Fishing on TV. Fishing screen

This unsightly homemade fishing tackle is widely popular with fishermen. It is popularly called "TV set" because it resembles a TV screen in shape.

How to do it yourself

The fishing screen has a very simple design, consisting of a rectangular frame measuring 1.5x1.5 meters. The frame is made of any material: wood, metal, etc. The frame is made in such a way that the screen is securely held as in standing water, and on the flow. This tackle requires a load, so many anglers weld a frame made of metal rods with a diameter of 6-8mm. The design turns out to be moderately light and interesting: not as massive as it is obtained from wooden beams.

  • A woven mesh cloth is attached to a metal or wooden frame. We can immediately say that the thinner the material of the netting, the more attractive the tackle for fish. The canvas is attached to the frame with a strong artificial thread. In this case, it is necessary to fasten each cell of the canvas.
  • There is one caveat here: do not stretch the canvas. The more it sags, the more effective the tackle will be. Loops are formed at the corners of the screen for applying a powerful rope to them, with the help of which the screen is pulled out of the water. The design is as follows: a piece of rope up to 1.5 meters long is tied to the loops, after which all four ropes are tied into one knot, and a longer rope is tied to this knot. It allows you to pull the fishing screen out of the water without any problems.
  • A load is attached to the lower part of the canvas, which makes the mesh sag, otherwise the screen will be ineffective without it.
  • The fishing screen is thrown either from the shore or from the boat. Moreover, the technology of its use is such that it must be suspended in the water column, otherwise there will be no sagging of the network web. This is easy to organize from a boat, but if you fish from the shore, you will have to experiment a little. You can tie a long stick to a rope and use it to lower the screen into the water.
  • Screens can be used for catching small fish (for live bait) or large. To catch live bait, you should put a canvas with small cells (up to 20mm), and for catching large fish, you should put a canvas with 35mm or more cells. To further lure the fish, you can attach a bait to the bottom of the screen. It can be bread crusts, bread crusts, etc.

    Below we will talk about what a screen is in general in the language of anglers and how to use it in different fishing places. Let's start with the definition.

    The screen is a device for catching fish, which in most cases is a rectangular mesh fabric, to one side of which a bamboo stick (float) is tied, to the opposite - a metal rod (weight). Actually in the photo below it is.

    There is also another form. It is less productive, but more inconspicuous and easier to operate. Triangular fishing screen

    This design is a little simpler in that a piece of Styrofoam or a bottle can be used as a float instead of a bamboo stick, which is less noticeable.

    That is, a plus of this design: invisibility

    And minus: smaller footprint

    What can be said directly about the fishing technique on the screen.

    Perhaps the most suitable place for installation is a calm channel with a depth of 0.5-1.5 meters or a small rivulet.

    It is better to place the screen parallel to the river flow. In this position, the probability of damage to the tackle by floating snags and other debris is small.

    The size of the intended fish depends on what cell size is on your screen.

    Since the fish is mostly caught and stays in the net after putting its head into the cell and catching on with gills. Therefore, if a medium-sized fish predominates in a reservoir, then the cell should also be appropriate.

    As with any fishing method, don't forget about bait. You can read about which one to use here.

    If you count on putting on several screens in the evening and taking them off in the morning to catch at least half a bucket of fish, then you will need to install from 10 to 50 screens at the same time. With a little practice, you can fit in a couple of hours by installing all 50 screens.

    The optimal screen size is 1.5 X 1.5 meters. They sell less in the store, but we do not recommend them. If fishing on screens takes place in shallow water, then you can use oblong LCD screens))) with a size of about 1 X 1.5 meters.

    Fish that can be caught on the screen: chub, murzak, black-belly, barbel, crucian carp, roach, roach, perch, etc.

    Good bite to you!

    Screen Fishing, 8.7 out of 10 based on 35 ratings

    Catching on the screen in summer (screen fishing)

    Rice and water proportions for the perfect meal.

    The recipe for the most delicious barbecue! TOP - 10 most mushroom places in the Samara province. Awning on boat pvc do it yourself.

    Pike fishing with a twister. As a rule, fishing screens are used in the summer, when nothing interferes with their installation.

    They are installed on ponds, in bays, in river backwaters, but the use of screens in the course is quite problematic. In conclusion, I would like to say that fishing screens are part of passive fishing, which many fishermen do not tolerate in principle, preferring active types of fishing, as well as fishing float rods or feeder gear.

