Conor McGregor scores wins and losses. Conor McGregor: biography, career and personal life

Was in the spotlight again. We remind you that on October 6, the Irish fighter will meet with the Russian athlete Khabib Nurmagomedov in Las Vegas.

But the special admiration of the fans was caused by the kickboxer's noble deed - he donated a large sum for the treatment of an unknown child. The sick boy's mother created an Instagram account in order to raise the missing funds for the treatment of her son. The Irishman was the first to respond to a request for help, for which the woman is immensely grateful to him and called the athlete a legend.

Athlete biography facts

It should be noted that fights in the personal life of Conor McGregor have always been present. He was born on the outskirts of Dublin on July 14, 1988, and grew up as a daring and intractable boy. Parents had to repeatedly listen to instructive instructions in the office of the director of the local school.

The situation was saved only by his son's sports hobby - in his youth, the guy played for the school's football team.

Only mom was serious about the young man's hobbies. It was she who settled the troubles of a pugnacious son and persuaded the coaches to pay as much attention to the rebellious son as possible. The father hoped that the young man would become a simple hard worker-plumber. The guy's prospects were proved by the first victory in kickboxing competitions, won by Conor at the age of 12.

A little later, McGregor became interested in mixed martial arts, performing in the techniques of Brazilian jiu-jitsu, classic boxing and taekwondo.

For more than 10 years, coach John Kavan was engaged in the formation of a young fighter. It was he who instilled in the athlete the golden rule of wrestling - you cannot surrender after defeat. According to the mentor, only one who, after a fall, gets up and continues to work on himself, can become a real leader.

Growth in popularity

In 2006, the athlete's family was forced to change their place of residence. Accordingly, McGregor had to deal with mixed martial arts with another coach. The skills instilled by Kavan helped the young fighter to become the undisputed winner of the 2007 ROT: Ring of Truth 6 tournament.

The up-and-coming Irishman defeated Ciaran Campbell by TKO in the first five minutes of the match.

In the period from 2007 to 2014, the Irishman had significant and bright victories in the following fights:

with Gary Maurice at the Cage of Truth;

with Mo Taylor on Cage Rage;

with Marcus Brimage in the UFC;

with Brazilian Aldou, becoming the best fighter of 2014.


For revenge in a match with Knight Diaz, who defeated McGregor in the previous fight, the athlete received the title of best fighter and an award of $ 3 million. After defeating Eddie Alvarez in 2016, Conor became the first athlete in the UFC to become a light and super lightweight champion.

The special attention of sports commentators was riveted by the meeting of the Irishman with the American fighter Floyd Mayweather. Then the competition was called in the press the fight of the century, and the rivals, long before the fight, exchanged impartial comments about each other.

McGregor promised to tear the opponent to pieces, however, lost the fight in round 10 by the judge's decision. The referee announced a technical knockout, stopping the fierce fight between the fighters.

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As the journalists told, the Irishman did not go to waste because of his defeat - the account of the bright kickboxer was replenished by $ 30 million, thanks to tickets, accessories with tournament symbols and interest from the competition broadcasts.

Athlete's personal life

In the biography of McGregor, the beauty Dee Devlin appeared in 2007. They met in a nightclub, the boxer attracted the girl's attention with witty jokes and an original sense of humor. The meeting turned out to be significant, the couple soon legalized their relationship.

The beginning of the family life of young people was far from cloudless - McGregor received 200 euros in unemployment benefits, they lived in a poor quarter in a rented apartment and all household expenses fell on the fragile shoulders of the young wife.

Soon her efforts were rewarded - McGregor became the most promising fighter in the UFC, receiving fabulous fees even for losses. In May 2017, the long-awaited son was born, Conor plans to play sports with the baby from the first years of his life.

The long-awaited heir McGregor devotes all his free time, hoping that his son will surpass him in the future.

Future tournament

In the personal life and biography of Conar McGregor, there have been no real battles lately. Therefore, his desire to challenge Khabib Nurmagomed to a duel at first caused bewilderment among the fans of both rivals.

Most commentators are sure that on October 6, the Irishman will face a deafening defeat at the hands and feet of a 30-year-old Russian fighter. So. Alexander Emelianenko is sure that the Irishman will not survive, although he has good professional training.

