Fishing kerchief screens and stuff like that. We make a scarf, winter version

A real fisherman will not sit at home even in severe frost, but the fish does not always meet his desires. It is caught, it is not caught. And in winter, sometimes you really want to gobble up your hot ears! So many put it aside winter fishing rods and switch to unsportsmanlike fishing, but effective gear... For example, a kerchief. With this simple design, you can catch the most different fish: for fish soup, and live bait, and sometimes it comes across. What kind of tackle is this? And what is good about fishing with a headscarf in winter?

☸ Design features

⚓ Network

By by and large a kerchief is a network. Only very small, so I don't dare call it poaching. The working element of the gusset is a piece fishing net in the form of a regular triangle with sides up to 1.5 meters long. You can cut this out of an old torn fishing net, you just need to find a surviving site in it. The size of the cells can be different, it is selected depending on what kind of prey the fisherman is aiming at. To replenish live bait stocks, a grid with cells of 18-20 mm is suitable, and if ambitions are off scale, then you can put a more serious canvas - 40-50 mm.

⚓ Frame

An equally important component of the kerchief is a metal wire rod, which acts as a sinker. He not only lowers the tackle to the bottom, but also puts it in the working position, that is, vertically. So that such a frame does not slip out of the canvas, ears are made at its ends, and on it there are special notches that will reliably hold the fixing line or nylon thread. For correct work kerchiefs, the mesh at the point of attachment to the wire must necessarily sag a little. The ends of the thick fishing line (nylon thread) come out to the apex of the triangle and are tied together. At the edges of the frame, rope loops are made, on which the tackle will be lowered into the hole.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this design. To make a headscarf for winter fishing, it is enough to find an old net, a piece of wire with a diameter of 3-4 mm, a skein of nylon thread and twine. A little bit of effort and she's ready.

☸ Klondike in action

The fishing technique with this catchy tackle can be mastered by everyone, even a person who has never been fond of fishing before. True, his catches will be smaller, since he does not know how to find fish sites.

⚓ Where to fish

It is with the search for winter havens for underwater inhabitants that fishing with a headscarf in winter begins. Usually these are deep pits, called wintering pits, but this approach is relevant for the middle of the cold season, when the fish practically does not move. But in the first ice and closer to spring, fish should be looked for in the same place where it was well caught in summer. Big catch and an excellent mood can be given by installing one or several scarves near the coast, in the midst of the remains of reeds and other vegetation.

When a suitable location is determined, you can start drilling holes. Even if there is only a couple of kerchiefs in the arsenal, there should still be several holes. After the tackle has visited each of them, it will become clear where it is better to fish.

⚓ Feeding

The klondike is perhaps the only net that is caught with bait. It will seem nonsense to fishermen-athletes, but without complementary foods it is really ineffective. A one and a half meter canvas, tapering up to zero, captures a scanty space, so the fish have to literally be lured into it. As a bait, fans of this tackle use various compound feeds, steamed wheat or barley, bread crumbs and even ordinary soaked bread.

It would be nice to mix all of the above, then the bait will attract different types fish. If you add components of animal origin (fodder bloodworms, crushed worms) to the mixture, you can count on catching ruffs and perches.

Fishing technique

When the hole is lured, the tackle is lowered into it. It is best to set it at the bottom, especially since the donkey is an attractive food, although sometimes, due to a lack of oxygen, the fish can rise to the middle and upper horizons. A stick with a length slightly larger than the diameter of the hole is tied to the free end of the rope, which, after installation, is placed across the hole in the ice. From above, it is covered with brushwood, and then everything is covered with snow, so that potential prey is not frightened by the bright spot overhead. Some fans of headscarf fishing mask the end of the rope for another reason, especially when they leave several such gear on the pond for a long time. So they will not be able to see and pick up the inspectors of fishery supervision or greedy for other people's good "colleagues".

With a successful combination of circumstances, such as good weather, high activity of underwater inhabitants, and just simple luck, a kerchief can bring a huge catch. On the most successful days, the fisherman needs to find the strength and stop in time, so that later he does not rack his brains over what to do with so many fish. In addition, excessive greed leads to a decrease in fish stocks, and sometimes to the complete extermination of fish stocks. What will be left to children and grandchildren with this approach? Nothing!

