What is better rollers. How to choose adult videos? Rollers for girls

For a beginner roller skater, a difficult question arises - how to choose roller skates? Indeed, not only the pleasure of the lesson, but also the safety of the athlete directly depends on the quality of this equipment - no one wants to get injured due to incorrectly or poorly chosen equipment. And therefore, this task should be approached very seriously.

To enjoy skating, you need to choose the right roller skates.

Types of rollers

You should not assume that if you are not aiming for world-class professionals, you are not going to go to competitions and break speed records, then absolutely any roller skates, even unknown Chinese manufacturers, will fit for skating. Therefore, never buy products from unknown Chinese brands, even if you plan to ride several times a week, so to speak, “in the mood”, because this is fraught not only with the fact that you can ruin your legs, but also with the fact that you can forever discourage stand on them again.

And before you learn how to choose the right rollers, you first need to clearly understand for what purpose they will be used: for fun rides, aggressive street or, for example, slalom. After realizing the goal, it is worth figuring out how the videos differ from each other.

Roller skates for aggressive skating

The design of such rollers is characterized by a low frame, small wheels and a very heavy boot. Because of this performance, which also has a rather rigid boot, it will not be possible to develop high speed on them, but this is not required of them - they are designed to perform various tricks, which is not available for a beginner. Yes, and they are not suitable for training, so you should bypass them in the store.

Roller skates for speed skating

This professional sports equipment, designed for marathon riding at high speeds, has a huge wheel size. , especially for those who have never ridden, this is also not the best choice - they are intended for experienced riders.

Roller skates for slalom

In appearance, they practically do not differ from ordinary "walking" or "fitness" rollers, but they have certain technical features that allow you to perform slalom more efficiently. They can be used as a first model for a beginner, if you do not take into account quite high price on them. If this is not a problem, then you can kill two birds with one stone by taking some kind of “growth” rollers.

Freeskate roller skates

This type of skate is designed for the so-called semi-aggressive style of riding and is perfect for both city riding and performing various tricks. They combine best qualities fitness and aggressive skates, as well as very high speeds can be developed on them. Their prices are high, but if you are an ambitious person, then this will be a very good choice for you.

Specialized roller skates

Models of this type are difficult to find in mass sales, and they have a highly specialized focus. Therefore, they are absolutely not suitable for newcomers.

Sliding ones, designed for the youngest skaters, stand apart. Their size can be adjusted, so you do not need to buy every year new model for the growing foot of a child.

Fitness videos

This category includes the largest number of models. These are skates for relaxing, going out on the weekends and getting as much pleasure out of it as possible. They are the best choice for a beginner roller skater, they are the most convenient to learn skating, and the price is low.

Reasons to choose fitness videos as the first model:

  1. The first reason is more than banal - it's cost. Any specialized model costs several times more than the usual one.
  2. Few people from the very beginning know exactly in which direction it will be interesting to develop. Basically, it takes 1 or 2 seasons of rides, after which the rollers will have to be changed. It would be a shame to put expensive slalom inline skates in a corner in order to buy rollers for aggressive skating.
  3. Many models for a certain style of riding are quite specific in design and not all are comfortable. Therefore, a beginner, having ridden in such uncomfortable skates, may simply not want to ride further.
  4. The last reason lies, because the way of 30 km on a free skate model and on cross-country skates differs dramatically.

In order to figure out which model of skates to buy, you should first consider all the details and characteristics of the rollers.


Hard boots

This type of boot migrated from skiing, which led to its execution from plastic. Inside there is a soft boot, which is removed for washing and even for short walks. The advantages of this design include impact resistance and durability, good lateral support for the leg, and the disadvantages include considerable weight and a tendency to rub the leg. Fastening in them is carried out through the use of clips.

Soft boots

This type of roller appeared relatively recently, and in it the design was much lighter, in contrast to the rigid one. The advantages of such skates are weight, a high level of comfort and good ventilation of the legs, but there were some drawbacks too - lateral support is sometimes very weak. Fastenings are used in a variety of ways: clips, and a heel strap, and even lacing, which allows you to adjust the strength of the fastening.

Mounting types

Cuff and clip

The main task of such a ligament is to fix the ankle, because a poorly tightened buckle or a very soft cuff can lead to the fact that you can break the shin when you fall - this is why lateral support is so important. In some models, instead of a buckle, a belt equipped with Velcro is used, but it is not recommended to take such rollers.

In order to test the lateral support, it is enough to put on the rollers and roll the roller out or in. If it is very easy to do this, then such support is not enough for you. For those who buy roller skates via the Internet, we can advise you to pay attention to the manufacturer's brand - well-known companies always equip roller skates with high-quality lateral support.

