Boxing different series of punches. A few simple combinations

Basic combinations of boxing punches.

First combination.

You should start learning boxing combinations with a jab. Throwing it is easy, fast, and frequent. Next, you should master the passing defense when applying the jab - the support of the right palm.

A short movement towards an opponent's punch is to imagine that you have a baseball glove on your hand and you are catching the opponent's fist like a ball.

Jeb-jab - stand - jab.

Now it's time to add an accented right hand - cross.

The blow is delivered using the energy of turning the body around its axis and pushing with the back leg.

After striking, you should quickly return your right hand, in a movement similar to pulling the rope with your hand, transferring the weight to the hind leg. At the end of the movement, you should dodge a possible counterstrike of the right opponent - to the right, removing your head from the line of attack.


Jeb-jab - stand - jab-cross - backward slope

The right cross guard position is ideal for a new right cross.


Jeb-Jab - Stand - Jab - Cross - Slope Defense - Repeat Cross.

Get used to performing a jab with the support of the right palm, and after the cross go back and to the side (Mayweather often uses a dive to the right for this purpose - under the opponent's left counter hook).

Let's take a look at the most common and effective boxing combinations using these conventions:

1 = jab

2 = right cross

3 = left hook

4 = top right side

5 = left uppercut

6 = right uppercut

B = body

Basic boxing combinations.

  • 1-1 (jab - jab)
  • 1-1b (jab - body jab)
  • 1-2 (jab - cross)
  • 1-2b (jab - cross to body)
  • 1b-2 (jab to the body - cross to the head)
  • 1-1-2 (jab-jab-cross)
  • 1-2-1-1
  • 1-2-3
  • 1-2-1-2
  • 1-2-3-2
  • 1-2-3b-2
  • 1-2-5-2
  • 1-6-3-2
  • 1-2-3-2-1
  • 3-2-3-4 Popenchenko's four-hit series (hook-cross -hook- hook right)

Combinations for starting attack and counterattack


Melee Combos






The 1-1-2 series is a versatile boxing combination, its secret is variety and variability.

Change in rhythm (power and speed)


This is probably the first and most natural series for any boxer. The typical beginner doesn't know how to make a streak more effective and invests in every hit. Sometimes it works.

The problem with this HARD-HARD rhythm is that it gets too slow and too predictable. For more high level, it is necessary to combine fast and hard hits. Fast strikes are needed to create conditions for tough. Once you're done throwing boring JAB-JAB-CROSS over and over, we can move on to more interesting options.

fast fast-HARD

This is the perfect streak. You can throw endless left punches while waiting for the right hand to hit. You can throw them all over the place - at the head, elbows, gloves, shoulders, etc. You will naturally tend to distract your opponent from your right hand.

The best demonstrator of this bunch was Gene Tenney (Absolute World Champion.). At first, he applied from a long distance several abrupt jabs with his left to the head, gradually approaching the enemy and refraining from applying direct blow right to the head until complete confidence in achieving the goal.

The problem is that the enemy can withstand your light blows. One day he will catch you. While you are throwing 2 quick hits, he can throw a hard jab to thwart your plan, and then a hard right one hurts you. We have to mix hard and fast strikes to make it harder for the enemy!


This is a great rhythm to catch your opponent off guard. Throw a hard jab followed by a quick jab and a heavy right cross. First swipe distracts his attention, a quick second hit is used so that the right hand can effectively reach the target.

Stopping. Stopping in American boxing terminology is a blow that stops an opponent's attack.

Stopping belongs to the category of counter strikes, delivered simultaneously with the first moment of the opponent's attack (leading strike) or ahead of him. Stopping blows are direct blows to the head. The most common stopping blow is a straight left to the head, applicable for all types of enemy attacks.

