Articulation exercises for a 4-year-old child. Exercises for the tongue

Articulatory gymnastics. What is it and why? We are all accustomed to correct and quick pronunciation in our native language. But a small child is like a foreigner. Often lost in unfamiliar surroundings. Angry if they cannot understand him. And he cannot independently cope with the problem of the correct expression of children's thoughts and desires. All this is the work of the articulatory apparatus.

The development of the articulatory apparatus is a long process and requires constant practice of speech. For correct pronunciation of all sounds of the native language (usually the most problematic is the sound "p"), a complex of movements is needed. And they need to learn in the same way as learning to eat or walk.

The mobility of the vocal apparatus depends on two criteria:

  1. Does the child know the basic movements necessary for the pronunciation of sounds (for example, "p")
  2. whether he can move quickly, smoothly and easily from one movement to another.

For the formation of preschool and younger children school age differentiated movements for clear pronunciation and created exercises articulatory gymnastics... It helps:

  • work out correct positions language for clarity of speech;
  • develop the mobility of the speech muscles (uvula) for precise targeted movements;
  • kids 3-4 years old learn the correct sound pronunciation;
  • cope with existing speech disorders for older children (6-7 years old).

Articulatory gymnastics rules

Gymnastics for speech can be compared to physical exercise... If the latter help to strengthen the muscles of the arms, legs, back and neck, they produce correct posture and beautiful figure, then articulation exercises are needed for dexterity, accuracy and beauty of speech. The sooner you start exercising, the faster the effect will appear. Get the child interested - do the exercises in a playful way, train with him and do not overdo it: 5 - 7 minutes a day is enough.

Where is the best place to hold classes?

Place your baby on a high chair next to a large mirror or give him a small one. A mirror for practicing articulatory gymnastics is necessary... It enables the child to control his movements. As an example, you should be in the child's field of vision. The main thing is that the child is comfortable and does not feel stress.

When and how much to do?

To consolidate new skills and bring them to automatism, we exercise every day. It won't take long for this. 5-7 minutes is enough.

Alternatively, you can practice articulation before breakfast or after morning exercises.

The work on the speech is painstaking, but the result is worth it!

What are the features in classes with children of different ages?

The main rule for carrying out articulation exercises for children of all ages is a game form of training!

Articulatory gymnastics for children 3 - 4 years old... We start classes with a fabulous game. Its plot can be invented by yourself or spied on the Internet, it can be modified from lesson to lesson. At first, there are no criteria for evaluating the performance of the baby's exercises. The main thing is to remember and repeat. Closer to the age of 4, the number of skills increases, children memorize a set of exercises.

Articulatory gymnastics for preschool children (5 years old)... Children 5 years old are already well acquainted with exercises, therefore, attention is focused on the clarity and smoothness of the actions performed, the ability to remain in a certain position for 5 to 10 seconds (under the control of an adult). The pace varies from slow to fast.

Articulation gymnastics for children 6-7 years old... Classes for such children include the implementation of all complexes of articular exercises. Classes are conducted aimed at the development of phonemic hearing (differentiation of different sounds).

What to do if the child does not succeed?

Most importantly, don't expect instant results. After the first lesson in gym, no one has come out with Arnold Schwarzenegger's muscles yet. With the training of the muscles of the articular apparatus, everything is the same. The "r" sound needs training! At first, the baby's movements are asymmetrical, tense and intermittent. Do not focus the child's attention on this! This will discourage him from continuing to train. Highlight what you have achieved. Notice every little thing. And praise, praise, praise. Over time, you will notice how your baby's movements become more coordinated, symmetrical, smooth and light.

If, over time, it is not possible to achieve the result (the child performs the exercises asymmetrically, tensely and there is no lightness), one cannot do without the help of a specialist. You will need a speech therapist.

Articulatory gymnastics: exercise card index

There are not so many speech therapy exercises. Oftentimes, the same tasks are named differently. By compiling your card index of articulation exercises and repeating them with your child daily, you can achieve excellent results. Examples of articulation exercises in pictures:

"Tongue is my friend!"

This is a set of exercises for the little ones. The child, playing, gets acquainted with the organs of speech. He learns that the mouth is a tongue house with two doors: lips and teeth.

№1 ... Where is the tongue buddy? Show it a bit!

The kid should make a sharp tongue and stick it out, slightly opening his lips.

№2 ... He sits on the porch

The tongue is relaxed and lies on the lower lip.

Looks in all directions

The tongue moves left and right, we keep the smile

№3 ... Who flutters above

I became curious

Stretched high

Didn't catch anyone!

We raise the tongue, try to reach the tip of the nose, abruptly release it down.

"Tongue and animal"

Suitable for older children (5 years old) who are familiar with articulatory exercises.

№1 ... The whale lives in the black sea

a whale swims in the black sea

he has a huge mouth!

The child holds his mouth in a half-smile with parted lips and teeth.

№2 ... Look, the smart cat is walking

The tail wags on the sides

Tease him a little

your tongue is like a cat's tail!

The lips are stretched in a smile, the tongue is from side to side.

№3 ... A bunny lives under a hemp

and he gnaws a carrot

Make a funny face.

Now you are like him!

Wrinkle the nose, expose the closed teeth, lifting the upper lip.

"Uvula Morning"

It will be interesting for children of primary school age.

№1 ... Tongue, buddy, hello!

You are so beautiful with us!

Look out the window quickly

And you will wake up little by little!

Imagine your mouth as a window and say quietly the sound "OOOOOOOO"

№2 ... Together in order

Doing exercises

Come on, come on, don't be lazy

Bend over, reach out

Turn around

And ask: Where is breakfast, Mom?

We do not close our teeth, we fix a smile on our lips. We try to reach with our tongue to the nose, to the chin, and then to the right and left cheeks. Repeat for 15-20 seconds.

№3 ... We worked, tired

We were promised breakfast here

Hurry up to the table soon

And the merry feast went

IN fast pace tongue outward inward. The lips are parted.

№4 ... We have pancakes on the table

And my mouth is full of saliva

The tongue is completely relaxed, like a shovel resting on the lower lip. The mouth is wide open. Hold for up to 10 seconds.

Dip the pancakes in the jam

This breakfast is delicious!

The tongue licks the lips in a circle: first the upper, then the lower.

"Tongue host"

№1 ... We start our exercises with the baby

Do everything and don't be lazy

There will be a performance

Mouth - open the door

We open our mouth, as if we pronounce the sound "OOOOO"

Wash everything cleanly

The tongue runs over each tooth in the top and bottom row.

We will cleanly notice everything around

The tongue moves along the lower lip from left to right, then back.

We will boldly rest afterwards.

The mouth is round ajar, the tongue lies relaxed on the lower lip.

The sound of the clock is heard in the house:

knock-knock-knock and knock-knock-knock

Repeat our tongue

knock knock ai knock knock and. ... ...

Stretch your lips in a smile, the tongue goes from side to side.

And then everyone sat down at the table

Delicious jam

Look at the dirty mouth

Wipe it, my cat!

The tongue licks the upper and lower lips in a circle.

Already evening. The sun went down.

Our mouth-door closed.

The tongue goes to sleep

So it's time for us to be silent.

We close our mouth tightly.

Articulatory gymnastics in pictures - simple and effective method... It helps to cope with many speech problems, for example, not pronouncing "p". For the convenience of classes, you can make cards with a description of movements, poems and pictures.

Evaluating articulation work

This stage of work on pronunciation is one of the main ones. If you let everything take its course, you can wonder for a long time why the neighbor's kid is already saying "r", and his own kid can't even cope with the hissing ones. After all, the exercises are the same. So, we pay attention to:

  • Smoothness and lightness. There are no jerks, jerks and breaks. The movements are soft.
  • Differentiation. The tongue moves with the immobility of the jaw, lips, etc.
  • Symmetry. Uniform movement in both directions.
  • Definition. The movements are performed by the child accurately and in full.
  • Stability. Ability to stay in a given position for up to 10 seconds.
  • Switchability. The ability to quickly move from one task to another.

Don't forget to praise your child! Compare it with him yesterday's pronunciation of "p"! Enjoy success together!

Make your daily activities with the kid interesting. Come up with new plots, change games and fairy tales, come up with your own descriptions of the movements of the tongue. And this work will not be in vain. Do not even notice how the baby will say "r", or may growl loudly.

Speech is an important indicator of a child's development. Normally, children begin to pronounce sounds and syllables in the first year of life. Then articulation and vocabulary expansion gradually take place. In most cases, the correct reproduction of letters is noted from 2-4 years, and some sounds - from 5-6 years.

If there are objective reasons that affect the spoken function, there may be a delay in the timing of its development. This is reflected not only in physical condition organism, but also on the psycho-emotional sphere of the baby. makes it difficult to acquire social skills, impairs the quality of communication with peers, which leads to the child's isolation and restriction of his freedom.

It is necessary to monitor the dynamics of the function and the development of the articulatory apparatus. If the child does not try to talk, then this is an alarming signal that speaks of the need to visit a specialist.

Attention! At 1-2 years of age, if there are unfavorable signs, you should visit a neurologist to exclude serious pathology. The problem with the pronunciation of sounds at 3-4 years old additionally requires the consultation of a speech therapist and a psychologist.

The work of a doctor who is engaged in the correction of speech function is to form the correct pronunciation by carrying out articulatory gymnastics. The specialist teaches the child the correct reproduction of sounds, helps to strengthen the muscles of the maxillofacial zone, and also controls the precise implementation of the exercises.

Important! Parents should conduct training at home on a par with the teacher, which ensures quick and high-quality results.

When working with young children, the main task is to competently perform articulatory gymnastics at 3-4 years old. The speech therapist controls the movements and brings the skill to automatism. The workout complex consists of workout exercises facial muscles face and tongue. Their correct position during pronunciation guarantees accurate and high-quality reproduction of sounds. If the child is small, the exercises should be repeated more often and slowly until he learns the lesson.

Types of training

Articulation gymnastics for children 3-4 years old is carried out in several directions. Loads are divided into the following types:

  • static - fixing the tongue in a certain position for a while;
  • dynamic - performing movements with the participation of the speech apparatus.

At this age, children repeat the exercises well and remember them. In the presence of small functional defects, it is possible to quickly compensate for the deficiency with regular lessons.

Usually, classes begin with language training. In order for the child to be interested in repeating the elements of articulatory gymnastics at the age of 3, play options have been developed in poetic form. Children have a positive attitude towards this type of exercise. There are the following types of movements:

  1. Simulated kitten washing - children imitate the movements of the animal while grooming.
  2. The work of the tongue while eating is the performance of lacquer exercises with the head tilted forward and downward.
  3. Snake - the baby sticks out his tongue from closed lips for a short time, and then abruptly hides it back.
  4. Swinging the tongue - the tip is turned up and down alternately, then to the sides, while the mouth is slightly open in the form of a window.
  5. Ball - the mouth is closed, and the tongue rests alternately on the right and left cheeks.
  6. Resting the tongue - the child pulls it out in such a way that the end is pointed, and then puts it in a relaxed state on the lower lip.
  7. Counting teeth - the baby opens his mouth wide and with the end of his tongue he runs alternately along the entire dentition, first at the top, and then at the bottom.
  8. Horse - perform clicking movements with the tongue, sucking it to the upper palate.
  9. Sleep of the tongue - the child hides it in a resting position, closes its teeth and smiles broadly with an open mouth.

Movements to strengthen the muscles of the maxillofacial zone

In the articulatory gymnastics complex for children 3 and 4 years old, the mimic muscles of the face are trained. At the same time, they perform various exercises involving the lips, nose and other areas of the maxillofacial apparatus. These include the following activities:

  • Big fish mouth - the child opens his mouth and teeth wide, holding them in this position for a while.
  • Butterfly's proboscis - the lips are pulled into a tube for a few seconds.
  • Bunny - the baby wrinkles his nose, revealing the front closed teeth.
  • Balloon - alternately inflating one and then the other cheek. To make the baby interesting, you can press in the area of ​​tension, imitating a bursting ball.
  • Mushroom - perform a movement up and down with the lower jaw, while the tongue rests against the upper palate with inside dentition.

Training aids

The specialist can teach lessons individually or in small groups. Toddlers are happy to participate in the process if you create an appropriate atmosphere for them. To make classes with a speech therapist interesting and exciting, various auxiliary materials are used.

The training room should be equipped for the needs of the kids. Furniture must be installed taking into account age characteristics children of different ages... It is difficult to keep the attention of a small child for a long time, so articulatory gymnastics can be alternated with developmental games. Themed cartoons or musical accompaniment have proven themselves well.

And poems with the help of which the child memorizes exercises for training the speech apparatus. On our website you can download musical articulatory gymnastics in mp3 format. This greatly facilitates the work of a speech therapist, and the child performs movements in a positive mood.

To strengthen the muscles and the correct installation of the tongue, probe massage is used. The technique allows you to improve the quality of sounds and speed up their pronunciation. At home, to perform articulatory gymnastics, you can use such improvised means as pencils, sticks, cotton balls. With their help, some types of movements are performed.

To ensure that the result is not long in coming, experts have prepared some recommendations. They help to do articulatory exercises for children 3 years old more effectively. You must follow these rules:

  1. Regular classes - Small child is able to keep attention on certain actions for 10-15 minutes. If the baby is restless, then the training time is reduced by 2 times, however, they are carried out in the morning and in the evening.
  2. The exercises should be performed in a sitting position, taking into account the need for maximum concentration in the lesson.
  3. The use of auxiliary material - a mirror is installed in front of the face so that he can see his reflection and control the correctness of its implementation.
  4. The use of speech therapy simulators - with their help, they correct the position of the tongue when pronouncing sounds.
  5. A gradual increase in the speed of word reproduction - at first, the child learns to pronounce sounds slowly, and at the end of the lesson - faster.

The training should take place in a supportive atmosphere. A positive attitude improves the quality of the lesson. Therefore, a speech therapist or parents should interest the baby, suggest game forms of exercises.

Important! It is necessary to encourage and praise children during articulatory gymnastics, which inspires the child for further education.

You can alternate speech therapy training with fine motor training. Such activities allow you to quickly learn to pronounce the letters correctly. This feature is associated with the anatomical proximity of the zones that are responsible for the function of finger movement and speech ability.


Any methodological information is currently available. You can watch videos of experienced speech therapists, listen to fairy tales with elements of articulatory gymnastics, and read specialized literature. The main condition for a successful result is the desire of parents to regularly deal with their child. This will ensure the formation of a full-fledged speech function.

