Rhythmic gymnastics complex in the second junior group. Rhythm lesson in the second younger group Musical rhythmic exercises 2 younger group

Composed by: Choreography teacher at MADOU No. 9 "Rosinka" Naumenko Evgenia Sergeevna


to contribute to the strengthening of the health of children and the awakening of the body for normal life.


Create a joyful emotional uplift, "wake up" the child's body, tune in an effective way

Cultivate a habit of daily exercise

Develop all muscle groups, coordination of movements. Strength and endurance

To cultivate the ability to simultaneously start and finish exercises in a timely manner to the music.

Course of the lesson:

Introductory part:

Educator: Hello guys, today, while charging, I suggest you go to the forest. Do you want to? (children's answers). To get on the bus, we need to walk to the bus stop.

Rhythmic music turns on; children march in a column one by one into the hall and walk in a circle.

Educator: here comes the stop! Get on the bus!

The musical composition "Bus" is included (Zheleznovy disc aerobics for kids)

Description of movements:

"Here we are sitting on the bus" children imitate the steering wheel with their hands, run in a circle, turn the steering wheel

"... we look back we look ahead" - walking on toes, arms outstretched, back straight (Here we have such a big bus)

"Well, the bus is unlucky ..." - hands to the sides walking on heels (This is such a wide bus)

"The wheels spun ... we rolled forward" fall to the floor, crawl on all fours in a circle one after another

"And we are not just sitting ..." - got up "took the steering wheel" ran in a circle with a light run

"Turn the steering wheel" and beep.

"Let our bus shake ..." - a gallop with the right and left sides

To lose, children walk or run around the hall, "turn the wheel"

Educator: here we are, let's go to the forest.

To rhythmic music, children walk in a circle and restore their breathing.

Educator: Guys, different animals live in the forest, birds and insects - bugs, insects, worms. Let us become worms for a minute !? (children's answers)

OSU: Dance of the worms. (musical composition "Dance of the Worms" Zheleznovy aerobics for kids)

Children dance, standing in a semicircle facing the teacher.

Verse 1: "Though we have ..." - twist with outstretched hands in front of him.

"And we have ..." - hands are raised above the head or pressed to the body. They move their hips, make a spring, wriggle.

Verse 2: "Let's be a ponytail ..." - take the hands back (make a "ponytail"), move the "ponytail"

"Wriggle ..." - do the springs, wriggle.

In the last verse, the children dance, as in the 1st. Older children can be invited to come up with their own movements and show them in the 2nd half of the verse and during a loss.

Final part:

Educator: what funny worms we have turned out. But it's time for us to get back, get on the bus, we'll go back to the group.

The song “bus” sounds, the children “turn the wheel” and step out of the hall beeping.



Summary of rhythmic classes morning exercises for children 3-4 years old "By bus to the forest" (second younger group)

Composed by: Choreography teacher at MADOU No. 9 "Rosinka" Naumenko Evgenia Sergeevna

Target :

to contribute to the strengthening of the health of children and the awakening of the body for normal life.


Create a joyful emotional uplift, "wake up" the child's body, tune in an effective way

Cultivate a habit of daily exercise

Develop all muscle groups, coordination of movements. Strength and endurance

To cultivate the ability to simultaneously start and finish exercises in a timely manner to the music.

Course of the lesson:

Introductory part:

Educator : Hello guys, today, while charging, I suggest you go to the forest. Do you want to? (children's answers). To get on the bus, we need to walk to the bus stop.

Rhythmic music turns on; children march in a column one by one into the hall and walk in a circle.

Educator : here comes the stop! Get on the bus!

The musical composition "Bus" is included (Zheleznovy disc aerobics for kids)

Description of movements:

"Here we are sitting on the bus" children imitate the steering wheel with their hands, run in a circle, turn the steering wheel

"... we look back we look ahead" - walking on toes, arms outstretched, back straight (Here we have such a big bus)

"Well, the bus is unlucky ..." - hands to the sides walking on heels (This is such a wide bus)

"The wheels spun ... we rolled forward" fall to the floor, crawl on all fours in a circle one after another

"And we are not just sitting ..." - got up "took the steering wheel" ran in a circle with a light run

"Turn the steering wheel" and beep.

