Individual trainer in rhythmic gymnastics. Rhythmic gymnastics coach

Rhythmic gymnastics is an aesthetic and popular sport in Russia. Studying in numerous schools and sections, young gymnasts develop plasticity and grace, acquire willpower and a desire to win. Parents who dream of a successful sports career for their child take a responsible approach to the issue of choosing an educational institution and a coach in this difficult discipline.

How to choose a rhythmic gymnastics coach

There are no random people in this sport. Among the coaches teaching rhythmic gymnastics in Moscow, there are true masters of their craft, whose pupils have become holders of the titles of World and European Champions, prize-winners of the Olympic Games. As a rule, the names of the leading experts in this field are well known in sports circles. Such trainers have developed an individual approach to classes, they have professional experience and a special program. If parents do not set themselves the goal of raising a champion, and rhythmic gymnastics classes are needed only for general physical and aesthetic development, then the help of an instructor from a district school or sports club will do. The trainer will help you choose the appropriate level of load for the individual characteristics and age of the child. Often these activities are a combination of choreography and fitness.

What should be a rhythmic gymnastics coach

Personal experience and coaching experience are often key factors in determining the choice of clients. Typically, parents ask for more information about the teaching methods, the educational program of the institution, and the past achievements of the instructor. Experienced teachers know that the results of pupils largely depend on the individual characteristics of the child and innate potential. The task of the trainer is to establish personal contact with the students, to be able to tactfully point the child to mistakes, stimulating them to achieve their goals within the stipulated time frame. Sport is unthinkable without discipline. The coach should equally be able to support her, without suppressing young athletes, because girls begin to engage in rhythmic gymnastics at a very young age - from 3-4 years old, classes last from 1 to 5 hours a day and are held 3-6 times a week. In their eyes, mentors become second parents, from whom sensitivity and understanding are expected. A personal meeting of parents and a child with the instructor and a trial lesson in the group will help determine how the coach's qualifications meet expectations and make the right decision.

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It perfectly combines physical as well as aesthetic development, which attracts many girls, but the choice of a rhythmic gymnastics coach is no less important. Naturally, the advantages that athletes receive further popularize this sport.

Individual trainer in rhythmic gymnastics in Moscow

The coach plays an important role in the life of a gymnast, helping to unleash her potential.

How to Choose a Good Rhythmic Gymnastics Coach?

Before choosing a specialist, the first thing to do is to decide on the goals. Of course, if the parents want the girl to do gymnastics as a hobby, then this is good, because it helps to develop plasticity, grace, as well as confidence and willpower, and forms an excellent posture and figure.

How to choose a good rhythmic gymnastics coach

In addition, sports are beneficial both for the health and for the full development of the girl. In such cases, you should choose a place where the girl is interested and comfortable to study.

If your goal is to seriously prepare your child to achieve great success in gymnastics and sports, then you should find a good rhythmic gymnastics coach. Naturally, it is better to choose a mentor who has achieved good results in sports or has a student who has managed to achieve success in a sports career.

When choosing a coach, you should pay special attention to several points:

  • Personal sports experience of a coach. The first step is to find out how the sports career of the future coach of the child has developed, as well as what results his wards have achieved.

  • Trainer experience. It is necessary to find out how long he has been in this position and what are the results and achievements of the wards.
  • The perspective of a mentor. Is there any real progress in the coach's activity, is the technical level increasing, as well as the achievements of the athletes or not?
  • Demanding, objectivity. Any mentor should be able to point out mistakes, as well as guide the athlete, stimulating the desire to constantly train to achieve results. Any good mentor should be strict and at the same time empathetic, kind and understanding. You can find a rhythmic gymnastics coach in Moscow and other cities on the Internet. Having such a coach, the work will be productive, and the young gymnast will be engaged with pleasure and great interest.

What qualities should a coach have?
  • Understanding. It is very important that the coach can find a common language with the athletes, since the girls spend most of the day in the classroom, and the mentor is like a second mother to them. The choice of a rhythmic gymnastics coach is great, especially in Russia, where this sport is popular. A good mentor should be able to understand as well as feel his charge.

Before the final choice, it is worth talking to a potential coach in person. Attend training sessions, observe how the mentor works with children. The opinion of the child himself is also very important, to which one should listen.

Choosing a sports school

Of course, the choice of a coach for a girl is only the first step on the path to success, but technical conditions, which depend on the chosen sports school, also play a significant role. You can find an individual coach for your daughter in rhythmic gymnastics on special sites dedicated to sports. There are special requirements for gyms for gymnastics.

Choosing a sports school

Ceiling effusion, as a rule, should be at least 10 m, because gymnasts train with apparatus. Also, the floors in the hall should not only be flat, but also covered with a carpet. In addition, the hall must contain safety equipment, choreography machines, mirrors, and gymnastic ladders.

