Horizontal pull-ups. How to do Australian pull-ups correctly


Find a solid object that you can grasp with your hands in a horizontal position and that can support your weight. The height of the object should be above the level of the hips. It can be a small but stable table. Go down, grab the object with a straight grip (fists towards you) so that the lower body and chest are under the object, that is, under the table. Now pull yourself up a little to lift your back off the floor. You may need to bend your elbows slightly. Try to keep your hands shoulder-width apart, but if the chosen object does not allow you to do this, then it's okay. Keep your torso straight, distribute your weight between top back and heels. it starting position(fig. 43). Then pull yourself up, keeping your back and hips in a straight line until your chest touches the edge of the table at the level of your hands. This is the end position (fig. 44). Hold for a second, then slowly return to the starting position. Repeat.

Sectional exercise

Horizontal pull-ups are similar to but require more strength due to the more difficult position of the body. This exercise is a transitional exercise to full pull-ups, in which your body weight is fully utilized. It is useful for strengthening vulnerable shoulder and elbow joints.

Training norm

Improving technique

The higher the object you are pulling on, the higher your body position and the easier the exercise. If at first horizontal pull-ups too heavy for you, try to find the item higher. As soon as you do more than 30 repetitions with this object, feel free to move to the height of the hips.

An effective exercise that not only warms up joints and muscle tissues, but also develops endurance - pulling up on a low bar from a hanging position.

They are also performed to prepare for more serious loads - traditional pull-ups with high level difficulties.

Suitable for both beginners and experienced athletes looking to add extra back and biceps strength after a main workout.

Execution technique

The level of load depends on the choice of the height of the horizontal bar for performing the exercise.

  1. For beginners it is preferable to start classes with higher horizontal bars, which will strengthen different groups muscles, perfectly work out the technique of execution and get used to the loads and movements.
  2. For experienced athletes it is recommended to carry out training on a crossbar, when hanging on which you can almost touch the floor.

The only caveat is that there should be at least 10 cm between the floor and the back.

If classes are held in gym, then it is better to opt for the Smith simulator, which is suitable for various types of exercises: squats, pull-ups, etc.

Conveniently, the height of the horizontal bar is easily adjustable in this simulator. Recommended bar height ranges from 0.9m to 1.1m depending on the athlete's fitness level, gender and age.

When performing the exercise, the legs should form a straight line along with the body and head, the hands are separated shoulder-width apart, and the heels rest on a support, the height of which does not exceed 5 cm.

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  1. When practicing on special simulator the bar should be placed at the desired level.
  2. Get as close to the bar as possible.
  3. Grab the bar and sit down.
  4. Position yourself so that your chin is above the horizontal bar.
  5. Step forward to straighten the body. The whole body should be in a straight line.
  6. Extend your arms, take a hanging position.
  7. Watch your feet. Stable position assumes no slip.
  8. Pull up, bending your arms at the elbows so that your chest practically touches the horizontal bar.
  9. Extend your arms while inhaling, gently lower. You should constantly monitor your body.
  10. Repeat the required number of times.

It is important when exercising to monitor the uniformity of breathing. Inhalation is done when going down, exhalation, respectively, vice versa.

There are several options for the exercise:

  • To load the bottom of the latissimus muscles, hang reverse grip.
  • If you need to learn how to pull yourself up on your hands, then when doing it you need to bend.

The most important difference from the standard version is not to keep the body straight, but to bend the pelvis so that it is below the level of the crossbar. This is much easier than the classic pull-up.

If the exercise is difficult at the initial level, then you can help your body with your legs, which makes the whole process easier.

With the mastery of the execution technique and the absence of severe fatigue, after the exercise in question, you can move on to a more complex program.

Number of approaches, common mistakes

Novice athletes, due to a lack of experience and endurance, make various mistakes during pull-ups on the bar. The main ones are:

  • The chin is not above the level of the bar;
  • Flexion of the arms, varying in time;
  • Deflection of the body during the lesson;
  • Performing an exercise with jerks.

All these mistakes lead to a lack of proper load on the muscles, which makes the training ineffective.

