How to learn to sit on the twine. Why do men need stretching (exercises for each part of the body)? How to sit on the twine: planting process, stages

Small child, like a boy or a girl, can easily sit on the twine. It has elastic and pliable ligaments. And can a person after 30 cope with this task? Yes! But only after long workouts both at home and in the gym.

Fundamental rules

Twine is good for the body. It is quite possible to learn how to sit on the twine at home for both a man and a girl, provided that you begin to master a rather simple technique for performing it and those step-by-step lessons that are described below in the article.

There are several advantages to doing it:

  • Helps to stretch many ligaments and restore joints.
  • Allows you to relieve muscle tension after strength training.
  • Promotes weight loss. Legs will become slender without looking pumped.

But such an effect will be achieved if the athlete adheres to the basic rules:

  • It is necessary to train regularly- every day, and preferably twice a day. The muscles stretched after it will not have time to return to original shape in such a short time.
  • Stretching should only be started after a warm-up., walking or taking a warm bath. "Warmed up" muscles will perceive the load better.
  • The duration of the lesson should be at least 15 minutes.
  • An important component when performing static exercises- breathing. It is required that inhalation and exhalation are smooth.

Vegetarian and raw food people have flexible body and elastic ligaments. Meat and fried foods make muscles rougher.

How long does it take to sit on the twine?

The structure of the body is individual for each person. Accordingly, the period for which he can sit on the twine will differ markedly. You need to look at the degree of preparation.

Experience in sports activities is also important:

All these terms are conditional. Each athlete's body will behave differently when exposed to stress. The more he trains, the faster he will achieve success.

The loss of the hated centimeters is due to the creation of the greenhouse effect. The temperature rises, blood circulation accelerates, sweat is released, thereby reducing body fat.

Unbeknownst to yourself, the shaping effect not only eliminates fat reserves, but also cleanses the subcutaneous layers of your problem areas.

Horizontal and longitudinal - which is easier to do?

There are two main types of static twine - horizontal and longitudinal. Approximately 90 percent of the population finds it easier to master the second option.

This is due to several logical reasons:

  • When a person moves, his legs go back and forth. This trajectory is repeated when performing a longitudinal twine. For the body, this is the usual position of the body, respectively, it will more easily begin to succumb to the load.
  • The structure of the joints and muscles is formed in such a way that it is easier for them to stretch in the vertical direction than in the horizontal direction.

It is recommended that you first learn how to perform a longitudinal twine, and then start mastering a transverse twine. There are people - exceptions who have a slightly different structure of ligaments and muscles. It is easier for them to do the first exercise.

When is it not worth learning to do the splits?

Is the standard body position for gymnasts. Do not think that everyone can repeat it.

There are several times when your workout should be postponed for another time:

  • High blood pressure. It can proceed without signs characteristic of this process. It is recommended that you first carry out this medical procedure so as not to harm your health.
  • Recently suffered spinal injury or any part of the legs (especially, thigh, knee, foot). The same applies to bruises.
  • Inflammatory process, observed in the area of ​​the hip joint.
  • Any pain, discomfort and feeling unwell is a contraindication for training.

Recovery after a long illness, pregnancy, postpartum period- all of this applies to a special occasion. Before starting classes, you should consult with a specialist.

Where to start with stretching exercises?

The first thing to do is to prepare for the main workout, for this you should:

  • Prepare the room. It should be warm in it. Otherwise, the muscles will be harder to "get" to work. If it is not possible to warm it up, then you should wear warm but comfortable clothes.
  • It is better to refuse shoes. If you want to practice in shoes, then it is better to give preference to sneakers or sneakers.
  • An important part of the lesson is the selection of a musical composition... It is required to choose several calm compositions, under which it will be pleasant to study.
  • A rubber mat may be needed.
  • It is recommended to prepare a centimeter... Every day, using this object, you need to measure the distance from the lower thigh to the floor. This will allow you to evaluate the effectiveness of the exercises.

Any sport's event starts with a quality warm-up. It should involve every part of the body, from head to feet. An inversely proportional direction operates here, the less a person is related to sports, the longer the preparation, and vice versa.

