Which muscles are responsible for the force of the punch. Punch Technique Exercises

If you are engaged in any martial arts or just want to stand up for yourself and your loved ones in street fight then lightning fast and swipe you just need it. Some people are given such a blow by nature, if you are not one of them, then you need to increase the strength and speed of your blow. The following will help you with this. effective exercise and valuable tips for increasing strength and speed.

As you know, the force of a blow is measured in kilograms, a blow with a force of 250 kg is enough to discourage an opponent from fighting, but to knock him down will not be enough. But for us than more strength blow, the more profitable. What is needed to increase the force of impact? To begin with, you need to hit correctly, when hitting, it is necessary that not only the hand is in motion, but also the body and legs. The body must be rotated in the direction of impact. Also, legs, when hitting, you need to take a small step forward, if you hit with your left hand, then this should be left leg, and if right, then right leg... It should be noted that these steps are obtained if only single strikes are performed, but if this is a combination of strikes, then you simply will not have time to do the steps. Don't forget about the rack. The first thing a boxer is taught is the correct stance. And, as you know, boxers have the strongest blow. And so, to begin with, it should be said that the stand is the most comfortable position for the boxer, which he needs to perform any action for attack or, conversely, for defense. The rack should provide good overview and at the same time be an obstacle for the enemy to perform any actions. The left-hand rack meets all requirements.

It is best to start learning the stand near the mirror, at a distance of 2 - 2.5 meters. One of better ways increase the power of impact, this is shadow boxing. This requires 3.2.1 kg dumbbells.

For starters, take 3 kg dumbbells. Deal with them for about 20 strokes. Then take 2 kg dumbbells, also 20 strokes, then 1 kg. After all, we apply 20 blows without dumbbells, you will feel that your hands have become wadded - this is normal.
Same way in a good way push-ups are increases in hitting. But not just push-ups, but push-ups with fists or claps.

The same pull-ups or push-ups on the uneven bars help a lot. Swimming also helps to increase the force of the blow; during swimming, all muscles are strengthened. But for us, the main style is crawl.

Another feature of a strong blow is that it is necessary to hit through the target, it is not necessary to stop the movement of the hand after the blow, on the contrary, the movement must be continued. So the blow turns out to be stronger and repulsive to the enemy. With such a blow, the percentage of the fact that the enemy will lose balance and fall more than with a lashing blow. Great importance also has the way the fist clenches. It is necessary to start clenching the fist from the first phalanges of the fingers, so that there is less empty space between the fingers and the phalanges of the fingers.

And to increase the speed of the blow, the same shadow boxing will help, only this time for speed. It is necessary to perform a series of blows or the same blow several times, but at high speed for 5-10 minutes. You can also purchase special hand weights or sew by yourself. They are shaped like gloves, but with pockets that contain metal plates. The number of plates can be adjusted, removed or added, depending on physical condition... There is also such a problem that the hands begin to ache from hitting the pear. So that you do not feel pain during the impact, the skin needs to become rougher and the bones of the hand get used to the impact, for this you need to do the following, take an ordinary pile and attach it to the wall. Every day, for 15-20 minutes, perform a series of blows, and then tear out several pages from the pile. This is how your hands will be “tempered”.

Train hard and you will definitely succeed. Good luck and success.

You will immediately think that you need to increase total weight body (gain weight) to beat no worse. But no. To increase the force of a punch with a fist, it is necessary to realize from what it is formed. Let's talk about this.

Cut on the nose

Speed ​​alone is not enough to strike hard. It is necessary to put all your weight, only then there will be a result.

Do not straighten your arm completely on impact - so as not to dislocate the joints. Strike under different angles.


  1. should be slightly wider than shoulder width;
  2. the heel rises first;
  3. on impact, the foot must be turned in the direction of the movement of the hand;
  4. on impact right hand left foot is in place, and the heel of the right is lifted and vice versa.

Other features

  1. The knees should be slightly bent and the weight of the body is carried forward.
  2. Turn your hips towards the opponent, simultaneously with striking.
  3. Full body movement on impact, with a close throw of the hand, is more effective.
  4. Never reach forward. Turn your torso sharply.
  5. When swinging, do not take your hand back - the opponent will guess about the maneuver.
  6. When hitting, the fist must be squeezed as tightly as possible.
  7. Exhale with each blow.

