Ski triathlon. Triathlon: history, distances and types

Triathlon is 3 kinds of sports that are overcome consistently and without stopping. Distinguish between summer and winter. Summer consists of swimming, cycling and running, while winter consists of running, cyclocross and cross-country skiing. Over the past decade, this sport has become super popular, especially the ironman triathlon or long distance triathlon, as it was called back in the USSR.

Summer triathlon

Swimming + cycling + running. It is interesting that the first starts were carried out in a different order: cycling, running, swimming. But such an order was deemed dangerous. The risk of drowning greatly increased with the fatigue of the athletes, there were frequent cramps in the water.

Summer triathlon has its origins in France, at least there you can find the first mention of this sport. In 1920, the sports publication L'Auto published an article about the start of Les Trois Sports, which consisted of 3 km of running, 12 km of bicycle and a swim across the Marne Canal.

The first long distance triathlon took place in 1978. The idea was to hold 3 traditional starts in one day. Waikiki Rough Water Swim, Oahu Cycling and Honolulu Marathon (3.86 km, 180 km, 42.2 km). This is how the “iron” distance was established, which the whole world now knows about.

In 2000, the triathlon entered Olympic program in the format 1500 m + 40 km + 10 km.

Winter triathlon

Running + cyclocross + cross-country skiing. Not included in the Olympic program.

  • Short distance: 2.5 km + 5 km + 5 km
  • Standard distance: 5 km + 10 km + 10 km


Summer Triathlon Distances

There are about two dozen triathlon distances, we will tell you about the most popular ones: long distance(ironman), half-ironman, olympic and sprint. note that ironman Is the brand, not the name of the course. International triathlon corporation (ironman official website), under the brand of which a series of starts are held in different parts of the world. Perhaps thanks to the promotion of this brand, the triathlon has become so popular.

Similar companies have appeared in Russia that conduct commercial launches by analogy with ironman: ironstar, titan, A1.

Long distance (ironman)

It also has other names: ironman 140.6 (in the number of miles), triathlon 226 (in the number of kilometers), ironman, iron triathlon, long distance triathlon. It has been held since 1978.

The iron distance consists of 3.8 km of swimming, a 180 km road cycling race and a 42.2 km marathon. The time for completing the stages of a triathlon is no more than 16 hours. It is considered one of the toughest competitions in the world. Nevertheless, every year thousands of amateur athletes register for it to test themselves, say “I can” and get the title of iron man.

During the series of starts, athletes are selected for the Ironman World Championship in Hawaii. Track records in Hawaii were set by Patrick Lange from Germany in the men's championship and Daniela Reef from Switzerland in the women's. The male record is 8:01:40, the female record is 8:46:46. In triathlon, as in cross-country skiing and biathlon, there are no world records, because the tracks are always different, have different relief and it is incorrect to compare the results. Therefore, each track has its own records.

Cool Ironman Hamburg overview video from Running Is Bad

Half or half ironman

Other names: triathlon 70.3 (miles), triathlon 113 (miles), half ironman, half ironman, half-ironman.

As the name suggests, it is half the long distance: 1.9 km swim + 90 km highway cycling + 21.1 km half marathon. It has been held since 2005. The half was created to increase the mass of triathlon. More accessible distance has sparked a surge in popularity. Also, the half serves as a good preparation for the ironman triathlon.

Olympic triathlon distance

Other names: Olympic jacket, international distance, short distance.

Included in the Olympic program since 2000. Consists of 1.5 km of swimming, 40 km of cycling and 10 km of running.

Triathlon at the Rio Olympics. Source:

Sprint triathlon

Half Olympic distance: 0.75 km swim + 20 km highway cycling + 5 km run. It seems the easiest, but you shouldn't relax. While it is possible to distribute forces over long distances, there is no time to distribute in the sprint.

Preparing for ironman

In fact, this is preparation for any triathlon. The only difference is in the volume of training.

In order to finish an ironman, you need about 10-15 hours of training per week. In this mode, you need to prepare for at least a year, this is provided that there is some kind of initial physical training. It's minimum! A week should include 2-3 swimming workouts, 2-3 cycling workouts (in winter you need to twist on) and 2-3 cross-country workouts (can be diluted with skis in winter). Be sure to include a day of rest, in the end we get 5-6 training days for 2-2.5 hours.

Before registering for a long distance, assess your capabilities. You need to either find time for training, or not spoil your health and psyche, but start on halves and olympics.