️ Headscarf fishing in winter video

True fans of fishing, with a steel character and iron patience, do not go on vacation even in winter. And although the warm autumn gives way to unbearable frosts, instead of a light breeze, a strong blizzard blows, and snow is sweeping, anglers continue to successfully get decent trophies from fresh holes. For such purposes, they use different gear, including a fishing scarf.

It is no secret that fishing in winter is a risky and challenging activity, especially when it is done in extreme weather conditions. Not the right approach and lack of responsibility- a direct path to serious consequences. In addition to frostbite of the fingers, you can become a victim of a much more dangerous trouble in the form of ice damage and death in icy water.

But despite the dangers, the weak activity of the inhabitants of the depths and a lot of other pitfalls, the masters fishing confidently continue to do what they love. And headscarf fishing in winter is one of the most fun ways to catch good prey, even under the most unfavorable conditions.

Tackle it is a specific triangular design, which consists of a metal base with a fabric in the form of a mesh. The first component plays the role of a sinker, plunging the scarf into the water column. In this case, the size of the cells of the canvas is different and is determined by the value of the expected production. If you are going to catch small representatives water world, for example, live bait for girders, then the optimal diameter of the cells can vary within 20 mm. When looking for full-size fish soup trophies, this indicator is increased to 50 mm or more..

The tackle is fixed with a rope to some object on the surface, after which it is immersed in a previously fed hole. The canvas is located directly at the bottom, because in winter time fish should be looked for there. Fishing for a headscarf demonstrates special effectiveness in the first days of winter, but during the deaf winter it is practically useless.

Taking into account the fishing conditions, the tackle is also fixed in the water column, closer to the upper horizon, if the "little thing" rises there in search of food and available air. At the same time, fishing itself can be both active and passive, implying the installation of a headscarf for the night or for the day. By the way, some anglers take such a device with them for regular fishing, installing it next to other tackle.

Many beginners are interested in how to make a headscarf for winter fishing, completely abandoning the purchase of store models. In fact, it is not difficult to make such a fishing tool with your own hands, while its functionality will be much wider than that of the purchased version. To successfully complete the task, it is enough to follow the step-by-step guide, taking into account some important aspects:

Making a homemade kerchief is not difficult at all, provided that you follow the key subtleties. You can start with the usual non-folding tackle 1.8 meters long. This option demonstrates good catchability with a compact size and good transportability.

The product is based on a set-cloth, preferably a triangular or trapezoidal shape, a piece of reinforcement with an optimal thickness. It is chosen taking into account the fishing conditions, because, for example, a 3-millimeter reinforcement or a steel rod is effective in a karassin pond, and when fishing in the current there is nothing better than 1 cm thick reinforcement).

As a canvas, it is necessary to take any fishing net with a height of 180 cm, correctly calculating the number of lower cells.

Headscarf fishing is a very exciting activity that interests not only experienced fishing masters, but also beginners who want to experience new emotions and get vivid impressions. Fishing with this method is very simple, so even an inexperienced person can easily master the basic subtleties of the casting technique and the further operation of the tackle. The key to successful fishing is determining the current location of the fish. To do this, you need to at least understand the peculiarities of her behavior in winter, taking into account the many years of experience of colleagues and local fishermen.

It is no secret that in the first days of winter, the inhabitants of the depths keep to the wintering pits practically without leaving them. To quickly determine their location, and then successfully fish, you should adhere to the following recommendations:

Considering all of the above, it is safe to say that fishing with a headscarf- a completely simple, interesting and effective lesson. But in order for the result to meet expectations, it is important to adhere to the listed rules.

Do not forget that the behavior of the inhabitants of the depths in different bodies of water can be the most unpredictable. And this applies not only to food preferences, but also to the choice of habitats, reactions to individual baits, and also other points.

So that going out to the pond does not turn out to be a waste of time, follow these rules:

The gusset can be attributed to screen gear such as fishing screen or, as the people call it "TV". They sink into the water for a certain time, and then rise. The result of such a catch will be fish, which during this time can get entangled in the net of the screen. "TV set" has a 4-angle structure, and the kerchief has a 3-angle structure. This makes it possible to use such a tackle for winter fishing, since the triangular shape allows you to push the tackle into the hole. Making a scarf with your own hands is not so difficult.

