What's kabaeva there. Journalists found out how many children Alina Kabaeva has

The personal life of one of the quietest and most unscandalous girls in the world of sports - Alina Kabaeva - is shrouded in mystery. Social media and online publications are constantly full of new rumors about a talented gymnast, socialite and ex-deputy of the State Duma. Alina Kabaeva and children - topic number 1, which was not touched upon only by the lazy. And this is not surprising. While Alina Kabaeva is silent, they will speak loudly about her. And there were times when Alina could not be called a mysterious silence ...

Kabaeva's passions for someone else's husband

The romance quickly ended and the bitter truth was revealed. Museliani is officially married and has a daughter, Nana. The legal spouse on the page of one of the major domestic publications effectively “set fire to” the naive dreams of a young sports star. Everyone felt the smell of burning.

The defeated winner paused and asked the press for mercy. Meanwhile, under the pressure of Alina Museliani, he divorced his wife Olga. The press again started talking about the husband of Alina Kabaeva. But again by - the ladies' man got himself a new spectacular passion. She was the actress and model Anna Gorshkova. But not for long ... They say that it was Alina Kabaeva who had a hand in the disappearance of Anna from the life of a former policeman. Moreover, the actress quickly disappeared from the screens.

But again, the story of Museliani and Kabaeva did not end with a wedding. They converged and diverged for another five years. During this time, Alina managed to collect all possible medals, spin a short affair with football player Maxim Buznikin and triumphantly leave the big sport. It was then, in 2007, after the final separation from Museliani in the life of Alina Kabaeva, and the most interesting began.

And this "interesting" gave such a flight of the journalist's imagination that the readers "groaned and gasped" in different ways, and continue to do this to this day. The personal life of Alina Kabaeva is again on everyone's lips, only the star stopped talking about her. And everything that we see, hear and read looks like “urban legends”. But the scale of these legends is not at all urban. O new history love Alina Kabaeva spoke the whole world ...

New love and husband of Alina Kabaeva. Shakespeare is resting ...

Such a love story could not have entered the head of the best playwright in the world. A new chapter in the life of Alina Kabaeva gave rise to such conjectures, intrigues and scandals that everyone can not calm down until now.

And this new chapter of life began in the spring of 2008 with a big scandal. Moscow Correspondent came out with sensational news about the wedding of Alina Kabaeva and Vladimir Putin. European journalists choked morning coffee and ran to their offices to tell the readers this hot news. And in the evening they returned home and wondered on the coffee grounds.

This went on for six days, until the divination process was interfered with. higher power... The Russian President laughed at the journalistic speculations, calling them complete nonsense. And on the same day, the general director of Moskovsky Korrespondent learned that he had “nothing to pay employees with” and closed the publication. And from that moment on, the wedding of Kabaeva and Putin became the talk of the town. Everyone wanted to know latest news about the story of this mysterious love.

Children of Alina Kabaeva. The queen gave birth in the night ...

A year has passed since the scandalous article, and journalists started talking about children. "Married" by journalists famous couple kept a deathly silence. But the press could not be silent. 9 months have passed - it's time to have a baby. And he appeared - the son Dmitry, allegedly named after Medvedev, who was then the current president. This version appeared at the suggestion of foreign journalists, and was favorably received by the domestic media.

March 14, 2015 4:04 pm

Alina Kabaeva is a famous sportswoman and socialite. At the age of 15, she conquered olympic gold, at 18 she joined the ranks of the State Duma deputies, and at 25 she was called the "first mistress" of Russia.

Alina Kabaeva has been involved in sports since childhood. Everything was decided before her birth. Athletic parents gave their daughter to sports ground almost from the cradle due to the fact that they themselves often disappeared at training camps and trainings. The girl, as happens in a family of champions, was brought up by a coach.

The beauties who fluttered on the ice were admired in the USSR, so Kabaev was given to figure skating... But plans changed very quickly.

In Tashkent ( hometown Alina Kabaeva - approx. ed) in those days there was no good skating rink. So Alina came to rhythmic gymnastics. Very quickly she became a leader and became one of those on whom they place big bets. Alina's mother realized that her daughter could not win worldwide recognition in her homeland - this is how the Kabaev family moved to Moscow.

Literally after a year of training in the capital, she was included in the Russian national team. In 1999, the young athlete became the absolute world champion. Soon, Alina Kabaeva's first love story begins. The country is full of rumors. The champion, so that people believe her, and not the tabloid press, happily talks about her love affairs herself.

