Yoga for beginners belly and waist. Real ways to lose weight belly with yoga without tormenting the back and tearing the neck

Tucked up belly it is no coincidence that it is a symbol of beauty and health modern man... The fat accumulated in this problematic part goes away last, and only as a result of a radical revision of the diet and stubborn exercise.

Regular yoga therapy to stretch and strengthen the abdominal muscles will improve metabolism, help clear the belly and consolidate the results.

Yoga exercises for the abdomen, in addition to the necessary level of stretching of the muscles, involve mastery breathing technique... Moderation and increasing the proportion of fresh plant foods in the diet is another prerequisite for successful exercise.

Among the many asanas described in popular literature, you can easily choose an individual set of exercises, with regular performance of which the results will be felt already in the second month.

When practicing, you need to adhere to the following rules:

  • He is attentive to contraindications, and consult a doctor when choosing a complex of asanas. As a rule, their implementation is not recommended during pregnancy, acute stages of disease internal organs and the spine;
  • Exercise daily, without passes;
  • Begin classes on an empty stomach, at least 3 hours after eating;
  • Drink 1-1.5 liters of water per day;
  • Do a warm-up out of simple exercises to warm up the muscles;
  • Exercise in your comfort zone, avoiding pain and dizziness;
  • Start the practice with 5-10 minutes, gradually increasing repetitions and mastering new types of asanas;
  • Repeat each pose from 3 to 5 times, with small (up to a minute) breaks;

Bhunjangasana, or the pose of the cobra

This is one of the most famous asanas for abdominal and improve posture.

The asana is performed from a prone position with straight legs closed. The feet should be extended, the elbows are pressed to the body, the palms are located under the shoulders. The head is down, the forehead touches the floor.

While inhaling: slowly pull back your head and shoulders until it stops, then only gradually straightening your arms to raise your torso to the maximum, in this position try to bend your back even more, pulling your head back and pulling your chin forward to feel tension back muscles neck, while the shoulders should be turned back.

The position should be held until discomfort appears. If you do not have enough breathing, you can exhale while lifting the torso on the arms, then inhale in the position of the raised torso. The exercise should be performed using trunk muscles, the hands are only an auxiliary role. During execution, the pubic area should remain pressed against the floor.

For beginners, to develop the flexibility of the spine and achieve full straightening of the arms, you will need to practice in the Sphinx position. Complicated versions of the cobra pose are performed with the feet crosswise and turning the body left and right at the maximum point of tension.

In the final phase, the movement goes to reverse order: the neck is straightened, the trunk is lowered by a gradual bending of the arms.

Dhanurasana, or bow pose

This asana, like the previous one, is aimed at the spine and abdominals.

The execution begins lying on your stomach, the knees are bent, the heels are pulled up to the buttocks, the ankles must be grabbed with the hands, the chin must be lowered to the floor.

On inhalation, the legs are unbent in the back-up direction, while you need to shine your knees and raise your torso at the same time, while keeping your head back. Thus, the body bends in an arc, like a stretched bow.

At correct execution, arms are straightened, the pelvic region is torn off the floor. It is necessary to hold the asana for as long as possible, performing several swings on the stomach. Muscle tension is concentrated in the legs, and the upper body is as relaxed as possible.

Navasana or boat pose

This exercise strengthens the abs and hamstrings, and the muscles will have to work hard to hold.

You need to lie on your back and raise your straightened and closed legs above the floor to the maximum possible height, while simultaneously raising your torso with your arms extended forward, trying to touch your feet.

A lighter option is to grip the shins with the hands. This position should be held for at least a count of 10.

Kubhakasana, or plank

This asana, which strengthens almost all the muscles in the body, does not require much stretching and is therefore especially suitable for beginners to practice on a daily basis. There are two main variants of this exercise: classical and complicated, which involves supporting a straight torso on the palms of straightened arms and toes.

With a simplified version, emphasis is placed on the forearms at a right angle. There are also variations of the exercise with emphasis on the knees or on the palms of the bent arms.

Starting position as in push-ups: emphasis on the knees, straightened arms - strictly along the line of the shoulders. Then the legs are straightened, the spine is pulled into line. Alternating tension and relaxation of the press on inhalation and exhalation, you need to keep the bar as long as possible.