Stages of work

The most important thing is to buy in the store or knit yourself, network segment with cells of certain sizes. The size of the cells depends on what size the fish is supposed to be caught. If this is live bait, then cells within 20mm will go, and if these are full-fledged specimens, then the size of the cells can lie within 50mm and above.

Then you need to take rebar or regular metal and make an isosceles triangle (frame). It can be welded by electric welding, but it is better to make it collapsible. This will allow you to transport the tackle without any problems, as well as store it.

The next stage is fastening the web to the metal frame with a strong nylon cord, preferably green. The fastening will be correct and effective if each cell of the canvas is attached to the frame.

The final stage

The final stage is control of the correct attachment of the netting to the frame... Under no circumstances should the canvas be stretched. It should be fixed in such a way that the edges of the net sag by at least 5 cm. This is achieved by the fact that a nylon thread is drawn along the perimeter of the kerchief without passing a single cell. After that:

  • The length of each end of the net is divided into 4 parts.
  • The corresponding cells are marked.

After that, the nylon thread is attached to the frame of the tackle in the appropriate cells.

Naturally, a purchased network is very difficult to adapt to a metal frame exactly as required by the construction of a scarf or "TV". Here you will have to work very hard, putting into practice not only your skills, but also your ingenuity. The only correct approach to solving this problem is to independently weave the network of the desired configuration: for a TV - square, and for a scarf - triangular. It's no secret that this will take some time, but assembling such a tackle will take a minimum of time. Basically, fishermen are engaged in such work in the winter, when there is much more of it than in the summer, although in recent times few fishermen are engaged in weaving tackle. It is much easier to go to a store and buy a ready-made network, with any size of cells.

A simple way to knit a fishing net, such as a scarf Video

If someone does not know how to connect a similar network, then you can watch the corresponding video, which tells and shows how to quickly and easily connect such a network with your own hands.

Fishing in the winter is quite difficult and dangerous. Prolonged exposure to severe frost can lead to frostbite of the fingers and toes, as well as the skin of the face. In addition, fishing on thin ice very dangerous, many extreme fishermen have already drowned.

And to catch for a short time perch and roach on the ear or quickly provide themselves with live bait, fishermen use headscarves. What is this catchy tackle and how to use it correctly?

How to make a headscarf for fishing

“Televisions and headscarves belong to the so-called screen gear. They are briefly lowered into the river, then raised and collected the fish entangled in the screen netting.

“Television sets are quadrangular sections of networks with a sinker and a float,“ kerchiefs are triangular. “The klondike is most convenient for winter fishing, when it is easier to stretch it into an ice hole.

It is not difficult to make a “headscarf for fishing” on your own. Buy a piece of set cloth from a fishing store required size.

The size of the cells should be selected depending on the type of fish you are going to catch. Prepare a reinforcing rod with a diameter of 3-5 mm, for fishing in the course of the river, you may need a rod with a diameter of up to 1 cm.

Spread the net over a large surface. Mark the outermost cells on both sides with electrical tape or rope (take into account the allowances of 2-3 cells for the fastening).

Calculate the number of cells in length, mark the average. Set aside a distance equal to the height of the "gusset."

Count the cell spacing, the bottom middle cell should be right below the top one. Take a sharp pair of scissors and cut at the corner of the edge of the scarf from the top to the edge meshes on both sides.

Each subsequent row should be two cells larger than the previous one, one on each side. You should have a triangular canvas with the same sides.

Apply deep notches to the ends of the reinforcing bar with a chisel at a distance of 2 cm (5-6 pcs.). Pass a strong nylon thread through all the cells of the bottom edge of the set.

Fasten this thread on the side notches of the reinforcement with reliable knots so that a slight slack of 4-6 cm of the net edge is formed. The thread must run parallel to the reinforcement without twisting.

Divide the length of the bottom edge of the mesh canvas into four equal pieces, mark the boxes. Attach the nylon thread in these cells to the reinforcing bar, respectively.

