For which Glazyrina was disqualified. The story of how a well-known biathlete who passed a positive doping test was “rescued” in Russia

The message that the Russian biathlete Ekaterina Glazyrina, originally announced for today's sprint as part of the World Championships in Hochfilzen, was temporarily suspended from competitive activities, the International Biathlon Union (IBU) distributed just an hour before the start of the race. The reason for the suspension was data from the report of an independent commission of the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) led by Richard McLaren, after the publication of which the IBU formed working group to investigate violations anti-doping rules. President of the Russian Biathlon Union Alexander Kravtsov said that the decision of the IBU to remove Ekaterina Glazyrina was belated. In turn, Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Vitaly Mutko unexpectedly approved the actions of the IBU, noting that the decision of the organization was legally correct.

Based on the results of the investigation, it was decided to temporarily suspend Ekaterina Glazyrina from February 10, 2017. Now the IBU will consider in detail the question of whether the athlete violated the anti-doping rules or not, according to the official website of the organization.

The Russian Biathlon Union (RBU), notified of the dismissal of Ekaterina Glazyrina, re-announced Irina Uslugin to participate in the sprint race instead of her in the morning, explaining the replacement, as usual in such cases, with Glazyrina's malaise. Main coach Russian national team Alexander Kasperovich said that this is a tactical move, the purpose of which is to confuse rivals.

According to the President of the RBU, Alexander Kravtsov, the very style of the decision to remove Ekaterina Glazyrina is surprising. “The IBU is making adjustments to the competition protocol on the eve of the race. This was the case in 2009, this was the case in 2014, and this is happening again. Knowing the fundamental points of the McLaren report, it was possible in advance, based on the principles of the biathlon family, to warn the Russian Biathlon Union, ”he told TASS.

The fact that Ekaterina Glazyrina was included in the list of 31 Russian biathletes, suspected of doping, which is considering (IBU), it became known back in mid-December.

At the same time, IBU President Anders Besseberg, saying that there are active athletes and athletes on this list, promised to make a decision on their disqualification until February 8, that is, before the start of the World Championships in Hochfilzen. Among the 31 suspected Russians, 22 of whom were fully acquitted a little later, were 29-year-old Ekaterina Glazyrina and 30-year-old Ekaterina Shumilova, who participated in the stages of the current World Cup. Ekaterina Glazyrina, according to Richard McLaren's report, is suspected of concealing a doping test containing oxandrolone, trenbolone and methenolone. Both biathletes are participants in the 2014 Olympics and the current World Cup. In Sochi-2014, after finishing 61st in the individual race, Mrs. Glazyrina did not participate in other starts.

It is noteworthy that Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Vitaly Mutko actually agreed with the decision of the IBU. “Some kind of investigation is underway on Glazyrina, and her removal may be the right decision at this stage, because if she wins tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, new details in the investigation may be revealed, and the medal will have to be taken away again,” Vitaly Mutko told Interfax. However, the Deputy Prime Minister expressed bewilderment that there is no proper level of communication between the IBU and the RRF. As Mr. Mutko noted, if the IBU, which had long known that there were questions for Glazyrina, had notified the SBR about this, then the Russian side would simply not have declared the athlete for the World Championships.

Ekaterina Shumilova, having spent one race of the first cup stage in Östersund, was transferred to the team participating in the less prestigious IBU Cup, and Ekaterina Glazyrina participated in all cup stages this season and qualified for the World Cup.

Vera Mukhina, Arnold Kabanov

Which of the Russian biathletes was accused of doping

In December 2016, the most popular winter sport in the country, biathlon, could become another victim of a new round of the doping crisis in Russia. The International Biathlon Union (IBU) has received a list from the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Russian athletes suspected of using illegal drugs. It included 31 people.

How Russian sport survives the doping crisis

Last year, many important events for domestic sports took place, but the main one among them is an event that serves as a backdrop for most others, including Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro - there was, of course, a grandiose doping crisis. The process of accusing Russia of having a state program to cover up doping violations has already led to serious losses and is likely to lead to even greater ones.

Most of the fans perceived the upcoming action as a humiliation of Russia and a mockery of the athlete. Part of the fans, hostile to the new leadership of the RBU, immediately accused the President of the RBU Drachev of conciliation, bordering on betrayal and lack of assistance to biathletes suspected of violating anti-doping rules.

