Lazar of the Angels after surgery. Lazar Angelov: personal life, secrets of training and nutrition

In the modern world, everyone is looking for idols and wants to be like someone. Among fitness lovers and novice bodybuilders, Lazar Angelov can be considered the standard of aesthetics, beauty, and a traced figure. It seems that everyone knows about the cubes of his press: the athlete often shines on the covers of magazines, acts in motivational videos. But he was not born this way from the beginning with almost 90 kg of lean body weight?

Lazar Angelov: before and after photos

In modern society, there are two opinions about the belonging of a bodybuilder to the types of bodybuilders. Some say that Angels are straight, the rest do not believe that the athlete has achieved such a result thanks to his genetics, and they think what did you chew... We will not conduct an examination, analyze something, but simply show what Lazar looked like in his school years:

The joyful young man in this photo is a bodybuilder loved by everyone at the present time - a simple boy with a basketball in his hands.

Here he is already older and as part of the school basketball team. Do you know where your hero hid in the photo? That's right, in the bottom row, third from the right.

Here's another shot of a teenager. The guy rarely parted with the ball.

Here's a photo of Lazar before they won their high school league. The boy has matured and got stronger.

And this photo after school when Lazar Angelov went to study, but left volleyball. The athlete did not change his place - he is the third from the left.

In this photo, Lazar is already a completely grown man. The ball was replaced by a girl :)

The next stage is military service. The photo was taken just before leaving for the troops..

And this is how Lazar came after the army... Look at the photo, a certain foundation and hillocks are already appearing for further work on yourself.

That's actually the first photo of a guy near his native shells... On the wall hangs a bunch of posters with idols, from which he took an example, drew motivation.

Another shot of Lazar.

Here's a photo that I call the transition between an ordinary guy and a world-class star. With the naked eye, it is clear that the athlete has gained weight, while the fat layer has not increased, and the cubes are not sticking out so much.

And here are the familiar photos of a bodybuilder. So, what does Lazar Angelov look like now.

With this form, the athlete began to take part in various bodybuilding competitions, won prizes. Angelov has a certificate of a sports academy coach behind him: and due to knee injury he had to leave basketball for coaching, where he passed on his experience and knowledge to the younger generation.

So we ran through the photographs of Lazar Angelov and looked, what the athlete looked like before playing sports and after coming to the gym. He can be judged, blamed and envied, but everyone can see the thorny path that the guy has overcome.

Lazar Angelov: what happened to him in 2015

And now about the unpleasant. In 2015, the bodybuilder received very serious injury... Subsequently Lazar Angelov fell down on the operating table. First, he had knee surgery. After 3 months, the bodybuilder underwent another surgical intervention. The goal of the doctors was to save the athlete's elbow joints.

In general terms, then something happened to Angelov that you would not wish for the enemy either. The athlete fell out of his usual rhythm and competition for a long time. He had to learn to walk again. But the strong-willed Lazar does not give up and tries to give himself the maximum load while lying on the couch - he does twists on the press, trying to keep the muscles in good shape.

“It’s very hard for me now. After all, I have lost what I have lived for the past few years. I underwent two operations and am trying to pace. Doctors say that recovery after surgery will take more than a year. I understand that I need to go through this, make sure of my strength and endurance. I’m already waiting when I go to the hall ”- says Angelov.

We will wait for Lazar Angelov to appear on television again soon, healthy and full of energy. We wish the athlete endurance and return to his usual rhythm as soon as possible!

Whatever happens to you, never be discouraged or discouraged, always look ahead, and take an example from Lazar Angelov. Let the best idols be on your list!

Here you can see how the fitness model looked, what the fitness model looked like.

Internet users Lazar Angelov is known as a personal trainer, a model in the field of fitness. He has always promoted natural bodybuilding without the use of any pharmaceuticals.

A brown-haired man with brown eyes has such a lean body that, not without reason, he can easily be proud of him. It lacks any hint that subcutaneous fat is present, but on the other hand, a chic press is pronounced. Sometimes it seems that someone specially carved it out of stone.

With a height of 180 cm, he has a weight of about 95 kg... The waist is 80 cm.

His homeland is Bulgaria, and was born in 1984 on October 22. He is still grateful to his parents for helping him in choosing a path in life. The parents' dream was that their son would become a real man and an athlete. They wanted him to develop a strong character, and fear and laziness were alien to him. The boy visited different sections and could really choose what he liked the most.