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He will help you:

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It is advisable to conduct classes during the period from 18:00 to 22:00... It is during this period that the muscles stretch better. All affairs should be postponed, to ensure complete peace of mind. You can now start your sporting event.

Warm up

Warm up for twine Is a set of measures aimed at preparing the whole body for sports discipline. Any movement that is commonly used for morning exercises will do.

Enough 5-10 minutes to "activate" the body and improve blood circulation.

Warming up muscles

Warming up muscles for splits Is a complex of measures consisting of active movements.

It might look like this:

  • Running in place. The higher the knees are positioned during the climb, the better. The total duration is 1 minute.
  • Jumping. Which ones? Doesn't matter. Closed straight legs, spreading the feet in the horizontal and longitudinal direction, turning the knees - all this is suitable for a fruitful warm-up. The total duration is 2 minutes.
  • Squats can also be performed in any form. It is important that they are as deep as possible. The total duration is 2 minutes.
  • Lunges forward. The knee should be bent at a right angle during the exercise. The total duration is 1 minute for each leg.
  • V mandatory you need to make swings with a large amplitude. The total duration is 1 minute per leg.
  • The final part of the warm-up is walking in place. The total duration is 1 minute.

Ten minutes is enough to warm up your muscles and prepare them for serious work. You can do other arbitrary movements as well. During their implementation, the body itself will tell you that it is ready for stress.

Attempts to sit on the twine

As soon as the workout is over, you should do a second split. This will allow you to assess the effectiveness of the training. The athlete will understand if he is performing the exercises correctly and if they need to be replaced.

Longitudinal twine requires:

For transverse twine, you need:

In the "final" position, you need to lock for a few seconds. Several smooth side-to-side movements should be made, similar to the work of a pendulum. Similarly, it is necessary to make movements in the forward-backward direction.

If possible, then it is worth staying in this position for 5-7 minutes. A normal occurrence is tension and mild pain. It can be reduced by relaxing and correct breathing(long inhalation, long exit).

Starting position

An important part of this exercise is going to starting position... This should be done very slowly and carefully, since any sudden movement can damage the ligaments.


  • Lean your hands on the floor as much as possible, transferring the entire load to them.
  • Connect the legs, making alternating movements of the feet.

The limbs may begin to "shake". If this occurs, then you should make several rotational movements of the pelvis.

Other exercises

There are several auxiliary exercises that will prepare your muscles for splits.

Seated forward bends

The purpose of the exercise is to fold the body. The nose should be in contact with the legs.

Forward bends with legs spread

When changing position, do not straighten your back. Each movement must be tilted.

Experienced instructors assure, assure that the wider the legs are apart, the more use will bring this exercise.


The closer the feet are to the body, the more effective the result of the exercise will be.

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Yoga exercises

Yogafamous view sports discipline that develops body flexibility and allows you to achieve mental balance. From this category, four exercises can be distinguished that will be useful for performing twine.

  • Stand up. Straighten your leg forward, placing it on the heel.
  • Tilt your body towards your leg. Grasp the foot with your hands.

The purpose of the exercise is to connect the body with the forward leg.

Deep lunge

  • Lunge. One leg should be directed forward, bend at a right angle, support on the heel. The second leg should be straight, directed as far back as possible, support on the toes.
  • Place your palms on the floor.
  • Make a few springy up and down movements, contracting your inner thigh.

When doing yoga, it is very important to keep your breathing calm.

Common beginner mistakes

In conclusion, it is worth saying a few words about the mistakes that beginners often make:

- This is a rather difficult exercise, with age it becomes more and more difficult to make it. Only when conducting correct training the ultimate goal will be achieved. follow all the tips of the article and then you will succeed!

Is it true that guys have a harder time doing splits than girls, and why are they doing stretching at all? GO.TUT.BY asked Minsk residents these questions with an impressive stretch and saw how the male split looks like.

"Some troll and compare with Van Damme, but no one condemns"

Ivan Kubasov calls himself an atypical IT specialist - "Not a bearded comrade and without a belly"... He used to do ballroom dancing and I always wanted to learn what is not given to every person.

