The movement of cyclists on the track at night. How to ride a bike properly so as not to harm your health

1. Who is considered a cyclist?

According to clause 1.2 of the current traffic rules, a cyclist is a person who bike operator... A bicycle, in turn, is considered a "vehicle, except wheelchairs, which has at least two wheels and is driven, as a rule, by the muscular energy of persons on this vehicle, in particular by means of pedals or handles, and may also have an electric motor with a rated maximum power under continuous load not exceeding 0.25 kW, automatically shut off at a speed of more than 25 km / h. "

Thus, a bicycle can, firstly, have more than two wheels, and secondly, an electric motor with a power of no more than 0.25 kW: if the power installed motor above, the vehicle (vehicle) will already be classified as a moped.

It should be noted separately that according to the rules, pedestrians are considered persons “using roller skates, scooters and other similar means for movement” - that is, a vehicle with a wheel drive (or wheels) is considered a bicycle. In addition, if a person does not ride a bicycle, but leads him next to him, then he is also considered a pedestrian, not a cyclist.

Another note concerns the classification of a bicycle as a vehicle: a bicycle itself is vehicle, but is not a power-driven vehicle, since the latter is understood as "a vehicle driven by an engine". This is important in terms of rules and penalties for cyclists.

2. Can cyclists travel on roads?

The answer to the key question that worries many is yes. In the traffic rules there is a separate section 24 containing "Additional requirements for the movement of cyclists and moped drivers." Clause 24.2 of this section permits cyclists to move on the right edge of the carriageway. This, however, is allowed in the event that “there are no cycle and cycle paths, a lane for cyclists, or there is no opportunity to move along them”.

Moreover, when driving on a motor road, the cyclist uses the standard priority rules, and the car driving on the secondary road must give way to the cyclist driving on the main road. And also paragraph 24.5 allows "the movement of a column of cyclists in two rows if the overall width of the bicycles does not exceed 0.75 m." The only condition is that "the column of cyclists should be divided into groups of 10 cyclists in the case of single-lane traffic, or into groups of 10 pairs in the case of two-lane traffic", and "to facilitate overtaking, the distance between the groups should be 80-100 m." ...

Under normal conditions, in accordance with clause 24.1, "cyclists over the age of 14 must move along cycle paths, cycle paths or a lane for cyclists." And one more thing: cyclists under the age of 14 are prohibited from driving on the road and the side of the road.

3. What are cyclists prohibited from doing?

The list of additional bans for bicycle drivers is regulated by clause 24.8 of the current traffic rules, and besides it, there are other points in traffic rules that mention restrictions on the movement of cyclists. Here we will highlight the main prohibitions concerning their movement on roads.

To begin with, cyclists are concerned with clause 2.7, which stipulates a ban on driving a vehicle, as well as talking on a mobile phone without using “hands-free” devices. The only caveat here is that the fines provided for violation of the rules by cyclists are significantly lower than those for motorists - this will be discussed below.

Clause 16.1 prohibits the movement of cyclists on motorways, as well as on roads marked with sign 5.3 - "Road for cars".

Well, the notorious clause 24.8 prohibits cyclists from “turning left or turning around on roads with tram traffic and on roads with more than one lane for movement in this direction”, as well as “crossing the road at pedestrian crossings”. Thus, in order to turn left, a cyclist will either have to do it "in two passes", crossing the road to which you need to turn, and then, stopping, go to it at the next permitted traffic light, or dismount and cross the current road at a pedestrian crossing.

In addition, it is worth remembering that cyclists also have their own prohibiting sign 3.9 "Bicycles are prohibited", which is supplemented by the standard "bricks" (3.1) and "No traffic" (3.2).

4. What are the fines for cyclists?

Violations by cyclists of the rules and prohibitions indicated above, as well as other rules not related to road traffic and not listed here, are regulated by parts 2 and 3 of article 12.29 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation. According to part 2, violation of traffic rules by a cyclist "entails the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of eight hundred rubles." If the bicycle driver was drunk at the time of the violation, then a fine “in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles” will be imposed on him.

As you can see, the punishment for drunk driving is much less severe here, but it, however, became significantly tougher in 2013: before that one could get off with a “warning or imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of two hundred rubles” for a violation, and a drunk cyclist was punished with a fine “from three hundred to five hundred rubles. "


"When driving on the sidewalk, stay close to the roadway."

Yevgeniy Khoruzhy, chairman of the board of the Minsk Cycling Society, shared his advice with the readers of Komsomolskaya Pravda.