Another more complicated type of exercise is a one-arm plank. The rise with stretching the body in a straight line is performed from a lying position on its side, the rib of the foot and the palm become the points of support, the legs are straightened, the free arm is at the waist.

Pavanamuktasana, or wind release pose

This yoga exercise stimulates the stomach and intestines and aids digestion, relieving heartburn, constipation and gas.

Before starting the asana, you need to lie on your back and take a deep breath, then perform the first phase while inhaling: grab the bent right knee with your hands and press the thigh to the body, holding this position for 60-90 seconds with deep breathing. In this case, you need to ensure that the pelvis does not come off the floor. Repeat with the left leg, and then with both legs.

Nauli, or wave

This special technique of "shaking the abdomen", which involves compressing the oblique transverse and rectus abdominal muscles, will require careful study of performance techniques and contraindications, as well as patience and time.

Self-massage of internal organs during the practice of nauli not only burns fat, but also creates a special metabolic regime based on moderation in food consumption and cleansing the body.

On initial stage mastering the retraction of the abdomen into sitting position, or standing on bent legs. Immediately before muscle tension, a deep breath is taken and a sharp exhalation is made, then the abdomen is pulled in with a tilt of the head. This position should be held for 10 to 20 seconds, then repeat the approach up to 3 times. The exercise should be done in the morning on an empty stomach.

When done regularly, this introduction to the most complex nauli complex, combined with other yoga exercises, will help shape flat belly... Further development of deep self-massage techniques depends on the desire and state of health.

Photo of yoga for the abdomen

Contrary to what the ads say, there is no "secret way" for a flat and thin belly. Losing belly fat and restoring skin firmness requires keeping your distance from the kitchen and doing exercises that don't require special equipment. A complex will help your belly lose weight daily exercise yoga. You will be surprised how quickly your belly becomes flat, firm, firm.

Yoga asanas have been known for thousands of years. They help in the fight against flatulence, because they improve digestion, cleanse the body of toxins. In addition to the appearance of our body, by practicing yoga, we improve our internal state. Some asanas stimulate peristalsis, promoting the release of excess gas and improving the condition. Make sure for yourself that the asanas will help you if you want to have a slimmer belly. It should be borne in mind that some asanas are more advanced than others.

Before starting any exercise program, you must assess your ability. Start with the simplest asanas, watch them on video or consult with an experienced instructor.

Warm up before training

Before loading the muscles and doing yoga exercises for losing weight on the abdomen and sides, you need to devote a few minutes to a warm-up, consisting mainly of bends, circular movements hips and torso turns.

When starting the following exercises without properly warming up the muscles of the trunk,lateryou can feel delayed muscle pain.

It is also important to calculate the intensity of the load to the strength of the muscles. If you do yoga for weight loss of the abdomen and sides only on holidays and do not do other exercises, the abdominal muscles will recover slowly, so it is easy to overexert them. With a moderate load, the most safe way fulfill following exercises once every three days.


The asana requires good coordination and strong hands and shoulders. This is an effective yoga for weight loss of the abdomen and sides.

  1. Sit in the lotus position. Interlace your legs tightly, move your knees closer to your body.
  2. Place the palms of your hands on either side of your thighs, fingers facing forward.
  3. Lift your buttocks off the floor while straightening your arms. Press your knees as close to your chest as possible. Stay in the position for 2-3 minutes, and then lower yourself to the starting position and exhale.
  4. Another version of the Talasana asana is to raise the legs forward.
  5. Take the lotus position. Raise your straight legs to chest height and cross them at the ankles.
  6. Raise your arms up, keep your back straight.
  7. Return to Padmasana Pose.


  1. Lie on your back. Bend your knees.
  2. Press your legs bent at the knees with your hands to your chest so that the hips touch the abdomen.
  3. Raise your head up and touch your knees with your nose.
  4. Take a deep breath and hold your breath in this position for 30 seconds. Slowly lower your head and legs.

Exercise can be done with one bent leg... The other leg should be straight with the toes pointing towards the head.

Sphinx or cobra position (Bhunjangasana)

The position increases blood circulation and restores the muscles of the abdomen and thighs, optimizes the work of all departments, stretches the feet, stimulates the adrenal glands and has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland.

