New Year's winter sports leisure for the middle group. "Winter fun"

« Winter fun»

Winter sports integrated entertainment scenario in the middle group.

Prepared by:

Head of physical culture Gabueva O.G.

Educator Akhverdova I.G.

Kokoeva Z.K.


Teacher speech therapist Lavrukhina E.N.

Educator-psychologist Albegova T.A.

MBDOU number 51

North Ossetia-Alania

G. Vladikavkaz

2018 - 2019 academic year year.

Target: Create an emotional mood, familiarizing children with healthy way life through revitalizing motor activity... Show options for games with children in winter.


- generalize children's knowledge about winter as a season;

Develop attention, dexterity, accuracy, endurance, quickness, ability to act on a signal;

Foster goodwill, interest in winter fun.

Equipment: emblems for teams: "Snowflakes" and "Icicles",: sticks - 2 pcs, paper snowflakes; hoops, golf clubs, dummies - snowballs, skittles, a pair of felt boots, skis 2 pairs; phonograms: march of Suvorova, songs "Russian winters", balls.

Preliminary work: Strengthen the knowledge of children about winter sports by reading stories about winter, looking at illustrations: winter views sports, winter fun.

Holiday progress

Held in the hall.

Children enter the hall with cheerful music.


Well guys,

Guess the riddle:

Snow in the fields

Ice on the rivers

The blizzard is walking

When does this happen?

Children ... In winter!


We begin the winter holiday

We invite you to visit Winter!

To the Russian folk melody "Russian Winters", Zima appears - a psychologist dressed as Zima.


Hello kids,

Boys and girls!

I, Winter, is white,

I, Winter is snowy,

I am a Russian beauty ...

Educator. Do the guys like winter?

Children : Yes!


Yes, I know

That the children are glad to Winter!

We will continue the holidaylet's jump, run, play!

If you want to become skillful, dexterous, fast, strong, courageous,

Never lose heart, hit the target with snowballs,

In a sled down the hill, quickly rush and get on your skis!

Here is the secret of health - be healthy! Physical education

Children: Hey!

Educator: Is everyone ready for the competition?

Children: Ready!

Winter : But is everyone healthy?

I will ask you to stand up nicely and execute the commands:

Everybody breathe, don't breathe, everything is in order, step back.

Raise your hands together, excellent, rest.

Bend over, straighten up, stand up straight, smile!

Everyone is cheerful and healthy, ready to compete.

Winter : Decide in two teams,

Become one after another!

Children form two teams of 10-12 people.


This is the team - "Icicle"!

This is the team - "Snowflake"!

Attention! Attention! We start the winter competition!

Educator: We give the floor to the teams. They will say their greetings.

Team "Snowflakes" We will be happy, fast, beautiful snowflakes.

We fluffy snowflakes will be friendly and dexterous.

We will diligently go through all the relay races today.

And, of course, we may gain a moment of victory!

Icicles team We are icicles cold, but shiny and slender.

We will try very hard

We love to do sports, run, jump and throw.

Together we will win!

Instructor: ( conducts relay races)

Instructor: Guys, what games do you like to play in winter?

Children: (Answers: sledding, skiing, playing snowballs, making fortresses out of the snow of snowmen)children pronounce"We are not afraid of threats, and we are not afraid of frost."

An outdoor game "Freeze" is being held. Together with parents.


Come on guys, guess the riddle:

The parachute flutters naughty cheerfully

It is delicate and carved, and melts in the palm of your hand. (Snowflake)

    Relay "Make a snowdrift"

(Distribute a snowflake to the children, they perform snake jumps on two legs around the pins, put snowflakes in a hoop and run back.)


The next riddle: In the courtyard in the morning there was a game, the kids were playing.

Shouts: "puck!", "Past!", "Hit!" - it means there is a game - .... (Hockey)

Now, children, let's show the Snowman how accurate and dexterous we are.

2. Relay "Hockey with a ball" (with a club to score a small ball into the goal)

Instructor: Our guys do physical education every day in kindergarten, I think that they will cope with this task as well.

3. Relay "Running in felt boots"

(Running in one felt boot to the landmark and back. During the relay, Zima is “rooting for” children, trying to help some)

Educator: Look guys

Take magic snowballs in your hands as soon as possible, show your accuracy.

4. Relay "Hit the hole with a snowball"

Each player is given a dummy snowball. He must throw it into the "hole" (into the hoop) lying on the floor.

Educator: Guess the riddle.

Two birch horsesThey carry me through the snowThese horses are red,And their names are ... (skis)

5. Relay "Cross-country skiing"

Each team is given a pair of skis. The player puts on and runs them to the cone and passes them back to the next player.

6. Ice Caves Relay Children climb through the "ice cave" (tunnel)

7. Formation of related words. Game "Tell me a word".

Speech therapist: “In winter everything is covered with white fluffy snow, let's play with this word. The teacher reads a poem, and the children add words associated with the word "Snow".

Quiet, quiet, like in a dream,

Falls to the ground. (snow)

All fluffs slide from the sky -

Silvery. (snowflakes)

In the village, on a meadow

Everything is going down. (snowball).