"Articulation gymnastics

on lexical topics for children with OHP "

teacher-log pedagogue: Omelchuk Marina Nikolaevna

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Autumn"

1. Breathing exercise:

"Rain" --I.p .: o.s. 1 - alternately put straight arms forward - "catch drops" (inhale); 2 - as you exhale, pronounce: "Cap-cap-cap!"; 3 - alternately put straight arms forward - "catch the drops" (inhale); 4 - as you exhale, pronounce: "Well, well, well!". Repeat 3-4 times.


Suddenly clouds covered the sky -rub the forehead with the edge of the palm

A prickly rain began to drip -massage the cheeks with your fingertips.

For a long time the rain will cry -massage the ears

Will dissolve slush everywhere -they rub the wings of the nose with their fists.

3.Exercises for the tongue:

Autumn has come, it is time to collect mushrooms. Tongue, taking a large basket (exercise. "Cup" ), went to the forest. On the way to the forest I saw “ Brook " - a cold stream of air “flows down” in the middle of the wide tongue, the tip of which rests against the base of the lower front teeth; lips parted in a smile. The tongue put up his palm and felt what cold water in the brook. (Children put their hands under the chin; an adult checks the correctness of the exercise by each child: "What is the water in your stream?") The tongue walked through the forest for a long time and finally came out into the clearing. I saw many, many mushrooms on it. An exercise "Fungus" - a wide tongue "sticks" to the palate, in shape it resembles a mushroom cap, and the hyoid frenulum is a mushroom leg.

The tongue ran from one mushroom to another, saying: "Here is a chanterelle, here is a pig, and this is a fly agaric ..." etc. ... (The teacher does the same, approaching each child in turn.) Having filled a basket of mushrooms, Tongue heard the sound of a motor.

Control. "Motor" - during a prolonged pronunciation of the sound: d-d-d-d behind the upper teeth with quick movements with a clean straight index finger, the child himself makes frequent oscillatory movements from side to side.

The tongue lifted its head and saw a helicopter flying in the sky. The tongue waved to him and returned home with the harvest.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic “Vegetable garden. Vegetables"

1. Development of speech breathing and voice"Conversations of vegetables". Pronounce syllabic combinations on behalf of the Pomodoro (boastfully) and Cucumber (offended)... The tomato boasts to the Cucumber that it is red, beautiful: "Pa-poo, py-po!" Cucumber: "By-by, by-bo." Zucchini tells Eggplant that he is tired of lying in the garden: "To-you-to." Pronounce "Oh!", "Ah!", "Uh!" in a whisper, quietly and loudly on behalf of grandparents.

2. Massage of biologically active points of the face"Peas".

There lived peas in the store - massage the cheeks in a circular motion.

Peas shouted: "Oh - Oh!" - massage the ears with movements from top to bottom

Here I, kids, look, don't look at the candy - massaging the outer corners of the eyes

Well, quickly buy me - press the wings of the nose with your index fingers.

There is no benefit from sweets - with index fingers massage the corners of the lips

I am more needed than a hundred candies! - we press our palms to the cheeks.

3.Exercises for the tongue:

1.The children came to the garden, they opened their mouths in surprise when they saw

a huge pumpkin. An exercise "Pumpkin" - open your mouth wide, keep counting to "5-6".

2. "Fatties are skinny". Depict vegetables in the garden. Watermelons, pumpkins, cabbage heads - "fat men"; onions, garlic, peas and

others are "skinny".

3. "Shovel" ... "We need to dig up the potatoes, get the shovels ready."

The tongue lies on the lower lip in calm state.

4. "Digging potatoes" ... Raise and lower the tip of the tongue, closing the upper and lower lip.

5. Zucchini, zucchini, show me your barrel.

An exercise "Zucchini" - open your mouth wide, close your upper teeth with a "wide" tongue. Lower the tongue behind the lower teeth.

6. "Smooth bed in the garden" ... Open your mouth wide

lower the tongue behind the lower teeth.

7. Game "I am not me". Lower the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth, lips in a smile. The teacher says sentences: "I love carrots", "I love cucumbers", "I love raw potatoes", "I will cook cabbage compote", etc. Children answer: "I, and I!" or "Not me, not me!"

Articulation gymnastics

on the theme “Garden. Fruits"

1. Breathing exercise:

Inhale through your nose - turn your head to the left. We saw a very large apple. Exhale through the mouth with the pronunciation of the sound 0-0-0. Turn your head to the right. What a huge pear! Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

2. Uvula exercises:

1. "Cheeks-apples" ... Your cheeks are round as apples. Inflate both cheeks.

2. "Let's hide the plum behind the cheek" ... Inflate alternately the right and then the left cheek.

3. "Round grape" ... Pull the lips forward with a narrow tube.

4. "Banana" ... Smile, lifting the corners of your lips up. The lips are closed.

5. "The tongue crawls through the gap in the fence into the garden" ... The "wide" tongue is forced between the teeth.

6. "The stakes of the fence are sharp - they are like that" ... Show "sharp" tongue. Take turns sticking out the "wide", then the "narrow" tongue.

7. "Tongue-leaf covered the apple barrel" ... Raise your tongue up and close your upper lip. Pull down and close the lower lip.

8. "Swing in the garden" ... We saw a swing in the garden.

On a swing I swing

Up - down, up - down.

Going up, going down

Up - down, up - down.

Raise your tongue up and down, sticking it out of your mouth.

9. "Cup for juice" ... Make a "cup" out of the tongue. "In the Car I have a cup

I will pour orange juice, apple juice in Kolina, plum juice in Dima.

What juice should I pour you, Sasha? "

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic “Forest in autumn. Berries and mushrooms "

1. Breathing exercise:

"We inhale the smell of the forest"

I.p .: o.s. Raise 1 hands up (inhale); Lower 2-hands down (exhale). Repeat 2-3 times.

2.Exercises for the tongue:


Walked, walked, to"Mishka's den" came up. Open your mouth wide, show how the bear yawns, he wants to sleep in the fall. Open and close your mouth.

"Brusnichka". Look how many lingonberries are here! Collect a full palm of lingonberry. Taste the berries and chew them well. Simulate chewing.

Exercises for lips and cheeks.

We are joyful and cheerful in the autumn forest, « let's smile at each other and the forest dwellers " . Smile (lips and teeth closed).

"Fat Hamster". Show how thick the cheeks are in the hamster, which carries supplies to the burrow. Inflate both cheeks at the same time. The hamster poured grain into the burrow. Draw in your cheeks.

"The squirrel is gnawing nuts." Smile and knock your teeth.

Exercises for the tongue.

"Tongue in the thicket." Show how the Uvula crawls between dense trees (teeth). Lips in a smile. Slowly stick out your tongue, biting it over the entire surface.

"We climb through the windbreak." Lips in a smile. The "wide" tongue is forced outwardly between the teeth so that the upper incisors are scraped along the back of the tongue. Teeth marks on the tongue are paths in the forest.

"A squirrel's tail flashes." The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. Turn the tongue sticking out of the mouth to the right and left so that its tip touches the corners of the mouth. At the same time, the jaws and lips are motionless.

"Let's brush our teeth." The squirrel treated us to nuts. We ate them, now we will "clean" our teeth. "Brush" the tongue first, the upper, then the lower teeth. After that, make a circular motion with your tongue. Make sure that the jaws do not move, the lips do not move apart.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic “Clothes. Shoes. Hats"

1. Breathing exercise"Ironing the linen": I.p .: o.s. 1-slide your right palm over your left palm (inhale); 2-on the exhale, pronounce: "Psh-sh-sh-sh!". Repeat 3-4 times.

2.Exercises for the tongue:

"Closing and unfastening the zipper" ... Smile, close your lips tightly, hold them in this position to a count of five (zippered). Open lips (zipper unzipped).

"Big buttons" - round lips as much as possible and " Little buttons " - stretch out the lips with a narrow “tube”.

"Needle" - pull the "sharp" tongue out of the mouth as far as possible and hold it in this position (counting to "five or six").

"Collar with wide and sharp edges" ... Alternate between the positions of the "wide" and "narrow" language. Put a "wide" tongue on the lower lip ("round collar"). Draw out the "sharp" tongue - "sharp-edged collar".

"Linen in the wind" ... Open your mouth wide and press the tip of your tongue to your upper teeth, hold it in this position.

"Sewing on different sewing machines" ... Open your mouth wide. Raise the tongue by the upper teeth, press the lateral edges to the molars and say: "D-d-d-d-d" (we sew on an electric sewing machine), "T-t-t-t-t" (we sew on a hand sewing typewriter).

"Scribbles a machine" -

"Line"-- the tip of the tongue with a "needle" rhythmically touch the upper lip, starting from the corner of the mouth.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Migratory birds"

1. Breathing exercise:

"Birds are flying away" - I.p .: legs are slightly apart, arms are lowered. 1- deep breath;

2-slow exhalation, say: "On yo-oo-oo-oo!". Repeat 3-4 times.

2.Exercises for the tongue:

Exercises for the masticatory and articulatory muscles

"Hungry Chicks" .

"Chicks swallow food" ... Swallowing saliva.

Exercises for cheeks and lips

"Beaks of different birds" . Slowly suck the cheeks into the gap between the teeth. The lips are tightly closed and extended forward. " The mother bird drives the marten away from the chicks " . Suck the upper lip under the lower one, and then abruptly throw it out with an open mouth (smacking).

Exercises for the tongue

"Chicks are waiting for food" .

"Delicious food!" Suck a "wide" tongue to the palate, then make a sound ah-ah.

"Stork" . Pull the "sharp" tongue out of the mouth as far as possible and hold it up to "six to eight".

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Furniture"

2. Visual gymnastics"Furniture".

We will call furniture:

Children eyes up.

Armchair, chair, sofa, bed,

Perform circular movements.

Wardrobe, chest of drawers and stool.

They look left - right.

Have I named everything, or not?

They look forward.

3. Massage of biologically active points of the face"Closet".

Dense wardrobe, oak wardrobe - stroking the forehead with fingertips towards the temples.

In it suits, dresses, fur coats - index and middle fingers with a "fork", massage of points behind the ears.

It contains raccoons, foxes, wolves - massage the corners of the lips towards the ears.

And it's dark in the closet all day - Massage your cheeks with your fingertips in a circular motion.

Like in the woods or in the movies - three palms on palm and put palms on the cheeks.

4. Exercises for the tongue:

"Table top of the table" - open your mouth, put a wide tongue on your lower lip. Hold in this position for up to 5.

"Chair seat" - open your mouth, stick out the narrow tongue, raise it and hold it in this position for up to 5.

Alternate exercises "Table top of the table" and "Chair seat" - alternately protrude a narrow and wide tongue. Repeat 3-4 times.

"High cabinet" - stick the tongue up and try to reach the nose with it. Hold the tongue in this position for a count of 5.

"Sofa" - open your mouth, with the tip of a wide tongue resting on the lower teeth. Press the tongue lightly with your upper teeth. Hold in this position for a count of up to 5.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Dishes"

1.Mimic exercises (children show each other)

Express your grief with facial expressions - broke the cup.

Joy - bought new dishes.

Displeasure - a lot of dirty dishes that Fyodora's grandmother had in K. Chukovsky's fairy tale.

2.Exercises for the muscles of the neck"Look what's in the pot?" Lower your head down “What kind of dishes are on the shelf?”. Turn your head to the right, to the left with the pronunciation of sounds a, eh.

3.Exercises for lips, cheeks

"Jugs with a narrow and wide neck." Stretch your lips with a narrow or wide “tube”.

"Samovar". Inflate both cheeks at the same time.

4 language exercises

"Let's prepare cups for tea, coffee, juice."

Whose cup is deeper?

Tongue "cupped" outside and inside the mouth.

"A cup and saucer on the table."

Alternate positions: tongue "cup" and tongue "on the bottom".

"A sharp knife and a deep dipper."

Alternate articulation positions: “sharp” tongue and tongue with a “cup”.

Teapot handle. Press the back of the tongue to the palate, and rest the tip against the lower gum.

5. Motor-speech miniature "Dishes"

Here's a big glass teapot
Very important as a boss. Puffed up the tummy, one hand is a nose, the other is a handle. Here are the china cups
Very large, poor things. We sat down, one hand on the belt. Here are the china saucers
Just knock - they will break. Whirling. Here are the silver spoons
The head is on a thin stalk. They reached out, clasped their hands over their heads. Here's a plastic tray
He brought us the dishes. Spread your hands, palms up.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Food"

1. Breathing exercise"Porridge is boiling" ... I. p.: Sitting on a chair, one hand on the stomach, the other on the back. We draw in the stomach and draw air into the lungs, lower the chest and exhale the air, uttering the sound "f-f-f-f".

2.Exercises for the muscles of the neck « See what's in the pot? " Lower your head down. Turn your head to the right, to the left with the pronunciation of sounds OU.

3.Exercises for chewing - articulatory muscles

"Chewing hard carrots." Simulated chewing. Make slow and fast jaw movements.

4.Exercises for lips and cheeks

"Coffee pot and kettle". Stretch your lips with a narrow, then a wide "tube".

"Hot tea". Inflate both cheeks at the same time. Then blow off both cheeks.

5. Exercise for the tongue.

Pancake. The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. Place a wide tongue on your lower lip. Hold in this position for up to 5-6.

"Roll". The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. Lift the narrow tongue in the middle. Hold in this position for up to 5-6.

"Pie". The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. Place the "wide" tongue on the lower lip. Raise and roll your tongue into a "cup".

"Horn". The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. Place the "wide" tongue on the lower lip. Raise and roll your tongue into a "tube".

"Making chops." Open your mouth wide. Raise the tongue by the upper teeth, press the lateral edges to the molars and say: "D-d-d-d-d".

"They turned on the electric meat grinder." lips in a smile, a clean finger under the tongue, say: drrrrr.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Winter"

1. Breathing exercise:

"Snow goes"-- I.p .: legs together, arms raised up.

1-gently lower your arms (inhale through your nose); 2 - as you exhale, pronounce: "Shhhh!". Repeat 3-4 times.

2. Articulation-respiratory and mimic exercises.

"Frost is cracking" [shshchshchshchshchshch] (loud, quiet)

"The Wind Whistles" [ssssssssssssssss] (loud, quiet)

"Blizzard howls" [uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu] (loud, quiet)

"The horse rides children on a sleigh"

Click with a wide tongue.

"Let's warm our palms" [xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] (strong, weak).