  1. Lie on your stomach. The arms are bent at the elbows. The forearms are parallel to each other. Put them on the floor. Put your hands from the elbow to the hand on the mat, palms down.
  2. Using your back muscles, lift upper part body from the floor, straightening the arms at the elbows. Try not to push it with your hands, but simply lift it using your back muscles.
  3. Hold this position for 30 seconds, then take the starting position.

Asana is similar to bhunjangasana, but more advanced. It stimulates the entire body as a whole, strengthens the abdominal muscles, helps to correct the stoop of the back and shoulders, and has a beneficial effect on the reproductive system of women.

  1. Lie on your stomach and lift your calves up, bending them at the knees. Legs together.
  2. Place your hands behind your head. Grasp both ankles with your hands, pull them up, lifting your hips off the floor.
  3. In this position, you only need to touch the floor with the pubic bone and abdomen. The body should be curved in a circle.
  4. During the asana, the legs are together. Hold in the position for 20-30 seconds and take the starting position.

Pashchimottanasana position

Practicing the asana is less difficult than it is pronounced. It requires a little flexibility and therefore, before moving on to its practice, do the previous asanas.

  1. Lie on your back. Legs are straight. The arms are extended above the head. All together form one straight line from head to toes.
  2. Raise your palms to the ceiling and join your hands together.
  3. Tighten your abdominal muscles. Lift up, trying to keep your back straight and your joined arms above your head.
  4. Lean forward and wrap your hands around your toes.
  5. Keeping your back straight, touch your head with your knees.
  6. Hold the position for 1.5-2 minutes and get out of it.

Sarvangasan's position

  1. Lie on a flat surface.
  2. Bring your legs together, bend at the knees and lift up.
  3. Support your buttocks with your hands so that you remain upright.
  4. Support your shoulders, and lower your legs on your head as low as possible - the spine in this position should be completely straight.
  5. Hold the position for three minutes.
  6. Raise your straight legs up and stay in this position for five minutes.
  7. Slowly support your shoulders and lower your feet to the floor.


Yoga is good for everything. They soothe, relieve stress, and improve the functioning of the body, giving an attractive shape to the silhouette.

Along with these belly fat reducing yoga poses, you should also stick to healthy eating and make sure your body is getting enough sleep, as studies have shown that insomnia has a negative effect on body fat in the abdomen.

Now there are a huge number of people whose conversations and thoughts revolve only around, how much they have excess weight and how to start losing weight after all if nothing works. I tried every possible diet, read every body article 5 times, and watched every workout video. You know what? None of this worked! But I am glad that this happened, because in despair I turned to yoga and asanas. And yes, I have lost a lot of excess weight.

Many people wonder if yoga helps you lose weight ...

But how rightly they say about yoga,

Is it possible to lose weight with yoga? Of course! Let's talk in this article about those asanas that will help you tighten your body and lose weight.

If you have no experience and you do not know where to start and how to do it correctly, we have just pictures with names and descriptions of the execution technique.

Facial Slimming Yoga Exercises (about 2 minutes)

1. Simhasana

Also- lion pose

Operating principle

This asana is known to tone the muscles of the face. This is a basic and simple pose and therefore can be done by anyone regardless of age. When you strike lion pose and stick out your tongue, your facial muscles, along with your ribcage and spine, stretch. If you need to remove the double chin, then this is the perfect asana for you.

Precautionary measures

There are no potential risks. If you have any unpleasant sensations in this position, then you can move to a chair to perform it.

2. Jalandhara Bandha

Principle of operation

This is one of the most demanded asanas for beginners. You need to press your chin to your chest, between your collarbones, holding your breath. This yoga pose also works to sharpen the jawline.

Precautionary measures

If you have trouble breathing, do this asana under the supervision of a certified yoga instructor. Don't try it if you have high blood pressure or heart problems.

A set of yoga exercises for weight loss of the arms (about 5-6 minutes)

3. Adho Mukha Svanasana

Also- dog face down

Operating principle

This is the so-called "weight" pose. You need to shift your upper body weight onto your arms. it great way tighten the muscles of the arms and biceps.

Precautionary measures

Do not do this asana if you have carpal tunnel syndrome.