Here's some fun for the guys -

Stronger and stronger. (snowfall)

Everyone is running in a race

Everyone wants to play. (snowballs)

Like a white down jacket

Dressed up. (snowman)

Nearby is a snow figure -

This is a girl. (snow maiden)

In the snow, look? -

With red breasts. (bullfinches)

As if in a fairy tale, as in a dream,

He decorated the whole earth. (snow)

The results are summed up.

Instructor. Nice, nice you played,

Zimushka is happy with you.

All of you are just great -

Strong, skillful,

Friendly and courageous.

But it's time to say goodbye

Get ready for the path!

Goodbye friends!

Educator. The holiday has a beginning

The holiday has an end.

Who played with us and laughed

He was great!

We have prepared a surprise for them.

Treats are distributed to children.

(The heroes say goodbye to the children, leave. Children go to the group to the music "If there was no winter")

Sports entertainment for children of the middle group

"Winter walk"

Tasks: Create in children good mood... Develop in a playful way physical qualities: strength, agility, speed, endurance. Maintain interest in winter outdoor games. Strengthen the ability to perform various exercises to the music. To bring up organization, independence. To cultivate a team spirit, interest in games - fun.

Equipment:2 hoops, "snowballs", 2 clubs, 2 pucks, 2 arcs, 6 artificial Christmas trees, a toy bear,treat for children .

The course of entertainment

Instructor:Guys, what time of year?

Children: Winter.

Instructor:That's right, children, winter. It's winter outside, look out the window: the trees are white, wrapped in snow, Winter is a wonderful time of the year. In winter, you can go sledding, and run on skis, make a snowman, and play snowballs!

And in winter, how good it is, the snow is spinning, frosty. Let's take a winter walk with you today. Aren't you afraid of frost? (No). Well, then let's get ready for the road.

We put on pants, one leg, we put on the other leg. We put on the blouse, one, two, smoothed the blouse well. We put on felt boots, one felt boots, the second felt boots. We put on a hat, do not forget the hat, yes, do not forget, we have tied it. The buttons on the fur coat were buttoned, well to the end to the end. And now they took a scarf, put it on and tied it up and now, we are ready!

So we all got ready to go. They all turned one after another. We walk through the snowdrifts, raise our legs. Handles on the belt, above the legs. And on the ice, we lightly, lightly quietly walk our arms to the sides, stretched up on toes, stretched. Well done. And the snowflakes flew, crunched underfoot, went on their heels. (Hands behind your back). So that we don't fall through the snow, we will rush quickly, quickly. And we go to walking. Stop once, twice.

Guys, look how beautiful it is in winter (Attention to the screen)

Here is a birch tree, but a tree is looking at us. In the sky, snowflakes whirl and quietly fall on the ground. Let's take a walk through our winter meadow.

Complex game gymnastics to music with the inclusion of massage and outdoor games.

Game "Ay-dili-didi-dili"

One, two, three, four, five, we'll get together again.

Guys come to me.

Here the breeze blew

It blew cold

It's winter winter

She waved her sleeve

Flew from a height

White fluff

On trees, on bushes

Snowflakes are falling

Guys look at our palms

Snowflakes also fell, let's blow them off (Come on)

Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth

Blow on your palms. Oh, how great you are, how great you are at.

Guys, what games do you like to play in winter.

Children:I love sledding in winter, playing snowballs, making a snowman. That's right, guys, well done - all this is winter fun (Attention to the screen)

Instructor:Oh, frost, frost, frost

he grabs us by the nose,

And we are not afraid, but we are having fun.

Take skis with poles
and let's go for a ride in the forest.
And we are not afraid, but we will move in.

Now we will divide into teams. I wonder which of the teams will be the most agile, the fastest, the most resourceful, and, of course, the most fun!

You are ready?

1. Relay "Hit the target" (with snowballs).

2. Relay "Hockey" (with a stick to score the puck into the goal)

3. Guess riddles.

Who whitens the glades with white

Who writes on the walls with chalk,

Sews down feather beds

Decorated all the windows? (Freezing)

They stood all summer

Winters were waiting

Waited for the pores

We rushed off the mountain. (Sled)

Two stripes in the snow

I leave it on the run.

I fly from them with an arrow,

And they are after me again! (Skis)

3. Relay "Who is faster" (Snake running between the trees)

Instructor:Well done, we did the job! Now let's rest.

"Snowman" (relaxation)

Instructor: “Guys, imagine that you are a snowman. You were fashioned by children, and now they are gone. The snowman has a head, a torso, two arms sticking out to the side, and stands on strong legs (tension of all the muscles of the body). Morning has come, the sun is shining. Here it starts to bake, and the snowman feels that it is melting. First the head, then the hands. Gradually, the torso begins to melt little by little. The snowman turns into a puddle.

Relaxing music sounds.

Instructor:Guys look at what a huge snowdrift.

The instructor opens a snowdrift and takes a bear from there.

Instructor: Mishka was watching us.He prepared cones for you, see how many cones are near the trees. Take one bump at a time, Mishka wants to see how we can do massage.

Massage "Bumps"

Instructor:But wait, Mishka is saying something to me. He has a surprise for youa basket of cones, but the cones in the basket are not simple, but magic candies in them. The bear gives the basket and goes to his den.Guys, did you like our winter walk? (Yes!)