3.For the jaw"Window" "The window opens and closes" - quiet opening and closing of the mouth.

4.Exercise for lips and cheeks

"Snowmen rejoice in the snow and frost." Inflate your cheeks. Cheerful expression in the eyes.

5. Uvula exercises:

"Icicle". Stick out the "sharp" tongue as far as possible to hold it in this position (counting to "six or eight").

"Sanki-Ledyanka". Make the tongue a "cup".

"Slide for Descent". Open your mouth, lower your tongue behind your lower teeth, bend the back of your tongue with a "hill".

"Sleigh". The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. Press the lateral edges of the tongue tightly against the upper molars, bend the back down, the tip is free. Movement back and forth, the lateral edges of the tongue should slide over the molars. Make sure that the lower jaw does not move, the lips do not touch the teeth.

"A hurricane wind opens and closes the window." The mouth is open. The tongue sticks out of the mouth. Raise and lower the tip of the tongue.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Winter fun"

1. Breathing exercises:

"Snowdrift"-- All snowflakes

(Inhale through the nose)

Let's collect it in a snowdrift.

(Exhale through your mouth)

So that they don't scatter

Cover with a handle: Clap! ( Corresponding palm movement).

"Handles are frozen ..."

Are the pens frozen? ( Blow cold air on your hands: F-f)

Let's blow them.

Breathing warm

(Blow warm air onto your hands: H-x-x ...)

We will warm them. ( Continue blowing warm air.)

2.Exercises for the tongue:

"Cheeks" - n blow out both cheeks with air . Then puff out your cheeks alternately .

Chubby cheeks

Little Vali.

On a frosty day

They became scarlet.

"Gorochka" - tongue - "a hill", the tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors. Keep "Gorochka" out of the tongue at the expense of: one, two, three. Keep, keep the "gorochka"!

I'll make a little bit

The little bit is cool.

There will be this little hill

In my mouth!

"Tongue and Gorochka" - run your tongue over the palate from top to bottom several times.

Rides tongue down the hill.

He used to ride like this:

Top - down, on the palate,

To the teeth, not to the snowdrift!

"Tongue-Bridge" - O open your mouth.

Stick out your tongue, put on your lower lip .

Hold as long as possible under the count: one, two, three.

The tongue is motionless!

The river is frozen

Covered in ice.

Tongue on a sponge

Frozen by the bridge.

"Cold in winter" -

Start the "motor" after each hand wash.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Wintering birds"

1. Breathing exercise

"Titmouse, fly!"
Technique: draw air through the nose; do not raise your shoulders; exhalation should be long and smooth; care must be taken not to puff out the cheeks.

2.Exercises for the muscles of the neck"Sleepy Owl". Lower your head down. Feel the tension of the neck muscles in the back.

"The owl is awake and shaking its head." Turning the head left and right.

3.Exercise for chewing - articulatory muscles

"Hungry Chicks". Open your mouth as wide as possible (the tongue lies at the bottom of the mouth, the tip rests on the lower teeth) to pronounce the syllables: "Am-am-am-am-am".

4.Exercise for lips and cheeks

"Beaks of different birds". Slowly suck the cheeks into the gap between the teeth. The lips are tightly closed and extended forward.

5. Exercise for the language.

"Chicks are waiting for food." Make a "cup" out of the tongue and keep it counting to "six".

"Delicious food!" Sucking a "wide" tongue to the palate, thus making a sound but.

"Crossbill". Stretch out the tongue and roll it up with a tube, hold it up to six or eight.

"Woodpecker" ... Raise your tongue by the upper teeth and knock, saying: "Tdd-t, tdd-tdd."

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Toys"

1. Breathing exercise"Breathing through the nose with the doll Tata"

(the teacher pronounces the text, the children breathe: inhale through the nose, exhale through the nose)

We breathe through our nose with the Tata doll:

Inhale - exhale, inhale - exhale.

Together we need to learn:

With the nose - inhale, with the nose - exhale.

2. Massage of biologically active points of the face"Toy Town".

Near two forest roads - stroking the forehead from the middle to the temples.

Right at the edge - massage the wings of the nose with the index fingers.

There is a magical town - rub the ears up and down with our palms.

Where do toys live? - stroking the corners of the lips towards the ears.

3.Exercises for the tongue:

« Spatula » - mouth open wide relaxed tongue rests on the lower lip.

« Slide »-- the mouth is open, the tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors, the back of the tongue is raised up.

« Tubule »-- the mouth is open, the lateral edges of the tongue are bent upward.

« Watch »-- the mouth is open, the lips are stretched out in a smile. The tip of the narrow tongue alternately stretches at the teacher's expense to the corners of the lips.

« Swing »-- the mouth is open.

2) For the upper and lower incisors.

« Football »-- R from closed. The tense tongue rests on the left, then on the right cheek.

Smile, open your mouth. Click the tip of your tongue like horses click. At the same time, the mouth is open, the tongue should be wide. Make sure that the tip of the tongue does not roll inward, and the lower jaw remains motionless.

Smile, open your mouth. Suck a wide tongue to the palate. This is the cap of the mushroom, and the hyoid ligament is the stem. The tip of the tongue should not curl up, the lips should not be in a smile.
The position of the tongue as in the exercise "Fungus", lips in a smile. Without lifting your tongue, open and close your mouth.

"Motor" - "start" systematically after each hand washing.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "New Year's holiday"

1. Breathing exercise:

"Snowflake"-- inhale through the nose, exhale for a long time through the mouth, make sure that the cheeks are not puffed up. Blow off the "snowflakes" from your palm.

The snowflake is spinning

The snowflake flies.

In my palm

The snowflake is in a hurry.

2. Mimic exercises:

"Angry Frost"

We are not afraid of frost!

(A joyful smile.)

He got angry with us:

(Furrow your eyebrows, frown.)

"I will freeze, I will freeze,

I'll freeze you now! "

(Draw out your lips with a tube, frown your eyebrows even more, shake your head angrily.)

"Santa Claus is performing"

Santa Claus cheered up

(Cheerful expression on his face.)

He smiled and sang.

(Smile and mouth movements, as when singing.)

Frost performed at the tree,

(Silent vowel articulation.)

I froze her needles ...

(It is a sad sigh.)

3. Exercises for the tongue "Winter's Tale"

Tongue prepared to listen to the "winter tale".

"Shovel" - He lay down on his lower lip, showing how attentive and obedient he is.

I'd like to listen to an interesting tongue winter story and out of impatience, he now looks out, then again hides behind his teeth "Hide and seek" .

The tongue runs, looking for a more comfortable place "Turkey" .

Even snapping, so wants to hear the story as soon as possible "Horse".

It was in winter, at the end of December. It was snowing outside, the winter wind was blowing, which drove snowflakes.

"Winter wind" - mouth closed circular rotation tongue first in right side, then to the left.

"Frost in the yard" - raise your tongue by the upper teeth and knock, saying: "Tdd-t, tdd-tdd." The mouth is open, the teeth do not close.

Start the "motor" after each hand wash.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Poultry"

1. Breathing exercise"Geese hiss": I.p .: o.s. 1-straight arms push back, stretch the neck, inhale through the nose; 2-on the exhale, pronounce: “Shhhh! Sh-sh-sh! Sh-sh-sh! " Repeat 3-4 times.

2.Exercises for the tongue:

Exercises for the muscles of the neck

"Chickens drink some water" . Lower your head, and then tilt it back and open your mouth, while feeling the tension of the neck.

"The geese nibbled grass, then washed it down with some water" . Stretch the neck forward, and then return to the starting position.

Exercises for the chewing-articulatory muscles

"Chickens peck grains" . Pull the lips forward with a narrow "tube". Close and open lips.

Exercises for lips and cheeks

"Turkey" . Inflate the cheeks strongly and hold the air in the oral cavity for as long as possible.

Exercises for the tongue

"Poultry beaks" . Show what a sharp beak a rooster has, what a wide beak a drake and a goose have.

The turkey is learning to chat . The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. With the wide tip of the tongue, touch the upper incisors from the outside and then from the inside, making a sound, a similar soundl-l-l-l.

"A turkey is coming from the city, he is leading a turkey" . Quickly stick your “wide” tongue out of your mouth and say: bl-bl-bl-bl-bl ".

Turkeys "chatter" . The position of the tongue, as in the previous exercise. Slowly at first, then gradually increasing the pace.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Pets"

1. Breathing exercises:

    "The cat meows"

I.p .: o.s. 1-touch with paws in front of you (inhale); 2- on the exhale, pronounce: “Meow-meow! Meow meow!" Repeat 2-3 times.

    "The dog barks"

I.p .: o.s. 1- inhalation through the nose; 2- while exhaling, say: “Av-av-av! Av-av-av! " Repeat. 3-4 times.

2.Exercises for the tongue:

Mimic exercises:

"Angry Polkan"

Why is he angry, Polkan?

They didn't let me on the sofa

The ball was not allowed to bite, -

Everything! I will not serve!

"Surprised cat"

Tabby cat

Leads the book with his nose:

Why don't mice smell

Drawn in a book?

I can't catch them!

With a paw only: grab and grab!

Articulation exercises:

"Calf" - chewing movements, while the mouth is closed.

"Angry Fluff" - the mouth is slightly open, the tongue is in the form of a "bridge".

"Hoof" - tap the tongue with the mouth open.

The tongue, after all, like a hoof, Can work loudly.

Clink, clink, clink, - and will not get tired, Only it will clatter more diligently.

"Fluff lapping milk" - lacquer movements of the tongue.

The cat loves milk

Drinks it from a saucer.

How? Willingly and easily.

Not a bit tired!

"The horse smiles" - the lips are stretched in a smile, the teeth are clenched and clearly visible.

"The dog is hot!"

It's hot for our friend:

(Stick your tongue out of your mouth, frequent inhalation and exhalation.)

He ran across the meadow!

The tongue fell to the side, (respectively)

My friend is tired - he drank water. (Licking movements of the tongue.)

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Wild animals"

1. Mimic exercises.

1. "Angry Wolf" : the expression on his face is angry, his eyebrows are furrowed.

2. "Sly Fox" : smile, slyly squinting his eyes.

3. "Cowardly Bunny" : scared face expression.

4. "The bunny has a toothache" : suffering facial expression.

2. Breathing exercises.

1. "The fox is following the trail" : short, frequent breaths through the nose.

Fox fox

I took the trail of a hare.

She led her nose,

followed the trail:

Listens, sniffs.

2. "Let's warm the paws" : blow on your hands, exhaling warm air through your mouth.

Bunny is cold in the woods:

Warms the paws under the bush.

3. Articulation exercises.

1. "Click your teeth" : how the angry wolf does it.

2. "Bunny" : bite the lower lip with the upper incisors.

3. "A hare gnaws a stump" : bite your tongue, gradually drawing it into your mouth.

"Hare and carrot"


I ran through the swamp

ran into the garden,

Found a carrot, gnaws at it deftly.

( nursery rhyme) :

- Hare, hare, what are you doing?

- I'm gnawing the stump.

- What are you, hare, happy about?

- I'm glad my teeth don't hurt!

4. "Tail" : wiggle your tongue sticking out of your mouth from side to side.

5. "Bunny plays the drum" - smile, open your mouth. Repeatedly and clearly pronounce the sound: d-d-d-d-d-d, the tongue rests on the upper teeth, the mouth is open.

6. "The top starts the motor" - open your mouth, the tongue behind the upper teeth, lips in a smile. While pronouncing the sound D-D-D-D, perform oscillatory movements with a clean finger from side to side.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Animals of hot countries"

1.Breathing exercises: "Hippo in the water" - Slow inhalation through the nose. When rib cage will begin to expand, stop inhaling and pause as much as possible. Then exhale smoothly through the nose. The exercise is performed quietly and smoothly. Repeat 5-10 times.

"The elephant drinks water" --I.p .: o.s.

1-stretch your lips with a tube and take a deep breath, drawing air into yourself; 2-exhale. Repeat 3-4 times.

2. Mimic exercises:

Grimace monkeys.

Angry tiger.

A frightened gazelle.

Exercisesfor neck muscles

"The giant giraffe pulls out the branches of a tall tree." Raise your head up (neck is tense). Lower your head down (relaxation).

The giraffe's neck is long and flexible, the giraffe pulls branches down. (N. Stozhkov)

"The elephant waves its trunk." Turns of the head to the sides. When turning, inhale through the nose. When returning to starting position- exhale through the mouth.

"The lion shakes his mane."

Shaking your head.

Exercise for the chewing-articulatory muscles


Open your mouth wide, lower your tongue to the bottom of the mouth.

The hippopotamus opened his mouth

A hippopotamus asks for a roll.

(S. Marshak)

Exercises for cheeks and lips

"A banana behind a monkey's cheek." Inflate the right and left cheeks in turn.

"Monkey Talk".

Raise extended lips to the nose, lower them down, then pronounce the sound combinations: "Uh-uh-uh-uh, Oh oh oh".

Exercises for the tongue

"The giraffe chews the leaves."

Bite the tongue alternately with the right and left molars, as if chewing.

"Monkey". The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. Insert a "wide" tongue between the upper lip and teeth, then between the lower lip and teeth.

"The danger signal in monkeys." Click your tongue to reshape your mouth. Emit high and low sounds - clicks, paying attention to changes in pitch.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Animals of the North"

"Umka blows snowflakes" - Let's imagine that there are "snowflakes" on the palm. Bring them to your lips. We slowly draw in air through the nose. Pull out the lips with a straw and gently blow on the "snowflakes".

Exercise for the jaw "Seal" - open your mouth wide, lower your tongue to the bottom of the mouth.

Exercises for lips and cheeks Emaciated Penguins - pull in the cheeks;

"The walrus opens his mouth wide and catches plankton" - window;

"Snowy owl and penguin laid eggs" - Pull lips with a small tube and then large;

"The seal kills the water through its teeth" - smile, to bring teeth together: s-s-s-s-s-s-s.

Exercise for the tongue

"Walrus in the rookery" - put a wide tongue on the lower lip;

"Dolphin-narwhal" - sharp tongue, with a needle;

"Dolphin-narwhal on the hunt » - move left and right with a sharp tongue;

"The seal catches fish » - tongue with a cup;

"Penguin chick breaks the shell" - to knock behind the upper teeth with a sharp tip of the tongue: t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t; "The elephant seal roars" - tongue behind the upper teeth: drrrrrr, we help with a finger under the tongue.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Zoo"

1. Breathing exercises:

"Turtle" - stretching the neck and straining the back while inhaling. As you exhale, pronounce sounds

S-SH alternately.