Heel strap

It holds the heel firmly. Sometimes a buckle is used instead for a more secure fit, but such a mount is used mainly in slalom and free skate models, they are usually not needed. Here you can do with a simple Velcro.


There are 2 types of frames:

  1. Metal, which are made of very light, but at the same time durable alloys. They are stiff, which makes it possible to make stronger shocks, but, alas, their depreciation rates are nowhere lower. In addition, bending such a frame is almost impossible.
  2. Carbon fiber ones are more shock-absorbing, but they have more weight, and they transmit a push much worse. In addition, they can crack after falling.


Wheels on rollers can be very different in diameter. When choosing, you will notice the markings, for example 84/95A. It is not difficult to decipher it: it means that the diameter of the wheel is 84 mm, and its rigidity is 95A. It is also worth considering that the larger their diameter, the easier it is to pick up speed and less shaking from road surface irregularities. But the diameter is limited by the dimensions of the frame, and in order to replace it with a new set of wheels, this should not be forgotten in any case.

Regular brake

This part of the video was invented specifically for those who are just starting their rollerblading journey, but many professionals also do not neglect it. Only those who practice slalom, hockey and freeskate remove the brakes, as in these styles it gets in the way.


An item that cannot be ignored is the price of skates. Fitness videos of a good eminent manufacturer will cost a beginner about $150-200. The price is considerable, but in them you will feel very comfortable and ride for a long time, because their strength is also on highest level. When deciding to buy cheap skates, don't forget that you can lose all the fun of skating and just waste your money.


No one wears skates on a bare foot - this is the law. Therefore, when trying them on, do not forget to wear the very socks in which you plan to ride. It is very good if you get special roller socks with special properties, or something very similar.

When you put on the rollers, you need to properly press your heel against the back wall of the boot, for which you have to put it on rear wheel or brake. For fitness models, further actions will look like this: conscientiously lace up, tighten the heel strap as much as possible and fasten the top buckle. When tightening, do not overdo it - the leg should sit tight, but you should not feel discomfort in any case. Also, do not succumb to a false sense of discomfort from the tight fit of the skates - they should sit tight, because otherwise there will be no proper control.

It must be remembered that the size of the rollers should be just right, no more and no less. Only the younger generation can take it with a margin, and even then with a size of more than 39. An adult needs to look for exactly those that fit well, so do not look at the tags and measure. Your size is the one in which, with the heel pressed as far back as possible, the fingers barely touch the toe or there is a very small gap.

The last check occurs when getting up on the rollers. Here you need to either drive around the store for half an hour, or just stand for about 15 minutes. But standing or sitting is not particularly recommended, because due to the tight fit, the legs can quickly numb and lose sensitivity.

Be careful and remember that when riding, the knees are always bent, therefore, in some models, with a straightened leg, the foot may move out, and the fingers rest on the toe, and it will seem to you that the size is small. To prevent such an unfortunate misunderstanding, it is worth taking one leg back without lifting it off the floor - in this position, the heel will be pressed to the back as much as possible and you will be able to fully feel the size.

Do not be surprised that one roller fits perfectly, and the second does not. The human body is not symmetrical, and one leg is often larger than the other. This problem is solved by adaptive boots, which are supplied with roller skates of famous manufacturers. Over time, they are crushed, worn out and can become larger by about half a size, so the choice must be made on the smaller leg. But there are cases that condition the purchase bigger size, are old injuries, high lift or severe swelling. It happens that two sizes are comfortable at once, and in this case it is worth taking the smaller one.

Some specific features of the pads and legs appear after some time of skating, therefore, after buying rollers, you need to immediately ride them for about an hour. This is done at home so that in case of subsequent discomfort they do not lose their presentation and you can return them or exchange them for a suitable model.


Summing up the question of how to choose videos, we can safely say that best choice for a beginner than a fitness model does not exist. When choosing, the main thing to pay attention to is their fit on the leg, and then look at the frame and wheels. And you need to try on carefully, guided by feelings and checking convenience. Following all of the above, you can easily choose sports equipment for roller skating.

Rollers are one of the fastest and most maneuverable ways to move around the city. The choice of model depends on the style of riding: will you only occasionally ride in the nearest park and promenade, or are you more attracted to tricks, or do you want speed?

For beginners

If you are a complete beginner, then you should opt for fitness models.

Such videos are produced with a soft boot, they are necessarily equipped with a regular brake, which can be removed later, with the improvement of skills. The frame is elongated, which reduces maneuverability, but increases stability - this is especially important for those who are just starting to ride. In addition, such rollers are usually lower in price compared to other models.

