Fishing for bream in spring and summer: tackle and methods of catching bream with a line from a boat and from the shore. Winter fishing for bream from the ice using different tackle What to catch bream on

Tura is a tributary of the Tobol River, humming the current from west to east, and its sources are on the edge Sverdlovsk region in the mountains of the Northern Urals. A fairly large part of the Tura River flows through the lands of the Sverdlovsk Region. And the section Tury current in the Tyumen region has a length of about 260 km. The Tura River flows to the city of Tyumen, where it flows into the glorious Tobol River.

Tura has its own numerous tributaries, but the largest of these tributaries flow into the Tura from the right bank. These are such rivers as Tagil, Pyshma, Sada, Nitsa. The Tagil River, as well as its tributaries, are fish rivers... That's why fishing in the river Tura and in its tributaries popular with local Siberian fishermen.

These rivers are located at a distance from big cities, surrounded by taiga wilderness. Some places are generally very difficult to get to. The only exception is the part of the Tura River flowing through Tyumen.

Due to the fact that the main part of the Tour takes place in inaccessible areas, it does not experience severe fishing pressure, which has a beneficial effect on the population of many fish species.

From time immemorial, there were rumors and legends about Siberian fish resources. Almost any river or river in Siberia, unless industrial enterprises are located on its banks, are great places for fishing on the very different fish. Fishing in the river Ture will not disappoint the angler either. Among the most popular representatives of the ichthyofauna Tours for anglers can be included nelma, pike, burbot, sterlet, pike perch, chebak, perch, dace, ide, minnow, ruff.

The best places for fishing, where local fishermen go to fish, are located from the borders of the Sverdlovsk region and almost to the city of Tyumen. Although there are enough predatory fish on the tour, most of the fishing in this river is aimed at peaceful fish.

Very effective fishing in the river Tura on the feeder tackle ... Excellent in the tour, the feeder catches bream and breeder. 2 maggots are placed on the hook and bream is caught. Also, here you can easily catch large ides and crucians, like bream, these fish are well caught on feeder tackle with bait as maggot. Sometimes fish bite well on a worm, and almost always on a sandwich made of maggots and worms.

In the lower reaches of the river, there is an intensive commercial fishing with nets. Also, the shores of Tura are very swampy and you can easily fall into the knee-deep mud. Therefore, every fisherman who wants to fish on the banks of this river must have high rubber boots, otherwise there is simply nothing to do there.

A tributary of the Tura River, the Pyshma River, is considered an excellent place for spinning predator fishing. To get to the catchy places on the Pyshma river, you need to go along the Tobolsk tract and turn right near the village of Sozonovo. This village is located in the Tyumen region, 55 kilometers from the city of Tyumen. From the turn to the river, drive a few hundred meters along a dirt road. The places here are good and the choice of fish is varied, they fish here as peaceful fish, bream, chebak, dace. Ide, and predatory, pike, burbot and perch.

Fishing on the Ture River attracts both local and visiting fishermen, some fishermen even come from the Central regions to explore new fish spots... Although there were always a lot of fish here, they decreased somewhat over recent times due to intensive development of gold deposits. The upper course of Tura is today turned into a cascade of ponds. Locals quite often they are engaged in poaching, catching fish with nets. The closer the river comes to Tyumen, the greater the amount of fish living in its waters becomes. However, many sections of this river are leased to industrial fishing cooperatives. Closer to Tyumen there are more and more predatory fish. Pike perch fishing on the Tour in these places it usually brings good catches. They go for pike in the vicinity of the Turin settlement. It is quite possible to get a real trophy there. In autumn, before freezing, burbot actively bite on the tour, and at this time there are many fans of burbot fishing on the banks of the river.

Another good place for fishing in the Tura River is the village of Salairka located in the Tyumen region. From the city of Tyumen, you need to drive along the Salair tract up to 52 kilometers. Then drive to the river, to the location of the tourist base "Geologist". From the camp site you can get to two small islands, which are also of interest for fishing.