- For example, I dreamed of performing a somersault and sitting on a twine. The somersault has already turned out, but for a beautiful twine, so far there are only developments, - Ivan shyly.

He got to stretching by accident: he saw a photo of a colleague from a stretching training on social networks, asked her about the classes, joked and parted on this.

- And later she came up to me with a question: “What are you doing here? Get ready and come with me to training "... In the evening there was nothing to do, and interest arose. Moreover, a colleague promised a huge amount beautiful girls in the group - I didn't lie, by the way, - the young man smiles. - In the hall I was first greeted with mocking looks: "Come on, boy, show what you can!" But over time, more or less joined the team.

The 34-year-old Minsker began to stretch in October last year. Says progress is obvious:

- Despite the fact that the boys are mostly wooden, I can already easily sit in a bow tie and put my knees on the floor. Coach Tatyana Glavatskaya tactfully bypasses discussions: how much work remains to be done before the perfect twine. She knows how to captivate the process, so the questions "How much?","and when?" disappear by themselves.

At the same time, the Belarusian IT specialist does not dare to call stretching training a sheer pleasure.

- On the one hand, stretching is painful and unpleasant. On the other hand, I understand that this is a challenge to myself, and boys love challenges. In addition, training is good for the muscle corset and joints. We don't just open bridges and throw our legs in different directions, but we do static stretching.

Ivan says that friends react to his hobbies in different ways:

- Someone trolls and calls Ivan Damme - a parallel with Van Damme. Someone says: "Cool!" But they definitely do not condemn. What is my motivation to come to stretching? It's great and interesting. And to be honest, a handsome coach is also a great motivation.

"We went with a partner to the world record - we did a double split 10 times"

Sergey Kudaev was born in Novopolotsk, in elementary school he was engaged in martial arts, and from the age of 14 he went to the section on sports acrobatics... Received the category of a candidate for master of sports and ended up in a circus studio.

- A circus artist can go nowhere without stretching, - Sergey explains. - Stretching is important in sports and dancing. No wonder they say: a flexible man is a young man. Moreover, flexibility lies not only in the ability to sit on the twine, but also in the mobility of the joints, shoulder girdle, backs ... The twine is just a small element of stretching. He is available to any person, if only he has the desire and perseverance.

Sergei recalls how he himself, after a year of training, easily sat down on the twine.

- For men, this skill is given a little harder because of the clogged muscles. But in stretching, rather, it is worth taking into account the physiological specifics of the body, and not sexual, - the circus artist notes. - For example, my partner and I even went to the world record - we did a double split 10 times. True, the Commission of the Guinness Book of Records rejected him.

Sergei Kudaev recalls that in childhood he sometimes had to stand up for himself when his peers made fun of his hobby for acrobatics.

- It didn’t come to serious conflicts. And among my hobbies were not only acrobatics and stretching, but also martial arts... But mass sports, like football, never understood or loved.

At the age of 19, Sergei decided to move from Novopolotsk to Minsk. It was not possible to get into the Belarusian State Circus, but was invited as a dancer to the Khoroshki ensemble. Later he began performing solo as an artist of the original genre.

- Now I regularly keep fit with training and rehearsals. I work from an hour to four a day on acrobatic technique, flexibility, strength and endurance. As soon as I take a short break, I immediately notice a decline.

“It's not very comfortable to be the only guy in the gym. And girls in short tops are distracting. "

Bank employee Sergey Yakimovich 32 years old, but he humorously calls himself an "aging agent" who grew up watching films with Jean-Claude Van Damme. Stretching like this actor was a childhood dream.

- I accidentally found out that there is a dance and fitness studio in the same building with our bank branch. I decided in mature age try to sit on a transverse twine. Home workouts did not bring desired result- probably too sorry for himself.

Sergey signed up for stretching in general groups for guys and girls.

- At first it was hard mentally and physically. After stretching I always wanted to sleep - I wasted so much energy. I didn't feel very comfortable being the only guy in the gym. And the girls in the tops were distracting.