Alina Kabaeva's first love

Very little is known about Alina's youthful novels, and all because she spent her youth in training. But the first novel by Alina Kabaeva is more like a Shakespearean tragedy. Young, blooming, talented Alina Kabaeva fell in love with police captain Shalva Museliani. In 2000, she was at the peak of her popularity and gave numerous interviews. In the heat of passion, Alina told each journalist about her feelings, opened her soul. Each interview is a cry from the heart. Alina tried to convey to the public how Museliani managed to win her heart - the heart of a winner. She even furtively talks about the upcoming wedding ...

But not for long, this story breathed with romance. Shalva has serious problems at work. An official investigation was organized. Its leaders tried to understand what funds he used to give his bride an expensive car. Alina becomes gloomier than the cloud from all the interrogations. In addition, at the same moment she learns from the newspapers the truth about Museliani's personal life. It turned out that her fiancé is legally married.

Kabaeva's dreams vanished like morning fog. Shalva's wife is not going to be silent. Olga gave an official interview. A woman on the pages of a large Russian publication in all details shared her point of view. She was surprised to learn about the upcoming wedding of her husband from a journalist:

The publications that Alina was going to marry stunned me. I called my husband and expressed my insult: why did he so quickly deleted us, me and my daughter Nana, from his life ?!

Museliani's wife and daughter

Kabaeva pauses, “begs for mercy” from the press and refuses to comment on the love triangle. Shalvu Museliani divorced his wife. It was rumored that it was Alina who persuaded her beloved to divorce, but Museliani betrayed the athlete for the second time. When his relationship with Kabaeva began to acquire a spirit of seriousness, he started a relationship on the side. Actress Anna Gorshkova - the new passion of the womanizer - was published with Shalva and they began to write about their romance in the gossip column.

Anna Gorshkova

Alina Kabaeva was furious. People close to the athlete said that she threatened Gorshkova to destroy her film career. This story is covered with a "veil of rumors and speculation," but Anna really soon disappeared from TV screens and Museliani's life.

2002 brought Kabaeva another title of world champion in Spain. She also became the absolute European champion, and in 2004, at the Athens Olympics, Alina again bathed in applause, because she collected all possible medals. In 2007, Kabaeva officially ended her sports career. But her long romance did not end with an official marriage.

Famous athlete Alina Kabaeva broke up with her fiancé Shalva Museliani. The champion only once told about this:

Yes, we really broke up. It was a mutual decision. We have maintained a good relationship and I think we will remain friends. "

The main mistress of Russia - Alina Kabaeva

A new chapter immediately began in the life of Alina Kabaeva. Her next love story gained widespread popularity around the world. Only the lazy one in Russia and Kabaeva herself did not speak about her.

On April 12, 2008, a scandalous publication about her upcoming wedding with Russian President Vladimir Putin was published in the Saturday issue of the Moscow Correspondent newspaper. The news was instantly reprinted by the European media and began to “savor”.

Elizaveta Ovchinnikova, Alina's press secretary, refused to comment on any information about the Putin and Kabaeva tandem, and also demanded that the newspaper print a refutation.

On April 18, the Russian president said that in the publication of the Moscow correspondent "there is not a single word of truth." On the same day (what a coincidence!) The general director of the newspaper announced the decision to suspend the newspaper's operation. According to him, due to unprofitability, but not everyone believed in this. Rumors of love between Putin and Kabaeva began to gain momentum.

A year later, they began to say that Alina gave birth to a son to Vladimir Putin, whom she named Dmitry - in honor of the then Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

In an interview with Vogue magazine, the former athlete stated that the boy, whom everyone considers her son, is her nephew Arseny. And in her diary on Livejournal, Alina Kabaeva wrote:

Dear friends! It's not my rule to comment on rumors, but I decided to make an exception. Because I cannot leave many warm words and wishes unanswered ... On my website, on the My Life page, I promised to talk about the most important events in my life, about my family. Therefore, when I become a mother (which has not happened yet), I will definitely write about it. Anyway, thanks to everyone who congratulated and worried about me. Only for your sake, I deviated from my principle: never pay attention to gossip. "

More than one year has passed since then, but information about the romance between Putin and Kabaeva still worries the public. But they keep a deathly silence.