4. Chaturanga-Dandasana

Also- the pose of the staff on four supports, the pose of the lowered bar

Operating principle

This pose requires you to be lifted off the ground, supporting your body in your arms and contracting your core muscles. It not only tones the arms, but also strengthens and tones your biceps and triceps. This asana can be performed even at home for effective weight loss.

Precautionary measures

Do not try this pose if you are a beginner or if you have a shoulder or hip injury. Instead, work with a certified yoga instructor who can help you with the variations.

5. Ardha Pincha Mayurasana

Also- dolphin pose

Principle of operation

Your arms will form the basis for balance of your entire upper body as you try to “stay afloat”. to hold balance. This pose helps to strengthen and tone the biceps, triceps, and arms.

Precautionary measures

This is a simple asana that everyone can do. However, you need to be careful if you have neck or shoulder injuries.

6. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

Also- upward-facing dog pose

Operating principle

Yoga at home is an interesting and rewarding pastime. And this asana is one of the most powerful and effective for toning your arms, biceps and triceps. It involves stretching the muscles of the arms and balancing body weight, and can even be done at home.

Precautionary measures

It is better to avoid this asana if you have had severe injuries neck or shoulder.

Shoulder and upper back slimming asanas (approximately 4-6 minutes)

7. Bharadvajasana

Also- twisting Bharadwaja

Operating principle

The asana involves only a deep turn, so the difficulty level is quite average. Everyone can easily master it with practice. This pose improves the natural flexibility of the upper body and also helps tone the shoulder blade area.

Precautionary measures

8. Ardha Matsyendrasana

Principle of operation

This pose requires the simultaneous movement of the shoulders, neck, and spine. An intense twist (one side at a time) helps in toning the sides, upper body and also the abdominal muscles.

Precautionary measures

Do not try it if you have a headache, insomnia, or menstruation.

Yoga poses for slimming the abdomen and diaphragm (about 5-7 minutes)

9. Naukasana

Also- boat pose

Operating principle

Draw a parallel with the boat as you do this asana. It works the same way, and the diaphragm zone becomes the base for balancing the body. If You Can't Lose That Stubborn Fat, Here's What Will Give You visible results... it big step on the way to a flat and toned tummy.

Precautionary measures

Do not perform this asana if you are suffering from insomnia, hernias, or spinal injuries.

10. Pose Matsyasana

Also- fish pose

Operating principle

It's all about stretching your lower body, i.e. thighs, intestines, and abdominal muscles. All asanas, which involve twisting and stretching, help in burning excess fat stored in the most famous and “problem” places, such as the abdomen and thighs.

Precautionary measures

It is best to avoid this asana if you have high blood pressure, hernia or migraine, or menstruation.

11. Anantasana

Also- Vishnu pose

Operating principle

This pose tones and strengthens the abdominal muscles. The focus shifts to both sides of the body as you stretch. This asana also improves blood circulation and digestion.

Precautionary measures

If you experience any discomfort, consult your doctor before performing this asana.

12. Bhujangasana

Also- cobra pose

Principle of operation

The main pose in Surya Namaskar is an elegant asana that works on the upper body. It gives your abdominal muscles excellent stretch and acts as a catalyst to burn unwanted fat.

Precautionary measures

Do not try this asana if you are pregnant or have a hernia.

For thighs (about 6-8 minutes)

13. Baddha Konasana

Also- butterfly pose

Operating principle

This asana works on the inner and outer thighs. An interesting variation on this pose is to move your legs to mimic the flapping of a butterfly's wings - this is the reason it is also called Butterfly Pose. This pose is very good for relaxing your legs.

14. Malasana

Also- garland pose

Operating principle

The most suitable position for those who are sitting all day. It stretches the thighs, groin and thigh muscles. Also improves flexibility and tones the inner / outer thighs.

15. Anjaneyasana

Also- pose of a low lunge forward

Operating principle

How to lose weight with yoga? Just! And this pose will help you. It stretches the legs, hamstrings, and thighs, thereby helping to tone the muscles from the thighs to the ankles. It also releases tension and makes you more flexible.

16. Ardha bhekasana

Also- half frog pose

Operating principle

The half frog pose is one of the most challenging, but it will give you wonderful results. It stretches and strengthens the thighs, quads, and hamstrings. You will feel refreshed as it also stimulates blood circulation.

