Outdoor horizontal bar sport. Workout is a sport accessible to everyone! What develops workout

Various street views sports are now popular in many countries around the world. It is not uncommon to meet young people who train on outdoor sports grounds. But it is not always easy to determine what exactly they are doing. There are many different types of street sports. And one of the most interesting representatives in all this set is workout, it should not be confused with other forms of training. The name "workout" comes from the English "workout", which literally means "work outside", in Russia it is also known as street workout or street fitness.

How is a workout different from other outdoor workouts?

How did the workout appear in Russia?

The history of this sport, if you can call it that, of course, in Russia begins in Soviet times, when the state began in every possible way to encourage young people who go in for sports, including on street grounds. The popularization of street workouts was influenced by several factors at once, among which we can single out such as:

  • Soviet and then Russian media promoted healthy lifestyles and sports;
  • The horizontal bar and parallel bars began to be installed in almost every yard;
  • This sport, which is popular in many countries of the world, is actively advertised on the Internet.

Soon, such a phenomenon as workout became the norm in Russia and other countries of the post-Soviet space. Russian youth now not only watch videos about this sport on various Internet portals, but they themselves are actively filming such materials. Special music for training is selected, and effects are added during editing, as a result, very good videos, gaining a lot of views. The state has also actively joined in the promotion of sports, creating more and more well-equipped sports grounds.

What develops a workout?

Obviously, such an activity as street workout is not just entertainment, but also a useful activity. When performing many workout exercises, the athlete often stands, leaning on only his hands, which creates additional load on the muscles. In this style of street workout, there are a lot of static body delays aimed at developing specific muscles:

  • Horizon (one of the most difficult positions, involving being in a horizontal position), which develops almost all the muscles of the body;
  • Flag (one of the interesting modifications of the horizon);
  • Corner;
  • Martin;
  • Horizontal stop;
  • Handstand;
  • Front hanging;

Each of these positions has its own characteristics, in addition, they all develop specific muscle groups. There is also a wide variety of exercises aimed at developing physical strength, agility and health maintenance:

  • A spear;
  • Angel's exit;
  • God Walk;
  • Prince's exit;
  • Power output for two hands;
  • Officer exit
All these exercises, bearing proud and beautiful names, are often used in competitions, turning them into a real show. Of course, there are also simpler exercises that every teenager has long been accustomed to, such as push-ups and pull-ups.

What kind of workout competitions are there?

Of particular interest are the competitions held in this type of street training. As in any other sport, they turn into a whole event. As a rule, competitions are held at the city or regional level. But it does not do without the All-Russian Championships. Also, they often pass and international festivals, and even the World Championships. The last World Walkout Championship, for example, was held in the capital of Kazakhstan, Astana.

It is noteworthy that the judges in such competitions, as a rule, are the former representatives of this street sports themselves. Professionals evaluate their followers, which also adds flavor to the overall course of the competition.

Street workout for beginners

Of course, in order to perform complex workout tricks and be in such static positions like the horizon, you need to train for a long time. And the first requirement for all this is not even dexterity, but good physical shape. Therefore, you need to start with traditional sports. If you want to become a professional in such a direction as workout, it is not enough just to know what it is. You need to spare no time and effort on the uneven bars.

And yet, you need to start with the simplest exercises. For example, with push-ups and pull-ups. This street workout does not require any special preparation. After similar exercises will cease to be difficult for a beginner athlete, you can proceed to more complex elements. Constant and systematic training will help anyone who wants to achieve some success in this interesting sport.

Summing up, it can be noted that workout is a special form of street sports. Like any other occupation, it takes time and effort, which means that no one becomes a professional walker just like that. But opportunities to develop are open to everyone, you only need desire. It should be noted that the usefulness of such exercises is difficult to overestimate: it is not only interesting, but also helps to keep yourself in good physical shape.

    Today we will talk about workout, about workouts that are last years became very popular among young people.

