A set of exercises number 1 for newborns. Gymnastics for newborns from the first days of life

During the first year of life, children are shown 5 complexes of massage and gymnastics, which take into account all the physiological characteristics of this age. For children 1-3 years old, special 3 sets of exercises have been developed that contribute to the development of their movements.

The first complex (age 1.5-3 months)

  1. Massage of arms and legs (stroking).
  2. Reflex exercises - laying out on the tummy and crawling.
  3. Back and abdomen massage in the form of stroking.
  4. Rubbing the feet.
  5. Reflex extension and flexion of the feet.
  6. Extension of the spine - performed on the left and right sides (reflex exercise).

The second complex (3-4 months old)

  1. Hand massage (stroking).
  2. Passive crossing of the arms on the chest.
  3. Massage lower limbs(rubbing, stroking, kneading).
  4. Back massage (kneading and stroking).
  5. Active-passive exercise - turning to the right from the back to the stomach.
  6. Reflex exercise - "swimmer" position.
  7. Massage (rubbing and stroking) the abdomen.
  8. Massage (patting and rubbing) the feet.
  9. Reflex exercises for the feet.
  10. "Boxing" - passive extension and flexion of the handles.
  11. Chest massage (vibration).

For all exercises initial position- horizontal.

The third complex (age 4-6 months).

  1. Crossing the arms on the chest.
  2. Feet massage.
  3. A passive exercise that simulates cycling ("sliding steps").
  4. Turn to the right from the back to the tummy.
  5. Back massage (kneading, stroking, patting).
  6. Tummy massage.
  7. Reflex "hover" on the stomach.
  8. Raising the torso and head with the support of the arms set aside to the sides (active exercise).
  9. Foot massage and exercise for them.
  10. Extension and flexion of the handles or "boxing" (passive exercise).
  11. Alternate and joint passive extension and flexion of the legs
  12. Reflex "hover" on the back.
  13. Turn left from back to stomach.
  14. Massage (vibration) of the chest.

All exercises are carried out in the initial horizontal position.

The fourth complex (age 6-10 months).

  1. Crossing the arms on the chest, supported by the rings.
  2. Alternating and joint flexion of the legs and their extension (the so-called "sliding steps").
  3. Turn to the right from the back to the tummy without support by the handle.
  4. Tummy, back massage.
  5. Crawl.
  6. Sitting down the baby with support for the handles set aside to the sides.
  7. Passive lifting of straightened legs.
  8. Circular movements of the handles.
  9. An active exercise is tense arching.
  10. Turn left from back to tummy.
  11. An active exercise is lifting the torso (position on the stomach), supporting the child by the straightened arms.
  12. Sitting down with support for the handles that are spread apart shoulder-width apart (active exercise).

All exercises of this complex are performed in a horizontal starting position, with the exception of the boxing exercise (at the age of 8 months, when the child is confidently sitting without support, it can be performed in the starting sitting position).

Fifth complex (age 10 months - 1 year 2 months)

  1. Flexion and extension of handles ("boxing") with rings while standing or sitting.
  2. "Sliding steps".
  3. Back massage.
  4. Turn in one direction and the other from the back to the stomach.
  5. Raising the body vertically from a position on the tummy, while the child is supported by the arms.
  6. Tilting and straightening the trunk.
  7. Raising straightened legs to the stick.
  8. Belly massage.
  9. Sitting down, while supporting the handles (with a stick) spread apart shoulder-width apart.
  10. Squat, supporting the child by the handles with rings.
  11. Tense arching.
  12. Circular movements with handles with rings.
  13. Sitting down independently, with fixation of the knees, or with the support of the baby with one handle.

Exercises 3, 4,7, 8, 9 are performed in a horizontal starting position. The 10th and 13th exercises are performed according to the speech instruction.

The sixth complex (age 1 year 2 months - 1 year 6 months)

  1. Flexion of the handles and their extension with rings. Perform with the help of an adult in the starting position standing on the floor.
  2. Squat (child is on the floor).
  3. Raising straightened legs to the stick (starting position - lying on the floor).
  4. The child crawls through the hoop lying on its tummy.
  5. Walking on a ribbed surface (for example, a massage mat).

Seventh complex (age 1 year 6 months - 2 years)

  1. Walking between two sticks, ropes, along the edge of a rug or chalk path, etc. The width of such a track is gradually narrowed, starting from 30-25 cm and up to 10-5 cm.
  2. In a supine position on the floor with the toes of straight legs, you need to get the hoop or from a standing position to get objects that lie on the floor, while not bending your knees.
  3. Crawl under a hoop, bench, chair, stick, etc., arching your back.
  4. Pull the arms up and, holding on to the hoop or stick, sit down, and then rise on our toes ("how small and big we are").
  5. Roll a pencil, stick, etc., while sitting on a chair.
  6. Step over several objects on the floor, the distance between which is 20-30 cm.

Gymnastics should be done every day, after 30-40 minutes. after breakfast, you can also do an activity after the baby's sleep in the daytime. Dress code - T-shirt and underpants. Exercises are performed on the rug barefoot, while it is imperative to open the window or transom. The duration of the lesson is 10-12 minutes. For this complex gymnastics, you need to have two ropes or ropes (length 1-1.5 m), a hoop (diameter 45-50 cm), stick (diameter 2.5 cm, length 40-50 cm), sticks, cubes, skittles, etc. ...