Precautionary measures

It is best to avoid this asana if you have neck, shoulder or lower back pain. It's also a good idea to take a lesson from a yoga instructor before doing it yourself.

Home slimming asanas for calves, calves and hamstrings

17. Padangusthasana

Also- tilt pose with grabbing the toes

Operating principle

A pose that fully stretches the hamstrings and tones the calf muscles. It strengthens your hips, legs and back while stimulating kidney and liver function.

Precautionary measures

This is one of the most basic poses and can be done by anyone. However, beginners will need several practical training before they can stretch completely to their full amplitude.

18. Parsvottanasana

Also- pyramid pose

Principle of operation

It is also called the Intense Lateral Traction Pose because it involves deep stretching on both sides of the body. This asana strengthens the quadriceps, calf muscles and hamstrings. It also very effectively strengthens and tones the leg muscles.

Precautionary measures

19. Virabhadrasana 2

Also- warrior pose 2

Operating principle

This is a pose that will help you build endurance by stretching all your leg muscles. This is the second level of the warrior pose and comes with many benefits beyond just toning and strengthening your legs.

Precautionary measures

Avoid this asana if you have chronic knee pain, arthritis, high blood pressure, or diarrhea.

20. Upavishta Konasana

Also- tilt from a sitting position with legs wide apart

Operating principle

This pose resembles a twine, and differs only in a forward bend. Deep stretching releases tension in the muscles of the trunk and hip joint, tones the thighs.

Precautionary measures

This is an advanced pose, but it doesn't have any potential risks. However, if you have lower back pain, place a soft pillow or blanket under your torso.

Yoga at home for slimming the buttocks (about 5-6 minutes)

21. Garudasana

Also- eagle pose

Operating principle

Eagle Pose is a "curling" pose that works your hips, legs, and arms, pushing your torso out of your body. Balancing moment helps you find balance and, in the process, strengthens your heart and thigh muscles. Is it possible to lose weight by doing yoga? Of course! And this pose is your main assistant.

Precautionary measures

Avoid this asana if you have pain in your knees, shoulders, or ankle joints... Also, check with your doctor if you are pregnant.

22. Ananda balasana

Also- happy child pose

Operating principle

While doing yoga, you will naturally lose weight, but this position is one of the best for this purpose as it stretches the entire lower body. The focus is on the femur as it runs perpendicular to the floor. The inner thighs, groin, and hamstrings are also strengthened in the process.

Precautionary measures

Avoid this asana if you are pregnant or menstruating.

23. Rajakapotasana

Also- dove pose

Operating principle

Severe stretching of the legs, spine and chest strengthens the thigh muscles. In this asana, the whole body is in front, and the hip joint is the only part of the body that is left behind.

Precautionary measures

This asana is fundamental and seems impossible, so it is best to do it under the supervision of a certified instructor, especially if your stretching is not very good.

24. Supta Baddha Konasana

Also- posture of an angle with a deviation back

Operating principle

This asana stretches the hips, and also works out pointwise interior thighs. The balancing moment of keeping the legs connected while pressing the fingers together helps to stimulate the muscles of the hip joint. This is a very relaxing asana - it relieves all tension in the muscles of the thighs.

Precautionary measures

Refrain from this asana if you have back pain or injuries to your knee or groin.

Have you ever thought that doing yoga can help you lose weight? Yoga is not a religion; it is the lifestyle that you are going to adopt. For life. It improves your mental and physical immunity. But always remember that yoga is not just gymnastics, but a full-fledged sport, so expert advice is required.

So, good luck on your journey through the yoga world!

Waist and hips, many are beginning to doubt their results. It's amazing what you can do without running to exhaustion in the stadium, or without exhausting yourself for hours in. However, this is the case. The fact is that in yoga classes, not only the body is trained, but also the brain along with.

Did you know? In 2005, studies by Alan Crystal and scientists from the Cancer Research Center, during which 15.5 thousand people were examined, showed that people with overweight who did yoga for at least 30 minutes once a week for 4 years lost weight; and those whose weight was normal did not gain weight.

