The rarest horse breeds in the world. Horse breeds with photos and descriptions

20. Donskaya.
The Don horse is a horse-drawn breed of horses bred in the 18th-19th centuries on the territory of the present Rostov region by the Don Cossacks. Along with the Oryol trotter, one of the most original factory breeds in Russia.

19. Yakut horse.
The Yakut horse is a native breed of horse, common in Yakutia. The breed was bred by folk selection under the strong influence of natural selection. These horses are interesting in that they have an undercoat (8-15 cm), which makes them very frost-resistant.

The Vladimir heavy truck is rightfully considered one of the most valuable and prestigious heavy draft breeds for breeding. Looking at the photo of this handsome man, it's hard to imagine all the work that he can do. And this horse really has a lot of strength. Currently, it is used as a draft force in villages and villages, as well as an auxiliary animal in small, medium and even large farms.

17. Percheron.
The height at the withers of these horses is up to 175 cm; the typical color is gray, but black is also found. Designed for work that requires special strength and endurance, it is also very widely applicable for horseback riding because of the especially soft ride.

16. Tennessee pleasure horse.
The Tennessee Walking breed was bred for riding or in light carriages and for light farm work. They also became very popular with southern plantation owners, who nicknamed them "planter mounts". These people needed horses with comfortable gaits that could carry their masters for many miles during the inspection of their possessions. Since a whole day in the saddle tired them, they appreciated the hardy and softest horses under the saddle.

The Orlov trotter, or Orlov trotter, is a famous Russian breed of light-draft horses with a hereditarily fixed ability to frisky trot.

14. Hanoverian.
Nowadays, the Hanoverian half-breed is the most popular sporting breed in the world. It can be seen on most international competitions show jumping and dressage. This is the result of German meticulousness: the Hanoverian breed has been carefully created for about 300 years - for various, but specific purposes. This breed was bred from unsightly stock improved by crossing with suitable Thoroughbreds for riding, Arabian and Trakehner horses.

13. Arabic.
The Arabian horse (today also called the Arabian thoroughbred horse) is an ancient breed of riding horses bred on the territory of the Arabian Peninsula in the 4th-7th centuries AD. Suits - mostly gray of all shades, often bay and red, less often black. Gray Arabian horses, for the most part, acquire “buckwheat” with age.

12. Knabstrupper.
Knabstrub horses are a very rare horse breed. The Knabstrupper is a Danish spotted horse breed. The blood of the Danish Knabstrupper originates in Spain and traces its lineage back to the ancient times of Napoleon. The history of this breed is very complicated. These horses are famous for their unusual color.

Horses that got a taste of freedom often ran away and gathered in wild herds that roamed the great plains of the New World. Captured, ridden, and carefully raised by warlike horsemen of the prairies - Indians, skewbald horses became excellent horses, distinguished by endurance and agility. American Indians revered Pints ​​as sacred animals endowed with magical powers by mother nature. Horses with natural camouflage were the best suited for hunting and outings. Subsequently, these horses became popular with Western cowboys, became an unofficial symbol of the Wild West.

Shire horses came to England thanks to King William the Conqueror in 1066. During the XVI-XVII centuries, the local stock was crossed with Flanders horses (Flanders), brought to England by the Dutch. The blood of Friesian horses (Friesians) also flows in the veins of Shire horses. The ancestor of the Shire breed is considered to be a stallion named Blind Horse (1755) from Pakinton.

The Camargue is one of the oldest horse breeds in the world. Semi-wild, light gray Camargue horses are native to the swampy area of ​​the Rhone Delta, on the Mediterranean coast of France. As an independent breed, the Camargue was recognized in 1968, but in fact its history goes back centuries, in prehistoric times.

8. Falabella.
The unique feature of these miniature horses (they are not ponies, as some used to think) is that each new generation of them produces smaller and smaller horses. Moreover, when a Falabella stallion is crossed with a common breed mare, their foals are very small in stature.

7. Polish horse.
This breed was really close to the tarpan. When the loss of the species was realized, as a result of special selection work, by absorption crossing, it was possible to breed an animal very similar to the preserved descriptions of the tarpan and adapted to the conditions of the European forest-steppes.

