Effective combinations in boxing. Series of punches in boxing: titles, training, combinations, postman, C, Mike Tyson

Combinations of punches in boxing are of the following types:

  • Combinations of straight, bottom and side blows to the head and body
  • Attack combinations
  • Combinations of strikes on the retreat
  • Combinations of blows in a counterattack

All the given types of combinations can be 2 or more percussion. In practice, a series of no more than 4-5 blows are used and all subsequent blows refer to the continuation of the attack, the subsequent series or single blows.

Multiple hitting series will be most effective if the boxer has the correct hitting technique.
If a boxer has a poorly set technique for striking, the power and speed of the combinations will be several times lower. Moreover, the very possibility of mastering combinations will be in question.

To study, formulate and use combination punches, a boxer must possess the correct striking technique, speed, accuracy of striking, a sense of distance and timing. Only by mastering all of the above skills can a boxer skillfully carry out multi-hit and complex series of punches. Otherwise, the fighter will waste his strength and, moreover, he may miss a counter attack, which will catch the boxer in an uncomfortable position and give the opponent an opportunity to inflict crushing blow.

Mastering hitting combinations takes a lot of time and attention. For a novice fighter, it will be more correct to start learning serial punches from the beginning - a combination of two punches, left - right straight to the head, left straight - right hook to the head, etc.

Below will be a transcript of the blows and summary combinations. You will need to learn the above transcript by heart, immediately or gradually as you master the techniques and techniques.

So let's go:

It's not about what hits you throw, it's about how you throw them. A simple deuce becomes very effective when you hit it accurately, powerfully, on time, and combine it with footwork.

Strikes in Combinations

Each number represents a beat in a series. (Combinations for right-handed boxers. Below is also an example of combinations for left-handed boxers.)


  • 1 = jab
  • 2 = right straight, cross
  • 3 = left hook
  • 4 = right hook (or right overhand)
  • 5 = left uppercut
  • 6 = right uppercut
  • k = body (example: 1k = jab to body)


  • = block
  • () = dive
  • () = dive under the arm
  • // = slope or slope to the side
  • = rotation on the leg to the side


vr / vrps = in most cases rotations are performed on the front foot (“vr” means clockwise rotation on the front foot, vrpchs means counterclockwise rotation on the front foot).

vrz = rotation on the hind foot. Very rarely used ( vrzpchs means counterclockwise rotation on the back foot).

shl / shp = step to the left and step to the right.

shn = step back (example: 1shn means you step back when you hit the jab, 1-shn means you step back AFTER you hit the jab).

l = false, fake punch (example: 1 l-3 means showing a false jab to the head and then immediately throwing a left hook).

ld = light jab (example: 1 ld-2 means throwing a light jab, and then a right straight).

st / up = slope left, slope right (example: 1-ul-3 means a jab, then a slope left, then a left hook. 1up-2 means a jab with a slope to the right and then throw from the right after the jab).

Most commonly used hit combinations

Highly important point! You must learn the numerical designation of blows, so that you do not have to think about which blow or combination means the code. This may take several months, but the first successes will already begin in 1-2 weeks.

The most common combinations of punches in boxing

The most commonly used hit combinations. (These combinations are full-fledged, they do not need either beginner combinations or final ones).

1-1 (jab, jab - left straight punch)

1-1-2 (jab, jab, right straight)

1-2 (jab, right straight)

1-2-1 (jab, right straight, jab)

1-2-1-2 (jab, right straight, jab, right straight)

1-2-3-4 (jab, right straight, left hook, right hook)

1-6-3-2 (jab, right uppercut, left hook, right straight)

Beginners Combinations

These sequences are often used to start combinations. You can also start a combination with a counter-strike.

1-2 (jab, right straight)

1-6k (Jeb, right uppercut to the body)

2-1 (right straight, jab)

Combinations of punches of advanced boxers

Complex combinations that require a well-defined hitting and movement technique.

1-shn-1 (jab, step back, jab)

1-shn-1-2 (jab, step back, jab, right straight)

Short Distance

Combinations of blows for close range or clinching.