Pass a vein (thick fishing line or nylon rope) upwards into the cells of one side of the kerchief. Next, pass the same vein down the other side.

Attach the vein to the rebar at the bottom edge on both sides. The vein must run up and down through each mesh of the web.

At the top of the “kerchief”, it is necessary to leave 8-10 cm veins to create an attachment loop. By pulling and stretching the mesh on the side veins of the "gusset", you should get its required height (0.85 of the total height of the mesh).

This provides a little slack in the sides to help the fish get tangled up in the tackle. Tighten the upper tab of the gusset plate with a simple knot.

How to make a headscarf for fishing

The kerchiefs are screen tackles. They sink into the water for a short time, then rise, after which the fish entangled in the screen net is collected.

TV - pieces of 4-angle nets with sinkers and a float. The gussets have a 3-sided shape.

They are mainly used during winter fishing, when it can easily be pulled into the hole. It is quite easy to make such a net for fishing yourself.

The principle of fishing with a headscarf

The gusset is a triangular mesh fabric. At the bottom of the tackle, a metal wire is mounted, which serves as a kind of sinker.

The size of the cell is selected for the fish that will be caught. For example, for catching small representatives of the ichthyofauna, a mesh with a mesh size of 18-20 mm is used.

The kerchief is tied to a rope or thick fishing line and lowered into the hole. To attract prey to the point of fishing, you must first lower the bait mixture. Usually the scarf is placed on the bottom, where all kinds of fish keep in winter.

The most successful fishing is at the beginning of freeze-up, when the fish is actively moving in search of comfortable places for stopping.

During the deaf winter, the use of headscarves is not very promising, but with the approach of spring, the catchability of this tackle increases again.

Sometimes fish fry rise to the upper layers of the water. In this case, it is necessary to install a mesh product directly under the hole. Fishing with a headscarf can be static or dynamic. In the first case, the net is left for a day or overnight, carefully masking the place of fishing.

Some hobbyists prefer to fish in the daytime with ordinary fishing rods, at the same time installing headscarves next to them. After 20-30 minutes, the netting is checked for prey.

A gusset is a triangular tackle, consisting of a metal frame, on which a canvas is fixed in the form of a mesh. The metal frame also serves as a sinker that allows the scarf to sink into the water column.

The size of the cells of the canvas can be different and depends on the purpose of the tackle. If it is supposed to fish not big (live bait), then the size of the cells can be up to 20mm, and if it is fishing for full-size fish (on the ear or on the roast), then the sizes of the cells can lie within 50mm or more.

The tackle is attached to the rope and lowered into the hole, which was previously filled with bait in order to attract more fish... The kerchief sinks to the very bottom, because in winter period it is located at a depth at the very bottom. The kerchief is effective at the beginning of winter and at the end of it, but in the midst of cold weather a kerchief can hardly catch anything.

Depending on the conditions, the tackle can also be installed in the water column, closer to the surface, when the "small thing" rises in search of food or in search of an extra breath of oxygen. Fishing can be both active and passive, when the tackle is set for the night or for the day.

Many anglers take a headscarf with them on regular fishing and install it nearby to increase the effectiveness of the fishing itself.

We make the Klondike, winter version

Making a scarf with your own hands is not very difficult

you can start with a regular, non-folding kerchief 180 cm long. It will be catchy and quite easy to manufacture. And transportable.

It is not very difficult to make a headscarf with your own hands; you can start with an ordinary, non-folding headscarf 180 cm long. It will be catchy and quite simple to make.

And transportable. The headscarf consists of a set-cloth, triangular, or trapezoidal, a piece of reinforcement with a thickness depending on the place of fishing.

For example, in a karassin pond, you can use 3 mm reinforcement or a rigid steel bar, or better reinforcement 5 mm thick, so as not to bend it due to inexperience. For flow and fishing with a small cell, you can use reinforcement up to 1 cm thick.

Setepolitno. Take a set of cloth with a height of 1.8 meters, suppose that you cut it off from a doll (a standard cloth 60 m long and 1.8 m high) And calculate the number of lower cells for the kerchief.

