Sports essay in English with translation. English for athletes

Literally the other day there was an argument with the guards about this.

Literally the other day there was an argument with the guards about this.

It would seem that sport is life. Sports activities are a recognized component healthy lifestyle life. Yet sports, like coffee, have two sides to the coin.

Let's start with the benefits of sports:
+ ;
+ ;
+ Counteracts many diseases;
+ Sports are fun;
+ It likes the opposite sex;
+ Helps to switch from current tasks and .

I would especially like to note that sports really increase efficiency. Just a couple of weeks ago, it was like a squeezed lemon - after the hassle with the court, I found that all the areas that I touch are in an unsatisfactory state. The dissertation got stuck, the management of subordinates was left to chance, and many projects experienced failures.

A week ago, he began to actively engage in cycling, as well. And then I noticed that it turns out to do more things than usual. Drive started to come back.

But it cannot be said that sports are all pluses. There are also disadvantages.
- You are prone to injury;
- You can undermine health, not strengthen;
- Sports are expensive!
- Addictive;
- Wears out the body;
- Takes time.

Over the past couple of days, I managed to fall off the bike pretty well - my thigh was torn to the meat through my pants, and yesterday in the pool my leg slipped and I got a good hit. After hibernation - almost all the muscles hurt - from pull-ups, cycling and swimming.

Pain in the knees from excessive cycling. In short, sport is traumatic. I will never forget how I was thrown over the handlebars of a mountain bike. Lost sensation in his finger and bled his hands.

Finding a good sports doctor who could pick up an adequate load is not possible - there are practically none in the city. Even in fitness clubs.

I have been involved in sports since childhood - there was judo, swimming, karate, running, aikido, swimming, cycling, weight training and even ice skating. Once unsuccessfully fell and now sometimes the tailbone hurts. Very unpleasant, but this is an old injury that makes itself felt from time to time.

As for getting used to it, it's quite a terrible thing. Students look askance when the teacher drags them into the classroom Mountain bike. There are security scandals about this. And instead of sleeping, there are morning runs with dubious health benefits.

However, sport is still more good than evil. You just need to use it wisely. As always, balance is important.

The desire to be healthy, develop and become stronger - all this is a sport. He does not stand still, he progresses with us! Sport, like English, teaches us to live and move forward. Ready, steady, go!

Essay on Sports

Hello folks! Have you ever heard of this well-known saying: “A sound mind in a sound body"? I think the answer in most cases is “yes”. So, we’re discussing the importance of sports today.
Not so long ago sports was really important part of our day to day life. But with the rising popularity of television, the Internet and video games, sports and exercises are not so important anymore. There is a reason why we should do sports on a daily basis. Going in for sports means to be energetic and healthy. While people who are not keen on it are often seen struggling with illnesses in their adulthood, such as diabetes, obesity etc; Moreover, it helps us not only to improve our body but our mind as well.
People who are good at sports also show a lifestyle of excellent quality. They are more active, can make better decisions and find the way out of stressful situations. Not encouraging children to take part in sports activities can make them lazy and peevish as they turn into grown-ups. Also, people who participate in sports competitions are more successful. It is a well-known fact that a man involved in sports activity from the very young age develops a very strong personality. He cultivates what is called the leadership.
For children who want to do sports besides physical training lessons, special facilities are created. In our city, there is a great amount of gyms for fitness, swimming pools, stadiums. Don't forget about an Ice Palace, where you can enjoy playing hockey and ice-skating. Everyone has an opportunity to do sports if they want to.
And as for me, I can't live without sports. In summer me and my friend go jogging every morning, and when I have free time I attend the gym and swimming pool. And one more important thing according to the Olympics motto, “It’s not the winning, but the participation.”
Never forget that sports is an essential part of our life.

