Summary of physical education in the 2nd junior group. Summary of physical education in the second junior group "Walk in the woods

Olesya Perelygina
Summary of physical education classes in the second younger group"Birds"

Type of classes: Subject

Integration areas:

Physical development:



Teach children to jump from low objects, landing gently on bent legs;

Continue to teach to walk in a circle, keeping an even formation;

Exercise in loose running;

Exercise in performing the task for the prevention of scoleosis;

Strengthen the muscles of the legs and trunk.


Develop coordination of movement;

Develop physical activity, flexibility.


Cultivate interest in occupations on physical education;

To cultivate discipline, the ability to execute commands.

Create a joyful mood in children.

Cognitive development:

To consolidate the ability to perform a movement according to the score.

Speech development:

Anchor words in the movable the game: « Birds dance» .

Socially communicative development:

Contribute to the accumulation of experience of friendly relationships with peers and adults.

Artistically aesthetic development:

Learn to perform the exercise in accordance with the tempo of the music.

Health-saving technologies:

Breathing exercises;

Relaxation exercises.

Preliminary work:

- Browsing albums: « Birds»

- Outdoor play: « Birds dance» .


Soft track, signals, cat hat, gymnastic board, log (roller) to step over.

Guys, today we will play like this. Today you will be little sparrows, but for you to become them, you need to say magic words. (1.2,3,) Well, now you have become my little sparrows, and I will be your sparrow mother. Sparrow mother calls her children:

“Follow me, my little sparrows,

Fly quickly.

Today we are starting to learn to fly.

Rather, get up in a circle and we will begin

Formation in a circle. Walking in circles with characteristic hand movements Wing flapping... The mother sparrow shows the movements, and then steps aside, "Looking after children".

Bye "Sparrow" looks, children perform walking in a circle.

The sparrow fell asleep, and that is all the sparrows need. They spread their wings and flew in all directions. Little sparrows fly all over

the hall. (scattering) .

- "Sparrow" wakes up:

Chick-chirp, chick-chirp,

What a noise, what a scream?

Become a circle rather (pause)

I dozed off just for a minute

The little sparrows were naughty in earnest.

I will strictly follow you now,

So that you grow obedient as sparrows.

Now, sparrow charging

2 part of the switchgear

1. We clean the feathers: and. on. with. Make a spring, tilt your head to the right, etc. etc., the same to the left. Doses. 4 times.

2. Spread the wings: and. p. - feet foot-width apart, hands below. Raise your right hand up, look, etc. etc., also with the left hand. Doses. 4 times.

3. We wash our face: and. p. - feet shoulder-width apart, hands on the belt. Leaning forward - characteristic movements - washing, etc. n. Doses. Five times.

4. Find the seed: and. on. with. Sit down, tap your fingers on the floor, etc. n. Doses. 4 times.

5. Learning to fly: and. p. - the same. Jumping in place of the wave of the arms.

6. Let's blow on our feathers: and. p. - legs together, hands in front of you. Inhale - exhale, blow on the hands.

Basic movements:

We will fly in a friendly flock,

Let's get up one after another together.

Follow me in the column one by one

Column formation one at a time.

To a distant clearing

Let's go now.

Snake walking between signals.

A fallen tree ahead, let's jump over it (Jumping over a log) .

We will pass along the narrow bridge over the river. (Walking on a gymnastic board) .

Let's go along the narrow path and jump off it. (jump off the track softly, landing on bent legs).

Here we are with you and came to a wonderful meadow. This will be our home.

N / a "Sparrows and a cat".

Relaxation to the soundtrack "Sounds of nature".

Sparrows ran over in a day, played enough, wanted to sleep. They sat down and closed their eyes. The sparrows began to fall asleep. And they dreamed of a wonderful meadow, green grass, beautiful flowers. The sparrows have become warm and comfortable, it's time to turn back into children. 1,2,3,4,5-sparrows are turning into guys. (get up calmly, go to the formation)

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Software content:

  1. Teaching children to accept what is right starting position when throwing a small ball (bag) into the distance with the right and left hand.
  2. Practice the skill of crawling on gymnastic bench, supported by palms and knees.
  3. Develop motor skills jumping in place and moving forward.
  4. Build a sense of confidence in overcoming obstacles.
  5. To induce an emotional response in children to participate in a play activity.