The Western press also repeatedly published information about the connection between the athlete and the Russian leader. However, it cannot be denied that the only documentary "confirmation" of this is the itinerary of a private jet flight made on May 19, 2008, which brought Kabaev and a number of people close to Putin to Sochi (where Putin was staying).

On July 6, 2013, Vladimir Putin officially announced that he was divorcing his wife. And the press again started talking about his affair with Alina Kabaeva. In 2013, the notorious The New York Post reported that 29-year-old Kabaeva gave birth to a girl from Putin in November. According to the newspaper, Putin settled Kabaeva with their two children in his “Sochi palace”.

If it were not for the Sochi Olympics, the main characters of this story might not have been talked about. At the opening of the Olympics, the paparazzi star imprinted a wedding ring on the finger. Kabaeva has not yet commented on the photos that appeared on the Web. And everything could come to naught, but ...

Alina Kabaeva lit up her wedding ring at the opening of the Sochi Olympics

Already on February 13, divorced Vladimir Putin appeared in public with a wedding ring on his finger. This is evidenced by the still image of the LifeNews TV channel, made at a meeting between the President of Russia and the Minister of Defense of Egypt Abdel Fattahu al-Sisi. An amazing coincidence!

It looks like a new chapter begins in the love story of Putin and Kabaeva. Be that as it may, Alina was firmly hooked on the title of “the first mistress” of Russia. And while these two remain silent about it, the public will speak about it even "louder".

Personal records of Alina Kabaeva:

* Alina Kabaeva is the only gymnast in the world whose name is entered in the Guinness Book of Records. At the age of 15, she became the absolute world champion, and among adult athletes, as well as the only one in history. rhythmic gymnastics four-time European champion.

* Kabaeva is regularly included in the top ten most beautiful women in Russia.

* The girl has two higher education... In 2007 she received a diploma from the Moscow State University of Service, and two years later - from St. Petersburg State University. physical culture them. Lesgaft.

In April 2008, exactly 10 years ago, the Moscow Correspondent newspaper published the first article about the relationship between Vladimir Putin and Alina Kabaeva. The sensational news was picked up foreign media and the newspaper was soon closed. Since then, the romance of the president and the Olympic champion has been discussed by ordinary citizens, journalists and political scientists. Even Wikileaks, known for its sandalic revelations, dedicated the publication to this topic.

The couple is credited with secret weddings and the birth of children. But there is no reliable information confirming or refuting these facts. The personal life of the President of Russia, like life former gymnast, is in strict secrecy. Only indirect facts can prove that the connection between them has gone beyond the framework of purely business relations. Taking advantage of the anniversary of the country's most important "gossip", the site has collected 5 circumstantial evidence of the relationship between Putin and Kabaeva.

Scandalous article in 2008 about the wedding of Putin and Kabaeva

Strict secrecy

This rationale can be categorized as proof by contradiction. It is the strict secrecy surrounding the personal life of each of the characters that suggests that they have something to hide. If the secrecy of the president's life can be explained by security considerations, then the strict confidentiality around the former athlete does not find a logical explanation.

After the divorce from Lyudmila Putin, the life of the president is hidden from the eyes of ordinary Russians. The press service declares that he has no time for his personal life, since he gives all his strength to Russia.

Alina Kabaeva admits that she has a loved one, but she cannot give a name. Such secrecy can only be explained by the fact that the girl is having an affair with a man who should not be advertised. Are there many such people in Russia? It is quite natural that Vladimir Vladimirovich was assigned to the role of Alina's mysterious lover.

The habit of not giving names is so ingrained in the mind of the former gymnast that in an interview with Channel Five on the day of the presidential elections in the Russian Federation (March 18, 2018). When asked who she voted for, she answered evasively: “We all know who the United Russia party supports. So I voted for him. " Further in an interview, Kabaeva told how much this person did for the development of sports, and expressed confidence in his victory. At the same time, Alina's eyes burned, and some very suspicious smile did not leave her face, reminiscent of the smile of a woman in love, talking about her chosen one, relations with whom are in secret.

Post-athletic career

After finishing sports career Alina Maratovna took up political and social activities. The girl devoted 7 years to work in the State Duma. In 2008 (at the age of 25) she headed the board of the National Media Group holding, created her own charitable foundation. Since 2016, he has been the Head of the Board of Directors of CJSC Sportexpress. According to official data, Kabaeva was the owner of the highest income among the "star deputies", she owns 3 apartments, a land plot, 2 cars. Ogonyok magazine placed her in 8th place in the ranking of influential women in Russia for 2014.