    - current direction in modern fitness industry that has characteristics from other techniques previously developed. There are bodybuilding elements in CrossFit,. A key feature of this sport is the ability to combine incompatible things. In particular, CrossFit makes extensive use of workout training.

    Why exactly workout and gymnastics have become an integral part of CrossFit? How to train properly in a workout style? What benefit will this training approach bring, and which is better: bodybuilding, crossfit or street workout training? You will find detailed answers to these questions in our article.

    How did it all start?

    If we consider the workout as a set of exercises, then it has always been included in the basic level of training of athletes of any status. You can recall the GPP norms in the USSR, where the necessary minimums for pull-ups and push-ups on the uneven bars were indicated for each age and grade.

    But if we consider workout as a separate discipline, then it can be called a relatively young direction of fitness, which completely excludes any work with iron. Street workout emerged as the basis of calisthenics - a new direction in fitness, in which only rough movements are used for development:

    • push ups;
    • pull-ups;
    • squats;
    • work with the press;

    Interesting fact: today street workout is a large complex different exercises which have more to do with gymnastics than calisthenics. But the CrossFit workout elements took all the best from the calisthenics, and not from the gymnastic component of the workout.

    The spread of calisthenics has taken on a large scale with the development of the Internet. The peak of popularity of workout (in particular, street workout) is due to the fact that at the beginning of the 2000s, not all segments of the population had access to gyms, and there are sports grounds (especially in the territories of the CIS countries) in almost every courtyard.

    An interesting fact: the initial work without special equipment was at first a forced necessity, which then grew into a separate philosophy based on opposing oneself to bodybuilding and powerlifting.

    With the development of workout as a separate direction, separate subspecies began to appear in it. It:

  1. Street Workout. He incorporated not only elements of calisthenics, but also various gymnastic exercises.
  2. Ghetto Workout. It is also called old school Workout, or classic Workout. Retained the principles of calisthenics, it implies the development of exclusively power and speed-power indicators without the use of special weights.

In the future, we will mainly consider the ghetto workout, since it has a broader theoretical and practical basis and appeared earlier, therefore, it has the right to be called classic.

Workout principles

Basic workout workout in a classic style is a whole direction. It does not include many exercises, but it allows you to purchase a basic physical fitness, which in the future will be easier to grind with hard exercise with shells.

Acting as the predecessor of CrossFit, workout is in many ways similar to it in basic principles:

  1. The presence of a progression. Although athletes who practice Workout do not use special weights, otherwise they use the same principles: increasing the number of repetitions, sets, decreasing rest times, supersets, strip sets and stair approaches.
  2. Development of all indicators. Workout training is usually circular. With a properly composed complex, the whole body is worked out in one workout.
  3. Lack of special weighting shells. Weight vests used by athletes are just a way to shorten the training time until a certain level of performance is reached, after which further progression of loads is impossible.
  4. Use only basic, functional exercises.
  5. Lack of periodization. Since there are no extreme loads, the risk of injury is slightly lower than that of athletes using iron. Hence the absence. This is why Workout athletes can train more than once a day.
  6. High intensity. On average, a workout lasts from 10 to 30 minutes, during which the whole body is worked out. Longer training times are only permissible when it is necessary to develop a lagging muscle group or when preparing for a competition.

But the most important key is the desire to achieve the most prominent shape with a predominance of lean muscle mass. Percent subcutaneous fat these athletes are no higher than competitive bodybuilders.

The advantages of this training method

If we consider different areas of fitness, then the program strength training workout has its advantages over classic fitness:

  1. Low injury risk. Associated with the natural range of motion and lack of weight.
  2. Complex training. Unlike powerlifting and bodybuilding, Workout trains not only strength, but also endurance, as well as aerobic performance of the body.
  3. Availability. Workout is available to everyone, regardless of the level of training.
  4. The ability to work out the whole body in one workout.
  5. Low risk of overtraining.
  6. Helps get better stretch.

Disadvantages of this training method

Workout is a rather highly specialized discipline, which, although available to everyone, does not give serious development in the future.