1. If we are driving on the road and need to make a maneuver or go around an obstacle (for example, a parked car), we do so. First, we show with our hand that we are turning, hold our hand for a few seconds, look back and only then turn, making sure that the path is clear. When driving around standing cars, be careful - the door may suddenly open in them.

2. The bell will help to warn pedestrians about their appearance. If you do this in advance, it will be much easier to drive on the sidewalk - try it!

3. When crossing courtyard exits, remember that visibility in these areas is often limited and some car drivers may be inattentive. Therefore, control the situation and slow down if it seems to you that the driver may not notice you or simply will not miss you.

4. When driving on the sidewalk, keep to the side closest to the carriageway. So it will be calmer for you and for pedestrians. it general rule for building cycle paths, because pedestrians often enter buildings along the street, and cross the road in much fewer places.

5. If you go around an obstacle that blocks your visibility, slow down and stay as far away from it as possible so as not to knock down a pedestrian or cyclist who has exited from the corner. Avoid pedestrians too close, so you will not scare them and will not collide if someone suddenly steps to the side.

Drunk riding a bike faces a $ 75 fine

The cyclist is a full-fledged participant road traffic... Therefore, responsibility for violations is the same as that of car drivers.

For violation of traffic rules, a cyclist can be punished with a fine of up to 450 thousand rubles.
If the offending cyclist is drunk or high, or he refused to be examined, the fine will be from 450 to 750 thousand rubles. But they cannot take the car away from a drunk cyclist, even if they catch him in this state several times: cyclists do not fall under the law on confiscation.

If the violation of the cyclist (albeit "sober") led to the creation of an emergency situation - a fine from 450 thousand to 1.2 million.

Well, if as a result of an accident, property is damaged or the victim receives slight bodily injury, the fine can reach 3 million rubles. The same punishment threatens a cyclist who left the scene of an accident.


In Europe punished for walking on a bike path

In all European countries, a bicycle has every right to be on the roadway, ”Yevgeny Khoruzhy, chairman of the board of the Minsk Cycling Society, told Komsomolskaya Pravda. - Moreover, in many countries, cycling on the sidewalk is prohibited, and you can be fined for this on a rather large amount. Belarus is the only country I know where cyclists are actually equated with pedestrians, which leads to a large number of conflicts and controversial situations.

In some countries, driving on sidewalks is allowed, in some countries it is allowed to turn left on a multi-lane road (this is a rather dangerous maneuver that requires appropriate infrastructure and driving culture for road users). Cyclists are often allowed to overtake standing or slow moving vehicles on the right side with caution.

Pedestrians can enter the bike path only as a last resort - if it is not possible to walk on the sidewalk, if it is impossible to move on the sidewalk, being careful and not interfering with cyclists. In our country, unfortunately, pedestrians are not punished for being on the cycle path.

Basic rules of behavior for a cyclist on the road: participate in the general movement, obeying the terms of traffic rules; demand an explanation from the traffic police officer if the cyclist is stopped; know the name, rank, position of the inspector, having received information from his certificate; get free help from emergency services if necessary; count on compensation for damage to the vehicle and health in case of an accident; give explanations about the accident or refuse it.

Duties of cyclists: keep your transport in working order; comply with the traffic rules prescribed for this type of vehicle; stop at the request of a traffic police officer; to be tested for alcohol, including in a medical facility at the insistence of the inspector; stay at the scene of an accident if you become a participant in it and can do without emergency medical care.

Cycling bans: drive out faulty equipment; letting go of the steering wheel or taking your feet off the pedals while driving; use equipment during snowfall, ice; carry passengers, except for a child under 7 years old on a separate seat; move a load that protrudes more than 0.5 m or interferes with control; move on the carriageway if the driver is under 14 years old; use the motorway; tow transport and use it as a tractor, unless we are talking about a specially designed trailer; talking on the phone while holding the receiver in your ear; ride a bike through a pedestrian crossing; manage it while drunk.

Road safety rules: move along bike path if it is not there, an adult can drive along the right edge of the carriageway, children 7-14 years old - along the sidewalk or bike path; it is possible to step beyond 1 meter from the right side of the carriageway only for the sake of bypassing a standing obstacle, maneuvering; in a group of cyclists there can be no more than 10 people; if there is a marking line on the canvas, during movement it should be on left hand from a cyclist; before making a maneuver, the cyclist is obliged to give a hand signal to other road users; children under 7 years old can ride a bike only on the sidewalk or pedestrian zone, accompanied by adults; you can move along the "zebra" or cross the carriageway only by driving nearby; you can drive on the lane dedicated to public transport when it is located on right side roads; when a cyclist rides at dusk, at night, he must let the surrounding light devices know about himself.