Irish strongest mixed martial artist, competing under the auspices of the "Ultimate Fighting Championship". Former UFC Lightweight Champion, 2016-2018 and Featherweight Champion 2015-2016. Known for his unique boxing and taekwondo skills. Possesses a knockout blow from both the left and right hands. Is engaged in the production of whiskey.

Conor McGregor was born on July 14, 1988 in southern Dublin, a suburb of Crumlin, Ireland. I also went in for sports for the first time. McGregor played for Luders Celtic Football Club. In 2006, he moved with his family to Lucan, where McGregor went to Colaiste Cois Life High School. After graduation, he began to study the profession of a plumber. Later in Lucan, McGregor began training in wrestling with future UFC fighter Tom Egan. So McGregor became interested in mixed martial arts. At the age of 16 he joined the SBG team.

McGregor began his professional career in mixed martial arts with lightweight performances. Later, having earned ten victories with two defeats in his career statistics, he made his debut in the lower category, where in two fights he managed to win the featherweight title of the English organization "Cage Warriors". Without stopping at one title, McGregor returned to his former division, where he took the lightweight title from Ivan Buchinger, thus becoming a simultaneous champion in two weight classes.

Impressed by the performances of the Irishman, the UFC management soon signed a contract with him. The debut fight in the new organization took place at UFC on Fuel TV: Mousasi vs. Latifi, where Marcus Brimage became McGregor's rival. The battle was accompanied by active attacks from Brimage, who, however, could not oppose anything to the precise and technical strikes of the Irishman. After hitting the opponent with a series of heavy punches to the jaw, McGregor knocked him down on the floor and began to finish off, after which the referee stopped the fight.

The next fight was scheduled for UFC Fight Night 26, where it was supposed to meet against Englishman Andy Ogle. After some time, Ogle was forced to withdraw due to injury and was replaced by Max Holloway. McGregor completely dominated the fight and secured a landslide victory over Holloway, which is currently the Irishman's only decision win. In the middle of the second round, McGregor felt a crunch in his knee, after an MRI scan, an anterior cruciate ligament injury was diagnosed, due to which the doctors imposed a ban on fighting for ten months.

As part of the UFC 178 tournament, McGregor won another victory by TKO. This time, American fighter Dustin Poirier, who had never been knocked out before, fell under the onslaught of the Irishman. Throughout the fight, McGregor shot through the enemy with strikes from a distance, until he knocked him out in the second minute of the first round. Later, UFC President Dana White said that McGregor could become the main contender for the featherweight title if Alda wins the fight between reigning champion Jose Aldou and Chad Mendes at UFC 179.

At the end of January 2015, the date of the fight for the UFC featherweight title between McGregor and Aldu became known. The fight was supposed to take place on July 11, 2015 and lead the UFC 189 tournament. And in March, a twelve-day world tour took place in eight cities of the world, designed to advertise the upcoming tournament. The world tour turned out to be dramatic and rich in all sorts of McGregor's attacks on Aldu: it all started with an intense battle of views in Rio, and reached its climax during a press conference in the Irish capital, when McGregor snatched his champion belt from the Brazilian's table.

It became known on June 23 that Aldu suffered a broken rib during training and for this reason the fight could be canceled. In this case, management prepared a replacement for Alda in the person of two-time NCAA medalist Chad Mendes, who would have fought McGregor for the interim featherweight title. On June 30, Dana White confirmed the message that Aldou will not be able to fight and will be eliminated from the tournament, and will be replaced by Mendes. McGregor continued his knockout streak by defeating Mendes and becoming interim UFC featherweight champion.

In August 2015, the organization announced a new date for McGregor's meeting against Aldu. The previously unsuccessful fight this time was supposed to lead the UFC 194 tournament on December 12, 2015. At the GO BIG press conference dedicated to the upcoming tournaments, McGregor said that if he won the title of undisputed champion from Aldu, he would move to the lightweight category. On December 12, the long-awaited fight did take place, however, to the surprise of many fans, it ended earlier than many expected. Just thirteen seconds into the first round, McGregor delivered an accurate counter-punch to the jaw that sent Alda to the canvas, ending his five-year dominance as champion.

After winning the undisputed title, McGregor topped UFC 196, where he was originally announced as a lightweight title contender against reigning champion Rafael doz Anjus. On February 23, 2016 it became known that Duz Anjus injured his leg during sparring and was forced to withdraw from the fight. A day later, the organization found a replacement for the injured champion in the person of Nate Diaz, but the fight took place in the welterweight division. Earlier, McGregor's coach stated that his ward is able to fight in the welterweight division against the champion Robbie Lawler.