Beginners should not neglect protection. Otherwise, the very first meeting with asphalt can forever discourage (in every sense) the desire to improve further.

Even if you don't plan to ride a lot and for a long time, it is better to buy fitness rollers in specialized stores, and not in the nearest supermarket. Leading manufacturers are K2, Rollerblade, Powerslide, Fila and Bladerunner.

For experienced skaters

Skateboarders who are tired of walking in familiar parks and want to go out into the city should take a closer look at freeskate models. Those who already ride confidently and know how to stop without the help of a regular brake will cope with such rollers (stops with the help of poles and fences do not count).

These models are designed for tricks and interesting slides. Visually, they differ from fitness videos in a very close arrangement of wheels, the absence of a brake and a short frame.

Even if you don't plan on jumping and skating around cones, freeskate rollers outperform fitness models in terms of maneuverability, which is especially important for comfortable movement around the city.

If you are more interested in riding around the city, rather than tricks, take freeskate rollers with a removable inner boot liner (it is also sometimes called a “felt boot”). In such models, the leg will be softer, and you will be able to ventilate the “boots” between skiing.

Freeskate skate manufacturers are Rollerblade, K2 and Seba, with Powerslide and Head having separate models.

For tricks

If it’s hard to figure out on your own whether tricks are to your liking, take a ride in the rollerdrome with an instructor or find like-minded people on social networks.

For sliding and skating around cones, the same rollers for freeskating are intended. But in this case, the choice should fall on hard boots with non-removable inside, which will allow you to better feel the skate when skating. Manufacturers - Seba and Rollerblade.

Aggressive skating involves honing tricks in a skate park, using railings and inclined surfaces, so a special notch is made on the frame of such skates. Look out for USD, Razors, Valo, Remz, Xsjado, SSM, K2, Rollerblade and Seba.

You can ride in such videos around the city, for this they are quite maneuverable, but it will not be entirely comfortable due to a rather rigid boot.

For speed riding and long distances

For high-speed skating, special models of rollers are produced with a non-standard frame for enlarged wheels. If you can put four wheels with a size of 80-84 mm on all previous models, then 3-4 wheels with a diameter of 125 mm are installed on high-speed rollers. Such rollers best overcome surface irregularities and keep speed.

Suitable for those who already ride confidently, plan to use rollers to move around the city, where the asphalt surface leaves much to be desired. More about speed skating can be viewed on the official website of the Speed ​​Skating League.

What to look for when fitting

When you have decided on the direction of skating, it's time to go to the store. And even if you are more attracted to prices at, when buying roller skates, like shoes, you can’t do without a preliminary fitting. But no one forbids you to try on and find a model that suits you in the store, and then buy it online.

The rollers are divided into male and female, especially this division is noticeable in fitness models. And this is not some regular marketing ploy - it's about the features of the anatomy. Among women calf muscles larger, so the notch at the top of the boot will be deeper and lower than on men's models.

The rollers should sit comfortably, securely fix the leg, but do not pinch it.

When trying on, put your foot on the heel and only then tighten the laces and straps - this will help you not to make a mistake with the size and fix the skate correctly. Feel free to walk around in the store in the model you like for about 20 minutes, so you make sure that it suits you.

Remember: the shorter the frame and the closer the wheels are, the more convenient it will be for you to maneuver on these rollers. The longer the frame, the more stable you will be when riding in a straight line.

Pay attention to the bearings, on all models the classification according to the ABEC scale will be indicated.

The larger the ABEC number, the higher the manufacturing accuracy of the bearing.

ABEC 3 is found in inexpensive skates and children's models, you should not take such bearings. It is better if you have ABEC 5 or 7 bearings - they have higher ball processing accuracy. But ABEC 9 will only be needed for those who ride on large wheels (larger than the standard 84 mm): ordinary difference between ABEC 7 and 9 you won't feel it.

You can also buy hand rollers. AT thematic groups there are a lot of offers on social networks for the sale of such skates: either the previous owners realized that they did not like this type of recreation, or experienced skaters went bankrupt for a more interesting model and are selling the old one.

When buying used rollers, find out in advance if the model you like is thermoformed.

If it is, you should not take such rollers: the boot has already adjusted to the features of the previous owner's foot. The wheels, most likely, will have to be replaced with new ones, and the bearings should be washed. Thus, the final price will be slightly higher than what you see in the ad.

An important point: do not spare money for special socks.

