Articulatory gymnastics for children 3 4. Split card index of articulatory gymnastics for kindergarten

"Articulation gymnastics

on lexical topics for children with OHP "

teacher-log pedagogue: Omelchuk Marina Nikolaevna

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Autumn"

1. Breathing exercise:

"Rain" --I.p .: o.s. 1 - alternately put straight arms forward - "catch drops" (inhale); 2 - as you exhale, pronounce: "Cap-cap-cap!"; 3 - alternately put straight arms forward - "catch the drops" (inhale); 4 - as you exhale, pronounce: "Well, well, well!". Repeat 3-4 times.


Suddenly clouds covered the sky -rub the forehead with the edge of the palm

A prickly rain began to drip -massage the cheeks with your fingertips.

For a long time the rain will cry -massage the ears

Will dissolve slush everywhere -they rub the wings of the nose with their fists.

3.Exercises for the tongue:

Autumn has come, it's time to pick mushrooms. Tongue, taking a large basket (exercise. "Cup" ), went to the forest. On the way to the forest I saw “ Brook " - a cold stream of air “flows down” in the middle of the wide tongue, the tip of which rests against the base of the lower front teeth; lips parted in a smile. The tongue put his palm up and felt how cold the water was in the brook. (Children put their hands under the chin; an adult checks the correctness of the exercise by each child: "What is the water in your stream?") The tongue walked through the forest for a long time and finally came out into the clearing. I saw many, many mushrooms on it. The exercise "Fungus" - a wide tongue "sticks" to the palate, in shape it resembles a mushroom cap, and the hyoid frenulum is a mushroom leg.

The tongue ran from one mushroom to another, saying: "Here is a chanterelle, here is a pig, and this is a fly agaric ..." etc. ... (The teacher does the same, approaching each child in turn.) Having filled a basket of mushrooms, Tongue heard the sound of a motor.

Control. "Motor" - during a prolonged pronunciation of the sound: d-d-d-d behind the upper teeth with quick movements with a clean straight index finger, the child himself makes frequent oscillatory movements from side to side.

The tongue lifted its head and saw a helicopter flying in the sky. The tongue waved to him and returned home with the harvest.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic “Vegetable garden. Vegetables"

1. Development of speech breathing and voice"Conversations of vegetables". Pronounce syllabic combinations on behalf of the Pomodoro (boastfully) and Cucumber (offended)... The tomato boasts to the Cucumber that it is red, beautiful: "Pa-poo, py-po!" Cucumber: "By-by, by-bo." Zucchini tells Eggplant that he is tired of lying in the garden: "To-you-to." Pronounce "Oh!", "Ah!", "Uh!" in a whisper, quietly and loudly on behalf of grandparents.

2. Massage of biologically active points of the face"Peas".

There lived peas in the store - massage the cheeks in a circular motion.

Peas shouted: "Oh - Oh!" - massage the ears with movements from top to bottom

Here I, kids, look, don't look at the candy - massaging the outer corners of the eyes

Well, quickly buy me - press the wings of the nose with your index fingers.

There is no benefit from sweets - with index fingers massage the corners of the lips

I am more needed than a hundred candies! - we press our palms to the cheeks.

3.Exercises for the tongue:

1.The children came to the garden, they opened their mouths in surprise when they saw

a huge pumpkin. The exercise "Pumpkin" - open your mouth wide, keep counting to "5-6".

2. "Fatties are skinny". Depict vegetables in the garden. Watermelons, pumpkins, cabbage heads - "fat men"; onions, garlic, pea pod and

others are "skinny".

3. "Shovel" ... "We need to dig up the potatoes, get the shovels ready."

The tongue rests on the lower lip.

4. "Digging potatoes" ... Raise and lower the tip of the tongue, closing the upper and lower lip.

5. Zucchini, zucchini, show me your barrel.

The exercise "Zucchini" - open your mouth wide, close your upper teeth with a "wide" tongue. Lower the tongue behind the lower teeth.

6. "Smooth bed in the garden" ... Open your mouth wide

lower the tongue behind the lower teeth.

7. Game "I am not me". Lower the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth, lips in a smile. The teacher says sentences: "I love carrots", "I love cucumbers", "I love raw potatoes", "I will cook cabbage compote", etc. Children answer: "I, and I!" or "Not me, not me!"

Articulation gymnastics

on the theme “Garden. Fruits"

1. Breathing exercise:

Inhale through your nose - turn your head to the left. We saw a very large apple. Exhale through the mouth with the pronunciation of the sound 0-0-0. Turn your head to the right. What a huge pear! Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

2. Exercises for the tongue:

1. "Cheeks-apples" ... Your cheeks are round as apples. Inflate both cheeks.

2. "Let's hide the plum behind the cheek" ... Inflate alternately the right and then the left cheek.

3. "Round grape" ... Pull the lips forward with a narrow tube.

4. "Banana" ... Smile, lifting the corners of your lips up. The lips are closed.

5. "The tongue crawls through the gap in the fence into the garden" ... The "wide" tongue is forced between the teeth.

6. "The stakes of the fence are sharp - they are like that" ... Show "sharp" tongue. Take turns sticking out the "wide", then the "narrow" tongue.

7. "Tongue-leaf covered the apple barrel" ... Raise your tongue up and close your upper lip. Pull down and close the lower lip.

8. "Swing in the garden" ... We saw a swing in the garden.

On a swing I swing

Up - down, up - down.

Going up, going down

Up - down, up - down.

Raise your tongue up and down, sticking it out of your mouth.

9. "Cup for juice" ... Make a "cup" out of the tongue. "In the Car I have a cup

I will pour orange juice, apple juice in Kolina, plum juice in Dima.

What juice should I pour you, Sasha? "

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic “Forest in autumn. Berries and mushrooms "

1. Breathing exercise:

"We inhale the smell of the forest"

I.p .: o.s. Raise 1 hands up (inhale); Lower 2 hands down (exhale). Repeat 2-3 times.

2.Exercises for the tongue:


Walked, walked, to"Mishka's den" came up. Open your mouth wide, show how the bear yawns, he wants to sleep in the fall. Open and close your mouth.

"Brusnichka". Look how many lingonberries are here! Collect a full palm of lingonberry. Taste the berries and chew them well. Simulate chewing.

Exercises for lips and cheeks.

We are joyful and cheerful in the autumn forest, « let's smile at each other and the forest dwellers " . Smile (lips and teeth closed).

"Fat Hamster". Show how thick the cheeks are in the hamster, which carries supplies to the burrow. Inflate both cheeks at the same time. The hamster poured grain into the burrow. Draw in your cheeks.

"The squirrel is gnawing nuts." Smile and knock your teeth.

Exercises for the tongue.

"Tongue in the thicket." Show how the Uvula crawls between dense trees (teeth). Lips in a smile. Slowly stick out your tongue, biting it over the entire surface.

"We climb through the windbreak." Lips in a smile. The "wide" tongue is forced outwardly between the teeth so that the upper incisors are scraped along the back of the tongue. The teeth marks on the tongue are paths in the forest.

"A squirrel's tail flashes." The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. Turn the tongue sticking out strongly from the mouth to the right and left so that its tip touches the corners of the mouth. At the same time, the jaws and lips are motionless.

"Let's brush our teeth." The squirrel treated us to nuts. We ate them, now we will "clean" our teeth. "Brush" the tongue first, the upper, then the lower teeth. After that, make a circular motion with your tongue. Make sure that the jaws do not move, the lips do not move apart.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic “Clothes. Shoes. Hats"

1. Breathing exercise"Ironing the linen": I.p .: o.s. 1-slide your right palm over your left palm (inhale); 2 - on the exhale, pronounce: "Psh-sh-sh-sh!". Repeat 3-4 times.

2.Exercises for the tongue:

"Closing and unfastening the zipper" ... Smile, close your lips tightly, hold them in this position for a count of five (zippered). Open lips (zip open).

"Big buttons" - round lips as much as possible and " Little buttons " - stretch the lips with a narrow “tube”.

"Needle" - pull the "sharp" tongue out of the mouth as far as possible and hold it in this position (counting to "five or six").

"Collar with wide and sharp edges" ... Alternate between the positions of the "wide" and "narrow" language. Put a "wide" tongue on the lower lip ("round collar"). Draw out the "sharp" tongue - "sharp-edged collar".

"Linen in the wind" ... Open your mouth wide and press the tip of your tongue to your upper teeth, hold it in this position.

"Sewing on different sewing machines" ... Open your mouth wide. Raise the tongue by the upper teeth, press the lateral edges to the molars and say: "D-d-d-d-d" (we sew on an electric sewing machine), "T-t-t-t-t" (we sew on a hand sewing typewriter).

"Scribbles a machine" -

"Line"-- the tip of the tongue with a "needle" rhythmically touch the upper lip, starting from the corner of the mouth.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Migratory birds"

1. Breathing exercise:

"Birds are flying away" - I.p .: legs are slightly apart, arms are lowered. 1- deep breath;

2-slow exhalation, say: "On yo-oo-oo-oo!". Repeat 3-4 times.

2.Exercises for the tongue:

Exercises for the masticatory and articulatory muscles

"Hungry Chicks" .

"Chicks swallow food" ... Swallowing saliva.

Exercises for cheeks and lips

"Beaks of different birds" . Slowly suck the cheeks into the gap between the teeth. The lips are tightly closed and extended forward. " The mother bird drives the marten away from the chicks " . Suck the upper lip under the lower one, and then abruptly throw it out with an open mouth (smacking).

Exercises for the tongue

"Chicks are waiting for food" .

"Delicious food!" Suck a "wide" tongue to the palate, then make a sound ah-ah.

"Stork" . Pull the "sharp" tongue out of the mouth as far as possible and hold it up to "six to eight".

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Furniture"

2. Visual gymnastics"Furniture".

We will call furniture:

Children eyes up.

Armchair, chair, sofa, bed,

Perform circular movements.

Wardrobe, chest of drawers and stool.

They look left - right.

Have I named everything, or not?

They look forward.

3. Massage of biologically active points of the face"Cupboard".

Dense wardrobe, oak wardrobe - stroking the forehead with fingertips towards the temples.

In it suits, dresses, fur coats - index and middle fingers with a "fork", massage of points behind the ears.

It contains raccoons, foxes, wolves - massage the corners of the lips towards the ears.

And it's dark in the closet all day - Massage your cheeks with your fingertips in a circular motion.

Like in the woods or in the movies - three palms on palm and put palms on the cheeks.

4. Exercises for the tongue:

"Table top of the table" - open your mouth, put a wide tongue on your lower lip. Hold in this position for a count of up to 5.

"Chair seat" - open your mouth, stick out the narrow tongue, raise it and hold it in this position for up to 5.

Alternate exercises "Table top of the table" and "Chair seat" - alternately protrude a narrow and wide tongue. Repeat 3-4 times.

"High cabinet" - stick the tongue up and try to reach the nose with it. Hold the tongue in this position for a count of 5.

"Sofa" - open your mouth, with the tip of a wide tongue resting on the lower teeth. Press the tongue lightly with your upper teeth. Hold in this position for up to 5.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Dishes"

1.Mimic exercises (children show each other)

Express your grief with facial expressions - broke the cup.

Joy - bought new dishes.

Displeasure - a lot of dirty dishes that Fyodora's grandmother had in K. Chukovsky's fairy tale.

2.Exercises for the muscles of the neck"Look what's in the pot?" Lower your head down “What kind of dishes are on the shelf?”. Turn your head to the right, to the left with the pronunciation of sounds a, eh.

3.Exercises for lips, cheeks

"Jugs with a narrow and wide neck." Stretch your lips with a narrow or wide “tube”.

"Samovar". Inflate both cheeks at the same time.

4 language exercises

"Let's prepare cups for tea, coffee, juice."

Whose cup is deeper?

Tongue "cupped" outside and inside the mouth.

"A cup and saucer on the table."

Alternate positions: tongue "cup" and tongue "on the bottom".

"A sharp knife and a deep dipper."

Alternate articulation positions: “sharp” tongue and tongue with a “cup”.

Teapot handle. Press the back of the tongue against the palate, and rest the tip against the lower gum.

5. Motor-speech miniature "Dishes"

Here's a big glass teapot
Very important as a boss. Puffed up the tummy, one hand is a nose, the other is a handle. Here are the china cups
Very large, poor things. We sat down, one hand on the belt. Here are the china saucers
Just knock - they will break. Whirling. Here are the silver spoons
The head is on a thin stalk. They reached out, clasped their hands over their heads. Here's a plastic tray
He brought us the dishes. Spread your hands, palms up.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Food"

1. Breathing exercise"Porridge is boiling" ... I. p.: Sitting on a chair, one hand on the stomach, the other on the back. We draw in the stomach and draw air into the lungs, lower the chest and exhale the air, uttering the sound "f-f-f-f".

2.Exercises for the muscles of the neck « See what's in the pot? " Lower your head down. Turn your head to the right, to the left with the pronunciation of sounds OU.

3.Exercises for chewing - articulatory muscles

"Chewing hard carrots." Simulated chewing. Make slow and fast jaw movements.

4.Exercises for lips and cheeks

"Coffee pot and kettle". Stretch your lips with a narrow, then a wide "tube".

"Hot tea". Inflate both cheeks at the same time. Then blow off both cheeks.

5. Exercise for the tongue.

Pancake. The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. Place a wide tongue on your lower lip. Hold in this position for up to 5-6.

"Roll". The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. Raise the narrow tongue in the middle. Hold in this position for up to 5-6.

"Pie". The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. Place the "wide" tongue on the lower lip. Raise and roll your tongue into a "cup".

"Horn". The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. Place the "wide" tongue on the lower lip. Raise and roll your tongue into a "tube".

"Making chops." Open your mouth wide. Raise the tongue by the upper teeth, press the lateral edges to the molars and say: "D-d-d-d-d".

"They turned on the electric meat grinder." lips in a smile, a clean finger under the tongue, say: drrrrr.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Winter"

1. Breathing exercise:

"Snowing"-- I.p .: legs together, arms raised up.

1-gently lower your arms (inhale through your nose); 2 - as you exhale, pronounce: "Shhhh!". Repeat 3-4 times.

2. Articulation-respiratory and mimic exercises.

"Frost is cracking" [shshchshchshchshchshch] (loud, quiet)

"The wind is whistling" [ssssssssssssssss] (loud, quiet)

"Blizzard howls" [uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu] (loud, quiet)

"The horse rides children on a sleigh"

Click with a wide tongue.

"Let's warm our palms" [xxxxxxxxxxxxxx] (strong, weak).

3.For the jaw"Window" "The window opens and closes" - quiet opening and closing of the mouth.

4.Exercise for lips and cheeks

"Snowmen rejoice in the snow and frost." Inflate your cheeks. Cheerful expression in the eyes.

5. Uvula exercises:

"Icicle". Stick out the "sharp" tongue as far as possible to hold it in this position (counting to "six or eight").

"Sanki-Ledyanka". Make the tongue a "cup".

"Slide for Descent". Open your mouth, lower your tongue behind your lower teeth, bend the back of your tongue with a "hill".

"Sleigh". The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. Press the lateral edges of the tongue tightly to the upper molars, bend the back down, the tip is free. Movement back and forth, the lateral edges of the tongue should slide over the molars. Make sure that the lower jaw does not move, the lips do not touch the teeth.

"A hurricane wind opens and closes the window." The mouth is open. The tongue sticks out of the mouth. Raise and lower the tip of the tongue.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Winter fun"

1. Breathing exercises:

"Snowdrift"-- All snowflakes

(Inhale through the nose)

Let's collect it in a snowdrift.

(Exhale through your mouth)

So that they don't scatter

Cover with a handle: Clap! ( Corresponding palm movement).

"Handles are frozen ..."

Are the pens frozen? ( Blow cold air on your hands: F-f)

Let's blow them.

Breathing warm

(Blow warm air onto your hands: H-x-x ...)

We will warm them. ( Continue blowing warm air.)

2.Exercises for the tongue:

"Cheeks" - n blow out both cheeks with air . Then puff out your cheeks alternately .

Chubby cheeks

Little Vali.

On a frosty day

They became scarlet.

"Gorochka" - tongue - "a hill", the tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors. Keep "Gorochka" out of the language at the expense of: one, two, three. Keep, keep the "gorochka"!

I'll make a little bit

The little bit is cool.

There will be this little hill

In my mouth!

"Tongue and Gorochka" - run your tongue over the palate from top to bottom several times.

Rides tongue down the hill.

He used to ride like this:

Top - down, on the palate,

To the teeth, not to the snowdrift!

"Tongue-Bridge" - O open your mouth.

Stick out your tongue, put on your lower lip .

Hold as long as possible under the count: one, two, three.

The tongue is motionless!

The river is frozen

Covered in ice.

Tongue on a sponge

Frozen by the bridge.

"Cold in winter" -

Start the "motor" after each hand wash.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Wintering birds"

1. Breathing exercise

"Titmouse, fly!"
Technique: draw air through the nose; do not raise your shoulders; exhalation should be long and smooth; care must be taken not to puff out the cheeks.

2.Exercises for the muscles of the neck"Sleepy Owl". Lower your head down. Feel the tension of the neck muscles in the back.

"The owl is awake and shaking its head." Turning the head left and right.

3.Exercise for chewing - articulatory muscles

"Hungry Chicks". Open your mouth as wide as possible (the tongue lies at the bottom of the mouth, the tip rests on the lower teeth) to pronounce the syllables: "Am-am-am-am-am".

4.Exercise for lips and cheeks

"Beaks of different birds". Slowly suck the cheeks into the gap between the teeth. The lips are tightly closed and extended forward.

5. Exercise for the language.

"Chicks are waiting for food." Make a "cup" out of the tongue and keep it counting to "six".

"Delicious food!" Sucking a "wide" tongue to the palate, thus making a sound a.

"Crossbill". Stretch out the tongue and roll it up with a tube, hold it up to six or eight.

"Woodpecker" ... Raise your tongue by the upper teeth and knock, saying: "Tdd-t, tdd-tdd."

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Toys"

1. Breathing exercise"Breathing through the nose with the doll Tata"

(the teacher pronounces the text, the children breathe: inhale through the nose, exhale through the nose)

We breathe through our nose with the Tata doll:

Inhale - exhale, inhale - exhale.

Together we need to learn:

With the nose - inhale, with the nose - exhale.

2. Massage of biologically active points of the face"Toy Town".

Near two forest roads - stroking the forehead from the middle to the temples.

Right at the edge - massage the wings of the nose with the index fingers.

There is a magic town - rub the ears up and down with our palms.

Where do toys live? - stroking the corners of the lips towards the ears.

3.Exercises for the tongue:

« Spatula » - mouth open wide relaxed tongue rests on the lower lip.

« Slide »-- the mouth is open, the tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors, the back of the tongue is raised up.

« Tubule »-- the mouth is open, the lateral edges of the tongue are bent upward.

« Watch »-- the mouth is open, the lips are stretched out in a smile. The tip of the narrow tongue alternately stretches at the teacher's expense to the corners of the lips.

« Swing »-- the mouth is open.

2) For the upper and lower incisors.

« Football »-- R from closed. The tense tongue rests on the left, then on the right cheek.

Smile, open your mouth. Click the tip of your tongue like horses click. At the same time, the mouth is open, the tongue should be wide. Make sure that the tip of the tongue does not roll inward, and the lower jaw remains motionless.

Smile, open your mouth. Suck a wide tongue to the palate. This is the cap of the mushroom, and the hyoid ligament is the stem. The tip of the tongue should not curl up, the lips should not be in a smile.
The position of the tongue as in the exercise "Fungus", lips in a smile. Without lifting your tongue, open and close your mouth.

"Motor" - "start" systematically after each hand washing.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "New Year's holiday"

1. Breathing exercise:

"Snowflake"-- inhale through the nose, exhale for a long time through the mouth, make sure that the cheeks are not puffed up. Blow off the "snowflakes" from your palm.