Penalty for driving a bicycle while intoxicated- from 1000 r.

How to correctly move a cyclist: do not let cars out of sight, even standing ones; remember that pedestrians are also road users; if a cyclist moves on the carriageway, he must listen to traffic signals at a regulated intersection; for the cyclist there are special conditions U-turn - performed only where there is single-lane traffic in each direction, there are no tram tracks.

If the traffic rules are violated, the bicycle seat may be fined in the amount of 800 rubles. If he was drunk, then 1000-1500 rubles.

Read more in our article on road cycling rules.

Read in this article

Basic rules of behavior for a cyclist on the road

Bike in big city(and not only) greatly simplifies life. This type of transport also provides other advantages: even children can ride on it, and the health benefits here are undeniable. But these advantages will be felt only by those who know and follow the rules of behavior of a cyclist on the road. He has the right:

  • participate in the general movement, obeying the terms of traffic rules;
  • demand an explanation from the traffic police officer if the cyclist is stopped;
  • know the name, rank, position of the inspector, having received information from his certificate;
  • get free help from emergency services if necessary;
  • count on compensation for damage to the vehicle and health if you become a participant in an accident;
  • give explanations about the accident or refuse it.

Cyclists also have responsibilities:

  • keep your transport in working order;
  • comply with the traffic rules prescribed for this type of vehicle;
  • stop if required by a traffic police officer;
  • to be tested for alcohol, including in a medical facility at the insistence of the inspector;
  • stay at the scene of an accident if you become a participant in it and can do without emergency medical care.

Cycling bans

The rules of the cyclist on the road also contain restrictions that must be observed primarily for your own safety. It is prohibited:

  • drive out faulty equipment;
  • letting go of the steering wheel or taking your feet off the pedals while driving;
  • use equipment during snowfall, ice;
  • carry passengers, except for a child under 7 years old on a separate seat;
  • move cargo on transport that protrudes beyond its limits by more than 0.5 m or interferes with driving;
  • drive it on the carriageway if the driver is under 14 years old;
  • use the motorway for cycling;
  • tow transport and use it as a tractor, if we are not talking about a specially designed trailer;
  • talking on the phone while holding the receiver in hand;
  • ride a bike through a pedestrian crossing;
  • manage it while drunk.

Do not drive if you feel unwell.

Road safety regulations

The basic traffic rules for cyclists on the road are enshrined in paragraph 24 of the SDA. They are also found in other sections of the legal document. How to ride this type of transport so as not to create a dangerous situation for yourself and others:

  • Follow the bike path. If not, an adult can drive along the right edge of the carriageway. Children 7-14 years old must ride a bicycle on the sidewalk or cycle path.
  • It is possible to step beyond 1 meter from the right side of the carriageway only for the sake of bypassing a standing obstacle, maneuvering. Turns, U-turns are performed where there are no prohibition signs.
  • There can be no more than 10 people in a group of cyclists. If a column is traveling, it must be split. The allowed distance between groups is at least 100 m.
  • If there is a marking line on the roadway that separates the edge of the carriageway from the rest of the path, during movement it should be on the left hand of the cyclist. When a group is traveling, in all cases it is possible to line up only in one row.
  • Before making a maneuver, the cyclist must give a sign to other road users. This is done with the hand (right - turn in the same direction, etc.).
  • Children under 7 years old can only cycle on the sidewalk or pedestrian area. And always accompanied by adults. Babies are also not allowed to move onto the bike path.
  • You can only move along the zebra crossing or cross the carriageway by driving nearby. At this point, the cyclist turns into a pedestrian.
  • Clause 18.2 permits driving on the lane dedicated to public transport. But only when it is located on the right side of the road. And if at the beginning there is no road sign"No entry".
  • When a cyclist rides at dusk, at night, he must make himself known to the surrounding light devices. These can be lighted headlights or lanterns.

Despite the ease of transport in management, the safety rules of a cyclist on the road do not allow drunk drivers to use it. For that you can get a fine of 1000 rubles.

