What is wide back syndrome? Wide Back Syndrome: A Common Illness in Young People Why do most men have such a wide back.

Increasingly, the news feed in in social networks replete with photographs, the content of which, to put it mildly, is surprising. Gone are the girls' "duck lips". But they were replaced by a new problem - the unknown "syndrome broad back"young men. What it is, where it came from and how to fight if the disease spreads to your friends, we will tell you below.

Causes of occurrence

V Lately the cult of an athletic sculpted body is gaining momentum. Multimedia characters, and not only athletes, but also performers of musical compositions, film actors build up mountains of muscles literally before our eyes. “We need to pump up,” the phrase sounds like a hymn to the beauty of the male body. This cannot pass by impressionable youth. But behind the beautiful bodies are hours of work in the gym. Everyone wants to be beautiful, but not everyone has enough hard work for this. Probably, it is from here that the so-called "wide back syndrome" originates (sometimes the word "imaginary" is added to the term). What is it?

What is wide back syndrome?

So the symptoms:

  • the back is straight like an arrow. The look is usually the same - sharp, decisive, even a little aggressive;
  • hands are unnaturally located either in a semicircle, or in a "semicircle". It seems that the person is carrying two car tires, but we do not see them;
  • a person's belly is usually either sucked literally to the back, or stands out in a semicircle and makes one think about the option of pregnancy in men.

Hence the physique of those prone to disease. These are either very thin guys, or plump with a loose body mass, which they proudly call muscle.

It is by such signs that we will find "patients", according to the growing number of whom this disease can safely receive the status of an epidemic.

The second name of the disease - "turnstile back syndrome" - comes from the comic phrase "horizontal bar" and "men". This option conveys the essence of the problem even more clearly. That is, a person suffering from this "syndrome" takes such a posture and gait, as if in his arms big muscles or a wide back. But in reality this is not the case.

Can the syndrome be cured?

This question, fortunately, has a positive answer. Often the "illness" goes away with age or experience.

In fact, irony aside, it’s not all that fun. The fact that young guys, in their desire to be beautiful and strong, do not achieve this, but only imagine the effect, does not mean anything good. This state is akin to how a boy from an average family breaks free and begins to waste money to show that he is rich.

The psychological background of the syndrome is quite deep. It's not only about dissatisfaction with your body, but also about unwillingness or laziness to work for improvement. Guys with "wide back syndrome" are trying to deceive not only the camera lens, but also themselves. This style of behavior will not lead to anything good. Therefore, if you see such a photo of your loved one, urgently save him. We offer two optimal solutions. First, make sure you like him the way he is. The second - give a gym membership, and let the inflated back be not a fantasy, but a reality.

If you look around, then you probably met guys with protruding elbows. This is the so-called broad back syndrome. In fact, this is already a disease. Most often, adolescents suffer from this disease, who are very fond of hanging on the horizontal bar. These guys don't look very pretty. The forearms are turned up, the elbows are pulled back, the head rests against the back of the head. Let's consider the causes of this syndrome.

Factors of appearance

Currently about beautiful body all young guys dream of an athlete. Favorite film actors and performers of modern songs amaze with their pumped-up, sculpted bodies and literally beckon all young men to look as beautiful as they are. After all, to impressionable young people, say only a word about their unformed body - and tomorrow you see them a guy not just walking on the street, but hanging on outdoor horizontal bar or exercising in the school gym. How much pride can be hurt! Of course, one muscle building session and strong hands too few. After all, many do not even know what it costs the same singers or actors. They do not know that this is a long hard work on themselves and their body, exhausting exercises in the gym almost every day. Most likely, this is where the "broad back syndrome" begins.

What it is?

V modern world you can see that a man with protruding arms is not all right with his body. Yes it is. This condition is called broad back syndrome. It may look like a kind of abduction of the elbows of the hands in different directions from reflex extension shoulders. It is usually accompanied by a bizarre facial expression. Most of all, this disease occurs in children and adolescents, mainly in thin guys. It can appear even after several sessions on the simulator: the young man immediately feels like a real jock.

An instant aggravation of the traumatic "broad back syndrome" will be the appearance of cameras and persons of the opposite sex. This will be followed by exposing the back and abdomen (or the so-called torso), changing the timbre of the voice.

Timely treatment

Unfortunately, broad back syndrome is not amenable to therapy at all. Over time, everything goes away on its own. There is even an assumption that our distant ancestors also stood in a pose with protruding elbows in order to scare their enemy and look as scary as possible. Or vice versa, to appear more powerful and beautiful for your beloved woman.