6-5-2-1vr (left uppercut, right uppercut, right straight, left straight, clockwise rotation)

6-3 (right uppercut, left hook)

6-3vr (right uppercut, left hook, clockwise rotation)

4k-3k-2-1-2 (right body hook, left body hook, right straight, left straight, right straight)

shp-5 (step to the right, left uppercut)

1-2-3k-vr-4k-4-1 (jab, right straight, left body hook, clockwise rotation, right body hook, right head hook, jab)

1-4k-3k-6-1 (jab, right body hook, left body hook, right uppercut, jab)

Fraudulent combinations

Use these combos to expose opponents who are very closed in defense, in order to confuse them and reveal their defense.

1-3-2 (jab, left hook, right straight)

1k-2 (body jab, right straight)

1-2k (jab, right straight along the body)

1-2k-3 (jab, right straight to the body, left hook)

4-1k (right hook, body jab)

4k-6-3-2 (works best at short range)

At this point, you should have memorized and assimilated the decoding of the blows. Next, you are given the opportunity to read the combinations yourself.

Powerful Finishing Combinations

Finish your hit combinations with these hits to deal more damage to your opponent. Finishing with these punch combinations can leave yourself vulnerable to counter-punch, so watch out!

Finish your hitting combinations with these series of blows to safely escape the fire.

4vrzpchs (spin counterclockwise on the back foot, punching a right hook)

This is a good list of basic hitting combinations for any beginner new to boxing.

These boxing combinations must be honed to the point where you can punch them forward, backward, sideways and with your eyes closed. They will help you in a wide variety of situations and can be chained to form even longer and more complex boxing combinations.

Basic Boxing Combos

1-2 (Jeb-Right Cross)

Yes, a basic double jab cross is naturally the first combination you learn. These are the first two punches you throw together and you probably did it long before you started boxing ... maybe you threw her on your little brother or your annoying neighbor. A quick jab catches your opponent off guard and a right cross blows his head off. Basically, you can win fights just by mastering a deuce, ideally.

1-1-2 (Jeb-Jab-Cross)

This is a way to outwit your opponent. 1-1-2 works because your opponent can expect 1-2. If so, then the second jab has good chance surprise your opponent by opening the door for your powerful right hand. 1-1-2 also works well if you feel like your opponent is waiting for your right cross to counter. Instead of throwing the usual deuce, you throw endless jabs, probing the waters (or your opponent's defense) until he makes a mistake, and then you throw your right cross at him.

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1-2-3 (Jeb-Cross-Left Hook)

This is where boxing starts to get interesting. Shifting your weight when throwing a forehand naturally prepares a left hook. A left hook goes off after your right cross and can hurt your opponent quite a lot. You can aim them high at the chin or at the body. Either way, a left hook is just as dangerous whether you hit with a right cross or not.

1-2-3-2 (Jeb-Cross-Hook-Cross)

It is nothing but you punch LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT-RIGHT. Jeb opens up your opponent's defense. You throw 3 powerful blows behind him: a right hand, a left hook, and you end with a right hand. When all 3 hits hit the target perfectly, you can pat yourself on the back.

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1-2-5-2 (Jeb Cross-Left Uppercut-Cross)

This combination is the same as the last one, except that instead of a left hook, you throw a left uppercut. The left uppercut will surprise your opponent as it comes out from below. If your opponent likes to hide behind high defenses, lowering his head, or if he likes to hang over you, a left uppercut will throw his head up and you can take it down with your final right hand.

1-6-3-2 (Jeb-Right Uppercut-Left Hook-Right Punch)

Starting every time with a deuce, you can become a little predictable. Your opponent will probably adapt and try to dodge your right hand. Or he might just wait for yours direct blow on the right and just raise your defense. Either way, hitting a right uppercut will deal a lot of damage to him and bring his head up so you can continue with a left hook - and end with a right. You can aim your right uppercut at the body or at the head, you decide. Make sure you don't get predictable when you do this because your head is vulnerable to jabs and DEADLY counter left hooks when you throw a right uppercut.