The twine is not only the main element in gymnastic and acrobatic practice. This method of stretching is used in dance, yoga and strip plastic. The split not only shows the flexibility of the human body, but is a sign of healthy joints and bones. I am glad that you can sit on the twine without some preparation, having devoted only some time to stretching. Mastering such an element will allow you to develop coordination of movements, affect the flexibility of the body as a whole, and improve posture. The ability to sit on the twine will be needed not only for women, but also for men who want to work out the muscles of the press, arms, legs and buttocks. But how to do the splits at home? After all, not everyone has the time to visit a gymnastics coach. Observing certain rules, you can achieve your goal.

What is twine

Twine is understood as an exercise that is aimed at stretching the ligaments and muscles. Exercise includes spreading the legs in directly opposite directions. With a correct split, the legs form a single straight line. Correct execution exercise does not cause pain, does not create stiffness of movement. Correct stretching ensures this result.

Main types

Today, in gymnastic, acrobatic and dance practice, you can find a large number of types of twine. Some can be completed after a couple of months. intense training... Other types require complex and daily work.


It consists in the maximum dilution of the legs in opposite directions. Such a twine is not given to everyone, even the most flexible people... About 14% of people on earth will not be able to do this exercise due to the peculiar structure of the pelvis. It is noted that the cross twine is most convenient for men to perform, since women's hips are much more difficult to give in to such exercises.


Exercise in which the legs are spread forward and backward. The position represents a straight longitudinal line executed by the feet. This exercise is more difficult for men, since they have a much more powerful back of the thigh, which is difficult to develop and straighten. Longitudinal twine is divided into right-sided and left-sided. Depending on which leg is put forward, the name is given to the twine. The transverse and longitudinal twine have their own subspecies, which include certain features, nuances and additional elements.


The classic twine is understood as acrobatic element, as a result of which the angle that forms between the inner surfaces of the thighs is 180 degrees. This is the most common exercise that you land on from the floor.

Hanging or negative

Implies that the angle between the legs will be much greater than 180 degrees. The gymnast, standing on the supports, begins to sit on the twine. It turns out that the feet are slightly higher than the hip part of the body.


Heads along the horizon.


The exercise is performed while standing, the right or left leg.

It is performed in a standing position on the hands or with support on the elbows. First, the gymnast becomes in a vertical position, and only then begins to spread the legs.

This is a very effective stretching exercise. Initially, it can be performed only after some preparation time. The half-split well prepares your body for full exercise. In order to complete it, you need to lower yourself to the floor. One leg is extended, the other is bent to its maximum level to the floor. In this position, you need to fix your feet and try to stretch your body towards the extended leg.

How long can you sit down

The question of timing is purely individual. It all depends on the age, the number of workouts and their intensity. If a person already has experience in gymnastic procedures, and stretching is done regularly, then you can fully sit on the twine in just 1-2 months. The main condition is the presence of intense training. If a person has just started stretching, then it will take much more time.

In order to get down to a full twine, it will take from three to four months. The conditions for this are - daily activities and a properly selected set of exercises.

After 20 years, a person develops physiological characteristics that can affect both a decrease and an increase in the time to reach the goal. Much also depends on gender. For example, men are given harder stretching of ligaments and muscles.

Therefore, in order for the average man to sit on the splits, he will have to spend from 5 to 10 months of hard training. Women are much more fortunate in this regard. Even beginners, practicing regularly three to four times a week, can do the splits after 3 months.

However, before you develop an exercise program and move on to training, you need to understand how realistic it is in your case.

It is possible to do splits if you do not have a spinal fracture, osteoporosis, osteochondrosis and other chronic diseases associated with blood vessels and the functioning of the circulatory system. The possibility of such physical activity it is better to speak with a doctor.


It is impossible to learn to sit down the twine just like that - you need to prepare your body gradually. To do this, you need to prepare a list in advance. effective exercise to warm up. Their implementation will allow you to achieve the desired result much faster.