A stopping blow aimed at destroying the enemy's attack must be applied with determination and vigor. With a successful stopping, the opponent's moment of confusion can be successfully used to launch a counterattack. Gene Tenney saw this in his 1926 match with Jack Dempsey. When Dempsey tried to attack him, Tenney struck him with a sharp direct blow to the head with his left, which he immediately duplicated with a one-two attack. With this often used technique, Tenney, who avoided infighting, successfully maintained a long distance, in which he had an advantage over Dempsey.


It's a tricky rhythm, but it will open up a lot of strategic opportunities for you later on. This time you start with a quick jab, followed by a hard 1-2. The first one distracts, the second blow penetrates the defense, and the cross finishes.

Later, you will use the first quick jab as a feint to throw it in a random spot, forcing the opponent to block him, opening himself up to your 1-2.


The faster the first hit, the easier it is to hit 1-2. Naturally, you will understand that the first blow does not even have to be a real blow - it can be a distraction. You throw a feint instead of a real hit like the first hit. A quick jab doesn't cause much damage, so why not use a feint instead, which is much faster and doesn't leave you vulnerable.

Change of purpose.

The easiest way to make your combos more difficult is to change the target during the attack. There are more targets on the body than you think. Most boxers only hit the head or body.

Your target may be high on your forehead. Or low - on the chin. Straight to the face (nose) or to the side of the cheek. The target on the side of the head is the ear. Often your opponent can leave upper part head or side (temple) open. Other opponents will cover their heads by raising their gloves too high and endangering their body.

There are a lot of targets on the body - front and side. Tactically, you can target different parts of the enemy's body to pull his gloves down and open his head.

Hands are a good tactical place to attack. Hitting gloves can distract or throw an opponent off balance.

Air strikes around your opponent can sometimes trigger their reactions. Even just raising the right glove.

Replacement of blows.

Replacing blows with the right hand is easy and natural. Instead of hitting a right cross, hit from the top right with an overhand, or a right uppercut, or a raise with a straight right. It is a matter of more or less bending of the elbow, which allows you to hit higher or lower, wider, narrower (straighter).

Once you learn to easily swap left jabs, it will change your 1-1-2 forever! All you have to do is replace one of your straight punches with a left hook or left uppercut.

Replacing the first hit with a hook or uppercut

Now your hand becomes 3-1-2 or 5-1-2. You replace the first hit with a left hook or left uppercut. This small change could destroy your opponent! The reason is that a hook or uppercut can distract the opponent well and allow you to drive the next 1-2.

The trick is to throw the left hook / uppercut like a jab easily and quickly.

Don't try to hit hard. Slap the grappling hook and then hit 1-2 hard right in the middle. The same is true if you are using an uppercut. Make it like a very long straight punch, slightly from below, but with the palm up. When using 5-1-2, you can lift your opponent's chin up (quick surprise) and then hit him with a straight left and then right.

3-1-2 and 5-1-2 are good combinations. Quick hit and then 1-2! Easy, fast and so damn hard to defend because the directions of the blows are so unexpected.

Switching second hit to hook or uppercut

Now roll 1-3-2 or 1-5-2. Again, the hook or uppercut should be both quick and easy. Don't worry about the strength of the hook / uppercut, just extend your hand as if you were throwing a jab, but aim your fist to the side (hook) or from below (uppercut).

Using a hook / uppercut as a second hit can quickly distract an opponent because no one wants to run into a hook or uppercut. By using these quick hooks and uppercuts, you will confuse your opponent enough to land a right-handed punch.

Angle change

Now all that remains is to change the angle of your attack. You can do all the same deception (change of rhythm, target, strikes), but also change the angle of your body in space.

Neutral angle

The upright classic stance is good for beginners.

Attacking angle

Throw 1-1-2 by tilting your body forward and to the sides. Or throw the first two hits from a neutral angle and then with your right hand, leaning forward or forward and to the side. It should be slightly forward or slightly forward and to the side. This can create a new angle for your attack from the right and / or help avoid your opponent's punches.

Protective corner

Throw the first two blows on retreat, then return with a right-handed blow.

How are they done correctly? What are the basic hitting combinations in this sport? All this will be discussed in our material.