Eighth complex (age 2-3 years)

  1. Walking along a stick, rope or along a path, the width of which ranges from 5-10 cm.
  2. Get out objects lying on the floor, while not bending your knees.
  3. Raise your head and in a supine position look at a toy that lies on a chair or is raised to a height of 25-30 cm.
  4. Step over pencils, sticks, cubes, which are located at a distance of 20-30 cm from each other.
  5. Crawl through a stick, rope, into a hoop, under a bench or chair, while arching your back.
  6. Raise the pencil on the floor with your toes.

Classes are conducted every other day or every day, after about half an hour after breakfast, or daytime sleep... Classes last 12-15 minutes, while the child is wearing a T-shirt and underpants. All exercises are performed on the rug barefoot, while you need to keep the window or transom open. For classes, you need a jump rope or rope, a hoop (diameter 45-50 cm), a stick (length 1-1.5 m, diameter - 2.5 cm), a ball, cubes, skittles, sticks.

Each of us knows that movement is life. But in the first year of a child's life, movement is more important than ever. No cards and rattles develop a nursing baby as much as simple ones. physical exercise, massage or crawling. Of course, you know that I am always in favor of complex development and in no way want to belittle the importance of communication and other games with babies (an article about them very soon!), But still I want to emphasize again and again that physical development at this stage is the main direction of development. After all, a child does not just learn to crawl, get up or walk. Mastering motor skills directly affects the development of the brain and the health of the baby's body.

Massage in combination with gymnastics perfectly develops all organs and systems, helps to master motor skills according to age, cope with colic, relieve tone, and has a general strengthening effect on the entire child's body. In addition, the gentle touches of the parental hands give great pleasure to the baby, strengthen the emotional connection. It has been proven that a child in the first months of life is most accessible to the action through the skin, therefore massage should become an integral part of communication with the baby!

If the massage is carried out together with gymnastics, the effect of the exercises will be much more noticeable. After all massage prepares movement warming up the muscles, and gymnastic exercises consolidate the effect of massage... That is why in our complex, which I practiced with my children, massage movements always alternate with gymnastic ones.

This complex corresponds to the age and functional capabilities of a child of 1, 2, 3 months. Age-appropriate exercise is incredible important condition... Only in this case, gymnastics, firstly, gives the child joy, and secondly, it contributes to the development of the necessary motor skills at this stage. So, for example, at the age of about 3 months, it is important for a child to master the flip from the back to the stomach, and at about 6 months - sitting and crawling, etc.

Gymnastics and massage for children 1, 2, 3 months | Where? How? When?

Where to get the massage?

Classes must be carried out on a clean, moderately hard surface. And for this, both the table and the floor are perfect. But, for example, doing exercises on a soft bed will not be very convenient, and not all exercises can be performed correctly. If it is more convenient for you to do gymnastics at table level, then it is best big will fit changing table. If this is not the case, then you can cover an ordinary dining table with a thin blanket, and put an oilcloth and a diaper on top.

But if this option is not suitable, then the floor will be the best solution (of course, it must be covered accordingly). As for me, this is the most comfortable surface for practicing! This is especially true for children over six months old, when they are so active that they simply cannot be kept on the table.

Should you use massage oils or creams?

It is best to massage your baby with clean hands, as oils and creams increase glide and complicate correct execution receptions. In addition, any products applied to the skin clog the ducts of the sweat and sebaceous glands, disrupting their normal functioning. If your hands are too dry, simply apply a small amount of special baby oil to them.

Are gymnastics and massage useful for all children?

As a rule, for children suffering from any medical conditions, special exercises even more important than for absolutely healthy people. A special mode of movement often becomes the main element of their complex treatment. However, before starting the exercises, in any case, you should consult your pediatrician!

Should mom do massage at home or entrust it to professionals?

Often mothers are afraid to massage a baby of 1 - 3 months on their own, because they are sure that they will not succeed, and they will definitely do something wrong. In fact, no matter how good a massage from a professional is, mother's massage has at least two unconditional advantages! Firstly, it can be done every day (and not in short-term courses), regularly providing support to the baby's body. Secondly, during the massage, you not only do the prescribed exercises, but also communicate with your child, which strengthens your emotional connection.

Start small and you will quickly get involved. Even a light massage will be better than no massage at all. At the same time, a home daily complex does not at all prevent you from conducting courses with professionals.

When to start?

Massage and gymnastics can be started when the baby is 1 month old. Agree, the first month of the baby is even scary to touch, not that to massage In addition, it is necessary to give time to the child's body to adapt to external influences. Well, then, if there are no contraindications, you can safely proceed! If you start later, it's okay! Better late than never.

Introduce massage and gymnastics into your child's life gradually. Start with a small amount of exercise, and then add more elements to your complex every day. Observe the child's mood and reactions. Don't massage through crying. If the kid does not like something, it is better to stop the activity.

Gymnastics and massage for children 1, 2, 3 months | Techniques and exercises

Well, let's get started I want to say right away that if the description of some element of gymnastics seems incomprehensible to you, you can always see it in more detail in our video.

One more thing a little remark... In order not to embarrass anyone, we took all the photos and videos with a baby in a diaper, but ideally it is recommended conduct all classes without any clothes so as not to hinder the movements of the child.

All the presented techniques and exercises of the complex are necessary repeat 3-5 times.

Child's foot massage

We begin to do all the techniques and exercises from the bottom up. Therefore, the first in line is the stop. Foot massage is the most important component of the exercise, as it helps to normalize muscle tone, and in the future - to correctly position the leg with support.