6. Bashkir horse.
The beautiful mane of this breed resembles a poodle, which is especially beautiful in winter time. The Bashkir horse comes in different colors. Some scientists claim that this breed is hypoallergenic, that most people with allergies can work with this breed.

5. Black Forest horse.
The lush mane and tail are ideally suited to the muscular body of the Black Forest horse. The breed is known for its dark chestnut color and light mane.

4. Norwegian fjord.
The Norwegian Fjord horse is one of the most ancient breeds that now exist on the entire planet! And I must say that this is definitely the most ancient heavy truck in the world of all that exist. Once upon a time, this strong horse, with a good-natured disposition and a peculiar appearance, belonged to the warlike Vikings, and was their war horse!

3. Marwar.
This graceful and strong horse was used to travel long distances, because of its strong legs. The history of the horse is difficult to trace, but undoubtedly, the blood of Arabian stallions flows in its blood, and possibly Turkmen.

2. Frisian.
The Friesian breed of horses (Frieze) is a large horse (158 - 165 cm and above), massive, very bony, but elegant, somewhat high-legged, with a pronounced draft warehouse. The body is wide and deep, but slightly stretched, the back is long and often soft. The friability of the constitution is concealed by high growth and elongated forms.
The neck of the frieze is with a beautiful slight bend, set very high, and the head is large, long, with an almost straight profile and long, strict ears. The most memorable feature of the Friesian horse is the very long and thick brushes that cover the bony powerful legs from the hock to the carpal joint and fall on large black hooves (the so-called frisiness). In addition, an indispensable attribute of the frieze are lush and very long mane and tail, as well as a black unmarked suit, which has become a kind calling card breeds.

1. Akhal-Teke.
The first place in our top was given to the Akhal-Teke horse not in vain, because:
The centuries-old history of the existence of the Akhal-Teke breed has numerous evidence of the superiority of this horse over others. High growth, amazing beauty, amazing endurance, lightness, speed, dexterity of movements - all these advantages distinguished the Akhal-Teke breed from others. In an effort to master this flawless horse, Turkmenistan was repeatedly attacked with wars. Chinese emperors, Russian tsars and Mongol khans alike wanted to own this horse. Almost all modern light draft breeds originated from the ancient, purebred Akhal-Teke breed, which, according to V. Witt, is the source of pure blood, thanks to which all riding horse breeding in the world was created.

In our top, several amazing breeds of such a beautiful animal as a horse were presented. But do not forget that each horse is beautiful in its own way.

For thousands of years, the ancient horse was nothing more than an animal hunted by prehistoric people to eat it. However, a fast gallop did not allow her to be easily caught with the primitive weapons that the ancient people had. However, later dexterity and carefully prepared ambushes allowed a person to catch wild horses.

Then came a relatively calm period in the life of mankind, the nomad began to lead a sedentary life as a shepherd and engage in agriculture. Changes have also taken place in the life of horses, for inexplicable reasons, the number of wild horses has decreased, although their living conditions have improved.

In the Bronze Age, man began to use the horse not only as a food product, but also as labor force. Since that time, the active domestication of this animal begins.

Further, the ancient Greeks and Persians begin to actively use the horse in military campaigns and campaigns, the cavalry becomes a powerful military force. The conquests of Alexander the Great, Hannibal, the Crusades of the Middle Ages are closely connected and unthinkable without horses.

In peacetime, competitions and games are held to train riders and riders, to master the art of a rider, gradually these trainings and entertainments become sports competitions. Equestrian sports are popular these days.

Below are some rare breeds of horses and ponies. Most sources of information about horse breeds are Wikipedia.

Horse breeds with photos and descriptions


In the oases of the Kara-Kum, this horse appeared approximately 3 thousand years ago. She is the ancestor of many modern breeds. This is a real desert horse, which was used by Turkish horsemen in races and sports competitions thanks to its undeniable strength and endurance. Russians love this horse because of its gorgeous mane with gray tufts of hair.

Akal-Teke is racehorse and therefore appreciated all over the world. His mane hair and skin are thin, his tail is long and silky, and his limbs are long. All these characteristics give the animal an elegant look, it looks simply gorgeous.