Hello my dear readers. My article today will be about triathlon. From this article you will learn what a triathlon is in sports, winter, summer, types of triathlon, the subtleties of this unusual sport.

Already based on the name, one can guess that we will talk about a kind of sports all-around, which includes three sports.

Classic triathlon refers to summer species sports and includes the following sports disciplines: open water swimming, running and cycling. Depending on the distances in each of the listed disciplines, the format of the triathlon competition also varies.

In our article, we will dwell on different options triathlon, but for now let's start from the very beginning.

History of origin

The laurels of the homeland of the modern triathlon are rightfully taken over by France. It was in this European country, in the 20s of the last century, that competitions were held, in their format as close as possible to a modern triathlon.

Those competitions looked like this: athletes ran a 3-kilometer distance, cycled 12 kilometers, and then overcame a water channel about 200 meters wide by swimming.

New sports fun not only the people of France liked it. Subsequently, this sport gradually gained popularity both in Europe and in North America... It was in Hawaii that the first official competitions at distances that later became classic in triathlon.


Currently, distances in this sports all-around can be divided into two conditional groups: short, which includes the distance included in the summer program. Olympic Games, and long distances.

Long-distance competitions are held with certain restrictions associated with the prohibition to go into the lead at the cycling stages. Do not forget that in triathlon competitions of any level, a certain sequence of stages is maintained: swimming - cycling - running.

So, let's take a closer look at the most common distances:

Includes one and a half kilometers in the water, then forty kilometers by bike, and finally, a ten-kilometer running distance. It is this format that is used at the World Championships, as well as at all competitions held under the auspices of international federation triathlon

Unlike the Olympic, each distance is halved: 0.75 + 20 + 5. In an international format, competitions at such a distance are usually held for youth.

Super sprint.
It is also halved (0.375 + 10 + 2.5 km.), It is usually used at the amateur level or for beginners to engage in triathlon.

Swim 3.86 km. + bike 180 km. + running distance 42.2 km. The most popular competition in the triathlon world. To overcome such a distance, an athlete must be excellent. Even participation in such a race is highly regarded in sports world, and prize-winners and winners will forever remain in the history of triathlon.

Competitive process

On the initial stage triathlon competitions for each athlete an individual place is allocated in the so-called transit zone. There, athletes store their equipment and inventory, in this case a bicycle.

After distribution to individual zones, athletes are invited to the start of the first type of triathlon - swimming in open water.

Taking into account the fact that all athletes start at the same time, it is important to be in the leading group in the first meters of the distance, otherwise it will be quite difficult to overtake the leaders during the swim.

Traditionally, the distance has a triangular shape. The generally accepted swimming style in which athletes pass the swimming stage is crawl. It is by swimming with this style that it is possible to develop the greatest speed. But you still need to take into account that competitions in water are not won. It is almost impossible to make a big lift off while swimming, usually the main task athletes at the first stage to finish in the group of leaders.

After the end of the swimming stage, the athlete picks up the bike from his transit place, puts on the helmet and goes to the exit from the transit zone. And only after leaving the transit zone, the athlete has the right to start cycling.

The cycling stage is key in terms of the fight for victory. There are many different strategies for running a cycling stage. It all depends on the individual training of the athlete, his physical form at the moment of the competition.

Someone is trying to get ahead, creating the necessary groundwork for the running part of the all-around. Athletes who are confident in their abilities to running stage, try to save their energy as much as possible and finish the second stage in the general group.

The second stage also ends in the transit area, where the athletes leave their bike, change their shoes and go to. It is in running that the strongest is determined. Often, the winner is revealed by the last meters of the distance, when the winner is identified at the finish line.

Varieties of triathlon

As often happens in popular sports disciplines, on the basis of one sport, many similar types are formed, but with certain differences. Triathlon was no exception, which served as the basis for a number of related sports. Here are some of them:

The winter triathlon stands apart, where swimming is replaced by ski race... This discipline seriously claims to be included in the program of the Winter Olympic Games and it cannot be ruled out that the winter triathlon will eventually compete in popularity with its summer counterpart.

Here is the basic information about this curious sport, subject only to well-rounded people. What is triathlon in sports, winter, summer, other variations of this sport, all this is reflected in this article. On this I say goodbye to you, subscribe to blog updates, I look forward to your comments on this and other articles, see you soon!

Best regards, Vladimir Manerov

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Comments on the article: 15

  1. Dima 2016-10-31 at 18:18

    I love watching triathlon competitions on TV. It seems to me that this is a rather difficult sport that requires special endurance and universal skills from an athlete.