    We knead the foot with circular massage movements thumb first along the front of the foot (under the toes), then along the outer side... We repeat the movements 3-5 times.

  • "Draw" a figure eight on the foot with the thumb.
  • In a circular motion rub the heel... We also perform all movements 3-5 times.

  • We knead the foot along her outside from heel to toes progressive in a circular motion.
  • We rub each finger... It is enough to walk through each of them 1-2 times.

  • We bend the foot towards ourselves - away from ourselves... We try to bend the fingers additionally in the direction of the baby.
  • We make circular movements with the foot right and left, 3-5 times in each direction.

After all the gymnastic exercises with one foot are done, we move on to the other foot.

Massages and exercises for the muscles of the legs

Massage of the legs and thighs is always performed after exercises with the foot, as it is equally important for the normalization of the altered muscle tone in the legs.

  • rub each shin from the side, moving from heel to knee.
  • Progressive massage movements rub each thigh from the side and front, we move from the knee to the pelvis.

    We bend the knee, pressing it to the stomach... For each leg 4-6 times.

It is possible that the baby will resist by straining the leg muscles. In this case, you can shake the leg slightly to relieve tension. Muscle resistance can and should be carefully overcome, but watch the baby's reaction so as not to overdo it.

  • Next, we do a compound exercise. We press the leg to the stomach, take it to the side, again to the stomach, down... Taking the leg to the side, we try to open the hip as much as possible, bringing it closer to the table / floor surface (Do not forget, if something is not clear, you can watch gymnastics in our video).

  • We carry out circular rotation bent leg for disclosure. Here we also try to open the hip as much as possible. We perform 4-5 rotations with each leg.

  • We press both legs to the stomach(also 4-6 times).

  • We carry out exercise "bike", alternately pressing your legs to your chest.

  • Carefully we spread both hips to the sides.

Belly massage for a child

Abdominal massage is useful for strengthening muscles abdominal and to improve intestinal motility. You can massage the tummy outside daily complex gymnastics, this is very effective assistance with constipation and painful passing of gas.

    We perform circular massage movements with the phalanges of bent fingers, moving around the navel clockwise.

  • Massage the tummy on the oblique muscles of the abdomen, we make movements from top to bottom with the pads of our fingers.

Massage and gymnastics for the hands of a child 1-3 months

It is equally important to normalize the muscle tone of the arms. Long-term changes in muscle tone will interfere with the child's ability to learn first conscious motor skills, such as support on the forearms, straightening the arms while lying on the stomach, and pulling the arms up to toys. Massage of the palms and fingers will enable the baby to quickly and correctly open the fist, take the thumb away from the palm in order to correctly grip the toy soon.

    We start with finger massage... We rub each finger of the baby with the pads of our fingers, moving in progressive movements from the tip to the base of the finger of the child. Repeat 1-2 times

  • We pay special attention to the thumb. We take it away from the palm several times, holding briefly in this position.

  • Stroking the child's palm in a circle, from top to bottom.

  • Rubbing the forearm translational spiral movements towards the elbow.
  • Rubbing your shoulder translational spiral movements towards the shoulder. If a child has a BCG vaccination mark on his arm, he should be bypassed.

    We bend the child's arm at the elbow 4-6 times. In this case, the hand should be perpendicular to the baby's body.

As a rule, children enjoy less exercise with handles, and they begin to show some discontent. Therefore, teach your baby to handle gymnastics gradually, starting with a small number of repetitions. Perform movements clearly and without hesitation.

  • Raise and lower the baby's arms, together and separately. We try to make the child's hand bend in shoulder joint, not in the elbow. Considering that at this age the tone in the baby's arms is still quite strong, it is better to lift the arms one at a time, holding the torso with the other hand.

  • We spread the baby's hands to the sides, and then we cross them on the chest... When crossing, the top should turn out to be either right or left hand... In this case, your thumb should be placed in the baby's palms.

  • We put our thumbs in the baby's palms again, with the rest of our fingers we grab the handle from the outside. By the hands slowly pull the baby towards you... The child should grip your fingers firmly and try to pull up... It is necessary to achieve active tension of the flexor muscles of the child's arms.

As a result of this exercise, the child should group, raise his head and bend his arms at the elbows. It is enough for the baby to rise to a semi-vertical position; it is not necessary to completely seat the baby.

Exercises for back muscles

    We carry out birch-like exercise- we raise both legs up, slightly raising the pelvis. We also repeat 3-5 times.

  • We roll the baby on his back from side to side... With one hand we take the baby by the hands joined together, with the other - by the legs. We carefully roll it from one barrel to another. The exercise prepares the baby for self-roll-overs.
  • Learning to roll over... To make it easier for the baby to learn to roll over, you need to show him how to do it. To do this, take the baby by the shin and turn the leg in the opposite direction, slightly turning the pelvis to the side. Wait for a response from the child, he should raise his head above the surface of the table and turn his shoulder in the direction of the turn.

If the baby still does not have enough strength to roll over on his own, help him by pulling his hand a little. When the baby rolls over, spread your arms under his chest. And then repeat the exercise on the other side.

This is a very important skill. It is advisable to train him several times during the day.

Massage and exercises while lying on your stomach

  • First rub the foot with progressive massage movements from the heel to the toes... Movements are performed only on the outside of the sole.

  • Bend the foot several times, holding the leg by the lower leg.

  • We rub the back surface of the lower leg in a circular forward motion from heel to knee.
  • We rub the back and side of the thigh also in a circular motion from the knee to the pelvis.

  • We bend the knee, pressing the heel to the buttock.