"The whale throws out a fountain of water" - generation of a strong air jet. Vibration of lips and tongue.

2. Mimic exercises:

"Evil jackal" - alternation of positions:

a) "grin", the jaws are closed;

b) open your mouth with bared teeth;

c) close the jaws;

d) close your lips.

3.Exercises for lips:

1. "Walrus" - a walrus was seen in the Arctic. Lower the corners of the lips down.

2. "Sea Elephant" - an elephant seal sailed from Antarctica. His mouth is like the open trunk of an elephant.

3. "Blue whale" - he sips the water through his mustache. Stretch your lips into a smile.

4. "The sperm whale opened his mouth and catches plankton" - alternation of wide and narrow "tubes".

3.Exercises for the tongue:

"Angry Lion" - the jaw drops down with the maximum extension of the tongue to the chin and the mental pronunciation of the sounds a or e on a firm attack, more difficult - with the whispering of these sounds.

"Monkey"-- the jaw drops down with the maximum extension of the tongue to the chin.

"Monkey" - mouth open, lips in a smile. Insert a "wide" tongue between the upper lip and teeth, then between the lower lip and teeth.

"Monkeys swing on vines" - mouth open, lips in a smile. The wide tip of the tongue rests against the lower gum, and the back of the tongue then rises up, touching the soft palate and partly the hard palate, then goes down. Make sure that the lower jaw does not move.

"Whales sway on the waves" - open your mouth wide, press the lateral edges of the tongue to the lateral upper teeth almost to the canines, raise and lower the tip of the tongue, touching the upper and lower gums.

Touch the tip of the tongue to the inner or outer surface of the incisors.

"The whales are splashing" - they raise and lower their tails. Alternation of the "cup" and spread tongue.

"The narwhal whale breaks the ice with its long horn" - press your tongue to the upper gums, pronounce sounds: t-t-t-t-t, d-d-d-d-d, td-td-td-td-td-td.

"The elephant seal vibrates with its trunk" - lips in a smile, lift the tip of the tongue by the upper teeth. While pronouncing the sound d-d-d-d-d, make oscillatory movements with your finger from side to side.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Defenders of the Fatherland"

Airborne assault is the dropping of soldiers from an airplane by parachute. If the weather is calm, paratroopers land at Right place easily. If the wind blows, it carries the parachutes away from the place where the landing party should land.

(The cup-tongue is pressed against the upper lateral teeth, between the tip of the tongue and the front upper teeth there is a gap, and this is where the "wind" blows. Repeat 4 times.

2. Articulation-respiratory and mimic exercises:


"Motor" [DRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR] -finger-under the tongue.

"Airplane" [ahhhhhh] with increasing and decreasing the volume.

3.Exercises for cheeks and lips:

"Parachute" (In the alternation "Tube" (parachute closed) - "Horn" (open) counting up to 10).

4. Exercises for the tongue:

"Clean the machine gun" (Like the exercise "Brush your teeth." Take turns lower, upper).

"Shout" - stretch your lips with a wide "tube" and pronounce the sounds (w-w-w-w) and (w-w-w-f).

"Tank"-- repeatedly drum the tip of the tongue on the upper gum with the pronunciation of a sound (t): t-t-t ...

"Machine gunners » - smile, open your mouth slightly, tap the tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth: D-D-D-D-D. Slowly at first, gradually increasing the pace.

"Machine gun burst" - mouth open, lips in a smile. During a prolonged pronunciation of the sound: d-d-d-d behind the upper teeth with quick movements with a clean straight index finger, the child himself makes frequent oscillatory movements from side to side.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Transport"

1. Breathing exercise"Breeze". Let's blow on the "boat": air is inhaled through the nose and exhaled sharply through the mouth.

Car tire punctured . Making a sound sh-sh-sh.

Pump . Making a sound s-s-s-s.

Cars are driving on a wet pavement . Pronunciation of syllables: "Sha-shu-shi-sho".

The train is humming . Pronunciation of a syllable that on one exhalation: "Tu-tu-tu-tu".

Car beeps . Pronouncing a syllable on one exhale: "BBC".

3.Exercises for cheeks and lips.

Storm at sea . Place three fingers to the corners of the lips. Raise and lower the corners of the lips while lifting the cheeks.

Rowing paddle . Move the tongue from one corner of the mouth to the other.

4. Exercises for the language.

"Boat" . The mouth is open. Stick out the tongue with a "boat" ("groove"), keep it motionless. Lips are wide open ("grin"), then they touch the "groove".

"Car on rails" . The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Press the lateral edges of the tongue tightly to the upper molars, bend the back of the tongue down, keep the tip free. Move the tongue back and forth, while the lateral edges of the tongue should slide along the molars. Make sure that the lower jaw does not move, the lips do not pull on the teeth.

"The dump truck is emptying the load" . The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Press the lateral edges of the tongue against the lateral upper teeth almost to the canines. Raise and lower the wide tip of the tongue, touching the upper lower gum behind the teeth. Make sure that the lower jaw and lips are motionless.

"The plane is flying" - Clamp the tip of the tongue between the teeth. Pronounce the sound l-l-l-l for a long time. The arms are the wings of an airplane. Show how he flies.

"We start the motor" --

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Early Spring"

1. Breathing exercise"Dripping knocks on the roof"

I.p .: o.s. 1-smooth inhalation, blows with the index finger of the right hand on the left palm; 2- as you exhale, pronounce: “Tdd-tdd! Tdd-tdd! Repeat 3-4 times.

2.Articulatory gymnastics:

Exercise for the jaw: "After hibernation." The bear woke up after hibernation. Open your mouth with a dull breath. (Imitation of yawning.) Ice is cracking on the river, ice floes are floating. Move the lower jaw left and right.

Lip exercises: « Ships are sailing on the waves " . Alternately lift the corners of the lips up to the right and then up to the left.

"Animals that got thinner during the winter." Pull in your cheeks, then return and ip.

Exercises for the tongue:« The icicle is melting " . Open your mouth, stretch out the "sharp" tongue, or lower the "wide" tongue to the lower lip. Alternate positions of "sharp" and "wide" language. « Puddles ". Open your mouth, put a "wide" tongue on the lower lip, slightly moving it first to the left, then to the right.

« The buds are bursting in the trees " . Bring the "wide" tongue under the upper lip and click.

"The drops are knocking on the roof." Raise the tip of the tongue by the upper teeth to the alveoli and say: "Tdd-tdd-tdd".

"Spring trill" - while pronouncing the sound D-D-D-D, with a clean finger under the tongue, make oscillatory movements left-right.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic “Professions. Tools. Tools"

1. Breathing exercises:

"Trumpeter"-- standing, squeeze your hands into a tube, lift up. Inhale, exhale slowly with a loud pronunciation of the sound "p-p-p-p". Repeat 4-5 times.

"We arrived at the garage" - (for relaxation). Standing still, feet are shoulder-width apart. Hands are down. Raising relaxed arms to the sides - up. Breathe in. And we lower (throw) down - exhale. Repeat 2-3 times.

2.Phonetic Charging:

Children pronounce sound combinations behind the teacher, depicting the actions of objects of labor, the sound of machines.

The dental machine “howls”: in-in-in ... Scissors chick: chik-chik-chik ... The hammer knocks: knock-knock-knock ... The drill buzzes: zz-z ... The saw squeals: whack-whack-whack ... The bell rings: ding-ding-ding ... The pipe is playing: doo-doo-doo ... The drum is beating: bam-bam-bam ... The wheels are knocking: tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta ... The motorcycle hums: dr-dr-dr ... The car beeps: BBC ... They sing a song: la-la-la.

3.Articulating exercises:

"Painter" - open your mouth wide, touch the tip of your tongue to the soft palate and hold it back and forth.

"Fungus" - sucking the tongue to the palate. Raise the tongue to the palate, stretching the bridle to the limit. Hold the tongue in an upward position until saliva comes up.

"Harmonic" - to suck the tongue to the palate, then alternately open and close the mouth.

"Turn on the electric drill" - pronunciation of syllables: j-j-ja, j-j-j-jo, j-j-zhu, j-j-j-ji, j-j-jo, j-j-j, j-j-jo, j-j-j, jo -ju, ji-ja.

"We start the mixer" -- smile, open your mouth. During a prolonged pronunciation of the sound: d-d-d-d behind the upper teeth, with quick movements, make frequent oscillatory movements from side to side.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "City"

1. Breathing exercise:"Grow big" - stand up straight, feet together, raise your hands up. Stretch well, rise on your toes - inhale, lower your hands down, lower your entire foot - exhale. Exhaling, say "y-x-x-x-x". Repeat 4-5 times.

2.Articulating exercises: The Tale of the Merry Tongue "City trip". The sun is shining brightly outside, birds are singing, flowers are blooming. And the Tongue became sad ( "Chicks" - open your mouth wide and hold it in this position for 3-5 seconds). At this time, a kitten Bagel was running down the street ( "Coil"-- smile, open your mouth. With the tip of a wide tongue, press firmly against the lower teeth. Keep up to 5. Perform small movements with the curved tongue back and forth, without lifting the tongue from the teeth.). He decided to drop in to Tongue and invite him on a trip around the city. The tongue listened to a friend and smiled ( "Smile"-- smile broadly, so that the upper and lower teeth are visible (the jaws are clenched), and hold the lips in this position for 5 seconds), The tongue of course agreed. Friends began to draw up a route. Where should they go? First of all, they went to the river ( "To the river" - with an open mouth, alternately touch the tongue first with the upper lip, then the upper teeth, alveoli) and began to sunbathe ( "Spatula"-- the mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Put a wide, relaxed tongue on the lower lip. Hold the tongue in this position for 5 seconds.) And suddenly they saw a water slide, from which it was very fun to roll ( "Slide"-- the mouth is open. The tip of the tongue is behind the lower incisors. Raise the back of the tongue up "with a slide". There is a groove in the middle of the tongue. Hold for 10-15 seconds).

The tongue looked around ( "Hours" - smile, open your mouth, stick out your tongue as far as possible and make them smooth movements from one corner of the mouth to another), and saw how they play football. He also really wanted to try. And together with the donut, they played ball together ( "Hide the candy" - with the wide tip of the tongue, touch the tubercles in the mouth behind the upper incisors).

After resting on the river, the friends went home.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Street, house, apartment"

1. Breathing exercises: "A flower bed near the house."

Flowers grow near the house, we inhale through the nose, the aroma: “ah-ah! "- on the exhale.

"Let's light a flashlight in the house."

Put your hands down, take a calm breath, "send air into your tummy", and as you exhale, make your lips a tube and blow on the "flashlight".

2.Articulating exercises:

"Home repairs". "Nailing the window frames" Pronounce on one exhalation sounds: "T-t-t-t-t, d-d-d-d-d", and then syllables: "ta-da-ta-da, you-you-you-dy, tuk -Knock-Knock".

"We drill holes with a drill" ... Pronounce sounds: t-t-t, d-d-d behind the upper teeth and finger, perform the vibration of the uvula: drrrrr; tr-r-r-r.

"Painting the porch." The mouth is closed. First, lick only the upper teeth, then the lower ones. Then lick your teeth in a circle.

"Painting the ceiling". Draw the tip of the tongue across the palate, from the soft palate to the upper teeth.

Laying the floors. Spread your tongue at the bottom of the mouth.

"House cleaning". Your mouth is like a house. Imagine that your tongue is a rag and wipe your house.

Wipe the threshold of the house - stick out your tongue and lick everything around your lower lip, moving your tongue back and forth.

Wipe upper part doors - lick your entire upper lip, from one corner to another, running your tongue back and forth.

Wipe down all the furniture below - run your tongue over the lower teeth.

Wipe all the rooms upstairs - Run your tongue over your upper teeth.

"My windows". Make circular movements with the tip of the tongue along the upper and lower lips.

Now shake out the rag in the street - stick out your tongue and swing it from side to side.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "SDA, OBZH"

1. Breathing exercises:


He will show us the right way,

Turns will indicate everything.

I. p. - feet shoulder width apart.

1 – right hand up, left hand to the side (inhale through the nose),

2 - left arm up, right arm to the side (exhale with the sound "drrr")

Repeat 8 times.

"Let's go by car."

Stand up straight, legs apart, arms down. Inhale through the nose, while exhaling, pronounce the sound: "tr-rr". (whoever succeeds, the strength of the sound increases).

2.Articulating exercises: "Merry Walk"

There was a tongue in his house. He woke up early in the morning, opened the window, looked at the weather, then hid back in the house.

"Window" - smile, open your mouth; stick out your tongue strongly and then hide it, do not close your mouth (3-4 times). The tongue wanted to go to the park, but he had to cross the road, the tongue began to look left and right, whether there were cars there.

"The way across the road" - smile, open your mouth, stretch your tongue to the left corner of the mouth, then to the right (6-8 times).

After that, I saw the tongue of a traffic light, with different lights burning from top to bottom, the tongue began to look at them: red yellow green.

"Traffic light" - smile, open your mouth, raise your tongue to your nose, then lower it to your chin (4-5 times).

The tongue waited for the green traffic light and crossed the street, came to the park for a walk and began to play ball.

"Let's get the ball into the goal" - the mouth is closed, the tip of the tongue with tension to rest against one or the other cheek so as to inflate the "ball" under the cheek.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Fauna of reservoirs"

"Storm at Sea" ... Take air with your nose, do not puff out your cheeks. On one exhale, blow on the "sea". Mark who has the storm to last longer. "Sound wave". Children pronounce the sound P - P - P - P - P then raising, then lowering their voice.

2. Mimic exercises:

Show the cover of the book "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish". The old man threw a seine into the sea, pulled it out with sea mud, upset. Once again he threw the net, again the fish was not caught, angry. For the third time, he threw a seine into the sea, caught a goldfish. Overjoyed old man but it's a pity he became a goldfish, let it go into the sea.

3.Exercise for the chewing-articulatory muscles "Fish without water". Slowly lower the lower jaw, opening the mouth as wide as possible. The tip of the tongue lies behind the lower teeth. Close your mouth slowly.

4.Exercise for cheeks and lips

"Rinse your mouth with seawater." ... Draw air now for the left, then for the right cheeks, then for the upper, then for the lower lips. Draw air in your mouth, stretch your lips forward, make rotational movements with them.

5.Language exercises:

A thin, long needle fish lives in the sea. Her nose is sharp as a needle, but she cannot prick anyone - it is soft.