I confess that at first I was overwhelmed by a dark wave of anger, however, on reflection, I came to the conclusion that none of the parties was interested in summoning Glazyrina directly to the ceremony. And that's why:

Having called Catherine to the ceremony, the organizers will simply have to give her the floor for recognition, repentance, asking for forgiveness and the like. But it is impossible to predict what a person who, in fact, was deprived of a dream, on the achievement of which he spent best years own life. And after all, what has been said may turn out to be a very unpleasant truth, and it will also be impossible to stop him in front of all those present at the stadium without losing his image.

For example, in the place of Ekaterina, if there really was a single anti-doping rule violation, I would say the following (“we omit the heading” of the appeal):

“... I plead guilty to the violation of anti-doping rules, and I repent of my deed, but in order to warn active and novice athletes against such mistakes, I want to say a few words about the reasons that prompted me to commit a misconduct.

In the spring of 2011, the Russian women's team, with an eye on the Olympic Games-2014, was headed by Wolfgang Pichler, who twice, in 2006 and 2009, became the winner of the Biathlon-Award in the "Coach of the Year" nomination. Naturally, all of us, biathletes of the national team, were enthusiastic about this appointment, hoping that with such a specialist, many of us would win Olympic medals. Therefore, all the instructions and requirements of Wolfgang were carried out accurately, unquestioningly and with great desire.

But the loads proposed by Pichler turned out to be unbearable for most of the biathletes, among whom were even world champions and Olympic Games Sleptsova and Bogaliy, as well as Yurlova, who later, in 2015, under the guidance of another coach, became the world champion. One after another, they left the national team, and some of them were soon forced to end their careers as professional athletes.

But I survived and it seemed that dreams come true - in the pre-Olympic season, here in Östersund, I won my first personal award at the KM, taking 3rd place in the individual race, which helped me securely gain a foothold in the main team.

But the beginning of the Olympic season was deafeningly discouraging for me - here, in Östersund, in the same individual race, I took 87th place. None of the measures taken helped me get out of the functional hole and the time came when I could only stay in the national team by winning the domestic competition - "Izhevsk Rifle". And how to win if the body is emasculated. On the other hand, soon 27 years old and the chances of getting into the next Olympic Games are minimal. And I decided to commit a one-time anti-doping rule violation.

I got out of the functional hole. But not for long. Even before the start of the Olympics, I again found myself in a hole from which I could not get out until the end of the season.

Now for me it's all over with the sport - for a number of reasons, the real term of my disqualification is almost 7 years. And this is for a single violation of the rules, actually driven into a dead end by an athlete. Indeed, sports court- the most inhuman and biased court in the world!

I appeal to you, active and novice athletes. May what happened to me serve you good lesson. Do not blindly believe the merits, experience and promises of coaches and doctors. Having stepped on a professional path, become your own coach and doctor. Do not rely on chance and on the justice of the courts.

That's about the same speech, in my opinion, Glazyrina could well have delivered at the medal return ceremony. Provided, of course, that Ekaterina really did have a single anti-doping rule violation.

I do not think that she would be booed, on the contrary, such an address would open the eyes of many people in the West. But the refusal of the ceremony will certainly serve as confirmation of the opinion prevailing in the West about the mass malicious violation of anti-doping rules by Russian athletes.

And what do you, dear fans, think, should Glazyrina agree to the ceremony if she has an invitation?

Soyuz-Apollo, for our athletes it is doping, and for Norwegians it is medicine. That's all logic
How much was Yosya "sick" before he flew at such speeds?

If you did not take doping, you must go and tell about it, as well as about disproportionate punishment (first a temporary suspension, then disqualification without offsetting the suspension).

If she is guilty, she knew what she was accepting, she needs to go to apologize and hand over the medal. If not, I don’t even know ... Anyway, go try to explain

I think such a speech is quite appropriate but incomplete - it would be necessary to add about therapeutic exceptions. which, like doping, more often give an advantage. and which should be excluded from fair wrestling.