Quite interesting fishing on the oxbows of the Tura river ... You need to go along the Tobolsk tract up to 55 kilometers from Tyumen. There, near the village of Sozonovo, get off the highway to right side... Then move to the Tura River for about 1 kilometer along a country road.

Impressive fishing at the mouth of the Tura river ... You need to get there along the Tobolsk tract from the city of Tyumen to the village of Usalka 94 kilometers, located in the Yarkovsky district. Then you should drive along a country road for about 11 km.

As a rule, they catch there the same fish as in other places on Tour. However, there has already been a catch of sterlet and nelma, the catch of which is prohibited in the Tura River. Therefore, when catching these fish, you must immediately return them to the reservoir.

The banks of the Tura River between the villages of Chikcha and Oshkukovka are famous for predatory fish large ide and bream are caught there, especially by pike perch and pike. In the autumn season, burbot bite well. V winter time The usual for the Tour is caught fish, perch, chebak, and ruff, less often pike.

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Today's left-handed fishing in Tyumen will take place on the famous Siberian river Tura. This time Alexey Fadeev will tell and give meaningful recommendations on how to organize fishing, so that fishing for bream on the feeder is a success and brings the fisherman an excellent mood and satisfaction.

Any comes with the preparation of the bait consistency. Since fishing for bream will take place on the river in the fall, the bait will have to have special properties. Feeder baits should be sticky, heavy and have a special spicy flavor.

Effective groundbait for bream in autumn

Therefore, today he will use a special river groundbait from Sensas called Super Feeder 3000. It is a fine, heavy mix with a very spicy base. The second mixture is a classic of the genre for catching all white fish species in Russian waters, this is the Gros Gardons 3000 bait presented by the same company. Alexey highly recommends using this bait mixture to catch large individuals and roach in the fall.

To slightly sweeten the spicy composition, the angler will use a special Aromix Vanilee vanilla syrup from Sensas. For two kilograms, one hundred milligrams of syrup will be enough.

Tackle and equipment for catching bream

Fadeev Alexey will catch feeder rod Heavy class. Its Banax Piccolo feeder is four meters ten centimeters long and has a dough of one hundred and thirty grams. This rod has proven itself excellently and time-tested. You can use it to make sighting long casts at a distance of over eighty meters and it is enough to get out of there big fish.

Team Daiwa Tierra 3500 spinning reel with colored Eight Braid line reel from Pontoon 21.

The bream rig is a classic asymmetrical loop with a one centimeter overhang. The length of the twist is fifteen centimeters. Made of first class Owner fluorocarbon 0.265 mm in diameter.

Under these conditions, the fisherman will catch bream with feeders-bullets weighing fifty and sixty grams. Thanks to metal bullets, you can make ultra-long distances of more than ninety meters and accurate casts. This is especially true in conditions when there is a strong side or head wind.

Owner Brosd with a thickness of 0.12 mm was used as a leader line. This fishing line is capable of withstanding quite serious loads and in such a diameter, it can easily pull out bream up to two kilograms with it. The length of the leashes at the beginning of the fishing trip will be at least sixty centimeters. In the process, depending on the bite of the bream, the leash length will increase or decrease.

Hooks from the Japanese company Owner, series 53100 No. 12. These are hooks with a long shank, very effective for catching fish in rivers.

Bream fishing technique

The first thing Alexey will start fishing with is to make fifteen casts of a feeder trough filled with bait to the fishing point. To ensure accuracy, each cast is done from a standing position.

After the bait 15 casts, we fix the leash to the working rig using the loop-to-loop method.