2-3-2 (Right Cross-Left Hook-Right Cross)

Sometimes you don't have the space to prepare a combination. If your opponent is overly aggressive and is taking over your space, then you don't have time to start with a jab. Hit him with a right hand, continuing with a left hook and another hard right hand. If he's already wide open, why waste time on a jab? Just start right away with hard hits. The 2-3-2 is very good for short distance. Put your feet on and hurt him.

Want More Combinations?

You don't need to learn more combinations. You can simply change how you land certain punches to create endless options to punch your opponent.

Punch Left Easier

Many beginners try to put strength into every blow. Don't do this, hold your strength and body weight for a hard right punch. When you throw a jab, throw it lightly and accurately. You can also throw lighter left hooks so you don't get off balance if you miss.

Throw False Beats

This is a great topic. Instead of throwing a deuce, throw a false jab to get your opponent to raise his hand and then throw a right cross, since his defense is now in a different place. Do the same with other combinations, making the first hit fake or maybe the second hit. You can throw a jab, then make a fake right-handed move (force your opponent to place their defense in front), and throw a hard left hook that will bypass his defense.

Double Beats Left

Same theory as 1-1-2, but here you can double left hooks or left uppercuts. Don't always hit LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT-RIGHT. It's too predictable and easily blocked. Punch LEFT-RIGHT-LEFT-LEFT-RIGHT. This will change his defense when he blocks punches with the wrong side and you hit him with the other hand.

Punch Faster Strikes

Once again, don't charge strength with every blow. Punch them more easily, so you can throw them out faster, increasing your chances of hitting. You can save strength for later when your opponent is overwhelmed, tired and will give up due to laziness. You can also mix fast kicks with hard kicks. Fast kicks knock your opponent out of rhythm, while hard kicks deliver real power.

Work On The Body

You don't have to constantly aim for the head. This is too predictable and may not work against fast boxers who move well. The hull is a larger target and will force your opponent to block at the top and bottom. Work on the top and bottom floors and force your opponent to work on defense twice and increase your chances of hitting something. Another thing you should be aware of is that a well-delivered body punch can send your opponent into a painful knockout.

It's not about which blows you hit
the point is how you hit those punches.

Professionals use the same combinations over and over again. They stay out of the ring trying to throw more punches or harder punches. They just change the target, angle and timing of their combinations to defeat their opponents.

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Hello, distinguished guests of the site. What would the fights be like if they did not use different series of punches in boxing? Would battles become more boring and predictable? And what are the simplest and most complex combinations?

The simplest actions

When learning combinations, the coach usually begins with a series of punches in boxing for beginners. Beginners, as a rule, only reinforce certain types of punches. And it is not reasonable to disassemble complex combinations with them. And at this stage, the mentor proposes to master such a series of punches in boxing: from the left straight, from the right straight (L-PP).

The following designations will appear here:

LH - attack from the left to the head,

PG - from the right to the same goal.

LC - from the left to the body.

PC - on the right at the same address.

PR - right hand.

LR - left hand.

The described blow is called a two. Without it, you cannot teach a series of punches in boxing. In this discipline, the direct hit is the basis.

If the fighter is right-handed, he acts according to the scheme: L - PP. Here the initial blow is just a feint. And the second is powerful and smashing.

This series of strokes in boxing for beginners can be performed by the following methods:

To the hull area. The left one follows the head. More attention is paid to the torso. You can also act the other way around. After holding the lower one with the left, then finish off with the right to the head. This two is difficult to implement from a long distance. Here, feints or other preparations are first arranged.

And the scheme could be like this:

LC - PG. You can assault with a powerful submachine gun. Power is enhanced by legs and body.

LG-PC. The main thing here is to get into the building. Otherwise, it will take a lot of time and effort to sit down.

Important criteria:

There is a minimum pause between the initial and the next. OL catches up with LR. With an increase in the pause, it is difficult to hit the target with the main assault and you can get under the accented answer.