The snowflake is spinning

The snowflake flies.

In my palm

The snowflake is in a hurry.

2.Mimic exercises:

"Angry Frost"

We are not afraid of frost!

(A joyful smile.)

He got angry with us:

(Furrow your eyebrows, frown.)

"I will freeze, I will freeze,

I'll freeze you now! "

(Draw out your lips with a tube, frown your eyebrows even more, shake your head angrily.)

"Santa Claus is performing"

Santa Claus cheered up

(Cheerful expression on his face.)

He smiled and sang.

(Smile and mouth movements, as when singing.)

Frost performed at the tree,

(Silent vowel articulation.)

I froze her needles ...

(It is a sad sigh.)

3. Exercises for the tongue "Winter's Tale"

Tongue prepared to listen to the "winter tale".

"Shovel" - He lay down on his lower lip, showing how attentive and obedient he is.

I really want the tongue to listen to an interesting winter story and from impatience it looks out, then again hides behind its teeth "Hide and seek" .

The tongue runs, looking for a more comfortable place "Turkey" .

Even snapping, so wants to hear the story as soon as possible "Horse".

It was in winter, at the end of December. It was snowing outside, the winter wind was blowing, driving snowflakes.

"Winter wind" - the mouth is closed, circular rotation of the tongue, first to the right side, then to the left.

"Frost in the yard" - raise your tongue by the upper teeth and knock, saying: "Tdd-t, tdd-tdd." The mouth is ajar, the teeth do not close.

Start the "motor" after each hand wash.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Poultry"

1. Breathing exercise"Geese hiss": I.p .: o.s. Push 1-straight arms back, stretch the neck, inhale through the nose; 2-on the exhale, pronounce: “Shhhh! Sh-sh-sh! Sh-sh-sh! " Repeat 3-4 times.

2.Exercises for the tongue:

Exercises for the muscles of the neck

"Chickens are drinking water" . Lower your head, and then tilt it back and open your mouth, while feeling the tension of the neck.

"The geese nibbled grass, then washed it down with some water" . Stretch the neck forward, and then return to the starting position.

Exercises for the chewing-articulatory muscles

"Chickens peck grains" . Pull the lips forward with a narrow "tube". Close and open lips.

Exercises for lips and cheeks

"Turkey" . Inflate the cheeks strongly and hold the air in the oral cavity for as long as possible.

Exercises for the tongue

"Poultry beaks" . Show what a sharp beak a rooster has, what a wide beak a drake and a goose have.

The turkey is learning to chat . The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. With the wide tip of the tongue, touch the upper incisors from the outside and then from the inside, making a sound, a similar soundl-l-l-l.

"A turkey is coming from the city, he is leading a turkey" . Quickly stick your “wide” tongue out of your mouth and say: bl-bl-bl-bl-bl ".

Turkeys "chatter" . The position of the tongue, as in the previous exercise. Slowly at first, then gradually increasing the pace.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Pets"

1. Breathing exercises:

    "The cat meows"

I.p .: o.s. 1-touch with paws in front of you (inhale); 2- on the exhale, pronounce: “Meow-meow! Meow meow!" Repeat 2-3 times.

    "The dog barks"

I.p .: o.s. 1- inhalation through the nose; 2- while exhaling, say: “Av-av-av! Av-av-av! " Repeat. 3-4 times.

2.Exercises for the tongue:

Mimic exercises:

"Angry Polkan"

Why is he angry, Polkan?

They didn't let me on the sofa

The ball was not allowed to bite, -

Everything! I will not serve!

"Surprised cat"

Tabby cat

Leads the book with his nose:

Why don't mice smell

Drawn in a book?

I can't catch them!

With a paw only: grab and grab!

Articulation exercises:

"Calf" - chewing movements, while the mouth is closed.

"Angry Fluff" - the mouth is slightly open, the tongue is in the form of a "bridge".

"Hoof" - tap the tongue with the mouth open.

After all, the tongue, like a hoof, Can work loudly.

Clink, clink, clink - and will not get tired, Only it will clatter more diligently.

"Fluff lapping milk" - lacquer movements of the tongue.

The cat loves milk

Drinks it from a saucer.

How? Willingly and easily.

Not a bit tired!

"The horse smiles" - the lips are stretched in a smile, the teeth are clenched and clearly visible.

"The dog is hot!"

It's hot for our friend:

(Stick your tongue out of your mouth, frequent inhalation and exhalation.)

He ran across the meadow!

The tongue fell to the side, (respectively)

My friend is tired - he drank water. (Licking movements of the tongue.)

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Wild animals"

1. Mimic exercises.

1. "Angry Wolf" : the expression on his face is angry, his eyebrows are furrowed.

2. "Sly Fox" : smile, slyly squinting his eyes.

3. "Cowardly Bunny" : scared face expression.

4. "The bunny has a toothache" : suffering facial expression.

2. Breathing exercises.

1. "The fox is following the trail" : short, frequent breaths through the nose.

Fox fox

I took the trail of a hare.

She led her nose,

followed the trail:

Listens, sniffs.

2. "Let's warm the paws" : blow on your hands, exhaling warm air through your mouth.

Bunny is cold in the woods:

Warms the paws under the bush.

3. Articulation exercises.

1. "Click your teeth" : how the angry wolf does it.

2. "Bunny" : bite the lower lip with the upper incisors.

3. "The hare gnaws a stump" : bite your tongue, gradually drawing it into your mouth.

"Hare and carrot"


I ran through the swamp

ran into the garden,

Found a carrot, gnaws at it deftly.

( nursery rhyme) :

- Hare, hare, what are you doing?

- I'm gnawing the stump.

- What are you, hare, happy about?

- I'm glad my teeth don't hurt!

4. "Tail" : wiggle your tongue sticking out of your mouth from side to side.

5. "Bunny plays the drum" - smile, open your mouth. Repeatedly and distinctly pronounce the sound: d-d-d-d-d-d, the tongue rests on the upper teeth, the mouth is open.

6. "The top starts the motor" - open your mouth, the tongue behind the upper teeth, lips in a smile. While pronouncing the sound D-D-D-D, perform oscillatory movements with a clean finger from side to side.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Animals of hot countries"

1. Breathing exercises:"Hippo in the water" - Slow inhalation through the nose. When the chest begins to expand, stop inhaling and pause as much as possible. Then exhale smoothly through the nose. The exercise is performed quietly and smoothly. Repeat 5-10 times.

"The elephant drinks water" --I.p .: o.s.

1-stretch your lips with a tube and take a deep breath, drawing air into yourself; 2-exhale. Repeat 3-4 times.

2. Mimic exercises:

Grimace monkeys.

Angry tiger.

A frightened gazelle.

Exercisesfor neck muscles

"The giant giraffe pulls out the branches of a tall tree." Raise your head up (neck is tense). Lower your head down (relaxation).

The giraffe's neck is long and flexible, the giraffe pulls branches down. (N. Stozhkov)

"The elephant waves its trunk." Turns of the head to the sides. When turning, inhale through the nose. When returning to the starting position, exhale through the mouth.

"The lion shakes his mane."

Shaking your head.

Exercise for the chewing-articulatory muscles


Open your mouth wide, lower your tongue to the bottom of the mouth.

The hippopotamus opened his mouth

A hippopotamus asks for a roll.

(S. Marshak)

Exercises for cheeks and lips

"A banana behind a monkey's cheek." Inflate the right and left cheeks in turn.

"Monkey Talk".

Raise elongated lips to the nose, lower them down, then pronounce the sound combinations: "Uh-uh-uh-uh, Oh oh oh".

Exercises for the tongue

"The giraffe chews the leaves."

Bite the tongue alternately with the right and left molars, as if chewing.

"Monkey". The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. Insert a "wide" tongue between the upper lip and teeth, then between the lower lip and teeth.

"The danger signal in monkeys." Click your tongue to reshape your mouth. Emit high and low sounds - clicks, paying attention to changes in pitch.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Animals of the North"

"Umka blows snowflakes" - Let's imagine that there are "snowflakes" on the palm. Bring them to your lips. We slowly draw air through the nose. Pull out the lips with a straw and gently blow on the "snowflakes".

Exercise for the jaw "Seal" - open your mouth wide, lower your tongue to the bottom of the mouth.

Exercises for lips and cheeks Emaciated Penguins - pull in the cheeks;

"The walrus opens his mouth wide and catches plankton" - window;

"Snowy owl and penguin laid eggs" - Pull lips with a small tube and then large;

"The seal kills the water through its teeth" - smile, to bring teeth together: s-s-s-s-s-s-s.

Exercise for the tongue

"Walrus in the rookery" - put a wide tongue on the lower lip;

"Dolphin-narwhal" - sharp tongue, with a needle;

"Dolphin-narwhal on the hunt » - move left and right with a sharp tongue;

"The seal catches fish » - tongue with a cup;

"Penguin chick breaks the shell" - to knock behind the upper teeth with a sharp tip of the tongue: t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t-t; "The elephant seal roars" - tongue behind the upper teeth: drrrrrr, we help with a finger under the tongue.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Zoo"

1. Breathing exercises:

"Turtle" - stretching the neck and straining the back while inhaling. As you exhale, pronounce sounds

S-SH alternately.

"The whale throws out a fountain of water" - generation of a strong air jet. Vibration of lips and tongue.

2.Mimic exercises:

"Evil jackal" - alternation of positions:

a) "grin", the jaws are closed;

b) open your mouth with bared teeth;

c) close the jaws;

d) close your lips.

3.Exercises for lips:

1. "Walrus" - a walrus was seen in the Arctic. Lower the corners of the lips down.

2. "Sea Elephant" - an elephant seal sailed from Antarctica. His mouth is like the open trunk of an elephant.

3. "Blue whale" - he sips the water through his mustache. Stretch your lips into a smile.

4. "The sperm whale opened his mouth and catches plankton" - alternation of wide and narrow "tubes".

3.Exercises for the tongue:

"Angry Lion" - the jaw drops down with the maximum stretching of the tongue to the chin and the mental pronunciation of the sounds a or e on a firm attack, more difficult - with the whispering of these sounds.

"A monkey"-- the jaw drops down with the maximum extension of the tongue to the chin.

"Monkey" - mouth open, lips in a smile. Insert a "wide" tongue between the upper lip and teeth, then between the lower lip and teeth.

"Monkeys swing on vines" - mouth open, lips in a smile. The wide tip of the tongue rests against the lower gum, and the back of the tongue then rises up, touching the soft palate and partly the hard palate, then goes down. Make sure that the lower jaw does not move.

"Whales sway on the waves" - open your mouth wide, press the lateral edges of the tongue to the lateral upper teeth almost to the canines, raise and lower the tip of the tongue, touching the upper and lower gums.

Touch the tip of the tongue to the inner or outer surface of the incisors.

"The whales are splashing" - they raise and lower their tails. Alternation of the "cup" and spread tongue.

"The narwhal whale breaks the ice with its long horn" - press your tongue to the upper gums, pronounce sounds: t-t-t-t-t, d-d-d-d-d, td-td-td-td-td-td.

"The elephant seal vibrates with its trunk" - lips in a smile, lift the tip of the tongue by the upper teeth. While pronouncing the sound d-d-d-d-d, make oscillatory movements with your finger from side to side.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Defenders of the Fatherland"

Airborne assault is the dropping of soldiers from an airplane by parachute. If the weather is calm, skydivers can easily land where they need to be. If the wind blows, it carries the parachutes away from the place where the landing party should land.

(The cup-tongue is pressed against the upper lateral teeth, between the tip of the tongue and the front upper teeth there is a gap, and this is where the "wind" blows. Repeat 4 times.

2. Articulation-respiratory and mimic exercises:


"Motor" [DRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR] -finger-under the tongue.

"Airplane" [ahhhhhh] with increasing and decreasing the volume.

3.Exercises for cheeks and lips:

"Parachute" (In the alternation "Tube" (parachute closed) - "Horn" (open) counting up to 10).

4. Exercises for the tongue:

"Clean the machine gun" (Like the exercise "Brush your teeth." Take turns lower, upper).

"Shout" - stretch your lips with a wide "tube" and pronounce the sounds (w-w-w-w) and (w-w-w-f).

"Tank"-- repeatedly drum the tip of the tongue on the upper gum with the pronunciation of a sound (t): t-t-t ...

"Machine gunners » - smile, open your mouth slightly, tap the tip of your tongue behind your upper teeth: D-D-D-D-D. Slowly at first, gradually increasing the pace.

"Machine gun burst" - mouth open, lips in a smile. During a prolonged pronunciation of the sound: d-d-d-d behind the upper teeth with quick movements with a clean straight index finger, the child himself makes frequent oscillatory movements from side to side.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Transport"

1. Breathing exercise"Breeze". Let's blow on the "boat": air is inhaled through the nose and exhaled sharply through the mouth.

Car tire punctured . Making a sound sh-sh-sh.

Pump . Making a sound s-s-s-s.

Cars are driving on a wet pavement . Pronunciation of syllables: "Sha-shu-shi-sho".

The train is humming . Pronunciation of a syllable that on one exhalation: "Tu-tu-tu-tu".

Car beeps . Pronouncing a syllable on one exhale: "BBC".

3.Exercises for cheeks and lips.

Storm at sea . Place three fingers to the corners of the lips. Raise and lower the corners of the lips while lifting the cheeks.

Rowing paddle . Move the tongue from one corner of the mouth to the other.

4. Exercises for the language.

"Boat" . The mouth is open. Stick out the tongue with a "boat" ("groove"), keep it motionless. Lips are wide open ("grin"), then they touch the "groove".

"Car on rails" . The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Press the lateral edges of the tongue tightly to the upper molars, bend the back of the tongue down, keep the tip free. Move the tongue back and forth, while the lateral edges of the tongue should slide along the molars. Make sure that the lower jaw does not move, the lips do not pull on the teeth.

"The dump truck is emptying the load" . The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Press the lateral edges of the tongue against the lateral upper teeth almost to the canines. Raise and lower the wide tip of the tongue, touching the upper lower gum behind the teeth. Make sure that the lower jaw and lips are motionless.

"The plane is flying" - Clamp the tip of the tongue between the teeth. Pronounce the sound l-l-l-l for a long time. The arms are the wings of an airplane. Show how he flies.

"We start the motor" --

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Early Spring"

1. Breathing exercise"Dripping knocks on the roof"

I.p .: o.s. 1-smooth inhalation, blows with the index finger of the right hand on the left palm; 2- as you exhale, pronounce: “Tdd-tdd! Tdd-tdd! Repeat 3-4 times.

2.Articulatory gymnastics:

Exercise for the jaw: "After hibernation." The bear woke up after hibernation. Open your mouth with a dull breath. (Imitation of yawning.) Ice is cracking on the river, ice floes are floating. Move the lower jaw left and right.

Lip exercises: « Ships are sailing on the waves " . Alternately lift the corners of the lips up to the right and then up to the left.

"Animals that have emaciated over the winter." Pull in your cheeks, then return and etc.

Exercises for the tongue:« The icicle is melting " . Open your mouth, stretch out the "sharp" tongue, or lower the "wide" tongue to the lower lip. Alternate positions of "sharp" and "wide" language. « Puddles ". Open your mouth, put a "wide" tongue on the lower lip, slightly moving it first to the left, then to the right.

« The buds are bursting in the trees " . Bring the "wide" tongue under the upper lip and click.

"The drops are knocking on the roof." Raise the tip of the tongue by the upper teeth to the alveoli and say: "Tdd-tdd-tdd".

"Spring trill" - while pronouncing the sound D-D-D-D, with a clean finger under the tongue, make oscillatory movements left-right.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic “Professions. Tools. Instruments"

1. Breathing exercises:

"Trumpeter"-- standing, squeeze your hands into a tube, lift up. Inhale, exhale slowly with a loud pronunciation of the sound "p-p-p-p". Repeat 4-5 times.

"We arrived at the garage" - (for relaxation). Standing still, feet are shoulder-width apart. Hands down. Raising relaxed arms to the sides - up. Breathe in. And we lower (throw) down - exhale. Repeat 2-3 times.

2.Phonetic Charging:

Children pronounce sound combinations behind the teacher, depicting the actions of objects of labor, the sound of machines.

The dental machine “howls”: in-in-in ... Scissors chick: chik-chik-chik ... The hammer knocks: knock-knock-knock ... The drill buzzes: zz-z ... The saw squeals: whack-whack-whack ... The bell rings: ding-ding-ding ... The pipe is playing: doo-doo-doo ... The drum is beating: bam-bam-bam ... The wheels are knocking: tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta, tra-ta-ta ... The motorcycle hums: dr-dr-dr ... The car beeps: BBC ... They sing a song: la-la-la.

3.Articulating exercises:

"Painter" - open your mouth wide, touch the tip of your tongue to the soft palate and hold it back and forth.

"Fungus" - sucking the tongue to the palate. Raise the tongue to the palate, stretching the bridle to the limit. Hold the tongue in an upward position until saliva comes up.

"Harmonic" - to suck the tongue to the palate, then alternately open and close the mouth.

"Turn on the electric drill" - pronunciation of syllables: j-j-ja, j-j-j-jo, j-j-zhu, j-j-j-ji, j-j-jo, j-j-j, j-j-jo, j-j-j, jo -ju, ji-ja.

"We start the mixer" -- smile, open your mouth. During a prolonged pronunciation of the sound: d-d-d-d behind the upper teeth, with quick movements, make frequent oscillatory movements from side to side.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "City"

1. Breathing exercise:"Grow big" - stand up straight, feet together, raise your hands up. Stretch well, rise on your toes - inhale, lower your hands down, lower your entire foot - exhale. Exhaling, say "y-x-x-x-x". Repeat 4-5 times.

2.Articulating exercises: The Tale of the Merry Tongue "City trip". The sun is shining brightly outside, birds are singing, flowers are blooming. And the Tongue became sad ( "Chicks" - open your mouth wide and hold it in this position for 3-5 seconds). At this time, a kitten Bagel was running down the street ( "Coil"-- smile, open your mouth. With the tip of a wide tongue, press firmly against the lower teeth. Keep up to 5. Perform small movements with the curved tongue back and forth, without lifting the tongue from the teeth.). He decided to drop in to Tongue and invite him on a trip around the city. The tongue listened to a friend and smiled ( "Smile"-- smile broadly so that the upper and lower teeth are visible (the jaws are clenched), and hold the lips in this position for 5 seconds), The tongue of course agreed. Friends began to draw up a route. Where should they go? First of all, they went to the river ( "To the river" - with an open mouth, alternately touch the tongue first with the upper lip, then the upper teeth, alveoli) and began to sunbathe ( "Spatula"-- the mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Put a wide, relaxed tongue on the lower lip. Hold the tongue in this position for 5 seconds.) And suddenly they saw a water slide, from which it was very fun to roll ( "Slide"-- the mouth is open. The tip of the tongue is behind the lower incisors. Raise the back of the tongue up "with a slide". There is a groove in the middle of the tongue. Hold for 10-15 seconds).

The tongue looked around ( "Hours" - smile, open your mouth, stick out your tongue as far as possible and make them smooth movements from one corner of the mouth to another), and saw how they play football. He also really wanted to try. And together with the donut, they played ball together ( "Hide the candy" - with the wide tip of the tongue, touch the tubercles in the mouth behind the upper incisors).

After resting on the river, the friends went home.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Street, house, apartment"

1. Breathing exercises: "A flower bed near the house."

Flowers grow near the house, we inhale through the nose, the aroma: “ah-ah! "- on the exhale.

"Let's light a flashlight in the house."

Put your hands down, take a calm breath, "send air to your tummy", and as you exhale, make your lips a tube and blow on the "flashlight".