The jab is a straight punch in boxing. It acts as the most common, frequently used technique on which to build basic technique athlete. Such an attack is carried out to the body or head. When performing a jab, the boxer's arm should be fully extended at the elbow and extended to its full length. This keeps the fist parallel to the ground.

The technique of hitting in boxing involves taking a step forward. Body weight shifts in the frontal direction. Thus, the impact force is greatly increased. The free hand glove protects the face. The elbow is in the solar plexus area. Observance of such a hitting technique in boxing makes it possible to inflict quite tangible damage to the enemy and reflect probable counterattacks.

It is worth noting that the main drawback of the jab is not too impressive knockout potential. However, when performing a reception with a high frequency, the opponent will always remain in tension. The jab is often used to launch an attack. On the basis of such a poke, an excellent soil is created for carrying out various combinations. The presented blow is also important in terms of defense. In particular, the jab allows you to keep your opponent at a relatively safe distance.


Cross in boxing involves striking a direct blow with a far hand to the head or body. The path of movement of the limb should be as short as possible. Often times, the cross breaks over the opponent's hand. This can take a small step forward. However, the most important thing here is the rotation of the body with the transfer of body weight to the leading leg, which makes it possible to increase the force of the blow.

Cross quite often achieves the goal. The blow has an impressive penetrating ability. The technique is safer for the attacking boxer than the jab, as it allows you to quickly return to a defensive position. However, the technique is one of the most difficult in technical terms. So, when breaking into the body, in order to deliver an accurate blow, it is important for a boxer to bend his knees, and his shoulder should be in the same plane with the target. For the correct implementation of the technique requires serious training.


Hook - a blow in boxing, which is performed with a bent limb and comes from the side. It is rational to resort to the technique only when fighting at medium or close range.

What is the punching technique in boxing? The shoulder of the hand that is supposed to perform the hook is pulled back. Further, the body of the body is twisted sharply. The limb bent at the elbow is directed to the head or body of the opponent. The moment the glove contacts the target between the shoulder and the forearm, a right angle bend should be observed. Only in this position does the blow acquire maximum power. The knees bend slightly during the hook.

Subject to correct technique side impact in boxing can overwhelm an opponent quite easily. It is advisable to hook on a short swing. In this case, the technique will be unexpected for the opponent and will not allow him to dodge. However, when carrying out such an attack, the other hand must remain in a defensive position. Otherwise, there is a risk of receiving a strong counterstrike.


Swing is a kick with full extension of the limb, which is performed on a wide swing. The attacking hand is slightly retracted over the shoulder. This is followed by a turn of the body and a small dive head downward. At this time, the limb goes along a large radius and hits the opponent's head.

Swing is not the most accurate shot in boxing. Since, before reaching the goal, the glove describes a significant distance in the air in a circle, opponents often have time to jump back or take a defensive stance. Swings, which are performed by a boxer alternately on the left and on the right, are often a sign of loss of strength and indicate a desire to go all-in out of despair in a fight. At the same time, such a "mill" looks quite impressive for the viewer. Catching a skilled, experienced opponent off guard with swinging is not easy. Therefore, amateur boxers most often resort to such blows.


Uppercut - a blow from below in boxing. It hits the head between the opponent's gloves, which are in a defensive position. Effective reception is only if the opponent forgets to close his elbows in a standing position.

The standard uppercut is delivered with the dominant hand. The punching technique in boxing involves twisting the shoulder. At the same time, the athlete's body weight is shifted to the leg that is in front. The most effective uppercut becomes when bent position arms at an angle of 90 °. It is desirable that the aim of such a jab is the opponent's chin. However, the uppercut can be applied to the solar plexus area. This makes it possible to knock your opponent's breath.

The main advantage is that the presented punch, boxing technique has extraordinary potential during the fight. If, with proper technique, the uppercut hits the target, it often becomes overwhelming for the opponent. Among other things, such a blow is quite difficult to detect and prevent.