  1. Always keep your baited bloodworm in water. It is best to use water from the reservoir. In this case, the bloodworms will be saturated with local water and will be more digestible for fish. And most importantly, it will live longer in water.
  2. When fishing with braids, never make long sweeping sweeps. The thing is that the braid creates rigidity, and therefore, the sharper the hook, the higher its amplitude, the greater the likelihood that the hook will simply fly away from the fish's mouth. If you see that the bite is pretty confident, just pick up the blank of the rod, do a little stretch and check if the fish is hooked. If you feel that the bream is on the hook, you can start playing slowly playing with the blank and working with the friction brake.
  3. If, in the process of fishing for bream, you feel that the fish is being extremely careful, that is, it bites very carefully, it is recommended to increase the length of the working leash. On a long leash, the fish will have more time to swallow the bait deeper. She will not feel the pull of the cord on a long leash and the weight of the working feeder. Consequently, almost every bite will be realized. So if you are fishing big fish or are especially careful, lengthen the leash.

Fishing in Tyumen for bream brought a lot of positive emotions, joy and adrenaline to the fisherman on the Tura River. Five hours flew by with lightning speed and, as a result, more than eleven kilograms of beautiful fish were caught.

Catching bream in winter is considered to be one of the most difficult, but at the same time exciting and rewarding pastimes. The success of fishing depends not only on correctly selected tackle, bait and bait, but also on where and at what time you plan to fish. And if an experienced bream-hunter already knows all the secrets of winter fishing for bream, then a novice angler, before going out on the ice in search of the coveted trophy, first of all needs to master the basic knowledge of all the components of winter bream fishing - from choosing a place and time to fishing and feeding techniques.

The specifics of catching bream in winter

Fishing for bream from ice in winter has a number of features:

  • Bream is caught all winter- unlike carp, crucian carp and carp, the breeder is actively caught during the whole winter period... At the same time, its high activity is observed in the first ice and after the last ice, low - in the wilderness.
  • Bream is quite active in winter both in rivers and reservoirs with standing water- in winter you can fish in various reservoirs from medium flowing lakes to large reservoirs and rivers.
  • You should look for this fish at depths of at least 5-6 meters- in winter, most of the bream moves in flocks at great depths in search of food. Outcrops of medium and small breeds can be observed at the beginning of freeze-up or during mild winters, when water bodies are not covered with ice for a long time.
  • Eats and catches actively at night- throughout the winter, large bream actively feeds in the middle of the night, when most other fish do not bite.

These features of catching bream in winter contributed to the fact that among fishermen who are fond of ice fishing, a whole caste, specializing in this fish, "bream", stood out. From these people you can learn a lot of useful information that they accumulate on the basis of personal experience... For beginners in this type of fishing, the advice of such experienced ones helps to get on the right path and join the ranks of adherents of this method of fishing.

Video: winter bream fishing - underwater shooting

Where and when to catch bream in winter

For effective bream fishing, you need to know when and where to catch bream in winter.

Fishing place

In winter, most of the time bream stays in deep places with a hard bottom covered with a small layer of silt.

As for the density of the concentration of bream, depending on the bottom topography, then the best place there will be so-called "tables" for fishing.

The main habitats of bream on the river are:

  • deep pits near steep banks at river bends;
  • reaches;
  • the upper edge of the channel ditches.

On large flowing lakes or reservoirs, the most suitable places for bream fishing are:

  • the deepest places of the reservoir (from 6-7 meters) with a bottom covered with a small layer of silt on which there are driftwood, lonely stones, pits, hillocks;
  • deep-water irrigation with depths of 5-6 meters, gradually turning into the channel part of the river blocked off by the dam.

Month and time of day

During freeze-up, bream is active during the following periods:

  • On the first ice (in December) after the ice finally bound the pond.
  • Late winter - early spring (late February - early March) when melt water penetrating under the ice saturates the habitat with oxygen, and the fish is activated.
  • January-February- due to lack of oxygen under water, insufficient illumination, the fish is passive.

