Horse breed with a long mane. The most beautiful horses in the world

Linus is the longest-maned and longest-tailed horse in the world.
Linus was born in 1884 and was a descendant of the Oregon Long-haired breed. wild horses who roamed freely in the mountains of Oregon. The breed was characterized by its unique chestnut color and incredibly long manes and tails. After these horses were tamed, the length of the mane and tail increased with each generation. Linus became the record holder for their length.

The horse Linus, owned by the Rutherford brothers Marion, was a symbol of Oregon Beauty. The Rutherford brothers sold the stallion to a circus on wheels, where he became the main feature of any program.

Of course, the mane and tail needed careful maintenance. They were thoroughly combed out and washed every day. In order to prevent the mane from tangling, it was divided into 4 parts and collected in bunches, but even in spite of such measures, it was still tangled. Linus died in 1894 at the age of 10, but before, he gave birth to a son named Linus II, who was said to be as handsome as his father. As for the Oregon long-haired wonderful horses - unfortunately, this breed has been lost.

As you know, there are no comrades in taste and color. This phrase also applies to horses, because each region of the planet has its own breeds and is proud of the noble animals bred in their homeland. However, we will try to combine opinions about the most beautiful horses in the world. We offer you a short trip that will introduce us to amazing animals. You will see horse breeds that are recognized as some of the most beautiful on the planet. The best of the best, the most incredible and brilliant animals will appear before you with the attached photo. So, here are the top 25 most beautiful horses on the planet.

  • No. 25 - Yakutsk breed.

Today, this type of horse can be found on the territory of modern Yakutia, along the Lena, Kolyma, Indigirka rivers. The animal belongs to an aboriginal breed and was bred under the direct influence of nature itself. The Yakut horse has a bushy six, which can reach 15 cm in length. She has very beautiful and stable hooves, with which she perfectly gets her food in the northern climate. The animal is not attracted to food, it perfectly tolerates long-term frosts, it can be outdoors at temperatures up to minus 50 degrees. Horses of this breed are distinguished by a late ripening period and longevity. In the photo you see the brightest representative of the species.

  • No. 24 - Pinto.

This horse breed can be easily recognized by its unusual color. Not for nothing, in translation from Spanish their name means "painted". It is an American species of Spanish origin. Today, there are several types of pinto horses: riding, racing, herding, hunting. Pintos are not tall, and are positioned as ponies in all documents. Their height is 140 m at the withers. The animal has a sharp gait, the signs of the breed are not uniform, but it is a very friendly and diligent animal. Here is a photo of one of the representatives of the species.

  • No. 23 - Falabella.

These are the smallest horses on the planet. Their height can be 50 cm. Which may seem incredible. Their physique is like that of riding horses. The new kind was bred in the twentieth century in Argentina. This animal loves children very much and this love is mutual. Here is a photo of Farabella.

  • # 22 - Shetland Pony.

This miniature horse was bred in the Shetland Islands. They have very beautiful and strong legs, thick hair and look very much like heavyweights. Ponies can grow up to 110 cm and live twice as long as riding horse breeds. Their life expectancy can reach 55 years. Here is a photo depicting a Shetland pony, which children love so much.

  • # 21 - Paso Fino.

The breed is characterized by a beautiful physique, proportionality, gracefulness, a refined neck, large breasts, strong straight legs. The animal arose in the sixteenth century in Puerto Rico, thanks to the Spanish settlers. This is why Paso Fino is found throughout South America. It is an extremely hardy animal with a soft alura that can travel hundreds of kilometers daily. Paso Fino are very friendly, obedient and vulnerable. The photo shows a purebred representative of the species.

  • No. 20 - Percheron.

This is a non-purebred Nori horse that was bred in France in the nineteenth century. The ancestors of the animal are an aboriginal local draft individual, which was crossed with an Arabian horse. Among other breeds French horses percherons are distinguished by a very beautiful and powerful silhouette, incredible strength, moderate trot, calm disposition. The photo shows a black percheron.

  • No. 19 - Suffolk.

The horse belongs to the oldest British species, a heavyweight. It was bred in the eighteenth century for field work, moving goods and riding. The Suffolk breed is distinguished by a friendly, docile character, hard work and longevity. Interestingly, animals of this species have only one color. You can see this in the next photo.

  • No. 18 - Vladimirsky heavy truck.