As for the disadvantages of uppercut, it can only be used at close range. Therefore, to strike, it is necessary to be able to close the distance with the opponent. Another disadvantage is that the attacking boxer, in fact, is left without protection. Therefore, there is a possibility of receiving an oncoming impact from the side.

So we examined the basic actions in boxing, punches to the head and body. Further in our publication I would like to talk about how the presented techniques are combined.

Jeb and Right Cross

The presented technique is a basic combination of punches in boxing. It is the combination of these actions that is the first that is taught to novice athletes. A quick jab takes the opponent by surprise. It is not always necessary to deliver such a blow with an accent. A light jab to the head or body is enough to disorient the opponent. At this time, the preparation of the next more accented strike with the far hand with a turn of the body is carried out. Having mastered this technique to perfection, many boxers win fights without resorting to other combinations.

What points should you focus on when performing a technique? First of all, you need to ensure that the pause between beats is minimal. The second hand must catch up with the leading one. With the slightest delay, the chances of hitting an accented blow are significantly reduced. In addition, such a mistake opens up the opportunity for the enemy to carry out a counterattack.

When resorting to this combination of punches in boxing, you need to keep the right shoulder in a relaxed, somewhat lowered state. The elbow should protect the liver area and the glove should protect the chin. Hitting the target with the left limb activates the blow to the right due to a slight rotation of the body in the shoulders. This is how the kinetic energy of the whole body is concentrated and released. Carrying out a right straight blow outside the presented combination turns out to be an order of magnitude weaker.

How does this attacking streak end? At the moment the glove of the right hand hits the target, the body weight is transferred to the leading leg. Compliance with this principle opens up an opportunity for the development of further actions in the ring. After completing the combination, a quick bounce back or a repetition of the attack with the left limb can be carried out.

Double jab and cross

The combination in the professional boxing environment is also called the "postman blow". In fact, the technique is used by athletes to outwit the opponent. Many boxers expect the standard combination of alternating glove throwing with the left and then the right hand. Performing a double jab gives the opportunity to somewhat surprise the opponent, which opens up the opportunity for a subsequent powerful cross.

Each ejection of the left limb in such a combination must necessarily be accompanied by a slight, quick step forward with the leading leg. This solution allows you to minimize the distance for a powerful reception with the right hand. It is not always possible to implement such an idea. Be that as it may, the main emphasis should not be on the strength of the double jab, but on the third, final blow.


This definition is fully consistent with the same double jab and cross. However, in the three, several full blows with the left hand are performed in combination with one short right hand. The classic combination looks like this. A blow is applied with the left hand, then with the right and again with the leading. The target is the enemy's head. However, in this combination, the last left punch turns out to be not too accented, because there is a significant rapprochement with the opponent. Therefore, it is better to make two short attacks with the leading limb, performing a right short hook between them. It is easy to guess that the main power should fall on him.

When performing a combination, as in previous cases, you need to concentrate on the work of the legs, making an approach to the opponent. As for protection, the hands should work alternately, covering the liver area with the elbow and chin with the glove.

Jeb, uppercut, hook

Starting each time with a deuce attack, the boxer's actions can become predictable for the opponent. In this case, the opponent quickly adapts to the strategy of fighting and will be able to dodge attacks in a timely manner. On each intended cross after a jab with the lead limb, the opponent will raise his defense.

To disorient an opponent, it is enough to carry out a combination using a jab, uppercut and subsequent hook. A piercing with the left straight will force the opponent to raise his head. As a result, there will be an opportunity to continue the combination with an uppercut to the jaw from below and end the series with a left hook. Which part of the body will have the last attack from the combination - it is up to each boxer to decide. In any case, it is recommended to resort to the technique when the opponent adjusts to predictable actions in the ring.

Cross, hook, cross

In a fight with some skilled opponents, the boxer does not have enough free space to prepare complex combinations. This happens especially often if the opponent is extremely active and aggressive in the ring, leaving a minimum of the ring area for maneuvers. In these situations, starting attacks with a jab can be tricky.