The fight began with active attacks by McGregor with both hands and feet. The Irishman's activity also consisted in complete control of the center of the octagon and in an effort to close the distance. In the second half of the first round, he cut Diaz's eyebrow, but the initiative began to flow into the hands of the opponent. This became evident in McGregor's misses and Diaz's jab hits. The round ended on the ground, the transfer to which was initiated by Diaz, grabbing the leg of the Irishman. Diaz began to increase the pressure, he pushed the Irishman against the wall and began to beat him. McGregor freed himself from the clinch, in turn responded with a good combination, and then desperately threw himself at Diaz's feet. The fight spilled over to the ground, where the Irishman fell for a choke hold, suffering his first defeat within the UFC.

According to McGregor, his next fight will probably be in featherweight, where he will defend the champion's title.

McGregor announced his retirement on April 19, 2016, writing about it on Twitter. “I decided to leave the sport young. Thanks everyone. See you later". On April 21, 2016, McGregor announced on his Facebook page that he was not going to end his career and was ready to compete at UFC 200 if he was allowed to hold only one press conference and then return to training. At UFC 202: Diaz vs. Mcgregor 2 had a rematch with Nate Diaz, in which McGregor won by majority decision.

It was officially announced on September 27, 2016 that McGregor will fight his next fight against lightweight champion Eddie Alvarez on November 12 at UFC 205. McGregor defeated Alvarez in a second round by TKO and became the first concurrent double champion in UFC history. Received sixth bonus "Performance of the Night".

Due to inactivity in the featherweight division, on November 26, 2016, it was announced that McGregor had vacated the champion belt and interim champion Jose Aldo had become the undisputed champion.

In May 2016, Conor McGregor announced his desire to try his hand at professional boxing. Soon after, there was talk of a fight against the former best boxer, regardless of weight class Floyd Mayweather. In July 2017, it became known that the fighters had agreed on the terms of the battle. Soon a fight took place, which McGregor lost. The victory was won by Floyd Mayweather. In the tenth round, after a series of punches by Mayweather, the referee stopped the fight, which meant Mayweather's victory by TKO.

In Las Vegas, USA, on the night of October 6-7, 2018, the fight of the Absolute Fighting Championship in lightweight took place, in which the Russian fighter Khabib Nurmagomedov defeated the Irishman Conor McGregor by suffocation, forcing the Irishman Conor McGregor to surrender.

Conor McGregor, October 24, 2019 flew to Moscow to present his whiskey, which went on sale in Russia. During the press conference, the athlete spoke about his first visit to the capital and his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Also, the fighter said that he wants to be sure to fight in Moscow. In addition, throughout the press conference, the Irishman recalled Khabib Nurmagomedov, to whom he lost in the fight for the UFC championship belt.

Irish fighter Conor McGregor January 19, 2020 defeated American Donald Cerrone in the 246 absolute fighting championship tournament. The welterweight bout, which took place in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, ended with a knockout in the first round, 40 seconds into the game. For McGregor, the fight was the first after being defeated by the Russian Khabib Nurmagomedov.


Conor McGregor
Conor Anthony McGregor

Mixed martial arts fighter

News and Events

Conor McGregor defeats Donald Cerrone by KO in the first round

Irish mixed style fighter Conor McGregor defeated American Donald Cerrone in the 246 Fighting Championship tournament on January 19, 2020. The welterweight bout, which took place in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, ended with a knockout in the first round, 40 seconds away. For McGregor, the fight was the first after being defeated by the Russian Khabib Nurmagomedov. In total, the 31-year-old Irishman had 26 fights in mixed martial arts, scoring 22 victories and suffering four defeats. Cerrone took part in 51 fights, won 36 fights, lost 14 times, one more fight was declared invalid. In the last fight on September 14, the 36-year-old American lost by technical knockout to his compatriot Justin Gajee.