These horses were bred in the stud farms of the Suzdal and Vladimir regions during the Soviet Union... This is an incredibly beautiful, hardy and surprisingly calm horse, which is very fond of the local population. She has muscular legs with white edging, a wide torso, and a sturdy neck. They are frisky and very fast. The Vladimir heavy truck is also very unpretentious in terms of food and conditions of detention. Unfortunately, the breed is on the verge of extinction today. Photo of a bright representative of the breed.

  • No. 17 - Marvari.

Many believe that the most beautiful and graceful horses in the world come from Asia. It was from there that the breed of Marvari horses came. Her homeland is India. The breed possesses incredible strong legs and is distinguished by long-distance travel, endurance and quiet disposition. Marvari were known during the time of Alexander the Great and survived long history... Akhal-Teke and Arab purebred individuals are considered to be their ancestors. The animal has inwardly curved ears that rotate 180 degrees. In the photo there is a marvari decorated with flowers.

  • No. 16 - Persian Arab.

These are the oldest horses in the world. Researchers are confident that the breed existed around 2000 BC. on the territory of Persia (modern Iran). A Persian Arab has a more powerful physique than an ordinary Arab, a long swan neck, and a silky hairline. It is a very refined, playful, elegant riding horse, very hardy and energetic. Its height can be 150 cm. The horse is perfectly adapted to various weather conditions, not picky about food. Here is a photo of her.

  • # 15 - Welsh Pony.

This breed is considered very ancient and the first mentions of this animal are found during the reign of the Roman emperors. Today the animal is divided into 3 types. The shortest are the mountain species, there is also the medium and Welsh cob, whose representatives play polo. The tallest individuals can reach a height of 150 cm at the withers. The Welsh Cob has been bred by cross-breeding with the finest Arabian foals. Besides polo, these animals show nice results in the races. This is a purebred Welsh pony.

  • No. 14 - Haflinger.

This breed is distinguished by its golden color, smooth white mane and ideal temperament for family life. The origin of the Haflingers is poorly known, but many researchers believe that their homeland is Australia. The animals are extremely hardy, docile and can be used for riding and as a tractor. Today they are found in different parts of the world.

  • No. 13 - Knabstupper.

The breed was bred in Denmark as early as the sixteenth century. It is distinguished by its unusual spotted color. Animals participate in a variety of contests, competitions and often become winners. The bulk of the knabsteers are still concentrated in Denmark. This is a strikingly beautiful animal.

  • # 12 - Rocky Mountain.

This is an incredibly beautiful Rocky Mountain horse that was bred in the USA. Their livestock is relatively small and totals about 3 thousand individuals. In addition to a perfectly built constitution, the animal is distinguished by a special type of alura, which favorably distinguishes it from other riding breeds. The photo shows the brightest representative of Rocky Mountain.

  • # 11 - Fjord.

This is one of those breeds that have the purest ancestral lines. It was found on the territory of Norway. Researchers also do not know the exact origin of the horse, but its image is surprisingly similar to ancient rock paintings dating back to about 30 thousand years BC. Not all animals have preserved their color and other characteristics as well as the fjord. The vast majority of individuals have a dun color. They are distinguished by reliability, strength and good disposition, therefore, today they are used for riding and transporting weights. Before you is one of the brightest representatives of the ancient species.

  • # 11 - English heavy truck.

These are the tallest horses on the planet, their height can reach 220 cm. The origin of animals is very ancient. It is believed that they trace their lineage back to Roman horses, which took part in battles and plowed the land. They got their name from the English word, which in translation means "county". Despite the fact that the breed is very ancient, it is inherently very heterogeneous. You can find huge individuals of the most incredible size, which are only suitable for slow movement, or massive horses for field work and transportation of goods. A feature of the species is considered to be a large chest, high growth and white hair stockings on her legs.

  • # 9 - Iberian breed.

The horse of this breed lives in Spain and Portugal. This is the oldest breed, it became the basis for many new species, such as Appaloosa, ponies, etc. The horse is extremely beautiful. Graceful, so she meets in bullfighting, demonstration and show performances. Today experts distinguish between pure Spanish and Portuguese species of animal. Before you is the most beautiful representative of the Iberian breed.

  • №8 – .

The horse originated at the end of the eighteenth century in Germany. Today it is the most abundant breed in Europe. In addition, the Hanoverian horse is most often found in sporting events... She was bred from a not very beautiful livestock, and was crossed with riding types, Arab individuals. The appearance of the animal is ideal, in its features one can trace the influence of Asian species and the English purebred.