Composition on the topic Sport

Hi people! Have you ever heard this famous saying, “A healthy mind in a healthy body”? I think in most cases the answer is yes. So, today we are discussing how important sport is.
Not so long ago, sport was indeed an important part of our Everyday life. But with the rise of television, the Internet, and video games, sports and exercise are no longer as important. There is a reason why we should exercise every day. Exercising means being energetic and healthy. While people who are not addicted to it fight diseases in adulthood such as diabetes, obesity, etc. Moreover, it helps us not only to improve our body, but also our mind.
People who are good at sports also demonstrate a great lifestyle. They are more active and can take more right decisions find a way out of stressful situations. Not encouraging children to participate in sports events can make them lazy and irritable when they get older. Also people who are involved in sports competitions are more successful. It is known that a person involved in sports from a very young age develops a very strong personality. He develops what is called leadership.
For children who want to play sports, in addition to physical education lessons, special conditions. There are many in our city gyms for fitness, pools, stadiums. Don't forget the Ice Palace where you can enjoy playing hockey and skating. Everyone has the opportunity to play sports if he so desires.
As for me, I cannot live without sport. In the summer my friend and I run every morning and when I have free time I go to the gym and swimming pool. And one more important thing, in accordance with the motto of the Olympics: "It is not the victory that is important, but the participation."
Never forget that sport is an integral part of our lives.

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Krasilnikova Victoria. Veidelevskaya school, Veidelevka, Belgorod region, Russia
Essay on English language with the translation. Nomination I am in this world.

I do love sport

Sport is in fashion these days. People like doing sports. Sport is very popular in many countries. Sport has advantages and disadvantages.

Firstly, sport helps me develop a sense of coordination, balance. Secondly, sport teaches me to win and to lose. Thirdly, sport helps me form character.

However, some sports are very dangerous. In addition, sport causes a lot of injuries. Also, sport takes a lot of energy.

I think doing sport is very important for me because sport helps me to be self-confident. Besides, sport helps me to keep fit and to be accurate. More than that, sport helps me to be strong and healthy. And finely sport is my life.

Sports are in vogue at the moment. People love to play sports. Sports are very popular in many countries. Sports have pros and cons.

Firstly, sport helps me keep coordination and balance. Secondly, sport teaches how to win and lose. Thirdly, sport helps me to form character.

However, some sports are very dangerous. In addition, sports are the cause of many injuries. Also, sports consume a lot of energy.

I think playing sports is very important for me, because sports help me to be self-confident. In addition, sports help me to be cheerful, healthy and tidy. Moreover, sport helps me to be strong and healthy. And, in conclusion, sport is my life.

This is a great way to overcome your fears. Seriously taking up base jumping, you will definitely get rid of the fear of airplanes, and after a downhill ride on any roller coaster, it will seem like an attraction to you.

Extreme sports give you more confidence. In addition, this is a great way to attract the attention of the fair sex. What girl refuses to go on a date with an extreme biker? And the parachutist lady is guaranteed to have a lot of enthusiastic fans. In addition, when doing extreme sports, incomparable emotions arise, and this helps to perfectly deal with stress. Add to this the production of endorphins that occurs with any physical activity, and any nitpicking of the authorities will not be able to anger or offend you.

Another plus - extreme requires a good physical form, which means that your body will be strong and trained. Also, doing such sports causes an accelerated work of the heart and an increase in respiratory activity, which trains the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

The most popular extreme sports include mountain climbing, snowboarding, skydiving, diving, parkour, road jumping and surfing.

Cons of extreme sports

The most obvious disadvantage of extreme sports is the danger to life and health. Though correct technique and good equipment keep this risk to a minimum, accidents still occur regularly. As a minus, excessive stress of all body systems can also be considered.

By training too much, athletes not only overload the muscles and ligaments, but also wear out the heart. Constant bursts of adrenaline are also not very good for health. You can avoid these consequences by limiting your workouts. But extreme sport akin to addiction - having tried once, you want to constantly continue.