During the day, the following patterns were observed in the activity of fish:


The weather significantly affects the behavior of bream in winter:

Features of catching bream in winter by months


December is the first month of freeze-up. This month, as a rule, a reliable ice shell is established, which greatly affects the behavior of the bream. Among the main features of catching bream at this time should be highlighted:

  • As the water bodies freeze, bream tends to go to deeper places, where the temperature in the bottom layer at this time is 3-4 0 C. After the fish adapts to new conditions, it begins to actively bite.
  • They catch bream on the first ice on deep-water reaches, underwater plateaus, on the upper channel edges.
  • On reservoirs and lakes, bream is caught with nod and float gear, on rivers - with a winter feeder.
  • With an active bite, bream is caught in December using winter float gear or a feeder corresponding to the season; with a more passive bite, they practice running fishing with jig gear.
  • Jigs are used at this time, large, lead golden color.
  • Small fodder bloodworms are used as bait.
  • The main bait at this time is a large bloodworm, attached to a hook or jig, 3-4 pieces each.
  • The most active during the day at this time is the bream, trophy bream are more often found when fishing at night.


In January, under the ice, there is a low oxygen content and a lack of light. All this affects the behavior of the bream at this time:

  • In the wilderness, bream prefers to stand in deep places - channel ditches, wintering pits, deep-water irrigation of reservoirs.
  • They fish at this time on a winter feeder, float winter gear. Nod tackle is used for passive standing fishing.
  • In the wilderness, dark or brown groundbaits are used with the obligatory addition of fodder bloodworms and a small amount of flavorings.
  • During the day, small and medium breeders bite. In January, the most catchy bream is caught at night.
  • Jigs in the wilderness use small tungsten ones.
  • From bait, bloodworms, maggots, burdock moth larva are used.

Video: winter bream fishing in January


In the last month of winter, the fish become noticeably more active. Fishing at this time is characterized by the following features:

  • Bream and bream are caught not at the very bottom, as in the wilderness, but about 1-1.5 meters from it.
  • It is better to feed at this time, opening the feeder 2-3 meters above the bottom, so that the gradually falling mixture attracts the bream below.
  • At this time, bream comes out of pits and channel ditches for irrigation with depths of 4-6 meters near the places where small streams and fast rivers flow into the reservoir.
  • During long thaws, bream bites not only at night, but also during the day.
  • They are fed with homemade or purchased mixture with the obligatory addition of bloodworms
  • They catch bream at this time, as well as on the first ice, with a jigging tackle, when a promising place is found, they switch from running search fishing to stationary fishing using 2-3 float tackles.

Video: winter fishing for bream in February

What to catch bream in in winter: basic tackle

A variety of tackles for catching bream in winter are used - from active jig (nodding), to a stationary float and winter feeder.

Winter float rod

For catching bream in winter, a float tackle is used, consisting of:

Fishing technique

Catching bream for winter float rod slightly different from the summer counterpart. The whole fishing process consists of the following stages:

  • The process of fishing with float tackle consists in drilling two holes at a distance of 60-70 cm from each other, feeding them with a dump trough, casting the baited tackle and waiting for a bite.
  • When biting, the angler sees it well by the movement of the nod or float "upward" or "into the bottom".
  • The jogging is performed with a short sharp jerk for the line.
  • When playing a lively bream or large bream, the whole process is controlled by holding the line between the index and thumb right hand... With strong jerks, a small amount of fishing line is "handed over" to the fish, while keeping it in a constantly taut state.
  • With a prolonged absence of biting on the holes, supplementary feeding is carried out with a pinch of feed bloodworms or balls of a bait mixture the size of a chicken egg.