Although science has not yet sufficiently studied the relationship between yoga and, the fact remains: the result is. It is possible that the inner harmony of a person, his psychological health contributes to the improvement of metabolism and destroys the connection between mental instability and food consumption.

In other words, yoga can be used for weight loss, flat stomach and thin waist, because:

  • Yoga allows a person to relax, free his thoughts from constant worries and problems, the body and mind become one whole, balanced, so metabolic processes in the body are normalized.
  • Yoga makes it possible to improve the functioning of internal organs. Various postures make you better tense the muscles around the internal organs, stimulate blood circulation, work, tendons, joints, and the digestive system. As a result, various harmful substances are removed from the body, and the metabolism improves.
  • Yoga classes include more than physical training but also mental. Yoga teaches distraction from everyday problems that cause a person to feel a sense of lack of happiness. In an effort to regain it, the brain forces a person to fill the void with pleasure. Freeing itself from the negative, the body ceases to need to muffle them with food.


It is better to refuse yoga classes if you have:

  • Mental illness.
  • Damage to the heart muscles (diseases that cause changes in them).
  • Infection of the motor system.
  • skull, brain, spine.
  • Central nervous system infection.
  • Cancer tumors.
  • Stones in the gallbladder.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Peptic ulcer, acute gastritis.
  • Inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs.
  • High or low temperature.
  • Feeling unwell, you are very tired, have been doing a heavy physical work, ate well.
  • After surgical interventions.
  • Less than 6 hours after the sauna or less than 4 hours before.

The presence of various diseases does not mean that yoga should be abandoned altogether. It's just that such people are contraindicated. intense workouts, a modern yoga offers a lot different options that do not require the performance of rigid asanas.

Important! During menstruation, it is better to reduce the intensity of training, do not strain the abdominal muscles, and do not bend too much. In case of soreness or excessive discharge, it is better to stop exercising.

What yoga is better and more effective for overweight

Choosing a type of yoga - difficult task and it is best to focus on your own preferences: whether you like to move, or not really, you want to relieve tension, reveal your inner energy, like to practice alone or with a company. You should also consider whether you are new to yoga, whether you have health problems.
Basically, people looking to lose weight choose:

  • - ancient species yoga, aimed at relieving tension, focusing, balancing and breathing, the work of internal organs. Suitable for people with diseases of the musculoskeletal system.
  • - in this type of yoga, asanas (postures) are performed slowly, using different types supports.
  • Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga- Hatha yogas are performed without stopping, coherently, this technique is called vinyasa. The effectiveness of the exercise depends on proper breathing.
Any type of yoga can contribute to weight loss, they all contain asanas for training the abdomen and sides, the main thing is to observe the technique of execution and regularity of training, doing less, but more often. Sometimes, in order to make the final choice, you need to try different types yoga.

Did you know? In an interview, Madonna stated that she experienced a real addiction to yoga, doing it 7 days a week. According to the singer, she became so flexible that she could perform at Cirque du Solei.

Preparing for class at home

Before starting the exercises, you need to prepare:

  1. Choose a time and place for classes.
  2. Cook free.
  3. Review the instructions for doing the exercises.
  4. Ventilate the room, but not until frosty.
  5. Remove jewelry.
  6. Prepare the rug.
  7. Do not eat.
Do not visualize your future appearance- this leads to a denial of the current look and does not allow for pleasure.

Warm-up - we perform self-massage

It is important for exercise that unheated muscles will not be able to stretch properly and may be injured. To knead before yoga, you must:

  1. Knead palms, fingers, brushes.
  2. Rub the neck.
  3. Massage your head with your fingertips.
  4. Squeeze your ears.
  5. Rotate the neck.
  6. Rotate the joints of the hands.
  7. Stretch the muscles of the arms, folding them behind the back in a lock.
  8. Stretch out with your whole body.
  9. Rotate the joints of the legs.
  10. Rotate the pelvis.

Weight Loss Yoga for Beginners - 15 minutes a day

For those who value their time, we offer yoga exercises for a flat stomach, designed for 15 minutes a day, and providing a smooth transition from one asana to another, that is, vinyasa (flow), and calm breathing.