Naturally, the question arises, how did a young girl, even an Olympic champion, so quickly turned into a successful business woman, without having either the appropriate education or work experience? The answer suggests itself: it was not without the support of an influential patron. Since there is officially no high-ranking person next to Alina, Vladimir Putin is most suitable for the position of secret benefactor.

Wedding rings

During the opening of the Sochi Olympics, attentive spectators noticed a wedding ring on Alina Kabaeva's hand. The athlete tried to reduce the questions of journalists to a joke: she allegedly does not attach importance to such trifles as the ring and does not remember which one she was wearing that day.

Soon there was a photograph of Putin taken during a meeting with the Egyptian defense minister. The picture clearly shows the wedding ring on the president's hand. The press service was quick to explain that a photograph was used a year ago. But aren't there too many coincidences in this story?

During the opening of the Olympic Games in Sochi 2014

During a meeting with the Minister of Defense of Egypt

Change of religion

Another indirect fact confirming the serious relationship between the President of Russia and the former gymnast is that Alina changed her religion. The girl was originally a Muslim, like her father. And later she adopted the Orthodox faith. In an interview, Alina repeatedly mentioned that she reads the Bible. As you know, there must be good reasons for changing your religion. For example, baptism is required when entering into a church marriage. This fact is also seen as confirmation of the existence of relations between Putin and Kabaeva.

Alina Maratovna Kabaeva is a renowned Russian athlete: Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics in 2004, multiple world, European and Russian champion. After completing her sports career in 2007, Alina Kabaeva became a deputy of the State Duma from the United Russia party.

Alina Kabaeva at the premiere of the musical "Chicago" in Moscow in March 2014


Alina Kabaeva was born on May 12, 1983 in Tashkent, now the capital of Uzbekistan. Alina's father - famous footballer Marat Kabaev, Tatar by nationality. Mother - basketball player Lyubov Mikhailovna, Russian. On her official website kabaeva-alina.ru Kabaeva writes that she understands Tatar language: "I was also lucky with my grandmother on my father's side. She always spoke to me only in Tatar, and I understood her. Thanks to her, I still understand the Tatar language, although I can no longer speak. As a child, I could, but my dad is Tatar. Both grandmother is Tatar and grandfather".

Marat Kabaev with his daughters: Alina (left) and Lisana (right)

Alina Kabaeva in a Tatar skullcap

The fact that Alina's parents were athletes predetermined her fate: " I got into sports thanks to my parents: my dad was a football player, and my mother played basketball. Her basketball team trained in the same gym with gymnasts. First, the wards of Irina Viner trained, and then the basketball players entered the court. Seeing once Irina Aleksandrovna, my mother said: "If I have a girl, I will definitely send her to rhythmic gymnastics, and it is to this coach." And so it happened".

Alina Kabaeva in childhood

Alina Kabaeva with her mother and younger sister Lisana:

Alina began to engage in rhythmic gymnastics at the age of three and a half, and at the age of 12 she moved with her mother to Moscow to train with Irina Viner, who immediately set a condition: to lose weight (by gymnastic standards, Alina is inclined to be overweight, which is somewhat noticeable now, after the end of a sports career).

Alina Kabaeva at the age of 12:

Alina Kabaeva's parameters during her sports career (for 2005): height 166 cm, weight 52 kg, chest 86 cm, waist 64 cm, hips 86 cm.

Since 1996, Alina began to play for the Russian national rhythmic gymnastics team, two years later she became the absolute champion of Europe, and a year later she became the absolute world champion.

Arriving at the Olympics in Australian Sydney in the rank of absolute favorite, Kabaeva could not cope with her nerves and made a fatal mistake - she dropped the hoop during her performance. As a result, she won only bronze. However, in this type of competition Russia was not left without gold: it was won by another ward of Irina Viner - Yulia Barsukova.
Alina Kabaeva managed to become Olympic champion 4 years later, in Athens. After losing in competitions with a hoop and ribbon to another Russian woman Irina Chashchina, Kabaeva showed top scores in exercises with the ball and clubs, and in terms of the total amount of points, she still won, leaving Chashchina with silver.

It is worth noting that before the Olympics in Athens, Alina Kabaeva, who was previously a non-practicing Muslim, converted to Orthodoxy.