  • Take your leg to the side so that the thigh is perpendicular to the body. At the same time, with the other hand, we fix the baby in the region of the sacrum.

  • Rub the buttocks in spiral movements from top to bottom... Movements should be done by drawing the letter X on the bottom. Naturally, the exercise is performed without a diaper.
  • Next, we do very useful exercise – « baby crawl". To do this, when the baby is lying on his tummy, we rest his legs in our hands (it turns out something like a frog pose).

The child should reflexively push off from your hands (babies have such a reflex from birth). Next, again make an emphasis on him with your hands and allow him to push off again. Continue this "crawling" until the baby gets tired. Ideally, this exercise should be done on a made floor or on a large bed. After all, each time the child will perform more and more pushing movements and will move further and further.

Such an exercise should be done not only within the framework of the gymnastics complex, but also simply during the day. It prepares the baby for normal crawling, strengthens the muscles of the legs and back, and in general has a beneficial effect on the physical development of the baby. Children with whom this exercise is regularly performed are more mobile and easier to master other motor skills.

    Rubbing your back first with "sawing" movements, and then with the help of the phalanges of bent fingers, we make circular massage movements along the back from top to bottom.

  • Doing exercises on the ball... To do this, we put a diaper on gymnastic ball and put the baby on the tummy. Holding it by the sides and back, roll the baby back and forth... We repeat several times.
  • Then in the same position we roll the baby in a circle, first in one direction, then in the other direction. Such exercises train the back muscles of the baby, contribute to the development of a sense of balance.

  • Then we take the baby by the legs and again roll it back and forth... The baby's arms should be spread out under the breast. Being in a head-down position, the baby will try to raise the head.

  • Walking with our feet... In this age interval, children retain the congenital step reflex, usually it remains up to 3-4 months. On the basis of this reflex, you can practice "walking" in a child. If you do the exercise regularly, by the age of 4 months your child will slowly develop his acquired walking skill.

  • And we complete our complex element dynamic gymnastics ... I am not a fanatical follower of dynamic gymnastics, but I add some not too extreme elements, since such exercises perfectly develop the vestibular apparatus, contribute to the development of a sense of balance and balance.

So, we put the baby on our shoulder so that it is parallel to the floor. In this case, the baby's chest should be on the shoulder, and we hold the legs with our own hands. In this position, we spin in place, first in one direction, then in the other direction. Be careful not to get dizzy or lose your balance

I sincerely recommend this set of exercises and massage to you, because it contains all the most necessary exercises for the physical development of the baby. If you still have any questions about the implementation of individual elements, be sure to watch our video.

In conclusion, I would also like to say that in addition to daily activities gymnastics is important regularly lay the baby on a flat surface on the tummy. Now it will be the best exercise for a child. He will learn to raise his head, push off with his legs from your hands.

Ideally, if already from 2 months you will regularly lay your baby on the floor. After all, the floor is a whole athletic arena for a child! The kid can calmly master turning over and "" there, while he will not be limited by any bumpers and there is no need to be afraid that the child will fall somewhere. Naturally, this should not be a bare tile floor. A low-pile rug with oilcloth and a diaper or a foam puzzle will work well.

Newborn gymnastics is part of baby care. Thanks to her, you can maintain the physical and mental development of the baby at the proper level. The choice of exercise depends on the age of the baby. The complex should be made by a specialist, since a newborn is a fragile creature and any wrong movement can harm him.

Photo from the site kolobok.ua

How is gymnastics useful?

Physical activity is important for a person, regardless of age. But what is gymnastics useful for toddlers? Beneficial features:

  • improves blood circulation and metabolic processes;
  • normalizes the digestive tract and stool, relieves colic and increased gas production;
  • normalizes muscle tone, allows you to get rid of hyper- or hypotension;
  • strengthens the musculo-ligamentous apparatus, accelerates physical development;
  • teaches the baby to "use" his body, stimulates physical activity;
  • normalizes the condition nervous system, improves sleep.

In addition, exercise for newborns is a tactile contact between mother and baby. This is a way to build a relationship, to make it stronger.


Gymnastics for babies is contraindicated in such cases:

  • poor health of the baby, lethargy, weakness;
  • increased body temperature;
  • bad mood, moodiness, tearfulness;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • neurological disorders - increased intracranial pressure, hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy;
  • rickets;
  • dysplasia hip joint and other pathologies of the musculoskeletal system;
  • hypo- and hypertonicity (conditional contraindication, applies only to some groups of exercises).

Babies with severe developmental pathologies, for example, with cerebral palsy, need a specialized set of classes.

Before choosing exercises for newborns, the child should be examined by a pediatrician, evaluated general state, to reveal the presence of pathologies of physical development. The complex with hypo- and hypertonicity is different. In the latter case, exercises are selected for the infant, aimed at relaxation, for example, stroking and massaging tense areas of the body.

You need to do exercises for children regularly, then there will be benefits from it. But if the baby is not in the mood or does not feel well, then it is impossible to practice through force. This will only harm the newborn. Classes should evoke positive emotions, otherwise the baby will develop a negative reaction to gymnastics.

Also, charging for newborns should take place taking into account the following requirements:

  • classes should not disrupt the daily routine of the baby, it is best to do it 1 hour after feeding, when the baby is not sleepy and in good spirits;
  • it is enough to train for 15 minutes. 2 times a day;
  • repeat all gymnastics exercises at least 3 times;
  • you cannot be forced to practice;
  • evening or morning exercises should begin and end with massage and stroking the whole body, you need to talk with the baby during the lesson;
  • to provide optimal climatic conditions for training, the air temperature is not higher than 22 ˚С.