  2. Ivan 2016-11-01 at 00:22

    Triathlon is great way versatile training of an athlete, since he is not fixated on one sport, but develops in several at once. I myself like to watch such competitions, especially at the Olympics.


  3. Alex 2016-11-04 at 00:14

    I love sports when an athlete needs to develop various skills, and not be highly specialized. It is just a triathlon that allows you to show the versatility of an athlete.


  4. Gregory 2016-11-04 at 12:48

    Triathlon is very popular in Moscow. By the way, all conditions for competitions have been created in Krylatskoye. As the saying goes, "everything is at hand." There are also places for classes in the Moscow region, Bronnitsy, for example.


  5. Dmitry 2016-11-14 at 19:41

    At first glance, it seems that there is nothing complicated here - I ran, swam, traveled the distance on a bicycle and that's it! But no! Here such endurance is needed - tin!


  6. Victor 2017-08-09 at 12:14

    Very interesting view sports! This is where you really need to train incredibly a lot. When I saw “the Olympic distance, I immediately thought: wow, but, in principle, it’s real. And after reading to the "Iron Distance" my jaw just dropped! Is it really possible ..


  7. Ivan 2017-08-09 at 21:22

    Triathlon, as far as I know, takes its roots from the all-around, which was practiced at the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece, only there, apart from programs designed primarily for endurance, there were also strength elements: wrestling, discus throwing, etc. By the way, something similar is still practiced in the so-called military triathlon or officer all-around. True, here is added more shooting from firearms, which, of course, could not have been in antiquity.


  8. Olga 2017-08-10 at 06:44

    An interesting and very difficult sport, but it seems to me quite expensive. To purchase good bike and a high-quality wetsuit in the provinces, it will take several salaries. This is probably why it is not widespread in our country.


  9. Oksana 2017-08-10 at 14:28

    I have always considered various all-around, including triathlon, one of the most difficult sports, because in them you need to be the best in several sports to win. Therefore, you need to train more, and even in parallel different sports directions... In addition, this kind of sport requires different equipment for each workout, which is expensive. In our town, no one is engaged in triathlon and will not do it - too much expensive sports equipment is needed.


  10. oleg035 2017-08-10 at 23:23

    Triathletes are tough guys. This is called a harmoniously developed personality. But it's not at all easy to develop different groups muscles and be a pro in three disciplines at once. Keep it up!


  11. fedor07 2017-08-11 at 07:23

    Their versatile preparation causes surprise and "white" envy. But ... this requires a lot of investment. For example, for a summer triathlon, there should be a pool for swimming, a track for cycling and jogging. And how great are the successes of our country in this sport?


  12. Elena 2017-08-11 at 14:59

    Recently I discovered that triathlon is very popular in the Urals. In July, I managed to get into the competition and watch in person, and not on TV, an exciting spectacle! Participants in both distances command respect for their preparation and willpower. What was especially pleasing, there were many participants, young people willingly came from other cities.


  13. Michael 2017-08-11 at 22:17

    Triathlon is one of the all-around types, that is, a kind of sport that was one of the fundamental Olympic disciplines even in Ancient Greece. Triathlon needs a special physical training and endurance, as different muscle groups work. An interesting and entertaining sport.


  14. Elena 2017-08-12 at 08:04

    Triathlon competitions always arouse my interest much more than other sports, probably due to their diversity. I never miss these reports and root for the participants I like).


  15. Dmitry 2017-08-12 at 16:38

    Triathlon - really A complex approach to training - the body is fully worked out, and the loads are natural, such gym to achieve is unrealistic. It is a pity that there are not many sites for this sport.


Triathlon (triathlon)- it olympic look sport, the essence of which is the sequential passage of three stages, each of which is a separate sport (swimming, cycling, running). Triathlon is very popular in Lately both among men and among women.

The history of the emergence and development of triathlon

The history of triathlon dates back to France, in 1920 there were competitions reminiscent of modern triathlon. They were called "Les Trois Sports" and consisted of competitions in running for 3 km, cycling for 12 km and crossing the Marne canal by swimming. Athletes overcame all 3 stages without interruption.

The date of the emergence of modern triathlon is considered to be September 25, 1974. A group of friends, athletes of various specialties (runners, swimmers and cyclists) organized a joint club and began to train. The first triathlon championship was held by Jack Johnstone and Don Sanaan, 46 athletes took part in it.