  • Pose. Stand freely, do not strain, keep your hands below. Inhaling, throw your arms up; exhaling, lean forward and press your palms to the floor, you can slightly bend your legs. Inhaling, lift your head up, directing your gaze to the ceiling (you can just forward). Exhaling, tilt your head and jump back (you can just put your legs back one by one). Do not relax or bend your arms, legs, or torso. With your palms and toes buried in the floor, spread your arms and legs shoulder-width apart. This exercise will remind you of a push-up when you just climbed up, pushing up from the floor. Fix the position, tighten the muscles, breathing is calm. Mentally fix on the abdominal muscles, imagine how they are tense. This is the starting position for the following exercises.

  • While still in the outgoing position, move left hand close to the right, lean on it, exhaling, throw right hand up, rotating the torso along with the legs behind her so that she finds herself on her side. The emphasis is on the left palm and the edge of the left foot. The head is pointing up, look at the fingers of the right hand, the back is straight, slowly extend it. Fix the position, breathing is calm. Fix mentally on the muscles of the abdomen and hips. Exhaling, return to the starting position and do the exercise, resting on your right hand, and again turn back to the starting position.

  • Staff Pose (Chaturanga Dandasana). From the upright position, bend your elbows, keeping a right angle, and go down to the floor without touching it with anything other than your palms and toes. The body and head are stretched out in line, nothing bends anywhere, the elbows are pressed to the body, the shoulders are laid back, the head is in line with the body, the gaze is directed to the floor or in front of you. It will be as if you are pushing up and sank down. Commit the state. Breathe evenly, aim your thoughts at the muscles of the abdomen and hips. Exhaling, straighten your arms as you rise and resume the starting position.

  • Inhaling, bend your arms into elbow joint, press your forearms to the floor (part of the hand between the elbow and the wrist), place your palms on the floor. Keep your torso straight, do not bend, pull your shoulders back, rest your toes on the floor, look down or straight with your eyes, direct your head straight, breathe slowly. Fix the position, mentally aim at the muscles of the abdomen and hips. Exhaling, resume the starting position (spread your arms).

  • Boat pose (Navasana). While in the outgoing state of the plank pose, exhaling, move your legs one at a time, putting them between the hands, and push your buttocks up. So you will find yourself in the position from which at the very beginning of the workout you switched to the plank position. Draw in the air and, exhaling, sit your buttocks on the floor. Straighten your legs in front of you, bringing them together, burrow your palms on the floor near the buttocks. Legs, arms and back must be kept outstretched, the gaze is fixed in front of you. Inhale again, exhale and, inhaling, gradually lower your back slightly, at the same time raise your legs until your gaze is at the level of your toes. In this case, it is necessary to raise your hands so that their fingertips are slightly above the knees. Your arms should be parallel to the ground, your legs should not be spread apart, your back should not be humped, the muscles should be kept in tension, and the pose should be fixed. The residence time in the position is not limited.
    Do not forget to breathe calmly and fix mentally on the muscles of the abdomen and hips. Then, exhaling, lower your arms, legs, align your back.
  • Half boat pose (Ardha Navasana or Naukasana). This position differs from the previous one by a greater tilt of the back to the ground and less leg raises. Inhaling, move your back lower until you touch the lower back of the mat. Raise your legs a little. The muscles are tense, the legs are connected, the breath can be held, the arms are parallel to the ground.
    The time spent in the position is not limited. For beginners, entering the pose is possible from a prone position. Think about the muscles in your back and abdomen.
  • Locust Pose (Shalabhasana). It is performed in the same way as the half-boat pose, but from the prone position. As you exhale, raise your legs, arms, and head.

After finishing the exercises, exhaling, lie on the floor, release your muscles and thoughts for a few minutes, breathe calmly.

Yoga video tutorials for fast weight loss at home

For those who do not believe that yoga can help you lose weight, we suggest seeing with your own eyes what effect you can achieve.

Hatha yoga poses

Hatha yoga is suitable for beginners and those who want to learn how to feel their own muscles. We offer you instructions on how to perform hatha yoga asanas for losing weight on the abdomen in pictures:

Ashtanga yoga with Denise Austin for fat burning

The Yoga Body Burn video was released by Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga instructor Denise Austin in 2007 and contains several aerobic exercises, leg workouts, abdominal and lateral slimming, and relaxation asanas.