When organizing the LA, the right shoulder drops, it is relaxed. The elbow protects the liver. The fist is the chin. The final phase is an attack swing with PR. Just at this moment, the shoulders unfold slightly.

In the second of the subsequent blow, the left fist follows the chin guard. There is no need to overwhelm. The body weight is on the front leg. It develops with a rebound back or other escapes from a counter-attack. You can attack from the LR.

Boxing postman

This has nothing to do with mail. And a series of punches in the boxing postman is an elongated modification of the two. When it is executed, the distance with the target is reduced. Swift left jabs follow first. Priority is given to PP. The working scheme is as follows: LH-LH-PG.

Key criteria:

It is also important here to act in sync with your legs. You need to step on to the execution of all the blows.
After completing the initial jab, bend your elbows. The subsequent blow is superimposed on the initial one. The optimal outcome is that the jabs you execute both hit the target. A straight line from the right completes the offensive. the main task for you - an accented implementation of the third strike.

C grade

In boxing, this name was given to a series of strikes with the scheme LH - PG - LH. It can also be a variation of the "postman" The principle of execution is the same. But there is a difference: there are two full jabs. One of them is short.

Only direct attacks follow. But the latter is often done with a faint accent. As the target gets very close. And here it is better to use lateral assault.

Other versions of the triplets:

  1. LK-PG-LH. The kick-off is often a feint. He forces the opponent to drop his hands and break his defense. The final assault can be lateral.
  1. LH - PC - LH. The end is also lateral. Contrasts are prioritized. You start the operation from the top, then you lead it from the bottom. The finale is at the top again. The opponent is disoriented. If you worked at a reasonable distance, he will be overwhelmed by this boarding.
  1. LH - PG - LK. The priority is liver damage. PG can be a feint, and maybe an accent.

The indicated combinations are best suited for right-handers. And further schemes of a series of punches in boxing are intended for a left-hander.

PG - side. with LH - PG

PG - LG (hook) - PC

PG - PG - PC - LH (side)

Uppercut from LH to the head - LH (jab) - PG

PC (uppercut) - PG (aka) - PG (jab)

PG - PG - PG - PG (aper.) - jab.

Working out the series. Pear and paws

A series of punches in boxing should be practiced on a bag. You can act with her different methods... Trainers often form individual training programs. During the lesson, percussion variations alternate. After the series Special attention you need to pay attention to the culmination blow. The coach identifies which combinations are better, which ones have problems. And he gradually solves these difficulties.

One way or another, while working on a series of punches with your hands, you should not overload the muscles.

Powerful boarding is paired with weak, targeted for exploration or feint. Certain dynamics are observed. For a few minutes, the pace is set, close to real combat conditions.

You do not need to swing the pear in this lesson. While practicing attacking combinations, change stances, angles and planes, do not forget about defensive tasks.

Bias and other defensive actions are honed, their places in one or another combination.

It is very useful to train a series of kicks on the paws. For example, a mentor can move back and forth and change the dynamics at the same time. The ward moves along the same vector, keeps the required distance and then acts depending on the studied scheme. Reconnaissance techniques follow first, the target is the left paw. The emphasis is on the right paw. It is important to learn how to maintain balance and correctly alternate attacks.

On the eve of the competition and provided that the opponent and his manner of fighting are already known, specific schemes are already being honed on the paws. Preparations are underway for the battle with the left-hander and the right-hander. Factors are taken into account, based on which you can use the right combination for success.

It is extremely useful to watch the series performed by iconic boxers and try to repeat them.

Schemes from Tyson

Mike Tyson is an extremely popular figure. Despite many negative nuances, he is all one of best boxers the world. In addition, he has worked out his serial equipment to perfection. She is unique and fast.