"Fish-needle". Lips in a smile, mouth open, tongue - the needle does not touch the lower and upper lips, does not deviate to the side - 3 times for 6 seconds.

These fish are poor swimmers. There are suction cups on the head. It sticks to the shark and travels.

"The fish stuck." Smile, open your mouth. Suck a wide tongue to the palate. This is the cap of the mushroom, and the hyoid ligament is the leg. The tip of the tongue should not curl up, the lips are in a smile. In this position, up to 10 seconds.

"Shark" - show your teeth, bared your teeth.

"Rybka" - stretch the closed lips forward. Hold for 10 seconds.

"Fish talk" - children look at each other and try to “talk” like fish: children’s lips, which are closed and extended forward, open and close.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Space"

1. Breathing exercises:

Space Conquerors.

"Flight to the moon" - on the exhale sound "a", slowly raising left hand up, reaching the moon, slowly lower.
"Flight to the Sun" - on exhalation, the sound "o" is louder and longer. We reach the Sun and return.
"Flight to aliens" - on exhalation, the sound “and” increases in pitch and volume.

2. Mimic exercises:

Cosmonauts were delighted when we landed on Mars. They see incomprehensible creatures coming to the rocket, surprised: are they really the Martians? The Martians were first angry to uninvited guests. The astronauts reassured the inhabitants of the planet Mars, smiled them.

3.Exercises for cheeks and lips

Martians welcome "Earthlings" ... The mouth is closed, the lips are connected. At the expense of "one" - to raise the upper lip upwards, to expose the upper teeth as much as possible. On the count of "two" - to return to the starting position. On the count of "three" - forcefully pull the lower lip down, expose the lower teeth. On account "4" - to the starting position. Repeat. 4 times.

4.Exercises for the language:

"Hours" - lips in a smile, mouth open. The tongue - the hand of the clock - moves either to the left corner of the mouth, then to the right, the chin is motionless. Under the account to 10.

The Martians presented the astronauts with a telescope to observe the stars from the ground.

"Tube" - the mouth is open, the tongue is curled up into a "tube". Repeat 3 times for 5 sec.

Now let's fly into space on a rocket.

Checking the serviceability of the engine -Lips in a smile, mouth open, first click with the tongue, then the tongue “chatter”: bl-bl-bl-bl.

Attention: a malfunction has been detected in the fuel supply - spank the wide tongue between the lips, pronouncing the syllables: five-five-five and bite the tip of the tongue with your teeth.

Checking the engine again - the mouth is open, the tongue knocks behind the upper teeth, to pronounce a sound similar to D-D-D-D.

The lower jaw is motionless.

Oh-oh-oh - start the engine!

"Motor" - lips in a smile, mouth open, finger vibrate the tongue, uttering the sound D-D-D behind the upper teeth.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Family"

1.Exercise to develop breathing"Water, water wash my face."

Inhale, on exhalation, children pronounce the sound "S". Repeat. 3 times.

"Our daughter woke up."

Our daughter woke up - fists with three eyes

I pulled the handle to the right - stroking the forehead from the middle to the ears

I pulled the handle to the left - stroking eyebrows

She smiled tenderly at the sun - stroking from the corners of the mouth to the ears.

And then she spanked a little with her palm - slap themselves on the cheeks.

Oh yes, daughter, beauty! How good she is! - clap their hands.

3.Exercises for chewing and articulation muscles Chewing nuts. Simulated chewing.

4.Exercises for cheeks and lips:

The kid refuses to drink hot milk. Press your lips against the teeth and gums of the upper and lower jaw.

The kid wanted to eat. Open the lips with the mouth closed and open, the tongue lies at the bottom of the mouth.

Sweetie. We puff out our cheeks one by one.

Parting. Instant closing of the lips with a break, "kiss".

5.Exercises for the tongue:

Mom baked pancakes. Place the "wide" tongue on the lower lip so that the edges touch the corners of the mouth. Keep it in a calm, relaxed state (counting to "five to ten").

Mom baked pies with different fillings. The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. Place the "wide" tongue on the lower lip. Raise and roll the tongue into a tube - "pie with cabbage". Raise the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth - "lingonberry pie".

Teasers. Lips in a smile, "wide" tongue on the lower lip. Pronounce: "Fah-five-five, bya-bya-bya."

Wall clock pendulum. The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. Turn the strongly protruding tongue to the right and left so that the tip of the tongue touches the corners of the mouth. Make sure that the tongue does not slide over the lower lip and teeth.

The baby sucks on the pacifier. Pull the closed lips forward with the proboscis and make sucking movements.

Articulating gymnastics on the topic

"Victory Day"

1. Exercise for the development of breathing"The ship beeps." A deep breath and a long exhale - YYYYYYY. Repeat 3-4 rubles.

2. Exercise for lips"The captain smiles - the captain is angry."

3. Massage of biologically active points"I am a brave fighter."

I have a hat with a star - with the edge of the palms, rub the forehead - to the right - to the left.

I am a brave fighter, young - with index fingers, massage the wings of the nose.

Here I will mount a horse dexterously - pull the earlobes down

And he will run me far away - lightly massage the cheeks with your fingertips.

4. Exercises for the development of the tongue:

"Tongue-strongman" - smile, hold the wide tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth, strengthen the muscles of the tongue, straining and relaxing them.
Our tongue is strong
Rests on the teeth,
Strongly tense
Bends like a hill.
It's time for the strongman to rest.
So that he can lie down
We will relax the muscles.

"Drummer"-- open your mouth wide. With the tip of the tongue, knock on the tubercles behind the upper teeth (alveoli). It turns out like the English sound -d-d-d-d-d-d. The drummer beats fast and slow. We carry out 30 - 60 seconds.

"Machine gun". The exercise is similar to the previous one, only instead of the sound -d- we say

T-. Open your mouth wide. With the tip of the tongue, knock on the tubercles behind the upper teeth (alveoli): -t-t-t-t-t. The machine gun fires very quickly.

"We shoot" - we say slowly: "j-j-j", exhaling strongly, trying to make the tongue tremble.

We carry out 10 - 15 seconds.

"The pilot starts the engine" - smile, open your mouth. During a prolonged pronunciation of the sound: d-d-d-d behind the upper teeth with quick movements with a clean straight index finger, the child himself makes frequent oscillatory movements from side to side.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Insects"

1. Breathing exercises:

"Catch the mosquito" --I.p .: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. 1 - on the exhale, clap your hands in front of you at the level of your chest, face, above your head; 2- pronounce on exhalation; "S-s-s! Z-z-z! " Repeat 3-4 times.

"Fly in the Web" --I.p .: o.s. 1-pick with "paws" in front of you (inhale); 2 - on the exhale, pronounce: "W-w-w!". Repeat 3-4 times.

2.Massage of biologically active points of the face"Wasp".

Sa - sa - sa - a wasp flew to us - in a circular motion, three whiskeys.

Su - su - su - we saw a wasp - with the index fingers, massage the base of the eyebrows.

Sy - sy - sy - we were scared of the wasps - slap ourselves on the cheeks.

Sa - sa - sa - fly away quickly wasp - we stroke the forehead from the middle to the temples.

3.Exercises for the tongue:

1. "Proboscis mosquito" - Pull the closed lips forward.

2. "Bumblebee" - open your mouth. Raise the tongue in the form of a cup up, press the lateral edges to the molars. The leading edge should be free. Put an air stream in the middle of the tongue, connect your voice, pronouncing with force: "dzzzz", "dzhzh".

3. "The mosquito bites" - push the narrow tongue forward as much as possible and retract deep into the mouth.

4. "Butterfly flies around the flower" - open your mouth and lick your lips with your tongue in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise.

5. "Grasshopper" - open your mouth wide, smile. With the tip of a narrow tongue, alternately touch the base (tubercles) of the upper and lower teeth.

6. "Bee" - smile, open your mouth wide, raise your tongue up to the tubercles (alveoli). Try to pronounce "dzhzh", but not abruptly, but protractedly, for 10-15 seconds.

7. "Dragonfly Motor" - smile, open your mouth. During a prolonged pronunciation of the sound: d-d-d-d behind the upper teeth with quick movements with a clean straight index finger, the child himself makes frequent oscillatory movements from side to side.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Flowers"

1. Breathing exercises:

"The rose is blooming."

I. p. - hands on the back of the head, elbows brought together (unopened bud). Slowly rising on toes, stretch your arms up and to the sides - inhale (the rose opens). Return to I. p. - exhale (perform at a slow pace). Repeat 4-6 times.

"The tulip opens up."

I. p. - sitting on gymnastic bench, the shoulders are relaxed. The chin is raised. The hands are on the knees. Inhale with the diaphragm, exhale slowly through the mouth. Repeat 5-6 times.

2.Massage of biologically active points of the face"Flowers"

One two Three - stroking the forehead from the middle to the temples,

Flowers have grown - stroking our cheeks from top to bottom,

Stretched to the sun - we massage the ears, from top to bottom,

High, high - stroking the cheeks in a circular motion,

Flowers are warm and good - press your palms to your cheeks.

2.Exercises for the tongue"In the garden". It's a sunny day. Many beautiful flowers grew in the garden: poppies, lilies, daisies, roses, bells. The tongue went up to your favorite flowers, bent down and gently whispered: "Good morning!" Flowers nodded their heads (open your mouth, touch the upper and lower lips with your tongue). Taking rake , The tongue began to gently rake the dried grass near the flowers (smile, squeeze the tongue between the teeth back and forth; repeat 8 times). Then Tongue took shovel and began to dig up the ground (to rest your tongue on one or the other cheek from the inside).

Now the roots of the flowers breathe better. The flowers were delighted and asked for cool water from Tongue. Taking large watering can (stretch your lips forward and keep counting to 3).

The tongue watered the flowers under the very root. The water poured for a long time, slowly (say: "S-s-s-s").

Have risen flowers and opened their petals (pull your lips forward with a tube, slowly spread apart, open your mouth, reconnect into a “tube”; repeat5 once).

Tongue was delighted that now it was clean and beautiful in his garden.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Summer"

1. Exercise for the development of breathing"GOOD!".

Summer, summer has come to us

it became dry and warm.

Along the path straight

feet walk barefoot.

Take a deep breath, arms out to the sides, exhale for a long time


2.Exercises for the tongue "As the tongue rested at sea." The working days are over, and Tongue decided to relax at sea. He took inflatable rubber boat Beach umbrella and wide terry towel (stick out your wide tongue and keep counting to 10).

I got into the fabulous carriage and hit the road. The train flew fast on the rails (say: "Chukh-chukh-chukh. Tu-tuu").

Behind the window flashed trees (open your mouth, touch the upper teeth with the tip of your tongue and hold for 8 seconds), at home (lower the tongue and put it calmly behind the lower teeth, the mouth is open). Affectionately shone Sun (mouth open, lick lips from left to right)... The tongue listened to the sound of the train wheels (pronounce slowly: "T-d-t-d-t-d"). Soon it seemed in the distance blue ocean (open your mouth wide and hold a count to 8). The train pulled up to the station and stopped (inhale through your nose and exhale slowly: "Shhhh"). Tongue was so impatient to see the sea that he jumped out of the car and quickly ran to Beach (smile, click your tongue).

Changing into a swimsuit and putting Beach umbrella (suck your tongue to the palate and keep counting to 8), Tongue stretched out on a terry towel under the hot rays of the sun (mouth open, tongue stretch strongly and touch the chin). When the tummy and back were a little tanned, Tongue decided to swim. Running quickly, he dived into sea (click your tongue three times, then stick it out of your mouth slightly; repeat 5 times). Tongue had excellent flippers , he quickly swung his feet in the water (the mouth is open, quickly move the tongue back and forth along the upper lip, it turns out a voiceless syllable "pl").

At the bottom, Tongue saw turtle feasting on seaweed (move the lower jaw as if chewing), air jellyfish (puff out cheeks and hold for 8 seconds), flying fish (mouth open, stick out a narrow tongue, touch the upper lip and hide in the mouth; repeat 5 times) and even starfish who hid behind stones (first stick out a wide tongue, press between the lower and upper lips, and then slowly "pull" the tongue back into the mouth; repeat 5 times).

During the rest, Tongue managed to ride on inflatable rubber boat (puff out your cheeks and keep counting to 5), collect beautiful shells, take pictures of a parrot and a giraffe (pronounce: "Chik-chik").

Soon he got on the train and drove home (pronounce: "Chukh-chukh. Tu-tuu")... The tongue looked in window and smiled (smile, showing the lower and upper teeth), because he will definitely come here again.

Articulatory gymnastics complexes 1 week September

The hippo opened his mouth,

I held it. Then he closed it.

We will tease the hippo -

Hunt to play a trick on him.

and close your mouth.

exercise 3-4 times.

Learning to de

Learning to do an exercise

exercise 3-4 times.

Fold the sponges into a tube. ANDShow the elephant.

Complexes of articulatory gymnastics week 2 September

The hamster will puff out his cheeks

He has grain in sacks.

We'll puff out our cheeks too

We will help the hamster now.


Learning to de

saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

The kitten loves milk:Lacquers quickly and easilySticking out your tongue with a "spatula".

Learning to do the exercise

"The kitten licks milk."

time for the child to rest and relax, we suggest to swallowsaliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Complexes of articulatory gymnastics 3 week September

like a calyx, deep.

3-4 times.

Higher than oak, higher than spruce

We took off on the swing.

Tell me, would you

Tongue "swing


Learning to de

The bird has a very sharp beak

Take a look atpage:

Complexes of articulatory gymnastics 4 week September

Language is like a pendulum of a clock.

rest and relaxation,exercise 3-4 times.

All the people know this:

The bear loves delicious honey.

Lick your lip with your tongue

And sits closer to the honey.

Learning to de

we suggest swallowing saliva. We repeatexercise 3-4 times.

Fold out the tongue like a back.

3-5 seconds.straighten the tongueexercise 3-4 times.

Complexes of articulatory gymnastics week 5 September

Squirrel clicks nutsThoroughly, without haste.We push the tongue.Left-right, sideways.

time for the child to rest and relax, we suggest to swallow.

Smiling puppy, show teeth. I could have done the same, Here, look. Now.

Learning to de

Learning to do an exercise

which speech therapists call "Smile". We spread the corners of the lips wide, exposing the clenched teeth.We return the lips to a calm position. We give the child time torest and relaxation. We offer to swallow saliva. We repeatexercise 3-4 times.

The elephant's proboscis is pulling, He is about to get a banana.Fold the sponges into a tube. ANDShow the elephant.