You can expect:

  1. Progression limit.
  2. Narrow specialization.
  3. Lack of harmonious development of the body. Due to the lack of exercise for some key muscle groups, all Workout athletes have a "characteristic" figure, with lagging rhomboid muscles and an undeveloped upper chest. In addition, the muscles of the forearms and shoulders are much more developed than the large muscles of the body. This imbalance is not only an aesthetic problem, but also a medical problem. In particular, due to improper development of the abdominal muscles in relation to the muscles of the lower back, the body is constantly in a tense state, which increases the risk of lordous curvature of the spine.
  4. Inability to study in winter time... With an insufficiently warmed up body in winter period easy to get stretched.

Comparison with other areas of fitness

Despite the fact that workout training is considered a separate sport, in no way overlapping with either classic bodybuilding or modern crossfit, they have a lot in common with these disciplines.

Periodization Harmonious development Development of functional indicators Difficulty entering sports Injury risk The need to adhere to a meal plan, exercise and day plan
Workout Absent. The time between workouts is determined based on how you feel.Provides an ideal muscle-to-total ratio. There is a backlog of some muscle groups. Lack of specialization. The priority is the development of explosive strength and strength endurance.Low. Training is available to everyone.Low.To receive better results must be adhered to.
Bodybuilding / Powerlifting Rigid periodization for best results.Harmonious development without lagging behind. The body fat percentage is adjusted depending on the preparation stage.Specialization depending on the direction. The priority is the development of strength endurance and absolute strength.Relatively low.
Crossfit Trainer-shaped or absent. It largely depends on the well-being of the athlete.Perfect harmonious development without lagging behind some muscle groups. The percentage of fat is minimized.Lack of specialization. The development of functional strength is a priority.Low. Training is best done under the supervision of a trainer.High.

Workout myths

There are a huge number of myths about workout, many of which have no real basis.

Myth Reality
Workout people are much tougher than everyone else.This myth arose from the fact that workout athletes can do more pull-ups than bodybuilders or powerlifters. In fact, endurance and strength of these athletes are approximately at the same level. Just when working with own weight it is not taken into account that athletes of "heavy orientation" have a lot of weight, therefore, exercises with their own weight are physically harder for them than for lighter workout athletes.
It is not necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle for a workout.This is due to the lifestyle that many representatives of the workout sport lead. However, in the presence of bad habits, progress in calisthenics, as in other sports, is greatly slowed down. It is worth looking at the stars of the modern workout: for example, Denis Minin leads a healthy lifestyle and even enjoys working in the gym for the winter.
The workout is not traumatic.This is only partly true. This is due to the fact that basic movements (pull-ups, push-ups and squats) have a natural trajectory of movement, which reduces the risk of injury. But for people who use forceful exits or other gymnastic exercises, the risk of injury increases significantly.
Workout and protein are incompatible.This myth was actively popularized in the CIS countries between 2008 and 2012. In fact, protein is not harmful and even accelerates your progress in training.
Doing workout, you cannot gain a large muscle mass. This is only partly true. Overcoming a certain threshold, a person begins to train strength endurance and aerobic systems that do not produce severe myofibrillary. But if you use a progression of loads with weights, you will get decent muscle mass, which is not inferior to bodybuilding.
Workouts are "sharper" than other athletes.This is only partly true, since the progression of loads implies an acceleration in the execution of exercises, which gives an increase in explosive strength. However, in general, if a person is working on explosive strength, then the shells and the approach to training do not affect this. For example, boxers have much more explosive strength than workout athletes.

Training program

The basic workout program has its own characteristics and consists of several main stages:

  1. Basic pre-training. This is a preliminary preparation stage that every person who decides to seriously engage in street workout must go through.
  2. Main job. A year-round stage that implies improvement in baseline performance.
  3. Periods of profile training. It is necessary if there are lags in certain muscle groups.
  4. Gymnastic training. For those who want to master complex gymnastic and acrobatic movements on horizontal bars and parallel bars.