Watch the instructional video on how to punch correctly:

How to increase punching power: exercise

1. Stuffing the Ball

Find the heavy ball that boxers use in training. If not, use basketball. Do the following:

  • feet shoulder-width apart, body straight. Raise the ball high above your head. Hit the ball firmly on the floor and catch it after the bounce. Repeat the exercise at least 15 times.

2. Jump squats

1. Initial position: stand up straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms at your sides;
2. Sit down until the knees are level with the hips;
3. Jump up as much as possible, while raising your hands;
4. Repeat the jumps until you run out of strength (for the best effect, you can pick up dumbbells).

Leg muscles

Beginner, know: to develop a strong blow, you need to start with developing the muscles of the legs. They play a big role in the execution of the strike. Squats with weights help to develop the muscles of the legs to the maximum.

Muscles of the upper body

As for the upper body, here for a powerful blow, the triceps, back muscles and shoulders play an important role.

The main exercises that develop these muscle groups are:

  1. pull-ups;
  2. push-ups on fists;
  3. reverse push-ups;
  4. lifting weights (forward, up).

Source: depositphotos.com

1. Use a wrist expander regularly. Buy the toughest tool and work alternately with both hands. It is imperative to squeeze the expander sharply, applying all the force. Exercise helps develop the interdigital muscles. As a result, the fist will begin to weigh more, and the force of the blow, accordingly, will increase.

2. Jump rope every day, lifting your hips high. Try to reach the chest with your knees.

3. Exercises with a sledgehammer are no less effective. Take a tool (it is better to do it near the garage), and start hitting unnecessary tires. During the exercise, the muscles that work on impact are activated.


Force is speed times mass. From here it immediately becomes clear that the force of the blow depends on how much your hand weighs, and how quickly you shoot it. But in fact, there are many more nuances.

  1. By by and large the force of the blow does not depend on how much your hand weighs, but on how you put your own weight. With a weight of 60 kg, you can strike with a force of 1000 kg or more.
  2. The trajectory and area of ​​the impact surface also play an important role. From school physics lessons, we know that the smaller the area, the more pressure! That is, if the blow is smeared and not concentrated, then even the fact that you weigh 80 kg will not save you. You can weigh 50 kg, but if you put them in one small point, you will knock out your opponent without any problems! Trajectory has more to do with speed. The more accurate the path to the target, the easier it is to develop hand speed during the strike.

In order to make a strong blow, it is important for you to understand one thing. One hand is not enough to reach desired effect... Your first goal is to learn to engage your entire body: legs, hips, core.

To do this, you only need a goal. Even a wall is suitable at home. Put your hand forward and go to the wall until you rest against your fist, then take half a step back. From this position, strike the target, you will not have enough arm length, so use your whole body in order to reach. Now you yourself have not noticed how you began to work with your whole body. Do the exercise until you become automatic.

The next move is training on shells. For this, a punching bag or a make-up bag is suitable for us. If you don't have anything, google how to make a pear with your own hands, and you will find the answer to your question)

The best thing to do with a pear is endurance work. Try to constantly squeeze the bag with your whole body while you have strength.

To work with the paw, you need a partner, take the hand of any of your friends and go! Your task is to choose two or three favorite blows and work out, but not just, but trying, as it were, to punch through the blow through the paw, only then will you deliver a powerful penetrating blow.

Make-up work is based on the same principle only your partner also puts pressure on you while you are trying to strike.

You should also take the time to shadow boxing. It will help increase the speed of the impact, and as mentioned earlier, the force of the impact is the speed multiplied by the mass. Put weights on your hands and hit them in the air for three minutes. Then remove the weights, and you will feel how your hands fly. Try to fix this state by performing another approach only without weights.

There is one more good exercise... But it is probably relevant only in the summer as it is performed in water. Take two squares of wood that are the size of your hand. Attach ropes to them and put them on your hands. Walk with them into the water and deliver direct blows, resisting the pressure of the water. It develops pushing and penetrating power very well. But if it is winter now or you have no water sources in the vicinity at all, then you can use harnesses. Attach one end to the wall and grab the other, and you get much the same effect.

In general, if you do not want to bother with the selection of a training program, then competent people have already done everything for you. By going by reference you will find a perfectly matched system for working out the blow, which has been worked on by more than one professional fighter.

With the technique sorted out, now let's move on to physical training.

