Pancake records - homemade food. The largest pancake breakfast in the world

World records are set for brand promotion or for charity, and chefs are all the more ready to compete for leadership. They are ready to spend eternity in the kitchen to set the record and use only the best ingredients in huge quantities.

Most expensive burger

It would seem that the burger is a juicy meat cutlet, fresh vegetables and a soft bun, but the Fleur restaurant in Las Vegas has come up with a more unusual combination of ingredients. French chef Habert Keller has created the world's most expensive burger. Fleur Burger is Japanese beef, foie gras, cooked in black truffle sauce on a truffle brioche bun. The cost of the Fleur Burger is 5000 dollars v. The lucky ones who have tried this burger claim that it is very tasty. Is such an expensive pleasure really worth the money? In addition to the most expensive burger, there are fries and a bottle of Chateau Petrus from 1995, the cost of wine alone is $ 2,500.

Longest pizza

The birthplace of pizza, Italy, again surprised the whole world and established new record Guinness. More than 60 of the best pizza makers gathered at the 2015 EXPO in Milan to make the longest pizza in the world. For the preparation of pizza, only Italian products were used: 1.5 tons of mozzarella cheese, two tons of tomato sauce, 150 liters of olive oil. The weight of the dough alone was 1.7 tons. The masters spent more than 18 hours preparing the pizza and used five ovens. The weight of the longest pizza in the world was 5 tons, and the length was 1600 meters. 35 thousand people got the opportunity to try pizza for free, and 300 meters of pizza were donated to charitable organizations.

The most high stack pancakes

In 2016, the Guinness World Record was broken for the tallest stack of pancakes. The past record, set by chefs from the Netherlands, was broken by chefs at the Newark Recreation Center in the UK. They baked a total of 213 pancakes and made a 101.8 cm stack. For the preparation of pancakes, 13 bags of flour, 360 eggs and 13 liters of milk were used. After long hours of hard work, the pancake stack lasted 5 seconds, which was enough to set the Guinness World Record. Record-breaking pancakes with various fillings were distributed to all guests of the Recreation Center. Chefs from Japan, Holland and the USA tried to break the record, but it still remains with British chefs.

The largest sushi mosaic

The record for the largest land mosaic was set in Norway. In honor of the centenary of the existence of the local football club, the sushi mosaic was assembled on football stadium... The size of the mosaic was 56.5 square meters, and the preparation took 800 kilograms of salmon, 400 kilograms of rice, about 200 liters of rice vinegar, 480 kilograms of cucumbers and 10 kilograms of green onions. A true work of art for groceries, it was created by Norwegian sushi masters. After confirming the record, sushi was distributed to everyone who came to the football game.

Heaviest Chocolate Bar

In 2011, the British chocolate factory "Thorntons" for the centenary of the company's foundation broke what is perhaps the most delicious world record for many. The chocolate factory has prepared the heaviest chocolate bar in the world. The weight of the heaviest bar was 5793 kilograms, and the size was 4 by 4 meters. It took a team of 50 people 10 hours to pour the chocolate into the mold, and then it took three days to solidify. The chocolate bar was offered for tasting to everyone at the Chocolate Week, and then it was broken into pieces and sold in Thorntons stores.

We have told you about some of the most unusual records in the food-related world. Are you ready to compete for one of them? To get started, order burgers, pizza and much more with home delivery on the Delivery Club website.

Shrovetide: the most interesting thing about pancakes

Damn has its own records... For example, in size.

The largest in the world the pancake weighed 3 tons, had 15 meters in diameter, and had two million calories! This record was set at Rochdale in 1994.

The biggest pancake breakfast ever worldwide annually held in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA. The event is attended by hundreds of volunteers, and since 1999, over 71,233 servings have been served to over 40,000 people. If all these pancakes were stacked, it would be over 3.5 km.

World pancake tossing record Ralph Lau from Leipzig put in the air - in two minutes he tossed a pancake 416 times! And Mike Kutsakra holds another pancake record - he ran a marathon, constantly tossing a pancake, how much do you think? Within 3 hours, 2 minutes and 27 seconds!

Pancake Race settle in England. This happens on Sinful Tuesday, when a huge number of people are competing in the race, tossing all the same pancakes in pans on the go. The first pancake race took place back in 1445 and is the oldest pancake festival ever.