Learn to do the exercise "Proboscis".

We stretch our lips forward, as for a kiss, we keep it in thisposition for 3-5 seconds. We return the lips to a calm position.We give the child time to rest and relax. We offerswallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Complexes of articulatory gymnastics 1 week October

The hamster will puff out his cheeks

He has grain in sacks.

We'll puff out our cheeks too

We will help the hamster now.

Learning to do the "Hamster" exercise.

We invite the baby to puff out his cheeks with his mouth closed and holdin this position for 3-5 seconds, and then exhale, relax,swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Higher than oak, higher than spruce

We took off on the swing.

Tell me, would you

Tongue "swing


Learning to de

Learn to do the swing exercise.

We open our mouth wide, put a calm on the lower liprelaxed tongue, translate it to the upper lip, returnto the lower one, again we raise it to the upper one. We carry out 6-8 times.We remove the tongue, close the mouth. We give the child time to rest and relax, we suggest to swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

The kitten loves milk:Pour in - and there is not a drop in an instant.Lacquers quickly and easilySticking out your tongue with a "spatula".

Learning to do the exercise

"The kitten licks milk."

Open your mouth wide, do 4-5 movements with a wide tongue,as if lapping milk. We close our mouth. We remove the tongue. We givetime for the child to rest and relax, we suggest to swallowsaliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Complexes of articulatory gymnastics 2nd week of October

The bird has a very sharp beak

And thin, sharp as a needle.

Take a look atpage:

My tongue is like a bird's beak.

Learn to do the "Needle" exercise.

We open our mouth wide, raise and pull the thin tongue forward. We fix the position for 3-5 seconds. We remove the tongue, close the mouth. We give the child time to rest and relax, we suggest to swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Smiling puppy, show teeth. I could have done the same, Here, look. Now.

Learning to de

Learning to do an exercise

which speech therapists call "Smile". We spread the corners of the lips wide, exposing the clenched teeth.We return the lips to a calm position. We give the child time torest and relaxation. We offer to swallow saliva. We repeatexercise 3-4 times.

Bend the edges of the tongue, Do the same as me. The tongue is wide. ANDlike a calyx, deep.

Learning to do the exercise "Cup".

We open our mouth wide, put a wide tongue on the lower lip, bend the edges of the tongue with a "cup" and slowly lift it by the upper teeth. Then we invite the child to lower the tongue,close your mouth, relax, swallow saliva. Repeat the exercise3-4 times.

Articulatory gymnastics complexes 3rd week of October

All the people know this:

The bear loves delicious honey.

Lick your lip with your tongue

And sits closer to the honey.

Learning to do the "Delicious honey" exercise.

We open our mouth wide, draw with the sharp tip of the tongueon the upper lip from left to right and back. We make sure thatthe lower jaw did not move. We carry out 6-8 times. We remove the tongueclose your mouth. We give the child time to rest and relax,we suggest swallowing saliva. We repeatexercise 3-4 times.

The dog is tired and breathes tired. And she didn't even run after the cat. A wide tongue will rest, lie down, And again the dog runs after the cat.

Learning to de

Learning to do the "Shovel" exercise.

We open our mouth wide. We put a soft, calm tongue onlower lip. We delay it for 3-5 seconds. We remove the tongue. We givetime for the child to rest and relax, we suggest to swallowsaliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

The elephant's proboscis is pulling, He is about to get a banana.Fold the sponges into a tube. ANDShow the elephant.

Learn to do the exercise "Proboscis".

We stretch our lips forward, as for a kiss, we keep it in thisposition for 3-5 seconds. We return the lips to a calm position.We give the child time to rest and relax. We offerswallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Complexes of articulatory gymnastics 4th week of October

The hippo opened his mouth,

I held it. Then he closed it.

We will tease the hippo -

Hunt to play a trick on him.

Learning to open wide and calmlyand close your mouth.

We repeat the exercise 3-5 times. We give the child time to restand relaxation. We offer to swallow saliva. We repeat againexercise 3-4 times.

Smiling puppy, show teeth. I could have done the same, Here, look. Now.

Learning to de

Learning to do an exercise

which speech therapists call "Smile". We spread the corners of the lips wide, exposing the clenched teeth.We return the lips to a calm position. We give the child time torest and relaxation. We offer to swallow saliva. We repeatexercise 3-4 times.

The elephant's proboscis is pulling, He is about to get a banana.Fold the sponges into a tube. ANDShow the elephant.

Learn to do the exercise "Proboscis".

We stretch our lips forward, as for a kiss, we keep it in thisposition for 3-5 seconds. We return the lips to a calm position.We give the child time to rest and relax. We offerswallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Articulatory gymnastics complexes 1 week of November

The hamster will puff out his cheeks

He has grain in sacks.

We'll puff out our cheeks too

We will help the hamster now.

Learning to do the "Hamster" exercise.

We invite the baby to puff out his cheeks with his mouth closed and holdin this position for 3-5 seconds, and then exhale, relax,swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

The dog is tired and breathes tired. And she didn't even run after the cat. A wide tongue will rest, lie down, And again the dog runs after the cat.

Learning to de

Learning to do the "Shovel" exercise.

We open our mouth wide. We put a soft, calm tongue onlower lip. We delay it for 3-5 seconds. We remove the tongue. We givetime for the child to rest and relax, we suggest to swallowsaliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

The kitten loves milk:Pour in - and there is not a drop in an instant.Lacquers quickly and easilySticking out your tongue with a "spatula".

Learning to do the exercise

"The kitten licks milk."

Open your mouth wide, do 4-5 movements with a wide tongue,as if lapping milk. We close our mouth. We remove the tongue. We givetime for the child to rest and relax, we suggest to swallowsaliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Complexes of articulatory gymnastics 2nd week of November

Bend the edges of the tongue, Do the same as me. The tongue is wide. ANDlike a calyx, deep.

Learning to do the exercise "Cup".

We open our mouth wide, put a wide tongue on the lower lip, bend the edges of the tongue with a "cup" and slowly lift it by the upper teeth. Then we invite the child to lower the tongue,close your mouth, relax, swallow saliva. Repeat the exercise3-4 times.

Higher than oak, higher than spruce

We took off on the swing.

Tell me, would you

Tongue "swing


Learning to de

Learn to do the swing exercise.

We open our mouth wide, put a calm on the lower liprelaxed tongue, translate it to the upper lip, returnto the lower one, again we raise it to the upper one. We carry out 6-8 times.We remove the tongue, close the mouth. We give the child time to rest and relax, we suggest to swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

The bird has a very sharp beak

And thin, sharp as a needle.

Take a look atpage:

My tongue is like a bird's beak.

Learn to do the "Needle" exercise.

We open our mouth wide, raise and pull the thin tongue forward. We fix the position for 3-5 seconds. We remove the tongue, close the mouth. We give the child time to rest and relax, we suggest to swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Articulatory gymnastics complexes 3rd week of November

Language is like a pendulum of a clockReady to swing again and again.The kitten smiles, he, like you, tries.

Learn to do the "Pendulum" exercise.

We open our mouth, we stretch our lips into a smile, we stretch our tongue,we strain it, touch the sharp tip of the tongue to the left, then the right corners of the lips. We make sure that the tongue moves through the air,and not on the lower lip, so that the lower jaw does not swing. We carry out6-8 times. We remove the tongue, close the mouth. We give the child time toexercise 3-4 times.

All the people know this:

The bear loves delicious honey.

Lick your lip with your tongue

And sits closer to the honey.

Learning to de

Learning to do the "Delicious honey" exercise.

We open our mouth wide, draw with the sharp tip of the tongueon the upper lip from left to right and back. We make sure thatthe lower jaw did not move. We carry out 6-8 times. We remove the tongueclose your mouth. We give the child time to rest and relax,we suggest swallowing saliva. We repeatexercise 3-4 times.

Fold out the tongue like a back.This ginger cat bent out. Well, look at the picture: He is walking along the bridge.

Learn to do the exercise "Bridge".

We open our mouth. Having bent the back of the tongue, we rest its tip on the lower teeth from the inside of the mouth. We hold in this position3-5 seconds.Slowly bring our teeth together and clench them, close our mouth.The "bridge" stands behind closed teeth. Then we offer the childstraighten the tonguerelax, swallow saliva. We repeatexercise 3-4 times.

Articulatory gymnastics complexes 4th week of November

Squirrel clicks nutsThoroughly, without haste.We push the tongue.Left-right, sideways.

Learning to do the "Nut" exercise.

With your mouth closed, we rest the tense tip of the tongue thenon the left, then on the right cheek. We carry out 6-8 times. Then we givetime for the child to rest and relax, we suggest to swallowsaliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times..

Smiling puppy, show teeth. I could have done the same, Here, look. Now.

Learning to de

Learning to do an exercise

which speech therapists call "Smile". We spread the corners of the lips wide, exposing the clenched teeth.We return the lips to a calm position. We give the child time torest and relaxation. We offer to swallow saliva. We repeatexercise 3-4 times.

The elephant's proboscis is pulling, He is about to get a banana.Fold the sponges into a tube. ANDShow the elephant.

Learn to do the exercise "Proboscis".

We stretch our lips forward, as for a kiss, we keep it in thisposition for 3-5 seconds. We return the lips to a calm position.We give the child time to rest and relax. We offerswallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Articulatory gymnastics complexes 1 week of December

The hamster will puff out his cheeks

He has grain in sacks.

We'll puff out our cheeks too

We will help the hamster now.

Learning to do the "Hamster" exercise.

We invite the baby to puff out his cheeks with his mouth closed and holdin this position for 3-5 seconds, and then exhale, relax,swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Higher than oak, higher than spruce

We took off on the swing.

Tell me, would you

Tongue "swing


Learning to de

Learn to do the swing exercise.

We open our mouth wide, put a calm on the lower liprelaxed tongue, translate it to the upper lip, returnto the lower one, again we raise it to the upper one. We carry out 6-8 times.We remove the tongue, close the mouth. We give the child time to rest and relax, we suggest to swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

The kitten loves milk:Pour in - and there is not a drop in an instant.Lacquers quickly and easilySticking out your tongue with a "spatula".

Learning to do the exercise

"The kitten licks milk."

Open your mouth wide, do 4-5 movements with a wide tongue,as if lapping milk. We close our mouth. We remove the tongue. We givetime for the child to rest and relax, we suggest to swallowsaliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Complexes of articulatory gymnastics 2nd week of December

The bird has a very sharp beak

And thin, sharp as a needle.

Take a look atpage:

My tongue is like a bird's beak.

Learn to do the "Needle" exercise.

We open our mouth wide, raise and pull the thin tongue forward. We fix the position for 3-5 seconds. We remove the tongue, close the mouth. We give the child time to rest and relax, we suggest to swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Smiling puppy, show teeth. I could have done the same, Here, look. Now.

Learning to de

Learning to do an exercise

which speech therapists call "Smile". We spread the corners of the lips wide, exposing the clenched teeth.We return the lips to a calm position. We give the child time torest and relaxation. We offer to swallow saliva. We repeatexercise 3-4 times.

Bend the edges of the tongue, Do the same as me. The tongue is wide. ANDlike a calyx, deep.

Learning to do the exercise "Cup".

We open our mouth wide, put a wide tongue on the lower lip, bend the edges of the tongue with a "cup" and slowly lift it by the upper teeth. Then we invite the child to lower the tongue,close your mouth, relax, swallow saliva. Repeat the exercise3-4 times.

Articulatory gymnastics complexes 3rd week of December

All the people know this:

The bear loves delicious honey.

Lick your lip with your tongue

And sits closer to the honey.

Learning to do the "Delicious honey" exercise.

We open our mouth wide, draw with the sharp tip of the tongueon the upper lip from left to right and back. We make sure thatthe lower jaw did not move. We carry out 6-8 times. We remove the tongueclose your mouth. We give the child time to rest and relax,we suggest swallowing saliva. We repeatexercise 3-4 times.

The dog is tired and breathes tired. And she didn't even run after the cat. A wide tongue will rest, lie down, And again the dog runs after the cat.

Learning to de

Learning to do the "Shovel" exercise.

We open our mouth wide. We put a soft, calm tongue onlower lip. We delay it for 3-5 seconds. We remove the tongue. We givetime for the child to rest and relax, we suggest to swallowsaliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

The elephant's proboscis is pulling, He is about to get a banana.Fold the sponges into a tube. ANDShow the elephant.

Learn to do the exercise "Proboscis".

We stretch our lips forward, as for a kiss, we keep it in thisposition for 3-5 seconds. We return the lips to a calm position.We give the child time to rest and relax. We offerswallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Articulatory gymnastics complexes 2nd week of January

The hippo opened his mouth,

I held it. Then he closed it.

We will tease the hippo -

Hunt to play a trick on him.

Learning to open wide and calmlyand close your mouth.

We repeat the exercise 3-5 times. We give the child time to restand relaxation. We offer to swallow saliva. We repeat againexercise 3-4 times.


Smiling puppy, show teeth. I could have done the same, Here, look. Now.

Learning to de

Learning to do an exercise

which speech therapists call "Smile". We spread the corners of the lips wide, exposing the clenched teeth.We return the lips to a calm position. We give the child time torest and relaxation. We offer to swallow saliva. We repeatexercise 3-4 times.


The elephant's proboscis is pulling, He is about to get a banana.Fold the sponges into a tube. ANDShow the elephant.

Learn to do the exercise "Proboscis".

We stretch our lips forward, as for a kiss, we keep it in thisposition for 3-5 seconds. We return the lips to a calm position.We give the child time to rest and relax. We offerswallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Articulatory gymnastics complexes 3rd week of January

The hamster will puff out his cheeks

He has grain in sacks.

We'll puff out our cheeks too

We will help the hamster now.

Learning to do the "Hamster" exercise.

We invite the baby to puff out his cheeks with his mouth closed and holdin this position for 3-5 seconds, and then exhale, relax,swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.


The dog is tired and breathes tired. And she didn't even run after the cat. A wide tongue will rest, lie down, And again the dog runs after the cat.

Learning to de

Learning to do the "Shovel" exercise.

We open our mouth wide. We put a soft, calm tongue onlower lip. We delay it for 3-5 seconds. We remove the tongue. We givetime for the child to rest and relax, we suggest to swallowsaliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.


The kitten loves milk:Pour in - and there is not a drop in an instant.Lacquers quickly and easilySticking out your tongue with a "spatula".

Learning to do the exercise

"The kitten licks milk."