Dimych, I did not understand the logic. Doping-containing drugs were found in one of the hospitals in Norway, and on this basis you accuse the Norwegian team of doping? Are you sure that there are no such drugs in all of Russia? And if there is, is this a pretext to accuse the Russian team of doping?
Apparently, this is some kind of stuffing, and you are led to it. If the drugs were found, then where should they be, if not in the hospital? For some, they are dope, and for others, they are medicine.

Under no circumstances should Glazyrina go to Sweden. And in no case should you return anything. Lost everything! And the RRF will still pay for agreeing to participate in this vile performance. We continue to be under pressure from all sides, and because of their compliance, this pressure will now increase.

Glazyrina's participation in the re-awarding ceremony at the upcoming World Championships in Östersund is out of the question. Let there sbrovsky presidents with vice-presidents make speeches in the style of idealist carp. And it’s best not to restore the SBR at all on such shameful conditions.

Katya doesn’t need to go anywhere, I agree with many, it’s already meanness to force them to participate in all sorts of ceremonies, I haven’t seen a single one caught on doping who would solemnly return the medal, there’s nothing to start, forever Russians are extreme everywhere.

Leonid Alexandrovich, has anyone confessed to using doping? I remember only Yaroshenko.

I still do not understand why this material and such a heated discussion, or I missed something. Glazyrina confessed to doping somewhere? I don't remember anything.

Well, well ... ((And the 5th column, and delirium, and repentance on my knees, ...

In a jingoistic frenzy, no one wanted to notice that in the proposed speech, Katya does not ask anyone for forgiveness, because there is nothing: she won the returned medal honestly, being clean from doping, and a single doping allowed her only to perform well at domestic Russian starts without affecting in any way its international starts. At the same time, she tells the people gathered at the stadium (according to the jingoists, this is not the public, the public is somewhere out there ...) that the biased sports court disqualified her for 7 years for a minor offense that she committed when she was driven into a practically hopeless situation by a coach, repeatedly recognized in the West best coach year (for comparison, the same court disqualified Sundby for only six months for 10 times! Exceeding the dose of prohibited anti-asthma drugs allowed for him by TI.)

And in general, jingoistic patriots, having taken the position of an ostrich, do you think that you have “saved your face”? Not at all, the West will quite rightly evaluate you by the exposed part of the body.)))

If we repent, nothing will change. When we could not be pressed down on EPO and on scratched test tubes, they came up with meldonium. We do not use meldonium now, which means that ascorbic acid will be banned. :))

They do not need our repentance, they need to press us and keep us in a guilty state all the time. Doesn't it seem strange to you that they are poking around in the affairs of bygone years in detail. Three years have passed since the Olympics-14 - and suddenly scratched test tubes surfaced. Since the World Cup-17 - almost 2 years - and suddenly the police are in Austria. Why not immediately check test tubes, flasks, beer mugs, since you do not trust so much? Why is this constant escalation of intrigue, like in a bad series. Yes, because they do not need the truth. They need to create visibility, stir up a show and catch fish in this muddy water. :))

Boeing-777-300, “about WADA” means there is not “everything is clearly stated”, since you are embarrassed to write here about how you understand the meaning of the existence of this organization. And about the recent incident in the Norwegian locker room, I will be happy to give the link again, because it is very indicative:

Dimych, so what about the Norwegian locker room?

Boeing-777-300, maybe you “need to recover in the world biathlon”, but I don’t. Therefore, be careful with generalizations, because your “we” is not “everyone”

I am aware of how “our country worries” you. You can’t live a day without self-healing self-conviction that everything is very bad with us, and we urgently need to run to repent before the West.
Do not worry so much, even for our country, because such strong feelings are harmful to health

Do Western champions eat dope? EAT! And this is NOT DISPUTED (if you forgot, then the Western bureaucrats themselves recognized this)! Do not forget about it

Dimych, I'm not much interested in what they have. So far, no official evidence has been provided.
I live in Russia, so I care about our country. And the facts show that we really wanted to win the 2014 Olympics at home. And it was necessary to behave well and correctly. Well, it didn't work, it happens. The Chinese don't know how to do everything either.
Did you take Glazyrina? Yes, and it's not disputed. Do we need to recover in world biathlon? Necessary. And for this you need to return the medal and repent.

Dimych, you can find out about WADA yourself, everything is clearly stated there.
And what happened in the Norwegian locker room?

