Bodyflex breathing exercises. Bodyflex - breathing exercises for weight loss

Breathing exercises recommended for weight loss are often referred to as exercise for the lazy. Indeed, only 15 minutes without heavy physical exertion and exhausting workouts - and the kilograms slowly but surely begin to go away.

There are different complexes and systems, but more often than others bodyflex is used for weight loss (body - "body", flex - "pull up"). The second name of the technique is “Breathe and Lose Weight”. It was invented by Greer Childers (USA), being at that time an ordinary housewife. She showed by her own example how effective this complex: she herself lost 40 kg in just 3 months, having reduced size 52 to 42! She is now 60, but she looks amazing even at this age.

The essence

Everyone is very interested in how body flex works on the body. For those who have never exercised, it seems simply unrealistic to lose weight due to just correct work lungs. In fact, everything is scientifically explainable.

The secret of the system is deep diaphragmatic breathing, which is accompanied by the simplest static exercises. The muscle septum between the thoracic region and the abdominal cavity comes to the fore. It is she who needs to be used. This allows the lower parts of the lungs to be involved in the work, which most often stagnate during shallow breathing. This is the only way to create ideal conditions for the work of the cardiovascular system.

If the blood flow, thanks to diaphragmatic breathing, will not be obstructed, it will supply the tissues with oxygen in sufficient volume, which is the main fat burner. At the same time, the muscles receive the necessary tone - accordingly, the body, even as a result of losing weight, will remain elastic and relief.

The results of regular body flex training:

  • strengthening and tightening muscles;
  • volume reduction;
  • restoration of the original appearance of the skin: elimination of flabbiness and wrinkles;
  • improvement of lymph flow, which frees the body from toxins and toxins;
  • normalization of the work of the heart and blood vessels;
  • enrichment of tissues with oxygen - the most powerful antioxidant;
  • elaboration abdominal, which turns out to be very effective for slimming the abdomen and sides.

The number of calories burned, due to proper breathing, increases several times. For example: in an hour you can lose a maximum of 350 kcal, and body flex for the same period of time takes at least 3,500 kcal.

As practice shows, this system is especially effective for women after 40 years. At this age, the metabolic process slows down significantly, and very often even physical activity and diets do not help to reduce weight.


Considering the fact that breathing exercises bodyflex promotes an intensive flow of oxygen to the tissues, at first even absolutely healthy person may feel mild dizziness after exercise. In the presence of certain diseases, under the influence of this factor, the condition may worsen. Therefore, it is so important to observe contraindications for such a weight loss system.

These are:

  • pregnancy;
  • myopia, glaucoma;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • kidney pathology;
  • fever;
  • recent surgery;
  • exacerbation of any chronic disease;
  • tumors (even benign);
  • feeling unwell;
  • high blood pressure (intracranial and ocular including);
  • spinal problems: hernias, implants, operations, osteochondrosis, trauma;
  • heart failure, hypertension, bleeding, thrombophlebitis, arrhythmia;
  • enlarged thyroid gland, other endocrine disorders.

If contraindications are not observed, gymnastics can provoke not only dizziness, but also bleeding from the nose, exacerbation of existing diseases and all kinds of complications. In order to prevent such a development of events, it is necessary to initially consult with a specialist (trainer or doctor).

To master the bodyflex breathing, the most optimal and correct option would be to register with a professional trainer. He will select an individual training program, put correct technique, will track results and indicate errors. As practice shows, such a system is most effective for losing weight.

If on individual trainer there is no money or there is no opportunity to visit the gym, it is possible to achieve weight loss with the help of body flex and at home. Watch the tutorial videos and follow the suggested instructions.

Fundamental rules:

  1. The most effective exercise morning is considered.
  2. If the lesson is held during the day, it is necessary not to eat 2 hours before and after it.
  3. Respiratory gymnastics does not require either diet or intense training as auxiliary methods of losing weight.
  4. In spite of this, proper nutrition and physical activity is encouraged and will accelerate the achievement of the desired results.
  5. If, as a result of regular exercise for a month, the effect of losing weight has not become noticeable, this may indicate an error in technique. It is recommended to take at least a one-time consultation from the trainer, or by watching the video tutorials, to work on the mistakes.
  6. Have you decided to do body flex? You will have to quit smoking, otherwise the lungs will not cope with the load and the process of losing weight will not start.
  7. The correct technique involves diaphragmatic breathing, which means that the abdominal muscles are as relaxed as possible, the posture is extremely straight, inhale through the nose, exhale slowly through a small gap in the lips.
  8. Exercises should be performed in a well-ventilated room, where the temperature should not exceed + 22 ° C.


Bodyflex consists of 5 stages, each of which must be passed in order to learn how to breathe correctly. And only then it will be possible to start performing a set of exercises. Top tip for beginners - master initial position(IP), on which all gymnastics is built. It is this that contributes to the maximum supply of oxygen to tissues.

  • Initial position

Spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Lean on them with your palms at a level of 2 cm above the knees. The head is straight, the gaze is forward, the chin is parallel to the floor.

  • Stage I

Put your lips in a tube, slowly and smoothly (not jerking) exhale as much air as possible through your mouth. When your lungs feel as empty as possible, close your lips.

  • II stage

This step is often referred to as a "pump". Through the nose, abruptly and noisily inhale air into all the lungs so that they are filled to capacity. Fantasy will allow you to correctly complete this stage. Imagine that you were in a musty room for a very long time, where you were sorely lacking oxygen. And then, finally, you went out into the street, where the fresh, heady air made your lungs turn around and breathe as much as possible (but not with full breasts, as you are used to, but with a full diaphragm). Try to keep this flow within you by closing your mouth tightly and lifting your head slightly.