How to correctly move a cyclist

For the driver of light non-motorized vehicles, there are driving features in which he can feel like a full participant in the movement, be safe himself and not endanger other people. What is needed for this, in addition to compliance with traffic rules:

  • Do not let cars out of sight, even if they are standing. The latter must be bypassed so that the suddenly opened door does not hit.
  • Remember that pedestrians are also road users. If a cyclist rides along the edge of the carriageway or along the side of the road, he must let the person crossing the road.
  • When driving on the sidewalk (for example, with a child who cannot move on the carriageway), you need to take care of the safety of pedestrians. That is, observe the speed limit, the rules, give in, slow down, if necessary. And if it is impossible to drive on the sidewalk without interfering with pedestrians, you need to get off the vehicle and drive it alongside.
  • If a cyclist moves on the carriageway, he must listen to traffic signals at a regulated intersection. Otherwise, you need to be guided by the same rules that exist for cars (give in if you are driving on a secondary road, etc.).
  • In this article, a vehicle should be understood as a motor vehicle with a working volume of an internal combustion engine of more than 50 cubic centimeters or a maximum electric motor power of more than 4 kilowatts and a maximum design speed of more than 50 kilometers per hour, as well as trailers to it, subject to state registration, and in others Articles of this chapter also tractors, self-propelled road-building and other self-propelled vehicles, vehicles for the management of which ... a special right is granted.

    That is, most of the articles of the Code do not apply to cyclists, since they do not need a license to operate equipment. But this does not mean that the driver of a non-motorized vehicle will remain unpunished in the event of a traffic violation. After all, there is part 2 of article 12.29 of the Administrative Code:

    Violation of the Rules of the road by a person driving a bicycle ... shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of eight hundred rubles.

    If the offense was committed while drunk, part 3 of the same article works:

    Violation of the traffic rules by persons specified in part 2 of this article, committed in a state of intoxication, shall entail the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of one thousand to one thousand five hundred rubles.

    There are more and more bicycles on the roads, especially popular among teenagers. The number of accidents with their participation is also growing. This number can be reduced only by observing the rules by drivers of all types of transport. But this applies to cyclists to a greater extent, since the level of their protection is incomparable with motorists.

    Useful video

    Watch this video about traffic rules for cyclists:

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Cyclists - full participants road traffic in the sense that they have their own rights (and responsibilities), allowing them to use roads and sidewalks in certain cases. Nevertheless, traffic rules are often a rather ambiguous legal act, sometimes contradictory. Therefore, let's look at a practical (law enforcement) point of view about traffic rules and fines for cyclists in a question and answer format!

Is a bicycle a vehicle?

Yes. By the very definition of a bicycle, it is a vehicle. But it should not be confused with mechanical vehicles. The latter is driven by an engine.

But it's not that simple. And the bike can also move due to the motor. But in order for it not to go under the definition of mechanical vehicles, but to remain in the proud title of "Bicycle", the engine on it, according to traffic rules in 2019, must meet 3 criteria:

  1. it should only be an electric motor,
  2. its power should be no more than 0.25 kW (~ 0.34 hp),
  3. He must automatically disconnect at a speed of 25 km / h or more.

The cyclist is also the driver. This status is given to him by the definition of a driver - any person driving a vehicle.

Where can I go?

This is a rather complex and conventional subtlety. The fact is that for cyclists, according to the Rules, as many as 7 different formal traffic zones are allowed, depending on the age and organization of traffic on a given site.

Therefore, first we suggest that you find out where you can go specifically in your case, interactively answering a few simple questions.

Where can I go? Quick test

What is your age?

Under 7 years old? 7-14 years old? Over 14 years old?

Are you transporting a child under 7 years old or accompanying a child under 14 years old ??

Not really

Is there a cycle path, cycle path or lane for cyclists on this section of the road and is it possible to move along them?

Not really

Is there a carriageway on this section of the road, along which it is possible to ride on the right edge, you are driving outside the cycle convoy, and the width of your bike is no more than 1 meter?

Yes, all conditions are metAt least 1 condition is not met

Is there a shoulder in this section of the road and is it possible to move along it?

Not really

You can ride bike paths, sidewalks, pedestrian zones of your choice.

Pass again

You can ride bike paths, bike paths, sidewalks, footpath, in the pedestrian zone of your choice.

Pass again

You can only drive on sidewalks and pedestrian areas.

Pass again

You must use a cycle path, cycle path, or cyclist lane.

Pass again

You must drive on the right side of the carriageway. At the same time, you cannot turn left and turn around if there is more than one lane in your direction or there are tram tracks.

Pass again

You must move on the side of the road without interfering with pedestrians and when creating such interference or danger to the movement of pedestrians while dismounting.