In 1935, these thoroughbred horses were the first to make the transition from Turkmenistan to the capital of Russia, Moscow. The transition lasted 84 days at a distance of 4154 km. Animals crossed the deserts, steadfastly enduring all the hardships of the journey and not showing excessive fatigue. This breed is one of the hardiest.

They can be of various suits:

  • brown;
  • bay;
  • dappled gray.

The breed is predominantly chestnut in color with white tufts of hair that glisten in the sun. Akal-Teke's height is 150-155 cm. Below is a photograph of Akal-Teke.

Arabian horse

Unlike other breeds of horses, the skeleton of an Arabian horse has 17 ribs, 5 lumbar bones and 16 tail vertebrae. This breed appeared 3 thousand years before our era and is one of the most ancient breeds of horses.

Arabian horse going on from the Arabian Peninsula. This horse has so far retained its thoroughbredness, so its offspring is the object of close attention and care and is included in the list of the most best breeds in different countries.

The true origin of the Thoroughbred horse breed is the Arabian horse, which has influenced almost all modern breeds. The Arabian horse is a beautiful, hardy horse, whose head is unlike its other relatives, since its nostrils are wider, and its ears are small, the mane and tail are soft as silk. This animal can easily turn its head in all directions. The growth of the animal is in the range of 145-150 cm.

This breed has spread throughout the world since the Arab conquests of Muhammad at the beginning of the 7th century.

Below is a photo of an Arabian horse.

Don breed

In the XVIII-XIX centuries. ekah Russians in the regions of the Don withdrew fighting horse breed. Its name is reminiscent of the Don Cossacks. Nevertheless, the true origin of these animals must be sought in the steppes where the nomadic Mongolian tribes lived.

The body of the Don breed has a massive appearance with a strong physique, developed chest and wide long ribs. The croup of the horse is rounded, the tail is set low. The head has a straight profile and medium size, the withers have a thin silky and long hair, although not very thick. These animals can be kaura or chestnut color, and have a height of 150-155 cm.

Currently Don breed used to transport crops and other goods. It should be mentioned that this breed and its famous horsemen, the Cossacks, gained their fame in the years 1812-1814, when approximately 60,000 Cossack horsemen helped stop the invasion of Napoleonic troops into Russia. Since that time, Oryol, Thoroughbred and other breeds and varieties have been bred from the Donskoy. Below is a photo of this animal.

purebred breed

In the UK, the Thoroughbred is valued as a racing specimen. There are many different breeds that are meant to compete, but the real winners are These are Thoroughbreds.

This breed was bred in England during the reign of Enric VIII, thanks to the crossing of royal breeds of horses brought from the Arab countries, Italy, Spain, and subsequently from the East.

The purebred breed has an energetic temperament both physically and mentally, it is courageous, never avoids a fight, sensitive. Horses have expressive large eyes and a beautiful head with thin skin. The height of the horse is from 160 to 165 cm, the breed is quite tall and one of the most elegant sports horses.

These animals can be of several colors., its characteristic colors are as follows:

  • blackish;
  • dappled gray;
  • bay;
  • brown;
  • Karakovy.

Below is a photo of a beautiful Purebred breed.

Russian breed Orlovsky horse perfectly combines stature, light build, strength and elegance, mainly due to his proportions. The legs of the horse are thin and straight, with well-developed muscles. In Russia, the animal is used in the Troika team.

This breed is one of the oldest and most popular in Russia, bred in 1775 by Count Alexander Orlov as a result of crossing a thoroughbred Arabian horse with a draft Danish horse. As a result of crossing, the stallion Polkan appeared, which was then crossed with the Dutch breed.

Orlovsky horse has small blunt head, despite the influence of the Arabian horse. The forehead is wide, the ears are large, the eyes are lively and intelligent, the neck is long and high above the back, which is the hallmark of this breed. Height 160-165 cm, dominated by the color of gray in apples.

The characteristics of this animal, its quality and behavior are improved due to constant selection. Below is a photo of this horse.


The Mustang has given rise to a large number of North American horse breeds, it has the features of Spanish horses, in particular, with regard to their color. The name of the animals comes from the Spanish word "mestenho" - wild, untamed, which is associated with herds of wild horses of the west. North America, which also served as a means of transportation for the Indians.