The first classical triathlon competitions were held in 1977, and the first European competitions were held in 1981 in Czechoslovakia. In these years, the triathlon was gaining momentum very quickly and in 1989 the Federation of the International Triathlon Union was organized, main goal which was the inclusion of triathlon in the Olympic program. In the same year, the first triathlon world championship was held.

Today, many triathlon competitions are held around the world at various distances. Standard Olympic distance includes 1500m swimming, 40km cycling and 10km running and was developed by Jim Curl in the mid-1980s.

The triathlon was included in the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney.

Triathlon rules and stages

Triathlon competitions always start with swimming. Usually the swim takes place along a triangular route (the marking of the route is carried out using buoys and cables). Any shortening of the track by athletes is punishable up to disqualification. During the swim, athletes can use any swimming style. The equipment at this stage is a special wetsuit for open water.

The next stage of the triathlon is a bicycle race. After leaving the water, athletes change clothes in a special transit area and get on their bicycles. Athletes must wear a helmet, which can only be removed after the bike is placed on a special ramp or a designated place for this.

After the end of the cycling race, the athletes move on to the running stage.

Athletes are prohibited from interfering with each other; for violation of this rule, an athlete may be given a yellow card, and for a repeated violation, disqualification.

Triathlon uniforms, equipment and clothing

  • Swimming trunks or swimming suit (up to 5 mm thick). The wetsuit is matched to the water temperature. Swimming caps from the numbers are issued by the organizers.
  • Road bike.
  • Bicycle helmet.
  • Sportswear for running and cycling (starter suit for triathlon). For best cycling performance, many athletes use cycling shoes along with clipless pedals and cycling goggles. The most important piece of running gear is the triathlon shoe. They should be perfect for long runs. In hot weather, a hat should be worn to protect from the sun.

Popular triathlon competitions (distance)

  • Tristar 11.1 (swimming - 100 m, cycling - 10 km and cross - 1 km).
  • ITU Super Sprint (swim - 400 m, cycling - 10 km and cross - 2.5 km).
  • ITU Short Distance (Swimming - 750 m, Cycling - 20 km and Cross - 5 km).
  • ITU Triathlon Olympic distance (swimming - 1500 m, cycling - 40 km and running - 10 km).
  • WTC 5150 series (swimming - 1500 m, cycling - 40 km and running - 10 km).
  • Tristar 111 (swimming - 1000 m, cycling - 100 km and cross - 10 km).
  • ITU Long distance (swimming - 3-4 km, cycling - 80-120 km and running - 20-30 km).
  • WTC 70.3 or Half-Ironman (swim 1.93 km, cycle 90 km and run 21.1 km).
  • Tristar 222 (swimming - 2 km, cycling - 200 km and cross - 20 km).
  • WTC Ironman Triathlon or an iron man (swimming - 3.86 km, cycling - 180 km and marathon run- 42.195 km).
  • Marathon TITAN iron distance (swimming 3.8 km, cycling 180 km, running 42 km) + relay.
  • Marathon TITAN sprint (swimming 0.75 km, cycling 20 km, running 5 km).
  • Marathon TITAN children's distance (swimming 0.2 km, cycling 4 km, running 1 km).

There are quite a few sports that people don't even know about. For example, if you ask any passer-by on the street, he will know for sure about football or hockey. However, not everyone knows about triathlon. Today we will talk about it unusual form sports.

This sport is fairly new. His story begins in the twenties twentieth century. In those days, this sport was not considered official. Athletes simply arranged triathlon competitions, but the distances were completely different. Not the same as now.

Triathlon was recognized as an official sport in 1974. And it was included in the program of the Olympic Games in 2000. This sport has three stages:

  1. Swimming.
  2. Cycling race.
  3. Race.

Distances are provided for each of these stages. For example, a beginner's level of triathlon is a 100-meter swim, a 10-kilometer bike race, and a 1-kilometer run.

The professional level in triathlon is called "Iron Man"... To become an honored "Iron Man" you need to overcome the following:

  1. Swimming for 3 kilometers and 860 meters.
  2. Cycling race 120 kilometers long.
  3. Race on marathon distance- 42195 meters.

Surely these numbers seem simply unimaginable to you. The way it is. To withstand such a test, you need to train for at least 3 years. We will talk about this a little later.

Everything is not as simple as it might seem. Triathlon has certain rules. Competitions begin with a swim. If the distance is short, then the participants swim in the pool ... It is necessary to swim in a special wetsuit... Any attempt by the competitor to shorten the distance is unacceptable. If this was noticed, then the participant is removed from the competition. If the swimming distance is long, then the participants have to swim in some body of water. For example, in a river or lake. The organizers of the competition prepare the reservoir in advance.