Preliminary work: Reading a fairy tale, examining illustrations, memorizing nursery rhymes.

Equipment: 2 gymnastic benches, balls according to the number of children, a large Wolf toy, a "Goat" hat for the teacher, "kids" badges - for children.

The course of the lesson.

Introductory part:

Educator: Children, do you like fairy tales? / Yes/

Today you and I will not be guys, but kids.
We whirled, whirled and we turned into kids!

/children are spinning, they are put on emblems, the teacher is a cap of the Goat /

There is a teremok in a field, the door is locked.
In the house, the kids are sleeping, their noses are sniffing sweetly.
Everyone got up early in the morning and did the exercises.
The kids went out for a walk to stretch their legs.

Walking in a column one at a time.

They walked along the meadow, raised their legs.

Walking with a high knee lift.

1,2,3,4,5 we go for a walk on socks.

Toe walking

And now, little kids, we are walking on our heels.

Walking on heels.

1,2,3,4,5 we will jump and gallop.

Jumping on two legs with forward movement.

Let's hurry to the clearing, we'll run one after another.

Running in a circle.

Main part:

Educator b: In order for the grass to be juicy, it is necessary that it be watered by rain.

Let's call it rain.

Finger gymnastics "Rain".

Clouds, clouds, run into heaps
Cover the sun, wet the earth with rain. ( circular movements with your hands)
Rattling thunder, crack the clouds
Give rain from the sky cloud. (fingers clenched into a cam, knocking cam on cam.)
Rain lei, lei, lei ( shaking hands)
On me ( press both hands to the chest)
On people ( stretch both arms forward)
On people on a spoon ( put your palms together)
A crumb on me ( connect your thumb and forefinger together)

Educator: Enough rain for us, let's call the sun.

The sun, the sun is a red bucket ( clap their hands)
Ascend high, shine far away. (hands are gradually raised up, stand on tiptoes.)

The sun came out, and the kids and animals were delighted.

Movement exercise "Fun".

Top top! Stompers! (T falling step in place)
Hares are dancing on the edge (jumping in place)
A hedgehog is dancing on a stump (spinning around)
Birds are dancing on a pine tree (swing with straight arms)
The cat is dancing on the porch (show "ponytail")
The cat is dancing near the stove. (hit the knees with both hands)
Legs are dancing (extend bent arms forward)
Ears are dancing (hands up, show "ears")
Horns and tails are dancing. ( display by text)
Glad to the sun bell . (spread your arms to the sides, up.)


My lovely sons and obedient daughters,
Mom will go to the dense forest. It will bring mushrooms and berries.
Hook the door or the top will eat you.

The goat went into the forest, and the biting wolf lived in the forest. He did not sleep, did not doze, quickly ran to the house.

(Put a wolf toy at the end of the hall)

Educator b: We saw the kids of the wolf and began to throw balls at him.

ATS: 1. Throwing the ball (bag) into the distance with the right and left hand.

Educator: The wolf got scared and ran away, and then my mother came. The kids were delighted, they told their mother everything. Began to have fun

2. Jumping over small balls placed on the floor.

Educator b: Mom fed the kids and again went into the forest, and the wolf was right there again.

Hold on tight with your hands, crawl on the bench.
Don't let go of your legs, raise your head up.

3. Crawling on a bench, with support on your knees and palms.

Educator: The kids were dexterous and the wolf did not catch up with them. They ran to mom and began to play together.

An outdoor game "Wolf-top".

The kids walked through the forest, they teased the evil wolf:
"And we are not afraid of the wolf, we will hide from the wolf"

Final part:

Educator: Played enough, you have to go home.

You walk along the path; you will not wake the wolf.