Outwardly, they resemble stockings, the toe and heel are sealed, and the part under the foot is made of pleasant terry fabric. These socks will protect you from where the foot touches the upper hard part of the boot, they perfectly absorb sweat and help to fix the foot in the skate even better.

What kind of roller skates do you ride? What do you like or dislike about the chosen model?

Rollers are one of the fastest and most maneuverable ways to move around the city. The choice of model depends on the style of riding: will you only occasionally ride in the nearest park and promenade, or are you more attracted to tricks, or do you want speed?

For beginners

If you are a complete beginner, then you should opt for fitness models.

Such videos are produced with a soft boot, they are necessarily equipped with a regular brake, which can be removed later, with the improvement of skills. The frame is elongated, which reduces maneuverability, but increases stability - this is especially important for those who are just starting to ride. In addition, such rollers are usually lower in price compared to other models.

Beginners should not neglect protection. Otherwise, the very first meeting with asphalt can forever discourage (in every sense) the desire to improve further.

Even if you don't plan to ride a lot and for a long time, it is better to buy fitness rollers in specialized stores, and not in the nearest supermarket. Leading manufacturers are K2, Rollerblade, Powerslide, Fila and Bladerunner.

For experienced skaters

Skateboarders who are tired of walking in familiar parks and want to go out into the city should take a closer look at freeskate models. Those who already ride confidently and know how to stop without the help of a regular brake will cope with such rollers (stops with the help of poles and fences do not count).

These models are designed for tricks and interesting slides. Visually, they differ from fitness videos in a very close arrangement of wheels, the absence of a brake and a short frame.

Even if you don't plan on jumping and skating around cones, freeskate rollers outperform fitness models in terms of maneuverability, which is especially important for comfortable movement around the city.

If you are more interested in riding around the city, rather than tricks, take freeskate rollers with a removable inner boot liner (it is also sometimes called a “felt boot”). In such models, the leg will be softer, and you will be able to ventilate the “boots” between skiing.

Freeskate skate manufacturers are Rollerblade, K2 and Seba, with Powerslide and Head having separate models.

For tricks

If it’s hard to figure out on your own whether tricks are to your liking, take a ride in the rollerdrome with an instructor or find like-minded people on social networks.

For sliding and skating around cones, the same rollers for freeskating are intended. But in this case, the choice should fall on hard boots with a non-removable inner part, which will allow you to better feel the skate when skating. Manufacturers - Seba and Rollerblade.

Aggressive skating involves honing tricks in a skate park, using railings and inclined surfaces, so a special notch is made on the frame of such skates. Look out for USD, Razors, Valo, Remz, Xsjado, SSM, K2, Rollerblade and Seba.

You can ride in such videos around the city, for this they are quite maneuverable, but it will not be entirely comfortable due to a rather rigid boot.

For speed riding and long distances

For high-speed skating, special models of rollers are produced with a non-standard frame for enlarged wheels. If you can put four wheels with a size of 80-84 mm on all previous models, then 3-4 wheels with a diameter of 125 mm are installed on high-speed rollers. Such rollers best overcome surface irregularities and keep speed.

Suitable for those who already ride confidently, plan to use rollers to move around the city, where the asphalt surface leaves much to be desired. More information about speed skating can be found on the official website of the Speed ​​Skating League.

What to look for when fitting

When you have decided on the direction of skating, it's time to go to the store. And even if you are more attracted to prices at, when buying roller skates, like shoes, you can’t do without a preliminary fitting. But no one forbids you to try on and find a model that suits you in the store, and then buy it online.

The rollers are divided into male and female, especially this division is noticeable in fitness models. And this is not some regular marketing ploy - it's about the features of the anatomy. Women's calf muscles are larger, so the notch at the top of the boot will be deeper and lower than on men's models.

The rollers should sit comfortably, securely fix the leg, but do not pinch it.

When trying on, put your foot on the heel and only then tighten the laces and straps - this will help you not to make a mistake with the size and fix the skate correctly. Feel free to walk around in the store in the model you like for about 20 minutes, so you make sure that it suits you.

Remember: the shorter the frame and the closer the wheels are, the more convenient it will be for you to maneuver on these rollers. The longer the frame, the more stable you will be when riding in a straight line.

Pay attention to the bearings, on all models the classification according to the ABEC scale will be indicated.

The larger the ABEC number, the higher the manufacturing accuracy of the bearing.

ABEC 3 is found in inexpensive skates and children's models, you should not take such bearings. It is better if you have ABEC 5 or 7 bearings - they have higher ball processing accuracy. But ABEC 9 will only be needed for those who ride on large wheels (larger than the standard 84 mm): on ordinary wheels, you will not feel the difference between ABEC 7 and 9.