  • Stage III

And now you need to sharply push all this air flow through your mouth. To do this, you need to squeeze the diaphragm and abdominal muscles, make a whistling sound something like "pag!" and exhale. You need to feel how the air is powerfully escaping from the lungs, and not from the throat or lips. This is one of the most difficult stages that you will have to work hard on. Sometimes you have to clear your throat in order to get a characteristic sound from the very depths of the lungs.

  • Stage IV

After you empty your lungs, you need to close your mouth and hold your breath for as long as possible. Do not let a single air molecule inside the body. To do this, you need to tilt your head, pull in and raise the stomach as deep as possible under the ribs. If you put your hand on your stomach at this moment, you can feel how sunken it is and how a vacuum is formed inside. If the abdominal muscles are weakened, it is recommended to tilt your head as close to your chest as possible.

This position must be fixed. Without inhaling, count to 10 (this is ideal). Beginners can be limited to 4-5. In this case, you need to count as slowly as possible.

  • Stage V

Completing the bodyflex breathing exercises, you need to completely relax and take a calm and at the same time deep breath, and then a very smooth, measured exhalation.

Without these stages, it is impossible to deliver the correct breath for weight loss. This is the base of body flex, on the basis of which all exercises of this gymnastics are performed. It is with them that you need to start mastering.

A set of exercises

For fast and effective weight loss, base complex bodyflex exercises should be performed daily. It is advisable not to swap them and do them in the specified sequence. The first 3 start with PI.

We are working on losing weight.

Collect lips in a circle. Open your eyes as wide as possible. Lower the lip circle down, tighten the cheeks and nose. Stick out your tongue to the limit. Count to 8. Perform 5 repetitions.

  • Ugly grimace

Working on the double chin and neck flabbiness.

Stand up straight, pull your lower teeth behind the upper ones, stretch your lips (as in a kiss), also stretch your neck, strain it as much as possible. Raise your head like you're about to kiss the ceiling. Repeat 5 times.

  • Side stretch

Exercise for the waist and sides.

Take away right leg to the side, stand on your toes. Put your left hand at the elbow on bent knee... Transfer body weight to the knee. Raise your right hand above your head. Run three times in each direction.

  • Leg pull

We work on the most problematic areas of the body: the buttocks, the back of the thigh.

Get down on the floor, on your palms and knees. Stand on your elbows. Pull the right leg back, pull the sock over yourself, without bending the leg. The weight should go to the elbows and arms. Look - strictly on the floor. Only after this is the basic PI of the bodyflex performed.

Raise the right leg laid back as high as possible, pull the toe towards you. Squeeze and tighten the buttocks. Count to 10. Lower your leg down. Do it three times for each leg.

  • Seiko

We are working on outside hips.

Stand on outstretched arms and knees, take the straightened right leg to the side at an angle of 90 ° C. Adopt a basic PI.

Raise the extended leg to the level of the thigh, pull it to the head. Keep your leg straight, pull the toe over yourself. Fix for 10 sec. Breathe in, relax. Do it three times on each leg.

  • Diamond

We strengthen the muscles of the arms, tighten the chest.

Legs - shoulder-width apart, closed arms - in front of you. The elbows should not hang. Hands touch fingers to each other, not palms. Round the back slightly. Adopt a basic PI.

Press your fingers into each other with all your might. Strain them. Withstand this for 10 seconds, inhale, relax. Repeat 3 times.

  • Boat

We tighten the inner thighs.

Sit on the floor, open your legs in different directions to the maximum width. Do not lift the heels off the floor, pull the socks towards you. Put your straightened hands in the palm of your hand on the floor behind you. Accept the baseline outcome.

Put your hands in front of you, bend at the waist. Slowly move your arms forward, leaning as low as possible. Linger at the end point until the 10th count. Take a breath. Repeat 3 times.

  • Pretzel

We tighten the outer thighs, reduce the waist.

Sit on the floor, cross your knees. Put your left hand behind your back and rest on your palm, take your left knee with your right hand. Adopt a basic PI.

Shift the entire weight by left hand... Pull the left knee up with your right hand, and bend the body at the waist to the left, look back. Linger up to 10 seconds. Exhale. Perform three times for each leg.

  • Stretching the tendons

We work on the back of the thigh.

Lie on your back on the floor. Raise your straightened legs up, pull your socks over yourself, your feet should be flat. Stretch your hands to your legs, grab your calves. Do not lift your head off the floor. Accept PI.

Slowly pull your legs to your head with your hands, press your ass tightly to the floor. Linger at the end point until the 10th count. Take a breath, relax. Repeat 3 times.

  • Abdominal Press

We are working on losing weight in the abdomen.

Lie on your back, straighten your legs, bend your knees, press your feet firmly to the floor. Raise your hands up above your head without lifting it off the floor. Accept PI.

Tear off your shoulders and shoulder blades from the floor, stretch your arms to the ceiling. Tilt your head back. After reaching the maximum point that you can reach, linger for 10 seconds. Slowly lower yourself to the floor. Run 3 times.

  • Scissors

We work with lower muscles belly.

Lie on your back, stretch and close your legs. Place your palms under the buttocks. Do not raise your head and lower back. Take the original base position.

Raise your legs off the floor. Make wide swings to the sides so that they overlap, crosswise. Socks - from yourself. Do it 10 times. Exhale, relax. Do 3 sets.