Mustang has an athletic and balanced appearance, a classic profile with a thick neck and thick mane. The modern animal is more attractive than its ancestors, who had too much heavy head. Horseshoes are usually not stuffed on the hooves of animals due to their natural hardness. Animals are able to jump on rough surfaces without damaging their hooves. The colors of animals can be very diverse, growth ranges from 135 to 150 cm.

After the disappearance of the Maya and Aztec tribes, when the Spanish conquerors settled in America, some Spanish horses ran away and became wild. This marked the beginning of the ancestors of the Mustang, whose herds spread from Mexico to the western plains of North America.

A photo of the Mustang is shown below.

Kabardian breed

The animal originates from the northern mountains of the Caucasus in Russia. It is believed that the age of this breed is within 400 years. The breed was obtained by crossing the steppe Russian horses of Karabakh, Persian and Turkish horses. Kabardian breed superbly adapted to mountainous terrain, its limbs and hooves are very strong and it has an obedient natural character. Its distinguishing feature lies in the ability to overcome long distances along narrow and winding paths.

Currently, nomads use these animals as pack animals. Since the beginning of the 20th century, the Kabardian breed has been crossed with the English Thoroughbred in order to breed faster and more elegant specimens.

These horses have narrow head, ears tilted inward, short muscular neck, height from 143 to 152 cm, suits can be as follows:

  • chestnut;
  • dark chestnut;
  • bay;
  • dappled gray.

Below is a photo of this elegant animal.


This class of not the tallest horses has several dozen different breeds, some of them are rare, others are used as draft horses, others are just for fun at various holidays. Listed below are just a few of them.

australian pony

Bred in Australia by crossing an Arabian pony with a Welsh mountain pony, the animal is an excellent riding pony with good character. It has a height of 120 to 140 cm, a head like an Arabian ancestor, short legs and strong hooves. The animal is quick-witted and is used as a horse for children.


A great example of a draft pony. Its habitat is harsh conditions with poor vegetation. The animal is strong and hardy, however it needs hay to survive the winter months. The horse originates from the UK, height is 120 cm, the color can be bay or dark brown. Dartmoor has thin and hardy legs, affectionate and sensitive character. It is an ideal pony for children and for competitions.

Pony Shitland

It has a name derived from the islands near the north of Scotland. These animals are small, strong, adapted to retain their body heat. The Shitland breed is very rare, as its purity is lost as a result of export and crossbreeding.

The height of the animal is about 1 m. Ponies can be of various colors, they have a small head, a strong body, short legs and a stubborn character. Nevertheless, this is a good pony for children and for harness.


Among all the animals in the world, horses are the most graceful, noble and kind towards people. And for sure, none of the horse lovers will be able to accurately answer which of the rarest breeds of horses is more beautiful.

There are many breeds and colors of these animals, which are characterized by certain distinctive features and characteristics. Many information sources offer their ratings of the most beautiful breeds and colors of horses, each of which is unique and unique in its own way.

The rarest horses: 5 top breeds

Based on the most popular horse breeding sources, such as, you can rank the top and rarest horse breeds today.

The determining factor in the high cost, beauty and value of a horse is its thoroughbredness and its pedigree. Therefore, the compiled list of rare breeds will also be based on what kind of pedigree a given horse color has and what merits it is famous for.

friesian horse

The rarest breed of horse in the world, which is in stunning demand in America. little foal an American can cost more than $10,000, the maximum cost of an animal was $25,000. An adult horse that has gone through a series of race preparations is often worth a million dollars. famous friesian horse strong powerful physique, the individual reaches a height of up to 65 cm.


Sorraya is a horse breed that is on the verge of extinction. To date, experts have recorded the number of individuals - no more than 200 goals. And only thanks to the painstaking work of breeders, the breed continues to exist. In 1920, in Spain, a herd of wild horses was discovered by a zoologist named Ruy d'Andrade near the Sorraia River. In subsequent years, breeders bred new heads of this breed, among which strong stallions were selected to continue their tribe.