Sometimes extreme sports are a manifestation of auto-aggression - an activity aimed at causing harm to oneself. This phenomenon occurs due to mental disorders.

The disadvantages include the peculiar lifestyle of an avid extreme. Often, only like-minded people are able to support the constant search for new experiences, the frantic pace of life and the athlete's regular risky activities. The extreme family often opposes such a sport, which leads to conflicts.

The last but not least disadvantage of extreme sports is its high cost. Good equipment is expensive. The athlete may also need additional funds, for example, to rise to a given height when jumping with a parachute or to travel to a good ski resort.

Throughout life, humanity struggles with certain obstacles, physical, psychological, material, and even fictional. But there is a circle of people for whom obstacles are of particular interest. They not only learned how to overcome them quickly, but also made a kind of extreme sport out of it, which very quickly gained popularity among many segments of the population.

Parkour, a kind of non-traditional sport discipline that carries a lot of dangers, was born before the start of the First World War, and it was invented by one military man who introduced a new type of training for his fellow soldiers, including physical and moral stress, with the involvement of willpower. They usually trained in steeplechase, self-defense, rock climbing and free swimming, which included elements of balancing act.

Later, this type of training was called the "Natural Method", which showed itself very well during the First and Second World Wars. Even after the end of the war, this method did not lose popularity and the first group of people appeared who called themselves "Yamakasi". A group of people continued the idea of ​​the "Natural Method", only not for military purposes, but for more recreational purposes.

The word Parkour itself originated from the French expression - an obstacle course, during which an athlete, who was called, with the help of the acrobatic abilities of his body, overcame various difficult obstacles in as little time as possible.

Parkour is divided into two types: Acrostreet and Bildering. Acrostreet, which is also worn as street acrobatics, is performed on a flat surface without any insurance or protection. Bildering is like rock climbing, but instead of rocky mountains multi-storey buildings and various buildings stand out. Unlike the first type, building is prohibited, since climbing a building in many countries is considered a violation of public order or even the law.

This extreme sport did not receive official competitions, but the World Parkour Association was organized, schools began to appear in many countries, they began to introduce it into many law enforcement agencies, but most of all it became popular in various films and video games that showed this discipline in all its beauty. And to this day there are, and always will be, connoisseurs of this "Natural Method" who continue the history of a proven and very popular extreme sport.

In the question section you need an essay in English 15 sentences "pros and cons of sports" given by the author Ivan Zharov the best answer is Some of my friends think it "s important to do sports regulary, while others would watch an event on TV. Nowadays people have to work more and they prefer to rest more activity. It" s important to be in good shape and stay healthy and attractive.
To my mind, physical exercises are essential for everyone. If you want to be strong physically and mentally, you can go to a fitness club, a sauna or a swimming pool. Exercising is also the best remedy for insomia, depression and stress.
However, a lot of people say they neither time nor opportunity to go in for sports. But I think that if you don't have the opportunity to go a fitness club, you can just buy a treadmill or a stationary bike and execise at home. You can also do your morning exercises, jog, swim in summer, ski or skate in winter. , play different sports games such as tennis, football, volleyball, basket-ball and so on.
To conclude, if you want to be slim and strong, you must leave your comfortable armchair and execise. It is not enough to watch other people doing sports. Only regular exercises will help you make your life longer and healthier.

Answer from Ekaterina Bredikhina[guru]
Sport is in fashion these days. People like doing sports. Sport is very popular in many countries. Sport has advantages and disadvantages.
Firstly, sport helps me develop a sense of coordination, balance. Secondly, sport teaches me to win and to lose. Thirdly, sport helps me form character.
However, some sports are very dangerous. In addition, sport causes a lot of injuries. Also, sport takes a lot of energy.
I think doing sport is very important for me because sport helps me to be self-confident. Besides, sport helps me to keep fit and to be accurate. More than that, sport helps me to be strong and healthy. And finely sport is my life.