Fighter Conor McGregor held a press conference in Moscow

Irish mixed martial artist Conor McGregor flew to Moscow on October 24, 2019 to present his own production of whiskey on sale in Russia. During the press conference, the athlete spoke about his first visit to the capital and his meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin. Also, the fighter said that he wants to be sure to fight in Moscow. In addition, throughout the press conference, the Irishman recalled Khabib Nurmagomedov, to whom he lost in the fight for the UFC championship belt. At the end, McGregor said that his next fight was scheduled for January 18 next year in Las Vegas, but with whom the fighter did not specify.

Khabib met with fans in Makhachkala

In Makhachkala on October 8, 2018, a meeting of fans with a Russian mixed-style fighter Khabib Nurmagomedov took place. The Anji-Arena stadium was visited by about 9 thousand people, there were no violations of public order. This was announced by Mikail Makasharipov, head of the Public Order Protection Department in Dagestan.

Khabib Nurmagomedov defeated McGregor to defend his UFC World title

Weighing ceremony of Khabib and McGregor

In Las Vegas, USA, on October 5, 2018, the official early weigh-in ceremony for the participants of the UFC 229 tournament took place. The main event will be the lightweight title fight between Russian Khabib Nurmagomedov and Irish Conor McGregor.

Khabib Nurmagomedov vs Conor McGregor - The Duel of the Century

Las Vegas USA will host one of the most anticipated UFC 229 events in mixed martial arts history on the night of October 6-7, 2018. The interest in competitions in the world simply goes beyond the bounds of decency, because the Russian Khabib Nurmagomedov will defend his lightweight title in the ring. His opponent in the ring will not be just anyone, but featherweight and lightweight champion Conor McGregor.

Sports biography of Conor McGregor is described in one phrase: "Through hardships to the stars." The first in the history of the Absolute Fighting Championship (UFC), the owner of the award belts in 2 weight categories, might not have achieved such phenomenal success, if friends and relatives were not around, who supported morally and financially.

Childhood and youth

Conor Anthony McGregor was born in the Irish city of Dublin on July 14, 1988. Already in childhood, the boy showed interest in sports and initially became interested in football. The guy was an ardent fan of FC Manchester United, and he played for the Luders Celtic club. McGregor spent his childhood in Dublin, and in 2006 the family moved to Lucan.

Conor says that no matter what his age and no matter how difficult fights lie ahead, his mother has always played a big role in his career. It was she who negotiated with McGregor's coach so that he convinced his son not to give up martial arts when difficult times came. Mom still often visits Conor's fights and supports him in all his endeavors.

Even when McGregor had not yet thought about becoming a professional fighter, fighting was already a part of his life. During his school years, Conor often got involved in fights, and therefore his parents often had to see the director.

The first professional coach of the champion was John Kavan, under whose supervision the training of the young athlete took place for ten years. John taught his ward that great people are not afraid to lose - they just get up and go on to train.


The fighter began his sports career in lightweight, when his height was about 175 cm, and his weight was about 66 kg. In the first serious fight, which took place in 2007 as part of the Ring of Truth 6 tournament, Conor knocked out Ciaran Campbell in the first 5 minutes and became the winner. A year later, at the Cage of Truth tournament, the young athlete defeated Gary Morris, at the Cage Rage championship - Mo Taylor, defeated Paddy Doherty and Mike Wood by clear knockout.

Conor McGregor and Cristiano Ronaldo

Among the first fights of Conor were both victorious fights and lost meetings. In 2008, McGregor was defeated by Lithuanian athlete Artemy Sitenkov, a couple of years later - by compatriot Joseph Duffy.

The biggest problem for the Irishman at that time was not the need to improve technology, but financial difficulties. At some point in time, Conor worked as a plumber, like his father, deciding to overshadow sports. However, after watching the 2009 Ultimate Fighting Championship, he began to train hard again.

In 2012, McGregor moved up to featherweight and became the leader of the Cage Warriors in just 2 fights. Then he returned to the lightweight category and took the champion title from Ivan Buchinger, at the same time being the reigning champion in two weights at once.

The UFC management, which once inspired McGregor to resume training, was impressed by the athlete's success and offered a professional contract. The first rival of the fighter in the new organization was Marcus Brimage, whom Conor met in the framework of UF Con Fue lTV. Brimage actively attacked the Irishman, but was defeated under the weight of his technical and extremely accurate blows.

The best knockouts and fights of Conor McGregor

The next opponent was Max Holloway, whom Conor also defeated. However, during this fight, he suffered an anterior cruciate ligament injury, due to which doctors forbade him to participate in battles for 10 months. Upon returning to an active career, the athlete performed in his native Dublin as part of UFC Fight Night 46, defeating Diego Brandan by technical knockout in the first round.