The most expensive pancakes in the world
were prepared in the UK a few years ago. The cost of this dish was £ 144 ($ 198). It was lavishly flavored with aromatic natural vanilla pods, a rather expensive spice, and topped with a thin layer of edible 24-karat gold leaf. The luxury of this pancake dish was given by strawberries grown on ecologically clean soil, as well as jelly from Don Perignon champagne. The chef explained the essence of creating his masterpiece by the fact that even the simplest and most banal food can be a real treasure if you create an organic ensemble.

Interesting pancakes have both interesting traditions and customs. For example, there is a tradition in France, the essence of which is that if you make a wish while turning the pancake, while holding the handle of the frying pan with one hand and a coin with the other, then the wish will come true.

In Russia, there was a custom to give a woman in labor a pancake.

According to legend, Maslenitsa was the daughter of Santa Claus and lived in the far North. The fragile girl Maslenitsa once met a man who saw her hiding behind huge snowdrifts. The man asked the girl to help people who were tired of the long winter - to cheer and warm them too. Shrovetide agreed and, having turned into a healthy, ruddy woman, with dances, laughter, and pancakes made the whole human race forget about the winter bad weather.

No less interesting and origin of the name itself this amazing dish. The word "pancake" is a distorted "mlyn" derived from the verb "grind". “Melin”, or “mlyn”, meant a product made of grained, in other words - a flour product.

According to research by Russian historians, yeast pancake appeared somewhere at the turn of 1005-1006. Thus, in 2014, the Russian pancake is 1008 years old.

The forerunner of the modern pancake, oddly enough it may seem, was oatmeal jelly, which once someone decided to heat it up on a fire. This man, apparently, gape and the jelly thick was fried, browned, and so it turned out a ready-made pancake.

From time immemorial in Russia, pancakes were baked not only from oat flour, but also rye, wheat, buckwheat and buckwheat-wheat pancakes. In Russian home cooking, pancakes with baked goods, meat, onions, mushrooms, fish, eggs were very popular, and wild berries and cottage cheese were used as the filling.

Pancakes were served with butter, jam, sour cream, black and red caviar, lightly salted fish and chopped herring.

My favorites - with poppy seeds, nuts and raisins, poured with honey.

What kind of pancakes do you like?

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About pancakes listed in the Guinness Book of Records.

Everyone in the biography has a personal record for the number of pancakes eaten. Such achievements are staged in our country every year during Shrovetide festivities, but, as a rule, the names of the champions are unknown to anyone - the heroes of the festive gluttony are modest, and they themselves rarely remember how many of these wonderful round fried pancakes they ate this time.

But sometimes pancakes set records themselves. And even then, of course, these achievements do not go unnoticed - they are followed by specially trained people who officially register a variety of pancake records. We decided to tell you about them.

The biggest damn

According to an entry in the Guinness Book of Records, the largest pancake was baked in August 1994 in Manchester, England. To bake it, a special wooden mold was needed, which was assembled with the help of construction equipment. The diameter of a giant pancake made in England was 15 meters. At the same time, the thickness of the product was only two and a half centimeters, that is, it was a real thin ruddy pancake. Everything as we love!

The most flying pancake

In November 2010, New Yorker Dominic Cuzzacrea launched a pancake to a height of 9 meters and 47 centimeters. Having flown this distance, the pancake returned to the frying pan from which he actually started. It is noteworthy that the previous record for the height of the pancake flight was also set by Kuzzacrea - earlier he launched a circle of thin dough at 9 meters and 17 centimeters.

The most massive pancake flight

But the largest number of pancakes that simultaneously rose into the air and, what is important, - successfully landed - 46. That is the number of pancakes that were thrown from a frying pan to the ceiling by a New Yorker, Ashrita Ferman, and pledged by his comrade Bipin Larkin. This record was set and recorded in September 2009.

Highest pancake slide

There is no doubt that any grandmother in our country could bake a pile of pancakes several meters high, but she has no chance of accomplishing such a feat - by the forces of numerous eaters, the pancake pile evaporates, not having time to grow even a few centimeters above the plate.

Therefore, the record for the height of the pancake slide had to be set far from Russian cuisines - in the Dutch amusement park Efteling. There, in October 2014, a stack of pancakes with a height of 91.2 centimeters was baked. How many pancakes were needed for this record tower, the Guinness Book of Records, where this achievement is entered, unfortunately does not specify.

The pancake hour

But it is known how many pancakes it takes to bake in an hour to get into the record books - 1093. In the meantime, the current record holder, who baked 1092 pancakes in 60 minutes, is the American Ross McCurdy, who set his achievement in Washington state in the fall of 2013. Russian grandmothers have something to strive for on this Maslenitsa!