The last big start for Alina Kabaeva was the 2007 World Championship, where she won gold in the team and bronze in ribbon exercises.
After completing her sports career, Kabaeva shared the fate of many famous Russian athletes, having become a deputy of the State Duma from the United Russia party, but in September 2014 she resigned from her parliamentary powers, becoming the chairman of the board of directors of the National Media Group holding. The holding includes Channel 5 (the group owns 72.4%), Channel One (25%), REN TV (68%), Izvestia newspaper (73.2%) and the Russian news service radio station (100%).

Two former champion in the State Duma: Nikolai Valuev and Alina Kabaeva

A film about Alina Kabaeva, filmed by Channel One

Personal life. Alina Kabaeva and Vladimir Putin

In April 2008, the Moscow Correspondent newspaper published an article that Vladimir Putin allegedly divorced his wife Lyudmila (whereas in reality the divorce happened only 5 years later - in 2013) and is going to marry Alina Kabaeva.

The article caused such a resonance that at Putin's press conference in Italy on April 18, 2008, one of the journalists asked: " Vladimir Vladimirovich, I want to ask you about rumors: during your presidency, you have repeatedly come across various rumors, "ducks" - both about the country and about you personally. Here in Italy I looked italian newspapers and was surprised to discover how popular the theme of your upcoming wedding with Alina Kabaeva is here. I want to ask you - how do you feel about all this personally, and (sorry for, of course, a very delicate question) is it true that you divorced your wife, and is it true that your daughter got married and lives in Munich?"
Putin responded with the following: " The first thing I want to say is that there is not a single word of truth in what you said. Second: You mentioned an article in one of our tabloid newspapers where our Olympic champion in rhythmic gymnastics Alina Kabaeva is indeed mentioned and, in my opinion, Katya Andreeva, your colleague who works on Channel One of Russian television, is mentioned. In other publications of this kind, other successful beautiful, young women, girls are mentioned. And I think it won't be unexpected if I say that I like them all, just like everyone else. Russian women... I think that no one will be offended if I say that I personally believe that our Russian women are the most talented and most beautiful. If anyone can compete with them, it can only be Italians.
I, of course, know the hackneyed phrase and cliché that politicians live in a glass house, and society, of course, has the right to know how people who are engaged in public activities live. But in this case, there are still some restrictions. There is a privacy that no one is allowed to interfere with. I have always had a negative attitude towards those who, with some kind of flu-like nose and with their erotic fantasies, climb into someone else's life."(quoted from the transcript from the Kremlin's official website - http://www.kremlin.ru/transcripts/24922).

The first meeting between Vladimir Putin and 20-year-old Alina Kabaeva dates back to 2003, when the president congratulated the rhythmic gymnastics team on winning the world championship. Photo - RIA Novosti (Vladimir Rodionov).

Despite the public denial, rumors about the romance between Putin and Kabaeva did not subside and escalated again after the divorce of Vladimir Putin in 2013. They even talked about Kabaeva's two children from Putin. Kabaeva received the clownish nickname "Fun Putyatishna".

The son of Alina Kabaeva and Vladimir Putin is often added to this photo in Photoshop:

Alina Kabaeva herself, like Putin, refutes these rumors. From an interview with the magazine " Big sport"in 2013 (after Putin's divorce):" Life experience taught me not to let anyone into my personal life. Who wants to talk about work, the festival, other professional moments - please, but not about personal. The only thing I can say is that I have no children. This is true".

10 years earlier, Alina Kabaeva spoke a little more frankly about her personal life. From a 2003 interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda:

They write so many different things about you. What's the biggest nonsense you've read about yourself?

- That I am getting married.

Is your fan (so everyone can calm down) has anything to do with sports?

- No, but keeps fit... - Alina immediately catches herself and continues with a laugh: - I know such questions. If it has nothing to do with sports, then it means some kind of businessman. They wrote on the Internet that I went to Milan, that I had four suitcases with me, and then two were stolen, and my boyfriend gave me an insanely expensive dress, and then I had a fight with him, and this dress was also stolen from me. So I don't want to say anything about my personal life.

I was amazed that in an interview you, a 19-year-old girl, talk about the fact that a man, in principle, cannot not go “to the left” ...

- It seems to me that it is so. But loving person never in his life will do so that physical betrayal can be guessed. If a person wants to break off relations with you, then, of course, he will behave demonstratively: turn off the phone and not communicate ... This, fortunately, did not happen to me. I’m leaving all the time in English. Quiet.