2.Articulating exercises:

"Home repairs". "Nailing the window frames" Pronounce on one exhalation sounds: "T-t-t-t-t, d-d-d-d-d", and then the syllables: "ta-da-ta-da, you-you-you-dy, tuk -Knock-Knock".

"We drill holes with a drill" ... Pronounce sounds: t-t-t, d-d-d behind the upper teeth and finger, perform the vibration of the uvula: drrrrr; tr-r-r-r.

"Painting the porch." The mouth is closed. First, lick only the upper teeth, then the lower ones. Then lick your teeth in a circle.

"Painting the ceiling". Draw the tip of the tongue across the palate, from the soft palate to the upper teeth.

Laying the floors. Spread your tongue at the bottom of the mouth.

"House cleaning". Your mouth is like a house. Imagine that your tongue is a rag and wipe your house.

Wipe the threshold of the house - stick out your tongue and lick everything around your lower lip, running your tongue back and forth.

Wipe the top of the door - lick your entire upper lip, from one corner to another, running your tongue back and forth.

Wipe down all the furniture below - run your tongue over the lower teeth.

Wipe all the rooms upstairs - Run your tongue over your upper teeth.

"My windows". Make circular movements with the tip of the tongue along the upper and lower lips.

Now shake out the rag in the street - stick out your tongue and swing it from side to side.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "SDA, OBZH"

1. Breathing exercises:


He will show us the right way,

Turns will indicate everything.

I. p. - feet shoulder width apart.

1 - right arm up, left arm to the side (inhale through the nose),

2 - left arm up, right arm to the side (exhale with the sound "drrr")

Repeat 8 times.

"Let's go by car."

Stand up straight, legs apart, arms down. Inhale through the nose, while exhaling, pronounce the sound: "tr-rr". (whoever succeeds, the strength of the sound increases).

2.Articulating exercises: "Merry Walk"

There was a tongue in his house. He woke up early in the morning, opened the window, looked at the weather, then hid back in the house.

"Window" - smile, open your mouth; stick out your tongue strongly and then hide it, do not close your mouth (3-4 times). The tongue wanted to go to the park, but he had to cross the road, the tongue began to look left and right, whether there were cars there.

"The way across the road" - smile, open your mouth, stretch your tongue to the left corner of the mouth, then to the right (6-8 times).

After that, I saw the tongue of a traffic light, with different lights burning from top to bottom, the tongue began to look at them: red yellow green.

"Traffic lights" - smile, open your mouth, raise your tongue to your nose, then lower it to your chin (4-5 times).

The tongue waited for the green traffic light and crossed the street, came to the park for a walk and began to play ball.

"Let's get the ball into the goal" - the mouth is closed, the tip of the tongue should be pressed with tension on one or the other cheek so as to inflate the "ball" under the cheek.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Fauna of reservoirs"

"Storm at Sea" ... Take air with your nose, do not puff out your cheeks. On one exhale, blow on the "sea". Mark who has the storm to last longer. "Sound wave". Children pronounce the sound P - P - P - P - P then raising, then lowering their voice.

2.Mimic exercises:

Show the cover of the book "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish". The old man threw a seine into the sea, pulled it out with sea mud, upset. Once again he threw the net, again the fish was not caught, angry. For the third time, he threw a seine into the sea, caught a goldfish. Overjoyed old man but it's a pity he became a goldfish, let it go into the sea.

3.Exercise for the chewing-articulatory muscles "Fish without water". Slowly lower the lower jaw, opening the mouth as wide as possible. The tip of the tongue lies behind the lower teeth. Close your mouth slowly.

4.Exercise for cheeks and lips

"Rinse your mouth with seawater." ... Draw air now for the left, then for the right cheeks, then for the upper, then for the lower lips. Draw air in your mouth, stretch your lips forward, make rotational movements with them.

5.Exercises for the language:

A thin, long needle fish lives in the sea. Her nose is sharp as a needle, but she cannot prick anyone - it is soft.

"Fish-needle". Lips in a smile, mouth open, tongue - the needle does not touch the lower and upper lips, does not deviate to the side - 3 times for 6 seconds.

These fish are poor swimmers. There are suction cups on the head. It sticks to the shark and travels.

"The fish stuck." Smile, open your mouth. Suck a wide tongue to the palate. This is the cap of the mushroom, and the hyoid ligament is the leg. The tip of the tongue should not curl up, the lips are in a smile. In this position, up to 10 seconds.

"Shark" - show your teeth, bared your teeth.

"Rybka" - stretch the closed lips forward. Hold for 10 seconds.

"Fish talk" - children look at each other and try to “talk” like fish: children’s lips, which are closed and extended forward, open and close.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Space"

1. Breathing exercises:

Space Conquerors.

"Flight to the moon" - on exhalation, the sound "a", slowly raising the left hand up, reaching the moon, slowly lower it.
"Flight to the Sun" - on exhalation, the sound "o" is louder and longer. We reach the Sun and return.
"Flight to aliens" - on exhalation, the sound "and" increases in pitch and volume.

2.Mimic exercises:

Cosmonauts were delighted when we landed on Mars. They see incomprehensible creatures coming to the rocket, surprised: are they really the Martians? The Martians were first angry to uninvited guests. The astronauts reassured the inhabitants of the planet Mars, smiled them.

3.Exercises for cheeks and lips

Martians welcome "Earthlings" ... The mouth is closed, the lips are connected. At the expense of "one" - to raise the upper lip upwards, to expose the upper teeth as much as possible. On the count of "two" - to return to the starting position. On the count of "three" - forcefully pull the lower lip down, expose the lower teeth. On account "4" - to the starting position. Repeat. 4 times.

4.Exercises for the language:

"Hours" - lips in a smile, mouth open. The tongue - the hand of the clock - moves either to the left corner of the mouth, then to the right, the chin is motionless. Under the account to 10.

The Martians presented the astronauts with a telescope to observe the stars from the ground.

"Tube" - the mouth is open, the tongue is curled up into a "tube". Repeat 3 times for 5 sec.

Now let's fly into space on a rocket.

Checking the serviceability of the engine -Lips in a smile, mouth open, first click the tongue, then the tongue “chatter”: bl-bl-bl-bl.

Attention: a malfunction has been detected in the fuel supply - spank the wide tongue between the lips, pronouncing the syllables: five-five-five and bite the tip of the tongue with your teeth.

Checking the engine again - the mouth is open, the tongue knocks behind the upper teeth, to pronounce a sound similar to D-D-D-D.

The lower jaw is motionless.

Oh-oh-oh - start the engine!

"Motor" - lips in a smile, mouth open, finger vibrate the tongue, uttering the sound D-D-D behind the upper teeth.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Family"

1.Exercise to develop breathing"Water, water wash my face."

Inhale, on exhalation, children pronounce the sound "S". Repeat. 3 times.

"Our daughter woke up."

Our daughter woke up - fists with three eyes

I pulled the handle to the right - stroking the forehead from the middle to the ears

I pulled the handle to the left - stroking eyebrows

She smiled tenderly at the sun - stroking from the corners of the mouth to the ears.

And then she spanked a little with her palm - slap themselves on the cheeks.

Oh yes, daughter, beauty! How good she is! - clap their hands.

3.Exercises for chewing and articulation muscles Chewing nuts. Simulated chewing.

4.Exercises for cheeks and lips:

The kid refuses to drink hot milk. Press your lips against the teeth and gums of the upper and lower jaw.

The kid wanted to eat. Open the lips with the mouth closed and open, the tongue lies at the bottom of the mouth.

Sweetie. We puff out our cheeks one by one.

Parting. Instant closing of the lips with a break, "kiss".

5.Exercises for the tongue:

Mom baked pancakes. Place the "wide" tongue on the lower lip so that the edges touch the corners of the mouth. Keep it in a calm, relaxed state (counting to "five to ten").

Mom baked pies with different fillings. The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. Place the "wide" tongue on the lower lip. Raise and roll the tongue into a tube - "a pie with cabbage". Raise the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth - "lingonberry pie".

Teasers. Lips in a smile, "wide" tongue on the lower lip. Pronounce: "Fah-five-five, bya-bya-bya."

Wall clock pendulum. The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. Turn the strongly protruding tongue to the right and left so that the tip of the tongue touches the corners of the mouth. Make sure that the tongue does not slide over the lower lip and teeth.

The baby sucks on the pacifier. Pull the closed lips forward with the proboscis and make sucking movements.

Articulating gymnastics on the topic

"Victory Day"

1. Exercise for the development of breathing"The ship beeps." A deep breath and a long exhale - YYYYYYY. Repeat 3-4 rubles.

2. Exercise for lips"The captain smiles - the captain is angry."

3. Massage of biologically active points"I am a brave fighter."

I have a hat with a star - with the edge of the palms, rub the forehead - to the right - to the left.

I am a brave fighter, young - with index fingers, massage the wings of the nose.

Here I will mount a horse dexterously - pull the earlobes down

And he will run me far away - lightly massage the cheeks with your fingertips.

4. Exercises for the development of the tongue:

"Tongue-strongman" - smile, hold the wide tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth, strengthen the muscles of the tongue, straining and relaxing them.
Our tongue is strong
Rests on the teeth,
Strongly tense
Bends like a hill.
It's time for the strongman to rest.
So that he can lie down
We will relax the muscles.

"Drummer"-- open your mouth wide. With the tip of the tongue, knock on the tubercles behind the upper teeth (alveoli). It turns out like the English sound-d-d-d-d-d-d. The drummer beats fast and slow. We carry out 30 - 60 seconds.

"Machine gun". The exercise is similar to the previous one, only instead of the sound -d- we say

T-. Open your mouth wide. With the tip of the tongue, knock on the tubercles behind the upper teeth (alveoli): -t-t-t-t-t. The machine gun fires very quickly.

"We shoot" - we say slowly: "j-j-j", exhaling strongly, trying to make the tongue tremble.

We carry out 10 - 15 seconds.

"The pilot starts the engine" - smile, open your mouth. During a prolonged pronunciation of the sound: d-d-d-d behind the upper teeth with quick movements with a clean straight index finger, the child himself makes frequent oscillatory movements from side to side.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Insects"

1. Breathing exercises:

"Catch the mosquito" --I.p .: feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. 1 - on the exhale, clap your hands in front of you at the level of your chest, face, above your head; 2- pronounce on exhalation; "S-s-s! Z-z-z! " Repeat 3-4 times.

"Fly in the web" --I.p .: o.s. 1-pick with "paws" in front of you (inhale); 2 - on the exhale, pronounce: "W-w-w!". Repeat 3-4 times.

2.Massage of biologically active points of the face"Wasp".

Sa - sa - sa - a wasp flew to us - in a circular motion, three whiskeys.

Su - su - su - we saw a wasp - with index fingers, massage the base of the eyebrows.

Sy - sy - sy - we were scared of the wasps - slap ourselves on the cheeks.

Sa - sa - sa - fly away quickly wasp - we stroke the forehead from the middle to the temples.

3.Exercises for the tongue:

1. "Proboscis mosquito" - Pull the closed lips forward.

2. "Bumblebee" - open your mouth. Raise the tongue in the form of a cup up, press the lateral edges to the molars. The leading edge should be free. Put an air stream in the middle of the tongue, connect your voice, saying with force: "dzzzz", "dzhzh".

3. "The mosquito bites" - push the narrow tongue forward as much as possible and retract deep into the mouth.

4. "Butterfly flies around the flower" - open your mouth and lick your lips with your tongue in a circle clockwise and counterclockwise.

5. "Grasshopper" - open your mouth wide, smile. With the tip of a narrow tongue, alternately touch the base (tubercles) of the upper and lower teeth.

6. "Bee" - smile, open your mouth wide, raise your tongue up to the tubercles (alveoli). Try to pronounce "dzhzh", but not abruptly, but protractedly, for 10-15 seconds.

7. "Dragonfly Motor" - smile, open your mouth. During a prolonged pronunciation of the sound: d-d-d-d behind the upper teeth with quick movements with a clean straight index finger, the child himself makes frequent oscillatory movements from side to side.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Flowers"

1. Breathing exercises:

"The rose is blooming."

I. p. - hands on the back of the head, elbows brought together (unopened bud). Slowly rising on toes, stretch your arms up and to the sides - inhale (the rose opens). Return to I. p. - exhale (perform at a slow pace). Repeat 4-6 times.

"The tulip opens up."

I. p. - sitting on a gymnastic bench, shoulders relaxed. The chin is raised. The hands are on the knees. Inhale with the diaphragm, exhale slowly through the mouth. Repeat 5-6 times.

2.Massage of biologically active points of the face"Flowers"

One two Three - stroking the forehead from the middle to the temples,

Flowers have grown - stroking our cheeks from top to bottom,

Stretched to the sun - we massage the ears, from top to bottom,

High, high - stroking the cheeks in a circular motion,

Flowers are warm and good - press your palms to your cheeks.

2.Exercises for the tongue"In the garden". It's a sunny day. Many beautiful flowers grew in the garden: poppies, lilies, daisies, roses, bells. The tongue went up to your favorite flowers, bent down and gently whispered: "Good morning!" Flowers nodded their heads (open your mouth, touch the upper and lower lips with your tongue). Taking rake , The tongue began to gently rake the dried grass near the flowers (smile, squeeze the tongue between the teeth back and forth; repeat 8 times). Then Tongue took shovel and began to dig the ground (to rest your tongue on one or the other cheek from the inside).

Now the roots of the flowers breathe better. The flowers were delighted and asked for cool water from Tongue. Taking large watering can (stretch your lips forward and keep counting to 3).

The tongue watered the flowers under the very root. The water poured for a long time, slowly (say: "S-s-s-s").

Have risen flowers and opened their petals (pull your lips forward with a tube, slowly spread apart, open your mouth, reconnect into a “tube”; repeat5 once).

Tongue was delighted that now it was clean and beautiful in his garden.

Articulation gymnastics

on the topic "Summer"

1. Exercise for the development of breathing"OK!".

Summer, summer has come to us

it became dry and warm.

Along the path straight

feet walk barefoot.

Take a deep breath, arms out to the sides, exhale for a long time


2.Exercises for the tongue "How the tongue rested at sea." The working days are over, and Tongue decided to relax at sea. He took inflatable rubber boat Beach umbrella and wide terry towel (stick out your wide tongue and keep counting to 10).

I got into the fabulous carriage and hit the road. The train flew fast on the rails (say: "Chukh-chukh-chukh. Tu-tuu").

Behind the window flashed trees (open your mouth, touch the upper teeth with the tip of your tongue and hold for 8 seconds), at home (lower the tongue and put it calmly behind the lower teeth, the mouth is open). Affectionately shone Sun (mouth open, lick lips from left to right)... The tongue listened to the sound of the train wheels (pronounce slowly: "T-d-t-d-t-d"). Soon it seemed in the distance blue ocean (open your mouth wide and hold a count to 8). The train pulled up to the station and stopped (inhale through your nose and exhale slowly: "Shhhh"). Tongue was so impatient to see the sea that he jumped out of the car and quickly ran to Beach (smile, click your tongue).

Changing into a swimsuit and putting Beach umbrella (suck your tongue to the palate and keep counting to 8), Tongue stretched out on a terry towel under the hot rays of the sun (mouth open, tongue stretch strongly and touch the chin). When the tummy and back were a little tanned, Tongue decided to swim. Running quickly, he dived into sea (click your tongue three times, then stick it out of your mouth slightly; repeat 5 times). Tongue had excellent flippers , he quickly swung his feet in the water (the mouth is open, quickly move the tongue back and forth along the upper lip, it turns out a voiceless syllable "pl").

At the bottom, Tongue saw turtle feasting on seaweed (move the lower jaw as if chewing), air jellyfish (puff out cheeks and hold for 8 seconds), flying fish (mouth open, stick out a narrow tongue, touch the upper lip and hide in the mouth; repeat 5 times) and even starfish who hid behind stones (first stick out a wide tongue, press between the lower and upper lips, and then slowly "pull" the tongue back into the mouth; repeat 5 times).

During the rest, Tongue managed to ride on inflatable rubber boat (puff out your cheeks and keep counting to 5), collect beautiful shells, take pictures of a parrot and a giraffe (pronounce: "Chik-chik").

Soon he got on the train and drove home (pronounce: "Chukh-chukh. Tu-tuu")... The tongue looked in window and smiled (smile, showing the lower and upper teeth), because he will definitely come here again.

Articulation exercises in pictures, verses and videos, a step-by-step description of the technique for performing articulatory gymnastics. How to correctly perform articulatory gymnastics with a child?

Articulatory gymnastics in pictures, verses, video.

We pronounce correctly and clearly the sounds of our native language due to the good work of the articulatory apparatus, its mobility and the differentiated work of various organs. In our speech, sounds quickly replace each other, so you need to be able to quickly change the position of the organs of the articulatory apparatus.

Articulating apparatus develops in a child not immediately, but gradually during the life of the baby and his speech practice.

For all preschool children, articulation exercises are useful, which contribute to the formation of precise, clear, differentiated movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. For this it is used articulatory gymnastics.

The purpose of articulatory gymnastics.

The goal of articulatory gymnastics is working out certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus necessary for the correct pronunciation of the sounds of the native language; development of mobility, accuracy, coordination, differentiation of movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus.

How to check the mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus in a child?

The mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus is necessary for the pronunciation of the sounds of the native language. There are basic movements that are needed to pronounce all the sounds of the native language. It is about these movements that we will now talk about.

First you need to find out if the child can do them separately, and then - whether he can smoothly, quickly and easily switch from one movement to another, his opposite.

Below are the main ones, basic exercises of articulatory gymnastics, where you can train mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. After completing these exercises with your child, you can also check and evaluate how developed his articulatory apparatus is.

Articulation gymnastics: six basic exercises.

Exercise 1. Smile - Tube.

Ask the child to stretch their lips into a smile, while the incisors should be exposed (visible), that is, the smile should be wide.

Verses for the first movement of the articulation exercise:

Shiroka Neva is a river
And the smile is wide.
All my teeth are visible -
From the edges to the gums.

Our lips smiled
They reached straight for the ears.
You try "eeee" say
Show your fence!

Pull your lips straight to your ears
I like frogs very much.
They smile, they laugh
And their eyes are like saucers.

Then ask him to make a "straw". To do this, you need to pull your lips forward into a tube. Please note - when switching, there should be no movement of the lower jaw. Only lips move!

Verses for the second movement of the articulatory exercise:

An elephant came to visit us -
Amazing baby.
Look at the baby elephant -
Pull your lips with a trunk!

I imitate an elephant - I pull my lips with my trunk.
And now I release them and return them to their place.

Poems for alternating the first and second movements in articulation exercise # 1.

If our lips are smiling
Look - the fence appears.
Well, if the lips are a narrow tube,
So we can play the pipe.

Doors-lips are flexible.
They can become a smile.
They can gather in a tube,
Then smile again. (Author - T.A. Kulikovskaya)

Our lips are very flexible.
Deftly stretch into smiles.
And now vice versa:
Lips stretch forward (Author - T.A.Kulikovskaya)

Exercise 2. Open and close the door.

How to do the articulation exercise:

First movement: The teeth should be closed, lips in a smile. The incisors are bared (smile wide). "The door is closed."

Second movement: Teeth open(about two centimeters), lips in a smile, incisors are bared. "The door is open."

The movements in the articulation exercise alternate: there is either closing or opening of the teeth. The lower jaw moves. In this case, the lips should not be involved in the movements. The lower jaw should not protrude forward.

“Together we will open the doors,
And then we will close them. "

Another variant of the game content of this exercise is "Cold - Hot". We open the window when we are hot. And we close the window when it's cold for us.

Exercise 3. Watch.

How to do the articulation exercise:

First, we do the "Smile" exercise: the teeth are open by about two centimeters, the lips are in a smile, the incisors are bared.

Then ask the child to stick out his tongue and turn to the right corner of the mouth. Then make the same movement, but towards the left corner of the mouth.

