Drawings for the theme of winter fun comics. Speech development

for students of a special / correctional / school of the VIII type

The theme is "WINTER FUN".

Introduction. Psychological attitude to work. Creating a positive mood in students.


The psychologist draws in the air in front of the child various vertical, horizontal and curved lines, figures that he must trace, identify, draw in the air (together with the psychologist and independently), on paper, name.



A homemade snowflake is suspended on a thread in front of the child. The child takes a deep breath for 4 counts of the psychologist. Then he holds his breath. Then he takes a deep breath towards the snowflake.

Gymnastics for the hand and fingers

  1. We warm our palms- rubbing hands together
  2. Flying snowflakes- hand rotation
  3. Walk- extension and flexion of the fingers sequentially into a fist, performed by the right and left hand

Exercise "OUR HOBBIES".

GOAL: correction fine motor skills hands, the development of spatial thinking.
Instruction: Draw exactly the same picture by doing different kinds hatching.

Exercise "SNOWMAN"

Instruction: Arrange the comic strips in order. Make up an oral story.

The game "SCOUT".

Target: development of attention, thinking, ability to perform a task according to a written instruction.
Encrypted words are written on a piece of paper given to the child, and a code for encryption is given next to it. The child needs to use it to write the received words.

s and r u l t for b o k n e zh
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Encryption words: snowflake, skates, ice rink, skier, snowman.
For example: 1, 12, 13, 15, 2, 12, 11, 8 - (SNOWFLAKE)

Exercise "Encrypted drawing"

The exercise gives the children a first introduction to the coordinate grid. Similarly famous game"Sea battle" children are alternately called the coordinates of the points marked by them within the playing field. With careful and correct application of all the points in the notebook, the corresponding encrypted drawings appear. As the task is mastered, the pace of dictation of coordinates increases.



GOAL: The development of mental operations.
Instruction: Arrange the comic strips in order.


Description. The facilitator explains to the participants of the training that pantomime is a kind of stage art, in which the main thing is plasticity, gestures, facial expressions. Next, each child is invited to take a card with a task, the purpose of which is to depict an action, think about its implementation, then present their work to the audience, i.e. other participants in the class. The rest of the participants must try to guess what the participant is depicting.
- Are you skiing?
- You knock icicles off the roof
- You clear the path from snow with a shovel
- You play snowballs
- You decorate the Christmas tree with toys
- You dance around the Christmas tree
- You play hockey
- You make a “swallow” on skates
- You clean your shoes from adhering snow
- You caught a snowflake and admire it

Plot pictures are a universal material for speech therapy work in kindergarten. They help the teacher to solve such problems:

  • learn to write a descriptive story;
  • enrich lexicon;
  • develop thinking, attention, imagination.

Various pictures for children depicting winter and winter fun must be among teaching materials speech therapist. You can use special thematic sets for kindergarten or select the appropriate images yourself. Consider several options for pictures about winter that will help in your work.

Picture Winter has come opens a series of images of nature, selected for the new season. It can be used in classes in the senior and preparatory groups, conducting classes on the topic "", "How animals prepare for the cold", "", "".

Narrative picture Winter in the forest - helps to visually show children the changes that occur in nature, in the forest. A beautiful winter landscape helps to expand the horizons and vocabulary of the child.

The description of the winter forest can be played up as a journey, an imaginary adventure into a painted area.

Snow-white Zimushka-Winter is the perfect backdrop for Russians folk tales, this can also be used in a collective and individual work with kids. For this, a puppet tetra on a transparent background, superimposed on a forest landscape, is suitable.

Stories about winter should also include a description of the celebration of the New Year, the Christmas holidays. Children love these pictures of Winter more than others, they are more willing to work with them. It is very useful to pick up images of live Christmas trees in the forest and an elegant Christmas tree at the holiday, and then play Spot the Differences!

The next picture is called Winter outside the window, it shows the life of the metropolis in the coldest time of the year. For preparatory group good use image of snow covered streets big city and winters in the village, a couple of these illustrations can be used for team work, games. Drawing winter in the city allows you to discuss with children not only changes in nature, but also to conduct speech games and exercises on the topic of Transport and Professions, since at this time you can see new cars and people doing special work on the street.

Pictures showing winter children's games and sports activities organized on fresh air, represent an excellent opportunity not only to enrich the active vocabulary and narrative speech of children, but also to work on fixing complex sounds. These can be exercises for differentiating C and Cb, C and Cb, C and C, Cb and Cb.

Several story pictures Winter fun will be useful for group work and for conducting open classes. Compose a story from the picture Winter fun will help, which schematically depicts:

  • name of entertainment, games;
  • her rules;
  • her attributes;
  • number of participants;
  • best season.

For example, if the picture is dedicated to the winter fun "snowballs", then the following should be noted in the table:

  • the first sound of the name of the game is soft X and the snowballs themselves;
  • a ban on throwing snowballs in the face, at animals and birds, at kids;
  • gloves, snow molds, shield, targets;
  • one child and many;
  • snowfall, large snowflakes.