    The simplicity of the design, the ability to assemble it yourself, the cheapness when buying, for example, in my region they offer screens from p for product, this attracts fishermen with this product. Now let's talk about ease of use. It would seem, throw the screen into the water and wait for the catch. Of course, having previously secured it to the shore. Although they are not so obvious and take some time.

    How to make a TV for fishing do-it-yourself fishing screen

    Therefore, they are suitable for people with a large margin of time, say, pensioners or schoolchildren at the time of summer holidays for three months, this is no longer very suitable for few people on vacation if there are other plans besides fishing and a family .... Today we want to talk about the tackle, which is familiar to many since childhood, because of its ease of manufacture and low cost, it is very often used by fishing enthusiasts. The article will be about how to make a fishing TV, or very often in many regions of the CIS it is called a fishing screen for good fishing. Catching Fish On Screens In The Snow River [Catching Fish On Screen Videos] A unique way to catch fish! It's funny when fishing when the fish doesn't bite at all! The beauty was lucky to fish, the fish is clearly afraid of the reaction of fish to supplementary feeding with a feeder and balls underwater video winter fishing Catching on the screen Self-expanding spider for winter catching TV three-walled screen for catching fish with a cut Motivation for fishing IN WINTER ON THE GIRL Catching fish in winter Fishing with a screen and bait trolling. Only for a beginner at first, an unexplored tackle can cause a lot of inconvenience.

    Catching fish on the screen

    In fact, the advantage of fishing on the screen is, for example, in the fact that during fishing you can additionally cast a fishing rod or spinning rod. A fish that has landed on your screen will not be able to get out of it until the arrival of the fisherman. However, before acquiring such a device, you should remember: This does not at all depend on what is caught on it much less than on a net or even on bottom fishing rod... So, before you learn how to fish with a screen, you need to master the device and the principle of operation of this device itself. If it is too high, then a hard spinning rod with a reel is used, or a telescopic rod with the upper knees removed. Seeing that the float twitched, danced on the water, the catcher raises the tackle and, if he does not see the fish entangled in the cells of the net, immediately lowers it. Obviously, successful fishing is possible only where there is a lot of large bleak and it is hungry. Where large bleak abounds, but for some reason is full, which happens quite rarely, sometimes they use pieces of cake or crackers to be tied to the float, dropping unrefined sunflower oil on them, but the results of fishing with natural bait are always more modest.

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  • Even catching bleak on top with a float rod is more interesting, there is at least a chance of biting a chub or a roach that has risen to the surface…. Occasionally this does happen, but it is still better to catch predators with gear specially designed for them. For the general scheme of the track, see. The net itself is usually not involved in casting: The weight of the carabiners is compensated by two large foam floats, they also help to ensure that the residual tension of the elastic does not prevent the net from standing in the water in a regular rectangle.

    The mesh pitch depends on the size of the intended prey. Naturally, the small size of the net allows you to achieve good catches only with an excellent knowledge of the reservoir and the habits of the fish inhabiting it.

    Catching on the screen in summer from the shore: a screen for catching fish with your own hands

    A set of lures 34 items. What you need to know when going fishing Algae and fish bait Let's talk about the lack of bite Aromatic bait - choose to taste Picker equipment and bait when fishing Let's talk about bait and its preparation.

    How to fish with a screen or the "old-fashioned" method

    Add comment Cancel reply Your e-mail will not be published. Site Search Find: Proudly powered by WordPress theme by WP Blogs. Although this method does not provide for a large catch of fish, as with the help of other tackle or nets, but still the regulatory authorities strictly monitor the conservation of most fish species.

    Sometimes fishermen think that because they have small, hand-made fishing TVs, it doesn't concern them. But everyone should remember that during the spawning season, you need to refrain from fishing. During this period, prepare all your supplies in order for the new season.

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  • Catching a goby on the Sea of ​​Azov. Leave a comment Cancel reply Your e-mail will not be published. Cruel Fish Catching is just a Snake. CATCHING ON SCREENS 3. To align the order, the movement of boats must be slowed down, from time to time paddling in the opposite direction. When fishing float in half-water, the net is supported at a given depth by additional buoys attached to the net on buoy lines or buoy lines.