Formula: D / A * 0.9 Where D is the length of the reinforcement (mm). For our sample, it is 1800, and the mesh (mm) (for example 45, 60, 33, that is, the mesh is flat, is the distance of the fishing line between the 2 nearest knots). Usually written on a doll or easily measured with a ruler. 0.9 is the landing factor.

From the result obtained, we take only the whole part, we discard everything after the commas, the fractional part. Because this error was taken into account when landing due to the fact that the extreme 4 cm are occupied by fasteners.

This whole part, the number of cells, must be written down on a piece of paper. And next to write this number divided by 4.

If it is not divisible by an integer, let's say the remainder is 1-3 cells, then evenly distribute it over all quarters when planting. If in some quarter there is 1 cell more, and in the other one it is 1 less, then fishing will not be worse from this, for this the coefficient 0.9 is taken into account.

Stretch the netting so that it hangs on the wall for a few meters. Count the number A on the canvas from the bottom corner edge.

Do not be too lazy to highlight the extreme lower cells of your future scarf with some tied wool thread or something else. And then they are always distracting, or knocked down, then you are wrong, and you cut off the sikos nakos, or you have to count.

And then cut it diagonally. From the edge, starting from the second cell from the bottom, cut off so that each time the row from the edge is 1 more.

You will end up with a pyramidal diagonal. So cut off to the top cells and separate the unnecessary corner of the set-cloth (do not throw it away, then it may come in handy for something).

You should now have a pyramidal structure for the edge of the canvas. And the bottommost cell is the one you marked, you have not yet reached the other.

Stretch this canvas somehow so that you can see everything.

Making a classic scarf

The klondike can be used to catch fish of different sizes.

Therefore, the parameters of the tackle will have some differences.

The manufacturing technology of such a tackle is practically the same, despite the fact that it can catch fish of different sizes.

Headscarf fishing technique

Fishing with a headscarf from under the ice is not considered difficult. Any beginner will be able to master this method during several trips to the reservoir. In this case, most of the time will be spent on searching for fish sites, and not on improving the skills for installing a scarf.

The klondike is considered to be very catchy. winter gear by first ice and by the last ice... It allows you to catch the required amount of fish with minimal cost.

Klondike for fishing

Before answering the question of how to make a headscarf for fishing, we will consider several informative points describing this tackle, and in what area it will be more effective. It is best to use a headscarf on ice fishing.

Fishing in the winter is remembered for a long time, if you sit for hours at the hole, you can freeze your limbs or fall under the ice. Using a scarf will shorten the waiting time and help you easily catch fish bait for dinner.

What is the tackle

This is a triangular screen tackle, the main task of which is to entangle the fish in a short time in the water. Due to its convenient form, it is widely used in winter fishing... It consists of a frame made of metal and a mesh mesh fixed on it, while the size of the cells depends on the size of the fish that is caught with this tackle. The weight of the frame serves as a sinker in the water.

Fishing tackle The "kerchief" is widely used for winter fishing because of its convenient triangular shape, which can easily fit into the hole. Before you start fishing, the fishing site is well fed, only then they begin to install the tackle.

After complementary feeding, the tackle is attached to the rope and immersed in the hole. The success of fishing with a headscarf depends on the fishing conditions: the active height of biting will be at the beginning and at the end of winter, in severe frost it will be difficult to catch anything on it.

A kerchief is a very useful tackle for every fisherman. Let's consider what is required for making, and how to make a kerchief for fishing with your own hands will be described in the next section:

  • fishnet- the size of the cells depends on the fisherman, the choice is individual;
  • wire 5 mm - it is necessary to create a frame;
  • nylon thread, thick fishing line.

Use kerchiefs at the very beginning of winter, when the ice has just matured. Fishing at this time is much more effective, since during this period it is looking for a place to stay, but be careful - fishing on thin ice can be dangerous.


It is very simple to make a scarf for fishing according to the correct scheme, according to this simple scheme, you can make several scarves and actively use them while fishing.