With such support, children will be able to compose their story not only following the example of an adult, but also with the help of independent analysis. No inscriptions are needed, according to understandable schematic pictures, even pupils senior group It's easy to write a complete story.

In speech therapy work, it is useful to use a series of plot pictures on the topic Winter fun, Winter sports, etc. Here is an approximate list of games that a speech therapist can conduct on the topic Winter fun on plot pictures, one or a series:

  • "What happened next?" (continue story)
  • What is in the picture ... (white, cold, fluffy, etc.)
  • "Journey to Drawing"
  • "Guess what I'm talking about!"

The themes of the arrival of winter and winter children's fun are a real “methodological treasury” for a speech therapist and teacher. There are a lot of options for its use. We have provided you with just a few of them.


CHILDREN SHOULD KNOW NOUNS: winter, cold, wind, snow, snowflake, snowball, snowfall, snowman, ice, ice floe, icicle, blizzard, blizzard, blowing snow, cold, pattern, crust, frost, snowdrift, thaw, hoarfrost, cereals, flakes , drops, sleds, skis, skates, ice rink, ski track, snowman, fur coat, sheepskin coat, down jacket, felt boots, mittens, mittens, hat, December, January, February.

ADJECTIVES: cold, frosty, snowy, shiny, crispy, crumbly, sticky, wet, white, clean, fluffy, windy, sunny, patterned, crackling, strong, transparent, icy, icy, light, wintery, sparkling, hard.

VERBS: came, goes, falls, spins, freezes, covers, falls asleep, sweeps, freezes, howls, makes noise, drips, shines, draws, flies, melts, falls out, curls, freezes.

Snow - white, fluffy, light, sparkling, cold ...
Winter is cold, harsh, frosty, windy…
Frost…, ice…, blizzard…, snowflake…

December January February.
December after November and before January.
January - …
February - …

In winter, people walk in ... (hats, fur coats ...).
Winter brings ... (snowfalls, frosts ...).
Water froze on ... (rivers, lakes ...).
I like to ride in the winter on ... (sledding, skiing ...).

Snow - lump, town, whirlwind ...
Snowy - a woman, a mountain, a veil ...
Frosty…, frosty…, frosty…, icy….

Winter - winter, frost - frost, snow - snow, ice - ice, snowdrift - snowdrift, blizzard - blizzard ...

How did you notice the onset of winter?
Name its first signs in nature.
Winter months.
Habits of animals and birds.
Winter fun and entertainment.


CHILDREN SHOULD KNOW NOUNS: winter, snow, snowflake, snowball, snow maiden, Santa Claus, snowman, snowman, ice, ice rink, skates, sleds, skis, slide, fun, Christmas tree, holidays, garland, tinsel, balls, star, confetti , gifts, holiday, joy, fun, games, carnival, round dance, masks, calendar, crackers, cones, snowdrift, snowball, hockey, stick, puck, competition.

ADJECTIVES: cold, frosty, joyful, snowy, shiny, multi-colored, cheerful, crackling, festive, New Year's, patterned, crispy, fluffy, icy, sad, silvery, colorful.

VERBS: goes, steps, spins, draws on the windows, covers, dances, has fun, rejoices, lit up, flares up, throws, throws, descends, creaks, runs, overtakes, falls, shakes off, freezes, sticks, pinches, pricks.

Tree (what?) ......
Holiday (what?) ... ..
Christmas decorations (what?) ... ..

Hockey player - a stick, a puck, skates, an ice rink, a gate ...
Skier - ...
Figure skater...
Gorke - ...
Snowman - ...



"There is a lot of snow in the city park in winter. Snow lies on the ground, on benches, on tree branches. The guys went to the park. They built a snow fortress there and started playing snowballs. One snowball fell into the feeder. The boys noticed that it was empty. They they took seeds out of their pockets and poured them into the feeder. And from another tree, two squirrels looked at the guys. The boys prepared nuts for them. It turned out to be a fun and useful walk."

- Where is the snow?
- Where did the guys go?
- What did they build?
How did the guys start playing?
- Where did the snow go?
What did the boys notice?
What did you feed the birds?
- What did the boys prepare for the squirrels?
- What kind of walk did the guys have?


"It was winter. Vanya was walking from kindergarten. He carried a gingerbread in his hand. The boy did not notice how he dropped the mitten and the gingerbread. Vanya came home - no mittens, no gingerbread. Where are they? And at this time the sparrows flew into the gingerbread, peck They chirped him. They had already eaten the whole gingerbread, they began to peck at the mitten. Vanya looks out of the window at his mitten and thinks: "That's what a warm bird feeder turned out to be."

Where did Vanya come from?
- What did he carry?
- What didn't Vanya notice?
- Who pecked the gingerbread?
- What did Vanya think?

* Name some wintering birds you know.