    Taking a larger or smaller length of the buoy line, you can lower the net deeper or, conversely, raise it closer to the surface, depending on the horizon on which the fish is holding. The buoys used to be the so-called kukhtyls, now plastic lemonade and beer bottles are widely used. A flowing river network is a rectangular mesh bed with a mesh size corresponding to the size of the intended prey.

    Such a dense landing increases the catching power of the net. To increase the catchability, sometimes the net is placed only on the upper, floating cord, while the net hangs down freely, like a curtain on a window. Such smooth nets are called samoplavami. If the net is designed to float on the surface of the water, then the floating cord must hold the net and sinkers in the water. At the same time, at least double buoyancy is provided. The lower part should be relatively heavy; to achieve this, it will be possible to attach a load to the bottom, this should only be done if the weight of the lower bar is quite small. Top part should be afloat and indicate that a fish has hit the screen. A well dried and painted with waterproof paint can serve as a float. As a rule, a long rope is tied to the top of the screen, with which it can be easily removed from the water. When throwing several screens, their location must be marked in some way in order to easily navigate and find them. So, we can say that for the manufacture of the screen, the main materials are: Switch to English sign up. Learning to knit fishing nets and screens.

    Catching fish on video screen

    A fishing TV screen is a small fixed net, usually 1 meter long. Its device is very simple: Despite this, craftsmen make two-, three-walled, as well as frame options. For fishing live bait, a wicker net with a minimum mesh size is used. Despite the ban, fishing with such folk nets continues to this day.

    Most of the fishermen, on principle, are engaged in fishing with rods, it is pleasant, interesting and enjoy the process of fishing itself. There is also the opposite group of fishermen who prefer to get the result, either they are not interested in pleasure at all, or a big catch is the main interest of the fisherman. To all who wish to receive good catch without straining, fishing screens are offered. Next, we will talk about how to properly attach the fishing screen, use and knit by hand.

    What is a fishing screen?

    A screen fishing tackle is a device with equal sides in length (sometimes rectangular in shape) that catches unsuspecting fish in cells. It is attributed to handicraft fishing gear, it is easy to knit by hand, and the result will not be long in coming. Screens are often used by fishermen for catching live bait for predatory fish, they are installed near the shore and already during the collection of tackle it is possible to catch from several to ten pieces of trifles.

    The screen is often used on different reservoirs, but this is most justified on rivers with minimal currents, on reservoirs with stagnant water. They show themselves most effectively on the warm days of late spring and summer, when small change comes to the shore to profit. An analogue of this device - a scarf, which is adapted for winter fishing, is made in a triangular shape. The kerchief is lowered into the hole and a float is tied to it, a piece of wood that signals the capture of a fish.

    It is better to use three-wall fishing screens, as they are stronger than single-wall screens, but also more noticeable for fish.

    Screens are often used to catch live bait on predatory fish

    Open water screens can be installed in two ways:

    • at a distance from the coast, a boat is used to bring tackle;
    • close to the shore. Often it is possible to catch big fish next to a dam or when casting a screen from a bridge near supporting columns.

    This specific fishing tackle is easy to use, but you will have to use a swimming device to get a big catch. The boat makes it easier to get the tackle to the right place. Fishing with a screen far from the coast is often more effective, and near the coast it is possible to catch only small fish, usually in small quantities.

    Recommended for manufacturing fishing screen additionally make a pole of wood to which the rope is attached. At the end of the rope, a hook is fixed that can catch on the floating fishing line. The device makes it easier to remove the screen from the water.

    Is fishing on a fishing screen legal?

    The use of fishing screens ("televisions") is an illegal business, and a fine is imposed for it throughout Russia. With the help of the assembled screen, it will not be possible to catch a lot of fish, in terms of catching power the tackle is inferior to donk and nets, but even taking this fact into account, the Rybnadzor prohibits the use of the device.

    This is a risky tackle that is used at your own risk. Even a small, hand-made construction is subject to fines. During spawning, the law is especially strict, now it is more correct to completely abandon fishing, even with fishing rods.

    Fishing with a screen far from the coast is more effective.

    When and where can the fishing screen be used?

    There are no difficulties in using the "TV" as a beginner in fishing, and a seasoned fisherman. If you have a boat, it is better to put the screen into the water, but in extreme cases, a cast from the shore is performed. Those who often fish on the "TV" often make a special fishing rod to deliver the tackle. When fishing, a long stick becomes an improvised rod.