After the swim, a bicycle race follows. Competitors need to change after the swim. By the way, you need to change quickly. After all, all three stages are overcome for a while. And changing clothes between them is also included in this time. During the cycling race, the participant must wear a helmet. It is prohibited to remove it until the end of this stage.

After the bike ride, athletes also need to change their clothes. During the race, it is allowed to cover the distance in stride if you can no longer run or are injured. During the race, athletes are allowed to wear a special belt on which flasks with water, isotonic drugs can be fixed , and sachets of energy gels.

Competitors at all stages are prohibited from interfering with their rivals. This also leads to disqualification, as well as attempts to close the distance.

About Triathlon Federation

In our country, triathlon championships are held quite annually. Athletes from our country have participated in the world triathlon championships several times. In 2011 best result showed Alexander Bryukhanov. At the world championship, he finished fifth.

The Russian Triathlon Federation was founded in 2005. You can find out the main news of triathlon in our country on the official website of the triathlon federation: There you can find out about the upcoming amateur and professional championships to be held in Russia. And also you can find there information about the regulations of the planned events. This information will be useful to you if you are interested in this sport.

Winter triathlon

This is the winter version of the sport... It consists of three stages:

  1. Race for a distance of 7-9 kilometers.
  2. Cycling race 12-14 kilometers long.
  3. Cross-country skiing 10-12 kilometers long.

All this takes place in winter conditions. The distances here are rather short, but it only seems to be. Running and cycling is much more difficult in the cold. Therefore, this distance is comparable in difficulty with the Tristar 111. If you are interested, look at the triathlon distances on the federation's official website, or on Wikipedia.

This triathlon option is not as popular as the summer one. Almost all people in the subject associate triathlon with swimming and a very long cycling race.

Ski triathlon

Ski triathlon is summer and winter... O winter version we spoke above. And in the summer, everything is exactly the same, only instead of skis, the participants in the competition move on roller skates. At the same time, they are repelled from the ground with special sticks.

At each stage, the distance is greater than in the winter version of the ski triathlon. Indeed, in the summer it is much easier to breathe while running and cycling.

A little about the book "Iron Man is in everyone"

All people who are involved in triathlon or are just thinking about it, this book will be very useful. Its author is John Callos, an ordinary American. In his youth, he played football, but then due to an injury he had to give up his favorite sport. He was very fond of football, and it was hard for him to stop playing football, because he lived by it.

Thereafter, John plunged headlong into work... He built a good career in the bank, going from an ordinary employee to a senior manager. Until the age of 45, he devoted almost all of his time to making money, completely oblivious to his physical form.

On his forty-fifth birthday, he was terrified when he was able to admit to himself that he had grown terribly fat. This fact upset him very much that he could not think of anything other than losing weight.

John tried to lose weight with diets, but it did not really help him, and then he decided to go back to sports. He learned about triathlon and began to practice it. He set himself on fire with the goal of becoming "Iron Man", having covered a great distance.

In this book, he described how during three years he trained daily. The hardest thing he faced was psychological difficulties. Now every athlete will understand him, because from time to time there is a depressed state, and I don't want to train at all... It is at this moment that you need to overpower yourself, and, gritting your teeth, go forward.

John paid special attention to nutrition during training and passing the distance. Not many athletes know that during such loads, the body needs at least 500 milliliters of water per hour. And it is also necessary to take energy gels so that there is strength to cover the distance to the end. After all, triathletes are under load from 8 to 14 hours.

John described the sensation he experienced after walking this distance. This feeling can only be understood by someone who has experienced the same. Just imagine falling asleep and waking up with the same thought for almost four years... And also spend 20-25 hours a week every week on training, and, most importantly, a lot of nerves.

At the end of his book, John said that the driving force in this matter is a burning desire to achieve their goal. You need a goal that will keep you awake at night and make you wake up easily in the morning. After the feeling of victory, a certain feeling of emptiness arises. To avoid it, a new goal is needed that will ignite you. John is currently running the Ultra Triathlon distance. And this is 2 times more than the honored "Iron Man" should pass.

If you are constantly running and you really like it. However, you want something more and more varied. Try triathlon. Even if you get to the amateur level, the problem is excess weight will disappear from you by itself.

There is no limit to improvement, and the triathlon is a very clear confirmation of this. If you can't imagine your life without prolonged aerobic exercise, then triathlon is exactly what you need!

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