Open your mouth wide, do 4-5 movements with a wide tongue,as if lapping milk. We close our mouth. We remove the tongue. We givetime for the child to rest and relax, we suggest to swallowsaliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Articulatory gymnastics complexes 4th week of January

Bend the edges of the tongue, Do the same as me. The tongue is wide. ANDlike a calyx, deep.

Learning to do the exercise "Cup".

We open our mouth wide, put a wide tongue on the lower lip, bend the edges of the tongue with a "cup" and slowly lift it by the upper teeth. Then we invite the child to lower the tongue,close your mouth, relax, swallow saliva. Repeat the exercise3-4 times.


Higher than oak, higher than spruce

We took off on the swing.

Tell me, would you

Tongue "swing


Learning to de

Learn to do the swing exercise.

We open our mouth wide, put a calm on the lower liprelaxed tongue, translate it to the upper lip, returnto the lower one, again we raise it to the upper one. We carry out 6-8 times.We remove the tongue, close the mouth. We give the child time to rest and relax, we suggest to swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.


The bird has a very sharp beak

And thin, sharp as a needle.

Take a look at page:

My tongue is like a bird's beak.

Learn to do the "Needle" exercise.

We open our mouth wide, raise and pull the thin tongue forward. We fix the position for 3-5 seconds. We remove the tongue, close the mouth. We give the child time to rest and relax, we suggest to swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Articulatory gymnastics complexes 1 week of February

Language is like a pendulum of a clockReady to swing again and again.The kitten smiles, he, like you, tries.

Learn to do the "Pendulum" exercise.

We open our mouth, we stretch our lips into a smile, we stretch our tongue,we strain it, touch the sharp tip of the tongue to the left, then the right corners of the lips. We make sure that the tongue moves through the air,and not on the lower lip, so that the lower jaw does not swing. We carry out6-8 times. We remove the tongue, close the mouth. We give the child time torest and relaxation, we suggest swallowing saliva. We repeatexercise 3-4 times.


All the people know this:

The bear loves delicious honey.

Lick your lip with your tongue

And sits closer to the honey.

Learning to de

Learning to do the "Delicious honey" exercise.

We open our mouth wide, draw with the sharp tip of the tongueon the upper lip from left to right and back. We make sure thatthe lower jaw did not move. We carry out 6-8 times. We remove the tongueclose your mouth. We give the child time to rest and relax,we suggest swallowing saliva. We repeat exercise 3-4 times.


Fold out the tongue like a back. This ginger cat bent out. Well, look at the picture: He is walking along the bridge.

Learn to do the exercise "Bridge".

We open our mouth. Having bent the back of the tongue, we rest its tip on the lower teeth from the inside of the mouth. We hold in this position3-5 seconds. Slowly bring our teeth together and clench them, close our mouth.The "bridge" stands behind closed teeth. Then we offer the childstraighten the tongue relax, swallow saliva. We repeat exercise 3-4 times.

Complexes of articulatory gymnastics, 2nd week of February

Squirrel clicks nutsThoroughly, without haste.We push the tongue.Left-right, sideways.

Learning to do the "Nut" exercise.

With your mouth closed, we rest the tense tip of the tongue thenon the left, then on the right cheek. We carry out 6-8 times. Then we givetime for the child to rest and relax, we suggest to swallowsaliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times..


Smiling puppy, show teeth. I could have done the same, Here, look. Now.

Learning to de

Learning to do an exercise

which speech therapists call "Smile". We spread the corners of the lips wide, exposing the clenched teeth.We return the lips to a calm position. We give the child time torest and relaxation. We offer to swallow saliva. We repeatexercise 3-4 times.


The elephant's proboscis is pulling, He is about to get a banana.Fold the sponges into a tube. ANDShow the elephant.

Learn to do the exercise "Proboscis".

We stretch our lips forward, as for a kiss, we keep it in thisposition for 3-5 seconds. We return the lips to a calm position.We give the child time to rest and relax. We offerswallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Complexes of articulatory gymnastics, 3rd week of February

The hamster will puff out his cheeks

He has grain in sacks.

We'll puff out our cheeks too

We will help the hamster now.

Learning to do the "Hamster" exercise.

We invite the baby to puff out his cheeks with his mouth closed and holdin this position for 3-5 seconds, and then exhale, relax,swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.


Higher than oak, higher than spruce

We took off on the swing.

Tell me, would you

Tongue "swing


Learning to de

Learn to do the swing exercise.

We open our mouth wide, put a calm on the lower liprelaxed tongue, translate it to the upper lip, returnto the lower one, again we raise it to the upper one. We carry out 6-8 times.We remove the tongue, close the mouth. We give the child time to rest and relax, we suggest to swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.


The kitten loves milk:Pour in - and there is not a drop in an instant.Lacquers quickly and easilySticking out your tongue with a "spatula".

Learning to do the exercise

"The kitten licks milk."

Open your mouth wide, do 4-5 movements with a wide tongue,as if lapping milk. We close our mouth. We remove the tongue. We givetime for the child to rest and relax, we suggest to swallowsaliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Complexes of articulatory gymnastics 4th week of February

The bird has a very sharp beak

And thin, sharp as a needle.

Take a look at page:

My tongue is like a bird's beak.

Learn to do the "Needle" exercise.

We open our mouth wide, raise and pull the thin tongue forward. We fix the position for 3-5 seconds. We remove the tongue, close the mouth. We give the child time to rest and relax, we suggest to swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.


Smiling puppy, show teeth. I could have done the same, Here, look. Now.

Learning to de

Learning to do an exercise

which speech therapists call "Smile". We spread the corners of the lips wide, exposing the clenched teeth.We return the lips to a calm position. We give the child time torest and relaxation. We offer to swallow saliva. We repeatexercise 3-4 times.


Bend the edges of the tongue, Do the same as me. The tongue is wide. ANDlike a calyx, deep.

Learning to do the exercise "Cup".

We open our mouth wide, put a wide tongue on the lower lip, bend the edges of the tongue with a "cup" and slowly lift it by the upper teeth. Then we invite the child to lower the tongue,close your mouth, relax, swallow saliva. Repeat the exercise3-4 times.

Articulatory gymnastics complexes 1 week March

All the people know this:

The bear loves delicious honey.

Lick your lip with your tongue

And sits closer to the honey.

Learning to do the "Delicious honey" exercise.

We open our mouth wide, draw with the sharp tip of the tongueon the upper lip from left to right and back. We make sure thatthe lower jaw did not move. We carry out 6-8 times. We remove the tongueclose your mouth. We give the child time to rest and relax,we suggest swallowing saliva. We repeat exercise 3-4 times.


The dog is tired and breathes tired. And she didn't even run after the cat. A wide tongue will rest, lie down, And again the dog runs after the cat.

Learning to de

Learning to do the "Shovel" exercise.

We open our mouth wide. We put a soft, calm tongue onlower lip. We delay it for 3-5 seconds. We remove the tongue. We givetime for the child to rest and relax, we suggest to swallowsaliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.


The elephant's proboscis is pulling, He is about to get a banana.Fold the sponges into a tube. ANDShow the elephant.

Learn to do the exercise "Proboscis".

We stretch our lips forward, as for a kiss, we keep it in thisposition for 3-5 seconds. We return the lips to a calm position.We give the child time to rest and relax. We offerswallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Articulatory gymnastics complexes 2 week March

The hippo opened his mouth,

I held it. Then he closed it.

We will tease the hippo -

Hunt to play a trick on him.

Learning to open wide and calmlyand close your mouth.

We repeat the exercise 3-5 times. We give the child time to restand relaxation. We offer to swallow saliva. We repeat againexercise 3-4 times.


Smiling puppy, show teeth. I could have done the same, Here, look. Now.

Learning to de

Learning to do an exercise

which speech therapists call "Smile". We spread the corners of the lips wide, exposing the clenched teeth.We return the lips to a calm position. We give the child time torest and relaxation. We offer to swallow saliva. We repeatexercise 3-4 times.


The elephant's proboscis is pulling, He is about to get a banana.Fold the sponges into a tube. ANDShow the elephant.

Learn to do the exercise "Proboscis".

We stretch our lips forward, as for a kiss, we keep it in thisposition for 3-5 seconds. We return the lips to a calm position.We give the child time to rest and relax. We offerswallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Complexes of articulatory gymnastics 3 week March

The hamster will puff out his cheeks

He has grain in sacks.

We'll puff out our cheeks too

We will help the hamster now.

Learning to do the "Hamster" exercise.

We invite the baby to puff out his cheeks with his mouth closed and holdin this position for 3-5 seconds, and then exhale, relax,swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.


The dog is tired and breathes tired. And she didn't even run after the cat. A wide tongue will rest, lie down, And again the dog runs after the cat.

Learning to de

Learning to do the "Shovel" exercise.

We open our mouth wide. We put a soft, calm tongue onlower lip. We delay it for 3-5 seconds. We remove the tongue. We givetime for the child to rest and relax, we suggest to swallowsaliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.


The kitten loves milk:Pour in - and there is not a drop in an instant.Lacquers quickly and easilySticking out your tongue with a "spatula".

Learning to do the exercise

"The kitten licks milk."

Open your mouth wide, do 4-5 movements with a wide tongue,as if lapping milk. We close our mouth. We remove the tongue. We givetime for the child to rest and relax, we suggest to swallowsaliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Complexes of articulatory gymnastics 4 week March

Bend the edges of the tongue, Do the same as me. The tongue is wide. ANDlike a calyx, deep.

Learning to do the exercise "Cup".

We open our mouth wide, put a wide tongue on the lower lip, bend the edges of the tongue with a "cup" and slowly lift it by the upper teeth. Then we invite the child to lower the tongue,close your mouth, relax, swallow saliva. Repeat the exercise3-4 times.


Higher than oak, higher than spruce

We took off on the swing.

Tell me, would you

Tongue "swing


Learning to de

Learn to do the swing exercise.

We open our mouth wide, put a calm on the lower liprelaxed tongue, translate it to the upper lip, returnto the lower one, again we raise it to the upper one. We carry out 6-8 times.We remove the tongue, close the mouth. We give the child time to rest and relax, we suggest to swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.


The bird has a very sharp beak

And thin, sharp as a needle.

Take a look at page:

My tongue is like a bird's beak.

Learn to do the "Needle" exercise.

We open our mouth wide, raise and pull the thin tongue forward. We fix the position for 3-5 seconds. We remove the tongue, close the mouth. We give the child time to rest and relax, we suggest to swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Complexes of articulatory gymnastics 5 week March

Language is like a pendulum of a clockReady to swing again and again.The kitten smiles, he, like you, tries.

Learn to do the "Pendulum" exercise.

We open our mouth, we stretch our lips into a smile, we stretch our tongue,we strain it, touch the sharp tip of the tongue to the left, then the right corners of the lips. We make sure that the tongue moves through the air,and not on the lower lip, so that the lower jaw does not swing. We carry out6-8 times. We remove the tongue, close the mouth. We give the child time torest and relaxation, we suggest swallowing saliva. We repeatexercise 3-4 times.


All the people know this:

The bear loves delicious honey.

Lick your lip with your tongue

And sits closer to the honey.

Learning to de

Learning to do the "Delicious honey" exercise.

We open our mouth wide, draw with the sharp tip of the tongueon the upper lip from left to right and back. We make sure thatthe lower jaw did not move. We carry out 6-8 times. We remove the tongueclose your mouth. We give the child time to rest and relax,we suggest swallowing saliva. We repeat exercise 3-4 times.


Fold out the tongue like a back. This ginger cat bent out. Well, look at the picture: He is walking along the bridge.

Learn to do the exercise "Bridge".

We open our mouth. Having bent the back of the tongue, we rest its tip on the lower teeth from the inside of the mouth. We hold in this position3-5 seconds. Slowly bring our teeth together and clench them, close our mouth.The "bridge" stands behind closed teeth. Then we offer the childstraighten the tongue relax, swallow saliva. We repeat exercise 3-4 times.

Complexes of articulatory gymnastics 1 week April

Squirrel clicks nutsThoroughly, without haste.We push the tongue.Left-right, sideways.

Learning to do the "Nut" exercise.

With your mouth closed, we rest the tense tip of the tongue thenon the left, then on the right cheek. We carry out 6-8 times. Then we givetime for the child to rest and relax, we suggest to swallowsaliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times..


Smiling puppy, show teeth. I could have done the same, Here, look. Now.

Learning to de

Learning to do an exercise

which speech therapists call "Smile". We spread the corners of the lips wide, exposing the clenched teeth.We return the lips to a calm position. We give the child time torest and relaxation. We offer to swallow saliva. We repeatexercise 3-4 times.


The elephant's proboscis is pulling, He is about to get a banana.Fold the sponges into a tube. ANDShow the elephant.

Learn to do the exercise "Proboscis".

We stretch our lips forward, as for a kiss, we keep it in thisposition for 3-5 seconds. We return the lips to a calm position.We give the child time to rest and relax. We offerswallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Complexes of articulatory gymnastics week 2 April

The hamster will puff out his cheeks

He has grain in sacks.

We'll puff out our cheeks too

We will help the hamster now.

Learning to do the "Hamster" exercise.

We invite the baby to puff out his cheeks with his mouth closed and holdin this position for 3-5 seconds, and then exhale, relax,swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.


Higher than oak, higher than spruce

We took off on the swing.

Tell me, would you

Tongue "swing


Learning to de

Learn to do the swing exercise.

We open our mouth wide, put a calm on the lower liprelaxed tongue, translate it to the upper lip, returnto the lower one, again we raise it to the upper one. We carry out 6-8 times.We remove the tongue, close the mouth. We give the child time to rest and relax, we suggest to swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.


The kitten loves milk:Pour in - and there is not a drop in an instant.Lacquers quickly and easilySticking out your tongue with a "spatula".

Learning to do the exercise

"The kitten licks milk."

Open your mouth wide, do 4-5 movements with a wide tongue,as if lapping milk. We close our mouth. We remove the tongue. We givetime for the child to rest and relax, we suggest to swallowsaliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Complexes of articulatory gymnastics 3 week April

The bird has a very sharp beak

And thin, sharp as a needle.

Take a look at page:

My tongue is like a bird's beak.

Learn to do the "Needle" exercise.

We open our mouth wide, raise and pull the thin tongue forward. We fix the position for 3-5 seconds. We remove the tongue, close the mouth. We give the child time to rest and relax, we suggest to swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.


Smiling puppy, show teeth. I could have done the same, Here, look. Now.