English Thoroughbred

English thoroughbred, which is also called the English race. Speaking about its rarity, we can mention that the horse is the most expensive in the world. The price of a stallion is about a million dollars. As a rule, the sale of such rare horses is carried out through auctions.

Arabian horse

It is famous for its incredible endurance, strong muscles and health, it is in great demand, but it is not so easy to find and get it.

Orlovsky trotter

Orlovsky trotter, which has no close analogues around the world. In the past, such stallions were involved in Russian troikas, moreover, all horse breeders and horse lovers at auctions around the world knew this breed. The breed was bred by Count Orlov by crossing, where expensive Arab horses were involved. Many ratings of the most beautiful horse breeds call this breed the best.

The rarest horse colors

  1. - truly the most amazing horse breed, characterized by delicate pink skin and blue (azure) eyes. About 5000 years ago in Turkmenistan. This suit is recognized as a standard due to such qualities as obedience, humility, trainable, hardy, fast.
  2. - a horse whose color combination is white and any other solid color. More often piebald are black and white motley. The legs are also variegated, and the hair and tail can be plain. The piebaldness of this horse color is partial albinism. The eyes of pinto horses are blue, sometimes only one eye can be light.
  3. - such a rare color of the horse was obtained by artificial selection. But after the time has passed, all the horses of this suit turn from gray to white. The spots on the horse's code are randomly scattered with a diameter of 2-5 cm. Young individuals have more spots of "apples", over time, mature horses become darker in color, apples gradually disappear. There is a legend among horse breeders that the depicted apples on the body of a horse copy its blood vessels. Experts, on the other hand, say that specific nutrition will increase the number of apples according to the horse's code if it receives the right amount of minerals, vitamins and trace elements.

It is possible to determine the value, rarity of a particular breed of horse by such criteria as the thoroughbredness of an individual, its value at auctions, strength and endurance, health and talents of its genetic family. Due to the unique training abilities of horses, many specialists are engaged in the maintenance of endangered breeds and artificial breeding. rare species horses.

Since ancient times, people have revered and sung about horses. Many love them for their beauty and complaisant disposition, others value them for their nobility. Simple villagers use them as helpers in hard work, and the rich get horses to emphasize their status. Today it is considered prestigious to have an expensive horse. Rare breeds of horses are sold at auctions for a lot of money.

The rarest horse breeds in the world

Horses that are on the verge of extinction are included in the rating of the rarest breeds. Basically, these are ancient breed lines. This list can also include animals that have preserved the purity of blood to this day. Rich people are ready to shell out a fortune in order to become the owners of a rare breed stallion.


This breed is known worldwide for its speed, grace, beauty and intelligence. It is considered one of the most ancient on earth. Their ancestors lived over 3,000 years ago. In the writings of Herodotus, references to this breed were found. Some believe that the Akhal-Teke is a direct descendant of the Turkmen horses, which have long since died out.

The Akhal-Teke breed of horses is distinguished by its ability to adapt to the harsh climate and proud disposition. She is very beautiful and well built. Modern representatives of the breed line have a wide range of coat colors. One of the most beautiful colors is Isabella. Akhal-Teke stallions were presented to high-ranking officials and heads of state, this was considered a sign of the greatest respect.


This is a very ancient breed of horses, its homeland is the Iberian Peninsula, the region of the Sorraia River, which flows in Portugal, hence its name. The locals used to call these horses "zebra" because the little foals have striped coats.

Sorraya horses lived in the wild until 1920, when one zoologist discovered a herd right in the middle of the European continent. No one could believe that the Sorraya horses remained unknown for such a long time and lived isolated from people in the wild until the beginning of the 21st century. Now on earth there are about 200 individuals belonging to this breed line. Work is underway to increase the number and conservation of these animals.


This rare breed was bred by a farmer from Argentina in the mid-19th century. Quite often, its representatives are confused with ponies, although the Falabella is not classified in this category. She is a cross between a horse and a pony. Falabella is a carrier of the dominant gene, which, when crossed with stallions of standard sizes, leads to the birth of offspring that are short in stature.

Attention! The growth of an adult is 60–75 cm, sometimes there are specimens below 40 cm. The weight of a Falabella horse is 30–60 kg.

This breed is now popular in European countries. Small animals are used in the entertainment industry. They get along great with small children.