To knock down the attacking arrogance of the enemy and bring the battle to a long distance, it is enough to strike with the right straight line, continue the combination with a hook on the left and complete the reception by repeating a tough, biting attack with a cross. This tactic looks the most rational in this situation, because the opponent unauthorizedly reveals a defense that would otherwise have been opened with a jab. It should only be noted that the combination of cross, hook, cross is good for fighting at close range.

To effectively fight any opponent, it is quite enough to use the above combinations. Some techniques can be simply modified to create an infinite number of options. However, instead of using complex intricacies of punches, it is sometimes better to focus on the following:

  1. It is necessary to try to invest less with maximum effort in the attack with each hand. It is wise to do light jabs, conserving all your energy for a hard cross on the right.
  2. To force the opponent to open up, it is enough to throw false, maximally light jabs. Eventually, the opponent's arms will instinctively rise to protect the head. As soon as the opponent is out of balance after several such series, it is necessary to break a strong right cross. It is worth resorting to this trick in other combinations, making the first few hits false.
  3. Fast attacks are of particular importance. In this case, the strength and emphasis of blows decreases, but at the same time the number of hits on the target increases. Such a tactic makes it possible to save the main supply of power for later rounds, when the enemy will already be somewhat shaken by numerous quick attacks.
  4. Not the least role is played by the work on the body. Constantly aiming at the head looks predictable and may not work well when fighting a faster, extremely agile opponent. The body has a large area. It's much easier to get here. Especially if you force the enemy to constantly shift the defense to the head area, performing a series of false strikes. Alternating work on targets on the lower and upper floors doubles the chances of successfully completing combinations. Among other things, an accented, painful blow to the body can instantly bring an opponent out of the fight.


As you can see, there are many types of punches in boxing, as well as effective combinations in which they can be used. Finally, it is worth noting that attacks should not be carried out at random. It is important to focus on the actions of the opponent, making certain blows at the moments when they look the most reasonable. The strength and speed of an athlete are far from always decisive in the ring. Quite often, battles are won thanks to the timely execution of the necessary combinations.

Left side kick to the head with a step and straight right kick to the head

Execution technique

From an offensive long range with a step forward with the left foot, deliver a side blow with the left to the head. Then deliver a straight right punch to the opponent's head, while simultaneously shifting the weight of the body to left leg.

Photo 159. Lateral left blow to the head with a step and straight right blow to the head

Left side kick to the head with a step and straight right kick to the trunk

Execution technique

From an offensive long distance with a step forward with the left foot, deliver a side blow with the left to the head. Then deliver a straight right punch to the opponent's torso.

Photo 160. Lateral left blow to the head with a step and straight right blow to the trunk

Straight right kick to the head with a step and side kick to the head with the left

Execution technique

From an offensive long range with a step forward with the left foot, deliver a straight blow with the right to the head. Then shift your body weight to right leg with a lateral left blow to the head of the opponent.

Photo 161. Direct right blow to the head with a step and left side blow to the head

A blow from the bottom left to the body and a side blow from the right to the head

Execution technique

From an offensive long distance with a step forward with the left leg, strike from the bottom with the left in the torso, with the transfer of body weight to the left leg. Then deliver a side kick with the right to the head of the opponent, with the transfer of body weight to the right leg.

Photo 162. Lower left blow to the torso and right side blow to the head

Left side kick to the head and bottom right kick to the head

Execution technique

Of the offensive middle distance deliver a side blow to the head with the left, with the transfer of body weight to the left leg. Then, turning the body from right to left, strike from below with the right into the head of the opponent.

Photo 163. Left side blow to the head and bottom right blow to the head

Straight right kick to the torso and left side kick to the head

Execution technique

From an offensive medium range, deliver a straight right kick to the torso, slightly tilting the torso forward and left. Then, sharply straightening, inflict a side blow with the left to the head of the opponent.