    It is better to install fishing nets and screens in the place where the prey feeds; it is also effective to install the tackle in narrow channels where fish migrate. To increase the effectiveness of the bait, you need to tie a common bait in the center: bread crumb, porridge, cake, etc.

    Fishermen have come up with a very unusual method of luring prey with the help of Christmas tree tinsel, its particles are attached on all sides of the net and lure the fish with glare from the falling sun. The method is applicable for peace-loving and predatory fish.

    Before calculating the fishing screen, it is important to determine the type of potential prey in the body of water. Usually, small, medium-sized individuals of the most common fish in the reservoir fall into the nets. When making a screen, they often count on the size of a small crucian carp, a rudd.

    Despite the obsolescence of the tackle and penalties for fishermen, three-walled screens without equipment are actively sold on the net and are used throughout the country.

    The popularity of the fishing method is due to:

    • ease of manufacture;
    • availability of all elements of the tackle;
    • low cost of the screen;
    • high mobility of the fisherman;
    • universal use.

    Due to the listed advantages, knitting of three-wall screens will be popular for more than one year.

    Effectively set tackle in the area where fish feed

    Self-made fishing screen

    On the initial stage Many anglers simply buy gear from shops or other fishermen to learn fishing. As the amount of knowledge increases, there is a desire to make their own devices in order to become independent and save money.

    Before making a fishing screen with your own hands, it is important to prepare the materials.

    What materials do you need for a homemade fishing screen?

    The following materials will help to manually make fishing screens from fishing line:

    Fishing Screen Making Instructions

    It is better to buy a net for tackle, since weaving the net for a long time, and the profit is minimal. If the fisherman prefers weaving on his own, he will have to stock up on fishing line and endurance.

    Line screens can be handcrafted

    How to weave a fishing screen from a fishing line:

    1. Initially, we do delhi - the main part of the grid and the screen, a network is assembled from a number of such elements.
    2. At the edges, the delis are fixed on a strong rope or wire that serves as a frame.
    3. We carry out the planting of the mesh. There are 3 basic types of fit: 1: 2, 1: 3, 1:15, which means that a net is attached every 2, 3 and 15 nets.

    It will not be possible to knit a fishing screen with your own hands too large, most often the dimensions fluctuate within 1.5 m2.

    Before assembling the fishing screen, it is important to determine the size of the mesh in the net. The dimensions of the cell depend on the size of the expected catch:

    • 2 cm - for live bait and small change;
    • 2.5-3.5 cm - for perch and roach;
    • 4-5 cm - for medium crucian carp and small bream;
    • 12-14 cm - for a large pike.

    Making a fishing screen with your own hands:

    Advice! Do not pull the net over the frame too much, it is better to tie it with a little loosening, then the fish will not feel danger at the first touch with the line.

    Fishing tactics and technique

    There are no special secrets on how to use the fishing screen. "TV" is not the main means of the fisherman, but only performs an auxiliary function: catching live bait for a predator, catching small things to prevent unwanted bites and catching small things to attract predatory fish. The screen also helps to catch fish on the ear and is only used as a last resort for catching trophy fish.

    How to equip and use the fishing screen:

    • elements are tied in the center or along the edges to attract attention: garland, bait;
    • installed on "fish trails" where prey is constantly moving;
    • thrown in the gap between the algae;
    • hooks at the edges of the screen cannot be used, otherwise there is a high risk of being caught and a stuck fish scares away other peace-loving relatives;
    • when knitting a net, it is better to use a thin fishing line that is invisible to the fish's eye;
    • you should not use wooden sticks as a frame, as they float up and you have to install a heavy weight.

    There are no special secrets on how to use the fishing screen

    Installing the fishing screen

    The most promising fishing spots are narrow channels, areas without vegetation at the bottom, places where predators chase fry. This is where the screen is best installed. The casting process itself is extremely simple. If a boat is used, it is enough to swim up to the terrain and gently lower the tackle. In the absence of a float, a long and strong stick is used for casting, it also simply lowers the "TV". A similar method - lowering the screen is performed from a bridge and other surface structure.

    How to properly fit the fishing screen:

    1. We take the shuttle and attach the fishing line to it.
    2. We tie the end of the shuttle to the last cell, and for it we tie the pick-up cord.
    3. The shuttle is threaded every 3, 5 cells (selected individually).
    4. We attach the cell to the cord and continue fastening until the entire mesh is tied to the base.