  • No. 7 - Holstein breed.

The homeland of these animals is Prussia, it is considered one of the oldest on the territory of modern Germany. Breeding work on a new species began in the thirteenth century. Initially, the Holstein horse was popular as a farm helper due to its endurance. Later, the look was improved and they began to be used for horse riding. Today they take part in the crew race competition. The area of ​​distribution of the species is not large. Here is a photo of a purebred Holstein that overcomes the barrier.

  • №6 – .

It was first bred at the end of the twentieth century on the territory of Russia. Initially, the goal was to produce a horse for riding and transporting goods, but it was also used for military purposes, sports competitions. This is an extremely beautiful, hardy and good-natured individual. A characteristic feature of the breed is its red color. The animal takes an honorable third place in participation in sports competitions.

  • No. 5 - Don breed.

This is a very original species, which was bred in the southern part of Russia by the Don Cossacks. The horse has a characteristic red color, is distinguished by endurance, good health, longevity. Horses of this breed took part in the Russian-Turkish War and were very popular for riding and transporting goods. Growth reaches 160 cm. These horses can be considered universal, because they successfully show themselves in all kinds of equestrian sports, rally, triathlon, circus arts, tourism business.

  • №4 – .

The Oryol trotter is the pride of Russian horse breeding. It was bred in Russia with the direct participation of Count Grigory Orlov. During her breeding, the most diverse breeds of Western European and oriental horses... Oryol trotter - very beautiful, graceful horse, with a good temper. Currently, animals are used for riding, participating in various competitions, performances, traditionally in harness, shows.

  • # 3 - Arabian breed.

The three most unsurpassed horses on the planet, in our opinion, are closed by this amazing view. These horses are considered the most expensive and hardy. The Arabian thoroughbred trotter was bred in the 4th millennium BC. Salient features hers are the concavity of the head, a protruding tail and large eyes. This is a very fertile animal, the age of which can reach 30 years, which is an undoubted record among other relatives. Today, the animal can be found in every corner of the planet. They are used for races, equestrian sports, shows, riding, etc. Before you is the brightest representative of the species.

  • №2 – .

The second place in our parade of the most charming horses on the planet is rightfully occupied by the Akhalketian. This is a representative of one of the oldest breeds, developed about 5 thousand years ago on the territory of modern Turkmenistan. This is the purest breed of riding horses, which is recognized throughout the world as a reference. The characteristic features of the species are good adaptation to any climate, endurance, high speed. The animal does not have a mane, and its skin just glows from the shine in the sun. These characteristics will not confuse it with other species. Horses are very temperamental and playful. Here is a photo of the Akhaltetian.

  • # 1 - Frieze.

As much as we are not indifferent to domestic horse breeding, but still we gave the palm to the breed, which was bred in Holland. "Black pearls", as they are also called locals, conquer at first sight. Their peculiarity is the hairiness of the legs and the amazing beauty of their appearance. But no matter how much you talk about this horse - it is worth seeing it at least once. So. The winner of our top 25 most beautiful horses in the world is a proud and unrivaled frieze.

The rating of the most beautiful horses includes at least 25 breeds. Some breeds are the result of selection. Others were created by nature itself. In addition to their visual appeal, these horses are distinguished by many other qualities for which their owners love them.

The formation of the breed was influenced by the civil strife of the Arab tribes. The Bedouins used horses for military purposes. For armed conflicts not only beautiful horses were needed. The animals had to be very hardy.

The formation of the breed was influenced by the civil strife of the Arab tribes

Arab tribes of nomads moved from one place to another, therefore they considered horses their main wealth. The animals could be easily driven during the move. The wealth of the family was determined by the number of individuals in the herd. Fine horses were to remain a national treasure. It was forbidden to sell them to neighboring peoples on pain of death. In addition, they could not be crossed with other breeds. Thanks to this approach, it was possible to achieve the purity of the blood.

In Europe, Arabian horses appeared during the time of the Crusades. Going on a long journey to free the Holy Sepulcher, the Europeans were looking for animals that could survive in the climate of the country to which they were heading. One of the main advantages of the Arabian horses was that these animals required much less food than the horse breeds common in European countries. During the Crusades, representatives of the Arab breed were smaller in comparison with their modern descendants.