Bitter truth

If you look at it from a different point of view, it turns out that this disease is not as harmless as it seems at first glance. The problem of dissatisfaction with your body is of a psychological nature. It negatively affects the boy at a young age and is expressed in his desire to change his male figure in an instant. Young men who have wide back syndrome want to look beautiful not only for cameras, but also for themselves, thereby being deceived. This demeanor is bad for the boy. You need to talk to the young man as often as possible. Tell him how beautiful he is, that you like it in its natural form. Or advise him of a good fitness club, where you can really increase your muscle mass... The thin torso will no longer be so noticeable and Long hands... Remember that young, successful guys tend to exaggerate deeply and argue with others, especially adults. It will not be so easy to convince the young man.


It is necessary to take a comprehensive approach to the situation. In any case, this is a solvable problem, but training alone is indispensable. Everything lies deep in the subconscious of a young man, and the correct way to cure a patient is individual psychotherapy. At a young age, all the obstacles do not care, there would be purposefulness and self-confidence. Relatives and close friends can do a lot. The opinion of others plays a very important role for a young man who is not confident in himself.

Many girls like a handsome male figure, but not many guys manage to achieve the desired result. Therefore, young people are ready to do a lot to get the long-awaited pumped-up body. Hence, such a disease as the syndrome of the imaginary broad back is taken. He looks especially stupid with tall and thin guys. Young guys think that they can handle everything, and that with their gait they will slay all the girls on the spot. From the outside it doesn't look quite like that. The boys tilt the back of their heads back and spread their legs wide when normal walking, ostensibly seeking the respect of his friends. In fact, such a gait only evokes the laughter of others. Of course, such walking helps young people to move in inclement weather or in strong winds (and this is how sailors moved on ships), but in ordinary life this gait looks ridiculous. This is where overconfidence can lead.

Microblogs on social networks have recently been overflowing with photographs, the logical explanation for which is quite difficult to find. And it looks like selfies of girls with pouting lips are going down in history. The new "virus" this time struck young people, and its name is the syndrome of the imaginary broad back. What's this? Where did it come from? What are the reasons for this fashion? Let's try to understand the essence of the problem.

Causes of occurrence

Today, the presence of an athletic and sculpted body is elevated to a cult. And there is a very simple explanation for this. All over the media space, celebrities who have extremely developed muscles are in sight. And each of them is ready to talk indefinitely about the invaluable benefits of "pumping" the body. Athletic bodies have become the new benchmark for beauty.

Of course, this could not but leave a mark on the fragile minds of young people. However, few of them understand that such beauty is achieved by hard work in gyms, and it is necessary to work for a long time. But you want everything at once, without much difficulty. This is the main cause of broad back syndrome.

Symptoms of the appearance

It is very easy to find those affected by the new "virus", it is enough to visit a person's personal page on any social network to determine the presence of a "disease" by the following signs:

  • unnaturally straightened back, they say about such people: "swallowed the stake";
  • piercing and stern look;
  • arms spread apart and slightly bent at the elbows, giving the impression that the "model" carries the wheels from the car under his armpits.

If the above signs are present in the photo, then we can safely refer the user to patients with broad back syndrome. In most cases, such people do not have trained bodies, but, on the contrary, are either painfully thin or frankly fat. But you really want to create the impression that it is better not to get involved with such a "strong man". It's like in the wild - birds during the mating season fluff up their feathers in front of a rival in order to appear more physically.

If these signs are present, it is necessary to urgently start treatment. This is quite a feasible task for the relatives and friends of the "patient".

Treatment methods

You can get rid of such a selfie ailment, and it's not difficult. If nothing is done, then, most likely, the disease will disappear with age, but there are exceptions.

For all the seemingly frivolity of the problem, one should not underestimate the effect of the syndrome on human consciousness. A young man, wanting to look stronger and more brutal, imagines himself as such, instead of achieving real results in the gym.

This situation is reminiscent of a half-starved student to whom his parents unexpectedly sent money, and he begins to spend it right and left to give the impression of a rich man. This is the psychological root of the problem, which will ultimately lead to a decrease in self-esteem, a lack of incentive to constantly work on oneself, dissatisfaction with life and, as a result, to prolonged depression.

For effective treatment the syndrome of a supposedly wide back, relatives and friends need to timely detect the signs of a “disease”, convince the “patient” that he is already attractive enough, and there is no point in resorting to self-photographing in such a strange way, to motivate him to go in for sports by giving a fitness membership club, for example. These measures will make it possible to achieve real, not imaginary, results.

What it is

Men who exercise regularly in the gym tend to have a great figure. A wide back, pumped-up biceps and triceps form a specific posture and a certain position of the arms in relation to the body - as if "flying away". When this position is caused by the physique, it looks harmonious and natural.

But more and more often on the streets there are adolescents and young men, to put it mildly, delicate physique, whose hands are taken away from the body and slightly bent at the elbows, as if they are going to raise their hands. It looks funny and ridiculous. This phenomenon is called "imaginary broad back syndrome", sometimes it is also called "hanger syndrome". What prevents thin youths from "wearing" their hands in a natural position? Despite the word "syndrome", it is not a disease in the literal sense of the word. Rather, it is from the field of psychology. Boys who look like disheveled chicks are sincerely convinced that they are real alphas (alpha males in slang).