    And finally, a few tips:

    • the tackle is effectively used in summer, in places where there are no obstacles for the installation of the screen;
    • the screen is convenient to use in stagnant water, and during the flow the structure does not show itself very stable;
    • it is better to fix the bait in the center of the screen or fix it next to the sinker;
    • periodically it is worth tossing bait, careless fish will fall into the net while collecting food;
    • you cannot overdo it with bait, otherwise the fed fish will swim away;
    • some anglers treat their nets with flavorings that attract fish from remote areas of the reservoir.

    There is a very ambiguous opinion about fishing "TV sets": some people love them because of the simplicity of their manufacture and the passive method of obtaining a catch, but many do not stand up to it, since the tackle is not sporting and of little interest. Regardless of opinions, the tackle shows a good result, so it will be relevant for a long time.

    Some fishermen, in principle, fish exclusively with rods for their own pleasure. Others prefer to relax and use a fishing screen that is simple to make and use, and is inexpensive. In this article, you will learn how to make a do-it-yourself fishing screen, because many fishermen prefer to make a do-it-yourself fishing screen.

    The fishing screen is a popular rectangular or square shaped device that belongs to the artisanal fishing gear. Because of its shape, it is also called "fishing TV". The fishing screen allows you to fish without difficulty, especially small ones (for bait).

    Fishing screens are best installed on reservoirs, ponds, rivers, where there is no current, and especially on warm spring-summer days. But this does not mean that it is impossible to fish in this way in winter. There is a so-called fishing scarf, the principle of its manufacture is the same, but it has a triangular shape, which is lowered into the hole and a float is used as a wooden block.

    Fishing screen

    You can install such gear in two ways:

    • in open water from a boat or boat;
    • near the coast, from a bridge, from a dam.

    It is much easier to catch fish from a boat, since you can choose any place of the catch in the reservoir and calmly throw the tackle for a strong thread with a float. In any case, installing the TV from a boat will be more effective than from the shore because of the reeds.

    You have to additionally make a wooden pole with a rope. At the end of the rope, attach a hook that could catch on a fishing line or cord floating in the water, and thus get the TV.

    Legality of fishing

    Fishermen are fined for using fishing screens. Although this method does not provide for a large catch of fish, as with the help of other tackle or nets, but still the regulatory authorities strictly monitor the conservation of most fish species.

    Sometimes fishermen think that because they have small, hand-made fishing TVs, it doesn't concern them. But everyone should remember that during the spawning season, you need to refrain from fishing.

    During this period, prepare all your supplies in order for the new season.

    Screen device

    Fishing Screen Making Instructions

    Every real fisherman will sooner or later think about how to make a TV set for fishing with his own hands. To do this, he will need the following materials:

    • float made of lightweight material (foam);
    • plastic tube, wooden block (bamboo stick);
    • mesh fabric;
    • cargo (metal rods);
    • fishing line, nylon threads, cord.

    Let's consider in more detail step by step instructions how to make a fishing screen:

    1. Usually the width and length of a fishing TV is 1.5 meters. But depending on the depth of the reservoir, the length of the screen is sometimes increased;
    2. In the manufacture of the upper part (float), a plastic sealed tube or a flat wooden block covered with waterproof varnish or paint is used;
    3. A load of metal rods is used as the lower part, so that the screen can be easily lowered to the bottom of the reservoir. Some fishermen additionally attach bait in the center of the screen;
    4. The next step is to prepare the mesh fabric, which must match the dimensions of the frame. The mesh sizes of the mesh fabric depend on the purpose and use of such gear. Typically, they range in size from 15 to 50 mm;
    5. The finished mesh fabric is attached to the upper and lower parts of the frame using a strong nylon thread that passes through each mesh cell. For effective catching of fish, the mesh fabric should be made of thin high-quality threads so that the screen is not visible in the water, and also should not be pulled strongly over the metal frame;
    6. On both sides of the upper part of the frame, two nylon or fishing line rods are attached, which smoothly turn into a cord or thick fishing line no less than 0.7 mm in size, at the tip of which a foam float is attached, floating on the water surface. This is necessary in order to determine the location of the TV and find out if a fish has been caught;
    7. The DIY fishing screen is ready to use. Although such tackle does not differ in durability, it does not harm other fish and does not pollute water resources.