Thanks to the Arabian purebred breeds such as Lusitano (bred in Portugal), Shagia (bred in Hungary), Andalusian (bred in Spain) arose. In Russia, from the Arabian horses, the Strelets breed originated, from which the Terek breed originates.

The most incredible and beautiful horses in the world (video)


After looking at a Knabstrupper horse, many people can agree that it is the most beautiful horse in the world. The color of this animal resembles the color of a Dalmatian dog: black spots on a white background.

Denmark is considered the birthplace of the Knabstruppers. According to legend, a butcher named Klebe bought a horse, which he brought to a small town called Knabstrup. The animal was distinguished by its agility and endurance. The offspring that the mare gave were endowed with the same qualities. Thus, a new breed of horses arose, named after the village in which the butcher Klebe lived.

Knabstrupper is considered rare breed not only because of their color. When the village that gave it its name fell into disrepair, the Knabstrupper population plummeted. They were saved from complete extinction by an ordinary veterinarian from Denmark, who founded the association of spotted horses. A series of experiments aimed at improving the breed led to the fact that the Knabstruppers not only survived, but began to look significantly more attractive.

Today, not all representatives of the breed are similar to Dalmatians. Among them there are individuals with a leopard color (red spots on a light background). Horses with trout and marbled color (admixture of white hair and small spots on the main background) are popular.

Marwar horse

Otherwise, this beautiful breed is called Malani. You can recognize its representatives by the unusual shape of the ears, which can turn 180º. A beautiful horse appeared in India and was named after one of the regions of this country. Tradition says that once off the coast of India, an Arab ship was wrecked, on board of which there were 7 Arab purebred horses. The animals left the site of the shipwreck and were found in the Marwar region. Arabian horses mingled with Indian ponies. It is highly probable that Malani mixed with horses from Mongolia.

It is believed that marwari breeding began in the 12th century. Traditionally, the breed has been used in agriculture and for horseback riding. To obtain universal horses suitable for both work in the field and for transporting people, Marwari are often crossed with thoroughbred horses. The breed is suitable for playing polo. Several centuries ago, Malani were used as war horses.

In the 30s of the last century, the number of Marvar horses dropped sharply. However, by the end of the twentieth century, the livestock was restored. The export of representatives of the breed outside of India was prohibited for a long time. However, in the early 2000s, an exception was made for US citizen F. Kelly. Since 2008, the export of Marvari has been tightly controlled.

Friesian horse

Some of the most beautiful horses in the world include the friezes. The breed originated in Friesland (northern province of the Netherlands). You can recognize the frieze by the long pile of the hooves. The breed was developed during the occupation of the Netherlands by Spain. Local horses were crossed with Spanish horses. The Friezes were on the verge of extinction on several occasions. However, horse breeders have always managed to save the endangered livestock.

The Frisians are among the most beautiful horses in the world.

The first mention of the representatives of the breed dates back to the XIII century. In honor of the Frisians, the Frisian Race was established at the beginning of the 19th century. The winner of the competition received a golden whip as an award. Currently, friezes are used as a decorative breed. They are often used for royal carriages, which must be harnessed to the most beautiful horses in the world. The use of friezes in sports is limited. Horses are allowed to participate in the driving. Attractive appearance makes photographers use friezes for photo shoots. Only the most beautiful individual should be in the frame next to the top model.

Friezes are human-oriented. Their ease of training makes them easy to train. The horses are taught the so-called carriage ride. Animals should move gracefully and beautifully when they are driving a carriage or rider.

Norwegian fjords

Fjords are not only the most attractive places for tourists in Norway, they are also called the most beautiful horses in the world. An individual of this breed is considered the oldest heavy draft on the planet. The fjords are notable for their peaceful nature, which did not prevent the Vikings from using them during hostilities. But then the representatives of the breed began to be exploited exclusively for peaceful purposes - for riding and in agriculture. In modern Norway, fjords are used for certain sports.

There is speculation that some horse breeds in Iceland and England trace their origins to Norwegian fjords... The Vikings brought their horses to a foreign land, which interbred with local horses. Norwegian horses are unpretentious, and their thick coat allows them to endure cold weather. Due to their compact size, fjords are often referred to as ponies rather than horses. The harsh nature of Norway does not provide enough food for herbivores. Fjords don't need a lot of hay or grains. You can even feed them dried fish.

