Entertaining pancake. The most flying pancake

Maslenitsa. The most interesting thing about pancakes

Damn has his records. For example, in size.

The biggest in the world the pancake weighed 3 tons, was 15 meters in diameter, and it had two million calories! This record was set in Rochdale in 1994.

The biggest pancake breakfast in the world is held annually in Springfield, Massachusetts, USA. Hundreds of volunteers take part in the event, and since 1999 over 71,233 servings have been served to more than 40,000 people. If all these pancakes were stacked, it would be over 3.5 km.

World pancake tossing record Ralph Lau from Leipzig put it in the air - in two minutes he threw a pancake 416 times! And Mike Kutsakra holds another pancake record - he ran a marathon, continuously tossing a pancake, how much do you think? Within 3 hours, 2 minutes and 27 seconds!

pancake racing arranged in England. This happens on Sinful Tuesday, when a huge number of people compete in the run, tossing all the same pancakes in the pans on the go. The first pancake race took place as early as 1445, and this is the oldest celebration involving pancakes.

The most expensive pancakes in the world
were made in the UK a few years ago. The cost of this dish was £144 ($198). It was heavily flavored with fragrant natural vanilla beans, a rather expensive spice, and topped with a thin layer of edible 24 carat gold leaf. The luxury of this pancake dish was given by strawberries grown on ecologically clean soil, as well as Don Perignon champagne jelly. The chef explained the essence of creating his masterpiece by the fact that even the most simple and banal food can be a real treasure if you create an organic ensemble.

Interesting pancakes have interesting traditions and customs. For example, there is a tradition in France, the essence of which is that if you make a wish while turning the pancake, while holding the handle of the pan with one hand and a coin with the other, then the wish will come true.

In Russia, there was a custom to give a pancake to a woman in labor.

According to legend, Maslenitsa was the daughter of Santa Claus and lived in the far North. The fragile girl Maslenitsa once met a man who saw her hiding behind huge snowdrifts. The man asked the girl to help people tired of the long winter - to cheer and warm them too. Maslenitsa agreed and, turning into a healthy, ruddy woman, dancing, laughing, and pancakes made the entire human race forget about the winter storm.

No less interesting and the origin of the name itself this amazing dish. The word "pancake" is a distorted "mlyn", derived from the verb "grind". “Melin”, or “mlyn”, meant a product made from ground, in other words, a flour product.

According to research of Russian historians, a yeast pancake appeared somewhere at the turn of 1005-1006. Thus, in 2014 Russian pancake is 1008 years old.

Strange as it may seem, the forerunner of the modern pancake was oatmeal jelly, which one day someone decided to heat on fire. This man, apparently, gaped and the thick jelly was fried, browned, and so it turned out to be a ready-made pancake.

From time immemorial in Russia, pancakes were baked not only from oatmeal, but also rye, wheat, buckwheat and buckwheat-wheat pancakes. In Russian home cooking, pancakes with spices, meat, onions, mushrooms, fish, eggs were very popular, and wild berries and cottage cheese were used as fillings.

Pancakes were served with butter, jam, sour cream, black and red caviar, lightly salted fish and chopped herring.

My favorites are those with poppy seeds, nuts and raisins, sprinkled with honey.

What kind of pancakes do you like?

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Pancake week, which for the Orthodox precedes Lent, began in Russia on Monday, this year it will be held from February 24 to March 2. Shrovetide is originally a pagan holiday of the ancient Slavs of seeing off winter and meeting spring, cajoling the god of cattle breeding Veseles by eating round pancakes resembling a warm sun. We have selected the most Interesting Facts about pancakes and those who bake and eat them.

1. The height of the highest stack of pancakes was 82 cm. It was built in honor of the Maslenitsa celebration by the employees of the Food Network UK TV channel. The cooking process itself took 13 hours. 253 eggs, 5 kilograms of flour and 15 liters of milk were spent. The stack consisted of 725 pancakes. The record was recorded on March 9, 2013.

2. 1092 pancakes per hour- just such a record for the speedy flow of pancakes was set on August 13, 2013 by an American, the owner of the restaurant, Ros McCurdy. Before Ross this unusual record owned by Steve Hamilton, who baked 956 pancakes in an hour.