Scenario of a winter holiday for children 4-5 years old "ZIMUSHKA - WINTER - SPORTS TIME!"

Kichigina Natalya Anatolyevna, educator MADOU number 18 " Kindergarten"Ladushki", Gai, Orenburg region.
Description. I propose a summary of the scenario of physical culture leisure for children of the middle group "Winter-winter - sports time!". This leisure can serve as a final lesson on the topic "Winter" and will be of interest to preschool teachers, as well as physical education instructors who work with children of this age category.
Target: develop emotional interest in motor activity in children.
- develop dexterity, speed, courage, endurance;
- to consolidate the ability of children to walk on an inclined board; perform jumps; jump on the right and left leg; roll the hoop;
- to educate the need for movement.
Equipment: tambourine; 2 boards; log; small hoops in terms of the number of children; 2 cones; 2 snowman with hats of different colors (red and blue); 2 skittles; music Center; phonogram of charging "The sun is radiant". Children enter the hall and get up scattered.
Instructor. Hello guys! Happy New Year! Winter, guys, is a time of vacations, a time of fun games and fun. And in winter, there are winter Olympic Games... Therefore, today we will be engaged in physical education, keeping up with the athletes. We will call our lesson "Winter - winter - sports time!" Guys, stand in a column!
Children are rebuilding in a column one after another.
Instructor. You guys know that in winter you can clearly see the tracks of animals and birds in the snow. Let us walk in the snow like chanterelles.
Walking on toes, hands up.
Instructor. And now we go like a wolf.
Walking on heels, hands behind the head.
Instructor. And a bear that cannot sleep in any way walks like this.
Walking on inside feet, hands behind the back.
Instructor. And now let's go through like bunnies that sneak behind a Christmas tree so that the wolf does not hear.
Walking, put the heel of the other foot to the toe of one leg.
Instructor. Here the sparrows, overtaking each other, fly after the crumbs.
Running with a change of leader.

Instructor. And now the usual running in a column one after another.
General developmental exercises with rhythmic music.
Instructor. Now, my guys, guess the riddle:
It's not easy getting there sometimes
But easy and pleasant
Take a ride back.
(Snow Hill)
Now we will go up the hill with you.
Walking on an inclined board, walking on a log, hands arbitrarily, running on an inclined board. (2-3 times)
Instructor. Again a new riddle, guess guys:
All carved, laced -
Light fuzz
They flew to us from the sky
White ... (snowflakes).
Jumping in place on the right and left legs alternating with walking in place. (4 times each)
Instructor. Together, all my guys, guess a new riddle:
What a ridiculous man
Made your way into the 21st century?
Carrot nose
Broom in hand
Afraid of the sun and heat?
Rolling the hoop in an arbitrary direction followed by jumping in the hoop. (2-3 times).
Instructor. In winter, you guys and I play outdoor games and compete. But to become real athletes, you need to train a lot. The relay will help us with this.
Pins Relay.
Children are built in two columns behind the starting line. In the hands of the first skittle players. At a distance of 4-5 meters from the start line there are landmarks - cones. At the signal, the first players run forward, run around the landmarks and come back, pass the pin to another participant, like a baton.
Instructor. Now it's time for us kids to rest.
Finger game "Snowman"
Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta (clap their hands)
Happy for the snow kids (fingers are clenched into a fist, thumbs up)
Tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta (clap their hands)
We make a snowman (making snowballs)
Whom we put on (hands round at the elbows, fingers in the lock)
Let us bring up our eyes (show glasses)
Insert the nose with a carrot (put their fists to the nose)
We will find a hat (put their hands on their head)
That's what a snowman (hands are placed on the shoulders, belt, 2 blows to the knees)
Snow White Fat (they round their arms at the elbows, fingers lock in front of them, swing their arms from side to side). (2 times)
Instructor. Today snowmen have come to visit us and want to play with us.
An outdoor game "Find a Snowman"
Breathing exercises after the game.
Instructor. Our lesson has come to an end, you and I have become real athletes. And now it's time for us to say goodbye, kids. Goodbye, guys!
Children go to the group.

Valeria Stepanova


1. To bring up in children courage, attention, endurance, accuracy, goodwill, in relation to each other;

2. Create a cheerful and cheerful mood;

3. Learn to play relay races.

Equipment: balls different sizes, hoops, 2 baskets.

Entertainment progress:

Leading: Hello, Dear friends! Today we are holding « Fun starts» ! Teams of the most dexterous, quick-witted and intelligent guys will prove in an honest and open duel that they deserve the title of "Champions!" Today we meet in our hall commands: "Berry" and "Ship".

Let's wish both teams success in the upcoming competition! But before you start the competition, you need to warm up.

Warm up teams! (Children scatter around the room.)

Phys. warm-up "We know all parts of the body"

(to the music: "Song about footprints" cartoon "Masha and the Bear")

We know all parts of the body

Hands, feet, head.

We have five fingers on our hand

We know their names.

And there are two eyes on the head,

There are two ears, there is a nose and a mouth,

Cheeks, forehead, chin,

Neck, shoulders, chest, abdomen.