Presumably, the fjords originate from wild horses that were tamed 2 thousand years ago. Animals have retained a considerable number of features in appearance and character from their wild ancestors... The main feature of the breed is the mane with black hair in the middle and white on the sides. The mane is usually cut very short to emphasize unusual coloration.

The rarest and most beautiful horses in the world (video)

Iberian breed

Some Spanish horse breeders are inclined to believe that the Iberian horse breed was formed independently in the territory of modern Spain. The animals are completely purebred, as they were constantly in isolation. However, it is very difficult to believe in such a version.

In the 8th century, the Moors came to Spain with campaigns of conquest. They brought with them horses of the Berberian and Arabian breeds, which were mixed with the Spanish horses. The modern Spanish riding school was influenced by the style of the Moorish occupiers. After the liberation of the country from the conquerors, Spanish horse breeding began to flourish. The Iberian breed was valued no less than the Arab and Barbary horses. Representatives of this breed are beginning to replace the heavy friezes on which the knights moved. After the discovery of the Americas, Spanish horses set out to conquer new continents. On the northern mainland today you can find the descendants of English and Arab horses. V South America Iberians are much more common.

In the 18th century, baroque came into vogue. During this period, tastes change dramatically. Obese horses with heavy croup are in great demand. Representatives of the Iberian breed looked too graceful and did not fit into the idea of ​​an ideal horse. In the 19th century, the Spanish riding school gradually fell into decay. They are no longer interested in the Iberians, since the English purebreds received recognition.

Until the end of the twentieth century, the Iberians preferred to be used for agricultural purposes. However, by the end of the century, the Spaniards began to show interest in the breed, which was popular with their ancestors. Equestrian sport is becoming fashionable. He is preferred by many residents of the country. In the early 1970s, the Royal Andalusian Riding School was established.

The Iberian breed was able to win the hearts of modern Spaniards thanks to horse bullfighting. The skill that the rider demonstrates is no less spectacular than playing with an angry bull.

Gallery: the most beautiful horses in the world (25 photos)

Falabella horses

Falabella horses became popular in the 1970s. These horses are often confused with ponies due to their compact size. However, the Falabella is an independent horse breed that has significant differences from the pony. One of the main ones is that Falabella has the physique of an ordinary horse: massive croup, graceful limbs, an elongated muzzle, etc. The ponies have dense short limbs. The croup is not as massive as that of an ordinary horse, and the muzzle is not elongated.

The breed got its name from the surname of Argentine horse breeders, who were the first to breed mini-horses. There are several versions of the origin of Falabella:

  1. The ancestors of small horses were found in one of the remote valleys of the Andes. All animals and plants in this valley were miniature in size due to the peculiarities of the local climate.
  2. Wild horses were isolated in one of the canyons by a landslide. The animals were unable to return to the habitat to which they were accustomed. The only food available was cacti. Due to the lack of mineral components, each subsequent generation of horses became smaller in relation to the previous one. As a result, serious genetic changes took place. The herd of mini-horses was discovered by the farmer Jose Falabella. He freed the animals and drove the herd to his farm. Despite good nutrition, new generations of horses have not been able to regain the growth of their ancestors.
  3. For unknown reasons, the great-grandfather of Jose Falabella drove his horses to land that was not suitable for pasture, and left there forever. He bequeathed to his descendants to return the herd. When Jose and his family went in search of horses, he was able to find individuals of small size. Probably, just such animals managed to survive in harsh conditions. Small horses did not require large amounts of food.
  4. The Irish settler Newton, who was distinguished by his love of horses, saw a small horse in a strange herd. Despite its size, the animal did not look sick or inferior. Newton stole the horse and then presented it to his daughter for her wedding. Miss Newton was going to become the wife of one of the representatives of the Falabella family, whose surname gave the name to the breed.

A graceful horse is not the result of just one genetic mutation or the successful experiment of a breeder. The beauty of an animal largely depends on care, balanced nutrition and a good attitude of the owner towards his pet.

Attention, only TODAY!

Horses are one of the most beautiful animals in the world, and their diversity and sometimes unusualness is simply breathtaking. Slender, graceful, unusual colors, amazing movements - you can endlessly admire the horses. However, many people are interested in the question: what is the most beautiful horse in the world and does such a thing exist at all? Of course, there is - we will note, but such a wide variety of breeds gives rise to no less opinions about who is the most beautiful horse in the world. Based on worldwide surveys, some opinions of people and the most frequent queries, we have compiled a certain rating of the most beautiful breeds. Don't miss out and find out what they are the most beautiful horses.