Boeing-777-300, he also "clearly said" that this doping is "used all over the world"
Or do you have double standards here too (here - I see, here - I don’t see)?
Therefore, there are not “too many” cases, but “not enough”. And they are very selective - these "cases".
And so that for those who are in the tank, the real picture of what is happening in " big sport”, we must at least begin and bring to the logical conclusion the investigation of such cases, which recently happened in the Norwegian locker room. And even better - everyone is tested in the same way at the same time, with the same "acceptance criteria" (without any "special blood passports" there). But you understand very well that the West will not go for this, because all their champions have been sitting on the most powerful doping, are sitting and will continue to sit. And the meaning of the existence of WADA is immediately lost

By the way, can you explain to me the meaning and tasks of WADA? (grin to)

Dimych, on the next branch, Putin clearly said that there was doping, albeit not at the state level.
But since 2006, aren't there too many cases of doping by us? Don't find?
And the fact that Glazyrina accepted is not disputed. She withdrew her appeal.

Alexander II, you have conjectures, and nothing more. Only Sachenbacher was caught from the Germans, Gregorin from the Slovenes, and I don’t remember more.
Recall our cases?

Boeing-777-300, so, for your guide to action, there is another, no less relevant, remember?
“Screams loudest of all - KEEP THE THIEF - the thief himself”

Boeing-777-300, in addition to the saying, you also need to be guided by logic. And she says that it is usually not profitable for a thief to catch himself. Therefore, you can wait for this unique moment for a very long time - you may not live.
And then, you even apply this saying selectively. Or do you think that "scratches on the container" is tantamount to "caught" or something?

so many of the foreigners were caught, only the punishment was either in the out-of-competition period, or very short, or doping was recognized as a medicine, and when they returned to the sport, no one pointed a finger at them and did not shy away like from lepers, as it was, yes and there is, with Loginov, Starykh and even our swimmer Efimova. Are such double standards not obvious to you? It is not obvious to you that we became “malicious dopingists” exactly during the period of sanctions (coincidence?), and before that everything developed more or less “cleanly and successfully”.

“Not caught - not a thief” - I also really like this saying. But only she acts in ideal and honest circumstances. It is also important here, but who will catch something? "Who are the judges?"

Katya .. you understand me))

Anton Pavlovich Chaika, I am guided by the saying "not caught, not a thief."

Do you really think that in sport there is a struggle between crystal clear foreigners and Russians mired in doping? In fact, in sports there is a struggle between strong countries and weak ones, which is now Russia. They also have doping, and even more effective and frank, only they agree about their doping and turn a blind eye to it. :))

Even if among their athletes there are even drug addicts, and they are treated much more loyally than with ours, who took the restorative drug meldonium. :))

Therefore, the humiliations that are invented for us in sports are by no means intended to make sports clean and transparent, but to understand to what extent we will bend and whether our officials can be manipulated in the future. :))

Even if you speak, then the speech should not be plaintive and justifying, but offensive
It is necessary to pose the question again and again - WHEN for the same drugs some will be elevated to the rank of "great champions", and others - to the rank of "great violators"? It is especially good to raise such questions at the international level.
But in this case, I am a realist, and I perfectly understand that no one will let Katya make a fiery speech on this topic. Therefore, I think that Katya does not need to go there and humiliate herself.

DimaN195, do not flatter yourself, the Western public is not present at such events, and, moreover, they will not hear the speech of some Russian athlete

Rosa RD, they are not sick.

Boeing-777-300, but I think even you will not be pleased with this (about death)
And you misunderstood me. I'm just for not competing with the sick.

Boeing, little depends on my choice. Alas.
I expressed my opinion. Kate don't go.

There will be no clear glade .. new businessmen will come ...
Naivety at this age .. probably good

Anyuta, in otherwise Russia in the world biathlon will be on the bird's rights. Choose.

Boeing, how naive you are...

Kate doesn't need to go anywhere. Send past everyone.

Rosa RD, you see, you yourself are glad of a possible disqualification.
And if it lasts for many years, then the SBR will die on its own, and at the end of this period we will have a pristine clearing, and we will start from scratch.