For gymnastics, you need to find the most appropriate time. It could be morning or evening. For children aged 1 month, it is best to practice in evening time before swimming.


Photo from the site raikovstudio.ru

Gymnastics for newborns can be carried out from the first days, but it is better to start on the 8-14th day of life. Of course, we are not talking about any overwhelming loads. This can be stroking the limbs, back and abdomen. Movements are smooth, no pressure, direction from feet to hips, from fingers to shoulders. Then you can move on to flexion and extension of the limbs.

This type of gymnastics is most suitable for month old baby... The complex looks like this:

  • Massage of the limbs, buttocks, back and abdomen.
  • In the supine position, press in the center of the palms, and then in the middle of the baby's feet.
  • Place your thumb in your baby's palm to improve grasping reflexes.
  • Put the baby on your stomach, put your palm under your feet so that it rests on it.

This complex gymnastics will do up to the age of 2 months. Then it can be expanded.

For babies 2-3 months, the following exercises are introduced:

  • Lying on your back, take the baby by the arms, spread them apart, and then cross them on the breast.
  • The position is similar, perform boxing movements, but not sharp.
  • Take the handles, alternately straighten one limb, and bend the other at the elbow. Do the same flexion and extension of the legs.
  • Abduction of the lower limbs bent at the knees to the sides, then straighten them and connect them together.

At 3 or 4 months old, when the baby is confidently holding his head, you can try the swimmer exercise. Keep the baby in weight, head down, supporting the stomach and legs. At 5 months, you can try an exercise that stimulates back-to-stomach flips. You need to put a toy next to it, and then you need to support the baby by the chest and legs so that it rolls over.

Gymnastics complex for the age of 6-8 months:

  • Flexion and extension of the limbs, holding on to the support. If earlier the baby held on to the mother's finger, now the exercise is becoming more difficult.
  • Similarly, holding on to the support, try to raise the baby to a sitting position. Then gently lower it.
  • Lying on your back, lift the child's legs up so that an angle of 90˚ forms between the body.
  • Lay on the stomach, lift the arms up so that the body comes off the surface, the baby will slightly bend the back and spontaneously raise the legs.
  • Help to get down on all fours.

At 9 months walking can be stimulated. It can be hanging on the hands, with an emphasis on the knees or on the feet.

Dynamic gymnastics for newborns

This is a set of active exercises, which, in fact, is stressful for newborns. Dynamic gymnastics for babies is allowed from 1 month. The load should be determined by a specialist, since parents cannot do it. The duration of the first lessons is no more than 10 minutes.

You need to do dynamic gymnastics from the age of one month, you cannot start it later, because instead of benefit there will be harm.


  • Pulling the baby by the arms towards you, in the supine position.
  • Raising the baby by 2 hands into the air, slowly lowering it to its original position.
  • Holding the hands, raise the baby. Then release one limb so that the entire weight of the baby is transferred to the second.
  • Holding hands in the air, swing the baby back and forth, left and right.
  • Turn the baby over from the back to the stomach in the air, holding one lower and upper limb.
  • Raise the baby in the hanging by the arms, and then spread the limbs to the sides.
  • Rock the child in the air, holding the arm and leg.

More complex exercises should be shown to parents by a specialist. Dynamic gymnastics should be combined with classical.

Gymnastics for newborns on fitball

A fitball workout might look like this:

  • Swaying while lying on your stomach. It is necessary to support the child by the back.
  • Lying on your stomach, hold the baby by the legs. Swing the ball back and forth so that the child is head down.
  • Lying on your back. Putting your index finger in the baby's palm, roll the ball back and forth, while spreading the crumbs' handles to the sides, and then bringing them together. Repeat the same way while lying on your stomach.
  • Roll the baby on the ball, laying it on one side.

From 5-6 months, you can try raising the body from a supine position, and closer to 7 months, crawling using a fitball. The exercise is performed as follows - the child lies on his stomach, hold his legs. Rolling the ball forward, the baby should touch the floor with his hands and try to crawl forward.

Lesson plan
1. Hand massage:
- stroking, 5-6 movements on each hand;
- ring rubbing, 2-3 times;
- stroking, 2-3 movements.
2. Crossing arms on the chest, 6-8 times.
3. Foot massage:
- stroking, 2-3 movements on each leg;
- ring rubbing, 5-6 times;
- stroking, 2-3 movements on each leg.
4. Sliding steps (with vibration), 5-6 times with each leg.
5. Turn to the stomach, 2-3 times in each direction.
6. Back massage:
- stroking, 2-3 times;
- rubbing with fingertips, 2-3 times the entire surface of the back;
- stroking, 2-3 times.
7. Bending of the spine in the supine position (reflex exercise), 2-3 times on each side.
8. Position of the "swimmer", 1 time.
9. Belly massage:
- stroking circularly, 2-3 times;
- counter stroking, 2-3 times;
- stroking the oblique muscles of the abdomen, 2-3 times;
- rubbing with fingertips, 2-3 times the entire surface of the abdomen;
- stroking (all techniques 2-3 times).
10. Raising the head and body from the supine position 2-4 times.
11. Foot massage:
- stroking, 2-3 times each foot;
- rubbing, 5-6 times each foot;
- beating, 8-10 strokes on each foot;
- stroking, 2-3 times.
12. Flexion and extension of the feet, 5-6 times each movement.
13. "Walking" is a reflex exercise.
14. Breast massage:
- stroking, 2-3 times;
- vibration massage, 3-4 times;
- stroking, 2-3 times.
15. "Boxing" - exercise for hands, 5-6 times.
16. Exercise on the ball.