Where does it come from?

To be pumped up, strong, muscular is beautiful, fashionable. Hundreds of young people are constantly training to achieve desired result... But not all. Someone lacks patience, strength, will, because the path to the relief muscles is long and difficult. And I want to look like Rambo. And the impatient guys wishful thinking - his arms protruded as if they were being held by pumped up muscles of his back - and the hero is the same as an idol from his favorite movie.

Sometimes broad back syndrome appears in beginners who have visited gym, but confident that their figure already evokes admiring and envious glances.

Skinny guys of unsportsmanlike physique posing as regulars of gyms look especially ridiculous. The boys are confident that they look great and those around them are delighted with their coolness. In fact, they evoke condescending smiles at best, ridicule at worst.

The main victims of the "syndrome" are adolescents. As a rule, they are far from sports, active social life, unrecognized by the team and unsure of themselves. This is an attempt to present yourself as a strong and confident guy in the only available way.

There is a version that this phenomenon came to us from the distant past, when people were still not far from monkeys and our male ancestors raised their hands to attract the attention of women and tried to appear larger and more powerful.

However, professional psychologists do not support this version, noting that the nature of the disease is psychological.

How is it manifested

It is very easy to single out among the people around people suffering from broad back syndrome. They hold their back excessively straight, as if their spine is unable to bend, while the muscle frame of the body is very weak. They can, on the contrary, defiantly stoop, as is typical for swimmers, wrestlers, weightlifters. The facial expression is unnaturally tense, the chin may be forward, hinting at powerful jaws. The gaze of these young men is stern, even a little menacing, intent, as if at least they were "drilling" the one they were looking at. The arms are pulled away from the body to the sides and slightly bent at the elbows, as if a person is carrying some objects under the armpits.

"Sick" very often post photos in this form on social networks. When a combination of these signs is present, it is a sign that the person needs treatment.

As soon as a photo or video equipment appears in sight, adolescents begin to demonstrate their "pumped up" especially diligently. Also, the disease manifests itself very strongly in public places where you need to undress - in the pool, on the beach, at the doctor's office, in the locker room. The young men are trying to demonstrate the width of the back during mass events, especially in the company. But the disease reaches its climax if there are girls nearby who arouse interest.

In their speech, these guys often use sports slang in the right place and out of place, obsessively demonstrating their belonging to the world of professional strongmen.

It's not funny

As a rule, people around treat wide back syndrome with irony, considering its manifestations as adolescent demonstrativeness that does not pose a danger. In fact, the disease is far from so harmless, and it should be given serious attention. This is a serious psychological disorder. The teenager is wishful thinking. He does not form an algorithm for achieving the goal: the goal - the stages of achievement with the application of efforts - the result. He demonstrates his "wide" back not only to those around him, but he himself sincerely believes that he looks powerful and brutal, that is, he deceives himself without realizing it. If you do not pay attention to these symptoms in time, they can begin to manifest themselves in other areas of life. For example, he believed that he was smart and had already mastered the entire school curriculum, was ready for exams - he stopped studying, flunked the exam. This is far from the most serious example. The main danger is that a child can sincerely believe that in order to get what he wants, he only has to want, and not only when it comes to him alone, but also in relation to other people.

Another scenario is possible, and also unpleasant. In the end, the young man realizes how ridiculous he is - the ridicule of others will help him in this. As a result - a decrease in self-esteem, a complexion, depressive syndrome. Therefore, wide back syndrome is a wake-up call for parents, teachers, school psychologists - a child needs help.

By the way, from a physical point of view, wide back syndrome is also harmful: the body is constantly in tension, in an unnatural position, muscle spasm occurs, which can lead to disruption of the normal functioning of the body.

How to treat

Wide back syndrome can be cured by taking the problem seriously. If adults notice the disease on time, it will be easier to cure it.

You have to talk to a teenager. It will not be superfluous to tell you that this behavior looks funny and about its possible consequences... But in no case should you laugh at him or humiliate him. He must understand that his behavior looks funny in the eyes of others, but close people tell him all these unpleasant things to help and get rid of ridicule. It is necessary to tell that he looks good, that his figure is so attractive. It must be explained that if he wants to do appearance even more attractive, only sports will help, but not drawing in public.

You can choose a gym with your child, go there, talk to a coach, choose a training program. In the future, it is necessary to support the teenager, especially when it will be difficult for him and wants to quit classes, constantly be interested in his successes, note the slightest changes for the better.

You can suggest replacing funny photos on social networks with photos from training, showing that the teenager not only wants to get perfect body, but also knows how to achieve results.

But besides this, psychological treatment is also necessary, especially if the situation is neglected. If the parents understand that their words do not "reach" the child, it is better to seek the help of a professional psychologist. It is important to get to the subconscious and change the perception of reality and the very model of behavior.

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