This pastry has delighted and continues to delight gourmets for many years. Not only culinary craft is associated with it, but also competitive activity. There are many significant and most interesting achievements, the fulfillment of which would be impossible without pancakes. Some of them will be discussed in this material.

1 Food Network UK
Three years ago, the Food Network UK TV channel decided to celebrate Maslenitsa in a special way. They baked 725 pancakes and built a record-high pile of 82 centimeters. It took more than 250 eggs, five kilograms of flour, a lot of milk and about thirteen hours of time.

2 Cooking speed
An important point in cooking is the cooking speed. In August 2013, an American named Ross achieved this best result... In 1 hour he managed to bake 1092 pancakes. He surpassed the previous record by 46 pieces.

3 Mass flipping
One more achievement was realized a year earlier. His idea was the most massive flipping of pancakes. The event was attended by more than nine hundred people, who simultaneously implemented the idea.

4 Collective eating
17 years ago, a team of volunteers made the most pancakes - 76382. The cooks worked for eight hours and eventually served almost 20 thousand people.

5 How high can a pancake fly
Six years ago, Dominique Kuzakri set the record for tossing a pancake up. The culinary product has reached a height of 9 meters 47 centimeters.

6 Fifteen meters of pancake
Residents of Great Britain decided to make the largest pancake and they succeeded. In 1994, a pancake with a diameter of 15 meters and a weight of three tons was baked. The height of the item was two and a half centimeters. Experts say that its energy value has reached 20 million kcal.

7 Kilometer Pancake
V Russian Federation baked a memorable "pancake road". Its length was one kilometer, which was cut into 5620 pieces and treated to witnesses of what was happening. The culinary product weighed three hundred kilograms and occupied 150 m².

8 Two kg of pancakes per hour
A resident of St. Petersburg, Andrei Smirnov, ate 73 pancakes with a total weight of two kilograms. The man ate for about an hour and showed, in this way, how to celebrate Shrovetide.

9 Older than Moscow
Domestic historians claim that yeast pancake originated approximately in 1005. This means that in 2016 he turned 1011 years old.

10 Pancake Race
In 1445 "pancake races" appeared. They are the oldest holiday and owe their appearance to an English housewife. The woman was so carried away by baking that she forgot about the church service. When the bell rang, the housewife ran out of the house with a frying pan in her hand. Hence, the idea of ​​races with pancakes allegedly appeared.

It turns out that pancakes can not only be eaten, but also set records with their help. Here are the brightest pancake records.

Heaviest damn

In the Guinness Book of Records there is information about a pancake with a diameter of 15 meters and weighing more than three tons. They baked such a pancake in the English city of Rochdale in 1994. The pancake turned out to be very satisfying, its energy value was already 2,000,000 kilocalories. There were several more attempts to set this record.

The biggest damn

For example, in India. in one of the restaurants, 16 chefs baked a pancake with a diameter of 8 m, which weighed 8 kilograms, and its cost was 9 thousand dollars.

Highest stack of pancakes

This stack of pancakes was baked by employees of the Food Network UK TV channel. the preparation process itself took 13 hours. 253 eggs, 5 kilograms of flour and 15 liters of milk were spent. The design contained 725 pancakes, and the stack was 82 centimeters high.

The longest pancake

The longest pancake was baked in Russia. The length of such a pancake was one kilometer, its weight was 300 kilograms, and the area was 150 square meters. Such a strip of pancake was cut into 5620 pieces, which were treated to everyone.

Pancake tossing records

Pancake tossing record set Ralph Lau from Leipzig. In 2 minutes, he threw a pancake into the air 416 times. A Mike Kutsakre holds the record - he ran a marathon, continually tossing a pancake for 3 hours, 2 minutes and 27 seconds.

The oldest pancake festival in Europe

The oldest pancake festival in Europe is the Pancake Race in Great Britain. They have been held since 1445.

Most expensive pancakes

The most expensive pancakes in the world were made in the UK a few years ago. The cost of such a dish was 144 euros. It was generously seasoned with natural vanilla pods and poured over with a layer of 24-carat gold leaf, and served with organic-grown strawberries and Don Perignon champagne jelly.

World record for eating pancakes for speed

This world record was set by Andrey Smirnov from St. Petersburg. He ate 73 pancakes in an hour. Their weight exceeded two kilograms.

These are the pancake records.

Andrey Vetoshkin

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