Arab purebred

Legends are made about this breed of horses, they are called "the wealth of the East", a gift from Allah, an oriental pearl. Of course, we are talking about one of the oldest and purest breeds in the world - about. Just one look at the photo of this animal is enough to say - this is the most beautiful horse in the world. Several sources indicate that this breed has existed for over 5,000 years and has given rise to many other cultural riding.

The highlight of Arabian horses lies in their unusual body structure. So, for example, unlike other breeds, the Arabs have 17, instead of 18 ribs, 5 lumbar vertebrae instead of 6 and not 18 caudal vertebrae, but only 16. They also have a unique so-called "pike" profile, that is, a concave muzzle ... This is due to the origin and place of formation of the breed, namely the Arabian Peninsula with its harsh hot climate.

Akhal-Teke horse

In addition, these horses differ in appearance from others and have unique features. According to experts, this is due not only to the special local climate of Turkmenistan, but also to the long-term isolation of Akhal-Teke from other breeds. Akhal-Teke residents are distinguished by a slender, slightly lean, elegant body, with a beautiful chiseled neck and a small head. Unlike other breeds, Akhal-Teke horses have a very sparse mane and tail, and they also lack bangs.

Spanish or Andalusian

Another breed that deserves the title in the world is "the most beautiful horse". These horses gave rise to the famous Spanish Riding School and the subsequent Vienna School. And they are also the ones who participate in equestrian bullfighting and national shows in Spain, they are used for dressage. It is believed that among their ancestors are the Eastern Barbary, Barbary and Arabian horses.

Despite their rather large body constitution and massive body, Andalusians are excellent riding horses. They have very elegant movements with a high stroke, naturally noble posture, beautiful lush mane and tail. They look great both in harness and under saddle.

Naturally, Andalusians have slightly extended hind legs, which makes their posture more majestic and collected. At the same time, horses beautifully arch their necks and raise their legs high. But it's better to enjoy it on video.

English thoroughbred

This is an example of all thoroughbred horses, the most perfect and most beautiful, as even its name says. In the English manner, the breed sounds like Thoroughbred, which means - "bred to perfection." Today, thoroughbreds serve as the genetic material for the improvement of all riding breeds, as well as for breeding new ones. The very same breed is bred exclusively "clean" (without admixtures of others), therefore it is called purebred.

Today the English Thoroughbred is the ideal horse and horse for racing. They have a very high agility - up to 70 km per hour and a unique body structure. Unlike others, they have a larger heart, voluminous lungs and, accordingly, a wider deep chest. They have strong enduring legs, highly developed muscles and a dry head with a straight profile.


Unusual horse breed with a unique spotted coloration -. These American horses were originally found in the valley of the Poluoz River by the Neza Persa Indian tribe in the 18th century. But the colors of the animals were so unusual that these short, strong horses immediately drew attention to themselves. Today the Appaloosa is deservedly considered one of the most beautiful in the equestrian world.

Among the Appaloosa, 13 variants of various spotted colors are distinguished, but the most beautiful horse is the one that has a suit called rime - light specks on a dark background. Also popular colors are marble, leopard and black-backed, as in the photo.


Another breed that has earned the right to be called the most beautiful. These snow-white horses today form the basis of the Vienna Riding School. It is for these purposes that they are bred today at the famous Austrian stud farm Piber. Lippizians are exclusively gray in color, and in the second year of life they acquire a completely snow-white color. This, of course, distinguishes them favorably from other breeds.

However, the most basic quality of these horses is their extraordinary flexibility, endurance, strength of the constitution. These horses perform the most difficult tricks and elements of a higher riding school with ease. They make jumps in the air, and also jump from a place (capriole), which is very difficult and in nature animals are not capable of such a trick. How they do it, see the video.


Someone might think that this breed is very similar to the Andalusians. Yes, they are, and in part they have common ancestors. It's safe to say that Lusitano is the Portuguese version of the Spanish Andalusians. In addition to a very elegant appearance with a thick and lush mane and tail, these horses have a unique natural balance, which is why they are very popular in various horse shows. In particular, it should be noted that this is the best horse for bullfighting.


