiled already under Svyatopolk's successor Vladimir Monomakh, not earlier than 1113 ᴦ. But we saw that the Kiev-Pechersk Chronicle was interrupted even under Svyatopolk, in 1110; Consequently, the chronological calculation of the set does not belong to the initial Kiev chronicler, who did not live to see the death of Svyatopolk, or at least finished his chronicle earlier, but was made by hand, writing to the reign of Svyatopolkov's successor Vladimir Monomakh, that is, between 1113 and 1125. It is precisely at this time that the 1116 ᴦ postscript I quoted by Sylvestrov falls. This Sylvester, I consider the compiler of the set.


Now it is possible to explain the attitude of this Sylvester both to the Primary Chronicle and to the chronicler Nestor. The so-called Primary Chronicle, which we read from the Lavrentievsky and related copies, is a compilation of chronicles, and not a genuine chronicle of the Kiev-Pechersky monk. This Kievo-Pechersk Chronicle did not reach us in its original form, but, partly abbreviated, partly supplemented by inserts, entered the initial corpus of chronicles as its last and main part. This means that it is impossible to say neither that Sylvester was the initial Kiev chronicler, nor that Nestor compiled the oldest chronicle we read, that is, the initial compilation of the chronicle: Nestor was the compiler of the most ancient Kiev chronicle, which has not come down to us in its original form, and Sylvester - the compiler of the initial corpus of chronicles, which is not the most ancient Kiev chronicle; he was also the editor of the oral folk legends and written narratives included in the collection, including the Nesterov Chronicle itself.

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