You should start doing pull-ups with at least three approaches. 1 set is about 10 pull-ups. The number of times and the number of approaches increase over time. All actions must be carried out slowly, without sudden movements.

It is worth noting that the lower the horizontal bar is located, the more difficult it will be for the athlete to perform the exercise.

There are many options for pull-ups:

  1. You can change the position of the body
  2. Crossbar height
  3. Hand grip width.

Some athletes are engaged with a crossbar, performing a narrow supinated grip, increasing the load with special equipment, for example, a weight vest.

Australian pull-ups (the second name for horizontal pull-ups) contribute to the development of different muscle groups.

The biceps and all the muscles of the back, called the lats, are actively worked out. The degree of load on specific group depends on the type of grip the athlete uses, as well as the width of the arms.

  • If they are widely spaced, then a large load goes on the back, but not on the biceps, and, accordingly, vice versa.
  • If uniform engagement of muscle groups is required, then the athlete should choose an average grip width.
  • The wide forward grip is ideal for working out the wings and lats, while the reverse grip (hands grabbing the bar from below) promotes the development of the biceps.

The position of the hands in this case is palms turned upward with narrow setting hands relative to each other. For the convenience of performing the exercise in question, regardless of the selected modification, the specific width of the girth should be adjusted by the athlete.

When done correctly and following the basic recommendations, the training will give positive results in a short time.

Fizkult-hello, friends! Wide back is the cherished goal of many rocking chair visitors. But achieving this goal is not easy.

It is not enough to know exercises for training the back, you need to understand which muscles work when pulling up and in other basic movements on the back. , therefore, require increased attention!

Before delving into the specifics of back training and muscle work, we will briefly familiarize ourselves with the structure of this muscle mass.

Examining the back from the bottom up, we immediately stumble upon the most powerful muscles called back straighteners. From the name it is already clear that they are responsible for the extension of the trunk and for the stabilization of the body. In pull-ups, they are only loaded to stabilize the spine.

We rise higher and see the most important back muscles for a bodybuilder - the lats. It is their development that gives the back a gigantic look. They are responsible for bringing the elbows to the body in the frontal (vertical) plane and the sagittal (human symmetry plane). ...

Behind them is their assistant - a large round muscle. It helps in bringing the elbows to the torso and bringing the shoulders back. And the trapezius muscles conclude our review. They are a reliable "roof" for the back and, among other things, assist other muscles in raising the arms in the horizontal plane.

The rhomboid muscle also participates in pull-ups, but you will not see it, since it is hidden under the thickness of the trapezium. I have given only the main muscle groups that help us to deftly handle the horizontal bar!

Types of pull-ups

If you have always considered pull-ups on the horizontal bar boring, it is only because you did not know how many types of this exercise exist!

Take at least a grip. By manipulating just the distance between the palms and their position, you can already get a lot of exercises of different load.

Pull-ups with a straight grip

With this position of the hands, the load will go straight to latissimus back, and large round, trapezoidal and rear deltas will help her.

The biceps will work, but minimally. But the forearms will have to work hard. After all, how much you pull up depends on the strength of the grip. Therefore, I advise you not to postpone his workout. Pay attention to the flexors and extensors of the fingers, brachyradialis (bends the arms in elbow joint), pronators and instep supports (turn the palm up and down, respectively).

The emphasis of the load on one or another area of ​​the lats depends on how you grab the crossbar!

Classic (medium) grip, slightly wider than shoulder width

If you are a beginner, I recommend starting with it. The medium grip evenly distributes the load between the muscles of the back and arms. When performing, pay attention to the position of the body: the back is straight, the shoulders are straight. Reach for the bar not with your chin, as many are accustomed to from school, but with your chest!

Wide grip

It is not for nothing that it is considered the most difficult, because the emphasis of the load is shifted to the lats. At correct technique shoulder muscles (biceps and brachialis) hardly work. But a lot of tension arises in shoulder girdle... So don't get carried away at first. Better to get stronger first and hone the pull-up technique with medium and narrow grip.