For a strong punch, it is important not to hammer the muscles too much. Therefore, it is better to work with your weight. This will help you with this popular view sports like. Its meaning is to pump up own weight using horizontal bars push-ups and parallel bars. In some cases, weights are used.

Make a schedule for which you will study. It is best that the classes take place in one day.

To pump all the muscles on the horizontal bar, you will need 6 approaches. The first three are normal grip, but changing the distance between the hands and three more reverse grip also changing the distance between the hands.

On the uneven bars, the emphasis is on the triceps. chest and shoulders. In push-ups, just like on the horizontal bar, you need to change the distance between the arms in order to use different muscles.

In addition to the workout, there are a couple of exercises that help make the punch strong. The first and one of the most effective is the sledgehammer. I think everyone has at least one familiar with the car and he probably already has unnecessary tires. Fix the tires and hit them with a sledgehammer with all your might, trying to resist the rubber recoil. This exercise allows you to develop striking power well, as a large number of outstanding fighters were engaged in.

The second exercise is throwing heavy balls. It is probably known to all boxers as it also has a positive effect on the power of the blow.

The third is an expander. Often, young active athletes do not devote enough time to work with the expander, as it is rather monotonous and boring. But this is one of the few ways to pump up the forearm that should be given the right amount of time to make the arm heavier.

Also, be sure to read about, and.

This is how you can make your punch more powerful and penetrating by following non-tricky advice. Write your ways of working out a hit in the comments, and also subscribe to a blog to support the project. Don't forget to like and repost. Good luck to all.

A quick and strong punch is a basic skill required to become a good boxer. Mastering such a blow begins with improving the physical form and learning how to execute the blow in such a way that not only the arm, but also the whole body serves as a source of strength. By learning how to aim and hit correctly within striking distance, you can give your hits more speed, and using training techniques that help to instantly increase muscle mass, you will be able to build up strength. If you are ready to take your punching skill to the next level, then move on to the first step.


Work on physical form

    Get into the correct stance. For good hit with a fist, the position of the feet and legs is of great importance, since such a blow requires the work of the whole body. Position your feet a little wider than shoulder-width apart so that you can easily pivot towards your target and guide your weight behind the punch.

    Keep your eyes on the target. Your concentration should not be lost on purpose. Never close your eyes or look away; in order to aim correctly and execute a blow with power and precision, stay focused. Pull your chin in a little so that it is protected by the hitting hand during the strike.

    Generate strength with your hips and core. Beginning to strike, turn your hips and body towards the target. Try to position yourself so that the rotation is as complete as possible, even if you are very close to the target. Your punch will be stronger if you can turn fully and not just move slightly. When striking, you should really feel your body weight.

    • Pay attention to your hips when training with fist punches. Rotate them quickly and forcefully in the direction of the target, as if you are about to punch it with your hips, not your fist. This will help you develop the strength you need to hit hard and fast.
    • During the spin, you shouldn't have to lean forward or try to reach the target. If you have to reach for a target in order to hit it, you will lose strength.
  1. Throw your hand forward. Your shoulders should be free until you are ready to strike. When ready, throw your hand forward so that you can easily reach the person you are hitting. While your hand is still, keep it relaxed and then make a fist so that it hits hard.

    • When making a fist, squeeze all four fingers except your thumb and wrap them last. Check to thumb was bent behind, otherwise it will come under your blow.
    • Bandaging your arm beforehand will help you avoid injury and make the impact stronger.
    • Don't plan to punch before punching, or your opponent will figure out your plan before you try to punch. This is called "telegraphing" and results in lost matches.
  2. Make contact and exhale. After making contact with the target, exhale. It will probably take some practice to time your breathing so that you exhale with each stroke, but getting into the correct breathing rhythm is well worth the effort. Breathe in before hitting and exhale at the moment of hitting, putting every particle of your energy into the blow.

    • After hitting, jump back to the starting position to prepare for the next hit.
    • Remember to tuck up your chin to be ready for a counterstrike, if any.

    Increased speed and strength

    1. When punching, keep distance in mind. You should only take a hit if you are at the ideal distance to hit it with maximum force. This means you need to be close enough to hit without leaning or leaning forward. You should be able to deliver the punch with your arm outstretched but not outstretched too much.