She got the name "Pik-a-boo". Its features:

  1. The state of the hands is relaxed.
  2. The position of the forearm is in front of the face.
  3. The position of the fists is on the line of the nose and eyes.
  4. The racks are almost frontal.
  5. The head moves to the sides throughout the meeting. The amplitude of its movement is small. But the process takes place in a ragged rhythm.
  6. Slopes and dives are constantly being made.
  7. The fighter sways and crouches slightly under attacks.
  8. The task is effectively solved - to knock down the opponent's sight.
  9. Even if the enemy hits, then he follows in passing and acts weakly.
  10. Movements, pendulum dives are constantly being made. There are almost no clean slopes.
  11. Complete automatism of actions (with proper training).

The basic workout of this technique has many analogies to zigzag jumps over bumps. The impulse of movement is immediately directed to the body and to the attack. The arms are positioned against the cheeks. All attacks are carried out from this position. They flex the opponent's defense and are short. Working distance: middle and close. Here a dull defensive mechanism is rapidly being organized.

You need to attack only on slopes and exiting dives. Mike Tyson's series of strikes do not have intelligence and feints. Takeaway work is underway.

The technique is extremely difficult. She needs a "living" body. The fighter must rapidly adjust the speed of his body. If you do an imitation of it, just working with your muscles, you can instantly be exhausted.

The Tyson combo puts emphasis on attack, protective actions few. There is constant contact with the enemy. Both hands work, more series are carried out, and single boardings are also made.

V training process a dummy, pear or bag is applied. The task - the fighter must very quickly break through the smashing serial attacks.

The mentor can identify goals and types of offensives. For example:

3 - case.

2 - head.

And there may be such an algorithm: 3-3-2

Tyson successfully combined a variety of attacks from different hands. Hooks, uppercuts, and jabs followed. The enemy got in the head, on the body. Mike had a keen sense of when and how the assault should be directed. There are not many fighters in the world who are able to fully imitate the indicated technique.


To own the signature percussion series, to use a certain technique at the right moment is a real art. It requires tremendous work and skill.

Today, such a sport as boxing is very popular with people. Many teenagers or even adults enroll in sport sections to master this martial arts... Many people think that boxing is simple and easy to learn. However, this is not the case. A beginner first needs to master the basic movements, and then identify the most effective combinations of punches in boxing, while simultaneously studying the defense technique.

Types of blows

In boxing, there are few different types blows, the technique of which professional athletes brought to perfection. All blows can be linked in perfect various series... It is not at all necessary to be able to perform complex combinations of punches in boxing to win in the ring. The main thing for a fighter is to be able to apply the basic elements in the ring efficiently and in a timely manner. A well-executed straight or side impact is much more effective than a long series, performed with errors. Some star boxers who have a large number of belts only use a couple of punches in combat. But they are so perfected that the opponent, knowing his partner well, cannot resist them.

To make it easier for an athlete to study the combinations of punches in boxing, right and left to the head and right and left to the body are distinguished.

Combinations of blows

Any combination of strikes from a long distance begins with a straight line, and after that there are already a large number of variations. In boxing, one of the most commonly used combinations is the "deuce". The classic "deuce" in boxing is called a series of "left and then right straight punch".

The first movement is made with the front hand. It all depends on the boxer's stance. which is slightly in front, as a rule, is applied without putting any force into it. Boxers usually determine the behavior of the opponent with the first blow. It often happens that the first forward punch plays the role of a feint. Carried out after the second is applied unexpectedly for the opponent with the use of maximum force.

But besides the classic "two", there are other variations. For example, the first hit may be aimed at the head, and the next, main one, at the body. They do it and vice versa - first straight into the body, then into the head. This version of the "two" is performed at close range.

Combinations of punches in boxing must be done at the right time. In this case, at first, it is necessary to carry out a feint or other actions in order for the attack to be unexpected.

Rule of execution of a series of blows

Even the most simple combinations punches in boxing must be performed technically. The athlete's kicks must be carried out with minimal pauses. That is, the second hit of a deuce follows immediately after the first. It is on the speed of execution of the second that its effectiveness depends. In addition, the opponent can take advantage of the pause and deliver a crushing blow at a moment that is vulnerable to you. Therefore, the athlete must always be mindful of protection. Do not forget about it when implementing a combination of punches in boxing. For novice fighters, it is important to bring the technique of performing strikes to automatism.