A young domestic breed, which in beauty and grace is comparable only with Arabian horses. These horses were bred to a very beautiful place- in the steppe zone North Caucasus... Having an excellent appearance, they are also distinguished by their endurance, unpretentiousness and good riding qualities. Every year these horses win prizes in equestrian sports, and also conquer the hearts of many horse breeders far beyond the borders of their homeland.


This breed is called the "Black Pearl of Friesland". Originally bred as horses for military purposes and for the transport of goods, the unique appearance has made this breed one of the most beloved today. She proudly bears the title of "the most beautiful horse in the world." We think you will hardly doubt this by looking at the photo of Friezes. These are ideal horses for beautiful harnesses: elegant, magnificent.


Despite the fact that these horses are one of the largest in the world and belong to heavy draft horses, many consider them to be very beautiful. These horses are traditionally an adornment of many festivals, horse shows and exhibitions. They are very large, but have a beautiful appearance, lush mane and tail. The animals are given a special charm by the lush long friezes on the legs. Harnessing the shire will always become a decoration of any event.

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Video "TOP 20 best horses in the world"

In this video, we suggest continuing to enjoy the beauty of beautiful animals. Unusual suits will complement general form horses.

Welcome to the extensive section on horse breeds. It's no secret that all horses differ in different ways. To group breeds, many classifications are used based on origin, structure, economic and productive use, distribution areas, and so on.

In our country, breeds are traditionally distributed according to zootechnical classification proposed by A.S. Krasnikov (1978):

  • Forest.
  • Gorskie.
  • Steppe.

Factory and transitional:

  • Horse.
  • Horse and harness.
  • Trainers.
  • Bald.
  • Heavy-duty.

Any breed can easily be attributed to a certain group according to the sum of its characteristics, often even in the names of the breeds the belonging according to the classification is indicated. For example, the Ukrainian horse breed, soviet heavy truck, Belarusian harness.

Some horse breeds have been known for a long time, but the main variety of breeds appeared in the eighteenth and twentieth centuries. Since the second half of the twentieth century, sports breeds have acquired the greatest prospects, this is due to the decrease in the value of cavalry and the development of mechanization.

In modern horse breeding, it is known about 300 horse breeds, less than half of which are the most numerous and popular. In Russia, widespread about 50 breeds horses.

To choose a horse breed, you should thoroughly study all the features that depend on the history of origin, on the features of use and maintenance, on the current state of the breed, and much more. All this information is fully contained in the descriptions of the breeds in this section of the site.

The history of the origin of a breed is important for understanding some of the characteristics of a particular breed. So, for example, knowing the colors of the breeds participating in the development of a new breed, you can say for sure which colors will appear in the breed, and which cannot be. Or taking into account the peculiarities of aboriginal breeds, for example, the strong hoof horn of the mountain ones, one can expect the appearance of these signs in the transitional and factory breeds, which carry the blood of those local breeds.

Each breed has a purpose, a trait by which the selection was carried out... Therefore, when choosing a horse breed, its economic importance plays important role... Indeed, using a thoroughbred riding horse for transporting logs is unlikely to occur to anyone, as well as demanding high results from a Percheron in show jumping. But there are quite versatile breeds that can perform various tasks with good performance. So, friezes are good in the harness for which they are derived, and are comfortable under the saddle. Often such versatility is inherent in draft breeds and aboriginal breeds.

Horse breeds also have external differences, such as height at the withers, characteristic colors and many others. So, friezes can only be black, the mavari has a very remarkable shape of the ears, some of the horses of the Trans-Baikal breed are distinguished by curly hair, and they are found mainly in golden colors. The average height of farm horses is 155-180cm, aboriginal 130-150cm, but there are exceptions. Shires, Brabancons, Percherons are huge, and the Falabella are the tiniest horses.

Horse breeds differ in character and temperament. This is also an important indicator for choosing a breed. they are considered ardent, hot, horses - persistent, honest, friendly, most and phlegmatic breeds.

Photos of typical breeds provide a visual representation of the horses. Exterior photographs, photographs in motion and at rest, as well as those that help to evaluate the breed in different ways are presented.

The breeds also differ in terms of maintenance and care. So, in the Akhal-Teke and breeds comfortable temperatures the environment is different. Some breeds thrive on a poor, meager diet, while others are demanding on the nutritional value of feed.

All these and some other characteristics and features of the breeds are described in detail in the section and will help you determine your breed preferences or choose your favorite horse breed.

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