This was followed by a few more victories and a challenge to Jose Aldo, at that time the current UFC featherweight champion. The promoters planned a fight for July 2015, and until then McGregor tried in every possible way to unbalance Aldo. During a press conference in Dublin, he grabbed the champion belt from the table of the future opponent. However, Jose suffered a broken rib and could not fight Conor.

Conor McGregor knocks out Jose Aldo

The Irishman's opponent in the appointed match was two-time NCAA champion Chad Mendes, whom McGregor successfully defeated, securing the status of interim featherweight champion. The meeting with Aldo took place only in December 2015 and was supposed to be a truly exciting event. However, already at the 13th second of the first round, Conor implemented a counterattack to the opponent's jaw and won the champion title.

The Irishman was first defeated in the UFC in February 2016. In August of the same year, in a rematch for the UFC welterweight title, McGregor still defeated Diaz, although the meeting lasted long enough and turned out to be incredibly entertaining.

UFC Champion Conor McGregor

And in the fall of 2016, Conor won the UFC lightweight title: the American, who wore the award belt before him, could not withstand the fight with the assertive fighter.

At the same time, a famous Russian fighter began to express his desire to meet with McGregor. Another athlete eager to fight the Irishman is the holder of numerous titles.

Conor McGregor VS Floyd Mayweather

UFS President Dana Wyatt, according to press reports, said that 2 belts for one athlete is too much. Perhaps because Aldo threatened to end his career if he didn't get a rematch. UFS did not want to miss such a star, and there were loud headlines in the media that McGregor was "vacating" the title. But for the fans of Conor, it looked like the championship was taken away from their favorite.

Personal life

Conor McGregor's personal life is the exact opposite of what happens in the ring, quiet and measured. The fighter's chosen one is the beautiful Dee Devlin. The couple's love story began in an Irish nightclub and culminated in a wedding in 2007. The wife did not stop believing in Conor and supported even when the husband brought home only unemployment benefits of € 188. In an interview with the Irish Mirror, the fighter said that Dee had to work hard at that time, so now he is happy to compensate his beloved woman for all physical and moral suffering.

McGregor has attracted a soul mate to personal income management. The athlete jokes that for this reason the girl is always there: "Dee collects checks." In addition to earning in the ring, Conor's bank account is funded by contracts with Bud Light, Reebok and Monster Energy. In life, everything has a price, the man believes, and in order to chill out on the beach tomorrow, today he participates in fights.

"I want to be financially independent when it's time to have kids."

Conor McGregor with his wife

In the fall of 2016, it became known that Conor and Dee were expecting a baby. The news made the fighter happy: family and children are no less important to him than a stellar career. The Irishman decided to give up fighting until May 2017, as his wife was always very worried when he fought. The son was named Conor Jack. The child and his mother attended the first tournament for his father after McGregor's retraining from mixed martial arts fighter to boxers.

McGregor is an active Instagram user. The athlete often uploads photos showing fans new tattoos, showing off in a business suit or showing how his hairstyle has changed.

Conor McGregor with his son

The music to which Conor usually enters the ring is the song Sinead O "Connor & The Chieftains, called" The Foggy Dew. "The Irishman loves sports cars and, according to a number of sites, is fond of origami.

In 2018, McGregor presented Proper Twelve, an Irish whiskey produced at the family-owned Erie Born Spirits distillery. Part of the proceeds from the sale - $ 5 per bottle - is planned to be donated to charity. The athlete said he wants to support the rescue units in the regions where the drink is sold.

Conor McGregor now

The Mayweather fight, scheduled for August 26, 2017 in Las Vegas, was the highlight of the year. Hot press conferences with mutual insults and promises to tear each other apart fueled public interest.

The Irishman, in his usual manner, not being shy in expressions and not stingy with threats, at every meeting with journalists promised to beat 40-year-old Mayweather in the second round. However, the Irishman's showman's talent turned out to be a level higher than that of boxing. In the 10th round, Mayweather knocked out the daring McGregor, winning the fight of the century.

Immediately after the fight, Mayweather announced his retirement. The boxer also admitted that on the eve of the meeting, he injured his arm.