Boeing-777-300, and here are all the athletes. where did you see this phrase? You gave a link, I looked and saw that the Finns were caught there, and they immediately found doping, and not after 3,4,5, etc. years, they sprinkled something (such as excess salt, some scratches, it’s not clear who abandoned, etc.) and it was they who were punished, giving mostly 2 years each. And here you are constantly shouting about the fact that the guard, surrender, disqualify the whole country ...

Although, to be honest, I would even be glad if they really took us, disqualified us, and our athletes, breathing freely, began to calmly compete, knowing that they would not be endlessly trying to somehow discredit them (for some reason, Butina all the time comes up as an example).
In general, this is a useless conversation. So ... just sometimes you want to speak out.

Rosa RD, do you have evidence that all athletes are doping, but they are not caught due to corruption, but only us are caught, because we did not please someone? I have no.
Finland is a small country, it is easier for her. Nobody thinks to remove Russia, although I called for this, I do not deny it. Why this should be done, I have repeatedly explained.

Lilia, I think an exception will be made for such a case.

Most likely, nothing even provides for a disqualified athlete to be present at the re-handing. The medal will be taken away by our sports officials, handed over to the IBU, which, in turn, will send the corresponding medals to other athletes. The same Bescon will return the bronze, get the silver. What fanfare is here, and even more so speeches.

Boeing-777-300, so you got a cool answer there to yours, about the suspension of the entire country for a given number of years: “Your statement should be slightly modernized - all teams should be disqualified for several years, and the “diseased” should be sent for compulsory treatment, along with officials and doctors who issued TUEs.

“Then, immediately six members of one of the strongest ski teams on the planet, the Finnish national team, were convicted of using illegal drugs: Virpi Kuitunen, Milla Jaho, Harri Kirvesniemi, Jari Isomet, Janne Immonen and Mika Myllulya.

As a result of the proceedings, most of the Finnish team was disqualified for two years. The team... that was caught! For two years, and not for 4, 5, 7, etc. ... but about the national team, or, God forbid, the country ... The country, in a strange way, somehow they didn’t even think about removing it. Is it only athletes and then for 2 years ..

Yuri. M, site
As an example.

Boeing-777-300, that's a mile away, carries '' from you by the nickname AWA-AMA. What, in general, should Glazyrina be responsible for, Duchess Rodchenkov? Anyone could add it, these are not injections. Again, Diman1951 writes about the races on the IV, where two samples were taken, but in the IG she didn’t shine in the course - she won in the sprint, but the indicators of the preparations are already minimal. Did you take it for an experiment? But its further results are of no avail, and Rodchenkov convinced everyone of the advantage of Duchesse (moreover, they ate everything according to him), so even if they forced Glazyrin to speak, then it should be brought to the fact that Rodchenkov forced Duchess to use for the threat of substitution of samples, because he had access to them, plus harassment attempts. Meanness upon meanness. Krushelnitsky has already made a deal with the IOC, pleaded guilty - soldered 4 years. A young American USADA catches a six-month dope suspension without losing titles and in the absence of competition.

Katya was officially (publicly) not notified in time by the WADA-accredited Moscow laboratory about the presence of a positive sample. This is a major anti-doping violation. Further correspondence between Nagornykh and Rodchenkov is only their problem and nothing more. Further, it seems, as it were, that Berlinger containers are not reliable and can be opened and sample substitutions are possible, especially since it is unlikely that those samples are in nature, so it can, and most likely that it should send everyone, even our current sports officials.

The Western public does not care about our doping at all. They put on yellow vests and solve their problems.
But it is beneficial for the special services of the NATO bloc to fan the fire, which seems to have already gone out.
For this, all means are used. Including the lamentations of the 5th column, to which the author belongs.

Alexander II, When our country becomes strong and economically equal - and you, and me, and many of our others - will put on all these attacks and international "public" opinion. So I suggest that you start laying right now, without waiting for economic growth.

DimaN1951, Western public opinion about us can change in two cases.
1. This will happen by itself when the country becomes strong and economically equal to all screaming Russophobes. It's a long process, but an expected one.
2. In the event that any of these screaming hard gets in the teeth, in the truest sense of the expression. And judging by how hard someone is begging, it could happen much faster...