In 2006, the young man served in the army... Bodybuilding became the subject of his hobbies. But before that, he was one of the best players on the basketball team. His youth was dedicated to this sports discipline.

His further fate develops in such a way that he moves to St. Petersburg for permanent residence. Here he runs open workshops, writes sports blog posts and works as a trainer in the gym. Angelov is a regular participant in Russian championships. He has always held leading positions in the ranking of the strongest athletes.

2015 was not the best year in his life.... He had to undergo knee surgery. Therefore, for the time being, I had to postpone the training, and make certain adjustments to my usual life. Even in bed after undergoing surgery, he was forced to perform various exercises to maintain shape and maintain body weight.

Every week, the athlete conducts 5 classes. They consist of training using serious weights. These include the deadlift, bench press, and barbell squats.

In one approach, the exercise is performed 6-9 times... During the lesson, 4 approaches are used. Exercises for the abdominal muscles are performed separately.

No workout is complete without running outdoors. He uses a sprint race for a distance of up to 400 m. Every time you can see the improvement in results.

The athlete understands perfectly well that without rational nutrition, it will not be possible to form "correct" abdominal cubes. His diet includes 7 meals.

He plans his diet in advance. The products are selected in such a way that the subcutaneous fat makes up 10-12% of the body weight. In order to grow muscles, Lazar takes whey protein, glutamine and BCAAs.

Intense and strenuous workouts require good nutrition. This is not to say that the athlete's diet stands out as something unusual. The diet of any bodybuilder can change, and this is determined by a specific goal.

In Lazar's diet two breakfasts, lunch, two lunches and two dinners... In the morning he eats 6 oatmeal and egg whites. The second breakfast is a dish of chicken meat, and boiled rice is served as a side dish.

Lunch comes with whey protein, which is complemented by almonds. Lunch is identical to the second breakfast. For the second lunch, the athlete consumes salad and tuna. Dinner is the same as the first dinner. During the second dinner, the athlete uses izvara, which is a popular and widespread dish in Bulgaria.

The presented diet does not mean at all that if you use it, you can achieve the same results as with Angelov. Each person is different. Almost every day "dry diet". It contains almost no carbohydrates. This is not dictated by the need to gain mass, but by the support of an already formed figure.

The athlete has a personal website on social networks. On it, he tells his users how to properly exercise and eat. They draw up individual programs. The individual characteristics of each person, his constitution are taken into account.

Internet star

The glory of Angelov is not associated with bodybuilding, but with his performances as a model. In the network, the athlete skillfully built advertisements for products from well-known manufacturers.

Today it has over 6 million visitors. But the athlete is not prone to artistry. There are photographs on blogs with almost identical facial expressions. Lazar wears a stylish goatee. This emphasizes his brutality.

(4 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

Anthropometric data

Height - 180 cm;

Competitive weight - 88 kg, and in the off-season - 94 kg;

Body type - well-coordinated harmonious, broad shoulders and back.

Angelov Lazar is a famous fitness trainer. Was born on September 22, 1984, in the small Bulgarian town of Sofia. His career began with playing basketball, but it was his work in the fitness modeling field that brought him immense popularity.

While still in school, Angelov had a great craving for basketball, which at that time was a very popular sport in Bulgaria. He completely surrendered himself to professional basketball, which took as long as 10 years of his life - it was not at all a simple childhood hobby, but a very serious job of a beginner basketball player. At the age of 16, Lazar signed up for the Bulgarian youth basketball team, after which he entered the National Basketball League.

Still, Angelov became popular not as a basketball player, but as a fitness model. Of course, now he could become a famous basketball player, for whom thousands of fans of the Bulgarian team would cheer, if he did not go to the army at the age of 18, where he began to strive for bodybuilding. But according to his bodybuilder coach, when Lazar came from the army, he started playing basketball again, played in professional teams, but then he was forced to quit basketball due to a knee injury.

A little later, Lazar himself admitted that shortly before the army, when he was just starting his basketball career, he already went to fitness lessons. Apparently, it was precisely because of that very injury that he could not continue playing basketball, which led him to restructure his plans, and for this reason, he chose fitness as his permanent occupation. He learned to be a trainer and became a certificate holder

National Sports Academy, with which he began conducting his own fitness classes. Simply put, along with the improvement of his body, Angels helped other people to do this. And already in 2006, Angelov, began to take part in bodybuilding fights, where he was constantly among the top three.