And our knees bend

We can sit down and we can get up

If we raise our hands up,

We can wave them.

We tilt our head to the left,

We can tilt to the right,

The neck will get heavier

Lower your head down.

The shoulders alternately

We can lift up.

Well, and our backs are free

We can tilt together.

Leading: We've warmed up a lot! Now it's time to start the competition!

1 relay. "Ball competition".

Children stand in a column one after another (one step away) and pass the ball over the head to the neighbor behind the back. When the ball enters the hands of the player completing the column, he runs forward and takes the lead group, the rest take a step back. The game continues until all participants try themselves in the role of the leading column.

2 relay. "Jumpers".

Jumping on two legs from hoop to hoop. The first team to complete the relay wins.

3 relay. "Roll the ball".

Roll the ball with both hands to the rack, then pick it up and run back to your team. At the start line, the relay is passed to the next one.

4 relay. "Ball Race underfoot".

Players are divided into 2 teams. The first player shoots the ball backward between the players' apart feet. The last player of each team bends down, catches the ball and runs with it along the column forward, stands at the beginning of the column and again sends the ball between the legs apart, etc. The team that finishes the relay faster wins.

5 relay. "Collect balls in the basket".

The first participant runs to the limiter, behind which all the balls are in the basket, takes one ball and returns to the team, puts the ball in an empty basket, then the next participant runs. So it is necessary to transfer all balls from a full basket to an empty one.

Leading: Let's sum up the results of the competition. Command "Ship" and the team "Berry" turned out to be fast and friendly. And for that, a treat awaits you!

Related publications:

Physical culture leisure for children of the middle group "Someone who lives in the little house"? Purpose: to create a cheerful mood in children. Introduce children to a healthy lifestyle. Tasks: to form correct posture, the ability to walk.

Physical culture leisure for children of the middle group "Journey to an uninhabited island" Physical culture leisure for children of the middle group "Journey to an uninhabited island" Purpose: creating conditions for maintaining and strengthening health.

Physical culture leisure for children of the middle group "Winter fun" Purpose: to strengthen and maintain the health of children, to create conditions for the formation and improvement of skills and abilities in the basic types of movements.

Physical culture leisure for the middle group in honor of February 23 Purpose: To expand the knowledge of children about the holiday of the Russian army. Objectives: 1. Improve health through exercise. 2. Create.

Course of the event Lining up. Presenter: You really need sports, guys. We are close friends with sports. Sport is an assistant! Sport is health.

Purpose: - to consolidate the knowledge and ideas of children about safety road traffic; - continue to introduce children to the rules of the road;

For children of the middle group

Integration of educational areas:"Physical culture", "Communication", "Health".

Educational tasks.

  1. Exercise on all fours crawling forward.
  2. Exercise in a fast loose run, practicing coordination and dexterity of movements.
  3. Exercise in jumping from a height of 15 centimeters, practicing landing on two legs at the same time performing a "spring" in the knees.
  4. Exercise in climbing a gymnastic wall.
  5. Develop physical qualities: strength, agility, endurance, coordination of movements.

Educational tasks.

To induce a positive emotional attitude in children, to induce reflection on their behavior in everyday life. Instill a love for animals.


Gymnastic bench (h-15cm, w-20cm, dl-2.5m); balls by the number of children; kittens' emblems; puppies' emblems; balls fitballs by the number of children; gymnastic wall, landmarks on the floor (circles to match the color of the balls); toy kitten.

Leisure course

Children in sports uniform go into the hall and walk in a circle. Walking on toes, on heels, running in a column one by one, normal walking, lining up, checking posture and balance.

Educator: Guys, before we start playing, guess my riddle:

He has a mustache

The muzzle is striped,

The back is like a bridge

Is the tail behind the bridge?

Children are friendly: "Kitten".

Educator: I suggest you turn into kittens yourself and live like a cat all day.

Children lie down on the carpet - "fall asleep".

Educator: We woke up, stretched, turned from side to side. Sipes! Sipes! Where are your favorite toys?

Children perform appropriate movements on the text of the poem.

The teacher throws balls around the hall, declaims: You, our ball, jump, and wake up the kittens!

Children pick up balls, stand on a circle of the same color as his ball.

Ball exercises:

  1. Show the ball

I.P. standing. feet parallel to the ball pressed to the chest.

1-stretched their arms forward, showed the ball.

2-pressed the ball to themselves, hid it.

  1. "Let's play with a ball"

I.P. standing, feet parallel, ball between the toes, hands down.

1 - sit down, take the ball in hand.

2 - straighten up with the ball.

3 - sit down, put the ball between the toes.

4 - straightened up.

  1. "Rocked"

I.P. standing, naga shoulder-width apart, arms with the ball extended forward.

1 - tilt to the right (left).

2 - straightened up.

  1. "Dexterous paws"

I.P. sitting, legs together, hands rest on the floor from behind - to the side.

1 - lift the right (left) leg up.

2-lower in I. p.

  1. "Let's show the ball to the sun"

I.P. lying on your stomach, hands with the ball in front of you, legs together.

1-raise your hands with the ball up, looked at the ball.