  • Cat

We work on the back, hips and stomach.

Put your palms and knees on the floor. Straighten your arms, keep your back straight. Do not lower your head, look straight. Accept PI.

Tilt your head, arch your back, raise it as high as possible. Linger up to 10 seconds. Exhale, relax. Repeat 3 times.

One conclusion suggests itself. You can safely use the bodyflex breathing gymnastics complex for weight loss. A huge plus of this technique is that, in addition to correcting weight and shape, it heals the body, increasing endurance (through training the lungs) and is a prevention for the development of various diseases. Having mastered this system, you can once and for all forget not only about extra pounds, but also about poor health.

There are several breathing exercises designed to promote rapid weight loss. One of the most popular and effective is the system bodyflex (BodyFlex)... It was created by American Greer Childers. After the birth of three children, she wore size 56 clothes. The unique bodyflex breathing exercises allowed her to lose weight up to size 44 in less than three months. If you do not like exhausting fitness exercises, you do not have the opportunity to regularly attend gym, then bodyflex- this is just what you need. Giving everything to the respiratory system half an hour a day, in a week you will see how your body is transformed and your skin tightened.

How does bodyflex work

The bodyflex breathing system combines a specific aerobic breathing and certain types static loads close to yoga asanas. Aerobic breathing allows you to quickly saturate the body oxygen which in turn helps burn fat effectively... When bodyflex is used diaphragmatic breathing(inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth). With the help of such breathing, oxygen actively enters the bloodstream and is delivered to an area of ​​the body in tension - this contributes to the effective breakdown of fats in this area. During body flexing, noticeably is accelerating, lymph flow increases, toxins, toxins and other pollution are removed from the body. Due to the peculiarities of breathing, first of all, they leave body fat from the area belly(one of the most problematic areas) and the volume of the stomach is significantly reduced.

Exercises help to train various muscle groups, model individual problem areas and the whole body as a whole, restore elasticity to the skin and help to effectively fight cellulite and wrinkles. Perhaps this is a unique set of exercises of its kind that allows tighten the skin of the face.

The bodyflex system combines three groups of exercises:

  1. Isometric(one muscle group involved)
  2. Isotonic(several muscle groups involved)
  3. Stretching(contribute to the development of muscle elasticity)

The main conditions for the effectiveness of the bodyflex system

The first and main condition successful weight loss using the bodyflex system is regularity of classes... If you started to practice it, be prepared to devote at least to exercises every day. 15-20 minutes in a day. Agree, this is not so much in order to have a beautiful and toned body. V otherwise, if you stop doing bodyflex breathing exercises, all the pounds lost quickly come back to you. There is no need to increase the intensity of the exercise, moreover, it is believed that this can contribute to addiction, and, therefore, reduce the effectiveness of the exercise.

Second prerequisite- it classes on an empty stomach... It is best to practice early in the morning after waking up. This regime is considered the most effective and efficient. In addition, bodyflex will give you a boost of vivacity for the whole day. If you do not have this opportunity, then wait at least 2-3 hours after eating.

Third condition- no need to expose yourself to strict diets, there is no need for it. In addition, the body will require energy to replenish the colossal costs during breathing exercises. It will be enough to give up sweets and starchy foods, and not gorge on before going to bed, adhere to principles... Eat often, but little by little. The optimal food intake is 5 times a day (three main meals and two light snacks).

Pros and cons of the bodyflex system

Main advantages respiratory gymnastics systems bodyflex:

  • Classes take only 15-20 minutes a day
  • Fast and noticeable results
  • Thanks to the bodyflex system, not only the body is tightened, but also the skin of the face
  • You can start practicing at any age and at any level. physical fitness
  • You can do it both at home and in group lessons with a trainer

Cons of the bodyflex system:

  • You need to do it regularly, otherwise the pounds thrown off can return very quickly.
  • It is necessary to master the breathing technique correctly.
  • Peculiar Loud Breathing Sounds
  • There are contraindications to body flexing.

Who is bodyflex suitable for?

Bodyflex exercises are most effective for people who have sufficient the amount of extra pounds (more than 5 kg.) If you have a slender physique, and you just want to tighten the body, then bodyflex will not suit you.

Respiratory gymnastics is ideal for young mothers who want to get in shape after giving birth. However, after a caesarean section you need to wait about 6 months.

The basics of bodyflex breathing technique

To master phased breathing used in the bodyflex system, it is enough to carefully read the chapter dedicated to it in the book of its founder Greer Childers "Magnificent figure in 15 minutes a day" or watch a video tutorial with Marina Korpan or Larisa Agapova.

Necessary fully study the technique before than to start directly with the exercises. First, master the breathing itself. When you understand how to breathe, you can begin to combine it with asanas.

The easiest way to master the breathing technique is in the so-called, "Starting pose": legs are shoulder-width apart, knees are slightly bent, palms rest on the surface of the legs just above the knees, head is straight, eyes look forward, chin is horizontal in relation to the floor.

1st stage of breathing. Exhale slowly through the mouth. First, you need to slowly and completely exhale the air from your lungs through your mouth. You will get the impression that you are not exhaling it, but gradually squeezing it out of yourself, removing the remaining air. To do this, make your lips rounded, as if you are going to whistle. Then begin to exhale slowly and evenly. As soon as you realize that there is no more air in your lungs, close your lips.