Now let's take a closer look at each stage of the program and the exercises that they include:

Period Periodization Incoming exercises Workout plan Target
Basic preparation1-4 weeks
  • Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a reverse narrow grip;
  • Wide leg squats;
  • Grasshopper push-ups;
  • Dips on the uneven bars;
  • Exit by force on 1 hand;
  • Negative pull-ups;
  • Jumping pull-ups.
  1. Negative pull-ups 5 * max;
  2. Dips on the uneven bars 5 * max;
  3. Jumping pull-ups 3 * max;
  4. Wide stance squats 3 * max.
The first stage is preparation strength qualities athlete and development correct technique... If the initial training of the athlete does not allow, simplified variations are used.
Main job4-30 weeks
  • Pull-ups on the horizontal bar wide grip;
  • Weighted squats;
  • Push-ups with narrow setting hands;
  • Push-ups on wide bars;
  • Exit by force on 2 hands.
  1. Pull-ups - 100 times (divided into sets until complete);
  2. Push-ups on wide bars - 50 times. (divided into approaches until complete implementation);
  3. Push-ups on narrow bars- 100 times. (divided into approaches until complete implementation);
  4. Squats - maximum amount approaches.
The goal of this stage is to maximize the development of the athlete's strength indicators and prepare the muscles for gymnastic training.
Periods of profile training30-52 weeksSuitable complexes are selected depending on the specialization and on the lagging muscle groups.
  1. For the horizontal bar - different types pull-ups;
  2. For the development of triceps forces if it is impossible to perform a power output on 2 arms push-ups on wide and narrow uneven bars;
  3. Working out the muscles of the press;
  4. Exits by force;
  5. Hanging leg raises to the bar.
This stage is aimed at developing lagging muscle groups. Runs in parallel with gymnastic exercises... Depending on which movements lack strength and endurance, suitable complexes are selected.
Gymnastic workoutsAfter the 4th week, if necessaryDepending on the level of the athlete's readiness, acrobatic variations of classic exercises are selected:
  • Rise with a coup;
  • Needle;
  • Coffin;
  • Exit to one;
  • Exit to two;
  • Parrot;
  • Riveting;
  • Pin;
  • Dembel;
  • Crab;
  • Lock;
  • Rivet on the uneven bars;
  • Clothespin on the uneven bars;
  • Kirdyk;
  • Rack on uneven bars.
  1. Hanging on two hands 2 * MAX;
  2. Hanging hooks 3 * MAX;
  3. Raising straight legs to the bar 3 * MAX;
  4. Finger pull-ups 2 * MAX;
  5. Compasses 3 * MAX;
  6. Hanging on one hand 2 * MAX;
  7. A set of exercises from the list.
Development of technique and strength in gymnastic profile exercises.


Workout sets are an excellent addition to weightlifting exercises as part of your CrossFit workout. But do not forget that workout is a direction of fitness. You should not take it as a separate discipline and train using exclusively workout principles and not observing nutrition and daily regimen. A workout is an excellent pre-training and a way to understand how ready you are for serious loads and training.

Workout is a subculture that promotes street workout sports grounds as a free and effective alternative to traditional fitness clubs and gyms. It is enough to look at those who have been practicing on horizontal bars and uneven bars for several years to make sure that such training can give excellent results in terms of health, strength and beauty of the body.

Many people think that on horizontal bars and uneven bars you can only pull yourself up, do push-ups and swing the press. This is not true. Using your imagination, you can come up with a huge number of different exercises and their combinations, which will not only increase the load on the workout, but also make it more interesting. Creativity is one of the key features of a workout. This is clearly demonstrated in the video below.

The idea of ​​a workout goes far beyond the playground. It consists in transforming the achievements obtained on the horizontal bars into the achievements of real life. Many people have told me how learning about workout changed them into better side, helped to get out of a difficult life situation or to decide to seriously change my life. For example, moving to another city, moving to a new job, or enrolling in a prestigious university.