Naturally, not all sports schools have such conditions for training. It so happens that gymnasts train in gyms that do not have special equipment. Not every parent is able to send a girl to a paid school. Nevertheless, special attention should be paid to the choice of a coach. A gymnast can achieve superior results by practicing in a regular gym, but with a good mentor.

It is wrong to place high hopes on a mentor, since a lot depends on the athlete. Without love for sports and gymnastics in general, a girl will not be able to achieve great results even with the best coach, if there is no dedication.

Much depends on the mentor, but not everything

Thus, it is very important to develop in a child purposefulness, efficiency, as well as perseverance and attentiveness. This is not only the task of the mentor, but also of the parents.

When bringing a kid to school, most parents expect to find out whether the child will turn out to be a champion or not. However, even the best and most experienced coach will not answer such a question without unlocking the gymnast's potential.

You can find out about this only not earlier than one year of training. It so happens that girls discover their potential completely unexpectedly, and vice versa, those who can achieve great success suddenly leave the sport.

At what age to send a girl to gymnastics school

The All-Russian Day of the Rhythmic Gymnastics Coach is celebrated on October 30, the day of gymnastics. The work of coaches is responsible and challenging. Basically, classes are held 6 days a week. This is a necessary and indispensable condition for maintaining shape and building up new results. The sports career of a gymnast begins in childhood from 4-5 years old. At this age, girls find it easy to exercise because of their great natural flexibility.

Rhythmic gymnastics occupies a special place among aesthetic sports. It is beauty and grace that attract athletes and connoisseurs: in combination with an excellent musical component and with additional items - a hoop, ribbon, ball, club - we get an exciting show, a triumph of aesthetics and physical fitness.

Russian athletes traditionally excel in this sport. It is no coincidence that in many cities there are sections, children's and youth sports schools (CYSS), in which experienced coaches train girls in the direction of "Rhythmic gymnastics". Our city was no exception: if there is a desire and free time, girls can attend these unusual trainings, which take place on a special gymnastic carpet.

Indeed, the advantages of rhythmic gymnastics are obvious: posture and bearing are improved, muscles and musculature are strengthened. This activity has an excellent effect on the work of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems. Do not forget about increasing coordination, endurance, flexibility. In addition, girls learn more about world culture, develop musical and artistic taste, and learn to work in a team.

Choosing the right shoes for your young gymnast

The main mistake of parents choosing shoes for their daughter, who has started rhythmic gymnastics, is that they buy gym shoes or ballet slippers. This is fundamentally wrong! It is worth considering the specifics of the lesson and choosing other shoes, namely half shoes. Their main advantage is an easy fit on the leg and inexpensive cost. With their help, you can easily perform various movements and turns, and outwardly they look very nice. But in any case, depending on the age, the characteristics of training and the structure of the foot, it is better to consult with a trainer or teacher on this issue.

How to avoid injury in rhythmic gymnastics

Rhythmic gymnastics is a sport that attracts with its beauty and grace. But not everyone knows that behind the external lightness and smoothness of movements of athletes are hidden years of hard training, during which it happens that everyone would like to avoid - injury. Everyone wants to protect themselves from them: the gymnasts themselves, and their parents, and coaches. The risk of injury depends on which coach the young lady falls into. An experienced specialist is fluent in all techniques, perfectly understands the psychology and physical capabilities of girls of different ages. He will not overload a fragile body in order to quickly achieve a result. In addition, it is important in which room the training takes place. Too small a gym indirectly affects injuries: athletes can collide with each other or bump into gymnastic apparatus, so such "boxes" are best avoided. It is also important to maintain a balance between exercise and rest, as excessive exercise risks damaging muscles and tendons.

Rhythmic gymnastics in numbers

What do gymnastics and mathematics have in common? Probably accuracy: it is adventurous and wrong to rely "at random" both in science and in sports. Certain values ​​that are the standard in rhythmic gymnastics cannot be neglected. For example, the diameter of a hoop for a competition must strictly have a value within the range of 80-90 cm, and its weight must exceed 300 g. It is also clearly stated what weight and diameter one more element should have - a ball (diameter - 18-20 cm, weight - at least 400 g). Another beautiful component of rhythmic gymnastics - clubs - should be 40-50 cm long.