Of course, everyone knows that in order to rise to the highest stage in a sports career, you need to not only eat right, but also follow the correct sports diet. And this is not the cheapest requirement. And at that time, Lazar Angelov did not have more money, and therefore he was forced to find a second job in order to pay for constant training and create the right sports nutrition: he worked as a trainer in a gym during the day, and worked as a security guard at night.

Workout plan

If you look at the schedule of Angelov's sports activities, you can immediately understand that he visits the gym as an ordinary job. But truth be told, these trips to the gym became his job. Activity with your body, turning it into the desired status form - this is all the means of living for an experienced bodybuilder. Angels attend classes five days a week.

Let's briefly describe his programmatic activities:

  1. Monday - chest workout and;
  2. Tuesday - back and trapeze;
  3. Wednesday - deltas and press;
  4. Thursday is a day off;
  5. Friday - triceps and biceps;
  6. Saturday - abs and legs;
  7. Sunday is a day off.

As necessary, any exercise Lazar does 3-4 approaches with rest of repetitions from 5 to 8, since only such a plan is used to work with a very heavy weight, which contributes to the creation of elastic muscles. The most important exercises in his class are on the back, standing exercises and squats are fundamental exercises for any bodybuilder. From all this it is clear that the athlete from Bulgaria did not come up with any new inventions, but he managed to create an original effect, from those who already knew many things.

From this training plan, you can see that Lazar most of all, doing with him every other day. The result of this action is the stunning cubes on Lazar's stomach, which are considered the most excellent in the entire universe. In general, there is nothing out of the ordinary in a bodybuilder's training plan. Angelov's sports activities are developed on a constant visit to the gym with difficult and long exercises, which look more like a base with a huge weight.

How Lazar Angels eats

Strong and tough bodybuilding workouts require good nutrition, the absence of which the muscles would not be so delicious and would just simply disappear on their own. But in general, Angelov's diet does not have any unusual features: a simple meal 7 times a day.

For every bodybuilder, the main thing is not only daily training, but also the correct diet, in order to achieve the original muscle relief with some proportions. Angels takes food seven times a day, from which he has an average body fat content ranging from 10 to 12%.

For bodybuilders, the diet can change from the desired effect: of course, during weight gain and weight loss, you must have completely different complex nutrition. Let's tell you an approximate Angelov diet for all days of the week:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal and six egg whites;
  • Second breakfast: chicken with boiled rice;
  • Lunch: whey protein with almonds;
  • Lunch: chicken again with boiled rice;
  • Second lunch: salad and tuna fish;
  • Dinner: third time chicken meat with rice;
  • Second dinner: Izvara is a popular dish in Bulgaria.

This does not mean at all that if you accept such a diet as a true example and eat only according to it, then it can lead to the same effect as Angelov's. Of course, any organism has its own ability to form. So, such a nutrition plan was invented for a separate conceived organism. In addition, the Angels almost all days have a "Dry" form. From this we can say that the absence of carbohydrates in Angelov's food is due not to gaining mass, but simply to maintain an already formed shape.


And in conclusion, admiring Angelov's delightful body, we are sometimes tormented by the following question: "Does he use any anabolic steroids?" Of course, in order to achieve this delicious shape, Lazar eats any food that includes a variety of foods, including nutritional supplements.

Although Lazar Angelov himself does not admit at all that he uses anabolic steroids and, as you know, according to him, he is a very vicious opponent of these substances.

Many people really like Angels, they are just delighted with such a well-fed and pumped-up body, which they would like to do the same for themselves, but this is unlikely to happen just like that. And some people, on the contrary, think that there is nothing beautiful and courageous in the body of Lazar Angelov, that's why there are many disputes and scandals about Lazar. But people are different, and everyone knows who he should choose in the role of his fan.

Now, Angelov's career is at the highest level, not only in bodybuilding and basketball, which was his dream since childhood, but also in show business. Because of such an attractive and unusual body, he is very often called to appear in various videos and advertisements.

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Lazar's transformation story:
I was a basketball player when I was younger. I trained twice a day, playing basketball, and in between those workouts I did the gym. I did not eat regularly because I did not have a clear idea of ​​how to eat right. I usually just skipped a couple of meals because I was tired.
As an ectomorph, I was initially dry and also did a lot of cardio throughout the day, so it was difficult for me to gain muscle mass.
After I stopped playing basketball professionally, I spent a year in the army. I lost my form and it was very difficult to decide where to go next in life.
Since fitness was my second passion after basketball, I decided to throw all my strength into this activity.