Another component of our subculture is sociality, which is expressed in the principle “everyone teaches everyone”. We do not focus on ourselves, but, on the contrary, strive to share our experience with everyone. And we do it for free. Local communities based on outdoor platforms with horizontal bars now exist in many cities of Russia and in other countries.

In sports you compete with others, in workout - with yourself

Sport is a zero-sum game: if one wins, the other loses. This condition is at the heart of any sport. It is this that creates the competitive component. The problem is that this leads to negative consequences... Yes, everyone strives to develop in order to defeat others, but at the same time, no competing athlete will reveal their training secrets to you. He does not want you to become better, stronger, and even more so surpass him.

Sports, even team sports, are still a story about an individual victory, and a workout is about a collective one.

Workers have a different attitude to victories. We believe that the only one you really compete with is yourself. And every day you must strive to become better than you were yesterday. Therefore, I do not think about surpassing anyone. I think about how to become better myself and help someone become better too. If I find out effective method double the number of my pull-ups in a month, then I will gladly share it with everyone.

Success today in training, tomorrow in everything else.

Imagine for a second a person who is dissatisfied with his life and, in particular, with his reflection in the mirror. Let's say his name is Vasily. He learns about the workout and decides to give it a try. The first thing Vasily will need to do is go outside and find the nearest area with horizontal bars. That is, a workout from the very beginning forces a person to leave the comfort zone and start doing something. Already at this stage, many have difficulties, since they are ashamed of other people, their form and the fact that they do not know how to do anything. But if Vasily has set himself a goal, then he will find a way out. Will look for sites away from home, practice early morning or late in the evening.

The gradual overcoming of his insecurity in order to achieve the goal has a positive effect on the character and willpower of Vasily. Over time, he begins to notice changes in himself: shortness of breath disappears, the stomach is tightened, muscles appear. At some point, others begin to notice these changes. And now Vasily comes to work in high spirits. He sees that by hard work he can change something here too. Then he decides to transfer to a new place in his company, where he has long wanted to get, but he lacked self-confidence. Vasily improves his technical knowledge, enrolls in English courses and applies for a vacancy in the European branch of the company.

This example is, of course, exaggerated, but it shows well how one change leads to another. And it all starts with the first step - for example, with horizontal bars and parallel bars. AND the main task workout culture - to bring a person to them.

On the horizontal bars, just like in the gym, you only have one way - hard work.

Do you need a coach to get results? No. Do you need different powders in colored jars? No. Do you need trendy exercise equipment and the latest fitness techniques? Also no.

All that is needed to get in shape is to regularly do simple physical exercises and deal with your diet. Pull-ups, push-ups, squats and calorie balance are the secret to success.

If you train on street horizontal bars, then no one will rush you into training, and the money paid for the subscription will not put pressure on your conscience. You can come up with a bunch of excuses to stay home and lie on the couch, but if you want to get things done, then you only have one way - hard work.

Workouts do not interrupt workouts. Even at -40 ° C

Photo: Anton Shcherbakov / WorkOut Photostock

Workout is a street subculture, so we train on horizontal bars all year round regardless of weather conditions. And I'm not just talking about Moscow. Our guys in Chita were training even at –40 ° C. There is nothing difficult in exercising in the cold, although this imposes certain restrictions on the content of the training. You need to dress warmer, warm up and warm up longer, focus on simple exercises and more repetitions.

It's easy to start exercising

I can hardly be mistaken if I say that people of any age and gender can practice on horizontal bars and parallel bars. The variety of bodyweight exercises allows you to choose the load for any level and gradually develop. You can hardly think of something more affordable and effective.

We launched the WorkOut website a few years ago. Its goal is to unite all workouters from different cities and countries and give them the opportunity to communicate and share their experiences. The WorkOut website has a huge database of outdoor sports grounds. In it you can not only see where the nearest horizontal bars are, but also find out who trains on them. This way you can meet like-minded people who live nearby.