Pros: I want to express my sincere gratitude to the site team for selecting a coach for our kids. We were offered Gavrilova Irina Nikolaevna. This is a top-class specialist. Irina Nikolaevna from the first minutes of meeting our girls was able to establish contact with them and find an approach to ...

each of them. And this is not so easy, since we have four twin girls, each with a very strong, independent character. Irina Nikolaevna worked with the girls in a group and individually. She was given the tasks of the general physical development of children; teaching fitness for toddlers with elements of baby yoga. Already two weeks later, a positive result became noticeable: the girls became more plastic, more physically active. In individual lessons, Irina Nikolaevna was able to choose a key for each of them, based on their physical and psychological characteristics. And most importantly, the children went to classes with pleasure, waited for them and always worked with emotional enthusiasm. But as you know, desire and striving are more than half of the success in any business. And besides, children are the best indicators of human relations. And our girls were eager to communicate with the coach, as they felt that Irina Nikolaevna was a beautiful soul. Kind, sincere, hardworking, loving children. She does not stop there in working with clients and is constantly looking for ways to diversify methods and forms of work, to support the desire of children, to promote their physical and personal growth. And she regularly works on herself in order to achieve even greater heights in her profession. We look forward to continuing our cooperation with Irina Nikolaevna. The children are used to it and want to continue their studies. I would like classes with this trainer to become a system and achieve the ultimate goal - the overall physical strengthening and health improvement of the kids. I am pleased to recommend Irina Nikolaevna Gavrilova as a trainer in rhythmic gymnastics, fitness, yoga. Her work deserves the highest mark - 5+. I thank the site team for the high professionalism and quality of the services provided. This company works for results. Sincerely. Tsyganova Oksana Anatolyevna .. We were offered Gavrilova Irina Nikolaevna. This is a top-class specialist. Irina Nikolaevna from the first minutes of meeting our girls was able to establish contact with them and find an approach to each of them. And this is not so easy, since we have four twin girls, each with a very strong, independent character. Irina Nikolaevna worked with the girls in a group and individually. She was given the tasks of the general physical development of children; teaching fitness for toddlers with elements of baby yoga. Already two weeks later, a positive result became noticeable: the girls became more plastic, more physically active. In individual lessons, Irina Nikolaevna was able to choose a key for each of them, based on their physical and psychological characteristics. And most importantly, the children went to classes with pleasure, waited for them and always worked with emotional enthusiasm. But as you know, desire and striving are more than half of the success in any business. And besides, children are the best indicators of human relations. And our girls were eager to communicate with the coach, as they felt that Irina Nikolaevna was a beautiful soul. Kind, sincere, hardworking, loving children. She does not stop there in working with clients and is constantly looking for ways to diversify methods and forms of work, to support the desire of children, to promote their physical and personal growth. And she regularly works on herself in order to achieve even greater heights in her profession. We look forward to continuing our cooperation with Irina Nikolaevna. The children are used to it and want to continue their studies. I would like classes with this trainer to become a system and achieve the ultimate goal - the overall physical strengthening and health improvement of the kids. I am pleased to recommend Irina Nikolaevna Gavrilova as a trainer in rhythmic gymnastics, fitness, yoga. Her work deserves the highest mark - 5+. I thank the site team for the high professionalism and quality of the services provided. This company works for results.

Do you want to find an individual coach in rhythmic gymnastics in Moscow or the Moscow region? Then you should visit the Elite sports school, which is taught by the best masters of sports, ready to improve your skills and eliminate roughness in the execution of elements. We have reasonable prices and an individual approach to each athlete.

On the site you can read reviews about our work. We recommend that you attend a trial lesson and evaluate the coaching work in person.

Private coach in rhythmic gymnastics

You can often see the ad “I am looking for a private coach in rhythmic gymnastics for individual lessons”. Why do athletes need such an approach to training?

The benefits of training:

  • Lessons are selected taking into account the child's preparation and physical characteristics.
  • An excellent opportunity to correct posture or flat feet.
  • Before classes, testing is carried out, and the trainer informs about the weak points of the student. In the future, the elements are being worked out and improved.
  • An hour of classes is dedicated only to the child! You can be sure that after the first lesson, progress in gymnastics will be noticeable.
  • Adapting to the pain of stretching. Ideal solution for beginners when little girls are afraid of pain and get pinched while working.
  • The teacher picks up the key to the girl and understands what motivation will suit her and begins to inspire her to work.
  • The risk of injury is reduced as the teacher constantly monitors the athlete's actions.
  • Working out a diet that is optimal for a gymnast.
  • The optimal solution for high-quality preparation for the competition.
  • Discipline and endurance are improved.
  • Correct attitude. The child understands that they believe in his strength and success, and he gladly goes to the gym to prove that he can do everything.
    • After working with a personal teacher, all gymnasts notice a sharp jump in the level of training.

      Best Rhythmic Gymnastics Coach

      The Rhythmic Gymnastics School announces the recruitment of new groups! We offer athletes the following conditions for training:

      • Nice room.
      • Acceptable cost of lessons.
      • High professionalism of teachers.
      • Classes with a choreographer.
      • An individual training program will be developed for you.
      • Excellent preparation for the competition.
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