Stage 2 of breathing. Take a quick breath through your nose. Your lips are tightly closed. You need to take a quick and sharp breath through your nose, completely and sharply filling your lungs with air to capacity. In doing so, you will produce characteristic noise sounds, which are a sign of correct inhalation - it cannot be very quiet or silent. Fill your lungs and stop in this position, the lips continue to be closed, the head is slightly raised up, we keep the air inside, we do not breathe with our nose.

3 stage of breathing. Strong diaphragm exhalation through the mouth. Now you need to exhale all the air that has accumulated in your lungs through your mouth, but you need to use the diaphragm. It is necessary not only to breathe out the air with your mouth, but to push it out, straining your stomach, as if you are breathing it out with the abdominal muscles, from somewhere below. Before exhaling, your lips are still clenched; during exhalation, you tense your stomach, push your muscles upward and at the same time open your closed lips sharply and wide. This exhalation, as a rule, is accompanied by the characteristic loud sound "ppa-ah". All attention is paid to the diaphragm, it is she who pushes the air.

4 stage of breathing. Hold your breath. It is basic and pretty tricky part breathing. After a sharp exhalation, close your lips tightly, in no case breathe through your nose, and begin to draw in your stomach. If you did everything correctly, then the stomach will easily go inward, under the ribs. The belly becomes concave internal organs also pull up a little under the ribs. Pull it in slowly, unhurriedly, for a count of eight, while continuing to hold your breath. Most likely, at first you will not be able to hold your breath for 8-10 seconds (do as much as you can), but over time you will succeed.

5 stage of breathing. Inhale through your nose. After you have sucked in your stomach and held your breath for eight to ten seconds, you can inhale through your nose. As you do this, relax and allow air to flow freely into your lungs.

You should know that all five stages of breathing must be performed correctly- this is the key to the success of classes. After a few workouts, you will easily remember the sequence.

After learning the breathing technique, you can proceed directly to the exercises. The figure shows poses for training the face, abdominal muscles, legs, arms, back. It will engage all major muscle groups.

Many people are preoccupied with finding programs that will improve their well-being, lose weight, and make the body slim and fit.

Respiratory gymnastics bodyflex- an excellent result without heavy physical exertion and hours of training. The program is suitable for women and men different ages, physique, degree of preparation.

Bodyflex- simple and effective technique healing the body, based on a combination of deep breathing and stretching of all muscle groups.

Special exercises were developed by the American Greer Childers... The mother of three children, after regular classes, managed to lose two dozen kilograms. Her metabolism improved, her muscles became toned and elastic.

Just 15 minutes a day - and you will feel the effect of your workouts. There are no jumps, sudden movements, weight lifting in bodyflex. The basis is correct breathing and muscle stretching.

You don't have to sign up for the gym. Master the technique correct breathing everyone can. Home workouts will save you time and money.

How does bodyflex for weight loss work?

Why do people gain weight? Not only from cakes and pastries. Most have metabolic disorders. Corollary:

  • loose, loose skin;
  • swelling;
  • accumulation of subcutaneous fat;
  • unsightly orange peel;
  • the appearance of extra pounds.

Oxygen starvation of cells- the main reason why malfunctions begin in the body. Additional oxygen entering the body helps fight:

  • overweight;
  • slow energy metabolism;
  • weakness;
  • sleepiness.

Why does deep breathing with body flex help restore oxygen supply to cells?

During classes, you need to hold your breath for 8 to 10 seconds. This is how carbon dioxide accumulates in the blood. Arteries expand, conditions are created for a more complete assimilation of oxygen.

The basics and benefits of the bodyflex slimming system

The essence of bodyflex is to learn how to breathe correctly. By changing the type of breathing, you will move to a new level of oxygen supply to the body. Aerobic breathing helps you burn excess fat.

Deep breathing is complemented by special exercises:

  • Isometric... They cause tension in the muscles of one group.
  • Isotonic... Different muscle groups are involved.
  • Stretching... Provides elasticity to the muscles.

Advantages of the bodyflex system:

  • metabolism improves;
  • the body assimilates the additional volume of oxygen more fully;
  • the abdominal muscles are strengthened;
  • disappears body fat filling the space between the internal organs;
  • cellulite gradually disappears;
  • constipation and problems with the gastrointestinal tract stop;
  • the intestine removes toxins faster. The body is cleansed of toxins;
  • extra pounds go away;
  • muscles become elastic;
  • the contours of the body are improved, the oval of the face is leveled;
  • the skin is toned.

It's hard for overweight people to perform jumps, get power loads, withstand 40-60 minutes intense workout... Bodyflex eliminates excess fat without overexertion, without painful exercise, without violence against oneself.

Breathing exercises

The basis of the bodyflex technique is diaphragmatic breathing... Learning to breathe in a new way in 1-2 workouts will not work.

The aerobic type will become normal for you after about 20-30 days of constant training.

The task is to saturate the cells with oxygen well and remove carbon dioxide as completely as possible.

Strictly follow the methodology... Start with few tries.

An excess of oxygen can:

  • dizzy;
  • tingling in the hands;
  • darken in the eyes.

Sometimes it will seem to you that there is not enough air, and you do not know how to breathe further.

Do not worry. This is a transitional state until the body gets used to the incoming volume of oxygen.

Remember the main rule: inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth!

Breathing technique

Approach each step responsibly. It’s not in your best interest to “skip”.

First stage. Exhale through your mouth

Your task is to expel all the exhaust air with force. Started:

  • round your lips;
  • put them forward, as if for a whistle;
  • breathe out calmly through your mouth;
  • are you sure you exhaled completely? Close your lips.