2-lower the ball to the floor

  1. "Cheerful ball"

I.P. standing, feet shoulder-width apart, ball in hand in front of you.

1 - jump 20 times.

2-10 steps in place.

Children put the balls back in place.

Educator: Kittens love to play with balls, especially to roll it.

The teacher distributes fitball balls. Now we will stand in pairs and will roll the ball to each other, pushing it with our head in front of us and moving on all fours.

Children roll balls to each other.

Educator: what else should each of you love that the cat loves to do?

Children come to a joint conclusion - they need to wash.

Educator: Spout, spout! Where have you been? Mouth, mouth! Where have you been?

Cheek, cheek! Be a clean little daughter!

Children perform movements imitating washing.

Educator: Paws?

Children: Washed!

Educator: Ears?

Children: Washed!

Educator: Ponytail?

Children: Washed! We washed everything. And now we are clean, the kittens are fluffy.

Educator: Guys, we just did morning exercises and washed themselves. Tell me, where do your children and adults go every morning?

Children: We are going to the kindergarten. And the parents go to work.

Educator: What do you play in the kindergarten?

Children give examples of games.

Educator: children, who do you think kittens like to play catch-up with?

Children: with puppies.

Educator: let's play with you the outdoor game "Kittens and puppies".

Children are divided into two equal teams, the teacher distributes the emblems of kittens and puppies.

The team of "puppies" stands on the gymnastic bench, the team of "kittens" goes for a walk in the clearing. After the words of the teacher "Puppies!" the team of "puppies" jumps off the gymnastic bench and on all fours run after the "kittens" and bark. The team of "kittens" quickly climb the gymnastic wall. The game is played 4-5 times.

Educator: Here you see the guys how fun puppies and kittens play. And today a kitten came to visit us. He hid and wants us to find him.

Search game "Find a kitten"

Educator: Well done guys, we found a kitten! Now let's tell him the needs and rules of the daily routine.

Children talk about washing, exercising, and having breakfast.

Educator: What kind of guys we have, everyone knows!

Rewarding children. The teacher distributes medals to everyone.

Physical culture leisure in the middle group



Guselnikova O.A.

Description: This leisure time acquaints children with fairy tales. Fairy tale heroes come to the children with whom the children play, dance, perform the tasks of the heroes.

1. To develop the basic physical qualities of children (speed, coordination of movements, agility, endurance)
2. To cultivate a sense of purpose, perseverance, a sense of cohesion;
3. Deliver a sense of joy.

- educational: to form the ability to perform movements consciously, quickly, dexterously, beautifully.
- wellness: develop muscle strength and coordination abilities, relieve emotional stress, promote relaxation of all respiratory and other muscles of the body;
- educational: To foster friendliness, orderliness.

Cognition: to acquaint with fairy tales and heroes of fairy tales.

Communication: evoke an emotional response

Socialization: enrich the active play experience of children with a variety of games and relay races.

Security: reinforce the skills of safe behavior in games (do not push a friend).

Health: to form an idea of ​​health, its values, and ways of strengthening.

Music: use rhythmic exercises to the music.

Preparation: the hall is decorated with heroes of fairy tales, in the corner there is a fabulous hut

Prior work: to learn rhythmic gymnastics, to acquaint with fairy tales.

Inventory: gymnastic sticks, big ball 2 pcs., 2 keys, rope, tape recorder, sound recordings: "Buratino", "No cola and no yard", "Kolobok".

Participants: children of the middle group, educator in the role of the Storyteller, instructor leading, heroes - participants: Baba - Yaga, Buratino, Bear.

Entertainment progress:

The music "Visiting the Fairy Tale" sounds and the children are met by the storyteller. Storyteller: Hello guys! I am glad to meet you. I am a storyteller, I know a lot of fairy tales and I like to tell them to children so that they are smart and kind.
Leading: And we are very glad to see you. They would have listened to some fairy tale, but not now. You see, our guys are all in sports form and now they are ready to play, and not listen to fairy tales.
Storyteller: Yes! (surprised), so I got to the wrong place, what should I do? I liked you guys so much that I don’t want to leave you. Now I’ll think of something (thinks about it)… ..I’ve thought it! And I can not only tell fairy tales, but also make riddles. Do you guys know how to guess riddles?

Guys: Yes!