Promoters adore Conor not only for a rich combat arsenal and willingness, bleeding, to go to the end. In the Pay-Per-View area, where viewers pay to watch television content,. McGregor also has a talent for newsmaking outside the sports field. The sportsman's eloquence, fights with the referee and security guards have already become the talk of the town. Even a film about his life is called Notorious. And in the spring of 2018, Conor made a fuss by attacking a bus with participants in the UFC 223 tournament, in which Khabib Nurmagomedov and American Ray Borg were sitting.

Trailer for the movie "Notorious" about Conor McGregor

If the Russian only laughed in response to the trick of the future rival, then Borg received an eye injury. To McGregor's credit, he voluntarily surrendered to the police, later released on bail and paid a fine.

The closer the October battle between Conor and Khabib, the more insults the fighters addressed to each other. This involves relatives, other athletes, even government officials. At the pre-fight press conference, where the sides again practiced foul language, the organizers did not allow the fans for safety reasons.

In September 2018, the media circulated information that UFS offered McGregor an unprecedented contract. Under the terms of the agreement, the Irishman fights 8 fights, and the meeting with Nurmagomedov is only the first in the clip. The financial side of the issue remained behind 7 seals. In addition, the fighter's signature whiskey trademark sponsors all fights.

On October 7, 2018, the match of the year between Conor and Khabib took place, which ended with the victory of the Russian after a choke hold in the 4th round. Immediately after the fight, Nurmagomedov climbed over the fences and pounced on the Irishman's coach, which provoked a massive fight between the parties.

As a result, Khabib defended the title of champion, but they refused to solemnly present him with the belt, citing the indecent behavior of the Russian. According to Khabib, throughout the preparation for the battle and the advertising campaign, Conor and his team repeatedly insulted Nurmagomedov, religion and his family members.

Conor suffered his fourth professional defeat. After an early defeat, the fighter was suspended from fights for a month.


  • 2012 - CWFC Featherweight and Lightweight Champion
  • 2013 - Winner of the Best Knockout of the Night award
  • 2014 - Winner of the World MMA Awards
  • 2015 - Interim UFC Featherweight Champion
  • 2016 - UFC Lightweight Champion
  • Six-time Performance of the Evening Award Winner

Former UFC lightweight champion Conor McGregor is ranked # 8 among the best athletes. However, Russian fans began to be interested in his biography and personal life after he challenged Khabib Nurmagomedov. In addition to fighting qualities, the Irishman has the ability to draw attention to himself, thereby winding up his fees.

The future champion was born in Dublin on July 14, 1988. From a young age, the boy was drawn to sports, but at first he was fond of football. He was a passionate Manchester United fan and played for Luders Celtic himself. But soon young McGregor became interested in kickboxing, and rather quickly achieved great success, becoming the champion of the country, among his peers.

Of course, at that time in the family no one predicted a sports career for the guy, they believed that he would follow in the footsteps of his father, who worked as a simple plumber. True, after school, Conor made such an attempt and went to study to be a plumber, but he quickly realized that this was not his way.

Already at the age of 16, the Irishman began to participate in fights according to mixed rules, then he was coached by Tom Egan. It is worth noting that the boy's father was fond of boxing in his youth. Mom played a big role in the sports biography of Conor McGregor. It was she who supported him in difficult moments and urged him not to give up and not give up big sports. Now the mother attends all the fights of her son and hugs him after the end of the fight.

Start of a sports career

The first mentor of the guy was John Kavan, it was he who inspired the future champion that genius people, when they fall, get up and go to train further. John accompanied Conor for 10 years.

The fighter's first serious fight took place in 2007, his opponent was Ciaranu Campbell, whom he knocked out within the first 5 minutes. Then the list of victories began, at the Cage of Truth tournament McGregor laid down Gary Morris, and then Mo Taylor. But there were also defeats, so in 2008 the young athlete could not defeat the Lithuanian Artemiy Sitenkov.

But it all came down to money, his family at that moment was experiencing financial difficulties, and the young man even tried to earn some money as a plumber. But I realized in time that it was impossible to achieve success this way and again began intensive training.

Career peak

After winning 10 fights in mixed martial arts, Conor moved up to featherweight, and soon became the champion of the Cage Warriors. After such achievements, the UFC management noticed the athlete and signed a contract with him. In the first fight, the Irishman defeated Marcus Brimage.