Pass again

You can drive on sidewalks or pedestrian areas without interfering with pedestrians and while dismounting or disrupting pedestrian traffic.

Pass again

Let's now take a look at where you can ride a bike depending on your age.

Over 14 years old

  • On bike paths and bike paths or a cyclist lane of your choice in any case, if any,
  • on the right side of the carriageway:
    • if there are no above zones or for one reason or another (objective) reasons it is impossible to go for them,
    • if the width of your bike is more than 1 m (including with a load),
    • if you are traveling in a bicycle convoy,
  • on the side of the road, if there are no special paths or a lane for cyclists, and it is impossible or impossible to drive along the right edge of the carriageway (note, the side of the road is not a carriageway); at the same time, you must not interfere with pedestrians (they have an advantage on the side of the road),
  • on the sidewalk or pedestrian zone, if all of the above is absent or it is not possible to drive on them - that is, in fact, this item allows you to drive through pedestrian parks, alleys, etc .; or if you are transporting a child under 7 years old or riding with a cyclist under 14 years old (clause 24.2 of the Rules).

The lane for cyclists is separated from the rest of the road by a solid line and marked with the following markings:

And / or with this sign:

7-14 years old

  • On bike paths
  • on bike paths,
  • on the sidewalk,
  • on the footpath,
  • on the pedestrian zone.

Any of the following for your choice.

Under 7 years old

  • On bike paths
  • on the sidewalk,
  • on the pedestrian zone.

Any of the above.

Where do I need to dismount?

There are a number of areas where you must dismount, but there are few of them:

  • while crossing a pedestrian crossing, if you count on the fact that drivers will be obliged to give way to you (they are obliged to give way only to pedestrians (clause 24.8 of the SDA), and in the event of an accident, the fault will fall on you),
  • in pedestrian zones (parks), on pedestrian paths, sidewalks or the sidewalk, if only you interfere with pedestrians or they are endangered (clause 24.6 of the SDA).

How far should car drivers stay from me?

Safe. Alas, the clear boundaries of the traffic rules of 2019 are not regulated either with respect to the lateral interval or with respect to the distance.

Earlier, there was an attempt to develop a new law introducing a clause into the Rules that would oblige drivers to keep the lateral distance from the cyclist equal to 1 meter, but it was not adopted.

Today, the safety of the distance and the interval is precedent - that is, until an accident occurs, the distances are considered safe.

Can I ride on the bus lane?

You can. The very description of road sign 5.11 allows cyclists to move along it:

But you yourself are not obliged to transfer practically anything for verification. Alas, this is so (and this is a big minus). Rights and other typical automobile documents must be submitted for verification only to drivers of mechanical vehicles (clause 2.1.1 of the SDA). But the inspector can check the civil passport of a cyclist as a citizen, and only if the first violation of traffic rules is committed or to involve him as a witness or attesting witness (clause 107 of the Administrative Regulations of the Ministry of Internal Affairs).

By the way, the reasons for stopping and checking documents are the same as for motorists.

The employee wants to check the bike frame number - is he entitled?

It has. These are direct duties assigned to the inspector. He can verify the numbers (clause 107 of the regulations) within the framework of orientations and special events, for which he is not obliged to present the relevant documents to you (but should not interfere with the opportunity to get acquainted with them - they can be at the traffic police post, in the unit, or even be oral) - however, everything is like that of motorists.

What is prohibited for cyclists according to traffic rules?

So, in addition to the prohibited sections of the road for traffic under certain conditions, in general cases, cyclists are also prohibited:

This article will look at the rules of the road for cyclists. Every year the number of cyclists in our country is increasing, this means of transportation is becoming more and more popular, although Russia is still far from Asian countries.

Any driver of a vehicle is obliged to comply with all rules of conduct on the road. And the cyclist is no exception. He is exactly the same participant in the road traffic as motorists.

A citizen driving a bicycle drives a vehicle, thus, he is entrusted with most of the rights and obligations similar to the rights and obligations of car drivers and the cyclist must ride in the direction of traffic (in the same direction)... If he carries a bicycle next to him, he becomes a pedestrian and when driving on the carriageway must move in the opposite direction of traffic.

Age groups

Let's find out from how many years you can become a full-fledged cyclist. Traffic rules for cyclists are differentiated depending on age. By age, cyclists are divided into 3 groups, 2 groups of children and 1 group of adults:

  1. Age category up to 6 years old inclusive.
  2. Age category under 15 years old, but over 6 years old.
  3. Adults (from 15 years old).