Jig (nod) tackle

The jig is used for catching bream throughout the entire freeze-up season. This tackle consists of parts such as:

Fishing technique

The fishing technique differs from the usual one used for small roach. It consists of the following sequential operations:

  • When fishing for bream with a jig, the amplitude of the oscillations (the stroke of the nod during the game) should be greater, and the frequency - less than for perch, ruff, roach.
  • The rise of the bait from the bottom is accompanied by 2-3 second pauses every 15-20 cm.
  • The lifting height depends on the activity of the fish and the weather conditions: with low pressure and active fish, it is less, with a weak bite and high pressure - more.
  • When fishing with a "tandem" is used, consisting of two lures of this type - one at the end of the line, the other 20-30 cm higher.
  • The fishing technique is similar to trolling - the bait is gradually raised 15-20 cm above the bottom, then allowed to lower under its own weight to its original position. The planting of a bloodworm on such a jig is only caught with a weak bite or uncertain bites and frequent gatherings.

Winter feeder

This winter tackle for bream, by the principle of fishing and composition, it is similar to the summer analogue. The winter feeder consists of the following parts:

  • Rod - for a winter feeder, special carbon fiber rods up to 70-80 cm long with strong and flexible whips equipped with pass rings, a cork handle with a reel attachment are used.
  • Reel - this tackle uses spinning reels up to 1500 in size.
  • Line - monofilament with a section of 0.16-0.18 mm for the main line; 0.12 mm - for a leash.
  • Rigging - Paternoster, Gardner's Loop, asymmetric loop.

Fishing technique

When fishing with this tackle, it is necessary to take into account the strength and direction of the current. The process of fishing with this tackle, with a similarity in structure and equipment, differs from the summer feeder.

  • Fishing with a winter feeder is carried out in places with a weak or medium current.
  • To install the gear, two holes are drilled at a distance of 1-1.5 meters, so that they are oriented along the streamline.
  • The holes are fed with a "dump truck" feeder, dropping 2-3 portions of the mixture into each of them.
  • As a supplement, tightly stuck balls of bait with ballast - clay or loam are used.
  • A tackle with a feeder is installed in the hole installed upstream.
  • In the feeder installed in the adjacent hole in the rigging, the feeder is replaced with a drop-shaped sinker of the same weight.
  • Bites in this tackle are signaled by the bending of the tip of the rod whip.
  • Hooking and playing fish is done with a fishing rod and a reel.

But, in general, winter fishing for bream with a feeder from the shore is considered more effective.

How to feed bream in winter

In addition to everything described above, for winter fishing For bream in any period of freeze-up, experienced bream keepers try to be as quiet as possible - even at great depths, bream is often alarmed by loud steps on the ice, frequent drilling, as well as blows by the auger auger when “pumping” finished holes.

Also, for bream fishing, in addition to tackle, at this time of the year it is important equipment such as a tent, a portable lantern, warm clothes, a camping gas stove - fishing for bream in the winter at night in an open area without these things is not only uncomfortable, but also dangerous to health.

Video: catching bream in winter - tips from experienced fishermen

In contact with

Each city has its own reservoirs where you can fish, even without leaving the city. There are such reservoirs in our city.

We have the Tura river in Tyumen and, of course, fish are found in it. In it you can catch bream, ide, chebak and other white fish, and from predators - pike, perch, pike perch.
Generally, summer fishing in Tyumen, fishing for bream on the Tura riverfeeder this year at first did not work. Since spring, after a flood, the water on the river dropped to the summer level rather quickly, and my friends and I managed to go to the Ostapovsky turn, which is located beyond Sazonovo, and it was not bad to catch white fish on the feeder.

But in June, unexpectedly, the water in the river began to rise sharply again, and again reached the spring level, and this level remained for almost the entire June. What is the reason for this? Most likely, with rains or with the discharge of water from reservoirs (I could be wrong). And it was not really possible to fish exactly on the feeder tackle, since in the place where I fish on the Tour in Tyumen, coastline- these are solid bushes. And now the water began to decline again and rumors began to circulate that the fish, namely the bream, was not badly caught.
Having chosen the day, I decided to go fishing to my catchy spot and check if it really bites or not.