      • If you have to lean forward to execute a punch, then a significant part of your punching force will be lost.
      • Practice on the bag until it becomes clear how far you need to stand from the target when striking. This distance depends on your arm length and your range of motion.
    2. Move your whole body. The importance of using your entire body, not just your hand, to strike cannot be overstated. Even if you can move your arm quickly, without rotating your whole body, your punch when moving with just your arm will be less powerful.

      • Using your leg muscles will allow you to develop strength and speed on impact. The muscles of the legs are the largest and strong muscles bodies, and they must stand behind every punch.
      • Remember that during the strike, you must not take your legs off the floor, as this knocks off balance and takes away some of the strength. Keep your feet quick, but keep them close to the floor.
    3. Hit from different angles. In battle, you will not hit the same every time. Learn to determine which type of blow will be the strongest in each specific situation. To raise your fighting prowess, work on mastering strikes from the following basic angles:

      Choose the right moment. Since distance is very important when you want to punch with the most power, it is important to understand that not every punch will be the hardest. If you are slightly out of optimal range, then the hit will be slightly weaker due to the fact that you will be trying to get into the correct position for a more powerful hit. Good point for the application of the strongest blow occurs when the following conditions are met:

      • If your opponent is in the process of striking as he will be less focused on what you are doing.
      • If he's lost his guard. You can create this situation by striking irregularly or attacking from unexpected angles.
      • If stunned by the preceding blow. To prepare for a powerful right cross, try starting with a quick jab.

    Training to improve punching

    1. Practice hitting slowly. The hardest hits are not really the fastest. Your arm can move faster than the rest of your body, so waiting for your body to catch up with your arm slows down the impact. Even though a hard hit is usually slow, there will be times when you have just the right time to land a slow but extremely a strong beat... It is worth practicing hitting at low speed so that you can feel the power that comes when you give your body time to support your fist.

      • In practice, try hitting twice as slowly. Force yourself to slow down and concentrate on using your leg and core muscles to maximize your punching power.
      • When punching at full speed, remember where the force to hit comes from. While you won't be hitting at half your normal speed in the ring, you can still concentrate on using your legs and core to develop the maximum strength possible.


      Krav Maga instructor

      Asher Smiley is the owner and principal instructor of the Krav Maga Revolution in Petaluma, California. Studied in different countries from the best Krav Maga instructors. In 2017, he completed training at International Federation KAPAP Combat Krav Maga International, consisting of a 7-day tactics workshop and an 8-day CKMI instructor course.

      Krav Maga instructor

      To learn correct position, avoid exercising with a resistance band. When you use an expander, you are not technically able to correct hit fist. This is how you build muscle, but that's a slightly different story. You are not hitting as accurately as you might think.

      Train with a pneumatic bag. Speed ​​is just as important as strength - if you are too slow, your opponent will have time to land a lot more hits. Train with a pneumatic bag and pay attention to how fast your arms are moving. Stick correct shape workout and do not forget to take your thumb away from the knuckles during the strike.

      Do strength training. A little strength training - great way keep your body in the best shape, but alone it won't make you a stronger or faster boxer. You need to train your muscles to hit, hitting rather than lifting weights. Therefore, it would be a great idea to have a mode strength training that strengthens your legs and core for maximum impact.

      Do cardio. The best types of cardio workouts you need to get the necessary good boxer forms are swimming and jumping rope. When you need to take a break from regular exercise, consider these types of loads as an alternative. Running, cycling, and other types of cardio workouts are beneficial, but they do not provide the strength gain that purposefully helps your body hit hard in the boxing ring.

Then you are ready for the exercises that will increase your hand speed!

Speed ​​kills, everyone knows about it. Many great fighters have it: Muhammad Ali, Thomas Hearns, Ray Leonard, Mike Tyson, Roy Jones, Floyd Mayweather, Manny Pacquiao, I can go on and on.

Being able to hit your opponent with a kick before he hits with his own is arguably one of the biggest advantages in boxing. The split second difference can make the difference between raising your hand to win and lifting yourself off the canvas. Even if you were not born with speed, you still need it. Even if it's not part of your style, you still need to develop it. And I ask you to turn on these important exercises into your regular program because everyone knows: SPEED KILLS!

I know the goal is speed, but take your time doing these exercises. The most important factor in achieving maximum strength is relaxation. Relaxation is primarily a state of mind, which then becomes a material reality. Keep your mind clear and don't focus too much on one thing. Relax! Relax! Relax!