    The fishing screen is a small self-made fixed net, which in everyday life is called the simple word "TV". This network got its name due to the fact that in its shape it resembles a flat-panel TV.

    The screen itself is a simple mechanism. First, a TV frame is made - a rectangular frame.

    Its sides should reach an average of 1.5-2 meters in length. The upper part of the screen can be made from a regular strip or wooden block.

    The lower one is made of a heavier stick (you can also use a rail). The upper and lower split screens ensure its reliable fixation in stagnant water and in small currents.

    The netting is attached to the finished frame using a strong thread. The thread must be fastened at the beginning of the stick (slats) and begin to put the cells on the thread and tie to the stick.

    It is worth remembering that the smaller the thickness of the thread of the netting, the more fish you can catch. Fishing nets are more catchy, but they are not as durable.

    Netting is made from braided cord or twisted rope

    Each cell of the canvas is tied to the edge in a spiral. The thread is passed from the top to the bottom, without missing a single cell, thus stretching in a straight line. The net will work the more efficiently, the lower the tension of the netting. Also, the length of the thread between the top and bottom will directly depend on the height of the fishing screen.

    One centimeter from the edge of the rails on both sides you need to make loop knots to secure the ends of the screen and the net thread. A load is attached to the bottom of the assembled canvas.

    At the top, a fishing line with a float is usually attached. It will be on the surface of the water and indicate that a fish has been caught.

    You can install a hard float in the form of a dried and painted with waterproof paint stick. The fishing screen is installed in two ways: it is lowered on a line or rope from a boat or thrown from the shore.

    A long rope is tied at one end of the screen, with the help of which the structure can be easily pulled to the shore. If several fishing screens are installed, be sure to mark in some way the place where they are located, so that later they can be easily found.

    A computer screen is measured in inches and the number of pixels that can be displayed horizontally and vertically on the display. The physical size in inches cannot be reduced, but you cannot set a smaller number of pixels, i.e. it is possible to reduce the screen resolution.

    To do this, follow these steps.

    Right click on an empty space on your desktop. In the drop-down menu, select "Personalization" (in the operating system Windows XP and earlier, this item is called "Properties").

    You will see a component that allows you to configure appearance screen. Click on the "Display Settings" section.

    In the window that opens, slide the "Resolution" slider to the left. In this case, below will be displayed to what value the screen resolution has decreased.

    For example, at first it was 1280 × 800, and now it is 640 × 480 pixels (dots). Click "OK" to save your changes.

    The screen will turn off for a few seconds and then turn on with a new resolution. Windows will ask you to confirm the new display settings within 10 seconds, otherwise they will return to the old ones.

    Click "OK" if they suit you. For sight, it is safest to use a screen at the maximum resolution of the monitor.

    • vkontakte how to make a big screen

    Fine-meshed nets (with a mesh of less than 20 millimeters) are used for catching small fish. The larger the network, the large sizes fish can get caught.

    A fishing screen is rarely used as an independent tackle. It usually performs auxiliary functions.

    • how to make a fishing net

    Rice and water proportions for the perfect meal.

    The recipe for the most delicious barbecue! TOP - 10 most mushroom places in the Samara province. DIY PVC boat tent.

    Pike fishing with a twister. As a rule, fishing screens are used in the summer, when nothing interferes with their installation.

    How to fish with a screen or the "old-fashioned" method

    They are installed on ponds, in bays, in river backwaters, but the use of screens in the course is quite problematic. In conclusion, I would like to say that fishing screens are part of passive fishing, which many fishermen do not tolerate in principle, preferring active types of fishing, as well as fishing with float rods or feeder tackle.

    The simplicity of the design, the ability to assemble it yourself, the cheapness when buying, for example, in my region they offer screens from p for product, this attracts fishermen with this product. Now let's talk about ease of use. It would seem, throw the screen into the water and wait for the catch. Of course, having previously secured it to the shore. Although they are not so obvious and take some time.

    A set of lures 34 items. What you need to know when going fishing Algae and fish bait Let's talk about the lack of bite Aromatic bait - choose to taste Picker equipment and bait when fishing Let's talk about bait and its preparation.