General prohibitions

Other prohibitions for cyclists:

  • Hands-free steering
  • Bring children 6 years old and younger with you without the presence of special places equipped on a bicycle
  • Carriage of passengers without the availability of special places equipped on a bicycle
  • Transportation of oversized cargo (protruding more than 50 centimeters beyond the dimensions of the bike)
  • Carrying cargo that interferes with management
  • It is forbidden to tow a defective bike or tow it by the bike itself.
  • It is forbidden to move towards the traffic flow
  • Traveling on the highway without a special helmet on your head
  • Using a mobile phone without using a headset
  • Driving on motorways (marked with an appropriate sign)
  • Drive your vehicle while intoxicated or hand it over to a person in such a state

Where according to the rules you can ride a bike

For a child 6 years old and younger:

  • Allowed to move on all sidewalks
  • Likewise, it is allowed to move along pedestrian paths.
  • Likewise on bike paths
  • The same is allowed to do in pedestrian areas.

Please note that cyclists under 7 years old are only allowed to move in areas where pedestrian traffic is allowed. This is to ensure the safety of the child.

All cyclists are prohibited from traveling on some parts of the road. Where exactly movement is not permitted:

  • Cycling on pedestrian crossings. It will be correct to leave the bike and, becoming a pedestrian, calmly cross to the other side of the street
  • Turn left or make a U-turn on roads that have tram lines or have 2 or more lanes for traffic in this direction

Cyclists from 7 to 14 years old are allowed to ride:

  • On all the same road sections as the previous age category
  • Additionally, a bike path is added
  • One of the most recent introductions to traffic rules regarding cyclists was the introduction of special lanes on the road, intended exclusively for the movement of cyclists (by analogy with the lane for route vehicles).

The rights of this age category are slightly expanded, but also quite limited for their safety.

The prospective cyclist is obliged to check the performance of his bike before the ride. Subsequently, in motion, it is also necessary to keep it in working order.

It is forbidden to drive a defective bike, namely:

  • with an inoperative steering wheel
  • with inoperative brakes, that is, it is strictly forbidden to replace the brakes with your feet.

If this is a cyclist over 14 years old, where can he move around:

  • Similar sites as for previous age categories
  • Along the carriageway from the right edge. Traffic is permitted here only if there are no designated lanes for cyclists.
  • On the side of the road. It is allowed to move along this part of the road only if it is not possible to drive on the road and there are no special paths for cyclists.
  • On a footpath or sidewalk. Traffic is allowed here only if the above lanes are completely absent. Or if you are transporting a child under 7 years old or accompanying a child under 14 years old.
  • Along a dedicated lane for route transport. Only when installing the appropriate signs indicating the allocated lane. In this case, there should be no prohibitory signs (for example, "brick").

We would like to emphasize that it is allowed to drive on the carriageway only at the onset of 15 years of age.

How to move correctly

At the same time, if a cyclist interferes with the movement of other persons when driving in places intended for pedestrians, he must become a pedestrian.

When cyclists move from the right side of the road, the risk of an accident increases and the cyclist must clearly understand how he should move, therefore, in this case, certain requirements are also put forward, namely:

  • Allowed to move in one row
  • An organized column of cyclists is allowed to move in two parallel rows, if the total width of the column is not more than 75 centimeters
  • A maximum of 10 cyclists are allowed to move in each row of the column.
  • The distance between the columns is not less than 80-100 meters
  • The width of the bike together with the load should not be more than 100 centimeters

It should be especially emphasized that pedestrian crossings are intended only for pedestrians and motorists have an advantage on them over cyclists moving on them.

Light and sound signals

The cyclist is also obliged to:

  • observe all traffic signals
  • observe the so-called "right hand" rule
  • use lighting devices (special headlights, lanterns) in the dark. Thus, traffic at night with only reflectors is prohibited.
  • use sound signal when moving through an area with limited visibility due to existing interference or low light (tunnel)
    Setting up a custom ringer is optional, but recommended.

When making any maneuvering on the road, the cyclist must be given appropriate signals. Here he is no different from the driver of the car. Cyclist signals on the road must be understandable to other road users. Signals should be given by hand:

  • When stopping, you must raise your hand up
  • Turning to the left or turning around - indicate the direction by extending the left hand
  • Turning to the right - the signal is similarly made only with the right hand

In the event of road traffic accidents, the cyclist is prohibited from:

  • Leave the scene
  • Change location move bike

You should also know that the cyclist is subject to fines in the amount of 1000-1500 rubles for the corresponding violations of traffic rules.

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