Photo 164. Direct right blow to the trunk and left side blow to the head

A blow from the bottom right to the body and a side blow from the left to the head

Execution technique

From an offensive medium range, strike from below with the right to the torso, with the transfer of body weight to the left leg. Then deliver a side kick with the left to the head of the opponent, with the transfer of body weight to the right leg.

Photo 165. Lower right blow to the torso and left side blow to the head

A blow from the bottom right to the head and a side blow from the left to the body

Execution technique

From an offensive close range, with the transfer of body weight to the left leg, strike from below with the right to the head. Then, shifting your body weight to your right leg, strike from the side with your left leg into your opponent's torso.

Photo 166. A blow from the bottom right to the head and a side blow from the left to the trunk

Right lateral blow to the head and lower left blow to the trunk

Execution technique

From an offensive close range and with a step back, deliver a side blow with the right to the head. Then, turning the torso from left to right, strike from below with the left into the opponent's torso.

Photo 167. Lateral blow to the head with the right and blow from the bottom of the left to the trunk

Left side kick to the head and bottom right kick to the torso

Execution technique

From an offensive close range, while shifting your body weight to your right leg, deliver a side kick to the head with the left. Then, turning the torso from right to left, strike from below with the right into the torso of the opponent.

Photo 168. Lateral blow to the head with the left and a blow from the bottom of the right to the trunk

Three-hit series of different types of strikes

Straight left kick to the head with a step, straight right kick to the head with a step, left side kick to the head

Execution technique

From an offensive long distance with a step forward with the left foot, deliver a straight blow with the left to the head. Step with your right foot and apply the right straight line to your head. Then, turning the torso from left to right, deliver a side blow with the left to the head of the opponent.

Photo 169. A straight left blow to the head with a step, a straight right blow to the head with a step, a side left blow to the head

Left side kick to the head with a step, straight right kick to the head with a step and left side kick to the head

Execution technique

From an offensive long distance with a step forward with the left foot, deliver a side blow with the left to the head. Step up with your right foot and strike a right straight blow to the head. Then, turning the torso from left to right, deliver a side blow with the left to the head of the opponent.

Photo 170. Left side blow to the head with a step, straight right blow to the head with a step and a left side blow to the head

Straight right kick to the head with a step, side kick from the left to the head and straight right kick to the head

Execution technique

From an offensive long range with a left foot step forward, strike a straight right kick to the head. Shift your body weight to your right leg and deliver a side kick to the head with the left. Then, turning the torso from right to left, deliver a straight blow with the right to the head.

Photo 171. Direct right blow to the head with a step, left side blow to the head and straight right blow to the head

Straight right kick to the head with a step, bottom left kick to the torso and left side kick to the head

Execution technique

From an offensive long range with a step forward with the left foot, deliver a straight blow with the right to the head. Shift your body weight to your right leg and strike from the bottom of the left to the torso. Then, turning the torso from left to right, deliver a side blow with the left to the head.

Photo 172. Direct right blow to the head with a step, lower left blow to the body and left side blow to the head

A blow from the bottom left from the body, a side blow from the right to the head and a side blow from the left to the head

Execution technique

From an offensive medium distance, with the transfer of body weight to the right leg, strike from the bottom of the left to the torso. Shift your body weight to your left leg and deliver a side kick with your right to the head. Then, turning the torso from left to right, deliver a side blow with the left to the head.

Photo 173. Lower left blow from the body, right side blow to the head and left side blow to the head

Straight right kick to the torso, left side kick to the head and right side kick to the head

Execution technique

From an offensive medium distance, with the transfer of body weight to the left leg, deliver a straight blow with the right to the torso. Transfer your body weight to your right leg and at the same time deliver a side kick to the head with the left. Then, turning the torso from right to left, inflict a side blow with the right to the head of the opponent.