Find a comfortable place to start work, a flat surface, after that we proceed to answer the question - how to make a scarf for fishing:

  1. The prepared mesh must be placed on the floor or other flat surface, and then cut off the workpiece. The frame is marked with an interval of 2 cm for a more accurate grid installation.
  2. A fishing line is threaded through the bottom of the workpiece, after which it must be tied in the places where the marks were applied.
  3. A nylon thread is attached to the mesh and wires located on the sides, creating a reinforced layer, it is imperative to thread a thread through each mesh cell. In the same place, make loops for installing a rope in them, for which the kerchief will be immersed in water.

For fast dive pay attention to the sinkers.

Before answering the question of how to make a headscarf for fishing, we will consider several informative points describing this tackle, and in what area it will be more effective. It is best to use a headscarf on ice fishing. Fishing in the winter is remembered for a long time, if you sit for hours at the hole, you can freeze your limbs or fall under the ice. Using a scarf will shorten the waiting time and help you easily catch fish bait for dinner.

This is a triangular screen tackle, the main task of which is to entangle the fish in a short time in the water. Due to its convenient shape, it is widely used in winter fishing. It consists of a frame made of metal and a mesh mesh fixed on it, while the size of the cells depends on the size of the fish that is caught with this tackle. The weight of the frame serves as a sinker in the water.

Fishing tackle "kerchief" is widely used in winter fishing because of its convenient triangular shape, which can easily fit into the hole. Before you start fishing, the fishing site is well fed, only then they begin to install the tackle. After complementary feeding, the tackle is attached to the rope and immersed in the hole. The success of fishing with a headscarf depends on the fishing conditions: the active height of biting will be at the beginning and at the end of winter, in severe frost it will be difficult to catch anything on it.

The klondike is a very useful tackle for every fisherman.

Consider what is required for manufacturing, and how a do-it-yourself headscarf is made for fishing will be described in the next section:
  • fishing net - the size of the cells depends on the fisherman, the choice is individual;
  • wire 5 mm - it is necessary to create a frame;
  • nylon thread, thick fishing line.

Use kerchiefs at the very beginning of winter, when the ice has just matured. Fishing at this time is much more effective, since during this period it is looking for a place to stay, but be careful - fishing on thin ice can be dangerous.

It is very simple to make a scarf for fishing according to the correct scheme, according to this simple scheme, you can make several scarves and actively use them while fishing.

Find a comfortable place to start work, a flat surface, after that we proceed to answer the question - how to make a scarf for fishing:
  1. The prepared mesh must be placed on the floor or other flat surface, and then cut off the workpiece. The frame is marked with an interval of 2 cm for a more accurate grid installation.
  2. A fishing line is threaded through the bottom of the workpiece, after which it must be tied in the places where the marks were applied.
  3. A nylon thread is attached to the mesh and wires located on the sides, creating a reinforced layer, it is imperative to thread a thread through each mesh cell. In the same place, make loops for installing a rope in them, for which the kerchief will be immersed in water.

For a quick dive, pay attention to the weights.

Complementary feeding and fishing

There should be no difficulties in manufacturing, and in the process of fishing too, the main problem of fishing with a headscarf is the search for fish sites, the correct feeding and time. Any ready-made mixtures, vegetable and animal additives such as crackers, steamed grains, cake and maggot are suitable as a fishing mixture for complementary foods.

Step-by-step process of catching with a scarf:
  • in order to successfully start fishing with kerchiefs, you need to drill a hole, for this we purchase an ice ax;
  • having drilled a hole, we feed the fish - you need to use special feeders that can be immersed at the very bottom, after which the container opens and the mixture remains at the bottom;
  • now we lower the tackle into the hole, the sinker with the lower part should lie at the bottom, and the net should be stretched like a canvas, the cord is tied to a stick. Now we calmly fish with a headscarf, sitting in a warm place and waiting for the catch.

“I fish at night, before leaving the scarf, I cover the hole with snow and branches: the snow does not allow the hole and scarf to freeze, and also disguises the tackle, the fish behaves calmer and the next morning I check the tackle and collect the catch, almost always comes across good perch"- from the words of an experienced fisherman.

Having dealt with the question of how to fish with this tackle, you can safely go on winter fishing - the catch will be big.

But do not be greedy, take fish in moderation for dinner. Take care of yourself and nature on the ice.

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