Exercise will help prepare the body for subsequent manipulations. It will succumb to training and soon the goal will be achieved. Here are a few more useful tips for those who want to do the splits:

  1. Drink plenty of water as it improves the elasticity of your skin and muscles, which means it will be easier to do the splits. Dry skin and tight muscles contribute to the opposite effect.
  2. Try to take a hot shower the first time before exercising. Steaming the body will also improve the elasticity of the skin.
  3. Do not stretch in critical days, as there is a risk of injury or gynecological diseases.
  4. Before stretching, it is recommended to do a little self-massage for yourself.
  5. Such loads involve the consumption of only the right food. You can eat fiber and complex carbohydrates in the morning, protein and fats at lunch, and fiber and simple carbohydrates in the evening. It is important to feel your lightness, at the same time, without losing vitality and energy.
  6. Pay attention to cardio workouts at least a couple of times a week. Cardio allows you to feel lightness, tighten the muscle corset. At the same time, you will be able to prepare your body for the appropriate loads. Running perfectly accelerates and warms up the blood.

By observing these rules, you will achieve the result and good stretching of the ligaments much faster.


The set of workouts for warming up is selected depending on the type of twine that you want to perform. Let's get acquainted with the exercises that will allow you to carry out the longitudinal presented below:

  1. Bends with hands behind your back. You need to start stretching with simple exercises, gradually increasing the load on the muscles. You need to stand up straight. Hands are locked behind the back in the lock. They need to be lifted up so that an angle of 90 degrees is formed between the back and arms. In this position, you need to bend over and pull your chest to your knees. Legs should not bend. Bending as low as possible, you need to stand in this position for a few seconds. Repeat 10 times 2 sets.

    Bends with hands behind the back

  2. Bends to the leg. You need to sit on the floor on a gymnastic mat. The legs are extended and diverge as much as possible to the sides. The right leg is bent at the knee and laid on its side. The foot rests on the thigh of the left leg. At the same time, the body is gradually laid on the outstretched leg. Hands stretch forward to the foot. As soon as you pulled out with the maximum felt a slight pain, you need to fix in this position for a few seconds. You need to repeat the exercises 5 times on each leg.

  3. You need to lie down with your body on a gymnastic mat. The legs are spread apart to the maximum possible width. The pelvis moves forward. At the same time, the legs do not bend. The back is straightened. The body drops forward to the floor. The exercise is done until you feel a burning sensation. It indicates that the tendon is stretching. You need to do it 5 times in 2 sets.

  4. Lunges. These exercises are great for not only flexibility and stretching, but also raise muscle tone. You need to lunge forward with your right or left foot. Hands rest on the floor. The leg is between the hands. The left knee is on the floor. If possible, you need to lower yourself on your elbows. The whole body needs to be pressed against the leg, which is put forward. After that, go back to the original. 5 times in 2 sets.

  5. Raising lunges. To complete this exercise, you need to go to the wall. The foot and left leg should be lifted up and back, resting on the wall. The hands are on the knees so that the position is as stable as possible. In this position, you need to lock in for a few seconds, then relax and repeat the exercise 5 more times with each leg.

  6. Stretching while standing. You need to stand up straight and close your feet. The body weight is slowly shifted to the left leg. The right leg is bent at the knee and lifted up. Wrap your arms around it. The leg is extended as much as possible until you feel a burning sensation. In this position, you need to linger for a few seconds. After which the leg drops, the exercise is repeated anew.

  7. Side plank. This exercise will help not only stretch the body, but also teach you how to keep a precarious balance. This exercise is suitable for both beginners and people who are already well enough prepared for the future split. You need to stand in the side bar and lean on right leg... With your left hand you need to take thumb left leg. At the same time, the leg bends at the knee. The arm and leg stretch upward. Gradually, the leg is straightened until a feeling of severe pain appears. It is important to maintain balance and not fall. You need to try to stretch your leg as high as possible.

  8. Swing your legs. Stand near a hard surface. It is desirable that it be a flat wall. Place your hands on the wall. Raise your right leg at a 90 degree angle. Gradually try to lift your leg higher. Then start swinging it like a pendulum. Each leg needs to be done 20 swings. Then another approach is taken.

If you are working out in the gym, then try to throw your leg up the highest rung of the stairs or on the horizontal bar. Lock in this position. Pleasant pain should be present in the muscles. If you are doing a warm-up at home, any bedside table will do, a chest of drawers or a leg fixed to the wall. In this position, you need to squat. This should be done gradually, monitoring your feelings. Pleasant sprain pain should be present.