It is necessary to alternate the movements of the tongue left and right. In this case, the lips are in a smile, the lower jaw should not move to the right or left, but should be motionless!

Poems about the Merry Tongue for Articulation Exercise.

Rested and stretched
Turned to the left, to the right,
Like this, like this:
Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

Exercise 4. Shoulder. Needle.

How to do the articulation exercise:

Movement 1. Place a wide, relaxed tongue on the lower lip. The lips are smiling, the incisors are bared, the mouth is open.

It turned out "Shoulder"

"Let our language rest,
Let him take a little nap. "

Movement 2. Ask the child to stick a narrow tongue between the incisors, lips smiling, incisors bared, mouth open.
It turned out "Needle".

I smile: here is a joker -
The tongue became narrow-narrow.
Between the teeth, like a mote,
A long tongue came out.

Alternating these two movements and switching the position of the tongue from wide to narrow. In this case, the mouth is open, the lips do not move.

That is a needle, that is a shovel
You guys have the tongue. (T.A. Kulikovskaya)

The tongue lies with a spatula
And does not tremble at all.
We are a needle afterwards
Pull the tongue with a sharp point.

Exercise 5. Swing.

How to do the articulation exercise:

Movement 1. Raise the wide tip of the tongue to the tubercles behind the upper teeth (to the alveoli), lips in a smile, incisors bared, mouth open.

Movement 2. Ask the child to lower the wide tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth, lips in a smile, incisors bared, mouth open.

In the exercise, you need to alternate the movements of the wide tip of the tongue up and down.

Poems for Articulation Exercise:

I fly on a swing:
Up - down, up - down.
I sing, I fly, I shout:
Up - down, up - down.

On the swing
I swing
Up down,
Up down,
And I rise higher,
And then I fly down.

I rode on a swing:
He flew up and down.

Exercise 6. Kitty.

How to do the articulation exercise:

Movement 1. Lips in a smile, teeth bared, mouth open. It is necessary to bring the wide tip of the tongue closer to the lower incisors.

Movement 2. Move the tip of the tongue along the bottom of the mouth back into the mouth to the hyoid ligament. In this case, the back of the back of the tongue should be curved upward.

In the exercise, you need to alternate the movements of the tongue back and forth. In this case, the lips are in a smile, the incisors are exposed, the lower jaw does not move.

Poems for Articulation Exercise

Our pussy got angry:
They forgot to wash her bowl.
Don't get close to her -
Pussy can scratch!

You can also make a variant of the exercise - "Slide" and keep the position of the back of the back of the tongue at the top of the count.

The tongue drops by the teeth,
Its tip is pressed against the teeth.
The back bends strongly, strongly,
What a slide it turns out! (Smirnova E.B.)

The back of the tongue now
It will become a little bit with us.
Come on, slide, go up!
We will rush down the hill!

How to evaluate the performance of articulation exercises by the child?

Articulatory gymnastics gives results only if the exercises are performed correctly, accurately, with smooth transitions. If you do it without tracking the technique of performing the exercises, "for show", then it does not reach its goal.

When a child performs articulatory gymnastics, you need to evaluate:

  1. Smoothness of movement- the movement is performed without interruptions and jerks, easily, smoothly, without twitching.
  2. Differentiation of movements- the movement is performed only with the tongue without accompanying movements of other organs (lips, lower jaw).
  3. Regularity and symmetry of movements- the movement is performed symmetrically to the left and to the right.
  4. Definition- the child knows how to correctly perform this exercise, how the lips and teeth should be positioned in the exercise, how the tongue works, tries to perform the movements clearly, accurately, in full.
  5. Accuracy- achieving the result of the exercise. The required position of the tongue and lips has been achieved.
  6. Sustainability- the child can maintain the achieved position of the lips and tongue at the expense of an adult. At first, the adult counts from one to five. Then the duration of holding the position is gradually increased to ten.
  7. Switchability- the ability to quickly, smoothly, easily repeatedly switch from one movement to another while maintaining the high quality of the exercise.

Be sure to tell the child about his achievements, comparing the performance of the exercises before and now: what he has already begun to get better, what is not yet working out and what we will work on further, what to strive for.

How to do articulatory gymnastics correctly? Helpful hints.

What is the best way to place your child next to you during articulatory gymnastics?

During articulatory gymnastics, the child should sit and not stand or lie on the floor or run. It is better if he does not sit at home on the sofa, but in front of the mirror on a chair with legs resting on a hard surface - the floor. The main thing is that the child has a straight back, the body is not tense, the legs and arms are in a calm position.

During the exercise of articulatory gymnastics, the child should see his face in the mirror. You can do the exercises in front of a large mirror with your child seated next to you. If there is no large mirror, then you can give your child a small mirror, which is convenient at home or when carrying out gymnastics with several children (group). The child controls the correct execution of movements using a mirror.

Also, the child should clearly see your face when you show the movements.

How are exercises for articulatory gymnastics selected?

Exercises for articulatory gymnastics cannot be selected arbitrarily according to your interest or desire, according to the principle "like it or not." They are combined into complexes according to a certain principle.

The complex of articulatory gymnastics includes exercises that are needed for a certain group of sounds of the native language. For example, there is a complex of articulatory gymnastics for sibilant sounds. You can find it in the article There is a complex that contributes to the development of positions and movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus necessary for pronouncing the sound R. You will find it in the article That is articulatory gymnastics complex Is a clearly substantiated system of articulatory exercises that prepares the articulatory apparatus for pronouncing a certain group of sounds of native speech.

First, individual articulation exercises of the complex are practiced, and then exercises are given for switching from one exercise - movement to another movement. The principle of selection of exercises - from simple to complex.

If a certain movement is difficult for a child or a group of children, then they do not go further. First, they work out this difficult movement, and then they introduce new exercises. In order that the old exercise does not bother the child, it is introduced into different plots.

Is there a universal articulatory gymnastics complex for all sounds?

One of the variants of such a basic complex for checking the mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus is given in this article.

Another simple basic complex from which you can start articulatory gymnastics with children can be found in the article

When and how often do you need to do articulatory gymnastics with children?

You need to do gymnastics daily. Since when new movements are being worked out, they must be fixed, become habitual, durable, more and more accurate and light.

Time for articulatory gymnastics is approximately 3-5 minutes. It is very convenient to do it before breakfast or morning exercises.

Earlier, articulatory gymnastics was carried out daily in the morning in kindergarten in each group. Each child had his own mirror, there was a complex that was practiced with the kids on a daily basis. Now, unfortunately, this is not the case. But - a low bow to those educators who do this work on sounds in kindergarten, which is very necessary for children! And they continue to do it now! This work is not very noticeable, but the results are remarkable! Thank you for your love for children, for your work, for your native language!

How to conduct articulatory gymnastics with children of different ages?

At any age, articulatory gymnastics is carried out vividly, cheerfully, emotionally, in a game!

With children of three years old all exercises are carried out in the form of a fun fairy tale game. The plot of the fairy tale can be invented by yourself and changed, including in it various articulatory exercises from the complex.

There are no great requirements for the technique of performing exercises at this age. The main thing is that the kids learn the basic skills.

With children of four years old also used game techniques and game plots - "the tales of the Merry Tongue". Exercise requirements increase. Children get to know the organs of the articulatory apparatus in a playful way. They learn that the mouth is the home of the tongue. That this house has two doors - one of them is lips, and the other is teeth. And they learn to perform the basic complexes of articulation exercises.

With children of five already articulatory gymnastics is carried out differently. It is necessary to carefully monitor the clarity and smoothness of movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, for the correctness of the exercise in all its nuances. Children are taught to hold the position of the organs of the articulatory apparatus for 5 to 10 seconds (at the expense of an adult). Exercises are carried out not only at a slow or medium, but also at a fast pace, since the movements are already well developed and familiar to the child.

All complexes of articulatory gymnastics are being practiced.

With children of six years old the emphasis is on the development of phonemic hearing. And articulatory gymnastics includes exercises for the differentiation of different sounds.

How to do articulatory gymnastics with a group of children?

In order for articulatory gymnastics to give results, it is necessary that an adult sees the exercises performed by each child! Is this possible with a group of kids? Yes. In this case, articulatory gymnastics is carried out as follows:

  • First, the adult talks about the exercise, shows a picture, reads a rhyme.
  • Then the adult shows the correct execution of the exercise, explains how to do the movements.
  • Further, the children perform the movement.
  • An adult checks the performance of the movement in subgroups (no more than five people in one subgroup), comments on the correctness of the exercise.

If the exercise is well performed by all children of the group, except for a few people, then additional individual work should be done with such children. And ask your parents to support you and your child and do articulation exercises at home.

Should the child succeed in articulation exercises right away or not?

As a rule, the child does not do well at first. His movements are tense, there is no lightness and smoothness. Then, gradually, as the training progresses, the tension during the exercise disappears, the coordination of movements increases, unnecessary accompanying movements disappear, the movement becomes more symmetrical.

If, despite your efforts, the child still does not get movements or they are performed asymmetrically (in relation to the right and left half of the face), then it is best to contact a speech therapist. Also, a speech therapist should be consulted if the child does not work out the smoothness, accuracy and stability of the movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus for a long time.

What to do if your child is unable to do the articulation exercise? I told him about it, but now he doesn't want to study.

If the child does not succeed in the articulation exercise, then in no case should you get upset yourself! You also cannot tell the child that he is not doing well! Otherwise, he will simply refuse to continue studying. Indeed, for kids, articulatory gymnastics is a real load and training.

The best thing:

1) Immediately tell the child that in this exercise he already succeeds: "You see what a beautiful smile you have!" , “Your tongue is wide! Well done! ”, Praise for it.

2) Then show the child the exercise again, focusing on the nuance that he did not understand and that is not yet possible. And set a new task - “We are already succeeding in this. And now we are going to teach the tongue ... (we name what exactly).

Articulatory gymnastics: video of articulatory exercises.

A funny video encyclopedia of articulatory gymnastics for preschoolers.

In each short video you will see a picture for the exercise, a rhyme and a child doing the exercise. The videos are not mine and are taken from free access to youtube. If you have any wishes for their authors - write to their channel. If you are ready to provide for this article your high-quality videos with the performance of articulation exercises by children for free, then I am always glad. Write :-). So far I have not found other videos - if you help us find them, it will be great!

3.1. Articulation exercise "Frog"

3.2 Articulation Exercise "Comb"

3.3. Articulation exercise "Sail"

3.4. Articulation exercise "Cup"

3.5. Articulation exercise "Cat"

3.6. Articulation exercise "Delicious Jam"

is of great benefit to the child. Do it with joy, come up with your own game plots, do not forget to do it every day, and the result will definitely be! I wish you success!

You will find many useful and interesting materials on the development of children's speech in the articles of the headings and

If this article helped you or you have any questions, I will be glad if you leave a comment!

Until next time on the site "Native Path"!


"Development of speech from 0 to 7 years: what is important to know and what to do. Cheat sheet for parents"

The role of gymnastics in speech therapy work

The sounds of speech are formed as a result of a complex complex of movements of the articulatory organs - kinem. The development of one or another kinema opens up the possibility of mastering those speech sounds that could not be pronounced due to its absence. We correctly pronounce various sounds, both in isolation and in the speech stream, thanks to the strength, good mobility and differentiated work of the organs of the sound-producing apparatus. Thus, pronunciation of speech sounds is a complex motor skill.

Already from infancy, the child makes a lot of various articulatory-mimic movements with the tongue, lips, jaw, accompanying these movements with diffuse sounds (muttering, babbling). Such movements are the first stage in the development of a child's speech; they play the role of gymnastics of the organs of speech in natural conditions of life. The precision, strength and differentiation of these movements develop gradually in the child.

For clear articulation, you need strong, elastic and mobile organs of speech - tongue, lips, soft palate. Articulation is associated with the work of numerous muscles, including chewing, swallowing, mimic; the process of voice formation occurs with the participation of the respiratory organs (larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs, diaphragm, intercostal muscles). Thus, speaking about special speech therapy gymnastics, one should bear in mind the exercises of numerous organs and muscles of the face, mouth, neck, shoulder girdle, and a difficult cell.

The method of upbringing sound pronunciation through specific gymnastics has been recognized by a number of well-known theorists and practitioners specializing in speech disorders (M. Ye. Khvatsev, O. V. Pravdina, M. V. Fomicheva, etc.).

Articulation gymnastics is a set of special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the articulatory apparatus, developing strength, mobility and differentiation of movements of the organs involved in the speech process.

In order to choose the right exercises for articulatory gymnastics, you need to know what movements are characteristic of different organs of the articulatory apparatus. The most mobile speech organ is the tongue. It consists of the root of the tongue (the base with which the tongue is attached to the hyoid bone) and the back, in which the back, middle and front parts are distinguished. Special attention should be paid to the tip of the tongue, which ends with the anterior part of the tongue, and the lateral edges of the anterior and middle parts of the tongue, since the quality of sounds depends on their work. Depending on which part of the language is involved in the formation of consonants, they are divided into front-lingual (t, d, n, l, r, w, w, h, w, s, h, c), middle-lingual (y) and back-lingual (k, z, x).

The front of the tongue and its tip have the greatest degree of mobility. The tip of the tongue can: fall behind the lower teeth (as with the sounds s, z, c), rise for the upper teeth (as with the sounds t, d, n), press against the alveoli (as with the sound l), tremble under the pressure of the exhaled stream of air (as with the sound p). The front part of the back of the tongue can rise without the participation of the tip of the tongue to the alveoli and form a gap with them (as with sounds s, h, c), rise to the palate together with the tip of the tongue and form a slit with a hard palate (as with sounds w, g, u ).

The middle part of the tongue is the most limited in its movements. Without moving the front or back, it can only rise to the hard palate (as with the sound of ith and soft consonants).

The back of the tongue can rise and close with the palate (as with the sounds k, d) or form a gap with the palate (as with the sound x).

The lateral edges of the tongue can press against the inner surface of the molars and do not let the outgoing air stream sideways (as with the sounds s, h, c, w, w, h, w, p), descend and let the air stream sideways (as with the sound l) ... The tongue, assuming different positions, changes the shape and volume of the oral cavity, which determines the quality of the vowel sound.

Lip mobility also plays a role in the production of sounds. The lips can: be pulled into a tube (as with the sound y), rounded (as with the sound o), expose the front upper and lower teeth (as with the sounds with, z, c, l, etc.), slightly push forward (as with the sounds w, g). The lower lip has the greatest mobility. It can: close with the upper lip (as with the sounds n, b, m), form a gap, approaching the upper front teeth (as with the sounds f, c).

The lower jaw can move up and down, changing the opening of the mouth, which is especially important in the formation of vowels.

The soft palate can rise and fall. When the soft palate is lowered, the exhaled stream of air passes through the nose; this is how nasal sounds are formed m, mn, n ‘If the soft palate is raised, then it is pressed against the back of the pharynx and closes the passage to the nose; the exhaled stream of air then goes only through the mouth, and mouth sounds are formed (everything except m, m'n, n').

Thus, when pronouncing various sounds, each organ participating in the speech process takes a certain position. In speech, sounds are pronounced not in isolation, but smoothly one after another, and the organs of the articulatory apparatus must quickly change their position. It is possible to achieve a clear pronunciation of sounds, words, phrases only if the organs of the articulatory apparatus are sufficiently mobile, their ability to rebuild and work in a coordinated manner.

The purpose of articulatory gymnastics - development of full-fledged movements and certain positions of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, the ability to combine simple movements into complex ones, necessary for the correct pronunciation of sounds. Articulation gymnastics is the basis for the formation of speech sounds - phonemes - and the correction of violations of sound pronunciation of any etiology and pathogenesis; it includes exercises for training the mobility of the organs of the articulatory apparatus, working out certain positions of the lips, tongue, soft palate, which are necessary for the correct pronunciation of both all sounds and each sound of a particular group.

To develop a methodology for speech therapy gymnastics, it is important to take into account the characteristics of age-related motor skills. So, the methodology for the education of speech movements in a small, still not speaking child is based on the following principle: the work of the sound-pronunciation apparatus develops and is ordered by the education of rhythmic movements on the basis of the automatic movements already existing in the child, with which the speech function is physiologically connected. These non-speech movements, formed from unconditioned reactions, turn into speech, into conditional ones.

Methodical instructions for carrying out gymnastics

Classes are conducted according to the following scheme: first, coarse, diffuse movements of the exercised organs are brought up. As the child assimilates them, they move on to the development of more differentiated movements in the same area. Inhibition of incorrect movements is achieved by using visual control, as well as by introducing a rhythm into the work: individual movements are limited to a certain duration and are interrupted by pauses of the same duration according to the beat beat off by the hand. In this way, the education of the movements of the actual sound-producing organs is carried out: lips, tongue, soft palate, pharynx, vocal cords, respiratory muscles.

The principle of the selection of articulation exercises each time will be the nature of the pronunciation defect and the appropriateness of the recommended movements for the correct pronunciation of this sound. It is necessary to exercise only the movements that need correction, and only those necessary for the sound being educated. Exercises should be purposeful: it is not their quantity that matters, the correct selection of exercises and the quality of performance are important. Exercises are selected based on the task of achieving correct articulation of sound, taking into account its specific violation in the child. For each child, a set of exercises is compiled by a speech therapist individually.

It is not enough just to select the movements that need correction, you need to teach the child to use the appropriate movements correctly, to develop accuracy, purity, smoothness, strength, tempo, stability of the transition from one movement to another.

The accuracy of the movement of the speech organ is determined by the correctness of the final result, which can be assessed by the final location and shape of this organ.

Smoothness and ease of movement suggest movements without jerking, twitching, trembling of the organ (muscle tension always violates the smoothness and softness of the movement); movement should be performed without auxiliary or accompanying movements in other organs.

The pace is the speed of the movement. At first, the movement is performed somewhat slowly, the speech therapist regulates the tempo by tapping out with a hand or counting aloud, gradually speeding it up. Then the pace of movement should be arbitrary - fast or slow.

The stability of the final result means that the obtained position of the organ is held unchanged for an arbitrarily long time.

The transition (switching) to another movement and position should be smooth and fast enough.

When selecting material for articulatory gymnastics, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence - to go from simple exercises to more complex ones. Gymnastics should be done emotionally, in a playful way.

In any exercise, all movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus are carried out sequentially, with pauses before each new movement, so that the adult can control the quality of the movement, and the child can feel, realize, control and remember his actions. At first, the exercises are performed at a slow pace in front of a mirror, i.e., visual self-control is used to achieve the final result. The exception is children with dysarthria. When performing articulatory gymnastics, visual control in such children is used selectively, taking into account the form and degree of dysarthria.

After the child learns to perform movements, the mirror is removed, and the control functions are taken over by the child's own kinesthetic sensations (sensations of movement and position of the organs of the articulatory apparatus). With the help of leading questions from an adult, the child determines what his tongue (lips) is doing, where it is, what it is (wide, narrow), etc. This gives children the opportunity to make their first discoveries, arouses interest in exercises, increases their effectiveness.

Each exercise is given a name in accordance with the action performed (for example, the movement of the wide tip of the tongue for the upper and lower teeth - "Swing"), a picture-image is selected for it. The picture serves as a role model for the child to imitate any object or its movements when performing articulatory gymnastics exercises. The speech therapist also teaches children to listen carefully to verbal instructions, to execute them accurately, to memorize the sequence of actions.

The speech therapist performs exercises in front of the mirror together with the child. To do this, he must be able to show correct articulation and feel the positions and movements of the organs of his articulatory apparatus without visual control, which requires a certain skill and is achieved through training.

If the child does not get some kind of movement, it is necessary to use mechanical assistance, for example, to raise the tongue by the upper teeth with a spatula, probe, etc. The child does not always feel exactly where his tongue should be at the moment. Then the speech therapist holds the end of the teaspoon handle in this place (for example, at the tubercles behind the upper incisors).