Second phase. Take a quick breath through your nose

Your task is to forget about the existence of the mouth. Focus on the nose. Started:

  • the head is raised;
  • inhale sharply with your nose;
  • take in air to capacity. Imagine working like a vacuum cleaner;
  • there is a noise effect? You are doing the right thing;
  • fill your lungs with oxygen as much as possible;
  • Bite your lips tightly. Keep the air in yourself.

Is your breath soundless? You're not trying hard! Imagine that you could not breathe deeply for a long time. Draw in the air again forcefully.

Stage three. Quick and sharp exhalation from the diaphragm through the mouth

Your task is to get rid of all the air that has filled your lungs. Started:

  • tighten your abdominal muscles;
  • open your mouth wide;
  • squeeze the abdominal and diaphragm muscles at the same time. The lungs will shrink sharply and push out the entire volume of air;
  • a whistling noise should come out, a pop, reminiscent of the sound of a burst tire;
  • concentrate on the diaphragm. It is always more developed than the abdominal muscles.

The final stage. Holding your breath

This part is the hardest part. Your task is to hold the exhalation for eight beats. Started:

  • close your lips and do not open until the end of the stage;
  • imagine that you do not have a nose and mouth;
  • tilt your head slightly towards the chest, concentrate on the abdomen;
  • lift your belly and count to eight to yourself. Slowly!
  • imagine that the stomach and all organs are gradually hiding under the ribs;
  • a hollow on a deflated ball - this should be your belly.

In the first training sessions, you are unlikely to hold out until the "eight" count. Most women stop at three or four. Be persistent. Can you count to eight? The preparatory part has been successfully mastered. Important! All exercises in body flex are performed at the stage of holding the breath with the abdomen pulled in

The main set of exercises

Have you mastered the full breathing technique? Start learning stretching exercises.

Tip: Learn to do the exercises accurately without using deep breathing. Only after feeling how your muscles work, after bringing the actions to automatism, proceed to full loads.

a lion

Strengthens the muscles of the face and neck. Fights wrinkles and sagging skin.

Feet shoulder width apart. Keep your hands just above your knees. Sit down a bit. Do a breathing exercise. Open your eyes wide, looking up.

Round your lips. Tighten the nasolabial folds. Lower your pursed lips. Extend your tongue to the limit. Do not relax your lips!

Important! You should feel the tension of all the facial muscles from the chin to the area under the eyes.

Ugly grimace

Eliminates "double chin", strengthens the neck muscles.

Perform all movements accurately. Stand up straight. Move forward lower jaw as with a wrong bite.

Stick out your lips as if trying to kiss someone. Tighten your neck.

The head looks up. Give your kiss to the ceiling.

Do you feel a lot of tension in your entire thoracic region? A stretched string should go from the chin to the sternum.

Do you feel it? You are acting right. Important: Lean back slightly for balance.

Side stretch

Strengthens the side of the waist and hips.

Repeat 3 times left and right. Place your left hand on the bent knee of your left leg.

Stretch your right leg to the side with tension. The toe is stretched, the foot is pressed to the floor. Pull out right hand up.

Stretch your arms as hard as possible. Your job is to stretch the muscles from the waist to the armpit.

Pulling the leg back

Strengthens the muscles of the hamstrings and glutes.

The starting position is on all fours. Lean on your knees and elbows. Move your leg back. Knees are straight, toes rest on the floor.

Hands - in front of you, rest on your palms. Head straight. Inhale correctly, draw in your stomach well.

Raise your abducted leg as high as possible. Connect the tense muscles of the buttocks. Squeeze and unclench them up to 10 times.

Exhalation. Lower your leg. Do 3 times with each leg.


Strengthens the outer thighs. Eliminates ugly ears.

Get on all fours. Lean as in the previous exercise.

Move your leg to the side to a 90-degree angle.

Inhale, suck in your stomach. Pull your leg forward. Count to 10. As you exhale, lower your leg.

Important: you do not need to bend your leg at the knee.


Strengthens arm muscles.

Main rack. Put your hands in a ring. Raise your elbows high.

Round your back slightly. Use your fingers to rest.

Your task is to feel the tension from the hands to the sternum. Count to 10.

Exhale. Repeat the exercise 3 times.


Strengthens the hard-to-work part of the body - the inner thighs.

Sitting on the floor, spread your legs to the sides. Pull the socks towards you. The heels are pressed to the floor.

With your arms straight, support yourself behind you.

Simulating the movement of a rower, move your arms forward, place them in front of you and bend over.

Finish the exercise at the count of 10. Exhale. Put your hands behind your back again. Do it 2 more times.


Forms a beautiful waist, strengthens outer surface hips.

Sitting on the floor, legs are bent as much as possible and crossed at the knees.

Important: the left knee is under the right. Pull your right knee up and towards you with your left hand.

At the same time, turn to the right until you can see the wall behind you. Proceed carefully.

Slowly turn forward on the count of ten. Change your leg. Repeat three times.

Tip: try to reach your chest well with your knee.

Stretching the legs

Strengthens the hamstrings.

Lying on your back. Keep your legs at a 90 degree angle. The stomach is pulled in.

Wrap your hands around your calves or knees, your socks looking at you.

Stretch your muscles, pull your socks with force. Snuggle well to the floor.

Hold this position for 8 bars.

Abdominal Press

Helps to create beautiful abdominal relief.

Lie on your back. Straight legs are stretched.