Photo 174. Direct right blow to the torso, left side blow to the head and right side blow to the head

Left side blow to the head, right side blow to the trunk and lower left blow to the trunk

Execution technique

From an offensive medium distance, deliver a side kick to the head with the left, distribute your body weight to both legs. Turning the torso from right to left, inflict a side blow with the right in the torso. Then take a small step with the left foot forward and to the right and strike from the bottom of the left into the opponent's torso.

Photo 175. Left side blow to the head, right side blow to the trunk and lower left blow to the trunk

Direct left kick to the torso, straight right kick to the head and side left kick to the head

Execution technique

From an offensive medium range, deliver a straight left kick to the torso, transfer your weight to your left leg, and land a straight right kick to the head. Then, turning the torso from left to right, deliver a side blow with the left to the head of the opponent with the transfer of body weight to the right leg.

Photo 176. Direct left blow to the torso, right right blow to the head and left side blow to the head

A blow from the bottom left in the body, a blow from the bottom right in the body and a side blow from the left to the head with a step back

Execution technique

From an offensive close range, strike from the bottom of the left to the torso. Turning the torso from right to left, strike from below with the right in the torso. Then, with a step back, deliver a side blow with the left to the head.

Photo 177. A blow from the bottom of the left to the trunk, a blow from the bottom of the right in the body and a side blow from the left to the head with a step back

A blow from below with the right in the body, a blow from the bottom of the left in the body and a side blow with the right to the head with a step back

Execution technique

From an offensive close range, strike from below with the right to the torso, with the transfer of body weight to the left leg. Transfer your body weight to your right leg and strike from the bottom of the left to the torso. Then, with a step back, deliver a side blow with the right to the head.

Photo 178. A blow from the bottom of the right to the trunk, a blow from the bottom of the left to the trunk and a side blow from the right to the head with a step back

Right side kick to the head, left side kick to the head and bottom right kick to the head

Execution technique

From an offensive close range, deliver a side blow to the head with the right. Turning the torso from left to right, deliver a side blow with the left to the head. Then transfer your body weight to your left leg and strike from below with your right to the head.

Photo 179. Right side blow to the head, left side blow to the head and bottom right blow to the head

In our article, we will discuss the simplest and most effective combinations of punches in boxing, discussing their advantages and disadvantages. We will not delve into any complex elements and ligaments that are supposedly miraculous and strike an opponent like lightning. Everything ingenious is simple, and the opponent is struck just by simple blows delivered quickly, bitingly and hitting the target.

Boxing punches and combinations

Few types of punches in boxing can be linked in a considerable number of series. The point is that good fighter can be without using any complex elements. Because the most important thing is the quality of their use. An ordinary side or straight punch in boxing, honed to perfection, clearly surpasses the whole punching arsenal, which has some errors and inaccuracies. For clarity, we can give a parallel example, where good boxer often hits with his hands better than a good kickboxer: he does not spray on his feet, his training program fully concentrated on the work of the hands. Wherein this advantage can fully compensate for the lack of kicking skills.

Consider basic combinations of blows in boxing: the simplest and most used. Please note that all series will be viewed from a right-handed perspective. And in order to avoid unnecessary tautology, in the future we will use the following simple notation:

  • left to the head - LH;
  • right to the head - PG;
  • left to the body - LC;
  • right into the case - PC.

Now let's go.

Left and right straight

One of the simplest, but most effective series, called "two". A direct punch in boxing is the basis without which no continuation is possible. The classic "two" for a right-hander is a left-right straight, where the second hit is accented, and the first can even play the role of a feint.

Execution variations

The blows can also be applied to the body area. So, the left one can be applied to the head (but in this case it is more often just a feint), and the accent goes to the torso. It also happens the other way around: after the lower left, the right goes to the head. However, it is most often difficult to break through such a "two" from a distance, and here it is desirable to have previous feints, strikes or other preparatory actions.

Thus, the two might look like this:

  • LG-PG - classics of the genre;
  • LK-PG - where it becomes possible to apply a strong right straight line, due to the additional effort of the legs and the body (as in the case of a spring);
  • LH-PC - here your goal is solely to hit the body, otherwise you should not even waste time and effort on sitting down.