Professionals believe that McGregor has an unusual fighting style, he can deliver powerful punches, both to the head and to the body, and is also able to knock out with both left and right hands.

After defeating Max Holloway, the athlete injured his cruciate ligament and was out of action for 10 months. And when he returned, he immediately knocked Diego Brandan down with a powerful knockout in the framework of the UFC Fight Night 46 tournament. Then Dustin Poirier was defeated, who had never been knocked out before.

During his sports career, McGregor was awarded numerous titles:

  • UFC light and featherweight champion;
  • winner of the Best Fight and Knockout of the Night awards;
  • best international fighter 2014.

Conor suffered his first defeat in 2016 from Nate Diaz, in August of the same year he still defeated him, but the match lasted quite a long time and was very entertaining. And in the fall, snatching victory from Eddie Alvarez, McGregor became the UFC lightweight champion.

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Wife and kids

Reading the biography of Conor McGregor, it becomes clear that family occupies a special place in his personal life. Acquaintance with the future wife of Dee Devlin took place in one of the nightclubs in Ireland. Together they went through all the difficulties, lack of housing and work. Dee has always been his reliable rear, as the athlete admits. Despite the lack of money, his wife anxiously watched his proper nutrition and supported him morally. Now the personal life of Conor McGregor can be called quite successful.

When Dee announced her pregnancy in the fall of 2016, the man decided to give up fighting before the baby was born, so as not to worry his wife. In May 2017, his son was born. The athlete said that he would start training him right from the cradle, especially since the baby was born quite large, as much as 4 kg.

Conor is an active user of the Internet, on Instagram pages he uploads a photo where he shows off an unusual hairstyle or demonstrates new tattoos. But he forbids interfering in his personal life, especially for those who want to photograph his little son.

At the moment, the fans' interest in the person of McGregor is fueled by clashes with the Dagestani athlete Khabib Nurmagomedov, they periodically insult each other. And more recently, Conor and his friends threw heavy objects on the bus of a Russian athlete, as a result of which several men received shrapnel wounds.

The Irishman was arrested, but the punishment assigned to him, 5 days of community service and listening to lectures on the topic "How to contain your anger", outraged many.

From the latest news, it is known that on October 6, 2018, a duel between McGregor and Nurmagomedov will take place in Las Vegas. The bets began to be made long before the date was announced, the opinions of the fans about the outcome of the fight differed. Most believe that the Russian is in a winning position, he is the reigning champion, and he trains a lot.

Unlike the Irishman, who has not fought a single fight in the past two years. But there are those who are betting on Conor's signature kick in the standing position; it was with this that he knocked out a large number of fighters. In addition, the Irishman is very cunning psychologically and knows how to put pressure on an opponent.

Irish fighter Conor McGregor announced today his retirement from mixed martial arts (MMA). In this regard, the site publishes the athlete's biography, career history and information about his personal life.


Conor Anthony McGregor (born July 14, 1988 in Dublin (Ireland)) is an Irish mixed martial artist who also competed in professional boxing. He is 30 years old. He has performed until today under the auspices of the UFC in the lightweight division. Former UFC featherweight and lightweight champion.

Conor was born in the Dublin suburb of Crumlin. There he first became interested in sports. However, these were not fights, but football. The athlete played for Luders Celtic Football Club.

In 2006, together with the McGregor family, he moved to another suburb of the country - to Lucan. There, Conor went to high school, and after graduation he began to study to be a plumber. Later in Lucan, he began wrestling training with future UFC fighter Tom Egan. So Conor became interested in mixed martial arts and at the age of 16 he got into the SBG team.

Conor McGregor's rise: 175 centimeters.

Conor McGregor nickname: The Notorious.


Conor's professional career in mixed martial arts began with lightweight performances. He later earned ten wins with two losses and made his debut in the category below. There, in two fights, McGregor managed to win the featherweight title of the English organization "Cage Warriors". Then the athlete returned to the previous division and became a simultaneous champion in two weight categories.

Mixed martial arts statistics
Boev 25
Wins 21
by knockout 18
surrender 1
decision 2
Defeats 4
surrender 4

The UFC management soon signed a contract with him. The debut fight in the new organization took place with Marcus Brimage. The battle was accompanied by active attacks of the second. However, McGregor hit his opponent with a series of hard punches to the jaw and knocked him down on the floor. The referee stopped the fight.