That is, physical infidelity is not yet infidelity?

- It seems to me not. But it's better not to know and not talk about it. For example, I have a girlfriend, and I know a lot about her. young man... But I will never tell her this in my life - they have to figure it out themselves. I also do not like it when they start to tell me about my acquaintances, where they saw whom and with whom.

Now Kabaeva does not deny that she is not alone, although she does not reveal the name of her lover. From an interview with the magazine "Interlocutor" in 2014: " Thank God there is love in my life. This is great happiness"Alina also commented on the information regarding the ring, supposedly similar to the engagement ring, which appeared on her finger at the Olympics. The audience saw the accessory when the gymnast was carrying the Olympic torch through the Fisht stadium. The question about the ring made the athlete smile:" I myself do not remember what ring I had there. Well, you see, this ring is definitely not a diamond one. Talking in the kitchen, discussing someone's rings - this is, in general, normal, there is nothing wrong with that. For me, the main thing is that everything I say does not harm people. Everyone should have their little secrets - I have them too. I am happy that love surrounds me. But you can't be too happy either, so as not to frighten off your happiness.".

Quite a candid photo of Alina Kabaeva for a Japanese magazine.

In Russia, interest in one of the most famous rhythmic gymnasts for the history of this sport. Olympic champion... To a beautiful woman. In the recent past - a deputy of the State Duma of the Russian Federation. And now - a media oligarch.

Sports columnist for Express-Gazeta Sergei Latynin wrote brief history romantic hobbies of the head of the board of directors "National Media Group".

In the mid-2000s of the twenty-first century, Alina Kabaeva, recognized in 2006 as the sexiest athlete in Russia, completely won the heart of the former player of the Moscow clubs Spartak and Loko, former player of the Russian national team Maxim Buznikin. Maxim did not hide his feelings. He, scoring a goal, publicly showed a T-shirt under a T-shirt, on which Alina Kabaeva was depicted. And he even turned into a Spanish caballero, singing languid serenades under the window of his beloved: he released an album of songs - declarations of love for Kabaeva.

Latynin writes that Kabaeva could not resist such a passionate onslaught of the forward and reciprocated. But only for six months. The journalist writes that the mentor of Kabaeva, the master of the world rhythmic gymnastics, the wife of one of the richest people in Russia, Irina Viner, dissuaded her ward from going down the aisle, telling her "Take your time, girl. You are a bird of high flight, you can have more a worthy party ".

Then, as Latynin writes, Kabaeva almost became the wife of police major Shalva Museliani, a Georgian, as the journalist emphasizes, with money and connections. The major gave his beloved a blue Mercedes on the day of the engagement. But not for long, this story breathed with romance. Shalva has serious problems at work. An official investigation was organized. Its leaders tried to understand what funds he used to give his bride an expensive car. Alina becomes gloomier than the cloud from all the interrogations. In addition, at the same moment she learns from the newspapers the truth about Museliani's personal life. It turned out that her fiancé is legally married.

Kabaeva's dreams vanished like morning fog. Shalva's wife is not going to be silent. Olga gave an official interview. A woman on the pages of a large Russian publication in all details shared her point of view. She was surprised to learn about the upcoming wedding of her husband from a journalist:

The publications that Alina was going to marry stunned me. I called my husband and expressed my insult: why did he so quickly deleted us, me and my daughter Nana, from his life ?!

Kabaeva pauses, "begs for mercy" from the press and refuses to comment on the love triangle. Shalvu Museliani divorced his wife. It was rumored that it was Alina who persuaded her beloved to divorce, but Museliani betrayed the athlete for the second time. When his relationship with Kabaeva began to acquire a spirit of seriousness, he started a relationship on the side. Actress Anna Gorshkova - the new passion of the womanizer - was published with Shalva and they began to write about their romance in the gossip.

Alina Kabaeva was furious. People close to the athlete said that she threatened Gorshkova to destroy her film career. This story is covered with a "veil of rumors and speculation," but Anna really soon disappeared from TV screens and Museliani's life.

After that, she, writes Express-Gazeta, gave her word: her personal life will no longer become available to the press.

Several years ago, in a virtual and real community, people actively discussed the news that Alina Kabaeva allegedly has a child, a boy. And that she lives in a luxury villa in a gated community owned by Gazprom. Kabaeva raised this topic only once. In a conversation in the program "Temporarily available", Alina Kabaeva replied that she has a beloved man and that she considers herself a happy woman.