Newfoundland pony

These small horses come from the island of Newfoundland, and horses once brought from the British Isles are considered their ancestors. The growth of an adult does not exceed 140 cm. Animals have been used for several centuries local residents for agricultural work. They are smart, obedient, strong and hardy.

Attention! Today, the population of Newfoundland ponies does not exceed 400 animals. The breed is recognized as a national treasure of the country and is listed in the Red Book of Canada as an endangered species.


This breed is bred in Iran. According to hippologists, this is one of the oldest horses, drawings with its image date back to 3400 BC. e. A characteristic feature of animals is short stature, but their physique has the correct proportions, unlike ponies.

This breed line was thought to be extinct until a herd of wild horses was discovered in northern Iran in 1965. Having studied the anatomical features of these animals, scientists were able to establish a relationship between them and their ancient Persian ancestors.


This breed line was bred in England, the blood of extinct Chapman horses flows in its veins, English heavy trucks, Arabian and English thoroughbred horses. Second World War caused serious damage to this breed, the breeding stock was barely saved. Now intensive work is underway aimed at restoring the number of livestock.

Today, Cleveland horses are used in equestrian sports. They are represented exclusively by the bay suit. Characteristics breeds:

  • black color of the limbs;
  • gray hair in mane and tail;
  • long muscular body;
  • deep chest;
  • dry physique;
  • height - 163–168 cm.

American cream

This rare horse breed is characterized by pink skin and blue or amber irises. The most common isabella suit, but among the representatives of this population there are also albinos.

This is the only heavy draft horse bred by the Americans.. Her ancestors are Brabancons and Percherons. The breed acquired a characteristic coat color thanks to one mare, which was born at the beginning of the 20th century. After the First and Second World Wars, the number of livestock declined sharply, but enthusiastic breeders still managed to keep unusual horses.

Arabian Thoroughbred

The history of the Arabian horse goes back far into the past, according to experts, this breed already existed in the 6th century BC. e., as evidenced by rock paintings. These animals are:

  • the ability to develop high speed;
  • endurance;
  • clear and stable gait;
  • strong immunity.

The characteristic features of the Arabian horse are a pike profile and a high-set tail, which takes a vertical position while the horse is moving. Anatomical structure The skeleton of these animals also has several features.

Attention! Arabian racehorses are not the rarest horses, but they have kept their bloodlines pure for thousands of years. Today, a huge amount of money is offered for a representative of this breed. It is not so easy to buy such a stallion.

The list of the rarest breeds of horses can include the German heavy draft, as well as the Hacknee. For most of the breed lines that are now trying to restore, the first and second world wars and the era of mechanization that followed these events became a turning point. Some breeds of horses have already disappeared from the face of the earth without a trace.

The color of a horse is one of its main distinctive individual features. There are more than 30 colors of horses in the world, each of which is unique and magnificent in its own way.

Rare colors of horses (21 photos)

1. Cream Akhal-Teke horse

Cream or Isabella Akhal-Teke horse the rarest and most amazing suit. The skin of such horses is pink, and the eyes are blue or greenish. In America, this color is called "cremello" - these are genetically red horses.

2. Dappled gray

Gray - a rather rare color for horses, is the result of artificial selection. All gray colored horses eventually become white. The difference between a white and gray horse and a real white horse is that all gray horses have black skin, and real white horses are pink.

3. Pinto (piebald)

The pinto horse combines white and any other solid color. Color combinations can be very diverse. In the photo: black and white pinto.

4. Buckwheat pinto

5. Gray dappled pinto

6. Crow-roan

7. Red roan

8. Tiger Bay

9. Brindle gray

10. Playful

11. Classic champagne

This is a genetically black suit under the influence of the champagne clarifier gene.

12. Golden champagne

This is a mix of bay with champagne gene.

13. Perlino (pearl)

This is an isabella suit with a dark mane and tail.

14. Bulanaya

15. Mousey

Variety bay

16. Leopard

Usually associated with Appaloosa horses. There are several spotted breeds of horses, including the Danish knabstrupper.

17. Mosaic

The unusual color of this horse is made up of two basic solid colors.

18. Rabicano

19. Sabino