Raise your legs, bend your knees, place your feet 35-40 cm apart. Stretch your arms up.

The head is firmly pressed to the floor. Inhale, suck in your stomach.

Stretch your arms again, raise your shoulders and lift off the floor.

Raise your shoulders higher. Slowly lower yourself to the floor.

Tip: throw your head back. Otherwise, you risk injuring your neck.


Strengthens the lower abdomen.

"Scissors" are familiar to everyone from the complex of morning exercises.

Lying on your back, spread and bring your legs together like scissors.

Features: Perform diaphragmatic breathing before starting the leg swings.

The legs are constantly tense. Tip: keep your feet 9-10 cm above the floor.


The final exercise of the complex strengthens the abdominal and back muscles.

Get on all fours. The back and arms are straight. Take a deep breath, belly pulled in.

Slowly lower your head, arch your back well, like a cat. Count to ten. Exhalation.

Relax completely back muscles... Do it three times.

Important: do the exercises in the suggested sequence.

This will work all the muscle groups in order.

Rules for a good result

How to practice to achieve maximum effect? The rules are simple:

  1. Systematic studies... Consistency of loads is a guarantee of a tangible effect in a short time. Better daily for a quarter of an hour than equal to a week for an hour.
  2. Competent selection of exercises... In body flex, each exercise or pose precedes the next. All muscle groups are involved, not individual zones. The whole body works.
  3. No need to reinvent the wheel... The bodyflex system takes into account the needs of every woman and her desire to be beautiful. The diet ends - the kilograms come back. Bodyflex does not get bored. The entire period of your life you can practice according to an effective method, be fit and slim.

Bodyflex training results. Reviews

Take the first month to master the technique of correct breathing and study a set of exercises. After a couple of months, the results will amaze you.:

  • lose a couple of kilograms;
  • the waist will decrease by 2-3 centimeters;
  • muscles will get stronger and tighten;
  • the appearance of cellulite will decrease;
  • you will become more energetic and cheerful.

Probably, many have heard a sad story-anecdote more than once when a young ladytalks in great detail about his magnificent figure with thin waist and slender legs, but laments that all this beauty for some reason swam with a thick layer of fat.

Unfortunately, this often turns out to be a very sad truth, and for many people it does not even cause a semblance of a smile. Even more regrettably, many despair and stop any resistance.

But manynevertheless, they continue to try to restore the lost figure, hope for success and are looking for more and more new ways and techniques that will allow them to return to their former ideal proportions. One of the popular ways to lose weight today is breathingbody gymnastics bodyflex.

What are the principles of body flex?

Of course, striving to lose weight, many hope for miracles. However, a miracle is very rare, and magical transformations are found mainly in fairy tales. Therefore, having decided on body flexing, you should be aware that, although you will not have to run in the park or the stadium, you still need to make efforts.

Bodyflex is breathing exercises based on aerobic breathing in combination with special exercises which will stretch (and thus load) certain muscle groups.

In fact, the technique is designed to enrich the body with oxygen and at the same time insignificant load on problem muscle groups. In such techniques (including body flex) exercise stress has a very low intensity, and oxygen is used as the main source of energy that ensures muscle work.

Interesting! Bodyflex (Bodyflex ) was invented and developed by a large American housewife Greer Childers .

During bodyflex exercises, the so-called abdominal breathing (that is, diaphragmatic breathing) is used. Having taken a breath, it is recommended to hold the breath for a few seconds, and during such a breath hold, a certain amount of carbon dioxide has time to accumulate in the cells of the body.

As a result, the arteries expand, and oxygen at the cellular level begins to be absorbed much better, thereby speeding up metabolic processes and improving overall well-being.

Interesting! With normal shallow breathing, the lungs are filled with air no more than half the possible volume.

Attention! Bodyflex ( Bodyflex ) Is a set of twelve exercises. The complex is based on holding the breath and stretching the muscles.

As for the time it takes daily activities body flex, it has been proven that a twenty-minute lesson can be considered quite effective. However, experts warn that it is impossible to perform such breathing exercises for an excessively long time (more than an hour), and an hour is a lot, since, instead of a positive result, a completely opposite effect is possible. As a rule, a twenty-minute lesson is quite enough, but it is often not worth increasing it to more than half an hour.

What is important to remember when starting body flex exercises

When doing body flex, it is very important to do it systematically, regularly and daily. Classes once a week will not bring any benefit to the figure. So one of the commandments when doing body flex is daily exercise.

Attention! When doing body flex, the result will be noticeable no earlier than after a few weeks of daily exercise.

Body flex experts advise you to first achieve a persistent decrease in overall body volume and a persistent tendency to reduce weight, and only then proceed to adjusting individual problem areas.

It should be understood that first the metabolic processes in the body must be activated, that is, the metabolism must accelerate and improve. And only after the metabolism is activated, it makes sense to deal with problem areas, because with sluggish metabolic processes, no weight loss is possible in principle. And a decrease in total volumes is a confirmation of an improvement in metabolic processes and an organism's readiness for changes.

When doing body flex, a positive attitude, optimism, perseverance, consistency and patience are very important - only in this case a positive result is possible.

As for nutrition during the period of body flexing, experts strongly advise against going on any diet during this period. However, nutrition should be adjusted and food should be taken not two or three times a day, but in small portions, but often enough (up to six times a day).

Attention! It is very important to carry out body flex exercises on an empty stomach, that is, after the last meal, at least three hours should pass.

Choosing bodyflex exercises

When starting to practice body flex, you should understand what is being done and why.