Were there any special problems or circumstances that made your transformation especially difficult?

It was financially difficult for me and I had to work two jobs to make enough money. I worked as a personal trainer during the day and as a security guard at night.

What is your life now?

Most people believe that once you get the body you've always dreamed of, everything else will come naturally after that. Well actually the hardest part of maintaining your body for a long period of time. It costs me as much effort as it cost me to achieve it.

Where do you get your motivation?

My motivation comes from my fans who always support me and the clients I have helped.

What's your next goal?

My goal is to promote fitness around the world as much as possible. I will strive to make the fitness model body the standard for the male body.

What's your current training philosophy?

I've always loved hard training, so I continue to train with heavy weights. Regardless of whether I am mass or dry, I continue to lift large weights. If you are an athlete with a mesomorph body type, you must use heavy weights to maintain good muscle density. I train one muscle group a day, so I train often, about 6 times a week.
I do not pay attention to certain days of the week, and I only rest when I really feel that I need rest. Most of the exercises that I do are different each time. Only basic exercises like squats, bench presses and deadlifts are always present, but I also try to do them differently each time.
I have noticed that many personal trainers and professional fitness models are always trying to change workouts in order to achieve muscle hypertrophy. They use a variety of techniques, which sometimes take them away from the basic principles that the range should be between 5 and 8 reps to achieve muscle hypertrophy and weight gain in certain exercises, and also to emphasize the muscles. Therefore, I try to make small changes and at the same time adhere to the basic principles of bodybuilding.

Training program:

Day 1: Chest / Abs

  • Bench Press 4 × 8
  • Bench Press 4 × 8
  • Bench press upside down 4 × 8
  • Pullover 4 × 8
  • Hammer Press 3 × 8
  • Bars 3x to failure
  • Side crunches 4x to failure

Day 2: Back / Trapeze

  • Barbell Row 4 × 8
  • Deadlift 4 × 8
  • Deadlift in the block for the head 4 × 8
  • Pull-ups 4 × 8
  • Rows to the stomach in the 4 × 8 simulator
  • Shrugs 6 × 10

Day 3: Deltas / Forearms / Pres

  • Army press behind the head 3 × 8
  • 4 × 8 Delta Press
  • Side Raises 4 × 8
  • Raise a pancake in front of you 4 × 10
  • Raising dumbbells in front of you 4 × 8
  • Reverse Pec Deck 4 × 10
  • Reverse streaks (on an incline bench) 4 × 8
  • Pancake Torso Raises 4x to Failure
  • Hanging leg raises - 4x to failure
  • Side crunches 4x to failure
  • Crunchy 4x to failure
  • Wrist twists 4x to failure
  • Reverse crunches on the wrist 4x to failure

Day 4: Triceps / Biceps

  • Bench press with a narrow grip 4 × 8
  • Pushdowns 4 × 8
  • French press 4 × 10
  • Cable Kickbacks 4 × 8
  • EZ twist bar 4 × 8
  • Wide grip crunches 4 × 8
  • Twisting hammer 4 × 8 (with each hand)
  • Concentrated crunches 4 × 8

Day 5: Legs / Abs

  • Squats 4 × 12
  • Front Squat 4 × 12
  • Bulgarian squat 4 × 12
  • Seated Extension 4 × 16
  • Romanian camp 4 × 12
  • Lying crunches 4 × 16
  • Glute Kickbacks 4 × 20
  • Calf Raises 4 × 20
  • Seated Calf Raises 4 × 20
  • Calf Leg Press 4 × 20
  • Pancake crunches 4x to failure
  • Air Bike 4x to failure
  • Side Bends 4x to failure
  • Barbell Twists 4x To Failure

Favorite cardio?

I prefer regular cardio or acceleration. I don't like doing this in the hall though; I just have no desire to do it there. I love doing it in the park, even when it's cold.
I run one distance each time, but each time I try to improve my time. Next time I would speed up 100 meters, then walk for a minute, then sprint again, and so on. I don't do cardio for long periods of time because it can burn muscle mass. I also try to avoid HIIT, which requires more arm movement, because it also leads to a loss of mass.

Do you gain weight and then dry out, or do you try to be dry throughout the year?