Instead of adding strength and precision to speed, focus on balance and coordination. A lot of newbies try to put both strength and speed together at first, but this only slows them down and forces them to charge for strikes. Don't charge into your punches or try to focus on hitting the target. Instead, give your hands free rein, just try to keep your balance underneath you and your movements harmonious in coordination with the speed of your hands.

Sharp and Relaxed Breathing = Sharp and Relaxed Movement

Shadow Fighting (Pure Speed ​​Training)

Shadow boxing is everything! The more time I spend in this wonderful sport of boxing, the more I realize that sometimes shadow boxing is all you need. This simple practice allows you to practice every technique and does not wear out your joints or strain your body. This overlooked exercise can help you develop almost everything in boxing: footwork, balance, strength, technique, and of course, in this case, SPEED!

Shadowboxing is perhaps the purest form of speed exercise. There are no bags to stop your punches, there are no gloves that press your hands down with their weight. You only hit the air with the weight of your hands. Without slowing you down, this is the fastest speed with which you can move your hands. You can hit as fast as you can imagine your combinations. Shadowboxing can develop your mind speed, your punching speed, and the speed of your hand getting back into place.

Shadow Fighting Exercises:

Start moving around the ring and relax your whole body. Don't worry about clenching your arms completely. Strike correctly, but not in such a way that your shoulders get tense and tired. You need your whole body to be relaxed when you shadowboxing at speed!

Here are the beat numbers that I use:

1 = left jab
2 = right straight / right cross
3 = left hook
4 = right hook / right overhand
5 = left uppercut
6 = right uppercut
* vice versa if you are left-handed

Ok, HERE THEY! Follow them and combine!

Basic jab

  • 1, move around the ring, 1
  • 1 step back 1
  • 1 step forward 1

Double jab

  • 1-1 (two steps forward)

Triple jab

  • 1-1-1

Jeb, Right Cross

  • 1-1-2
  • 1-2-1
  • 1-2-1-2
  • 1-2-1-1

Left Hook

  • 1-2-3
  • 1-2-3-2


  • 1-2-3-2-1
  • 1-2-1-2-3
  • 2-3-2
  • 2-3-2-1
  • 2-3-2-1-2

Skillful Combinations

  • 1-1-3
  • 1-3-2
  • 1-2-3-3-2
  • 1-3-1-2
  • 1-2-3-1-2
  • 5-6-2
  • 5-1-2-3-2
  • 1-6-2-1-2


  • 1-6-3-2
  • 3-6-3-2
  • 1-2-5
  • 1-2-5-2

Long Combinations (focus on sharp, fast breathing!)

  • 6-5-6-5-2-3-2
  • 1-2-5-2-3-6-3-2
  • 1-1-2-3-6-3-2
  • 5-2-1-6-3-2-1-2
  • choose any of the above combinations and combine it with any other

Work 3 rounds. Exhale with every beat and every movement. Don't worry about doing all the combinations in the above list. Stick with your favorites and then try one or two new ones each time. You must NOT get tired. If you get tired, you are too tense. Relax your shoulders even more and maybe even slow down a little. If you run out of breath hitting the air, imagine what it will be like in the ring.

When you step during combos, take VERY LITTLE steps. You only need to take 2-3 centimeter steps, so your legs can move as fast as your arms. If you are taking large strides, your legs may still be in the air, leaving your kicks unrestrained and without strength.

Don't worry about strength! Some double backhand or double backhand sequences will feel weak. Once again, you are only working on speed, not strength. Just let your hands fly out and add some rhythm. Take a few pauses from time to time between combos and then return to speed again.

One final note, watch Manny Pacquiao do shadow boxing in the video below. What he does is a perfect example of high-speed shadow boxing. Sharp breathing, very small steps, focus on quick strikes. It doesn't focus on single hits, it focuses on whole combos. And for the 923084723rd time, RELAX!

Fast Punches On The Bag (Speed ​​Endurance)

Fast strikes are not always speed. Sometimes it's endurance. Moving weight faster always takes more energy. So it's pretty hard to apply quick strikes or even practice quick hits if you don't have the stamina for it.

Punching through bundles of quick punches can exhaust anyone. You don't realize it at first, but as soon as you get tired, your slower opponent suddenly becomes faster than you. An even greater danger from fatigue is that your punches become too slow to hit your opponent. So let's work on speed stamina so you can throw quick hits throughout the fight — not just the first round.