What to look for

The pause between the first and second hit is minimal. The right hand seems to be catching up with the left. The longer the pause, the less chance of hitting the target with the main blow. The longer you "think" with this basic punch, the longer you will remain in a vulnerable position for your opponent. You don’t want to be met halfway without completing your business?

When applying the left straight, the right shoulder should be lowered and relaxed, the elbow covers the liver, and the fist should cover the chin. In fact, the final phase of the left strike should become a kind of swing for the right strike, due to a slight turn in the shoulders. That is why a single right straight kick in boxing is objectively weaker and often technically more difficult than in this combination.

At the moment of the second blow, the left fist returns to the chin. At the same time, you do not fall over anywhere, transferring body weight to the front leg, which makes it possible for subsequent development. This development can be either a rebound back (and other forms of avoiding a possible counterattack), or a continuation of the attack from the left hand (there are several options here). You can read more about the bad in this article.

Postman blow

This combination is present not only in boxing, but in other contact martial arts. In fact, it is a more "elongated" deuce, allowing at the time of the attack to reduce the distance with the target. The first two hits are quick left jabs, and the emphasis is again on the right straight: LH-LH-PG.

What to look for

The "postman punch" can be considered as an effective and most frequently used combination of punches in boxing. But here, as elsewhere, synchronous footwork is very important. Each blow, although it may be short and quick, must be accompanied by an appropriate step.

After applying the first jab, you do not return the fist back, again bending your arm at the elbow: second hit should, as it were, overlap with the first. Ideally, these two jabs should hit the target, and the right straight becomes the final chord. Yes, not everything and not always turns out perfect, but your main task in any case is an accented third hit.

Three, but not horses

Most often, the "three" is called the same "postman blow", only here two full-fledged jabs are applied, while there is one short one. Since these combinations are similar, you will consider another C. And then we will analyze the performance variations.

In the classic case, it looks like this: left-right-left, and everything flies into the head. However, when using only direct strikes, the last left one is often not very relevant, due to excessive proximity to the target. In this case, the direct kick is simply replaced by a side kick. And the emphasis, it should be noted, should be on him.

Execution variations

So, how many variants of such a triplet can we have:

  • LH-PG-LH - all straight, but the latter is possible lateral. We have discussed this.
  • LK-PG-LH - also all straight lines, with the possible exception of the latter. Here the first blow can also play the role of a feint, forcing the opponent to drop his hands and open up for the continuation of the combination.
  • LH-PC-LH - here it is preferable to finish it most often with the side. The main focus is playing on contrasts: starting from the top, continuing from the bottom, ending up again on top. The opponent is disoriented, and if the distance is chosen correctly, he will definitely miss.
  • LH-PG-LK - here an accentuating blow to the liver, however, the right one should also be strong and not play the role of a feint. Below in the video you can see the work on the bag, where this particular version of the series is being worked out.

What to look for

We will not talk about footwork every time - this is an indispensable condition. In terms of protection - everything was said in the description of the "two": the elements are used the same, the hands work exactly the same, so nothing has changed.

Not the number of hits, but their accuracy

Notice using the same types of punches in boxing, we create completely different bundles. At the same time, as you can see, we are not at all creative, coming up with something non-existent and half absurd. Such combinations "for every day".

Uppercuts, and even crosses, are deliberately not mentioned in this article, although this is an integral part of one big martial arts culture. But this only emphasizes even more clearly how simple, but at the same time, effective combinations of punches in boxing consisting of no more than three elements. And even here it was possible to mention many more possible ligaments that would start with the right hand, and the blows would be used the same. But it would turn out to be too long an article, and the reader is mostly so lazy that he may be frightened even by the amount of text. That is why the continuation of this topic will be considered in subsequent articles.

On the video you can see the technical development of the C grade, described in one of the options:

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