I am mass when I want to look bigger, plus when I want more strength. In winter I am on the mass, when the percentage of fat% is close to 10-12% and I work out very hard to gain at least a couple of kilograms of net mass. Now I have almost reached my maximum potential, but since strength is growing, it means that I can add in mass as well, so every year I try to add in pure mass. When a person reaches his genetic limit, it is very difficult to add in mass; without anabolic steroids, of course. Beginners gain mass very quickly because the muscles are not used to the load and are responding to it.

The difference in my weight-based diet compared to those I have used in the past is that I have now added more fat to my menu, saturated and unsaturated. The reason is that it helps me maintain high testosterone levels, which actually has a very positive effect on strength and muscle growth. As for my drying diet, today I go for a longer period without carbohydrates, instead of going on a diet rich in fat. The keto diet makes me lose a lot of muscle mass. Most of the time I would be on a low carbohydrate or circular diet, but mostly low in carbohydrates. On the other hand, being on a low-carb diet does not allow me to burn fat very quickly.

Current diet:

  • Meal 1: Oatmeal, Eggs, Peanut Butter & Grapefruit
  • Meal 2: Rice, Chicken & Broccoli
  • Meal 3: Pasta, Tuna & Avocado
  • Meal 4: Rice, Chicken
  • Meal 5: Salmon & Salad
  • Meal 6: Cottage Cheese & Broccoli

What is your main achievement?

I do what I love and I inspire people to do fitness. This is what is important to me. I have sponsorships with Mutated Nation and Nike, which is an achievement for me. Some sites nominated me for "the most aesthetic physique" and "the best fitness model of 2012", which also gives me confidence.

Lazar Angelov was born in the city of Sofia (Bulgaria) on September 22, 1984. With a height of 180 cm, his weight is 88 kg.

By his age, this personality has reached considerable heights not only in the field of bodybuilding and basketball, which he was fond of since childhood, but also in the field of show business (Lazar takes an active part in the filming of clips and advertisements).

Before choosing a career as a bodybuilder and personal trainer, Lazar spent 10 years playing basketball at a professional level and during this time he managed to earn an honorable place as one of the best players in his team. At the age of 16, he was accepted into the youth national team, after which he moved to his national basketball league. And so, by the age of 18, Lazarus went to the army, where his passion for the world of bodybuilding originated. After a while, he will receive a special certificate of a professional coach of the National Sports Academy, after which he begins a career in working with people interested in realizing their own potential.

Angelov's whole life is devoted to bodybuilding. Since 2006, he has repeatedly participated in various tournaments, in which he took at least third place. According to the bodybuilder himself, he never recognized steroid drugs, as well as their use.

The uniqueness of the athlete lies in his possession of one of the most impressive abdominals in the entire world. Perhaps it was this argument that caused people to turn to him every day for advice on training and healthy nutrition. And in order to cope with the huge flow of messages and messages, the athlete has created a special website where he puts news and useful information for those who need professional advice.

What things or events in your life keep you motivated?

Good music and kind people who always support me. From music, I adhere to the directions of gangsta rap and hip-hop, but recently I began to get addicted to various soundtracks and heavy metal. Every day I receive hundreds of messages and emails from clients proudly and happily informing me of their accomplishments. It is thanks to this that I understand that my example can inspire others, and this encourages me to move even further.

Touching on the topic of nutrition - what do you use?

It is necessary to follow the proper nutritional schedule, for which we divide the diet into 7 meals. The first includes 6 egg whites along with oatmeal. The second includes soft chicken fillet with rice. On my third meal, I am consuming almonds and protein. For the fourth meal, a repeat of the second meal is best - a soft chicken fillet with rice. For the fifth time, you can pair the salad with tuna. Further, with the sixth intake, the body will again not interfere with chicken fillet with rice to obtain protein (as with the second intake). Finally, the food can be enriched with the traditional Bulgarian dish Izvara. It will provide the body with the necessary amount of casein.

If you are asked the most frequent question, what is it?

"How long have you been training?"

My answer is "Throughout life"

What do you consider to be your greatest achievement?

That I found my way through life. I am what I wanted to see myself in the past. I have my favorite business, but isn't this an indicator?

What are your plans for the future?

I want the whole world to see my athletic body. And at the same time, continue to help everyone who needs my advice and support. I would also like to change the public opinion towards male fitness models. From my point of view, they should not look like Ken, the guys of Barbie dolls, but like real heroes of blockbusters and action movies.

Lazar Angelov

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