Excuse me, gentlemen, but why is Glazyrina supposed to give something to someone? Did she win the Olympics or the World Cup with the help of doping? Passed thorny path prima biathlon? Yes, and how, according to Ilf and Petrov, should she “repent publicly”? In what? What about a seven-year suspension? Is this not a punishment for a good, promising athlete? Our discussions would not exist at all if we knew for certain all the circumstances of those obscure stories. But today it is obvious: the details, including the truth, are of no interest to anyone. Precedents are important, and again we are the pioneers. Or maybe these are the outlines of the roadmap to return competitive status to our biathlon? But is that the price to pay for it? I am sure that such an IBU proposal was discussed with our leadership, they are well aware of it and the consent has already been given. It remains to trample on the athlete Ekaterina Glazyrina. And what? What did she bring to the Russian biathlon, except for problems? So it doesn't seem like it's going to go away. Comrades! In my opinion this is bestiality. Even to offer her such an action is bestiality. No one in the world has ever been offered this again and will never be offered it. And excuses like: “had oral sex with a partner who was under the drug, so that something was left on the lips and showed a positive test” - this will work. And what, they will not climb into their personal lives. Ours, and without that already, for harmfulness, you need to pay separately. We pass the most samples in the world and the WADA officer, in relations with ours, does not observe politeness - the Russians, on the other hand, are rotten by the whole world. So let's also start spreading rot on ourselves, so the "community" will have fun, rejoice. They are bored with life. Let's start with Yohaug, with Sundby, with Hermann and others. We will arrange a public gathering of the repentant, exchange medals, pay compensation to the innocent victims (the IBU will immediately cease to exist)) and listen to the repentance of those who have won and not a little, and also continue with great success. Here it will be from scratch. And on other conditions - if you please, we will not tolerate double standards. And the president of the RRF needs not to bend, but to show integrity. After all, it is obvious that the next Logins from the Old ones will be, and there we have a very large list. So understand, are there rules or not, are there laws or not? Until there is a “surrender”, we will be picked and lowered. For people - you need to stand as a mountain, they are what they are not - ours. And while it will be - there will be no arbitrariness. And our people are grateful, they are grateful for the difficulties, and they will give their lives for protection and justice.

DimaN1951, of course you will excuse me, I have always considered you a wise user and your comments differ in appropriate content, but now you, as a “local city crazy airplane (I'm talking about Boeing)”, offer to repent? Maybe on your knees?

DimaN1951, and the Western public will forgive the poor natives. Understand and forgive.

Katya, spit in their faces and enjoy life!

It is strange that the majority of commentators do not want to understand that, in the circumstances that have developed for Russia, it is necessary to use any platform to express their opinion. I am sure that after a speech like the one above, the opinion of the Western public about us will change for the better.

zakol,)) like a confessional speech...

No, no and NO!
Kate! Let everyone go through the forest! No speeches or confessions!
Not enough they spread rot on our country, still publicly humiliate themselves in front of them ((

The situation in the Russian biathlon is already tense to the limit. There is a redistribution of property, the division of spheres of influence and other delights of the off-season after a failed cycle. And so new scandal. The Anti-Doping Commission of the International Biathlon Union (IBU) has ruled against Russian biathlete Ekaterina Glazyrina. She was found guilty of using illegal drugs and suspended for two years. No additional information on the motivational part has not yet been reported. It is only known that the disqualification is counted from April 24, 2018. All results of the athlete from the end of 2013 to the beginning of 2017 were canceled.

Now let's deal with the evidence. And they simply do not exist! That is, everything is again based solely on the testimony of the informant Grigory Rodchenkov. And that's it, no more evidence at all. Given that the Court of Arbitration for Sport (CAS) recently officially declared his testimony invalid, it is completely unclear how the final decision on Glazyrina was made. Firstly, Ekaterina was first suspended from sports for two years, and now she has also been disqualified. No new information on her case has appeared during this time, and the one that was originally recognized as unlawful in the highest court.