Narrow grip

If you place the brushes close, so that they almost touch each other, then you get! Not only the arms and back (mainly the area close to the spine and lower part) will be involved, but also the pectoral muscles.

Reverse grip pull-ups

  1. Australian pullups for 8-12 reps in 3-4 sets
  2. Hang on bent arms- 3-4 approaches to the limit. Imagine that you are pulling up. Freeze at the top point for as long as possible - this is hanging on bent arms. How to get your body to the top? It's simple, substitute a bench or use a low bar

For those who know how to pull themselves up, the complex is as follows:

  1. Medium grip pull-ups - 8-10 reps, 3-4 sets
  2. Pull-ups wide grip- 8-10 reps for 3-4 sets
  3. Reverse pull-ups with a narrow grip - 8-10 reps for 3-4 sets

This complex is not strict, you are free to change it at your discretion. It is even welcomed since! But try to adhere to this recommendation: put those exercises in which you are weak at the beginning of the training, and end the training with "strong" exercises.

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Types of horizontal pull-ups

Horizontal pull-ups

The CrossFit pull-up is a very popular exercise because it can be done wherever there is a bar. It works great on many muscle groups. In CrossFit, the functionality of the whole body is important, which is why this type of exercise has gained popularity among athletes.

Horizontal pull-ups are an exercise performed on rings, uneven bars, a bar, or any stable object that can support your body weight in a horizontal position.

When performing pull-ups, the broadest, large, round, rhomboid, biceps, trapezius muscles are involved. Correct execution horizontal pull-ups will help to evenly load all areas of the back.

Technique: horizontal pull-ups

  1. Select an item above your hips.
  2. Get down to the floor.
  3. Grab the object with your fists towards you. Place your feet on the floor.
  4. Pull yourself up by lifting your back off the floor and slightly bending your elbows.
  5. Keep your body straight.
  6. Pull your body up until your chest touches the edge of the object.
  7. Stay in this position.
  8. Straighten your arms and return to the starting position.
  9. Repeat several times.

Horizontal pull-ups require more strength than vertical pull-ups. This is a transitional exercise before full pull-ups. It strengthens the shoulder and elbow joints.

If you perform horizontal pull-ups in a gym, then the execution technology remains. The main requirement is an even body and pulling the body up until the chest touches the crossbar.

  1. To make your first attempts at a horizontal pull-up easier, find an item higher.
  2. If you get 30 or more repetitions, you can move on to the subject at the level of the hips.
  3. In the first week of training, do horizontal pull-ups 5 times, in the second - 6, in the third - 10, etc.

If you have passed the level of basic training and the muscles are used to stress, you can proceed to performing more complex complexes - pull-ups with swinging.

Having a clear idea of ​​the result, and having familiarized yourself with the methodology, you can independently develop a training system with maximum efficiency and minimum use of equipment. Perform horizontal pull-ups at the very beginning of your workout, as they will help warm up all joints and are not traumatic for the athlete.

Think you have a strong back? Let's check. Do 10 horizontal pull-ups on the Smith machine. If you can't do this, then your back muscles and back deltas are too weak. These muscles are very important for correct posture... It was through weak muscles the upper back develops a stoop. Horizontal pull-ups are one of the best exercise to strengthen not only the back, but also the flexors of the arms.

In addition, regular performance of this exercise effectively improves results in martial arts, golf, tennis and other sports.

Exercise technique

Set the bar in the Smith machine at buttock level. Grasp the bar with a reverse grip shoulder-width apart and sit under it. Stretch your legs forward and place on your heels. Do not bend, keep your body straight. With an accentuated effort of the muscles of the back and rear deltas, pull up to the bar, while exhaling. Having reached the top point of the amplitude, hold for 1-2 seconds, then slowly lower yourself to the starting position, while inhaling. Fully straighten your elbows and pull yourself up until your chest touches the bar. Do 10 clean reps. If it is very difficult and you cannot complete the specified number of pull-ups in one approach, then break it down into two approaches. Do horizontal pull-ups until you can easily do more than 10 reps in one set. Then it will be possible to say that your back muscles and back deltas are sufficiently developed and strong.

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