Walking in circles, walking on toes

Educator b: That's the end of the fairy tale. Whoever listened to the tale, he ate the honey.

Marina Prytkova
Physical training in the second junior group.

Abstract classes complex plot - physical education"Kolobok" with the consolidation of mathematical concepts in 2 younger group.


fix walking and running in a column one by one

learn to jump on two legs from hoop to hoop

repeat walking on tiptoes and running on a limited surface area

teach to crawl under the arc without touching the floor with your hands

during p / and navigate in space

fix on physical education mathematical concepts (round; narrow; wide; high; low)

through a fairy tale to develop an interest in physical exercises, a desire to go in for sports.

Preliminary work:

familiarizing children with a fairy tale "Kolobok"

Equipment: small balls by the number of children; 3 hoops; 2 tracks (wide and narrow); 2 arcs (high and low); fairy tale characters "Kolobok"(grandfather, grandmother, hare, wolf, bear - puppet theater; fox, bun - soft toys); artificial herringbone.

The course of the lesson.

Children enter the hall and stand one after another in a column one by one.

Instructor: Guys, today we will go on a journey through a fabulous country. Let's hop on our fun train and hit the road.

Walking (10sec).

Instructor: Our train picks up speed.

Run (10sec).

Instructor: We are approaching a fairyland, the train slows down.

Walking with breathing restoration (10sec).

Main part.

Instructor: To find out which fairy tale we have arrived at, guess the riddle.

I ran away from the hare

I ran away from the wolf

But the fox still hit the teeth.

Who is this? (gingerbread man).

Well done! You and I got into a fairy tale "Kolobok".

Once upon a time there was a grandfather and a woman in a clearing by the river.

And they loved koloboks very, very much on sour cream.

Grandfather Says Baba: "Bake me a bun"... And a woman to him answers: "Not of anything".

Grandfather says: "And you scrape the barns, scrape the bottom sections"... Baba did just that. She took some flour and began to bake a bun.

Let us prepare koloboks too.

OSU with a small ball.

1. "Knead the dough"... I. p. - legs slightly apart, arms down. 1- arms to the sides; 2- hands down on your knees; 3- arms to the sides; 4- and. NS. (4 times).

2. Picked up balls from the basket. "We roll the bun"... I. p. - legs slightly apart, hands in front of the chest. 1-4-circular motions with palms (roll the ball) v right side, then left. (4 times).

3. "Let's put the bun in the oven"... I. p. - legs slightly apart, ball in both hands below. 1-tilt forward, put your hands with the ball in front of you, look at the ball; 2-straight, hands down. (4 times).

4. "He wanted to cool down a little and lay down on the window."... I. p. - lying on your back, exercise "Beetles"(ball next to on the floor).

5. "Jumping around the kolobok"... I. p. - legs together, hands on the belt. Jumping around the ball to the right and to the left.

6. "He came out blush, good-looking and looks like the sun"... I. p. - legs slightly apart, arms down, ball in right hand... 1- hands up, stretch; 2- and. NS. (4 times).

What kind of bun did you get? (round)

We put our koloboks in a basket. Look, something happened to the grandfather and the woman's kolobok. Gingerbread man - ruddy side, rolled under the bridge. He wanted to run away, we need to catch up with him.

The main types of movements.

Instructor: Guys, let's find the kolobok and return it to the grandfather and the woman. Follow me. (walking around the hall between objects)... Look, a gray bunny is sitting. Bunny, have you seen a kolobok here?

Bunny: Jump with me, I'll tell you then.

Jumping from hoop to hoop on two legs, stream method.

Children: Various. One wide, the other narrow.

Instructor: Let's walk along a narrow path one after another on tiptoes.

Walking on a narrow path on toes one after another. Hands on the waist, back straight.

Instructor: Look who we met? It's a wolf! Tell me, wolf, have you met Kolobok by chance?

Wolf: No! (growls loudly).

Instructor: Oh, what a wicked Wolf! Let's run away from him as soon as possible. Which path will we quickly run away from the Wolf, along the wide or along the narrow? (wide)

Running on a wide track one after another.