"Let our bus shake ..." - a gallop with the right and left sides

To lose, children walk or run around the hall, "turn the wheel"

Educator: here we are, let's go to the forest.

To rhythmic music, children walk in a circle and restore their breathing.

Educator: Guys, different animals live in the forest, birds and insects - bugs, insects, worms. Let us become worms for a minute !? (children's answers)

OSU : Dance of the worms. (musical composition "Dance of the Worms" Zheleznovy aerobics for kids)

Children dance, standing in a semicircle facing the teacher.

Verse 1: "Though we have ..." - twist with outstretched arms in front of him.

"And we have ..." - hands are raised above the head or pressed to the body. They move their hips, make a spring, wriggle.

Verse 2: "Let's be a ponytail ..." - take the hands back (make a "ponytail"), move the "ponytail"

"Wriggle ..." - do the springs, wriggle.

In the last verse, the children dance, as in the 1st. Older children can be invited to come up with their own movements and show them in the 2nd half of the verse and during a loss.

Final part:

Educator: what funny worms we have turned out. But it's time for us to get back, get on the bus, we'll go back to the group.

The song “bus” sounds, the children “turn the wheel” and step out of the hall beeping.

Anna Gaponova
Complex rhythmic gymnastics in the second younger group

Complex of musical rhythmic gymnastics in the second junior group

Musical-rhythmic composition "Merry Travelers" (music by S. Starokadomsky, lyrics by S. Mikhalkov)

We go, we go, we go

To distant lands

Good neighbors,

Happy friends.

Children enter the hall, holding hands, form a circle.

We have fun

We sing a song

And the song is sung

How we live.

Walking one after another at a brisk pace, imitating "soldiers".

Tra-ta-ta! - Three claps to the right.

Tra-ta-ta! - Three claps to the left.

We are bringing a cat with us - Four jumps, hands down.

Siskin, dog, Petka the bully - Hands on the belt, rotation of the body to the right and to the left.

Monkey, parrot - Jumping in place with overhead clapping.

Here - Hands forward, showing "class"

What a company! - Forward bending of the torso

When you live together

What could be better!

And there is no need to quarrel,

And you can love everyone.

Walking with a stomping step, rotation with arms bent at the elbows, imitating a "train".

You are on a long journey

Take your friends with you:

They will help you

And it's more fun with them.

Stopped, hands on the belt, body tilts left and right. (Two tilts to each side)

Chorus: Repeated

We rode, we sang

And with a funny song

All together, as best they could,

We arrived home.

Jumping in a circle one after another, hands on the belt.

The sun shone for us

The wind swept over us,

It was not boring on the way,

And everyone hummed:

They stopped, hands on the belt, to the shoulders, up, to the shoulders. (Repeat twice)

Chorus: Repeated

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Synopsis of an open lesson in rhythm in the younger group


Development of artistry, inner freedom, disclosure

the child's creative potential by means of musical-rhythmic and dance movements.


Educational :

    Strengthening the skills of accurate execution of movements, for the teacher;

Developing :

    Develop creativity, a sense of rhythm, the need for self-expression in movement to music;

    To develop the expressiveness and motor liberation of children in musical and rhythmic exercises, games and dance studies;

    Develop the expressiveness of movements; to act with objects; hear the end of a musical phrase;

    Promote the development of attention, motor memory and the ability to listen to music;

Educational :

To cultivate politeness in dealing with partners in the game, dance.


Audio equipment, cardboard flowers, colorful cubes.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the leading role in all educational areas is assigned to play activities... Therefore, throughout the entire lesson, we used games and play musical studies.

Course of the lesson:

    Hall entrance:

Children ride a train with movements together with a teacher to a song"Bon Voyage ».