Exercise Beats At Intervals:

Find yourself a partner and stand with him on opposite sides of the bag. One boxer holds the bag stationary while the other strikes the bag non-stop for 15-20 seconds. Then you change. Do this until the 3-minute round is over and then take a 1-minute break. Round 2-3 of this exercise is a great way to end your bag workout.

Some Thoughts On This Quick Hit Exercise:

  • Don't waste time bothering someone to count you 15-20 seconds. Instead, just count in your head or in your ear as you strike. When you're done, just stop and your partner will instinctively know to start hitting.
  • You can do different options on the bag. In the first interval, deliver regular blows, aiming high (palm down, aim at a point on the bag 15-20 cm above your head). In the second interval, throw vertical punches, aiming at shoulder level on the bag. By "vertical punches" I mean punches where the palm is facing away, like a "stationary fist." In the third interval, hit LITTLE short uppercuts down the bag at body level. Keep repeating for the rest of the round.

The interval striking exercise builds the endurance of your arms and shoulders. Which is VERY important in the later rounds of a fight or sparring. It doesn't matter if your whole body doesn't get tired ...

When your arms and shoulders get too tired
your punches become too slow to hit your opponent.

Of course, you can still have your strength in the later rounds, but if you don't have speed, that strength doesn't matter! So work to be sure that you are increasing your arm and shoulder endurance. In case you haven't noticed, this is an exercise. quick application punches is a boxing performance of Tabata exercises (in case you want to know more about the theory behind this training method).

A very important reminder, you do not need to become too proud and try to hit the bag at this pace for all 3 minutes. Rest pauses allow your hands to regain energy to beat with maximum speed... You should always train at your real top speed (working 100% when you are exhausted is not "real top speed"). Think about it, sprinters don't train for speed by running 2 miles at a time. Instead, they sprint short distances, breathe and repeat (aka Interval Sprints). The pauses allow their legs to regain energy in order to run at full speed again. This way, you spend more of your time training at full speed, rather than half speed, which happens when overly proud beginners work for 30 minutes without a break!

Another point about not skipping breaks is that your workout can be better when you constantly have to stop and start again. Striking nonstop is easy when you are already on the move. But stopping and starting again, like in real combat, is much more difficult when you have to keep running your rhythm. So please don't miss any breaks. 15-20 seconds for each, then change!

Forced Speed ​​Training (Airbag and Ball Stretching)

Pneumatic and stretching pear is excellent equipment to develop speed. Besides improving accuracy, timing, reflexes and coordination, they are also very good for "forced hand speed" exercises. To hit quickly is pretty easy if you only hit when you feel like it. Unfortunately, this is never the case in real combat. In real battles, you are always FORCED to strike, even when you don't want to. Since you are throwing these blows out in a panic reaction rather than as an act of your own intentions, these "forced blows" exhaust you faster. So back to the pneumatic bag and the stretching bag, they force you to hit even when you don't want to. No matter how tired you are, you MUST hit the pear.

The air bag and the stretch bag also have their own exceptional qualities. The airbag develops arm endurance and shoulder endurance. The stretch ball helps improve accuracy and timing. This projectile forces you to constantly react quickly and think quickly. Learning how to use a stretcher is an art in itself. I will save this lengthy clarification for another day. For now, just know that these projectiles will improve your hand speed. Perform 2-3 rounds on a pneumatic and stretching bag.

Resistance Training to Develop Velocity Muscles

Push-ups (Explosive Speed)

Push-ups, when done with a speed-oriented technique, can help you add speed to your kicks. Since everyone's hands are different, you need to find the perfect fit for where to place your hands and how low to sink. Focus on speed, not strength. You need to complete this approach FAST!


  • Because of my long arms and a thin skeleton, I prefer to do push-ups in which I go down only a third. This means that I am only working on the triceps in this "extended" push-up phase. I do about 10 short sets with a total of 10-15 reps each. Once again, I only work at the top of the push-ups to maximize fast speed and try to explode with every push-up. Focus on going down fast and going up fast (most people go down slowly, go up quickly). When you pause, pause at the top of the push-up, not the bottom.