Instructor: We ran away from the wolf. Let's go further after Kolobok. Look, there are arcs in front of us. Look closely, how do they differ from each other?

Children: One arc is large, the other is small.

Instructor: Let's crawl under these arcs and see what awaits us there. Girls will crawl under a large arc, boys under a smaller arc.

Crawling under the arc without touching the floor with your hands.

Instructor: Look who's standing in our way? This is the owner of the forest - a bear. Let's ask him about Kolobok.

The bear himself wants to show us the way. Let's follow him "Bearish."

Children walk along - Bearish around the hall. They reach the Christmas tree.

Instructor: Who is it hiding under the Christmas tree? Whose red tail is visible (Fox)... Chanterelle, have you seen Kolobok?

Fox: Play with me, maybe I'll tell you.

Instructor: Well, what to do. Let's play with the fox. I know one interesting game... It is called "Fox-fox".

Children in twos get into the houses (hoops)... The fox hid behind the tree. Children leave the houses and walk across the hall towards the fox with words.

Fox fox, red beauty

Long nose, fluffy tail! Come catch up with us!

The fox runs out from behind the Christmas tree and runs after the guys. Children run away to their houses. (the game repeats twice) .

Instructor: While you were playing with the fox, look what I found under the tree.

This is Gingerbread Man. Oh, and the sly fox. I wanted to hide and eat Kolobok. Yes, we will take the Kolobok to the grandfather and the woman.

An old man with an old woman lives on the edge of the forest.

The guys are in a hurry to them, they want to give the Kolobok. (light running around the hall after Kolobok).

Grandfather and woman: Thank you guys for returning the Kolobok to us. We have prepared a treat for you. (basket with sweets)... Goodbye!

Instructor: Our fabulous journey is over. We sit down on our fun train and return back to Kindergarten.

Walking through the hall one after another.

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Nina Tsitsvarina
Summary of physical education in the second junior group "Walk in the woods"

Summary of physical education in the second junior group.

« Walk in the woods»


Exercise in loose walking and running with assignments,

Exercise in balance while walking on a reduced footprint,

Learn to jump on two legs, land softly after jumping

Exercise in walking with stepping over objects,

Develop attention, coordination of movements,

Foster friendships with peers

The course of the lesson.

Guys, today we are going to the forest. Let's go along the wide path. Let's go calmly. A river flows ahead, we are heading there.

Free walking.

And now the path has become narrow. We stepped on the sand and we walk on tiptoes.

Walking on tiptoes, arms out to the sides.

The path became wide again. Let's go freely. Ordinary step

Free walking.

Oh, the sand is so hot, the children ran at a gallop.

Here we are with you and came to the fairy forest. Guys look at the hedgehog. In order not to scare him, let's go quietly. On the socks.

Walking on toes, hands on the belt.

How many bumps are on our way, let's step over them.

Walking with high knees.

And here are the branches that you need to jump over.

Jumping on 2 legs.

There is a small puddle on our way. In order not to wet the legs, we go on the heels.

Walking on heels.

How hot it is. The sand burns even the heels, they ran without looking back.

Loose run.

Here is the clearing. We came to a fairy forest full of fairy tales and miracles. how beautiful the birds sing, how many strawberries.

Many tall trees. Show how tall they are.

General developmental exercises:

The trees are tall.

1. I. p. - o. with.

1- raise your hands up, stretch.

Here is a pine tree, stirring its branches.

2. I. p. - o. with. hands to the side

1. Tilt of the trunk to the right

3. Tilt to the left

Here is a Christmas tree bent, green needles.

3. I. p. - o. with. Hands behind head

1- forward bend

3 - 4 - the same

Now let's rest after the road.

4. I. p. About. with.

1- sit down with your arms forward

3-4 - the same

The sun saw how many children came into the forest and looked out from behind a cloud. The guys were delighted and jumped.

5.I. p. - o. with.

1- jump, arms to the sides, legs apart

3-4 - the same

Walking on a path 15 cm wide, 2.5 m long.