1. Hand massage
Perform 5-6 strokes along the entire length of the child's arm (see 1 set No. 1) from the wrist to the shoulder.
The next technique is ring rubbing. Hold the child's hands (left hand - right, right - left), placing your thumb in it. Place the ring around the baby's wrist with the thumb and forefinger of your free hand. Do vigorous ring rubbing with emphasis on the outer surface of the hand (fig. 25). Thus, in 3-4 turns, move to the elbow, then in 5-6 turns - to the shoulder. Repeat this technique 2-3 times. It is desirable that the baby's skin turns pink. Finish the hand massage with 2-3 strokes.

2. Crossing the arms on the chest

I. p.: The child lies on his back. Place your thumbs in the baby's palms, the rest -
lightly hold his brush. Spread the baby's arms to the sides, you can do this with light shaking, then lead them towards each other until they cross on the chest and back (Fig. 26, 27).

When crossing, the right and left hand should lie down alternately. The pace of movement is slow, avoid sudden jolts. Repeat crossing 6-8 times.

3. Foot massage
Start with 2-3 strokes along the entire length of the leg (see 1 set # 2) in the direction from the foot to the thigh.
Ring rubbing is performed as follows. With the thumb and forefinger of both hands, grab the rings (close one above the other) to the lower leg of the child. Do vigorous diverging ring rubbing and in 3-4 turns move up to the knee along the posterior-outer surface of the lower leg (Fig. 28). It's important not to hit the hamstring or rub your Achilles tendon. It is more convenient to rub the antero-outer surface of the thigh with fingertips.
Repeat 5-6 times. Finish the foot massage with 2-3 strokes.

4 Sliding steps with vibration
I. p.: The child lies on his back. Grasp the baby's shins so that the thumbs are on the front of the shin and the rest on the back. Then, with a light shaking, straighten the child's leg and, sliding the foot on the table surface, bend it (Fig. 29). Repeat the movement with the other leg. And so 5-6 times with each leg. This exercise, reminiscent of cycling, strengthens the leg muscles well and fosters support response. If passive extension of the legs is difficult (due to the increased tone of the flexor muscles), do not rush, postpone this exercise until an older age. While you can just "stomp"
feet on the table surface (fig. 30). Sliding steps are taken slowly and very carefully, without jerking.

5. Turn to the stomach (through the right side - to the left)
I. p.: The child lies on his back. Place the index finger of your left hand in the child's left palm,
grasp the brush with the rest of your fingers. With your right hand, hold both legs in the lower leg area with a "fork" and, slightly straightening them, turn the child's pelvis to the left. Immediately after this, the baby independently turns his head and upper part torso in the same direction. For
keep the baby in a position on his side, let him work out the muscles of the neck, holding his head (Fig. 31).

Then bring the baby's left handle forward a little - and the baby is already lying on its stomach. Adjust your arms under his chest, spreading your wrists. Exercise uses an innate vestibular reflex
location of body parts. When performing this complex movement, the muscles of the child's entire torso work. The sequence of individual moments is the same as when a healthy older child rotates independently. Sometimes a 3-month-old baby, during his erratic movements, accidentally throws one leg over the other, and the pelvis turns on its side (1 moment). This entails movement of the head and upper body in the same direction (II moment). The most difficult thing remains: to pull the handle out from under you, and the child is on his stomach (III moment).

It is especially important to educate the correct mechanism of turns, described above, in weakened, premature children. These children often turn in the following way: while lying on their backs, rest against the back of their heads and buttocks, bending the spine upward, which entails outweighing the body on the stomach. As a result similar exercises the deflection of the spine in the lumbar region increases, and this is undesirable. The turn is performed 2-3 times in each direction. This exercise is very useful and children will enjoy doing it, so repeat the twists several times throughout the day.
When turning over the left side, change hands accordingly (fig. 32).

6. Back and buttocks massage
Start by stroking your entire back, including your buttocks. The child is already lying firmly on his stomach, so stroking is performed with both hands 2-3 times (Fig. 33). Rubbing is best done with the pads of slightly bent fingers (Fig. 34).

With rectilinear rubbing, while the fingers of the right hand move the skin up, the fingers of the left hand - down, then vice versa, moving along the entire back. With a circular (spiral) rubbing fingers right hand shift the skin clockwise, the fingers of the left hand - against. Rubbing possible back side bent fingers (Fig. 35).

It is important that your arms move alternately, otherwise the baby's skin will stretch. It is better to rub the buttocks one at a time. Any massage should be finished with stroking.

7. Flexion of the spine in the lateral position (see I complex No. 5)

Run the pads of your straightened fingers vigorously along the baby's spine. Repeat this technique 2-3 times on each side.

8. Position of the "swimmer"

I. p.: The child lies on his stomach. With the index and thumb of your right hand, grasp the bottom right leg the child in the lower part of the lower leg, grab the rest of the fingers at the same level left leg... Then, raising the child's legs, bring your free palm under the belly, creating support for him (Fig. 36), and lift the baby above the table. In this case, the child lies horizontally in the palm of your hand, like on a playground. His head and upper body are raised, the spine is extended, all the muscles of the posterior surface of the body work (Fig. 37). The exercise is done 1 time and lasts a few seconds.