When making a reconnaissance strike with the front hand, the shoulder should be relaxed. The elbow of the other hand should protect the liver, and the fist should protect the chin. On the second blow, there should be a slight turn in the shoulders. Thus, the blow is stronger than with a single right hand. During the second strike, the left hand returns and protects the face. When applying a deuce, footwork is important. After performing this classic combination, the athlete can continue the attack or perform a rebound.

"The Postman's Strike"

In boxing and in other types of martial arts, there are similar combinations. Punching in boxing must be effective first and foremost. For example, often in this kind of martial arts you can find the combination "postman strike". It consists of two blows with the left hand, and then with the right. With a quick left jab, the boxer will close the distance in combat. This combination is very effective. That is why it is so often used in boxing. must be accompanied by footwork. During the jab, the athlete moves to the opponent to effectively carry out the main blow with right hand... Left-handed punches should be carried out as quickly as possible.


There are various sets of punches in the sport of boxing. Combinations of strikes, which should take up most of the time, can be carried out by the "three". "Postman's punch" is also commonly referred to as this link. "Three" refers to two full jabs that are separated by a right hand kick. The first jab is short and is carried out to shorten the distance. The last one is the final one.

However, it often happens that the third direct blow due to the reduction in the distance is impractical to carry out. In this case, the last straight line is replaced by a side impact. There are completely different variations of the "troika".

Thai boxing punches

Thai boxing is a relatively young martial art. Everyone who has ever seen these fights will say with complete confidence that this type of martial arts is the most traumatic martial art. Fighters in the ring use many different combinations. The fact is that in Muay Thai the arsenal of strikes is much wider than in the classic one. In the Thai version, strikes with knees, shins, hands and elbows are allowed. The latter is considered the most dangerous.

Thai Boxing Combinations

Combinations of blows in Muay Thai are very diverse. Among the main bundles that a beginner can perform, the following options can be distinguished. For the successful execution of combinations, it is necessary that the opponent goes on the defensive. When he fills in, it is impractical to fire the streak. Ideally, the opponent should go to defense after the left jab.

During a left straight hit, there must be a rapprochement with the opponent. Immediately after the first lunge, it should be in the head. With a successful hit from the elbow, fights in Muay Thai end ahead of schedule, since it is the toughest blow. If the fighter is still on his feet, there is a close convergence and a knee blow to the liver.

A combination that is very common in Muay Thai: the fighter first kicks the body and then kicks it in the head. This combination is very effective. It is also used as a defense against enemy attacks. In training, athletes practice this technique hundreds of times in order to perform it automatically during a fight.

Thai Boxing Shot Technique for Beginners

Muay Thai requires good training from a fighter. Kicking requires good stretch and long-term working off. That is why amateurs rarely use their legs in a duel. But it is after hitting a foot in the head that fights in this sport often end ahead of schedule. The fighter also needs to know how to defend against such attacks. Otherwise, one missed hit can end the fight and cause serious injury. Muay Thai is a sport in which mistakes during a fight have more than once led to dire consequences. To carry out an elbow strike, you first need to get close to the opponent. Such a blow is usually performed after carrying out various ligaments. An adversary for him effective implementation must go to the defense, otherwise it is better not to use it.

Development of impact force

The beginner athlete should remember that the force of the impact depends on the work of many muscles. The impact should involve the legs, abs, core muscles, shoulders, forearm and hands. For development the right muscles athletes in training perform throwing a weighted ball, do jumps from a low squat, push-ups with jumps, throw a barbell in front of them, work out with dumbbells or weights. There are many exercises that will increase the strength of your punch. The main thing is not to forget about correct technique its implementation.

A wide variety of combinations of punches can be found in such a form as boxing. The best combinations of blows are the subject of constant training and research by specialists. The most effective can be simple ligaments with a timely attack and accurate hit. To do this, it is necessary to sharpen every movement well in training.

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