    The fishing screen has a very simple design, consisting of a rectangular frame measuring 1.5x1.5 meters. The frame is made of any material: wood, metal, etc. The frame is made in such a way that the screen is securely held both in stagnant water and in the current. This tackle requires a load, so many anglers weld a frame made of metal rods with a diameter of 6-8mm. The design turns out to be moderately light and interesting: not as massive as it is obtained from wooden beams.

  • A woven mesh cloth is attached to a metal or wooden frame. We can immediately say that the thinner the material of the netting, the more attractive the tackle for fish. The canvas is attached to the frame with a strong artificial thread. In this case, it is necessary to fasten each cell of the canvas.
  • There is one caveat here: do not stretch the canvas. The more it sags, the more effective the tackle will be. Loops are formed at the corners of the screen for applying a powerful rope to them, with the help of which the screen is pulled out of the water. The design is as follows: a piece of rope up to 1.5 meters long is tied to the loops, after which all four ropes are tied into one knot, and a longer rope is tied to this knot. It allows you to pull the fishing screen out of the water without any problems.
  • A load is attached to the lower part of the canvas, which makes the mesh sag, otherwise the screen will be ineffective without it.
  • The fishing screen is thrown either from the shore or from the boat. Moreover, the technology of its use is such that it must be suspended in the water column, otherwise there will be no sagging of the network web. This is easy to organize from a boat, but if you fish from the shore, you will have to experiment a little. You can tie a long stick to a rope and use it to lower the screen into the water.
  • Homemade fishing screen - easy and simple!

    If you haven't changed your mind and still want to make a fishing screen, let's get started. This will require the following materials:

    • a float made of foam;
    • a bar of metal or, as it is called in another way, a bar;
    • wooden lath;
    • fishing line;
    • mesh cloth;
    • nylon thread or cord.

    A good angler in his arsenal has many types of tackle, lures and other accessories for any season. fishing... In addition, any professional angler needs to have in his fishing gear such a fishing device as a fishing screen.

    Many fishermen are familiar with him since early childhood... It is easy to manufacture and does not require large investments to manufacture it.

    Since not all fishermen have enough finances to buy it at a fishing store, let's see how you can make a homemade fishing screen or, as it is called, a fishing TV, right at home and save your hard-earned money.

    In fact, you should not expect a big catch with the help of a fishing screen, but this device is very much loved by both adult fishermen and children. With it, you can catch enough fish in your ear or just fry, but the most important feature of the fishing screen is that it does not pollute the fish habitat, that is, the body of water, and does not harm the fish.

    You can catch about the same amount of fish with this device as with a spinning rod or a fishing rod, but the only difference is that you cannot catch large fish with it. After all, the pleasure is not in what kind of fish you catch, but in the very process of fishing.

    Stages of making a fishing screen

    1. To make a fishing screen, you need a square or rectangular frame. You can choose the sizes by eye. The dimensions depend on the depth of the reservoir and the place where you are going to throw it.
    2. The float or the top of the screen is made from a bamboo or wooden stick that needs to be varnished. This process is necessary to ensure that the wooden structure does not swell in water. You can, of course, not varnish, but this can subsequently destroy the structure. The weights or the lower part must be made of heavy materials to immerse the screen to the bottom of the reservoir. For the bottom of the fishing screen, you can use a metal bar. Then we cut the canvas from the mesh to the size of the prepared frame in the lower and upper parts of the canvas and pull the cord. This must be done on each cell or at least after one.
    3. When you have a prepared frame, you need to fasten a mesh fabric to it using a strong thread. This is done in the following steps: first, we fix the end of the thread to the bamboo stick, then the mesh cell must be tied in other places with the thread. And this continues until the mesh fabric is completely fixed to our frame. A similar procedure needs to be done with a metal rod.
    4. After that, from the side of the canvas, we pass the prepared thread in the form of a spiral, starting from a stick and ending with a bar, while not a single cell can be skipped. This is necessary in order to release the tension on the net under water, and while lifting the net to the surface of the water.
    5. We fix the cord on the stick in the middle, then we hook the float to it, for the manufacture of which foam was used. The presence of a float is necessary in order to know where the fishing screen is located.

    Note: A net made from line is the most catchy of a net made from twisted rope, while a net made from a line has a shorter life than a net.