9. Belly massage
Start by stroking in three directions (circular, counter, and oblique abdominal muscles - see complex I # 6). Repeat each movement 2-3 times.
Rubbing is performed with the pads of slightly bent fingers. First, the reception is carried out with the right hand but in diverging circles, starting from the navel (Fig. 38), then - with both hands along the rectus abdominis muscles (Fig. 39).

Be sure to rub in a clockwise circular motion and avoid applying pressure to the liver area.
At the end of the massage, repeat stroking.

10. Raising the head and trunk from the supine position
I. p.: The child lies on his back. Let the child wrap your thumbs around your hands, and hold the rest of your hands. Then straighten the baby's arms.

With affectionate words and light tugging on the handles, encourage the child to raise his head and upper body, without bringing it to sitting position(fig. 40). Then slowly and carefully place the baby, preferably on its side, so as not to hit the back of the head. This exercise is active, very useful for strengthening the muscles of the front of the neck and abdominals. Repeat lifting 2-4 times, laying on the right and left sides.

11. Foot massage

Pat, then rub vigorously on the baby's soles. Hand position (see I complex No. 8). Rubbing is also performed with the pad of the thumb in a circular motion or in the form of a "figure of eight". Then rub the outer and inner edges of the foot from the heel to the toes.
A new technique - tapping the feet - is performed as follows: with the back of the straightened fingers (index and middle) of the right hand, we apply light rhythmic blows to the child's foot (Fig. 41).

Repeat this movement 8-10 times from heel to toes and back.

12. Flexion and extension of the feet

Pressure in the area of ​​the base of the toes on the sole causes reflex flexion of the foot, vigorous rubbing along the outer edge of the foot - extension (see complex I, No. 9).

13. "Walking"
The congenital walking reflex persists in children up to 4 months of age. Supporting the child under the armpits, lead him towards you or away from you, slightly shifting body weight from one leg to the other (Fig. 42). Follow correct position stop (see I complex, No. 12).

14. Breast massage

Perform stroking 2-3 times (see I complex No. 11). Make vibration massage a little more complicated: light, rhythmic pressure with your fingers on the chest of the child, while moving your hands from the middle to the lateral surfaces of the chest. Try not to press hard on your ribs. Repeat this technique 3-4 times. Finish the massage with stroking.

15. Exercise for hands "boxing"

I. p.: The child lies on his back. Place your thumbs in the baby's palms, with the rest lightly holding the baby's hands. Bend and unbend the baby's arms alternately, that is, when bending one arm, unbend the other, and vice versa (Fig. 43).

When extending, move the handle forward and towards the center, slightly lifting the shoulder. Thus, imitating the movements of a boxer, slightly turn the child from side to side (Fig. 44).

During this exercise, all the muscles of the arms and shoulder girdle... Repeat 5-6 times with each hand at a slow pace, avoiding sudden jerks.

16. Exercise on the ball

Place the baby on the ball with his belly on, with his legs spread wide to the sides. Rock the baby, when moving back and forth, make sure that he rests with his feet or open palms on the table surface, and encourage him to push off on his own (Fig. 45).

For a better opening of the hands, clap the child's palms on the ball. Then place the child on the ball with his back and, supporting him in the chest area, swing him in different directions (fig. 46).

The inflatable ball is one of many useful and favorite toys for infants. Put it in the crib at the feet of the child, let the baby kick it, training the support of the feet.

From the first days of life, the child needs your communication and your activities with him, and, despite the fact that massage and gymnastics usually begin after a month of life, minimal warm-ups can be started from the first days. There is no doubt that exercise will benefit the child by giving him the opportunity to use the muscles that he is already learning to control.

Classes should be started at the age of one week and carried out daily.

It is better to do gymnastics or massage no earlier than an hour and a half after eating. Exercise slowly, gently, and rhythmically. Practice on the changing table regularly. If you are short on time, cut back on activities, but be sure to work with your child. Gradually increase the duration of the session. When studying with your baby, be sure to talk to him, smile. If you feel that your child is tired or hungry, finish early. Exercise should be enjoyable for the child. Do not be distracted while working with your child, and if possible, do not talk to anyone.

Gymnastics for newborns

This set of exercises is designed for babies from birth to 3 months. You don't have to do all the exercises on a daily basis. Each child has a different pace and needs. Pick 1 or 2 exercises, and if your little one doesn't like them, try another the next day, and then come back to the rest. You can do them full complex after the massage (10-15 minutes), you can stretch the lesson for the whole day, spending no more than 1-2 minutes each time. Start with one repetition, then slowly increase from the number.

1. Raise your head!

The best exercise for a child in the first months of his life is laying out on his stomach on a hard surface, such as a changing table (without a mattress), an ordinary dining table or a drawing board laid on a sofa, but not the sofa itself (no matter how hard) and not a crib baby with mattress. Lying on your stomach on a hard surface:

The baby reflexively strains the abdominal muscles, which helps him get rid of excess gas, constipation and other intestinal troubles, and also prevents (and treats) an umbilical hernia;

In the "frog" pose - the legs are bent at the knees - removable increased tone legs, the child will quickly learn to own them;

The kid, because he wants to know what is going on around him, will sooner learn to raise and hold his head;

With your help, the child can practice reflex crawling and walking.