Storyteller: So, I’ll guess a riddle for you, and you’ll guess what kind of fairy tale or fairytale hero it says. Let's say the magic words: "Fairy tale, fairy tale, appear, have fun with us!" and go through the familiar pages ... Where is my book of fairy tales?(opens, reads the first riddle)
1 riddle
Outwitted the evil gray wolf
Friendly, brave three ... PIGGY
Leading: A storyteller, and the guys and I will now dance a dance like those pigs from a fairy tale.Children dancing to the instructor's show a dance to the song of N. Efremov "No Cola No Yard" Storyteller: What great fellows, you did a great job building a house like in that fairy tale for three pigs! Listen to the second riddle:
2 riddle
Sister Alyonushka was looking for a brother,
The kind stove helped her,
The river covered its banks,
Apple tree - treated with apples.
Ivanushka was taken to Baba Yaga,
Her servants ... GEOES - SWANS
Leading: Guys, are you not afraid of Babu Yaga?
Children: No!!!
Baba - Yaga flies to the music on a broomstick Baba - Yaga: Oh, don't be afraid of me !! But now let's see how you are not afraid of me, play with me the game "Geese - Swans". And whoever I catch in the forest I will take with me!
An outdoor game "Geese - Swans"
The players choose the "wolf" and "the owner", they themselves represent the "geese".
On one side of the site they draw a house where the "owner" and "geese" live, on the other - a field.
Between them is the lair of the "wolf".
All the geese fly to the field to pinch the grass.
The owner calls them:
- Geese, geese!
- Ha-ha-ha!
- Do you want to eat?
- Yes Yes Yes!
- Well, fly home!
- The gray wolf under the mountain will not let us home.
- What is he doing?
- He's sharpening his teeth, he wants to eat us.
- Well, fly as you like, just take care of your wings!
The "geese" run into the house, the "wolf" is trying to catch them.
The game ends when all the geese are caught.
Rules of the game "Swan geese": "Geese" must fly all over the site, they are allowed to return home only after the words spoken by the owner.
At the end of the game, the most dexterous "geese" (who never got to the "wolf") and the best "wolf" (who caught more "geese") can be noted
Leading: You see Baba - Yaga we have very clever guys and you couldn't catch anyone, go into your fairy tale!
(an angry Baba - Yaga (because she didn't catch anyone) flies off on a broomstick to her forest) 3 riddle
The grandmother and grandfather appeared, and the granddaughter followed the bug.
But a cat came rushing to help them a little.
The mouse rushes after her, and is afraid of being late.
Settled in the garden bed firmly, everyone pulls together ... REPKU

So that we do not get bored,
You have to play with us.
Let's hold hands tightly
And let's play the fairy tale "Turnip"!
The game "Turnip"
Children stand in a circle. The reader selects the drivers - "mouse" and "turnip". At the musical introduction, the "mouse" runs out of the circle, and the "turnip" - in the circle. "Turnip" crouches and, to the singing of children, slowly rises - grows. Children, holding hands, walk in a circle and sing:
Turnip, turnip,
Grow strong
Neither small nor large
Up to the mouse's tail. Yes!
At the end of the song, the children stop, raise their joined hands up, forming "collars". The "turnip", running through the "gates", runs away, and the "mouse" tries to catch up with her. When the "mouse" catches up with the "turnip", the game starts over, and the next drivers are chosen by the children themselves. The “mouse” is assigned by the “mouse”, and the “turnip” is the former “turnip”. Children standing in a circle close their eyes. On the musical introduction, new drivers take their places.
Storyteller: The turnip is good and tasty, and now the next riddle!
4 riddle
Round, tasty, ruddy side,
This, children ... ... KOLOBOK
The fox walks through the forest
Kolobok calls to him
Gingerbread man from Liska to the forest
And disappeared under the twig.
An outdoor game "Fox and Koloboks"
Whom did we meet, well, of course, the fox! Well koloboks, send them to the meadow for a walk, dance to the music. If the music stops, everyone run into the house, which means that the chanterelle is following the bun and wants to eat it. Well done koloboks all ran away from the chanterelle. The fox did not eat anyone.
Children under the show of the instructor dance a dance to the song "Kolobok" 5 riddle
Wooden mischief
He penetrated from the fairy tale into our life.
A favorite of adults and children,
A daredevil and an inventor of ideas,
Prankster, merry fellow and rogue.
Tell me what is his name?
Children: Pinocchio!
Leading: Of course, this is Pinocchio!
Buratino comes in and holds 2 golden keys in his hands, he invites the children to dance and play the relay with the golden key.
Rhythmic gymnastics to the song "Buratino"
Game - relay race "Golden Key"
The children stand in two columns, the first holding a golden key. Run in a straight line, bending around the racks (along a winding forest path) with a key in your hands and pass it on to the next one.
Pinocchio: You guys are so interesting, but it's time for me to return to my fairy tale! Goodbye!
6 riddle
It is not low, not high, different people live in it:
A mouse is a burrow, a frog is a frog,
Bunny is a runaway, a chanterelle is a sister,
Gray wolf teeth snap
This terem - …… .TEREMOK
Leading: And the guys and I will now build a house!
Game - relay race "Terem - Teremok"
2 teams involved
Children on command build a house from gymnastic sticks
The Bear comes in (with a basket in his hands) Bear: Thank you guys for such a tower - now there will be a tower, where to live and winter for us forest dwellers, animals and birds. And for this I want to treat you with sweet prizes (gives the basket). Goodbye!
Children: Goodbye!
Storyteller: So my fairy tales ended in this book. What good fellows you guys are! All my riddles about fairy tales were guessed, and what kind of inventors they were! How fun it was with you! Well it's time for me to say goodbye to you, goodbye!
Leading: Goodbye storyteller! Come to us again, we will listen to other fairy tales.


  • contribute to the development of the functional capabilities of the body;
  • improve motor skills and skills in relay races;
  • reinforce children's ideas about the profession of firefighters.

Material: sultans, chips, fire engines, firemen's suits, modules, toys, fire extinguishers.