When the pain becomes unbearable, you need to fix the leg in position and wait a few seconds.

It is important! Each workout should be at least 30 minutes long, and at least 15 minutes should be given to warm up. Running can also be considered a warm-up, as it perfectly improves blood circulation.


The transverse twine requires more high level preparation:

  1. Stretching the surface of the hips. You need to kneel on a gymnastic mat. The body is level. Hands fall along the body. You need to put your right leg forward and tilt your whole body towards it, putting your hands forward. Shoulders should be at the same level, posture at knee level.

  2. Stretching the front surface. You need to get down on your knees. A lunge is made forward. The front leg is locked in one position. The back foot should rest on the floor. Back leg straightens up to the stop and fixes the position. Repeat 5 times with each leg.

  3. Alternate extension. You need to sit on the floor in the frog pose. The legs are connected in such a way that they are pressed to the floor. The feet are wrapped around the hands. The back is straight. One leg moves to the side. Bent leg pressed against the floor. The second hand is the support in front of the gymnast. Repeat 5 times with each leg.

  4. Slopes. Starting position - sitting on a gymnastic mat. The back is kept straight. Legs as straight as possible and spread apart. Hands are behind the back. The back is straight. It is necessary to alternately tilt on each leg. the shoulders are turned forward, the body tilts. This stretches the back of the thigh. Hands stretch to the feet, and after that they are fixed on the feet for a few seconds. Then you need to return to the starting position. If, instead of a burning sensation, strong pain occurs, the exercise should be stopped.

  5. Spin with back. We need a gymnastic mat. The arms are extended along the body. The emphasis is on one leg. The first folds and the second rises. A two-handed grip is carried out. The knee does not bend. The pelvis does not unfold. The pelvic bones are at the same level. The back of the thigh is stretched. The exercise is performed 5 times with each leg.

  6. Adduction of the foot. You need to sit on a gymnastic mat. The buttocks are on the heels. The back is straight. The right and left legs are extended backward. A hand grip is made. In this position, you need to lock in for a few minutes, and then repeat. Each leg needs to be made five passes.

Each twine is necessary element in yoga, dance or gymnastics classes. Others want to improve their health, blood circulation and vascular condition, so they dream of mastering the exercise. Still others set themselves a similar goal in order to look spectacular.

The fourth is simply to master this difficult exercise in principle. Whatever the goal, splits are possible even in childhood, and even after 30, when, it would seem, all the muscles have already formed. It's important to be responsible with your exercise choices, as well as each workout. And only in this case a successful result will await you.


A warm-up is necessary to warm up the muscles. For this, jumping, running in place, swinging and kicking, or simply walking vigorously for 10-12 minutes are suitable. This is enough to move on to stretching exercises.

Sit on the floor (on) and stretch your legs. Use your fingers to reach your toes. The back should be straight. Reaching your toes, hold for 20-30 seconds and exhale. Repeat this exercise 10-15 times. Watch your back, do not slouch.

Sit with one leg extended straight in front of you and the other at a right angle (90 °) to the first. If a right angle does not work out, try to achieve this by all means, help the leg with your hands, stretch with your whole body. Change the position of the legs: right in front, to the side, then vice versa - left in front, right to the side. Remember the right angle. The back must be straight.

In a prone position, raise your legs strictly at right angles to your body. Spread them apart and hold them for 1 minute. Then connect, lower to the floor, rest for 10 seconds. And again raise and spread your legs, lingering in this position for 1 minute. Alternate with rest. Repeat the exercise on the first day 10 times, on the following days increase the load at your discretion.

Stand up, alternately raise your legs forward 90 °. The back is straight. First, do swings 15-20 times, and then, lifting your leg, try to hold it in this position for 20-30 seconds. The number of these can be arbitrary, but the more, the more.
And now this is the same exercise, only the legs should be raised, and then taken to the side. First - swing, then - hold the leg on weight.

This exercise is done while standing. Lunge with your right foot forward at a right angle. Do rocking, squatting movements (muscles should be felt in the groin) for 20-30 seconds. Then - lunge forward with the left leg and repeat the movements. The exercise takes 6-8 minutes.