We didn't reinvent the wheel. All knowledge about sports exercises and proper nutrition have been known for a long time. We simply collected information from more than 1,000 sources, from school textbooks on biology, chemistry and physics to modern publications in foreign scientific journals. Processed, structured and presented as a 100-day educational course. All a participant has to do is apply this knowledge.

The site database, all reference materials and the 100-Day Workout program are available free of charge. If you want to get in shape, build willpower, or just feel like a part of the workout movement, best moment to start now.

You don't have to go to the gym to play sports and get good results, as the workout proves. Anyone who does not have health problems can do it. It is important to know about the features and rules of training so that progress can be seen.

What is a workout?

Street Workout with of English language translated as street workout and by this concept we mean the kind physical education, which are based on performing exercises mainly on outdoor structures, for example, a horizontal bar, parallel bars, stairs, benches, and so on. Street workout focuses on working with your own weight, increasing strength and endurance. This area is also called "street fitness", but at the same time it is not a sport, since it has not yet been officially recognized by any country, but the situation may change.

Workout history

In America in the 90s, black teens began to actively work on building their bodies, exercising on ordinary outdoor sports fields. They did pull-ups, push-ups, and other exercises to sculpt their bodies. When the Internet became publicly available, videos began to circulate on the network where you could see workout workouts. It is not clear who was the first to sign the videos as "street workout", but the name firmly stuck and later in the CIS countries and Europe was transformed into "workout". In Russia, the movement spread in 2009.

Workout types

It is worth emphasizing that there are no clear divisions of the styles of this street sport, but there is a historically established classification:

  1. Street workout... The classic style, which involves performing different elements with your own weight and coming up with new unusual exercises.
  2. Ghetto workout... This view has retained the preferences of the poor teenagers who founded the direction. The emphasis is on performing complex and beautiful elements, and this style also includes bright strength exercises workout, for example, isometric. Interestingly, some elements of this style are reflected in oriental martial arts such as finger push-ups.
  3. Handstand... The strength direction of the previous style, in which strength exits on the horizontal bar alternate with push-ups and so on.
  4. Gimbarr... A unique "Cuban" style that is life threatening as it requires the development of dexterity and excellent coordination. It is not recommended to perform elements of this style without insurance.

Why is workout useful?

There are several main points that relate to why you should do a workout:

  1. The physical activity that the body feels is equal to what the athlete receives while working in the gym.
  2. Workout elements involve almost all muscle groups in the work, and this without the use of special equipment.
  3. Training does not require any financial investment, since the equipment is just in the courtyards of many houses.
  4. Workout has a positive effect on general condition health. Workouts are beneficial for back health, as outdoor sports work out even deep muscles.
  5. It is worth noting the positive impact of this area on activities. nervous system... That's why good mood you are guaranteed.

Workout area

It is impossible to say what the ideal outdoor training site should be, as different athletes have their own opinions on this matter. On initial stages for training, a horizontal bar and parallel bars are enough, but in order to develop in this direction, other equipment is needed. Given the popularity of the workout, the number of special sites is increasing all over the world. Basic equipment for workout: crossbar, parallel bars, handlebar, Swedish wall, bench for the press, "snake" and so on.

Workout for beginners

People who have never played sports should be careful about exercising. One of the main reasons is poor preparation of the vestibular apparatus, which makes beginners dizzy during rotations and they even fall. If you are interested in what a workout is and where to start such training, then it is better to start swinging, hanging upside down and lifting with a turn, thanks to this simple exercises preparation of the vestibular apparatus will occur.

  1. Each workout should begin with a warm-up lasting no more than 15 minutes. Thanks to this, the ligaments are warmed up and prepared for stress.
  2. Beginner workouts include different variants push-ups, pull-ups and other exercises to develop strength and endurance.
  3. It is recommended for beginners to use reduced amplitudes, that is, the exercise is performed in only half of the movement.
  4. If some elements are difficult to perform, it is recommended to have a partner.
  5. Workout is a direction that, like other sports, gives results with regular training, so you should do it at least 2-3 times a week, but more is better.
  6. The load should be increased gradually so that the muscles get used and the muscles strengthen. Heroism in this matter is dangerous to health.
  7. If you have any health problems, then you should consult a doctor before exercising so as not to aggravate your condition.