Event progress

Have you seen the firefighters? Where did you see them? What they were doing? What kind of firefighters should they be? Do you want to become one? (Answers of the children.)

For a firefighter to cope with his difficult and dangerous work, he must be strong and resilient. Therefore, his every day begins with charging. We will now warm up with you, recharge ourselves with positive energy.

(with the sultans).

V. Well done! You acted in a well-coordinated and friendly manner. Now we will conduct training for young firefighters. Let's see how dexterous, fast and attentive you can be. To do this, you need to split into two teams.

Phone ring.

V. Guys, there is an alarming signal: the animals are in trouble, their house is on fire! Let's help put out the fire and save the animals.

Relay 1. "Who is the first?"

Our first task is which of the team captains will put on the firefighter's uniform first.

V. Well done! We are in a hurry to help.

Relay 2. "Firefighters go to the rescue."

Children stand one after another. In front of them, chips are laid out in a row. Each team is given a fire truck on a string. The guys alternately run around the counters with a snake, leading the car behind them.

V. Now our teams are ready to put out the fire. But before that, let's play with the audience, check if they know the fire safety rules.

Relay 3. "Fire extinguishing".

Each team is given a fire extinguisher. There are houses not far away that need to be extinguished. On command, the participants each run to their own house, run around it (extinguish), pass the fire extinguisher to the next participant.

V. And our most important task is to save the lives of animals.

Relay race4 ... "Save the toy."

The houses (modules) contain animals (toys). Children, one by one, overcoming obstacles, get to them, take one toy at a time and return to their teams.

V. So the exercises ended. You guys were agile, fast, strong and brave. This means that when you grow up, you will be able to become rescuers and firefighters and help people.

Physical culture leisure for children of the middle group was prepared by A. Tishkevich

Leading: Today we will go in search of the treasure. He is in the forest where Baba Yaga lives. The road to the forest is very difficult. But I am sure that you will all cope successfully, and we will find a treasure with you. First, let's do a warm-up.
Children perform the Four Steps Forward dance.
Leading: Well, we have warmed up a little and now we can hit the road in search of the treasure.

1. Follow the tangled tracks - two tracks with traces are laid out: on one track the tracks lead forward, on the other - backward. It is necessary to choose the trails that lead forward.
2. Jumping on two legs from hoop to hoop.
3. Crawling through the cave - A hoop on a stand, a bag without a bottom is attached to it.
4. Crawling through the rack on inclined benches. Climb the bench, climb over the counter, jump onto the mat.
5. Go along the bridge over the "river". "River" - a strip of blue oilcloth, the bridge - a low, narrow bench.
6. Walk between the stumps in a zigzag pattern. The stumps are made of cardboard and put on the racks.

Baba Yaga sweeps paths between trees. Seeing the children, turns to them.
Baba Yaga: Who came to visit me in my magical forest? What do you want here? What do you want to do in my forest?
Leading: Hello Baba Yaga. We are treasure seekers. We are looking for a treasure that is hidden somewhere here in your forest.
Baba Yaga: Look what you wanted! This is my forest and everything here is mine! I will not let you in, but if you pass, I will catch you.

Game "Grandma Hedgehog, bone leg".
Children: Grandma Hedgehog, bone leg,
I fell off the stove, broke my leg,
And then he says:
"My leg hurts".
Grandma Yozhka, don't sit with us,
Better, grandma Yozhka, you half of us.
Leading : Well, here, Baba Yaga, my children are dexterous, brave, fast. You couldn't catch us. Please let us into the forest and tell us where to look for the treasure.
Baba Yaga : Look what you wanted! I will not let you in. Will not work. I didn’t catch you, because there are many of you, and I am alone. Let's be measured by force.

Tug of war.
Leading: All right, Baba Yaga, we defeated you, my children are strong. You lost. Let us in and tell us where the treasure lies.
Baba Yaga : Look what you wanted! I will not let you in. Will not work. I did not overpower you, because there are many of you and you are all together, but I am alone. But can you dance? Here I will dance you, because you will all dance one by one.
Leading: My children know how to dance. Try to dance us.
An active dance to any Russian melody.At the end of the dance, Baba Yaga falls.
Baba Yaga: It's not fair, I'm old and you are young. But you don’t know the poems.
Leading: My children know poems and can read them by heart. Sit back and listen.
Children read poetry.
Baba Yaga : Fine, fine! I'll leave, but I won't tell you where the treasure is hidden. And you yourself cannot find the treasure anyway. Bye.
Baba Yaga leaves. As she leaves, she drops a piece of paper with a diagram showing where the treasure is hidden and how to get there.
Leading: Guys, look what Baba Yaga dropped. Yes, there is some kind of scheme. Let's take a look at it. What is depicted here? Children, according to this scheme, we can find treasure. Here, under the tree, there is a treasure. And here is the direction of how to get to it. Let's continue our search for the treasure according to the scheme.

Children overcome obstacles.
1. From the piano, count 4 steps towards the opposite window.
2. Walk between the stumps in a zigzag pattern.
3. Climb over the log.
4. Jump from bump to bump.