    The field is large, green forest.
    How many ways and roads in the spring. on the whole foot

On the socks

The very, very, good way.

    Everything is interesting, whatever you look at. sat down
    A friendly song over the world of links. on the heels

Good in the world, sun, shine.
Wish us, wind, a good journey. go snake
Kind, kind, good way
The very, very, good way.

Teacher:(music sound of nature : Birdsong)

Guys, we leave the trailers. So we drove - went to a flower meadow, and arrived. See how many beautiful flowers there are. Merry adventures await us in the clearing! Because flowers grow here, not simple, but magical - whoever comes to this meadow, everyone dances. Guys, I clap my hands - 1,2,3 we go, choose any flower and stand next to me.

Now let's say hello to the guests who came to see us and get with us good mood... But we will greet like real dancers - a bow! And our guests will tell us, "Hello" in response.

We are ready, our legs are friendly, we gathered them together, the backs are straight, well done! (I think the children bow to the count).

(Girls - 1-2, squat, plie; boys -3-4, head tilt)

Teacher:(magic music plays) So, our flowers begin the magic. We all stand in a circle.

I turn on the song"Well, everyone stood in a circle."

Teacher: Guys, the flowers are whispering to me (I put my hand to my ear and go to the clearing) that they want to turn us into bunnies. Let's dance like bunnies.

(including music transformation) Close our eyes 1,2,3, turn babies into bunnies!

(including music transformation) Etude "Bunnies were dancing in the meadow"

Close our eyes, 1,2,3, turn us from bunnies back into children.

Guys, what time of year is it? Spring. That's right, well done. Let's start a spring round dance.

Round dance"Today I saw that it is spring on the street"

Teacher: Now, guys, look at what I have in my hand? Correctly a flower. He wants to play with us. (reminding the rules of the game)

Children stand in a circle and pass a flower to each other (task game).

Teacher: Let's rejoice, applause.

Teacher: You danced so much and of course you are tired. Let `s have some rest.

Children sit on the carpet, incl. calm " Music of flowers ”.

As in the forest on a hummock

Flowers have grown hands up, clenching fists, unclenching

Flowers, flowers

Flowers, little flowers flashlights

Whispering with the breeze palms three against each other

They smiled at the sun waving pen mi

We lie down and smell the flowers!


Have a rest, guys, let's give our guests a good spring mood " Dance with cubes ". We stand next to the flowers.


Well done! You are all active, doing the exercises well, dancing. Thanks to all! The adventures in the clearing have come to an end, it's time for us to Kindergarten come back. You guys have been given gifts of flowers, these are coloring pages. In a group, color and present to moms (I give it to the teacher). Let's say goodbye to the guests guys. Let's turn to the audience and bow to them. (Bow, applause). We are building with a locomotive.

Children will be a little train to a song"Bon Voyage"and waving their hands to the guests leaving the hall.

Methodical literature.

Nargiza Minakova

Educational area: "Artistic and aesthetic development"

Group: II junior

Form of direct educational activities: travel

Form of organization: subgroup.

Theme: "Fabulous glade»

Target classes: development of artistry, inner freedom, disclosure

the child's creative potential by means of musical rhythmic and dance movements.



Strengthening the skills of accurate execution of movements, in accordance with the text.


Development of creativity, feelings rhythm, the need for self-expression in movement to the music.

Develop logical thinking.

Formation of skills of spinning in place, development of coordination, feeling rhythm, accuracy and dexterity of movements, memory and attention.


Education of self-awareness through introduction to dance, education of musical and motor culture. To foster safe behavior in nature.

Preliminary work:

Chatting about colors, watching presentations about colors and butterflies, learning dance moves, listening to a piece of music "Flight butterflies» .

Materials and equipment: Computer, multimedia equipment, wings butterflies, wreath for fairy, flower glade.

Integration of educational areas

"Artistic and aesthetic development"(music, fiction, "Social and communicative development"(play, safe behavior in nature, "Cognition" (ecology)

Psychological attitude

The course of educational activities.

(The teacher brings up the children to the music in group in a semicircle).