In the morning I came to my favorite fishing spot at dusk. Threw two rods with feeder troughs and one without a feeder (for which I never saw a bite that day). Having thrown it, I began to wait with impatience for a bite. And he waited only an hour later. At six o'clock, the bream confidently pecked, and not a bad specimen - for 2kg.100gr. As a result, ten kilograms of fish were caught in four hours, and the bream pecked rarely, but accurately that day. Everyone was large size, and the last bream pulled 2kg. 400gr. Having pulled out the last bream, I decided to go home, enough fish were caught that day.

From this fishing, we can conclude that if the weather is stable for several days, then the fish bite well, and it is advisable to use bait for catching bream (as for any peaceful fish). I used homemade groundbait, (the recipe is a big secret) :-P, but the factory one works great too. As a nozzle I used a red worm (here, it can be found under rotting boards). This is not a dung worm, but perhaps a simple earthworm, but the color is red. The tackle is an ordinary spinning rod, spinning reel, anti-twist, feeder feeder, a pair of leashes of different lengths, hooks. In general, I went fishing successfully, and fishing with a feeder paid off 100%. Generally, fishing for bream on the Tura river feeder almost always successful, the exception is the weather and water drops.
If bream is caught, then it will be caught throughout the river, of course, there are places most preferred for fish.

p.s. Today the weather has changed: it rains and the fish is no longer caught, it is known that bream, like a living barometer, is very sensitive to weather changes.

After the dead of winter, March pleases the fishermen with the start of the trophy season. Even though the ice is strong and the frost does not subside, the sun is already calling to throw the tackle into the river. And not without reason - the bream is successfully caught in March on the feeder, since the fish has already woken up, swallowed fresh air and wanders in search of food. Changes in the nature of early spring concern not only temperature regimes, but also life goes on inside reservoirs. And an experienced fisherman knows all the nuances of fish behavior, already picking up the time and place to catch large bream specimens.

The first rays of the sun, life-giving oxygen, which got through the thickness of the ice into the layers of water, awakens the bream that was dormant at the depths. The fish begins to leave their homes, moving in shallow water in search of food.

Whitefish moves in flocks, choosing coastal areas where food can be found. When the air temperature rises and the snow melts, the metabolic processes in fish accelerate, and this pushes the bream to move closer to the surface of the reservoir.

The organization of fishing depends on the behavior of the bream and its habits in a particular body of water. Weather conditions, water condition affect the catch:

  1. Warming up the water leads to the appearance of bream in shallow water near the coast.
  2. When the air temperature reaches plus ten degrees, it is easier to catch fish in holes four to five meters deep.
  3. Taking into account the caution of the bream and the transparency of the March water, fishing gear is chosen less noticeable.
  4. Although the fish is hungry, it does not suffer from gluttony, and it is not worth overfeeding it. In some cases, large specimens come across even without bait. It is important to throw the tackle in the place where the flock of bream migrates.
  5. To bring the fish in advance, feed is thrown into the holes gradually for a week.
  6. The most catchy tackle in March for large bream is the feeder.

In the process of catching bream in March, it is important to accurately cast the tackle. And when taking a bite, be able to keep cool and bring the bream to the surface, giving it a swallow of fresh air. Then he will surrender without resistance.

Choose a place for catching March bream on a feeder, where are:

  • channel edges near the coast;
  • fresh water bays;
  • bottom tables with a depth of two to four meters;
  • bottom channel bends;
  • whirlpool in the tributaries of the river.

In such places, the white fish is waiting for food and a lot of oxygen. It is worth going for the catch in the morning, as soon as the sun rises. Sometimes large specimens come across after lunch, but not for long.

It is better to go for an evening bite when twilight appears. The marked places are fed in advance at a depth of four to six meters. Good luck awaits patient hunters, but after two nights you will hardly get a bite.

The presence of bream in the reservoir is determined by the catch of fishermen sitting on the shore. Do not think that the bream is afraid of the crowds of fishermen. If at least one guessed the course of the fish and caught several specimens of bream, then the neighbors will be lucky. After all, the caught specimens show where the fish are concentrated.