IBU bans Glazyrina for two years for anti-doping rule violation

SBR and Glazyrina intend to fight

And that's the only correct solution in this situation. The athlete has already stated that she will appeal to the CAS against the IBU decision. Glazyrina has 21 days to do this, and according to Ekaterina, the appeal will be filed immediately after the holidays. Literally a minute later, an official statement from the RBU appeared, where the Russian Biathlon Union said that it disagreed with the decision of the commission and intends to defend the rights and reputation of an athlete in Sportivny arbitration court. It is a pity that such a prompt response from our officials did not come a few years ago, when all this was just beginning. But regretting the past does not make any sense, so it is necessary to seek an acquittal decision here and now. Logically, the chances are very good.

The voice of Russian biathlon Dmitry Guberniev has already suggested that Glazyrina is only the first sign in a new series of attacks on Russian biathlon and sports in general. For all the ambiguity of the figure of the commentator, such a scenario is really easy to read. And the CAS decision on Glazyrina could be a turning point in this whole story.

"Everything is saturated with hypocrisy." Why does the hope of Russian biathlon leave so suddenly

One of the most talented Russian biathletes criticized the coaches ... and unexpectedly ended her career at the age of 25. Coincidence?

“I was offered to admit doping in exchange for a position in the IAAF”

Do you remember what evidence the IBU operated on regarding Glazyrina? And now let's look at the situation with a positive doping test in Olympic champion from Kenya by Absel Kiprop, which became public at the same time. One of his tests gave positive result to erythpropoetin. Yes, yes, the same one. Kiprop was supposed to go to the start of the Diamond League stage in Doha on May 4, but, of course, he is no longer among the participants. Here is how the Kenyan himself explained the situation.

The Russian biathlete received a two-year disqualification due to doping charges and, if desired, has a chance to resume her career in the 2020/21 season.


If records were set in the anti-doping field, then it would be Ekaterina Glazyrina would be a sure contender for the highest achievement in terms of its absurdity. Moreover, it is not so much the accusations that are wild - after all, we have already become accustomed to the most incredible claims against our athletes - but the way the case is conducted and the punishment is determined. What is worth only the fact that the age-old athlete was waiting for the verdict for 15 months, being on temporary suspension. And this period was not credited to her in the two-year period of disqualification, which reports from April 24, 2018. If the President of the International Biathlon Union ( IBU ) Anders Besseberg will prove its effectiveness in the fight against doping, the history of Glazyrina unlikely to be used as a trump card.


If someone forgot Glazyrin she never grabbed the stars from the sky, but at one time she was considered a strong fighter of our women's team, including the relay. She even had one personal podium at the World Cup stage. True, now all the results of the Ural athlete from December 19, 2013 to February 10, 2017 have been canceled. Until last year, the most high-profile story with Glazyrina happened not on the ski track, but on social networks. After Ekaterina was expelled from the application for the relay at the Sochi Olympics at the last moment, she wrote to Vkontakte with emotion: "This is not a team, but ...". After that, she was deprived of the opportunity to play for the main team for a long time. Unfortunately, three years later in the career Glazyrina an event occurred that interrupted the Sochi epistolary skirmish in terms of scandal.

In February 2017, on the eve of the World Championships in Hochfilzin, she suddenly received a temporary suspension based on a report Richard McLaren. No charges were ever filed. But now there is practically no doubt that in the working correspondence included in the report of the former head of the Moscow Anti-Doping Laboratory Grigory Rodchenkov Glazyrin was hidden under the code A0241. One of the letters says that shortly before the Olympics in Sochi, in December 2013, this athlete allegedly passed positive tests for steroids - methenolone, oscandrolone and trenbolone - at the Izhevsk Rifle. However, by decision of the management, these samples were hidden. And now for this, according to the version IBU , retribution has come.

At the last pre-Olympic stages in January 2014 and at the Sochi Games themselves Glazyrin she really performed according to a strange scheme - she missed the stage in Oberhof, at the next stage in Ruhpolding she started in the relay and individual race. And, finally, in Anterselva she ran only a sprint. In Sochi, Ekaterina was entrusted individual race, which she successfully failed, finishing in 61st place. However, were all these throwings the result of a positive test in Izhevsk, or was there another reason for them? And why, in general, was an athlete, who had just been caught on a very obvious doping, still dragged to Sochi? Despite the fact that she was clearly not included in the list of faithful contenders for medals.