    Fishing Screen Installation Methods

    There are two ways to install the fishing screen:

    1. The first installation method is from the shore. In this case, you need to tie a rope to the screen body and throw it into the pond, and when you need to pull it out, just pull the rope towards you and the screen will come out.
    2. The second way is from a boat. In this case, the screen is lowered to the bottom of the reservoir using a nylon thread with a float to any desired location.

    It should be noted that in most cases the fishing screen is used from a boat in the middle of the reservoir. And remember not to overuse the fishing screen.

    Dear fishermen! Earlier on this page there was an article about how to make a TV for fishing or a fishing screen with your own hands... But due to the fact that this type fishing is prohibited by the law of the Russian Federation, we received a letter with the following content:

    In accordance with part 7 of article 15.1 of the Federal Law dated July 27, 2006 No. 149-FZ "On information, information technology and protection of information "we notify that on the basis of the decision of the court / authorized federal executive body (Stanovlyansky District Court - Lipetsk Region) dated 19.12..html is included in the" Unified Register of Domain Names, Pointers of Internet Site Pages and Network Addresses, allowing to identify sites on the Internet, containing information, the distribution of which in Russian Federation prohibited ", register number 607031-RI due to the fact that this information contains information, the dissemination of which in the Russian Federation is prohibited by a court decision.

    Information has been posted on the method of manufacturing and modernizing the fishing "TV set", which is a prohibited fishing gear and a method of mass destruction of biological resources, recognized as prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    From the moment you receive this notice, you must immediately delete the information, the distribution of which is prohibited in the Russian Federation.

    I don't even know why fishing tackle has been pursued like a fishing TV for many years. Big catch You can't catch it on it, except perhaps on the ear, it doesn't do any serious damage to the fish, it doesn't pollute the ecological environment, in general, in terms of catch, it's not much different from fishing with a fishing rod or spinning, except that you can't catch a large catch on a fishing TV, but it's clear that fishing in this case will be an excellent recreation for many.

    What is Fishing TV:

    1. Fishing TV is a rectangular or square frame. Its dimensions are usually 1.5 by 1.5 meters or 1.5 meters long and 1.0 meters wide, depending on the depth of the reservoir at the place of casting. Many craftsmen choose sizes that correspond to previously looked after places.
    2. The top of the TV (float) is an ordinary wooden rail or bamboo stick, one and a half meters long. Coated with varnish so that it swells less in water. The lower part (weights) is a heavier material so that the screen sinks to the bottom. Most often it is a metal bar.
    3. On the finished frame, the netting is fixed with a strong thread. At the beginning of the bamboo stick or rail, one end of the thread is fixed, the mesh cells are tied in several places with a nylon thread to the end of the rail. Also with a metal bar.
    4. In the side of the canvas, there is a nylon thread or cord in a spiral from a bamboo stick to a metal bar, without missing a single cell.
    5. On the top wooden rail in the middle, a cord or nylon thread is tied, to which a foam float is attached, so that you can see the place on the surface of the water where the fishing TV is installed.
      Line mesh is considered to be more catchy than silk thread or twisted rope, but the service life of line mesh is less than that of netting.

    The size of the caught fish depends on the size of the cell, if the cell is 18 mm, then this is a medium-sized catch, such a fish will be good as bait for a predator. And if 24 mm, then it will be larger. Whichever method you fish, do not forget to feed the fishing grounds. Then your fishing trip will end with an excellent fish soup and a wonderful dinner in nature. Please do not use prohibited fishing methods such as fishing TV or fishing screen.

    Why is it forbidden to use fishing TV:

    1. Refers to methods of mass destruction of biological resources
    2. It kills fish if it is in the water without the supervision of a fisherman, that is, if your fishing screen is carried away by the current, a huge amount of fish will suffer, it just gets stuck and rots alive.

    What methods of installing fishing screens are prohibited:

    1. From the shore, when a rope is tied to a stick or pole, with the help of which, after the catch, you can deliver the TV to the shore.
    2. From the boat, when the fishing screen is lowered by a nylon thread with a float to the desired installation location.
    3. Others, all kinds of ways to install screens and fish in open water.

    It is also prohibited to fish in holes in winter period, but for such a method, they often use fishing scarves... The klondike is similar to a TV, but the canvas has a triangular shape and instead of a wooden rail, a float is installed at the top point.

    Attention! Fishing TVs and screens are prohibited by the law of the Russian Federation.

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