Workout - motivation

Each person may have their own motivation why they started playing sports, but in most cases the goal is the same - to make their body structured and beautiful. Street workout for many is motivation. According to surveys, many guys and girls became interested in this area after seeing a video where ordinary guys perform incredible exercises on ordinary horizontal bars, stairs, and so on. Workout music is also motivating as it is dynamic and makes you move.

Workout - training programs

There are several programs that are suitable for aspiring athletes. One of the most effective is training for four days. With its help, you can master the main elements in order to further form your own workouts. The workout complex includes:

  1. Day # 1: Routine pull-ups, wide grip push-ups, hanging leg raises, and bent-over dips.
  2. Day number 2: from the first day, the exercises differ in that you need to pull up with a wide grip, and do push-ups on the uneven bars.
  3. Day # 3: Do the first day exercises, but only pull-ups should be done with a tight grip.
  4. Day number 4: the exercises differ from the first workout in that push-ups from the floor are performed with a regular grip and there is no tilt when push-ups on the uneven bars.

Workout competition

When there were a lot of people who were interested in Street Workout, they began to compete with each other in skill, which eventually led to the holding of real competitions and even World Championships. It is worth noting that the first international championship held in Riga in 2011. Street sports workout uses five parameters in competitions: strength, entertainment, accuracy of exercises, number of elements and charisma. The last point is especially interesting, because in this direction, the main thing is beauty and good mood.

Workout ranks

It has already been said that Street Workout is an officially unrecognized sport, therefore, the ranks are also courtyard. They were invented in 2008 by the famous turnstile from Ukraine - Evgeniy Kozyrev. This workout program was created to motivate yard athletes to keep going and hone their skills. In total, there are seven categories and a person who ideally passes all stages is considered a candidate for sports in the yard workout. Each category includes two categories: basic exercises and elements.

There is general provisions concerning getting a rank in the workout:

  1. To get a grade, you need to record on video the fulfillment of all standards for the selected category. They can be filmed separately at any time. After this, the video is edited and should be uploaded to the official workout group.
  2. It is good if the order of the exercises presented in the list is followed during installation. It is important that the elements are executed in good quality, and in the video, the athlete was seen in full growth.
  3. The exercises should be performed on a rigid horizontal bar, since other options will not be taken into account. It is forbidden to use the straps.
  4. If the site administrators, having watched the video, consider that all the elements are performed correctly, then the athlete will be assigned a category and his video will be included in the list of dischargers.
  5. Video reports from the fourth and seventh grade will be evaluated by three administrators. Each exercise is rated on a 10-point system, and the average mark will affect the position in the rating of the dischargers. The passing score is 75% of the maximum mark.

Workout clothes

In order to be comfortable performing different elements, it is important to wear comfortable clothes for training that will not hinder your movements. It is important that it is made of durable materials that will not tear from sudden movements, but at the same time stretch well. Workout athletes wear shorts / pants, T-shirts / T-shirts. When it's cold, sweatshirts are also used. For competition, teams use brightly colored uniforms to make their performances more spectacular.

When it comes to footwear, it is best to choose sneakers with ventilation and thick soles. It is imperative to use workout gloves that protect your hands from damage. It is worth choosing special sports models that do not have firm seams so that nothing will crush. To perform complex elements, you need insurance - special belts that fix your hands on the crossbar. You can make them yourself, but it is better to buy them at a sports store.

Workout movies

The first ever feature film about healthy way life and workout was filmed in Russia and was released in 2017. The drama is short and only lasts 18 minutes, but it reveals and touches on many important topics. Interestingly the main character who does street workout stunts is not a professional actor and in fact he is the leader of the Street Workout movement in Russia and this was his film debut.