3. In February 2012, another "pancake" record was set. Record set English students, after spending the most massive pancake flipping action. The event was hosted by students from the University of Sheffield and broadcaster Dan Walker. 930 people took part in it. At the same time, they turned over a pancake in a frying pan, the whole action took the participants of the record action about 30 seconds.

4 . Most pancakes made by a team within 8 hours- 76382 pieces. The record was set on May 9, 2009 in a hotel in Atlanta. Pancakes were prepared by 175 volunteers; in 8 hours they served about 20 thousand people.

5. Dominic Kuzakri threw the pancake above all in New York - by 9 meters 47 cm. The record was recorded on November 13, 2010. By the way, the previous record also belonged to Dominic, he improved his figure by 30 cm.

6. The world's largest pancake was baked on August 13, 1994 in the UK. The diameter of this giant pancake was 15 meters, 2.5 centimeters in height and 3 tons in weight. The pancake turned out to be very satisfying, and its energy value was as much as 2,000,000 kilocalories.

7. In Russia, they also tried to set a record and baked on Maslenitsa 2010 world's longest pancake, the length of which was 1 kilometer, weight 300 kilograms, and an area of ​​150 square meters. This pancake strip was cut into 5620 pieces, which were treated to everyone

8. Petersburg resident Andrey Smirnov ate whole 73 pancakes, whose weight exceeded 2 kilograms, and it took him only 60 minutes to do it.

9. According to the research of Russian historians, a yeast pancake appeared somewhere at the turn of 1005-1006. In this way, In 2011 Russian pancake turned 1005 years old

10. The oldest pancake festival in Europe is the pancake race in Great Britain. They have been held since 1445. According to legend, in 1445, one of the housewives of the town, carried away by baking pancakes, completely forgot about the Maslenitsa service in the church. Hearing the church bells, she ran out of the house in a panic, holding a frying pan with a pancake in one hand, and tying her cap with the other. From this incident, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "pancake race" was born.

Since ancient times, people have been eating pancakes with pleasure. Many recipes for making pancakes were invented, but the number of fillings is innumerable. Well, for all this time, people have set many records related to pancakes. Here are some of them…

The oldest holiday in Europe, which is associated with pancakes

Since 1445 pancake races have been held in England. The essence of the race is that many people run with frying pans in their hands and throw pancakes all the time on the go.

One of the biggest pancakes

The Indian restaurant Sankalp, which is located in Ahmedabad, also got on the pages of the Guinness Book of Records. In this restaurant, they were able to bake a pancake weighing about 7.5 kg, and its length was more than 8 m. It took a special baking sheet and 16 cooks led by the chef to make it. According to the chef, such a creation had to pay $ 7,500.

pancake toss

The dexterity of Ralf Lau from Leipzig allowed him to throw a pancake into the air as many as 416 times in just 2 minutes! Well, Mike Kutsakra managed to run a marathon, during which he continuously tossed a pancake. This marathon lasted 3 hours, 2 minutes and 27 seconds.

Highest stack of pancakes

The height of the largest stack of pancakes was as much as 82 cm. Employees of the Food Network UK television channel worked on this record. This required more than 250 eggs, 15 liters of milk and 5 kg of flour. Well, I had to work hard for this 13 hour shift.

most expensive pancakes

What happens if pancakes are seasoned with vanilla pods, a little eco-strawberry is added, a thin layer of edible 24K gold leaf is poured over, and what about expensive Dom Pérignon champagne jelly? UK.

The largest pancake breakfast in the world

This record was set in the USA during the annual event in Springfield. Hundreds of volunteers take part in this holiday with pleasure. Thus, since 1999, much more than 70 thousand servings have already been sold to more than 40 thousand pancake lovers.

Eating pancakes for speed

Our compatriot Andrei Smirnov was able to eat as many as 73 pancakes in an hour. Total weight pancakes was more than 2 kg.

The heaviest pancake

Back in 1994, the heaviest pancake in the world was baked in the town of Rochdale, which is located in England. The diameter of the pancake was 15 meters, and its weight was more than 3 tons.