In a standing position, lift your right leg, bent at the knee, and press it to. Take your leg to the side, fix it. Then with your hand, try to take your leg as far as possible to the side (you should feel the stretch of the muscles). Change your leg and repeat the exercise.

In a standing position, throw one leg over the back of a chair, table or windowsill (if you are doing the exercise at home) and, bending your knee, move your whole body towards the object on which the leg is thrown. 10-15 times. Change your leg.

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During exercise, do not try to stretch the muscles as much as possible, until the red circles in front of your eyes.

Feel the measure, otherwise you can injure not only the muscles, but also the joints, and then return to the fulfillment of your dream - you will be able to sit on the splits only after a few months.

How to quickly learn to do twine?

Good afternoon everyone! I, Albert Valitov, a professional trainer and leading author of our blog, welcome you, our dear guests and regular readers. Today I will tell you how to learn how to do twine.

Agree that the split, performed by an athlete with ease, evokes feelings of admiration, and this movement, performed by dancers in the air or standing, leads to enthusiastic applause from grateful spectators.

The flexibility of these people makes them feel like they are missing bones or joints. Although, as you understand, the bodies of these people are arranged in the same way as those of others.

However, in order to learn how to perform the split, they needed a great desire, perseverance and constant training.

Do you think twine is a prerogative of twelve year olds? You are greatly mistaken. Everyone can learn it at home.

A woman lives in our house, she is 65 years old. Her legs ached constantly and began to refuse to move. At the same time, she did not want to get into a wheelchair.

She began every morning to do a little exercise, feasible for her age, gradually increasing her load. It is clear that the result did not appear in 5 minutes, it took time and painstaking work.

Therefore, as a result, elderly woman overcame the blues, brought back to life her ossified ligaments with joints, and the crown of her achievements was twine and healthy legs. Isn't it a perfect example for many to follow.

Features of twine stretching

Twine is specific sports exercise stretching performed by a person, which characterizes the elasticity of his ligaments and muscles.

It is very useful not only for professional athletes, but also for ordinary people who are pleased to feel the flexibility of their body, and especially when they have received this wonderful result at home.

Performing this exercise helps a person:

  1. Prevent varicose veins.
  2. Improve the functioning of the intestines.
  3. Improve the work of the pelvic organs.
  4. "Open" the thoracic region, restoring deep breathing.
  5. Stretch the spine.
  6. Relieve depression.
  7. Improve mood.
  8. Overcome laziness.

How to achieve your goal

Many of those who dare to learn how to sit on the splits consciously go to not only get a beautiful stretch, but also a healthy body.

At the same time, they understand that in 5 minutes the result will never be obtained. Everything here is individual. After all, each person has his own genetics and constitution.

At the same time, a person's ability to master the twine depends on:

  • Paul;
  • Age;
  • Natural data;
  • Physical fitness;
  • Compliance with the correct diet or water-drinking regime.

It is here that I want to stop and tell those who wish, to learn how to do the splits, that this is a completely achievable dream.

Do you work for a prestigious company and have been dating a wonderful girl for half a year already? You really like her, how wonderful person, an interesting conversationalist and a reliable friend.

Is the girl so pleasant to you that you started thinking about a serious relationship? At the same time, you want to please her with an unusual surprise. I see, your goal is very commendable!

But since your girl has an unusual profession of equilibrist in a circus, as a pleasant surprise for your beloved, I can advise you to learn how to do a split in the air in order to show her the flight of your soul, love and joy.

It will not only be cool, as it will raise your rating in the eyes of a girl, but it can also become that first virtual step to your family happiness.

Training Basics

Initially, I want to say that the key to success in doing the split is a clearly understood goal.

At the same time, an untrained person should not immediately start with difficult exercises that can harm health, cause pain, or cause injury.

An ordinary person can learn to sit on the twine not only in the gym under the guidance of an experienced trainer, but also independently at home, having previously studied the basics of the training process.

Therefore, it is on the last option that I would like to focus the attention of our readers in order to tell how to properly organize their home workouts, which should consist of such fundamental components.

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