The child's passive movements are gradually transferred into passive-active, and then into active (independent) with visual self-control in front of the mirror. At first, independent movements will be slowed down. In the process of multiple repetitions, they become light, correct, habitual and can be performed at an arbitrary pace.

Strengthening any skill requires a systematic repetition of the action, therefore, articulatory gymnastics should be carried out daily, preferably two or three times a day, so that the developed motor skills become more durable. The exercise should not overwork the organ. The first sign of fatigue is a decrease in the quality of movement, which is an indication for a temporary cessation of this exercise.

The dosage of the number of repetitions of the same exercise should be strictly individual both for each child and for each given period of work with him. In the first lessons, sometimes you have to limit yourself to doing the exercises twice due to the increased exhaustion of the muscle being exercised. In the future, you can bring the number of repetitions to 15-20, and if there are short breaks, even more.

Of the three exercises performed, only one can be new, the other two are given for repetition and consolidation. If the children do not perform an exercise well enough, the speech therapist does not introduce a new exercise at all, but works out the old material, using new play techniques to consolidate it.

Articulation exercises are usually performed while sitting, since in this position the child's back is straight, the body is not tense, the arms and legs are in a calm state. Children should be placed so that they all see the speech therapist's face. The face should be well lit and the lips brightly colored.

The speech therapist must monitor the quality of the movements performed by each child, otherwise articulatory gymnastics does not achieve its goal. The work is organized as follows.

1. Speech therapist talks about the upcoming exercise using game techniques.

2. Speech therapist shows the exercise.

H. The exercise is performed by each child in turn, and the speech therapist checks the correctness of the performance.

4. The exercise is performed by all children at the same time.

At first, when children perform exercises, there is a tension in the movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus. Gradually, the tension disappears, the movements become relaxed and at the same time coordinated.

Not all children learn motor skills at the same time, so an individual approach is required. You cannot tell the child that he is doing the exercise incorrectly - this can lead to a refusal to perform the movement. It is necessary to show the child his achievements, to cheer him up.

If the speech therapist sees that the group basically copes with the exercise and only some children do not succeed in everything, he conducts additional individual work with them or gives a task to the teacher, parents to work out these movements with the children.

During articulatory gymnastics, it is necessary to ensure that the movements of each organ are performed symmetrically in relation to the right and left sides of the face, but in the case of weakening of one of the sides of the organ, mainly one, weaker side, is exercised and the exercises serve to strengthen it. In this case, movements with a load are practiced, that is, with overcoming resistance. Additionally, massage can be applied.

The type, duration of articulation exercises, their single dosage depend on the nature and severity of speech impairment. So, with light functional dyslalia, articulatory gymnastics usually ends with the transition to the automation of the correct execution of the movement. With dysarthria, it is recommended to carry out it for a long time, and the longer, the more severe the lesion.

Performing articulatory gymnastics exercises requires a large energy expenditure from the child, some effort and patience.

The effectiveness of speech therapy work on the development of articulatory motor skills is largely determined by how the child himself participates in the process of its implementation, what role is assigned to him, what is the degree of his initiative. Reinforcing any skill requires systematic repetition. So that the child does not lose interest in the work being performed, articulatory gymnastics should not be carried out according to a template, it is boring. A prerequisite for success is the creation of an enabling environment. It is necessary to involve the child in an active process, create an appropriate emotional mood, arouse lively interest, a positive attitude towards classes, and the desire to perform the exercises correctly. For this, it is best to use play as the main activity of children, and therefore the most natural and attractive form of activity for them. There must be an element of competition in the game, there must be rewards for the successful completion of the exercises. For a colorful and funny design of the game, the lesson uses pictures, toys, fairy-tale characters, the attraction of poetic texts (see appendix).

Exercises of speech therapy gymnastics

Exercises for the muscles of the shoulder girdle

1. Raising and lowering the shoulders. When rising, inhale through the nose, when lowering, exhale through the mouth.

2. Raising and lowering the shoulders alternately. When rising, inhale through the nose, when lowering, exhale through the mouth.

3. Rotation of the shoulders (arms down) from front to back and back. When raising the shoulders, inhale through the nose, when lowering, exhale through the mouth.

4. A variety of hand movements: sideways, upward, rotation, swimming, etc. When the chest is deployed, inhale, when falling off, exhale with the pronunciation of vowel sounds.

Exercises for the muscles of the neck

Starting position - standing or sitting, back and neck straight.

1. Turns of the head to the sides. When turning, inhale through the nose, when returning to the starting position, exhale through the mouth.

2. Tilt your head forward and down (exhale through the nose), raise it to its original position and fold it back (inhale through the mouth), return to the starting position (exhale through the mouth).

3. Turning the head to the sides: to the left (exhaling through the nose), straight (inhaling through the mouth), to the right (exhaling through the nose), directly (inhaling through the mouth).

Movements 1, 2, 3 are first performed without resistance, then with the resistance of the hand, resting it with a hand or fist on the corresponding part of the head in the direction opposite to the movement.

4. Rotation of the head from left to right and vice versa. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth at a full turn.

5. Raising and lowering the head with strong pressure of the chin on the fists of both hands.

6. Palms to ears; tilting the head to the sides with hand resistance.

7. Lowering, throwing back, turning the head with the pronunciation of sounds ah-ee-ooo.

8. Circular motion of the head.

9. Circular movements of the head with vowel sounds on the exhale.

Gymnastics of the chewing-articulatory muscles

All chewing muscles are paired, these muscles perform their functions simultaneously and depending on each other. Powerful and short bundles of muscles, a small lever and range of motion cause rapid fatigue of the chewing muscles, especially in case of dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint. The participation of the dentition in the acts of chewing, facial expressions, speech production depends on the state of its function. Therefore, the prevention of contractures (movement restrictions) is an important task of therapeutic exercises in cases of speech pathology, and especially in the surgical treatment of children with palatal defects. When carrying out remedial gymnastics, it is necessary to individually dose physical activity, increasing or decreasing the number of exercises and the number of their repetitions, changing the starting position, amplitude of movement or the number of muscle groups participating in the exercise.

1. Lowering and raising the lower jaw (opening and closing the mouth freely and overcoming the resistance of the hands).

2. Jaws in a calm position (count "one, two"). Move the lower jaw forward on a count of three:

a) without pressing the lower jaw with the tongue;

b) with strong pressure - pushing the tongue of the lower jaw while moving forward.

When the jaw moves forward, inhale through the nose, when closing the mouth, exhale through the mouth with the uttering at the final moment of the sound from or from.

3. Pulling the lower jaw back to the count of "three"

a) the language is passive;

b) the tongue is pulled back with force.

4. Extending the lower jaw forward followed by pulling it back. After biting the tip of the pencil, raise the pencil to the nose and lower it down. (breathing, tongue position and sounds - as in exercise 2).

5.Move the lower jaw to the right, breathing through the nose:

a) the language is passive;

b) the tongue rests with force on the jaw, helping to move.

6. movement of the lower jaw to the left (performed in the same way as to the right).

7.movement of the lower jaw alternately to the right and to the left, directly one after the other:

a) the language is passive;

b) the tongue pushes the lower jaw.

8. Simulated chewing.

9. Silent pronunciation of vowels a, e, and, oh, y. Tip of the tongue at the lower incisors.

10. A circular motion with the lower jaw (draw the letter o with the chin) with the mouth open and closed.

11. Static tension of the chewing muscles (tightly clench the teeth in two counts and slowly unclench them for a count of "three").

12. Opening the mouth with a deep breath through the mouth (yawning).

13. The most frequent opening of the mouth with the pronunciation of sounds pa-pa-pa.

Gymnastics of mimic-articulatory muscles

The mimic muscles are located superficially and are woven into the skin at one end. It is endowed with the property of reflecting the mental state of a person, facial expression is largely determined by the dynamics and statics of facial muscles. The best way to do the exercises is in front of a mirror. At the same time, the child can visually control the correctness of the movement and its amplitude.

1. Wrinkling the entire face and stretching it in length with the opening of the mouth.

2. Raising and lowering the eyebrows. When raising the eyebrows, the eyes open wide, horizontal wrinkles appear on the forehead; when lowering, the eyes almost close and vertical and horizontal wrinkles form above the bridge of the nose.

3. Simultaneous closing and opening of both eyes.

4. Alternating closure of the right and left eyes. If one eye does not close apart from the other, then the non-closing eyelid is held in a closed position with a finger, while the other eye is rhythmically closed and opened. Thanks to the connection of the nerves of both halves of the face, a nerve impulse (push) is transmitted to the other eye, and it begins to close on its own.

5. Simultaneous, then alternate squinting of the eyes.

6. Slowly squinting the eyes, first both at once, then alternately left and right (monitor the activity of the lower eyelids).

7. Alternate elevation of the corners of the mouth. When the left half of the mouth is calm, the right corner of the mouth rises, and vice versa.

8. Sniffing movement. When the jaws are clenched, the upper lip rises slightly, exposing the teeth; nasolabial folds are pronounced.

9. Simultaneous lifting of both corners of the mouth.

10. Alternate lifting of the left and right cheeks. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth.

11. The jaws are clenched. Alternating elevation of the corners of the mouth:

a) with the closing of the corresponding eye (the whole cheek rises);

b) without closing the eyes, with minimal lifting of the cheek. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth, through the teeth of the active side.

12. If the corner of the mouth does not rise, then with the impulses of the lifting movement, the other corner of the mouth is kept from moving with the finger, and the inactive corner of the mouth is rhythmically lifted with the fingers.

13. Teeth and lips are compressed. Simultaneous lowering of the corners of the mouth. Breathing through the nose.

14. Teeth and lips are closed. Alternate lowering of the left and right corners of the mouth. Breathing through the nose.

15. movement of the nostrils (simultaneous and alternate).

16. Give the face expressions of surprise, joy, grief, anger.

17. Relax the muscles of the face, close your eyes, lower the lower jaw slightly.

Exercises to stimulate the movements of the lower jaw

1. Swinging the jaw down with maximum extension of the tongue to the chin.

2. Throwing the jaw down with the maximum extension of the tongue to the chin and mentally pronouncing the sounds a or e on a firm attack.

3. Throwing the jaw down with maximum extension to the chin and whispering sounds a or e on a firm attack.

4. Throwing the jaw down with overcoming resistance (the speech therapist holds his hand under the child's jaw).

5. Opening the mouth with overcoming resistance and pronouncing the sounds a or e on a soft attack.

6. Opening the mouth with overcoming resistance and pronouncing the sounds a or e in a whisper on a soft attack.

7. Opening the mouth with the head tilted back.

8. Opening the mouth and throwing the head back with overcoming the resistance of the speech therapist's hand lying on the back of the head.

9. Opening the mouth with turning the head left and right.

10. Mental or whispering pronunciation of a number of vowels, requiring different widths of mouth opening: a-and, a-e, a-o, a-y, a-and-a, a-e-a, a-o-a, a -wah, etc.

11. Extending the lower jaw forward with the mouth closed.

12. Moving the lower jaw forward with an open mouth, lips in a smile.

13. Movements of the jaw to the right and to the left with the mouth closed.

14. Movements of the jaw to the right and to the left with an open mouth.

15. Starting position: mouth open. Jaw movement to the right, then return to its original position; pushing the jaw forward, returning to its original position; movement of the jaw to the left, return to its original position.

16. Simulated chewing.

17. Circular movements of the jaw (draw the letter o with the chin).

18. The most frequent opening of the mouth with the pronunciation of sounds la-pa-pa.

Gymnastics of the muscles of the pharynx and pharynx

1. Swallowing mushy food, liquid, saliva.

2. Yawning, opening his mouth wide, inhaling strongly, but without noticeable exhalation.

3. Coughing. Opening your mouth wide, tighten the muscles of the shoulder girdle, neck, the entire bottom of the mouth and, clenching your fists with force, clear your throat. Performed in front of a mirror.

4. Cough with tongue sticking out.

5. Deep breathing through the mouth with a pinched nose and through the nose with a closed mouth.

6. Imitation of gagging.

7. Having made a preliminary vomiting movement, with the tension of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, arms, neck, cough loudly with a sound a.

8. Imitation of chewing (there is a vigorous contraction of the muscles of the larynx, pharynx).

9. Imitation: a) pigeon cooing, b) moaning, c) mooing; imitation of a whistle.

10. Pronunciation of vowel sounds a-e-e-o-y.

11. Singing vowel sounds a-e-e-o-y.

12. Throwing back the head with overcoming resistance (the speech therapist holds his hand on the back of the child's head and gives the instruction to tilt his head back).

13. Lowering the head with overcoming resistance (the speech therapist holds his hand on the child's forehead and gives instructions to lower his head sharply).

14. Throwing back and lowering the head with strong pressure from the chin on the fists of both hands.

15. Extension of the tongue to the chin and its subsequent retraction into the mouth with overcoming resistance. The child is encouraged to stretch the tongue to the chin, and then draw it into the mouth; at this time, the speech therapist, with light jerks, tries to keep the child's tongue out of the mouth.

Exercises to activate the muscles of the soft palate

1. Gargling with heavy liquids (jelly, juice with pulp, varenets).

2. Swallowing: a) saliva, b) drops of water, juice, etc .; imitation of swallowing movements.

3. Yawning, opening your mouth wide.

4. Inhale with yawning through the mouth, exhale through the nose.

5. Inhale through the nose and mouth at the same time - exhale through the mouth (repeated exhalation, frequent, jerky, with a tense palate).

6. Arbitrary coughing.

7. Cough with protruding tongue.

8. Imitation of gagging.

9. Imitation of gagging with protruding tongue.

10. Having made a preliminary vomiting movement, cough loudly with a sound a.

11. Snoring on inhalation and exhalation (imitation of a sleeping person).

12. Pronunciation of the vowel sounds a, e, and, o, y on a solid attack.

13. Singing vowel sounds a, e, u, o, u.

14. Fixing the soft palate in the mirror with vision, rhythmically raise and lower it, first combining raising with a yawn, and then without a yawn.

15. Pronounce, holding the tip of the protruding tongue with your fingers: n ... A, n ... A. (the sound n is separated from a by a pause.)

Exercises for the tongue

1. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The wide tongue is kept in the oral cavity in a relaxed, calm state up to a count of 5-10. Make sure that the tongue does not taper, and the tip touches the lower teeth.

2. The mouth is open. The lips are stretched into a smile. Sticking out the tongue with a shovel "(1) (The numbers of the illustrations on the insert are indicated in brackets, p.): The tongue is given a flat wide shape - so that it touches the corners of the mouth with its lateral edges. In a calm, relaxed state, the position is kept counting up to 5-10. Make sure that the lower lip does not tuck, the wide tip of the tongue lies on the lip, the tongue does not protrude far. If for a long time it is not possible to give the language a sufficiently wide form, then: a) pronounce with a sluggish tongue five-five-five, bya-bya-bya; b) blow out (exhale air) into the tongue stretched between the lips; c) in a chant, pull the sound and.

3. Lips in a smile. To relax the tongue, bite it over the entire surface, gradually sticking out and re-drawing it in. The bite should be light.

4. A wide tongue is forcefully squeezed out between the teeth so that the upper incisors are scraped along the back of the tongue. Lips in a smile.

5. The mouth is open. Lips stretched - grin. Sticking out the tongue with a needle ((2); the tongue is given the most pointed shape. Make sure that the tip of the tongue does not bend. If this movement fails for a long time, then: a) squeeze the tongue between the teeth or lips, squeezing it with the lips from the sides; b) reach out with your tongue to a finger, pencil or candy being moved away from it; c) strongly pull the tongue forward, to the right, to the left and, when it narrows in the corner of the mouth, carefully draw it to the midline of the mouth and fix it in this position.

6. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Alternate protrusion of a wide and narrow tongue: "shovel" - "sting". Make sure the lips and jaw are still.

7. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The protruding tongue should be done on alternately wide spread ("shovel" and narrow ("sting", "needle"). Make sure that the lips remain motionless.

8. The same movements of the tongue, but inside the oral cavity; the tip of the tongue rests on the upper or lower teeth. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile (make sure they remain motionless).

9. The mouth is wide open, the lips are stretched - grin. Sticking out a wide tongue as far out of the mouth as possible, and then pulling it as deeply into the mouth as possible so that only a muscle lump forms; the tip of the tongue becomes invisible. Make sure that the jaw does not move, the lips do not pull on the teeth.

10. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Turning the tongue strongly sticking out of the mouth to the right and left so that the tip of the tongue touches the corners of the mouth (3, 4). Make sure that the jaw and lips do not move, the tongue does not slide over the lower lip and teeth.

11. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Use the tip of your tongue to lick the upper lip from one corner of the mouth to the other, trying to bring the tip of the tongue to the upper outer edge of the lip. Make sure that the lips do not stretch on the teeth, the tongue reaches the corners of the mouth, the movement was smooth, without jumps, the jaw did not move.

12. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Use the tip of your tongue to lick your lower lip from side to side. Bend the tip of the tongue to the outer edge of the lip. Make sure that the lips do not stretch on the teeth, the tongue reaches the corners of the mouth, the movement was smooth, without jumps, the lower jaw did not move.

13. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Lick your lips with the tip of your tongue, making a circular motion. The tip of the tongue reaches the outer edge of the lips. Make sure that the movement of the tongue is smooth, without jumps, the tongue reaches the corners of the mouth, the lips are not pulled over the teeth, the jaw does not move.

14. The mouth is closed. Licking the teeth under the upper lip from side to side, gradually bending the tip of the tongue more and more. Make sure that the jaw does not move, the lips do not move apart.

15. The mouth is closed. Licking the teeth under the lower lip from side to side, gradually bending the tip of the tongue more and more. Make sure that the jaw does not move, the lips do not move apart.

16. The mouth is closed. Licking the teeth under the lips in a circle, curling the tip of the tongue as much as possible. Make sure that the jaw does not move, the lips do not move apart.

17. The mouth is open. Licking the teeth under the upper lip, curling the tip of the tongue as much as possible. Make sure that the mouth does not close, the lower jaw does not move.

18. The mouth is open. Licking the lower teeth under the lip, curling the tip of the tongue as much as possible. Make sure that the mouth does not close, the lower jaw does not move.

19. The mouth is open. Licking the teeth under the lips, performing a circular motion, bending the tongue as much as possible. Make sure that the mouth does not close, the lower jaw does not move.

20. The mouth is closed. The tense tongue with the tip rests on one or the other cheek. Make sure that the jaw does not move (5, 6).

21. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The tense tongue with the tip rests on one or the other cheek. Make sure that the jaw and lips do not move.

22. The mouth is closed. The tip of the tongue rests on the cheek, and the tongue moves up and down. Make sure that the jaw does not move.

23. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Smoothly guide the tongue over the upper teeth, touching each tooth, from the extreme molar on one side to the extreme molar on the other side. Make sure that the jaw does not move, the lips do not pull on the teeth.

24. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Smoothly guide the tongue along the lower teeth, touching each tooth, from the extreme molar on one side to the extreme molar on the other side. Make sure that the jaw does not move, the lips do not pull on the teeth.

25. Turn cubes of dry bread crusts, peas, etc. in your mouth (Recommended for inactive tongue).

26. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Raise and lower the wide tongue to the upper and lower lip, respectively. Make sure that the lower jaw does not move, the lips are not pulled over the teeth, the tongue does not narrow (7, 8).

27. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Insert the wide tip of the tongue between the upper lip and teeth (9), then between the lower lip and teeth (10). Make sure that the lips and lower jaw do not move, the tongue does not narrow.

28. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Raise and lower the wide tongue to the upper and lower teeth (11). Make sure that the lower jaw does not move, the lips are not pulled over the teeth, the tongue does not narrow.

29. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Raise a wide tongue to the nose and lower to the chin (12). Make sure that the lips do not stretch on the teeth, the jaw does not move, the tongue does not narrow.

30. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Place the wide tip of the tongue on the tubercles behind the lower teeth from the inside (13), then lift it on the tubercles behind the upper teeth, also on the inside (14). Make sure that only the tongue works, and the lower jaw and lips remain motionless.

31. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Put a wide tongue behind the lower teeth from the inside, then lift up to the soft palate. Make sure that the tongue remains wide all the time, the lower jaw does not move, the lips are not pulled over the teeth.

32. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. With the wide tip of your tongue, stroke the palate, making back and forth movements. Make sure that the tongue remains wide, and its tip reaches the inner surface of the upper teeth and does not protrude from the mouth. The lips and jaw should be motionless.

When doing exercises 29-32, a mouth dilator or stopper is used to prevent closing of the mouth. An easier way with a cork: a cork is inserted into the corner between the jaws, it can be rubber or wooden with a wire handle to hold it between the teeth. You can use a clean finger.

33. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. With the wide front edge of the tongue, lick the upper lip from top to bottom, and then pull the tongue into the mouth to the middle of the palate. Make sure that the tongue is wide all the time, and its tip is wrapped. The lower jaw and lips should remain motionless.

34. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Raise the wide tongue to the nose, then lower it to the upper lip, insert between the upper lip and the teeth, touch the edge of the upper teeth, touch the tubercles behind the upper teeth, stroke the hard palate, making a backward movement. Make sure that the lower jaw and lips are motionless, the tongue does not narrow.

35. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Lower the wide tongue to the chin, then raise it to the lower lip, insert between the lower lip and teeth, touch the tubercles behind the lower incisors. Make sure that the lower jaw and lips do not move, the tongue does not narrow.

36. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. With a wide, wrapped tip of the tongue, touch the upper incisors from the outside, then from the inside ("the tongue steps over the teeth"). Make sure that the lower jaw and lips are motionless, the tongue does not narrow when pulled into the mouth.

37. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. With the wide tip of the tongue, touch the lower incisors from the outside, then from the inside. Make sure that the lower jaw does not move, the tongue does not narrow when pulled into the mouth.

38. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. With the wide tip of your tongue, stroke the upper incisors from the inside, making movements from top to bottom. Make sure that the lips and jaw are motionless, the tongue does not narrow and does not go beyond the teeth.

39. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. With the wide tip of your tongue, stroke the tubercles behind the lower teeth from the inside from bottom to top. Make sure that the lips and jaw do not move, the tongue does not narrow and does not go beyond the teeth.

40. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. With the wide tip of the tongue, touch the lower incisors from the inside, then to the alveoli. Make sure the lips and jaw are still.

41. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. With the wide tip of the tongue, touch the upper incisors from the inside, then to the alveoli. Make sure that the lower jaw and lips remain motionless.

42. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Lick the concave side of the spoon with the entire surface of the tip of the tongue. Make sure that the lower jaw and lips are motionless.

Licking drops off the concave surface strengthens the very tip of the tongue. By successively reducing the size of a spoon from a tablespoon to a mustard spoon, you can achieve finer and more precise movements.

43. Lips in a smile: a) bite the lateral edges of the tongue with your teeth, leaving only its tip free; b) with this position of the tongue, bend its wide tip to the upper and lower gums. Make sure your lips remain motionless.

44. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Resting the lateral edges of the tongue against the lateral upper teeth almost to the canines, raise and lower the wide tip of the tongue, touching the upper and lower gums with it. Make sure that the jaw does not move, the lips do not pull on the teeth.

Exercises 43-44 are quite difficult, as they require the activity of the edge of the tongue; at the same time, they are very useful for many sound installations, and therefore must be carefully practiced.

45. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The wide tip of the tongue is brought under the upper lip and comes off with a click, pulling down into the mouth. Make sure that the jaw does not move.

46. ​​The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Tongue stick out<желобком лодочкой (15): боковые края лопатообразного языка поднимаются, и по средней продольной линии языка образуется впадина. Если это движение долго не удается, то полезно помогать подниманию краев языка губами, осторожно надавливая ими на боковые края языка. Иногда помогает надавливание ребром шпателя (еще лучше - зондом) по средней линии языка, дети также могут помогать себе руками (следить за чисто той рук!).

47. The mouth is open. The tongue sticks out in a "groove" (boat), is motionless, and the lips sometimes open wide (grin), then touch the "groove".

48. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Tongue inside the mouth "groove"

49. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The tongue is stuck out with a "cup", "a ladle" (16, 17): the lateral edges and the tip of the tongue rise up, the back in the middle of the fossa drops. Hold the position up to 5-10. Make sure that the lips are not pulled over the teeth, the lower lip does not support the tongue.

50. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Tongue stick out "cup". Blow off the cotton swab from the tip of the nose. In this case, the air should go in the middle of the tongue, the fleece flies straight up. Make sure that the lower jaw is motionless. The lateral edges of the tongue should be pressed against the upper lip. If this does not work, you can press them lightly. The lower lip should not be twisted and pulled over the lower teeth.

51. Lips in a smile. A wide tongue lies between the lips. Blow out on the tongue and lips so that they vibrate. Make sure that the tongue and lips are relaxed, not tense. Do not bite your tongue with your teeth. The cheeks should not puff up.

52. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The lateral edges of the tongue rest against the lateral upper teeth. Repeatedly drum with a tense wide tip of the tongue on the upper gum: t-t-t, gradually accelerating the pace. Make sure that the lower jaw does not move, the lips remain in a smile, and the sound has the character of a clear blow, and does not squelch. The sound t must be pronounced so that the exhaled stream of air is felt. The tip of the tongue should not curl up.

53. The same as in exercise 52, but the sound d-d-d is pronounced.

54. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Raise the wide tip of the tongue by the upper teeth and say yes-dy many times, first slowly, then gradually accelerating the pace. The lips and lower jaw are motionless, only the tongue works. Make sure that the pronunciation was in the nature of a clear blow, the tip of the tongue did not tuck and an exhaled stream of air was felt. For control, you need to bring a strip of paper to your mouth. If the exercise is performed correctly, it will deviate.

55. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Put a wide tongue on the upper lip and make movements back and forth, trying not to tear the tongue from the lip, as if stroking it. First you need to make slow movements, then, gradually speeding up the tempo, add the sound of the voice until you hear the sounds of bl-bl (like a turkey "babbling"). Make sure the tongue is wide. The tongue should lick the upper lip, not push forward. The lower jaw does not move.

56. Lips in a smile. Place the wide tip of your tongue on your lower lip. Put a thin piece of sticky candy on the very edge of your tongue. Ask your child to glue the candy to the palate behind the upper teeth. Make sure that only the tongue works: the lower jaw should be motionless. If the lower jaw is involved in the movement, you can place the index finger or plug on the side between the molars. The exercise should be performed slowly at first, gradually increasing the pace.

57. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Press the wide tip of the tongue to the palate behind the upper teeth and pull it off with a click (click the tip of the tongue). At first, the exercise is performed slowly, then the pace increases. Make sure that the lower jaw does not move, the tip of the tongue does not tuck inward, the lips do not stretch into a tube.

58. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Press the wide tip of the tongue to the palate behind the upper teeth and tear off soundlessly (soundlessly click the tip of the tongue). Make sure that the lips and lower jaw are motionless, the tip of the tongue does not bend inward, the tip of the tongue rested against the palate behind the upper teeth and did not protrude from the mouth.

59. The mouth is open, the lips are in a smile. The wide tip of the tongue rests on the lower gum, the back of the tongue is bent, then leveled. Make sure that the tongue does not narrow, the tip of the tongue remains at the teeth and does not pull back, the jaw and lips are motionless.

60. Suction of the back of the tongue to the palate, first with closed jaws, and then with open jaws.

If suction fails, then:

a) put sticky candy on the back of the tongue; the child tries, pressing the back of the tongue to the palate, to suck the candy;

b) put the bent index finger on top of the chin, and with the thumb of the same hand, press from the outside, from bottom to top, to the bottom of the oral cavity, pushing the back of the tongue to the palate.

61. The mouth is closed. Suction to the palate and tearing off the back of the tongue with a click; the tip of the tongue rests on the lower gum, the jaw does not move.

62. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Suction to the palate and detachment from it with a click of the back of the tongue; the tip of the tongue rests on the lower gum. Make sure that the lips and lower jaw are motionless.

63. The mouth is closed. Lips in a smile. Suction of the whole tongue<лопатой к нёбу и последующий отрыв от него со щелканьем при сомкнутых челюстях.

64. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Suction of the whole tongue<лопатой» к нёбу и отрыв от него со щелканьем. Следить, чтобы кончик языка не подворачивался внутрь, губы не вытягивались в «трубочку», нижняя челюсть не двигалась.

To avoid movement of the lower jaw, use a mouth expander or plug. You can use your finger.

65. The back of the tongue is pressed against the palate, the tip rests on the lower gum. Opening and closing the mouth with this position of the tongue. Lips in a smile.

66. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The wide tip of the tongue rests on the lower gum; the antero-middle part of the back of the tongue is raised until it touches the lower incisors, and then lowered. Make sure that the lips do not pull on the teeth, and the lower jaw does not move.

67. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The tip of the tongue rests against the alveoli behind the lower incisors. The tongue is forced outwardly between the teeth so that the upper incisors are scraped along the back of the tongue.

68. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The wide tip of the tongue rests against the lower incisors. Extending the front of the back of the tongue forward (the tongue “rolls out of the mouth, as it were”), and then pulling it into the mouth. Make sure that the tongue does not narrow, the tip does not come off the teeth, the lips and lower jaw do not move (18).

69. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The wide tip of the tongue rests against the lower gum, and the back of the tongue then rises up, touching the soft palate and partly the hard palate, then goes down. Make sure that the lower jaw does not move.

If this movement fails, then at first the root of the tongue is pushed up with the fingers outside in the area of ​​the hyoid bone, or it is suggested to breathe through the nose with the mouth open.

70. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The tip of the tongue is lowered down and pulled back, the back is arched. pronounce the sound y for a long time (“like a steamer buzzing). Make sure that the jaw does not move, the lips do not stretch on the teeth, the tip of the tongue was lowered and located in the depths of the mouth, the back of the tongue was curved all the time.

71. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The lateral edges of the tongue are tightly pressed against the upper molars, the back of the tongue bends down, the tip is free. The tongue moves back and forth, the lateral edges of the tongue slide over the molars. Make sure that the lower jaw does not move, the lips do not pull on the teeth.

72. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Sucking a wide spatulate tongue to the palate and holding it in this position counting up to 10, and then pulling off with a click. Make sure that the lips and lower jaw do not move, the lateral edges of the tongue are pressed equally tightly (neither half should fall), the tip touches the upper gum. When repeating the exercise, you need to open your mouth wider.

73. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Suction of the wide tongue with the entire plane to the palate. He did not let go of his tongue, close and open his mouth. When repeating the exercise, you should try to open your mouth wider and keep your tongue in the upper position for longer and longer. Make sure that when opening the mouth, the lips are motionless, one side of the tongue does not sag, and the tip of the tongue touches the upper gum.

74. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Put the wide front edge of the tongue on the lower lip and, as if uttering the sound f for a long time, blow the cotton wool to the opposite edge of the table. The lower lip should not be pulled over the teeth. You can't puff out your cheeks. Make sure that children pronounce the sound f, and not the sound x, that is, that the stream of exhaled air is narrow, and not diffused.

75. The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. A wide tongue is lowered to the chin, a 1 x 1 cm paper square is placed on the tip of the tongue and deflated. The lower lip should not be twisted and pulled over the teeth. You can't puff out your cheeks. Make sure that children, like everyday life, pronounce the sound f, and not the sound x (the exhaled stream of air should be narrow, and not diffused).

Gymnastics of lips and cheeks

1. Inflation of both cheeks simultaneously (25).

2. Inflation of the right and left cheeks alternately (distillation of air from one cheek to another) (27, 28).

3. Drawing the cheeks into the oral cavity between the teeth, the lips are extended forward (26).

4. Alternate inflation and retraction of the cheeks.

5. Sucking movements: the closed lips are pulled forward by the proboscis (29), and then return to their normal position. The jaws are clenched.

6. Bared teeth: lips with clenched jaws are strongly stretched to the sides, up, down, exposing both rows of teeth, tightly pressing against the gums (21), and then quietly close again.

7. Proboscis with subsequent grin with clenched jaws. When inhaling with a proboscis<пьют воздух», при выдохе произносят звуки с, з, и.

8. Bared teeth with opening and closing of the mouth and subsequent closing of the lips.

9. Bared teeth: a) bared teeth, jaws closed; b) open your mouth with bared teeth; c) close the jaws; d) close your lips.

10. Bared teeth with a motionless open mouth, followed by closing the lips of both rows of teeth.

11. Retraction of the lips with a wide tube, funnel with open jaws (22).

12. Pulling out the lips with a narrow funnel (whistle), blowing out a candle, imitation of inflating a soap bubble (23).

13. When the jaws are wide open, the lips are drawn into the mouth, pressing tightly against the teeth (32).

14. Raising tightly compressed lips up (towards the nose) and lowering them down with tightly compressed jaws.

15. Raising the upper lip; only the upper teeth are exposed.

16. Pulling down the lower lip; only the lower teeth are exposed.

17. Raising and lowering both lips in 4 steps alternately: a) raise the upper lip, b) lower the lower lip, c) lower the upper lip to normal, t) raise the lower lip to normal.

18. Imitation of rinsing the teeth: the air from the inside presses heavily on the lips (this movement can initially be helped by alternately inflating the cheeks).

19. Gathering air under the upper lip, under the lower lip.

20. Suction of the upper lip under the lower with a sharp ejection of it when opening the mouth (smacking).

21. Similar suction of the lower lip under the upper teeth.

22. Vibration of the lips (horse snort).

23. Movement of the lips with the proboscis to the left, to the right; also - with stretched lips.

24. Rotational movement of the lips by the proboscis: up, left, down, right; first, the movements are performed separately, then together.

25. When the jaws are closed, the lower lip moves to the right, to the left.

26. The same movement of the upper lip.

27. When the jaws are clenched, tightly closed lips rise to the nose and lower to the chin. Breathing through the nose.

28. Strength gymnastics (in case of general weakness of the lips):

a) exercises with a suction cup; b) puff out the cheeks strongly, keeping the air in the mouth with the lips, if possible; c) hold a pencil, plastic, glass tubes with your lips (when breathing, air passes through both corners of the mouth - immediately or alternately); d) hold a gauze napkin with your lips (an attempt is made to pull it out).

29. Strengthening the lips with silent pronunciation:

a) a consonant p-p-p;

b) vowels y, o, and;

c) with a soundless alternation of movements from a to u, from a to y and vice versa;

d) with a soundless smooth transition from and to a from a to o, from o to y and back;

e) with silent articulation of a row with a smooth transition and-a-o-y and in the opposite order.

30. Blowing out air alternately with each corner of the mouth.

An approximate set of exercises for the development of articulatory patterns of sounds with, сь, 3, Зь, ц

The style of the organs of articulation.

When pronouncing a sound from the lips, they are not tense, slightly stretched into a smile; lips are rounded before labialized vowels. The teeth are brought together by 1–2 mm, the upper and lower incisors are bared. The tip of the tongue is wide, rests on the base of the lower incisors, without touching the tops of the teeth. The front part of the back of the tongue is wide, rises to the upper alveoli and forms a groove-shaped gap with them. The middle part of the back of the tongue is lowered, a longitudinal groove is formed in the middle of it. The back of the dorsum of the tongue is slightly raised. The lateral edges of the tongue fit snugly against the inner side of the upper molars, blocking the passage of the air stream on the sides. In this way, a narrow passage (a circle of barking slit) is formed along the middle of the tongue. Passing through this gap, a strong, exhaled stream of air causes a whistling noise. The narrower the gap, the higher the noise. The wider the gap, the lower the noise, turning into "lisping". The air stream should be narrow, cold, easily felt with the back of the hand brought to the mouth. The soft palate is raised, pressed against the posterior wall of the pharynx and closes the passage of the air stream into the nasal cavity. The vocal cords are open and do not produce voice.

When pronouncing a soft Ci, the lips stretch more than when pronouncing a hard C, and they tighten. The antero-middle part of the back of the tongue rises higher to the hard palate and moves somewhat forward in the direction of the alveoli, as a result of which it narrows even more, and the noise becomes higher.

When articulating Z and Zb, in addition to the articulatory structure of paired dull sounds, the vocal cords close, the pressure of the air stream weakens.

When pronouncing the sound q, the lips are neutral and take a position depending on the next vowel. The distance between the teeth is 1-2 mm. The sound is characterized by complex lingual articulation: it begins with the occlusive element (as with t), while the tip of the tongue is lowered and touches the lower teeth. The front of the back of the tongue rises to the upper teeth or alveoli, with which it makes a bow; the lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the molars. The sound ends with a slotted element (as with c), which sounds very brief. The border between explosive and slotted elements is not caught either by ear or articulatory, since they are fused together. The soft palate is raised and obstructs the passage to the nose. The vocal cords are open, the sound is muffled. The exhaled stream of air is strong.

The following exercises contribute to the development of the necessary movements of the tongue and the formation of an air stream.

1. "Punish the naughty tongue."

Purpose: to develop the ability to relax the muscles of the tongue, to keep it spread wide.

Smile. Open your mouth. Calmly put your tongue on your lower lip and, spanking it with your lips, pronounce the sounds la-la-la. Slap your tongue with your lips several times on one exhale, then hold your wide tongue in a calm position with your mouth open, counting from 1 to 5-10. Make sure that the child does not hold the exhaled air. Control over the exhaled stream of air is carried out with the help of a cotton swab brought to the child's mouth: if the exercise is performed correctly, the cotton swab will deflect. The lower lip should not be twisted and pulled over the lower teeth. The lateral edges of the tongue touch the corners of the mouth.

2. "Shoulder", "Pancake", "Flatbread" (1, 19).

Purpose: to develop the ability to make the tongue wide and keep it in a calm, relaxed state.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Place the wide front edge of the tongue on the lower lip and hold it in this position for a count of 1 to 5-10. Make sure that the lips are not tense, do not stretch into a wide smile, so that the lower lip does not twist and pull over the lower teeth. The tongue does not protrude far: it should only cover the lower lip. The side edges of the tongue should touch the corners of the mouth.

3. "Swing".

Purpose: to strengthen the muscles of the tongue. Develop mobility and flexibility of the tip of the tongue, the ability to control it.

a) a wide tongue rises to the nose and falls to the chin (12);

b) a wide tongue rises to the upper lip (7), then descends to the lower lip (8);

c) insert a wide tongue between the upper teeth and the lip (9), then between the lower teeth and the lip (10);

d) the wide tip of the tongue touches the upper incisors (11), then to the lower ones;

e) with the wide tip of the tongue, touch the tubercles (elveoli) behind the lower incisors (13), then behind the upper ones (14);

f) with the wide tip of the tongue, touch the alveoli behind the lower incisors, then - to the soft palate.

When performing all exercises, make sure that the tongue does not narrow, the lips and lower jaw are motionless, the lips are not pulled over the teeth.

4. "The tongue steps over the teeth."

Purpose: to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, to develop flexibility and accuracy of movements of the tip of the tongue, the ability to control it.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Tongue movements:

a) with a wide tongue, touch the upper teeth from the outside, then from the inside;

b) with a wide tongue, touch the lower teeth from the outside, then from the inside.

When performing the exercises, make sure that the tongue does not narrow, the lower jaw and lips are motionless.

5. "Brush our teeth"

Purpose: to learn to hold the tip of the tongue behind the lower teeth, to develop the ability to control the tongue, accuracy of movements.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. With the wide tip of the tongue, stroke the lower teeth, making movements with the tongue up and down. Make sure that the tongue does not narrow, stops at the upper edge of the teeth and does not go beyond it, the lips are in a smiling position, the lower jaw does not move.