Learning to de

Learning to do an exercise

which speech therapists call "Smile". We spread the corners of the lips wide, exposing the clenched teeth.We return the lips to a calm position. We give the child time torest and relaxation. We offer to swallow saliva. We repeatexercise 3-4 times.


Bend the edges of the tongue, Do the same as me. The tongue is wide. ANDlike a calyx, deep.

Learning to do the exercise "Cup".

We open our mouth wide, put a wide tongue on the lower lip, bend the edges of the tongue with a "cup" and slowly lift it by the upper teeth. Then we invite the child to lower the tongue,close your mouth, relax, swallow saliva. Repeat the exercise3-4 times.

Complexes of articulatory gymnastics 4 week April

All the people know this:

The bear loves delicious honey.

Lick your lip with your tongue

And sits closer to the honey.

Learning to do the "Delicious honey" exercise.

We open our mouth wide, draw with the sharp tip of the tongueon the upper lip from left to right and back. We make sure thatthe lower jaw did not move. We carry out 6-8 times. We remove the tongueclose your mouth. We give the child time to rest and relax,we suggest swallowing saliva. We repeat exercise 3-4 times.


The dog is tired and breathes tired. And she didn't even run after the cat. A wide tongue will rest, lie down, And again the dog runs after the cat.

Learning to de

Learning to do the "Shovel" exercise.

We open our mouth wide. We put a soft, calm tongue onlower lip. We delay it for 3-5 seconds. We remove the tongue. We givetime for the child to rest and relax, we suggest to swallowsaliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.


The elephant's proboscis is pulling, He is about to get a banana.Fold the sponges into a tube. ANDShow the elephant.

Learn to do the exercise "Proboscis".

We stretch our lips forward, as for a kiss, we keep it in thisposition for 3-5 seconds. We return the lips to a calm position.We give the child time to rest and relax. We offerswallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Articulatory gymnastics complexes 1 week May

The hippo opened his mouth,

I held it. Then he closed it.

We will tease the hippo -

Hunt to play a trick on him.

Learning to open wide and calmlyand close your mouth.

We repeat the exercise 3-5 times. We give the child time to restand relaxation. We offer to swallow saliva. We repeat againexercise 3-4 times.


Smiling puppy, show teeth. I could have done the same, Here, look. Now.

Learning to de

Learning to do an exercise

which speech therapists call "Smile". We spread the corners of the lips wide, exposing the clenched teeth.We return the lips to a calm position. We give the child time torest and relaxation. We offer to swallow saliva. We repeatexercise 3-4 times.


The elephant's proboscis is pulling, He is about to get a banana.Fold the sponges into a tube. ANDShow the elephant.

Learn to do the exercise "Proboscis".

We stretch our lips forward, as for a kiss, we keep it in thisposition for 3-5 seconds. We return the lips to a calm position.We give the child time to rest and relax. We offerswallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Articulatory gymnastics complexes 2 week May

The hamster will puff out his cheeks

He has grain in sacks.

We'll puff out our cheeks too

We will help the hamster now.

Learning to do the "Hamster" exercise.

We invite the baby to puff out his cheeks with his mouth closed and holdin this position for 3-5 seconds, and then exhale, relax,swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.


The dog is tired and breathes tired. And she didn't even run after the cat. A wide tongue will rest, lie down, And again the dog runs after the cat.

Learning to de

Learning to do the "Shovel" exercise.

We open our mouth wide. We put a soft, calm tongue onlower lip. We delay it for 3-5 seconds. We remove the tongue. We givetime for the child to rest and relax, we suggest to swallowsaliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.


The kitten loves milk:Pour in - and there is not a drop in an instant.Lacquers quickly and easilySticking out your tongue with a "spatula".

Learning to do the exercise

"The kitten licks milk."

Open your mouth wide, do 4-5 movements with a wide tongue,as if lapping milk. We close our mouth. We remove the tongue. We givetime for the child to rest and relax, we suggest to swallowsaliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Complexes of articulatory gymnastics 3 week May

Bend the edges of the tongue, Do the same as me. The tongue is wide. ANDlike a calyx, deep.

Learning to do the exercise "Cup".

We open our mouth wide, put a wide tongue on the lower lip, bend the edges of the tongue with a "cup" and slowly lift it by the upper teeth. Then we invite the child to lower the tongue,close your mouth, relax, swallow saliva. Repeat the exercise3-4 times.


Higher than oak, higher than spruce

We took off on the swing.

Tell me, would you

Tongue "swing


Learning to de

Learn to do the swing exercise.

We open our mouth wide, put a calm on the lower liprelaxed tongue, translate it to the upper lip, returnto the lower one, again we raise it to the upper one. We carry out 6-8 times.We remove the tongue, close the mouth. We give the child time to rest and relax, we suggest to swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.


The bird has a very sharp beak

And thin, sharp as a needle.

Take a look at page:

My tongue is like a bird's beak.

Learn to do the "Needle" exercise.

We open our mouth wide, raise and pull the thin tongue forward. We fix the position for 3-5 seconds. We remove the tongue, close the mouth. We give the child time to rest and relax, we suggest to swallow saliva. We repeat the exercise 3-4 times.

Complexes of articulatory gymnastics 4 week May

Language is like a pendulum of a clockReady to swing again and again.The kitten smiles, he, like you, tries.

Learn to do the "Pendulum" exercise.

We open our mouth, we stretch our lips into a smile, we stretch our tongue,we strain it, touch the sharp tip of the tongue to the left, then the right corners of the lips. We make sure that the tongue moves through the air,and not on the lower lip, so that the lower jaw does not swing. We carry out6-8 times. We remove the tongue, close the mouth. We give the child time torest and relaxation, we suggest swallowing saliva. We repeatexercise 3-4 times.


All the people know this:

The bear loves delicious honey.

Lick your lip with your tongue

And sits closer to the honey.

Learning to de

Learning to do the "Delicious honey" exercise.

We open our mouth wide, draw with the sharp tip of the tongueon the upper lip from left to right and back. We make sure thatthe lower jaw did not move. We carry out 6-8 times. We remove the tongueclose your mouth. We give the child time to rest and relax,we suggest swallowing saliva. We repeat exercise 3-4 times.


Fold out the tongue like a back. This ginger cat bent out. Well, look at the picture: He is walking along the bridge.

Learn to do the exercise "Bridge".

We open our mouth. Having bent the back of the tongue, we rest its tip on the lower teeth from the inside of the mouth. We hold in this position3-5 seconds. Slowly bring our teeth together and clench them, close our mouth.The "bridge" stands behind closed teeth. Then we offer the childstraighten the tongue relax, swallow saliva. We repeat exercise 3-4 times.

Articulatory gymnastics complexes

For children 4-5 years old

Middle group

Speech development is a complex and lengthy process in which failures are possible. Some of them arise due to a genetic predisposition or unsuccessful childbirth, while others are the result of psychological trauma or pathologies of the speech apparatus.

When problems arise, you do not need to panic; it is much more productive to seek help from a speech therapist. After the examination, the doctor will understand the nature of the deviations and take measures to correct them.

What is gymnastics for the tongue for?

Articulatory gymnastics is useful for all children. The purpose of a kind of physical education is to improve the mobility of the speech apparatus, the development correct posture lips and tongue for pure pronunciation of sounds. She will teach some children to speak correctly, while she will prepare others for a meeting with a speech therapist and more complex exercises. Charging complexes include three types of exercises: for the tongue, lips and cheeks.

Correct pronunciation plays a big role in mental and emotional development. Communication with peers is extremely important and can be complicated by problems with speech development. It is better to start working with a child before the age of 4 years. Of course, you can do the exercises later, but it will be more difficult to achieve the result.

If kids 2-3 years old with the help of gymnastics train and develop the speech apparatus, then older children correct the existing defects. Physical education of the language contributes to the rapid detection and correction of pronunciation problems.

Speech exercises take place in a playful way and are liked by kids. Simple exercises easy to remember and do at home. They do not require a lot of free time and special efforts from the parents.

Indications for exercise for children 3-4 years old

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Speech therapy exercises train the child's articulatory muscles and make them work actively and correctly. Articulation exercise and massage for the tongue are shown to children when they detect congenital or acquired speech defects, which occur for the following reasons:

In all these situations, speech gymnastics is combined with classes with a speech therapist. Constant observation and regular exercise and log massage helps to achieve positive results in short time... The listed deviations are the main ones, but it is useful for absolutely all children to train articulatory muscles.

Symptoms of hypertonicity of the articulatory muscles

Hypertonicity is called excessive muscle tension... Babies with this diagnosis are often irritable and stiff. They are unable to relax even when they fall asleep.

Outwardly, children with increased tone are given out pursed lips, sometimes because of this, folds can form. The tongue is pulled back and tense. At the same time, his back is bent and pressed against the sky, so sometimes it seems that the child is speaking through his nose. The hyperonus of the muscles does not allow the head to be fully rotated, the mouth wide open or held in this position. The upper lip is stretched and pressed against the gums or simply lifted.

Such a pathology is an indication for the appointment of a relaxing massage. The session begins with gentle sliding movements in the neck and shoulders. This helps to reduce tissue excitability and relieve hypertonicity of the root of the tongue.

Facial muscles are massaged with longitudinal and transverse strokes of the forehead, the area around the eyes, cheeks, the line from the earlobes to the nose. The lips are worked out separately, first with soft movements from the corners to the center, then in circular movements with light pressure.

Signs of decreased tone

Sometimes muscle tone not increased, but on the contrary, below the norm. Muscle hypotension occurs due to underdevelopment nervous system and is common in premature babies. Patients with reduced tone are too calm, they sleep well and practically do not cause problems for their parents, only such babies develop more slowly than their peers.

Hypotonicity is characterized by the following symptoms: sagging cheeks and facial contours, the lower lip turns inside out and practically rests on the chin, the tongue becomes flaccid and falls out of the mouth. The child is simply unable to keep his mouth shut.

In this case, the purpose of the massage is to activate the articulatory muscles. They begin to carry it out the same way from the neck and shoulders with soft grasping movements. The procedure should touch and stimulate the muscles associated with the muscles of the tongue.

  • Stroking movements of the forehead, the area above the eyes, and the chin are complemented by kneading the cheekbones and cheek muscles.
  • The cheeks are massaged from both sides: from the inside and from the outside at the same time.
  • The lips are stroked and pinched from the middle to the corners. Pressing movements should be increased gradually, without causing discomfort and pain to the child.

Often there are patients with a mixed tone, when the cheeks are relaxed, and the tongue tenses and presses against the palate, or vice versa - a flaccid tongue, when its tip cannot be distinguished, with a good tone of the lips and cheeks. Such children receive a differentiated massage that combines both tactics.

What is needed to complete the complex?

Before prescribing speech therapy massage and articulatory gymnastics for a child, the doctor conducts a thorough diagnosis of a small patient. The examination checks the structure of the cervical and facial muscles, the upper body. An experienced specialist is able to identify even minor deviations in speech function.

There is no need to massage the tongue in the clinic, the mother can do it for the child on her own at home. First, you will need to thoroughly check the room in which you plan to carry out the procedure, wash and warm your hands.

The duration of the first sessions usually does not exceed 5 minutes and gradually, in 4 sessions, increases to 20. It should be remembered that the time of the procedure depends on the age and emotional state of the child.

You can learn massage techniques at a speech therapist appointment or by carefully studying the following video. Logomassage touches all muscles of the speech apparatus, and Special attention paid to the language. It is not necessary to develop it using specialized devices. To strengthen the tip of the tongue, handy objects, such as a spoon or a soft-bristled toothbrush, are suitable (we recommend reading :).

It is not difficult to massage the tip of the tongue. In addition to the brush, gauze swabs are required, which are placed under the tongue. This is necessary to collect excess saliva, during massage it is produced more strongly. When making longitudinal, circular or transverse movements on the tongue, you do not need to press hard on the brush. Actions should not be painful or uncomfortable. In most cases, children like this process, even those who were at first wary of it.

Tongue charging technique

Articulation exercises strengthen and develop the speech apparatus. Not all sounds are amenable to three-year-old babies, but with regular exercise, their speech becomes clear.

The effect of speech therapy exercises will be noticeable only if:

  • classes are held daily;
  • exercises are performed in front of a mirror so that the child has the opportunity to check the correctness of the actions;
  • more attention is paid not to the number of learned exercises, but to the quality of their performance;
  • charging starts with simple complexes and gradually gets more complicated;
  • exercises are presented in a playful comic form, sometimes the child does not need to be told that he is doing the exercise at all, it is better to present everything in the form of a new game.

The kid must be prepared in advance for gymnastics by telling about the procedure; for clarity, you can use the pictures. This is followed by a demonstration of the exercises, the first attempts to perform them together with the child and adjustments.

At the initial stage, the difference in muscle tone of the articulatory apparatus is visible to the naked eye. Gradually, the differences are smoothed out, and the tone returns to normal.

Children may become over-stressed or nervous. It is necessary to remove the emotional load: stretch the shoulders, shake with them with your hands. To improve perception, many sets of exercises are supplemented with funny poems. This also helps to relieve stress and better memorize charging.

There are two types of exercise. The difference is that during static actions, the lips and tongue are fixed for a few seconds in a certain position, while dynamic ones make them move.

Purpose of massage

Logomassage has proven itself in the restoration of speech functions, and in some diseases, such as cerebral palsy, such procedures are required. In young patients with this diagnosis, muscle tone is impaired, which inevitably leads to speech defects. Massage helps to achieve:

It should be borne in mind that massage is strictly prohibited when:

  • stomatitis;
  • conjunctivitis and gingivitis;
  • herpes lesions of the oral mucosa;
  • enlarged lymph nodes.

For children with severe deviations in sound pronunciation, the addition of speech charging with speech therapy massage is simply necessary. Massage improves general state organism, stimulates blood circulation and improves metabolism. After passing full course lymph exchange is restored, the contractile function of the muscles returns to normal.

Experts' opinions

Experts unanimously declare the benefits of speech development, even in the absence of obvious deviations, it is important to start working with the child as early as possible. Speech therapy massage improves blood circulation, increases muscle elasticity and is an excellent prevention of speech abnormalities.

In order for the baby to speak, it is necessary to stimulate him, talk to him more, and it is better to ask about something, forcing him to speak independently. Speech develops better in children with a broad outlook and those who are used to sculpting, drawing, designing, i.e. develop fine motor skills hands. Do not worry if at 1.5-2.5 years old the child does not want to talk, in kindergarten this goes away, but a three-year-old silent person should be consulted with a specialist to determine the cause of the problem.

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