  1. First, a special breathing technique enriches the blood and all cells of the body with oxygen, activating metabolic processes, which is necessary for successful weight correction.
  2. Secondly, classes should be daily, so that the body "gets used to the thought" that with extra pounds have to say goodbye.
  3. Third, on initial stage restoration of normal metabolism and initial reduction in weight and volume should be achieved.

Attention! Even with a visually noticeable decrease in volume, the weight may decrease completely insignificantly, because the swelling of the tissues first disappears, and then, with regular exercise, the adipose tissue can be replaced by muscle tissue, which is heavier. Therefore, with smaller volumes, the weight may not differ very much.

When doing body flex, three types of exercises are used: isometric, isotonic and stretching.

Isotonic exercises are aimed at the work of any one muscle group and when performing such exercises, only this group actively works. When performing isotonic exercises, the muscles work intensely and stretch to their full length. To perform such exercises, the body needs a lot of oxygen, so the oxygen demand of the whole body increases significantly. Isotonic exercises are aimed at increasing the elasticity of the tendons, at improving blood supply, and at training certain muscle groups.

Isometric exercises otherwise called static. When performing such exercises, it is necessary to exert muscle efforts to overcome the created resistance. Isometric exercises increase muscle strength but do not have any positive effect on joint flexibility. In addition, static exercise does not have a positive effect on improving lung and heart function.

Stretching exercises - These are exercises, the implementation of which allows you to increase the elasticity of the muscles. That is, stretching exercises make the body more flexible and plastic. A good warm-up is very important for stretching exercises, as otherwise injuries are possible.

Attention! When doing body flex, all types of exercises are very important, therefore, in no case should you refuse any type of exercise!

It must be remembered that success can only be ensured by the complex application of breathing exercises and all required types exercise.

Another video lesson bodyflex for weight loss:

Bodyflex for women over 40

Contraindications for body flexing

It may seem that body flexing is suitable for almost everyone. However, this opinion is erroneous, since there are limitations and contraindications for such activities. Neglecting contraindications for performing a set of body flex exercises can lead to very serious health consequences.

  1. Bodyflex exercises are categorically contraindicated during pregnancy (in any trimester).
  2. For bodyflex it is true general rule: at elevated body temperature and with any inflammatory processes, do not exercise in any case.
  3. Any serious exercise, including body flex, is contraindicated in glaucoma (this is a very serious eye disease that can lead to complete blindness).
  4. If increased intracranial pressure is found, this should also be considered a categorical contraindication (at least until the complete and stable normalization of intracranial pressure indicators).
  5. An unconditional contraindication for body flexing is (high blood pressure).
  6. Bodyflex exercises are contraindicated in heart failure, in cardiac arrhythmias and in any other serious disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular system.
  7. You should not engage in body flex in the presence of any - this can have unpredictable consequences.
  8. Any bleeding should be considered a contraindication for boliflex exercises, however, such a contraindication in most cases is temporary, and after normalization of the body's state, bodyflex exercises can be resumed.
  9. A contraindication for body flexing should be considered taking some medicines, including antidepressants, hormonal drugs, and even some contraceptive pills. For any prescription of any drugs, you should check with your doctor whether bodyflex exercises are contraindicated in the case of taking prescribed drugs.
  10. You should not engage in body flex with an exacerbation of any chronic diseases - this can worsen the course of the disease. During the period of remission, classes are possible only after an exhaustive consultation of the attending physician.

Attention! In the presence of any disease, especially one that is chronic in nature, before starting body flex exercises, you should definitely consult with your doctor.

Learn how to properly do breathing exercises in order to normalize the work of all the mechanisms of your body.

The content of the article:

Many people underestimate the benefits breathing exercises for the body. They can be an excellent means of healing the body and fighting overweight... Among the various respiratory systems, intended for weight loss, bodyflex occupies a special place. The creator of the technique was the American Greer Childers, who, after the birth of children, wore size 55 clothes.

Thanks to bodyflex, she managed to lose weight until the 44th. Moreover, it took Greer only three months to achieve such an excellent result. If you are not satisfied with grueling workouts in the gym or there is no opportunity to attend it regularly, then the bodyflex breathing technique is simply created for you. Exercises will need to be given every day for about half an hour and after seven days you will already be able to see the first results of training.

The mechanism of work of the bodyflex breathing technique

The system combines special aerobic breathing and static loads, reminiscent of yoga asanas. Thanks to breathing, you can saturate the body with oxygen, which in turn contributes to the activation of lipolysis processes. The basis of the technique is the so-called diaphragmatic breathing, when inhalation is carried out through the nose and exhalation is carried out through the mouth.

As a result, the blood is quickly saturated with oxygen, which in short time enters the zones of static muscle tension. It is these factors that are required to activate the fat burning process. In addition, the bodyflex breathing technique allows you to speed up metabolism, forcing the body to actively utilize toxins. Only bodyflex allows you to achieve maximum quick results when fighting fat in problem areas.

All the muscles in the body are strengthened by performing special movements. This allows you to tighten the skin and restore its previous elasticity, eliminate wrinkles and cellulite. The system includes three types of movements:

  1. Isometric- only one muscle group works.
  2. Isotonic- several groups are involved.
  3. Stretching- improves the elasticity of muscle tissue.

Basic principles of bodyflex breathing technique

Let's try to understand why the bodyflex breathing technique is such an effective means of fighting fat and how you can get the maximum result. First of all, you need to remember that training should be regular. If you decide to start practicing this system, then you will have to devote at least a quarter of an hour to training every day, although it is advisable to work for 30 minutes.