The next fight was against the Englishman Andy Ogle. Unfortunately, due to injury, he was able to participate and was replaced by Max Holloway. McGregor won in this case. In the middle of the second round, Conor was diagnosed with an anterior cruciate ligament injury. For this reason, doctors forbade him to speak for ten months.

After recovering, McGregor in Dublin had to fight with Cole Miller, but he was eliminated due to injury. Instead, Diega Brandan was paired with the Irish fighter. Conor won by early TKO in the first round.

At UFC 178, McGregor won another TKO victory over American fighter Dustin Poirier. Following the fight, UFC President Dana White said that Conor could be the top contender for the featherweight title if Alda wins the fight between reigning champion Jose Aldou and Chad Mendes at UFC 179.

A month after defeating Poirier, the organization announced UFC Fight Night 59, which will lead McGregor's fight against German fighter Dennis Siefer. The Irishman ended the fight by TKO in the second round. Immediately after that, he stunned the audience with an incident with reigning champion Jose Aldo. As soon as the referee stopped the fight, McGregor saw Alda in the audience watching, and, jumping over the octagon grid, began to shout something in the champion's face.

The fight for the UFC featherweight title between McGregor and Aldu was scheduled to take place on July 11, 2015 and lead the tournament at UFC 189. At a press conference in Dublin, McGregor snatched his championship belt from the table of the Brazilian.

On June 23, Aldu suffered a broken rib during training and for this reason the fight may be canceled. The management prepared a replacement for Aldo in the person of two-time NCAA wrestling medalist Chad Mendes. Dana White further confirmed the message that Aldu would not be able to fight and was eliminated from the tournament. McGregor defeated Mendes by knockout to become interim UFC featherweight champion.

McGregor also took part in the twenty-second season of the reality show "The Ultimate Fighter" (TUF 22) as the coach of the European team.

Following Aldu's recovery, in August 2015, the organization announced a new date for their meeting with the Irish fighter. The long-awaited battle nevertheless took place on December 12, but it ended earlier than many expected. Just thirteen seconds into the first round, McGregor delivered an accurate counterattack to the jaw, forcing Alda to fall to the canvas. Thus, he won the title of undisputed champion.

After that, McGregor headed UFC 196, where he was originally announced as a contender for the lightweight title against reigning champion Rafael Douz Anjus. On February 23, 2016 it became known that Dus Anjus withdrew from the fight due to injury. A day later, the organization found a replacement for the injured champion in the person of Nate Diaz, but the fight took place in the welterweight division. Earlier, McGregor's coach stated that his ward is able to fight in the welterweight division against the champion Robbie Lawler.

In the second half of the first round, he cut Diaz's eyebrow, but the initiative began to flow into the hands of the opponent. The fight spilled over to the ground, where the Irishman could not resist and fell for a choke hold, having suffered his first defeat within the UFC.

On April 19, 2016, McGregor announced his retirement on Twitter. “I decided to leave the sport young. Thanks everyone. See you later".

On April 21, 2016, McGregor announced on Facebook that he was not going to end his career and was ready to compete at UFC 200 if he was allowed to hold only one press conference and then return to training.

On September 27, it was announced that the Irishman would fight lightweight champion Eddie Alvarez on November 12 at UFC 205. McGregor beat Alvarez by TKO in the second round to become the first concurrent double champion in UFC history.

On November 26, it was announced that McGregor had vacated the champion belt and interim champion Jose Aldo became the undisputed champion.

On October 6, 2018, within the framework of UFC 229, he was defeated by the reigning lightweight champion Khabib Nurmagomedov by rear naked choke.

At the end of January 2019, the Nevada Athletic Commission issued a verdict to disqualify Conor McGregor for six months with a $ 50,000 fine for the incident after the fight with Khabib Nurmagomedov at UFC 229.


In May 2016, Conor McGregor announced his desire to try his hand at professional boxing. Soon after, there was talk of a fight against the former best boxer, regardless of weight class Floyd Mayweather. Conor lost the fight.


Conor McGregor has been married to Dee Devlin since 2007. The couple are raising two children. McGregor's first child was born on May 5, 2017, he was named Conor Jack McGregor Jr. In January 2019, the couple's second child was born. However, the Irishman decided not to talk about who was born - a girl or a boy.

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