Before starting to practice, you need to carefully review the footage, it is better more than once, so that later you will not lag behind, performing the workout, since Denise adheres to a lively rhythm, which may appeal to those who like intensity.

Yoga with Katerina Buida

A feature of the exercises offered by Katerina Buida in the video is that they are aimed at working all muscles. They are designed for 20 minutes. In this case, you must remember to breathe correctly and focus on the muscles.

Thai yoga for weight loss

Thai yoga or Rusi Daton (a monk stretches on his own) originated several thousand years ago in monasteries in Thailand, its advantage is simplicity, which makes it attractive to beginners, and at the same time is extremely effective. It includes breathing exercises, self-massage and a series of exercises.

The goal of such exercises is to achieve balance of body, spirit and mind. By exercising regularly, you can not only lose weight, make your body flexible, but also get rid of stress, a number of problems with the respiratory, cardiovascular, lymphatic, digestive, nervous, endocrine, musculoskeletal systems. Also, as a result of exercise, blood circulation and sleep improve, immunity is enhanced, and irritability decreases.

is a complex reminiscent of Chinese breathing exercises. It includes fitness exercises combined with correct breathing, and aims to balance the mind and body.

This complex was compiled by Joseph Pilates at the beginning of the 20th century, but became widespread in the late 90s.

To reach maximum effect from training, it is necessary to breathe correctly, focus on training, exercise from an imaginary center under the control of the mind, follow the instructions precisely, train and move the whole body, observe the rhythm, smoothly move from one exercise to another, do not overstrain.

What is better for losing weight at home - fitness or yoga

The answer to this question cannot be specific, because it is individual for each person. Fitness involves active, fast movement. As a rule, overweight people are accompanied by various diseases - problems with blood pressure, the spine. In this case, yoga is more indicated than fitness.

Fitness is well suited for young and active people who love dynamism. You can practice yoga even at a very old age.

V last years a new direction is actively developing - fitness yoga, in which a calmer pace of exercises helps to train various muscle groups to calm music and incense sticks.

In order to achieve the greatest effect from yoga, performing exercises for losing weight on the abdomen and hips, you must follow the following guidelines:

  • Do not exercise right after a meal.
  • Do not exercise right before bed, but if it doesn't work out otherwise, exercise should be done slowly.
  • The best time to exercise is in the morning.
  • Do not exercise if you are very tired.
  • Exercise daily.
  • Take your time to complicate the exercises.
  • Remember to breathe correctly and focus your thoughts on the tension of the abdominal muscles and hips.
  • Relax before starting the exercise.
  • Tighten your muscles while doing the exercises correctly, do not overexert yourself.
  • Warm up.
  • Don't set yourself unattainable goals: fast weight loss and health are incompatible.

Important! The most optimal weight loss is considered to be no more than 5 kg per month.

Yoga is the best fit for overweight people, because it does not overload the heart and blood vessels, allows you to relax, get rid of negative thoughts, love yourself, which eliminates the need to seize stress and leads to weight loss.

With the help of yoga, it is easy and pleasant to lose weight! Summer is on its way, so it's worth remembering to expose your body to the sun with pride and confidence. Yoga works wonders: Basic exercise improves blood circulation, speeds up metabolism and tightens the skin.

It is amazingly simple to tone the muscles with the help of yoga, because the complex of asanas provides a high-quality static load for the body. And, as you know, it is the static load that increases the strength of the muscles, although outwardly it looks quite light. Strong muscles - the guarantee of a harmonious figure and natural weight loss.

Slimming yoga

Before doing the exercises, knead your joints well. Be sure to watch your breathing while performing the complex - breathe measuredly, saturating the blood with oxygen to the maximum. Following the diagram below, follow the sequence of poses - linger in each for at least 30 seconds.

For the best effect, you need to do this charging twice a day, repeating the complex 3 times. It's not easy, but the results will motivate you to keep practicing!

Yoga will give you a relaxed losing weight with pleasure! It is a moderate load that helps the body to use fat reserves, which simply cannot be reached. Everything problem areas- hips, legs, waist - instantly become better shaped, flabbiness disappears.

Endurance, clear coordination of movements - bonuses that come with losing weight through yoga. Try to feel control over your body and you will never want to lose it again!

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