6. "Pie".

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Put a wide tongue on the lower lip. Then the side edges of the tongue rise and roll up into a pie.

If this exercise fails for a long time, it is useful to help lift the lateral edges of the tongue with the lips, pressing them against the lateral edges of the tongue. Sometimes this movement is helped by pressing along the midline of the tongue with a probe, knitting needle, etc.; children can help themselves with their hands (keep your hands clean!).

7. "Groove", "Boat" (15).

Purpose: to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, develop the ability to control the tongue, develop the rise of the lateral edges of the tongue upward.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The tongue sticks out. The lateral edges of the spatulate tongue rise, and a depression forms along the median longitudinal line of the tongue. The tongue in this position is kept counting from 1 to 5-10. Make sure that the lips do not help the tongue, remain motionless.

8. "Tipper"

Purpose: to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, to develop the lift of the lateral edges of the tongue, to develop the mobility and flexibility of the tip of the tongue.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The lateral edges of the tongue abut against the lateral upper teeth almost to the canines. Raise and lower the wide tip of the tongue, touching the upper and lower gums behind the teeth. Make sure that the lower jaw and lips are motionless.

9. "Gorka", "Pussy is angry" (20).

Purpose: to develop the rise of the back of the tongue up, the ability to hold the tip of the tongue at the lower teeth.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The wide tip of the tongue rests against the base of the lower incisors. The back of the tongue is bent, then leveled. Make sure that the tip of the tongue does not come off the teeth, the tongue does not narrow, the lips and lower jaw are motionless.

10. "Coil" (18).

Purpose: to develop the ability to raise the lateral edges of the tongue, bend the back of the tongue, keeping the tip of the tongue at the lower teeth.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The wide tip of the tongue rests against the base of the lower incisors. The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars. Broad tongue<выкатывается» вперед и убирается в глубь рта. Следить, чтобы язык не сужался, боковые края языка скользили по коренным зубам, кончик языка не отрывался от резцов, губы и нижняя челюсть были неподвижны.

11. Exercise in pronouncing the sound and.

Purpose: to develop the ability to control the language.

In a playful way, the pronunciation of the sound and is practiced, in which the position of the tongue is close to the normal articulation of the sound with.

12. "Drive the ball into the goal."

Purpose: to generate a sustained, directional air jet.

Pull your lips forward with a tube and blow for a long time on a cotton ball lying on the table, trying to drive it into<ворота» между двумя кубиками. Загонять шарик следует на одном выдохе, не допуская, чтобы воздушная струя была прерывистой. Следить, чтобы щеки не надувались; для этого их можно слегка прижать ладонями.

13. "Blow through the straw"

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Roll the tongue into a tube and blow on a narrow strip of paper fixed between the eyebrows and hanging down to the middle of the face. When the exercise is performed correctly, the paper strip is deflected upward. Try to keep it on the exhaled air stream as long as possible. Make sure that the cheeks are not puffed up.

Purpose: To generate a smooth, long, continuous air stream going down the middle of the tongue.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The tongue sticks out. The lateral edges of the spatulate tongue are raised. As if pronouncing the sound f for a long time, blow off the cotton wool to the opposite edge of the table. Make sure that the cheeks are not puffed out, the lower lip is not pulled over the lower teeth, so that the children pronounce the sound f, not x, that is, that the air stream is narrow, and not diffused.

15. "Blow off the snowflake"

Objective: To generate a smooth, targeted air jet in the middle of the tongue.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. A wide tongue stuck out. The tip of the tongue is down. The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper teeth. Put a 1x1 cm paper square on the tip of your tongue and blow it off. Make sure that the cheeks are not puffed up and the lips are not pulled over the teeth, so that the children seem to pronounce the sound f, not x.

16. "Blow through a straw", "Storm in a glass".

Purpose: to develop the ability to direct an air stream in the middle of the tongue.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The wide tip of the tongue rests against the base of the lower incisors. A cocktail straw is placed in the middle of the tongue, the end of which is dipped into a glass of water. Blow through a straw so that the water in the glass boils. Make sure that the cheeks are not puffed out, the lips are motionless.

17. "Fence" (21).

Purpose: to strengthen the circular muscle of the mouth, to develop the ability to keep the lips in a smile.

The teeth are closed. Lips in a smile. The upper and lower incisors are visible.

18. "Shout" (22).

Purpose: to strengthen the circular muscle of the mouth, develop the ability to round the lips and keep them in this position.

The teeth are closed. The lips are rounded and slightly extended forward, as with the sound of o. The upper and lower incisors are visible.

19. "Tube" (23).

Purpose: to strengthen the circular muscle of the mouth, to develop the ability to pull forward the rounded lips.

The teeth are closed. The lips are rounded and extended forward, as in the sound of y.

20. "Fence" - "Horn" - "Tube" (21, 22, 23).

21. Exercise in pronouncing sounds ts. Before setting the sound q, it is useful to carry out an exercise in alternating pronouncing the sounds t and s, which contributes to the rapid switching of the language from one position to another and is necessary for the correct pronunciation of the sound q. At first, the sounds are pronounced slowly, then the pace is accelerated and the sounds are pronounced without interruption: ts-ts-ts. When pronouncing, one blow of an air stream is felt (check with the back of your hand). Make sure that children do not say tes or ths.

Of the listed exercises, the speech therapist chooses only those that are necessary to correct the impaired sound, depending on the type of pronunciation defect.

An approximate set of exercises for the development of articulatory patterns of sounds w, w, h, w

Articulation of organs.

When pronouncing the sound ш, the lips are rounded and slightly extended forward (before the next vowel a, the rounding is minimal, before the s (i) there may be no rounding. The teeth are drawn together, but not touching, the distance between them is 2-5 mm, the upper and lower incisors are visible. The wide tip of the tongue is raised to the alveoli or the anterior part of the hard palate and forms a slit with them. the tongue is lowered, bends downward (a depression in the middle forms the bottom of a "scoop. The back of the back of the tongue rises towards the soft palate and is pulled back. The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against their molars and do not let the outgoing air stream on the sides. The soft palate is pressed against back of the pharynx and closes the passage to the nasal cavity. Vocal cords are not tense, apart, the voice is not formed. The air stream is strong, wide, warm, easy to feel with the back of your hand brought to your mouth.

When the sound is formed, the same articulation as when the sound is formed; it is complemented by the work of the closed and oscillating vocal folds that produce the voice. The exhaled stream of air is somewhat weaker, and the gap between the tip of the tongue and the hard palate is smaller than during the formation of w.

The sound u in Russian is pronounced as a long soft fricative hissing. When pronouncing it, the lips are rounded and slightly pushed forward. The wide tip of the tongue is raised to the level of the upper teeth (lower than when pronouncing w). The front part of the back of the tongue bends slightly, the middle part rises to the hard palate, the back part is lowered and pushed forward. The tongue is tense. The curtain of the palate is raised, the vocal folds are open. A strong jet of air passes through two cracks: between the middle part of the back of the tongue and the hard palate, and between the tip of the tongue and the front teeth or alveoli. A complex noise is formed, higher than with the sound of ш.

When pronouncing the sound h, the lips, as when pronouncing all hissing ones, are rounded and extended. The sound has a complex linguistic articulation: it begins with a stop element (as in the sound 'p). The tip of the tongue is lowered and touches the lower incisors. The front part of the back of the tongue is pressed against the upper incisors or alveoli, its middle part is curved towards the hard palate. The whole language is moving forward somewhat. The sound ends with a short slit element (as in the sound u). The border between explosive and slit (fricative) elements is not caught either by ear or articulatory, since the elements are fused together. The soft palate is raised and obstructs the passage to the nose, the vocal cords are open.

1. "Shoulder", "Pancake", "Flatbread" (see p. 32).

2. "Pie".

Purpose: to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, to develop the ability to lift the lateral edges of the tongue.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The tongue sticks out. The lateral edges of the spatulate tongue rise upward, a depression forms along the median longitudinal line of the tongue. Keep the tongue in this position under the count from 1 to 5-10. Make sure that the lips do not help the tongue, remain motionless.

3. "Swing (see p. 32).

5. Painter

Purpose: to develop upward movement of the tongue, its mobility, the ability to control it.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. With the wide tip of the tongue, stroke the palate, making movements of the tongue back and forth (from the teeth to the throat and back). Make sure that the tongue does not taper, reaches the inner surface of the upper incisors and does not protrude from the mouth, the lips are not pulled over the teeth, the lower jaw does not move.

6. "Fungus" (24).

Purpose: to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, develop an upward movement of the tongue, stretch the hyoid frenum.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Press the wide tongue with the entire plane to the palate (the tongue is sucked) and hold it in this position at a count from 1 to 5-10. The tongue will resemble a thin cap of a fungus, and the stretched hyoid frenulum will resemble its leg. Make sure that the lateral edges of the tongue are equally tightly pressed against the palate (no half should sag), so that the lips are not pulled over the teeth. When repeating the exercise, the mouth should be opened wider.

7. "Accordion".

Purpose: to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, to develop the ability to hold the tongue in an upright position, to stretch the hyoid frenulum.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Press the wide tongue to the palate (the tongue sticks in) and, without lowering the tongue, open and close the mouth. When repeating the exercise, you should try to open your mouth wider and keep it in this position longer. Make sure that when you open your mouth, your lips are in a smile and remain motionless, and your tongue does not sag.

8. "Delicious jam"

Purpose: to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, develop the mobility of the tongue, develop the rise of the wide front of the tongue.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. With the wide front edge of the tongue, lick the upper lip, making a movement with the tongue from top to bottom, then pull the tongue into the mouth, towards the center of the palate. Make sure that the tongue does not narrow, when pulled in, its lateral edges slide over the molars, and the tip of the tongue was raised. The lips are not pulled on the teeth, the lower jaw does not "put the tongue up" - it must be motionless.

9. "Cup" - "Ladle" (16, 17).

Purpose: to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, to develop the lift of the lateral edges and the tip of the tongue, the ability to hold the tongue in this position.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The tongue sticks out. The lateral edges and tip of the tongue are raised, the middle part of the back of the tongue is pubescent, bends downward. In this position, keep the tongue counting from 1 to 5-10. Make sure that the lips are not pulled on the teeth, the lower jaw is motionless.

10. "Focus".

Purpose: to develop the ability to hold the lateral edges and the tip of the tongue in a raised state, to learn to direct an air stream in the middle of the tongue.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The tongue sticks out. The lateral edges and tip of the tongue are raised, the middle part of the back of the tongue bends downward. While holding the tongue in this position, blow off the cotton wool from the tip of the nose. Make sure that the lower jaw is motionless, the lips are not pulled over the teeth, the fleece flew straight up.

11. "Sleigh".

Purpose: to develop mobility of the tongue, the ability to hold the tongue in an upper position with raised lateral edges.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The lateral edges of the tongue are tightly pressed against the upper molars, the back bends down, the tip is free. tongue movements back and forth, the lateral edges of the tongue slide over the molars. Make sure that the lower jaw does not move, the lips do not pull on the teeth.

12. "Shout" (see p. 35).

13. "Fence" - "Horn" - "Tube" (21, 22, 23).

Purpose: to strengthen the circular muscle of the mouth, to develop the ability to quickly change the position of the lips.

The teeth are closed. The lips imitate the pronunciation of sounds and-oh-y.

14. Exercise in pronouncing sounds t ‘-shch.

Before setting the sound h, it is useful to carry out an exercise in alternating pronouncing the sounds t 'and sh. This contributes to the rapid switching of the language from one position to another, which is necessary for pronouncing the sound h. At first, the sounds are pronounced slowly, then the tempo is accelerated. Make sure that children do not say a thousand or a tesch.

15. "Hill" (20).

Purpose: to develop the rise of the anterior-middle part of the back of the tongue, the ability to quickly change the position of the tongue.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The wide tip of the tongue rests on the lower incisors, and the antero-middle part of its back is first raised until it touches the upper incisors, then lowered. Make sure that the lips do not stretch on the teeth, the lower jaw does not move.

An approximate set of exercises for the development of articulatory patterns of sounds l, l '

The style of the organs of articulation.

To pronounce the sound l requires a rather complex work of various parts of the articulatory apparatus: the lips are neutral and take a position depending on the next vowel; the distance between the upper and lower incisors is 2-4 mm; the tip of the tongue rises and presses against the bases of the upper incisors (but it can also occupy a lower position); the front and middle parts of the back of the tongue descend, its root part rises and is pulled back, a spoon-shaped depression is formed in the middle; the lateral edges of the tongue are lowered and let the outgoing air stream pass; the exhaled stream of air is weak; the soft palate is raised and obstructs the passage to the nose; the vocal cords oscillate, producing a voice.

The articulation of the soft l 'differs from the articulation of the hard l in that the lips, when pronouncing it, are somewhat pulled to the sides (which is characteristic of soft consonants). The antero-middle part of the back of the tongue rises towards the hard palate and moves forward somewhat, the back of the back of the tongue, together with the root, is significantly advanced and lowered.

The following exercises contribute to the development of the necessary movements of the tongue.

1. "Punish the naughty tongue" (see p. 32).

2. "Shoulder" "Pancake", "Flatbread" (see p. 32).

3. "Swing I" (7, 8).

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Put a wide tongue on the outside on the upper lip, then on the lower one. Tuck the tip of the tongue as much as possible. Make sure that the tongue does not narrow, the lips are not pulled over the teeth, the lower jaw does not move.

4. "Swing-II" (9, 10).

Purpose: to develop the ability to quickly change the position of the tongue, develop mobility and flexibility of the tip of the tongue, the accuracy of its movements.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Insert a wide tongue between the upper lip and upper teeth, then between the lower lip and lower teeth. Make sure that the tongue does not narrow, the lips and lower jaw are motionless.

5. "Swing-III".

Purpose: to develop the ability to quickly change the position of the tongue, to develop flexibility and accuracy of movements of the tip of the tongue.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Place the wide tongue behind the lower teeth on the inside, then lift the wide tongue behind the upper teeth on the inside. Make sure that the tongue does not narrow, the lips are not pulled over the teeth, the lower jaw does not move.

6. "Delicious jam" (see p. 38).

7. "Flip the tip of your tongue"

Purpose: to strengthen the tip of the tongue, develop a tongue lift.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Press the wide tip of the tongue against the tubercles behind the upper teeth and pull it off with a click. At first, perform the movements slowly, gradually speed up the pace. Make sure that the lower jaw does not move, the lips are not pulled over the teeth, the tip of the tongue does not tuck inward.

8. "Silently click the tip of your tongue

Purpose: to develop upward movement of the tongue, strengthen the muscles of the tongue, develop the accuracy of the movements of the tip of the tongue.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Press the wide tip of the tongue against the tubercles behind the upper teeth and tear off soundlessly. First, do the exercise at a slow pace, then at a fast pace. Make sure that the lower jaw and lips do not move. The tip of the tongue should not bend inward and should not protrude from the mouth.

9. "Turkey".

Purpose: to develop a lift of the tongue, to develop the flexibility and mobility of its front part.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Make movements with the wide edge of the tongue in front of it along the upper lip back and forth, trying not to tear the tongue from the lip, bend the tip slightly, as if stroking the lip. First, make slow movements, then speed up the tempo and add voice until you hear the sounds of bl-bl. Make sure that the tongue does not taper (the tongue should lick the upper lip, not push forward), so that the upper lip does not pull on the teeth, the lower jaw does not move.

10. "Gorka", Pussy is angry "(20).

Purpose: to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, to develop the lift of the back and the root of the tongue.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The wide tip of the tongue rests on the tubercles behind the lower teeth, the back of the tongue bends upwards, then leveled. Make sure that the tip of the tongue does not come off the alveoli, the lips and lower jaw remain motionless.

11. Exercises in pronouncing the sound to (g).

The options are:

a) The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The tip of the tongue is lowered and pulled back. Slowly pronounce the sound k, trying to hold the curved tongue in the upper position as long as possible. Make sure that the lower jaw and lips are motionless;

b) The same, but pronounce the sound r.

12. "Swing" (18).

Purpose: to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, to develop the rise of the back and root of the tongue, their mobility.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The wide tip of the tongue rests on the tubercles behind the lower teeth, the back of the tongue arches, the tongue<выкатывается» вперед и убирается в глубь рта. Следить, чтобы кончик языка не отрывался от альвеол, губы и нижняя челюсть были неподвижными.

13. "Steamer".

Purpose: to develop the lift of the back and root of the tongue, to strengthen the muscles of the tongue.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The wide tip of the tongue is lowered and pulled back, the back of the tongue is curved towards the palate. Wear out the sound for a long time (the steamer is buzzing). Make sure that the tip of the tongue does not rise and is in the depths of the mouth, the back is well bent, the sound does not pass into and, the lips and lower jaw are motionless.

An approximate set of exercises for the development of articulatory patterns of sounds p, p '

Styling, organs of articulation.

To pronounce the sounds p, p 'requires complex work of all muscles of the tongue. When pronouncing p, the mouth is open. The lips are positioned in accordance with the subsequent vowel sound. The tip of the tongue and its front part are spread wide and raised to the bases of the upper teeth, tense; the tip of the tongue does not fit snugly against the upper alveoli and vibrates in the passing air stream. The middle part of the back of the tongue is lowered, the lateral edges are pressed against the upper molars. The back of the tongue is pushed back and rises slightly to the soft palate. The soft palate is raised and obstructs the passage to the nose; the vocal folds are closed and oscillate, producing a voice. The exhaled stream of air passes in the middle. The jet should be strong and directed.

The soft sound p 'differs from the hard one in that when it is articulated, the middle part of the back of the tongue rises to the hard palate, the tip of the tongue is slightly lower than when pronouncing p, the back of the back of the tongue is moved forward along with the root.

The following exercises contribute to the development of the necessary movements of the tongue and air stream.

1. "Swing"

Purpose: to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, to develop the lift of the tongue, to develop the mobility and flexibility of the tip of the tongue, the ability to control it.

The options are:

a) The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The wide tongue rises to the nose and drops down to the chin (12). Make sure that the tongue does not tighten, the lips are not pulled over the teeth, the lower jaw does not move;

b) The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The wide tongue rises to the upper lip (7), then drops to the lower lip (8). Make sure that the tongue does not narrow, the lips are not pulled over the teeth, the lower jaw does not move;

c) The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. The wide tip of the tongue touches the upper incisors (11), then to the lower ones. Make sure that the tongue does not narrow, the lips and jaw do not move;

d) The mouth is open. Insert a wide tongue between the upper teeth and lip (9), and then between the lower teeth and lip (10). Make sure that the tongue bends as much as possible and does not narrow, the lips and lower jaw are motionless;

e) The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. With the wide tip of the tongue, touch the tubercles behind the upper incisors, then behind the lower ones (13, 14). Make sure that the tongue does not narrow, the lips are not pulled over the teeth, the lower jaw does not move;

f) The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. With the wide tip of the tongue, touch the tubercles behind the lower incisors, then lift the tongue up, touch the soft palate with the tip. Make sure that the tongue does not tighten, the lips are not pulled over the teeth, the lower jaw does not move.

2. Get your nose out with your tongue.

Purpose: to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, develop a lift of the tongue, develop the mobility of the tip of the tongue, the ability to control it.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Raise the wide tip of the tongue to the nose and lower to the upper lip. Make sure that the tongue does not narrow, the lips and lower jaw are motionless.

3. Get your chin out with your tongue.

Purpose: to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, to develop the mobility of the tip of the tongue, the ability to control it.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Lower the wide tongue to under the beard, then raise it to the lower lip. Make sure that the tongue does not narrow, the lips and lower jaw are motionless.

4. “The tongue steps over the teeth” (see p. 33).

5. "Whose teeth are cleaner?"