Most likely the IBU there was no other evidence against Glazyrina except for correspondence Rodchenkova whose authenticity is questionable. Theoretically, compromising evidence could be confirmed by the database of the Moscow Anti-Doping Laboratory. It is possible that it was precisely the expectation of information from this source that caused the slowness of the IBU in the "case Glazyrina". Maybe, besseberg and his colleagues would have waited further, but WADA set the Austrian police on them, and there was no way to delay the decision any further. Why Ekaterina was not included in the sentence of 15 months served during the suspension is a mystery that the Sports Arbitration will have to deal with if the Russian woman decides to apply there.

I will appeal to the CAS against the IBU decision, it will be in the coming week after the holidays, I will sue anyway, - Glazyrina said in an interview with R-Sport. - The last meeting in my case was on October 10, after which some decision should have been made. I missed the whole winter, waiting for this decision. And it was taken out only after the season.

It makes a lot of sense to sue the IBU Glazyrina no - unless she wants to defend her good name and the World Cup prizes, which will have to be returned if she returns. The athlete has practically no chances to return to the previous level in 2020, even taking into account the difficult personnel situation in our women's biathlon.


Katya before today did not think to end her career, she continues to train hard, no matter what, - quotes personal trainer Catherine Valentin Stremousov TASS. - When I found out that Katya was disqualified, my legs even gave way. We were waiting for a positive decision. I believe, that Glazyrina you need to go to court to seek justice. But this requires a lot of money. Where can we get them from?

On the other hand, the evidence of the prosecution, to put it mildly, is not perfect. Unlike former teammates Olga Zaitseva, Olga Vilukhina And Yana Romanova who were found guilty of manipulation on the basis of reanalysis of Sochi samples and additional examination of containers, Glazyrin charged on the basis of circumstantial evidence for an act that other people did. It is not a fact that Ekaterina on the eve of Sochi knew at all that the test in Izhevsk was positive.

Of course, given the history of EPO-positive Irina Starykh And Ekaterina Yurieva, it turns out that the doping shadow now lies on almost our entire women's team of the sample of the 2013/14 season. AND Rodchenkov promises new revelations, which will be extremely difficult to fend off. However, in the case of Glazyrina the accusers obviously overdid it, having crossed all the limits of reason. Doping, of course, is evil. But this does not mean that you can do whatever you want with a suspected athlete, without explaining your actions in any way and endlessly hiding behind a vague slogan about "the interests of clean athletes."

President of the Russian Biathlon Union Vladimir Drachev spoke about the results of the meeting of the IBU commission on the restoration of the RBU, which took place today in Moscow.

“We have already begun to fulfill some of the points with RUSADA regarding the testing of athletes. It is too early to talk about the restoration of the rights of the SBR, we hope for the fruitful work of the group, which by September should submit a report on whether the criteria have been met. The roadmap will be agreed in mid-January, possibly already at the World Cup stage in Oberhof on January 10-13, after which it will be discussed at the IBU executive committee at the end of January.

Lawyers got involved Olympic Committee Russia, the Ministry of Sports, the leaders of RUSADA. All 10 people discussed each of the 12 points, these points will be road map. We will not be able to fulfill all 12 points at once, there is a lot of work that we will do, it cannot be completed by January,” Drachev said.

Ekaterina Glazyrina, disqualified for doping, will return the medal of the World Cup stage during the 2019 World Cup. According to the head of the RRF, the return of the medal is one of the criteria for the restoration of the organization.

“We will have to hold the medal return ceremony at the World Championships in Östersund,” Drachev said.

In May, the International Biathlon Union suspended Glazyrina for two years for violating anti-doping rules. The results shown by the Russian woman in the period from December 19, 2013 to February 10, 2017 were canceled. During this time, Glazyrina once got into the top 3: at the World Cup stage in the Austrian Hochfilzen in the 2014/15 season, she finished second in the pursuit race.

If the RBU membership is restored, then in 2020 the organization will apply for holding international competitions 2023, 2024 and 2025.

In the current Olympic cycle, Russia will not accept international starts due to the restriction of the rights of the RRF due to numerous doping cases.

“Tournament applications are discussed only at the next IBU congresses, so we will only be able to apply in 2020, after the restoration, if everything goes well. Then we will be able to apply for 2023, 2024 and 2025,” Drachev said.