Crawling into hoops.

In the green forest on a sunny lawn

Bunnies jumped one after another

Look, a bunny is sitting under the tree. He ran out and jumped. Let's show the bunny that we can jump too.

Jumping from hoop to hoop.

Bunny liked the way you jumped. Let's teach the bunny to play the game "My jolly jingle ball"

The game "Catch the Ball"

Ball, clockwork ball

Play with me soon

We played with a bunny, a ball, and now it's time to return to kindergarten.

Sedentary game "Yellow ball"

Someone in the morning, slowly,

Inflate the yellow balloon

And how will you let go

It will suddenly become light around

What is this ball?

Walking in place

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Summary of physical education

2 younger group

Educator: Slobodenko V.G.

Target: Exercise children in walking and running in a column one at a time, crawling on all fours (with support on the palms and knees) in a straight direction. Teach children to crawl into a hoop, walk on a gymnastic bench, and land on bent legs when jumping off. Develop coordination of movement. To cultivate diligence, courage.

Equipment: balls according to the number of children, 2 - 3 hoops, a pole with a rattle, a gymnastic bench, a tambourine.

Course of the lesson

1 part: Formation in a line, turning the head to the left, straight, right, straight.Explanation: Today we will be hedgehogs, then little guys. See how hedgehogs walk and run (shown by a child or a teacher). Turn after Nikita, show how children walk, march step (to a tambourine) ( normal walking in a circle one after another). Now get on all fours and walk in a circle one after another like a hedgehog (after hitting a tambourine, children get up). Show how little children run, jogging march. Now show how the hedgehogs run. Get on all fours and run like a hedgehog. Now go through as guys. (After hitting the tambourine, the children stop). Look at our clearing - there are balls on it, like red apples. Walk up to the ball and stand near it. Take the ball in both hands.

Part 2: a ) General developmental exercises:

1. I. p. feet foot-width apart (narrow track), the ball in both hands below. Raise the ball up, lower your arms, etc. 4 - 5 times.

2. I. p. feet shoulder-width apart (wide track), ball in bent arms in the chest. Bring the ball forward, bend over, touch the floor with the ball, straighten, arms to the chest. 4 times.

3. I. p. lying on your back, the ball in both hands behind the head. Bend your knees, touch the knees with the ball, straighten your legs and arms. 4 times.

4. I. p. feet foot-width apart (narrow track), the ball in both hands below. Raise your arms forward, up. Forward, lower. Five times.

5. I. p. sitting legs apart, the ball in both hands at the chest. Bend over, touch the floor with the ball, straighten, arms to chest. 4 times.

6. I. p. feet shoulder-width apart (wide track), the ball in both hands below. Sit down, touch the floor with the ball, stand up. Five times.

Guys, take the balls to the basket and line up behind Nikita.

b) Basic movements.

See how hedgehogs crawl into the hoop (showing by a child or teacher). It is necessary to shrink into a ball and, without touching the floor with your hands, crawl into the hoop (2 - 3 vertical hoops), stand up and reach with your hands to the rattle (suspended on a pole). Now look at how the guys walk on the gymnastic bench. Stand on a bench, arms to the sides, backs straight, do not lower your head. And at the end of the bench, we jump down easily onto bent legs, put our arms forward.

Turn after Nikita and crawl into the hoop like a hedgehog, and walk along the bench like guys (do it 3 times, one after the other).

An outdoor game. And now it's time for us kids to play. The game is called "Catch the Ball". I will empty the balls from the basket, and you will quickly catch up with them and bring them back to the basket (the game is repeated 3 times).

Part 3. Guys, I found some kind of box, what is in it? These are leaflets. Take out one leaf at a time, get on all fours, put the leaf on your back and carry it on your back. At hedgehogs on a prickly back, the leaf does not fly off. And the kids? Now let's see who has a leaf on their back that will roll (play) longer.

Stand up! Have you lost the leaves? Lift all the leaves up and go to the group with the leaf.

Well done, hedgehog! Well done boys!

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