As soon as you stop exercising and return to your old way of life, the lost kilos will begin to return. It is necessary to understand that it is not enough to achieve certain results in the fight against fat, you need to constantly work to keep fit. But it is not worth progressing the load, since, according to the author of the methodology, this will lead to a decrease in the effectiveness of the exercises.

The second mandatory rule of bodyflex is to train on an empty stomach. Greer recommends exercising in the morning, and she is sure that this particular training regime is the most effective. Since the duration of each lesson is short, you may well train before work, because body flex will give you a boost of vivacity, which will be enough for the whole day. If you are unable to adhere to the above regimen in any way, then after eating, you need to train at least two or even three hours later.

The last important condition the effectiveness of the system is the absence of any rigid dietary programs. By by and large dieting is more likely to interfere with the process of losing weight than help. With severe dietary restrictions, the body does not receive enough energy to function normally. You just need to give up sweets and flour products. You also need to drink five times a day and, in addition to the main meals, provide for two snacks.

Bodyflex breathing technique: advantages and disadvantages

Any system has not only advantages, but also disadvantages.
Among the advantages of the bodyflex breathing technique, we note:
  • it is necessary to devote little time to training;
  • the result of the classes will appear quickly and will be noticeable;
  • will help tighten the skin all over the body;
  • age and initial level of physical fitness is not of fundamental importance;
  • it is not necessary to visit group lessons, you can carry out effective training Houses.
Let's consider the disadvantages of this system:
  • classes should be regular;
  • it is important to master the breathing technique, it is in this issue that difficulties most often arise;
  • during breathing, it is necessary to make loud and peculiar sounds;
  • there are several contraindications to classes.

Breathing technique bodyflex: who can and contraindications

The bodyflex breathing technique will be as effective as possible for people who have more than five kilos. excess weight... If you possess slim figure and you just want to tighten your body, then the bodyflex breathing technique will not help you with this. But it can be an excellent type of training for young mothers who want to tidy up the body after the birth of a baby. But you must remember that after caesarean section you need to wait six months and only after that you can start training.

And now it is necessary to talk about contraindications, because otherwise you can harm your health:

  • severe diseases of the heart muscle and vascular system;
  • high intracranial pressure;
  • problems with the spine;
  • tumor diseases;
  • postoperative rehabilitation;
  • period of pregnancy;
  • acute form of chronic diseases;
  • bleeding of any etiology.

Bodyflex breathing technique - stages

We have already noted that first of all it is necessary to focus on mastering the breathing technique, since otherwise bodyflex will not bring desired results... We recommend that you carefully read the corresponding section of Greer's book or watch the video tutorials.

You can proceed to the exercises only after mastering the breathing technique. If you do not understand how movements are combined with breathing, then the exercises will not be effective. To master the technical features of breathing, it is recommended to use the "starting position" - the legs are located at the level shoulder joints, and the knees are slightly bent, rest your palms on the surface of the legs, slightly above the knees, the chin is parallel to the ground, and the gaze is directed forward.

Stage number 1 - a slow breath through the mouth

You must first take a slow breath through your mouth and then exhale all the air through your nose. You should feel that you are not exhaling air, but slowly squeezing out. To achieve this effect, round your lips as if about to whistle. After that, you can begin to exhale and when there is no air in your lungs, close your lips.

Stage number 2 - a quick breath through the nose

After completing the first step, your lips should be closed. Take a sharp, quick breath through your nose, filling your lungs completely with air. At this moment, specific sounds should be emitted, which indicates correct execution stage. When the lungs are full of air, hold it in yourself and slightly raise your head.

Stage number 3 - powerful diaphragm exhalation through the mouth

In this phase, it is necessary to exhale all the air in the lungs sharply through the mouth, using the diaphragm for this. Make sure that the air is not just exhaled, but pushed out by the abdominal muscles. Until you begin to exhale, the lip should remain closed. Tighten your abdominal muscles and begin to squeeze out air, while opening your lip wide. Very important. So that the exhalation is accompanied by a specific sound. Let us remind you once again that air must be squeezed out of the lungs with the help of a diaphragm.

Stage number 4 - holding your breath

This phase is the main and at the same time the most difficult in the whole bodyflex breathing technique. When you have finished exhaling air, close your lips tightly and begin to suck in your stomach, but you cannot breathe through your nose. If everything was done correctly, then the stomach will easily go under the ribs. It becomes concave, and thereby pulling in the internal organs with it.

You need to suck in your stomach slowly for eight counts and still hold your breath. We warn you right away that rarely does anyone manage to immediately hold their breath for eight or ten seconds. Do this for as long as you can. You will improve all the time, and as a result you will be able to achieve your goal.

Stage 5 - inhale through the nose

When the belly has been pulled under the ribs and you have held your breath, inhale through your nose. At this moment, it is necessary to relax so that the air can calmly enter the lungs.

For training to bring you positive results, all five steps must be performed correctly. Most often, several sessions are required to thoroughly master the bodyflex breathing technique. Recall that you can start doing the exercises only after you learn how to breathe correctly.

The complex includes only 12 exercises that allow you to use all the muscles in the body. Today we talked only about the bodyflex breathing technique, and exercises should be devoted to a separate article. We recommend that you train in front of a mirror and expose your tummy to see how it is pulled under the ribs. Also remember that training should only be done in a well-ventilated area.

Bodyflex video tutorial for beginners in the following video:

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