A new chapter immediately began in the life of Alina Kabaeva. Her next love story gained widespread popularity around the world. Only the lazy one in Russia and Kabaeva herself did not speak about her.

On April 12, 2008, a scandalous publication about her upcoming wedding with Russian President Vladimir Putin was published in the Saturday issue of the Moscow Correspondent newspaper. The news was instantly reprinted by the European media and began to "savor".

Elizaveta Ovchinnikova, Alina's press secretary, refused to comment on any information about the Putin and Kabaeva tandem, and also demanded that the newspaper print a refutation.

On April 18, the Russian president said that in the publication of the Moscow correspondent "there is not a single word of truth." On the same day (what a coincidence!) The general director of the newspaper announced the decision to suspend the newspaper's operation. According to him, due to unprofitability, but not everyone believed in this. Rumors of love between Putin and Kabaeva began to gain momentum.

A year later, they began to say that Alina gave birth to a son to Vladimir Putin, whom she named Dmitry - in honor of the then Russian President Dmitry Medvedev.

In an interview with Vogue magazine, the former athlete stated that the boy, whom everyone considers her son, is her nephew Arseny. And in her diary on Livejournal, Alina Kabaeva wrote:

Dear friends! It's not my rule to comment on rumors, but I decided to make an exception. Because I cannot leave many warm words and wishes unanswered ... On my website, on the My Life page, I promised to talk about the most important events in my life, about my family. Therefore, when I become a mother (which has not happened yet), I will definitely write about it. Anyway, thanks to everyone who congratulated and worried about me. Just for your sake, I deviated from my principle: never pay attention to gossip. "

More than one year has passed since then, but information about the romance between Putin and Kabaeva still worries the public. But they keep a deathly silence.

The Western press also repeatedly published information about the connection between the athlete and the Russian leader. However, it cannot be denied that the only documentary "confirmation" of this is the itinerary of a private jet flight made on May 19, 2008, which brought Kabaev and a number of people close to Putin to Sochi (where Putin was staying).

On July 6, 2013, Vladimir Putin officially announced that he was divorcing his wife. And the press again started talking about his affair with Alina Kabaeva. In 2013, the notorious The New York Post reported that 29-year-old Kabaeva gave birth to a girl from Putin in November. According to the newspaper, Putin settled Kabaeva with their two children in his "Sochi palace".

If it were not for the Sochi Olympics, the main characters of this story might not have been talked about. At the opening of the Olympics, the paparazzi star imprinted a wedding ring on the finger. Kabaeva has not yet commented on the photos that appeared on the Web. B And everything could have come to naught, but ...

Already on February 13, divorced Vladimir Putin appeared in public with a wedding ring on his finger. This is evidenced by the still image of the LifeNews TV channel, made at a meeting between the President of Russia and the Minister of Defense of Egypt Abdel Fattahu al-Sisi. An amazing coincidence!

It looks like a new chapter begins in the love story of Putin and Kabaeva. Be that as it may, the title of "first mistress" of Russia was firmly hooked on Alina. And while these two remain silent about it, the audience will speak about it even "louder".

"EG" cites the point of view of the French actor Jean Daniel, who is characterized by the publication as the closest friend of Alina Kabaeva.

"We were introduced by my friend back in the late 90s. When Alinochka came from the training camp, we arranged various gatherings with her, tea parties. Once we celebrated my birthday together in Sardinia - then my childhood friend from New Zealand, Eduard Memarne, paid for the villa in full. Alina then brought me a luxurious tea set as a present, which is now in my sideboard in the most conspicuous place!

I miss those times. Now Alina is very, very busy! She does so much: she opened two sports schools, helps people with disabilities, children, artists a lot. Only for some reason no one talks about it. And they write about all the poor girl, excuse me, nonsense! We used to sit with her and laugh. The funny thing is that she learns all this nonsense from me. She doesn't read this nonsense, thank you God. So we are laughing, they say, two children have already given birth, now, perhaps, it remains to write what the third expects from the negro!

I dare to assure you that everything is fine with her personal life. Alina has a lover. I also know him - a very pleasant young man. It is evident that Alinochka is happy with him. They are not officially married. Bye. Wait, the time will probably come soon. We will inform you ".

Compromising evidence from Ukraine and Russia

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