Educator: Children, look, guests have come to us! What should be done when we see guests?

Educator: That's right, we'll say hello to our guests. But we will not do it as usual, but say hello in the language of dance (Boys do a bow, and girls do a spring).

Motivational and motivating moment

Educator: dear boys and girls, and now I suggest you go with me to a fun clearing... But remember how we should behave on clearing... (you need to be careful, look under your feet so as not to trample flowers, beetles)

Knowledge update


It's not good for us to be lazy

Remember guys

Even birds, even animals. Do exercises. (children go to the music of the march to glade where there are many flowers and keep marching).

Educator: But the socks got up

That would not be tired. (They go in a circle, hands on a belt and on toes)

And now on your heels (They go in a circle, hands behind the head on the heels)

We saw butterflies

And they ran in a circle (running in a circle, hands on the belt).

And the sparrow woke up (jumps)

And quietly roused himself (step in a circle while inhaling and exhaling).

Perception and assimilation of new things

Educator: you guys are great, and now I want to ask you a riddle.

There is a curly hair in the garden - a white shirt,

Heart of gold. What it is? (chamomile).

At the bumps covered with snow,

Under a white snow cap,

We found a little flower

Half frozen, slightly alive. (snowdrop).

Parachutes over the meadow

They swing like twigs. (dandelions)

Educator: Oh, what a fine fellow you are, you guessed all the riddles. Please tell me a snowdrop, dandelion, chamomile - what is this? How do you call it in one word? (flowers)... Right. And now I will turn into a fairy of flowers. (the teacher puts a wreath on his head).

Listen to another riddle.

Flies over the flower, dances,

A patterned fan waves. (Butterfly)

That's right guys, and now there will be one more transformation.

All get together in a circle and in butterflies you turn! (children wear wings).

And now, I want to tell you a story about butterfly and her family... They often flew together on clearing... And then one day, to make it more fun to fly, they came up with butterflies are busy: they started clapping, but how? Yes, just like that.

"one two three four", (eighth duration)

And then my mother heard them and suddenly said and I like this

"one and", "two and", "three and", "four and" (quarter duration)

Well, grandma, so as not to lag behind,

"one and two and", "three and four and" (half duration)

It's quiet here great-grandmother said:

And I can also here So:

Oh, how slowly she clapped!

"one and two and three and four and" (whole duration)

(All durations are slammed)

And we went home to rest.

So it's time to end the fairy tale.

Practical work

But, no matter what it was, they suddenly heard beautiful music. They closed their eyes and began to listen.

(Listening to a snippet of a beautiful flowing melody)... My dear butterflies what is this melody. (Beautiful, smooth, magical)... And what do you want to do with this music. (fly, flutter, etc.).Well, you butterflies, I suggest you take each of your flowers. (Children get up on a flower) And they decided to dance, but how? Yes, that's it!

Our first move. Look at me closely (teacher show)... Starting position hands on the sides, back straight, legs together. On "Time and" we move the right hand smoothly to the side with a spring on "Two and" we return our hand to starting position... On "Three and" left hand move smoothly to the side on "Four and" we return the hand to its original position. We repeat everything 4 times. .

And then they wanted to do it like this. Starting position hands on the sides, back straight, legs together. On "One and two and" right hand smoothly move to the side and the leg on the toe with a turn of the body, on "Three and four" we return to the starting position. It's the same with the left arm and leg. We repeat 4 times. (children perform the movement at the expense of).

And then they wanted to put their hands up and spin like this. Educator show. Hands are raised up to smoothly circle. (children perform the movement at the expense of).

And now, we will do all this to our beautiful, flowing melody.

All these movements are performed with music.

And now butterflies have fun fly around glades.


And now butterflies sit around the glade to rest.


And let's remember where we were with you? (on glades) .

What did we do?

What melody did we listen to?

Educator: Today you are all active, did the exercises well, danced. Well done boys. Thanks to all. Let's say goodbye to the guests.

(Bow, leaving the hall).

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