  • Lower yourself into a push-up position, but place one hand on the medicine ball. Once you do the push-up, quickly move your body to the other side of the ball, resting your other hand on the ball. Do push-ups as fast as you can. 3 sets of 15 reps. Another variation you can do is take 2 medical ball and place them at a distance wider than your shoulder-width apart. Keep one hand on the ball and the other hand on the floor between the balls. As soon as you do the push-up, you move your body to the side, so both arms are constantly shifted to the side and center. (If you need a more detailed explanation of this exercise, please leave a comment). Once again, 3 sets of 15 reps.


  • Another pleometric style push-up that I love is cotton push-ups. You can do 3 sets of 10-15 cotton push-ups. What is important is to spend a minimum of time in the lower push-up position. You don't need to fly high, but just make sure you don't spend too much time with bent arms in the lower phase of push-ups.

Resistance Training for Speed


You can also develop fast hitting speed with harnesses and isometric workouts. The harnesses apply constant force as you strike. This constant resistance allows you to develop speed and explosive power in all movement. Regular weight training cannot do this because the weight is heavy only in the beginning. Once you push out the weight, your momentum makes the job easier when you throw your hand out. Swimming can be a very good helper in constant resistance training as the water is constantly working against you.

Isometric Workout

Isometric training is a type of training in which you apply strength, but your body does not move at all. But how can you apply force without moving ?! You can do an isometric arm workout by walking up to a wall and getting into a punching position where you could theoretically punch a wall. Now push off the wall for 10-15 seconds, 3 sets at a time. You can stand at different angles that mimic various blows and aim at various muscles(chest, shoulders, triceps).

The theory behind isometric speed training is that you train your arms as if they were rubber bands. You train your arm muscles to store energy, that as soon as the hold is over ... CLICK — your arm flies out like a charged rubber band.

Muscle Return

Backhand speed is something that MANY boxers miss in speed training. Everyone loves to work on percussive muscles such as the chest and triceps, but rarely does anyone work on the muscles of the return, such as the back, lats, and back muscles shoulders. What many boxers don't realize is that the return phase is half the movement of a punch, so being able to bring your hands back faster allows you to punch again much faster!

I also noticed that many newbies to training do nothing other than work on the sack. The bag is a solid object, which means that if you hit the bag, it will always spring your arm back, which does not train your return muscles. Sure, you can easily do 10 rounds of bagging, but what happens when you spar? After you miss with just a few punches in the ring, your hands will be completely tired and you won't know why. This is because you are not used to miss, and you are not used to hitting the air, and your reflex muscles (back, back of your shoulders and lats) are not developed to bring your arm back quickly enough.

The best exercises to strengthen the muscles of the back of the arm:


  • You are constantly throwing punches in the air, doing shadow boxing, which forces you to use your muscles to get your hands back. Try shadow boxing at 100% speed with gloves and you will see how weak your return muscles are. You don't need to add weight or do anything else. Even basic shadow boxing will help you balance your rear body muscles with your front body muscles.


  • Pull-ups are a great exercise for your back and lats. Do 3 sets of 6, 8, or 12 reps. Whatever you can do, just do it. Now yours top part bodies will no longer look so hunched over.

Stretching Exercises

  • I'm too lazy to list all the names of the exercises. Any exercise that mimics the throwing motion of an arm should do the trick. I have the TRX Suspension band in the gym and they are great for this, but lowering the rope or stretching the stretching ropes will work as well.


Loose, relaxed muscles have the potential to move faster. Don't fight painful sensations in the shoulders or body. Make sure you pass good stretch marks and spend a significant amount of time warming up your muscles. Even on days when you're not exercising, try to stretch. Many of the fastest fighters I have met are often the most flexible people that I know. (I wrote an article about.) For your information, you should stretch for MINIMUM 30-45 minutes before each workout and then another 10-20 minutes at the end of each workout. Professional boxers, and possibly elite athletes, usually do this at double the size.

Final Thoughts On Hand Speed ​​Exercises

The speed starts from the head and ONLY THEN in the body ...

If you cannot think fast, you can never move fast.

... however, your body cannot box on autopilot. Relax your mind, concentrate and stay focused, but be aware of everything that is happening around you. Don't focus on every single blow. Try to focus on the whole combination or the whole bunch. Each combination of blows has its own purpose, be it to come up on short distance, or hitting the body with a hook, or just to force the opponent to defend in order to create space for him to leave.

Oh, and one more thing. Do not try to do every exercise above on the same day and every day of training. Use multiple variations and focus on one thing a day, not everything every day.

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