It is interesting that, despite the shallow depth of the channels, the catch in them is more significant than in large bodies of water.

Rigging a feeder for bream in March

The feeder is chosen to fish for bream because fishing with it will be successful both on the reservoir and on the river.

The feeder is close to the bottom tackle, but has a feeder as an element. The feeder tackle is conventionally divided into three parts - the main one, the feeder and the leash.

The line for the main zone is selected braided, measuring 0.15 or 0.25 millimeters, leaving most of it on the spool. The reel is chosen as an inertialess one with a low speed.

Carefully prepare the leash area, as it depends on good catch... It is better to choose a thread from fluorocarbon with a diameter of 0.12 - 0.25 millimeters. Although a mono-line is used, it will have to be replaced several times. The leash is made short, at fifteen to twenty-five centimeters. But as with any fishing, everything is checked right on the spot. In the absence of biting, the leash should be lengthened to 50 cm, then to 80-100 cm.

The hook on the feeder should be sharp and capable of supporting large fish. The size of the hook for catching bream on a feeder should be taken from size 12, with a short forend, but a wide bend.

What bream bites on in March

Bloodworms are best for spring fishing. You need to choose large types of bait. Put on a hook in two or three larvae, prying them over the head or in the middle. Put the bloodworms on a hook and ring.

Choose from other attachments:

  • small red worm;
  • maggot;
  • white larvae of Chernobyl.

One or two individuals are baited onto the hook. The bait can be changed to determine the gastronomic tastes of the bream in the pond. Indeed, for one fish, bloodworms are tastier, while another requires a fatty nutritious worm.

Groundbait for March bream

The main task of feeding is not to harm the fish and yourself. A lot of food will lead to lethargy of the bream and its departure to the depth. And the feeder, noisily lowered to the bottom, can frighten off the fish flock. For successful fishing, the composition of the bait mixture is also important.

Such components are placed in the feeder of the feeder tackle, which will attract the smell of bream. In March, ingredients with aniseed and vanilla aromas are added to the feed. Bream is able to smell food, being at a considerable distance from it. The color of the groundbait also plays an important role. Yellow, green and red tones are preferred. Better when, bait slightly stands out from the color of the soil.

In the strong course of the river, the food is quickly washed away, but as practice has shown, it is located in relative proximity to the feeder. Thus, it is worth delivering the bait with the feeder as accurately as possible to a precisely defined place over and over again. It is based on the bait that will be used for fishing. It can be a chopped worm or bloodworm. From herbal supplements, corn, peas are suitable. Barley is also useful. But it is better not to add bran, sunflower seeds.

Mix the forage mass with a small amount of clay or river soil. Correctly selected bait components will lead to successful fishing of large fish.

Having correctly organized and prepared for catching bream in March, a beginner will not be left without a catch. Of course, the activity of large bream in March is weaker than in the warmer months of spring, but you should definitely count on catching large bream.

It is better to throw the feeder closer to the direction of the current, then the water flow will not press so much on the tackle. The bait should not spread along the bottom, it should remain in the selected area. Therefore, the mixture is prepared heavy with large and medium particles of feed.

When fishing for bream in March on a feeder, the best option for a feeder would be a flat one on fast-flowing rivers, or an oval one rolling in stagnant water. The weight of the feeder is also chosen depending on the strength of the current.

The difficulty is playing the bream. To withstand the fish's jerks, the line is held between the index and middle fingers. At the same time, the sharp twitching of the white fish is amortized, smoothly moving the arms at the elbows and shoulders. Patiently bring the caught fish to the hole of the hole, trying to push it to the surface. A breath of air will lead the fish to a stupor, and it will not resist.

Catching bream on a feeder in March video

Features of catching bream on a feeder in early spring in March

The water gets warmer in March with a feeder on the river behind a bream video

After hibernation with a feeder on a bream video

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