After overcoming obstacles, children find themselves about three trees, under each tree there is a hummock. Under one of them lies a treasure - sweets, chocolate or something else.
Leading: Well, guys, we have found a treasure with you, and now let's get out of this forest.
Children overcome obstacles, return "home".

MUNICIPAL BUDGET PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "Razdolnenskiy Kindergarten No. 5" SKAZKA "Razdolnenskiy District of the Republic of Crimea


sports entertainment

"Winter fun"

for children of the middle group

Physical education instructor: Boyko S.V.

smt. Razdolnoe

Target: In a playful way, develop the basic qualities - strength, dexterity, speed, coordination of movements. Form musculo-motor skills. Develop creativity and expressiveness of movements.


To enrich and improve the motor experience of children;

Develop dexterity, coordination of movements, attention;

To cultivate a team spirit, interest in games - fun

Equipment: 2 hoops, snowballs, 2 artificial Christmas trees, paper snowflakes, snowballs, shovels according to the number of children in a group, a basket, snowdrifts, a snowman made of soft modules, two flat snowmen.

Entertainment progress:

Children enter the hall with a teacher, in the hall they are greeted by "Snowman".

Instructor: Guys, the Snowman came to visit us. He will watch you today. Guys, tell me, what time of year is it now?

Children: Winter.

Instructor: That's right, winter. And you probably know a lot about winter?

Children: Yes, we know!

Instructor: And I'll check it now! I will ask you questions, and you will answer quickly!

The game "Answer Correctly" is being played

Is the snow white or blue?

Is the ice hard or soft?

Is it snowing or falling?

Is it snowing or falling leaves in winter?

Is the ice slippery or rough?

Is it cold or hot outside?

Do Icicles Eat or Gnaw?

Are they skating or swinging?

Is a snowman made or built?

Instructor: Well done! All my questions were answered. For your correct answers, I will give you a whole basket of snowballs. But my basket was empty. The Snowman scattered all my snowballs. You will help me collect snowballs in the basket.

But first, you and I must gain strength.

Rhythmic gymnastics to the song "Do you hear someone coming?"

(Children collect snowballs).

Instructor: Well done, now get warm in the circle.

The game "Handles are coldly frozen."

Instructor: Now let's play snowballs !?

Children are divided into two teams, stand in columns one after another behind the starting line, on the opposite side there are two hoops. Each participant has a snowball in his hand. At the signal, the first team players run to the hoop, get into the hoop and throw it at the snowman; run back to their team and stand at the end of the column. The first team to throw all the snowballs into the basket wins. After the game, the children go to their places.

Game "Hit the Snowman"

(children throw snowballs at snowmen)

Instructor: Well done, you played, throwing snowballs great.

Well, now - then the snow should be removed, collected in that pile.

Game "Collect Snowballs"

(children collect snowballs with shovels)

Instructor: What guys did we do? We got a snowdrift. A snowdrift is a big pile of snow.

Instructor: We walked through the snowdrifts, along the hills, and on the hill there was snow, snow….

Outdoor play with a bear "Like snow under a hill"

Like snow on a slide, they raise their hands up, depicting a slide

Like snow under a hill - snow, squat, lowering their hands down, palms on the floor

And on the tree there is snow - snow, make your hands a "house" above your head

And under the tree there is snow - snow, they hold their hands in a "house" and sit down

And under the snow a bear sleeps, a bear appears

Hush - hush, put your finger to your lips

Keep quiet. pronounce "t - s - s - s"

We clap a little, clap our hands.

We drown a little, stamp our feet on the floor.

Let the legs wake the bear.

Who was clapping and shouting here?

Who didn't let me sleep in winter?

Come on, quickly kids

Run away all from the bear. Children run away for snowdrifts, for Christmas trees.

Instructor: They woke the bear up, played with the bear, we will not offend the bear. Let the bear go to the den, go to bed. Say goodbye to him. And you and I will also have a little rest.

Instructor: We continue our winter fun! Guess guys a riddle

An asterisk circled

A little bit in the air

Sat down and melted

On my palm.


That's right guys. This is a snowflake.

Beautiful, fluffy

Snowflakes are white.

So clean

So brave!

Where did the Snowman hide our snowflakes? Let's search! Look, here is a Christmas tree, and there are snowflakes on the Christmas tree.

Do you guys want to play with snowflakes? (Yes)

An outdoor game "Snow Carousel" is held. Children stand in a circle. These are snowflakes - fluffs. At the signal: “Snowflakes whirled in the air. Slowly at first, then faster, even faster. " Snowflakes begin to move in a circle slowly at first, then accelerating, acting in accordance with the instructor's words. Then the instructor gives a signal: “The wind has changed its direction. Snowflakes flew in the other direction. Quiet at first, then faster and faster. " Children start to move in a different direction. At the end of the game, the instructor says, “The wind has stopped. The snowflakes quietly lay down on the ground. " Children at this signal stop, sit down, and restore breathing.

Instructor: They staged a real snow carousel! Well done!

To slow music they perform breathing exercise Blow on the snowflake. Perform actions according to the instructions of the teacher. Raise your hands up, close your eyes, catch a snowflake, take a breath. Lower your hands, bring your palms to your lips, blow off the snowflake, exhale. Repeat 2-3 times.

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