You can lay the child on a hard surface during each period of wakefulness (not earlier than an hour after eating) for 5-10 minutes. At this time, you need to talk to him affectionately, stroke him on the back. If at first it is difficult for your baby to raise his head, place a roll of a rolled towel under his breast. If the child actively protests against lying alone, start spreading it on mom's belly, but after a few days, gently but persistently move him to the board. To train muscles, it is precisely a hard surface that is needed (this, of course, does not mean that the baby cannot free time lie on my mother’s belly for pleasure).

2. The kitten arches its back

The child lies on its side. You hold it with one hand for the legs, and with two fingers you run the other along the spine from the bottom up from the lower back to the neck. The kid bends back in response. If he doesn't respond the first time, run your hand harder along the back. Then repeat the exercise with the baby on the other side. This exercise strengthens your back muscles.

3. Say hello to mom (dad)!

The child lies on his back, resting his feet on your belly. You bring your hands under the back of the baby, put your palms under the back of his head, slowly raise the child to an almost vertical position (while talking affectionately with him), then also slowly lower it. This exercise strengthens the abdominal muscles.

4. The flower has opened

You hold the baby's leg with one hand, clasping it around the ankle joint. Use the pad of your other thumb to press down on the bottom of your child's sole (he flexes his toes). Then press down on the outer edge of the foot from the heel to the little toe (he extends the toes).

5. Let's crawl!

The child lies on his stomach on a hard surface, legs bent and knees apart. You clasp his legs in the area ankle joints and touch thumbs simultaneously to both soles. The kid reflexively unbends his legs, pushing off from your hands, moves forward. Continue to hold it by the legs, otherwise it may slide off the table. If necessary, correct the baby's arms - place them under the breast.

6. Embryo

Lay the baby on his back, fold his arms crosswise on the chest, pull the bent legs to the stomach (spreading the knees to the sides), bend his head to the chest. Hold the head under the back of the head with one hand. Rock the baby back and forth and in a circle. Exercise relieves increased tone, stimulates the vestibular apparatus, which in the future will allow your baby to learn to walk first on all fours, and then on two legs.

7. Let's go!

Take the child under the arms and place him on the table facing you, talking to him affectionately. Let his feet touch the hard surface of the table and tilt forward, alternately transferring the weight of the body to one or the other leg. The kid "floods" to meet you. Don't be alarmed if his head falls on his chest. The child's neck will not be affected. Try not to squeeze his chest and make sure that he stands up to his full foot. Don't let your toddler walk on tiptoe.

8. Wonderful ball

Place the baby on a large bouncy ball with its belly. Carefully spread the baby's knees to the sides. While holding the baby in the lumbar region, gently rock it back and forth, to the sides and in a circle. This exercise develops the vestibular apparatus, strengthens the muscles of the neck, back and abdomen.

Physical activity is very important for a child, starting from the first days of his life. Thanks to movements, the baby learns the world around him, grows and develops. Since all human vital systems are closely interconnected, thanks to movements, blood circulation improves, and metabolic processes in the baby's body are regulated. Gymnastics and physical activity is essential for every child from an early age.

This is an important step in caring for your baby. Depending on the age of the child, various exercises that contribute to the development of his body and psyche. the child should start from the second week of his life.

Gymnastics for the little ones

Starting from the 8th day of life, you can stroke the arms, legs, abdomen and back of the newborn. Movements should be carried out in this order - from the feet of the baby to the hips, from the hands to the shoulders. The stomach and back should be stroked lightly in different directions. Special attention should be given to the intercostal spaces and chest... Also, it is necessary to gently and easily bend and unbend the arms and legs of the baby.

Massage for newborns

Massage can be performed from the second week of life to six months. After six months, this procedure is recommended for children who are lagging behind in physical development... Also, as a preventive measure, massage can be done for absolutely healthy children over six months. The massage should be done about an hour before meals. You should start with light strokes, and then smoothly move on to more intense movements. The most useful elements of massage for newborns are rubbing, patting, and warm-up. For newborns, a local back massage is extremely useful. During the massage, you need to talk quietly and affectionately with your baby. Movements should be done slowly and carefully.

Gymnastics for newborns after 1.5 months

Up to three months, children retain increased muscle tone. In this regard, gymnastics for newborns is based on reflex movements. Reflex movements - baby's movements in response to irritation of his skin. The child should be laid out on his stomach so that he raises his head. In this position, a palm should be applied to his feet - the baby begins to crawl. Also, grasping movements in a newborn should be developed. To do this, various objects must be applied to his hands.

Gymnastics for newborns after 3 months

After three months, exercises should be included that stimulate the baby to move independently. To do this, you need to cross the child's arms on the chest, bend and unbend the legs, lift him by the arms. Starting from 4 months, the baby tries to squat on his own, holding on to his mother's hands. At 5 months, the child begins to sit down, at 8 - he tries to get back on his feet. To do this, he needs the constant support of his parents.

Gymnastics for newborns on a ball

Gymnastics for a newborn on a ball can be carried out from the first weeks of life. A large gymnastic latex ball is used for this. The baby should be slightly swayed on the ball, laid out on his stomach or on his back. Ball exercises develop the baby's vestibular apparatus, soothe and relax him.

Dynamic gymnastics for newborns

Dynamic gymnastics is based on short-term tension and relaxation of various muscle groups in a baby, starting from the first days of life. Many dynamic infant gymnastics exercises are performed in water. This gymnastics is considered highly effective in the fight against many congenital diseases of the motor system. Exercises are recommended only after consultation with an instructor.

This is an important part of their healthy development. By spending 20-30 minutes a day on exercise, parents make a huge contribution to the health of their baby.

We carry out such procedures and advise you. I wish your children to grow up healthy.

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