The word workout came to us from English, and you can be sure that in the near future it will appear even in official dictionaries, such workout is used by sports people. Literally translated, workout means workout. Initially, the word meant a completely ordinary fitness exercise in a gym, where there are exercise machines and dumbbells. But the word workout acquired such popularity in Russia and in the world not at all due to its direct meaning. There are two more concepts associated with it: street workout and ghetto workout. Their meanings are pretty close, this is street workout, which is done outside of the "mainstream" machines, not obeying any fitness system. Since the training is street, it uses its own weight, various crossbars, parallel bars, and in general everything that can be found on the street, including structural elements at public transport stops (not in Russia). We can say that a workout is a yard fitness workout. Also, this word is used in the meaning “ home workout", When instead of simulators, all sorts of objects available at home are used for training. For example, don't you have a floor chin bar from a prone position? Take two chairs and place a mop on them.

In Russia, old playgrounds with horizontal bars, metal ladders, and beams have gained particular popularity as a place for workouts.

Workout like movement

In our country, the word "workout" (sometimes they write "workout", but this is not entirely true) rather quickly acquired a special meaning. So they began to call not so much the training itself as the lifestyle and the course of free fitness. The workout philosophy was developed in 2009 by members of the One More Day fitness community.

The goal of the fitness course is to show people that it is easy to be strong and healthy, for this you do not need to spend money on clubs and exercise equipment. You can train everywhere, everyone can do it.
The workout system is based on three principles. First principle: listen to your body and choose the best for it. Different workouts and exercises are suitable for everyone, so to choose what works best for you, just pay attention to how you feel about the workout. The founders of the workout also talk about the fact that from the very idea of ​​counting approaches and reps, but just doing the exercise until you notice that you are working to the limit of your strength. This is what results and progress mean. Second principle: use your imagination. Come up with new exercises! Use any furnishings for them. The body quickly gets used to the monotonous load, so don't give it a chance to adjust. The third principle: the main thing is not how much, but how. Do each set correctly and with concentration, this is much more important than the number of repetitions. These are the tactics that will make you stronger.


  • WeFit.ru

From English Workout - workout, train. For the first time, workout appeared not so long ago - in 2008 in America, and initially positioned itself not as a sport, but as ordinary physical training, work on your body and spirit.


Trainings are mainly held on the streets, on sports grounds. But there are also closed areas, they are especially in demand in cold and rainy weather. Many train with friends, thus supporting and helping each other. Some exercises even require the help of a partner. Training is based on using your own weight and improvised equipment, but without additional weighting. So, for example, almost all workouts are carried out using bars, benches, horizontal bars and rings.

Trainee Principles

It must be said that for these athletes their occupations are not a profession or a hobby, but a way of life, an integral part of it. First, they adhere to Eastern philosophy. They do not put themselves in comparison with other people, but rely only on their experience, on changes and improvement within themselves. Secondly, the main thing is to achieve your goals, not give up your words and never give up. Thirdly, in everything it is necessary to know when to stop. Do not train to unconsciousness, do not sacrifice high-quality exercise technique for more repetitions. And of course, train regularly, the training schedule should not be "jumpy". Finally, athletes take their diet very seriously. For them, a balanced diet is no less than quality workouts. The adherent's diet includes vegetables, complex carbohydrates (cereals), meat and fish. In a word, those products that contain the necessary vitamins and nutrients for our body.

Effects on body and body

Physical activity has been shown to produce excitement, pleasant sensations and a sense of joy in a person. Naturally, when a person likes the sport that he has chosen. Likewise, workout lovers feel exhausted after a workout, but at the same time happy. After all, they again proved to themselves that they can become stronger, bolder and better. Basically, the emphasis in the exercises is on upper part body: muscles of the arms, chest, back and abs. Therefore, these athletes are easy to recognize by their developed, muscular and strong body. And due to the use of only their own weight in training, they have dried and slender body, low body fat and good stamina.

Workout - great alternative unhealthy lifestyles for those who do not have money or the ability to attend GYM's and fitness centers. And the most important thing is that this sport can be practiced at any age, it has practically no contraindications, does not harm, it strengthens character and fortitude.

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