This pastry has delighted and continues to delight gourmets for many years. It is associated not only with culinary craft, but also with competitive activity. There are many important and most interesting achievements, the accomplishment of which would be impossible without pancakes. Some of them will be discussed in this article.

1 Food Network UK
Three years ago, the employees of the Food Network UK television channel decided to celebrate Shrove Tuesday in a special way. They baked 725 pancakes and built a stack of record height - 82 centimeters. It took more than 250 eggs, five kilograms of flour, a lot of milk and about thirteen hours of time.

2 Cooking speed
An important point in cooking is the speed of cooking. In August 2013, an American named Ross achieved this best result. In 1 hour he managed to bake 1092 pancakes. It surpassed the previous record by 46 pieces.

3 Bulk flip
A year earlier, another achievement was realized. His idea was the most massive flipping of pancakes. The event was attended by more than nine hundred people who simultaneously implemented the idea.

4 Collective Eating
17 years ago, a team of volunteers made the most pancakes - 76382. The chefs worked for eight hours and eventually served almost 20 thousand people.

5 How high can a pancake fly
Six years ago, Dominic Kuzakry set the record for throwing a pancake up. The culinary product reached a height of 9 meters 47 centimeters.

6 Fifteen meters of pancake
Residents of Great Britain decided to make the largest pancake and they succeeded. In 1994, a pancake with a diameter of 15 meters and a weight of three tons was baked. The height of the product was two and a half centimeters. Experts say that its energy value has reached 20 million kcal.

7 Kilometer Pancake
IN Russian Federation baked a memorable "pancake road". Its length was one kilometer, which was cut into 5620 parts and treated to witnesses of what was happening. The culinary product weighed three hundred kilograms and occupied 150 m².

8 Two kg of pancakes per hour
Andrey Smirnov, a resident of St. Petersburg, ate 73 pancakes with a total weight of two kilograms. The man had a meal for about an hour and thus showed how to celebrate Shrove Tuesday.

9 Older than Moscow
Domestic historians claim that the yeast pancake originated approximately in 1005. This means that in 2016 he turned 1011 years old.

10 Pancake Races
In 1445, "pancake races" appeared. They are the oldest holiday and owe their appearance to the English housewife. The woman was so carried away by baking that she forgot about the church service. When the bell rang, the housewife rushed out of the house with a frying pan in her hand. This is where the idea of ​​pancake races allegedly came from.

Pancakes are different: fresh and custard, buckwheat and wheat, and sometimes even record. In the village Stanichno-Luganskoye during the festivities on the Maslenitsa holiday, a new pancake record was set - the villagers built the highest pyramid of pancakes in the history of the country. 20 Luhansk cooks managed not only to bake a whole pile of pancakes in 15 hours, but also to stack them in a stack 3m 13cm high! Each newly made pancake was strung on a metal pin. This required active movement exercises 6 people. The maximum diameter of pancakes is 30 cm. Moreover, even the first pancake was not lumpy! The height of the grandiose structure could have been even greater, but the pancakes began to sag under their own weight. Therefore, we decided that the main thing is to stop in time.

It took 200 kg of flour, 350 eggs and almost 160 liters of milk to bake pancakes for the record pyramid. After new record was declared valid, the guests of the holiday ate pancakes with great pleasure.

The venue for the celebration was not chosen by chance. Maslenitsa is a special holiday for Stanitsa Luhanska, the only Donskaya village in Ukraine. The original Cossacks put the farewell to winter on a par with the great Orthodox holidays. Luhansk residents dedicated their record to the upcoming 70th anniversary of the Luhansk region and the 90th anniversary of the formation of the Stanichno-Lugansk region. The leaders of the Stanichno-Lugansk region, the chairman of the Stanichno-Lugansk regional public organization "Young Regions", the director of the regional communal enterprise "Sport for All" Oleg Akimov, as well as the guests of honor who were present at the celebration - People's Deputy of Ukraine Alexander Efremov, head of the Luhansk Regional State Administration Vladimir Pristyuk and Deputy Chairman of the Luhansk Regional Council Yury Khunov received commemorative certificates of the record.