Objective: to develop the lift of the tongue, flexibility and mobility of the tip of the tongue, the ability to control the tip of the tongue.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. With the wide tip of the tongue, brush the upper teeth from the inside, making movements with the tongue up and down. Make sure that the tongue is wide, the lips are not pulled over the teeth, the lower jaw does not move.

6. "Painter" (see p. 38).

7. "Horse"

Purpose: to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, to develop the lift of the tongue.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Press the wide, spatulate tongue to the palate (the tongue is sucked in) and tear it off with a click. Make sure that the lips are in a smile, the lower jaw does not "put" the tongue up. To fix the jaw, a mouth expander is placed. A stopper can be used, which is inserted into the corner of the mouth on the molars, or the child's thumb (keep your hands clean!).

8. "Fungus" (see p. 38).

9. "Accordion" (see p. 38).

10. Click the tip of your tongue.

Purpose: to strengthen the muscles of the tongue, develop tongue lift, flexibility and mobility of the tip of the tongue, the ability to control the tip of the tongue.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Press the wide tip of the tongue against the tubercles behind the upper teeth and tear off with a click. At first, the exercise is performed at a slow pace, then faster. Make sure that the lips and lower jaw are motionless, only the tongue works.

11. "Delicious jam" (see p. 38).

12. "Chatterbox Turkey" (see p. 41).

13. "Focus" (see p. 39).

14. "Snorting".

Purpose: to develop the vibration of the tip of the tongue.

Put a wide, relaxed tongue between the lips. blow on the tongue and lips so that they vibrate. Make sure that the lips do not strain, the cheeks do not swell, the tongue is not pinched by the teeth.

15. "Automatic".

Objective: To develop the lift of the tongue, flexibility and mobility of the tip of the tongue.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. With a tense tip of the tongue, knock on the tubercles behind the upper teeth, repeatedly and clearly pronouncing the sound t-t-t - slowly at first, gradually increasing the tempo. Make sure that the lips and lower jaw are motionless, the sound t had the character of a clear blow, and not clapped, the tip of the tongue did not tuck, an exhaled stream of air was felt. to check, bring a strip of paper to your mouth: if you perform the exercise correctly, it will deflect.

16. "Drum-I".

Purpose: to develop a lift of the tongue, the ability to make the tip of the tongue tense; develop his mobility.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. With the wide tip of the tongue, knock on the palate behind the upper teeth, repeatedly and clearly pronouncing the sound d-d-d. At first, pronounce the sound q slowly, gradually speed up the tempo. Make sure that the lips do not stretch on the teeth, the lower jaw does not move, the tongue does not narrow, its tip does not tuck, so that the sound q has the character of a clear blow, and is not squelching. The sound d is pronounced so that the exhaled air stream is felt.

17. "Drum-II".

Purpose: to develop a lift of the tongue, to develop elasticity and mobility of the tip of the tongue.

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Raise a wide tongue up to the palate and pronounce alternately clearly yes-dy. When pronouncing the syllable yes, the tongue is retracted to the center of the palate, when pronouncing dy, it moves to the tubercles behind the upper incisors. At first, the exercise is performed slowly, then the pace increases. When pronouncing, an exhaled stream of air should be felt. Make sure that the lips are not pulled over the teeth. The lower jaw should not move. Pronouncing da-dy should be clear, not squishy, ​​the tip of the tongue should not tuck.

Articulatory gymnastics is a set of exercises, some of which help to improve the mobility of the organs of articulation, others - to increase the volume and strength of movements, and others develop the accuracy of the posture of the lips and tongue, which is necessary for pronouncing a particular sound.

Articulation gymnastics - exercises for training the organs of articulation necessary for correct sound pronunciation.

Reasons why you need to do articulatory gymnastics:

1. Thanks to timely classes in articulatory gymnastics and exercises for the development of speech hearing, some children themselves can learn to speak cleanly and correctly, without the help of a specialist.

2. Children with complex pronunciation disorders will be able to overcome their speech defects faster when a speech therapist begins to study with them: their muscles will already be prepared.

3. Articulating gymnastics is also very useful for children with correct, but sluggish sound pronunciation, about whom they say that they have "porridge in their mouth".

It must be remembered that a clear pronunciation of sounds is the basis for teaching writing at the initial stage.

At first, the exercises should be done slowly, in front of a mirror, since the child needs visual control. It is useful to ask the child leading questions. For example: what are the lips doing? what does the tongue do? where is it (above or below)?

Then the pace of the exercises can be increased and performed at the expense. But at the same time, make sure that the exercises are performed accurately and smoothly, otherwise the exercises do not make sense.

It is better to practice 2 times a day (morning and evening) for 5-7 minutes, depending on the age and perseverance of the child.

When working with a 3-4 year old child, make sure that the child learns the basic movements.

For a child 4-5 years old, the requirements are increasing: the movements should be more and more clear and smooth, without twitching.

At 6-7 years old, the child performs exercises at a fast pace and is able to hold the position of the tongue for some time without changes.

REMEMBER! Articulating gymnastics will only prepare your child's speech apparatus for correct pronunciation, but cannot replace a speech therapist.

Articulation gymnastics for children 2-3-4 years old.

For young children, articulatory gymnastics is a serious job, no matter how easy these exercises seem to you. So that the child does not get distracted and tired, turn this work into a fun game.

Complex of articulatory gymnastics for sibilant sounds [S], [S ’], [Z], [Z’], [C].

3. Alternate exercises "Fence" and "Elephant". The lower jaw does not move, only the lips move. Repeat 5-6 times.

4. "Brushing our teeth" - open your mouth wide, smile, showing your teeth. Then, with the tip of your tongue, "brush your teeth" from the inside, moving it left and right (first the lower ones, then the upper ones). The tip of the tongue should be behind the teeth. The lips are smiling all the time, the lower jaw does not move. Repeat 5-6 movements in each direction.

5. "Sick finger" - put a wide flat tip of the tongue between the lips (ie, the lips slightly hold the tip of the tongue) and blow on the finger. Air should flow down the middle of the tongue through a small gap between the tongue and upper lip. Take a deep breath and exhale for a long time. The cheeks are not puffed out. Repeat 4-5 p.

6. "Hill" - open your mouth wide, smile, show your teeth. Use the tip of your tongue to rest on the lower teeth. The back of the tongue rises up. The tongue is firm, does not "fall out" on the teeth. Hold in this position for a count of up to 5. Repeat 4-5 p.

7. "Ice slide" - make a "slide" and press the child's index finger on the "slide". The tongue should be firm and resist finger pressure, not move away. Hold in this position for a count of up to 5. Repeat 4-5 p.

8. "The slide closes - opens" - make a "slide", and then, without removing the tongue from the lower teeth, clench your teeth (lips - in a smile, teeth are visible), then open your mouth again (the tongue rests on the lower teeth all the time). Perform counting up to 5. Repeat 4-5 p.

Complex of articulatory gymnastics for hissing sounds [Ш], [Ж], [Ч], [Щ].

1. "Fence" - smile broadly, show clenched teeth (upper teeth are exactly on the lower ones). Hold this position for 5-7 s. Repeat 4-5 p.

2. "Elephant" - pull the lips forward with a tube (teeth are clenched). Hold for 5-7 s. Repeat 4-5 p.

3. "Naughty tongue" - slap the wide flat tip of the tongue with your lips, saying "five-five-five ...". Repeat 4-5 times.

4. “Pancake on a platter” - put a wide flat tip of the tongue on the lower lip, saying “five” once (“We baked a pancake and put it on a plate to cool”). The tongue should not move. The mouth is slightly open. Hold this position for 3-10 s. Repeat 4-5 p.

6. "Turkey" - open your mouth and with the wide tip of your tongue quickly move the upper lip back and forth, pronouncing a sound close to "bl-bl-bl ...". Pull this sound for 5-7 s. Taking a deep breath first.

7. "Blow on the bangs!" - stick out the wide tip of the tongue, raise it to the upper lip and blow up. The air goes in the middle of the tongue, the cheeks do not puff up. Repeat 4-5 times.

8. "Cup" - open your mouth wide, smile, show your teeth. Stick your tongue out of your mouth, lifting its front and side edges, forming a "cup". Hold this down for 5-10 s

Repeat 4-5 p.

Complex of articulatory gymnastics for sounds [L], [L '], [R], [R'].

1. "Fence" - smile broadly, show clenched teeth (upper teeth are exactly on the lower ones). Hold this position for 5-7 s. Repeat 4-5 p.

2. "Elephant" - pull the lips forward with a "tube" (teeth clenched). Hold for 5-7 s. Repeat 4-5 p.

3. Alternate exercises "Fence" and "Elephant". The teeth do not move, only the lips move. Repeat 5-6 times.

4. "Brushing our teeth" - open your mouth wide, smile, showing your teeth. Then, with the tip of your tongue, "brush your teeth" from the inside, moving it left and right (first the lower ones, then the upper ones). The tip of the tongue should be behind the teeth. The lips are smiling all the time, the teeth (lower jaw) do not move. Repeat 5-6 movements in each direction.

5. "Delicious jam" - lick your upper lip from top to bottom with a wide flat tip of your tongue. In this case, the lower teeth should be visible (the lower lip is pulled down, the teeth do not bite the tongue). Repeat 3-5 times.

6. "Painter" - open your mouth wide, smile, showing your teeth. Use the tip of your tongue to paint the ceiling, moving it back and forth across the hard palate (to the teeth and further to the neck). The tongue should not jump out of the teeth, come off "from the ceiling" and move left and right. The teeth (lower jaw) do not move. Repeat 5-6 movements in each direction.

7. "Horse" - open your mouth, smile, showing your teeth. Tongue clatter slowly-quickly-quickly-slowly with short rest pauses. The wide tip of the tongue first sticks to the palate, and then freely flops down. Try to look at the tongue and not move the lower jaw.

8. "Fungus" - open your mouth, show your teeth. Clacking the tongue, again suck the wide flat tongue to the palate and hold it for 5-10 s (the frenulum of the tongue is the “leg of the fungus”, the tongue itself is its “cap”). Repeat 2-3 times.

9. "Accordion" - to make a "fungus" and holding the tongue, pull its bridle, opening your mouth wide, and then clenching your teeth. Repeat 6-8 times.

Experts believe that at 2 years of age, a child's vocabulary should contain at least 50 words. But what should parents do if a two-year-old doesn't speak? Much depends on the efforts of adults, namely: the early development of speech in the baby and the meaningful orientation of the speech development of the baby, his ability to actively perceive words. Of course, each child is individual and starts talking on time, but you can still help develop this skill with the help of special exercises and developmental games.

How to get a child to talk: effective methods of developing speech in children 2-3 years old

The most common method used by parents to develop a baby's speech is a technique called "tell mom." Yes, indeed, this method is useful, but it is far from the only one. This technique is suitable for very young children who have just begun to pronounce the first sounds. But, if this method encourages the baby to simply imitate and unconsciously repeat after the parents, then the following techniques will help the child pronounce words meaningfully and understand what is at stake.

Getting to know objects together

If you want to develop the child's speech skills, try to expressively describe everything that he does. At the age of one year, children begin to actively explore the world around them. They touch objects, open and close doors, touch everything with their handles.

Make it a rule to describe his actions. For example, when opening and closing doors, say: "Open the door, close it." If the child picks up an object, describe it. For example, if a child takes a spoon, you can say, “Look, you have a spoon in your hands. This is a spoon. " Encourage any activity of the crumbs and focus on what he is doing.

Acquaintance with pictures

There are tons of educational books with colorful pictures that can help your kid get to know the world. Buy your child books for the little ones, for example, from the section about animals called "Who am I?" Showing a drawing with a cat in a book or on a card, one can say: “How does a cat do? - Meow. Through these activities, you can introduce your baby to animals and help to pronounce certain sounds. This method is ideal for a toddler, as he already understands that each animal has a particular sound. Try to study the animals that you can see on the street. The kid, seeing a dog or a kitty, will already start to say "woof" or "meow".

Education through sound

Whatever the child does, try to indicate his actions with a certain sound. For example, if he claps, say "clap-clap", even if he fell, do not run to immediately pick up the baby and gasp and groan, but rather say "boom, boom". Children are even amused by this approach and they quickly forget that they just flopped. This method will help the baby to realize that every movement has a certain sound, he will actively develop his memory.

Speech accompaniment

When the baby makes any sounds, ask him to repeat. For example, tell your child, “How are geese made? - Ha-ha-ha. " If he says something, in your opinion, awkward like "aha, boobu" repeat after him. The child should be encouraged to speak, pronounce any sound, and be encouraged to do so.

Speech development classes for children 2-3 years old: exercises for the development of phonemic hearing

Phonemic hearing is a subtle systematic hearing that allows you to distinguish and recognize the phonemes of your native language. This is an innate ability to distinguish between words consisting of the same phonemes. For example, "boar-bank, nose-sleep", etc. There are many interesting and entertaining games that will help develop the child's phonemic hearing. Let's consider a few of these.

Exercises and games for the development of phonemic hearing in children 2-3 years old

The essence of this game is as follows: put the child with his back to the players. It is desirable that as many people as possible participate, but not less than 3 people. The presenter asks one of the family members to pronounce the name of the child, and he, in turn, must guess who called him.

Play with sounds

If there are various instruments at home, for example, a piano, a tambourine, an accordion, or others, ask the little one to guess which instrument you are playing. Accordingly, the kid does not have to see which object you have chosen, it is necessary for him to determine by ear which instrument sounded.

Who is speaking?

Invite your child to make different animal sounds. Be sure to prepare pictures of animals with their kids. For example, ask to show how the mother-cat “speaks” - loudly and loudly, and how the kitten speaks - quietly and subtly. Then dog and puppy, cow and calf, etc.

Repeat after me

This game is carried out according to the following principle: mom or dad taps out some elementary rhythm, and the baby must repeat it. Then the sounds get more complicated. When the child has mastered the game, invite him to create sounds, and you will repeat. Both fun and rewarding.

These games will not immediately give a positive result. In the process of playing, the child will develop memory and thinking, which will serve as an excellent basis for the development of phonemic hearing.

Finger games for the development of speech in children 2-3 years old

Finger games are a wonderful and lightweight hand that helps children develop speech. Devote to finger games for 10-15 minutes a day, but no more. Also, do not try to learn all the games at once, for a start 2-3 games will be enough, then you can change the games to new ones.

How can finger games help a child speak? Very simple. The essence of the games is that the parent recites poems during the class, where the same words are often repeated. Thus, the child perceives the words of the mother by ear and understands what is at stake. And then he himself tries to repeat the sounds.

You can start to deal with the child with the most elementary finger games such as "magpie-white-sided" or "there is a horned goat." Offer the baby another game: take the baby's pen, and, bending his fingers, pronounce the names of relatives. For example, this finger is dad, this finger is mom, etc.

The game "stood up fingers"

Bend the baby's toes and then wake everyone else up with your thumb. With the exclamation "Hurray!" unclench the cam fully, as if all your fingers are awake.

Children learn about the world through touch. You can arrange a whole finger theater, knit or sew interesting animals for a more interesting and colorful game.

Articulation gymnastics for the development of speech in young children

By developing the baby's speech from an early age, you will help the baby to quickly express his thoughts and desires through words. The main goal of articulatory gymnastics is to enable the child to develop a certain skill for the correct pronunciation of sounds. By training the speech apparatus, you help your child learn words correctly.

  • Do the exercises regularly, because any skill needs to be consolidated gradually.
  • Do not offer your baby more than 2-3 exercises at once.
  • Each lesson should be 5-10 minutes long.
  • Be sure to reinforce the completed exercises several times.
  • Carry out gymnastics in a playful way, as the child will not be interested in performing static, monotonous movements.

At the age of 2, children do not have a pronounced speech problem, but for the sake of prevention, simple entertaining exercises should be performed.

Articulation gymnastics:

  1. "Opening and closing the gate" ... Invite your baby to open his mouth and hold this pose for a few seconds.
  2. Show the fence. When you offer the baby to show the "fence", he should close his teeth and smile broadly.
  3. "We clean, clean our teeth" ... Open your mouth wide with your baby and slide your tongue over the inside and outside of the teeth.
  4. "Painter". This exercise is more difficult. Offer the baby with a tongue how to draw any elements on the sky. And then, like a painter, you can completely paint over the entire sky.

Be sure to teach classes together. These exercises develop the mobility of the organs of the speech apparatus. Articulation gymnastics is the key to a beautiful and correct sound pronunciation in children at an early age.

Specialist advice on language development in children under 3 years of age

Parents often start to panic when their child is unwilling to start talking. For difficult speech, an authoritative pediatrician E.O. Komarovsky says the following:

“Difficulty in speech can be caused by the fact that adults do not actively communicate with the child. But when the baby goes to kindergarten, he will catch up, as children quickly try to adapt in society, purely instinctively. But there is a high probability that he will have problems with pronunciation, so it is better to work with the child from an early age. "

R. Levykin, psychologist:

It is useful for the development of speech:

  1. Talk to the child as much as possible and encourage him to talk as much as possible. Ask him questions. Ask for his opinion. Comment on your actions.
  2. Develop horizons. Walk more: gardens, playgrounds, parks, museums, zoos, walks in the woods, etc.
  3. Develop hand motor skills: plasticine, paints, crafts from natural materials, construction sets.

From the book by IA Ermakova “Talk to Me, Mom! Developing activities for kids " :

Speech therapy massage of the facial muscles helps the correct development of speech. Light massage of the cheeks, forehead, lips helps to regulate blood circulation, improves muscle elasticity and serves as an effective way to prevent speech disorders. Light circular movements should be performed with the fingertips of both hands so that wrinkles do not form on the skin. Massage should be done slowly and smoothly for 2-5 minutes, 2 times a day. The duration of the course is 10-15 sessions. Before starting the massage, you need to cut your long nails, thoroughly wash and warm your hands, lubricate your fingertips with nourishing or baby cream.

  1. Perform light circular movements from the middle of the forehead to the temples.
  2. Perform light circular movements from the middle of the forehead to the earlobes.
  3. Perform light circular strokes under the eyes from the nose to the temples.
  4. Perform light circular movements from the middle of the forehead to the neck.
  5. Perform light circular movements from the wings of the nose to the corners of the lips.
  6. Perform light circular movements from the wings of the nose to the earlobes.
  7. Perform light circular movements along the contour, first of the upper and then of the lower lip - from the corners to the middle.
  8. Perform light tapping on the lips with your fingertips.
  9. Perform light circular movements from the middle of the upper lip to the chin.

Yu.S. Kosmina, teacher-speech therapist of the highest category:

In a family for a child, it is necessary to create such conditions so that he feels satisfaction from communicating with adults, receives from them not only new knowledge, but also enriches his vocabulary, learns to build sentences correctly, pronounce sounds clearly, and it is interesting to tell stories.

Expanding the range of the child's ideas about the surrounding objects and phenomena, talking with him on various everyday topics that are close and accessible to the child's understanding, parents will thereby not only expand his horizons, but also contribute to mastering the correct speech.

Speech therapist-defectologist Anna Makovei on the methods of developing speech in twins:

Twins are a special topic. They have each other and that says it all. A special language, complete understanding and lack of incentive to master the common language. The most humane of all the tried and tested means (here and the division / delivery to grandmothers and the division of responsibilities for the upbringing of each between dad and mom) seems to me to introduce children into a peer group. There, kids will realize the need to master speech and learn to voice their needs (which is vital in kindergarten).

Individual communication with parents also helps to "talk" such children. This is your imagination and resourcefulness. One with dad goes to the store for ... (something very necessary! boil a kettle, wash dishes, etc.

Do not worry if the child at 1.5-2.5 years old has not started talking. It is worth fearing if a child at the age of 3 does not want to utter a single sound. This is a reason to contact a specialist who will help you find the answer to the question about.

Teach your children, develop their speech, thinking, memory, because a lot depends on parents. And with such a set of modern techniques, books, educational games, you can decorate the everyday life of not only the baby, but also your own.

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