You can also buy hand rollers. There are a lot of offers for the sale of such skates in thematic groups on social networks: either the previous owners realized that they did not like this type of recreation, or experienced skaters went bankrupt for a more interesting model and are selling the old one.

When buying used rollers, find out in advance if the model you like is thermoformed.

If it is, you should not take such rollers: the boot has already adjusted to the features of the previous owner's foot. The wheels, most likely, will have to be replaced with new ones, and the bearings should be washed. Thus, the final price will be slightly higher than what you see in the ad.

An important point: do not spare money for special socks.

Outwardly, they resemble stockings, the toe and heel are sealed, and the part under the foot is made of pleasant terry fabric. These socks will protect you from where the foot touches the upper hard part of the boot, they perfectly absorb sweat and help to fix the foot in the skate even better.

What kind of roller skates do you ride? What do you like or dislike about the chosen model?

Your baby has grown up and asks to buy roller skates for him. You are ready to allow him this traumatic occupation, it remains only to choose the right equipment. How to choose the right rollers and what you need to pay attention to when buying?

We are already big!

What is the best age to go shopping? Sometimes kids buy roller skates at the age of three or four, and sometimes at two. As a rule, kids learn quickly, they are able to master skating even at such a young age, but it is still better not to rush.

The best age to buy your first skates is six or seven years old. By this age, the child develops coordination and motor confidence. Until that time, roller skating is too difficult an activity for the baby's vestibular apparatus.

Many people buy children's roller skates with twin wheels arranged in two rows to start with. It is believed that it is easier to keep balance on them. But in fact, riding them is not very convenient, and children, even small ones, deftly learn to keep their balance on models with wheels in one row. In the west, such roller skates for children are very widespread. But on Russian market there are much fewer of them, and therefore it will not be so easy to find the right pair.

This question is one of the most important. Roller skates for children should not be taken for growth, the leg will hang out in them, but too tight ones are also not good. The best choice is boots one, maximum two sizes larger than the size of the foot.

In addition, sliding rollers are available. Skates-transformers - best option for practical parents. A child's foot grows quickly, and buying a new pair every season can cost a pretty penny. Rollers with a sliding mechanism will solve this problem.

When buying, pay attention to the device design. When it is moved forward, the toe should move, not the heel. This is necessary so that the child can keep balance.

Purchase Technology

How to choose the right videos for your son or daughter? In addition to size, there are a lot of subtleties that you need to know.

Before choosing videos for a child by color or other outward signs pay attention to their weight. Try to keep your skates light. Excessive heaviness on the legs can ruin all the fun of riding.

Pay attention to the mount. Velcro fasteners are very convenient, but for safety, there must be additional lacing.

Buying skates for a child should be sure to try on. Do not be lazy to try on several pairs, lace each one completely and test it right on the trading floor. Let the child walk or ride a little in the model being tried on.

Check that the baby's leg does not fall either on the inside or on outside, otherwise this pair does not suit him.

It is for this reason that you should not even think about how to choose children's videos on the Internet or make a surprise gift for your baby.

What socks to buy for skiing? Cotton is not the best option. They absorb sweat, so the foot remains wet, which can lead to fungus. In addition, they fidget on the leg and rub it. In addition, cotton products tear quickly. It is best to purchase special sports socks for roller skates, which are made of synthetic materials, dry easily and wick moisture away from the feet.

Issue price

How to choose videos for parents with limited funds? Those who want to save money and go to the market to buy roller skates, we want to immediately warn against this step. Any professional knows that buying Chinese bright plastic products is a waste of money, damaged nerves and sometimes injured legs. Multi-colored Chinese rollers are made from unreliable material and fall apart right before our eyes. When riding on them, something constantly rattles, creaks and falls off, which is why in everyday life such skates are called "rattles".

The cost of videos suitable for a beginner is from 90 to 170 dollars. Buying a more expensive model is unwise. And cheap, as you know, and the quality is appropriate.

It is worth choosing a model of a well-known brand that has proven itself in the market. It is best to make a purchase in a specialized sports store. There, as a rule, a wide choice and competent sales assistants.

What are they like?

How to choose videos for beginners? What models should you pay attention to? For beginners, it is best to opt for standard fitness rollers. It is better not to take highly specialized options. As already mentioned, do not buy cheap Chinese rollers. At a low price, they are made without observing safety precautions. Due to the unreliability of the design, it is very easy to get injured in them.

Boots should fit snugly around the entire leg, fixing the ankle. If they are chosen correctly, the foot is simply not physically able to turn sideways.

Reliable fixation of the boot largely depends on the laces. It is better to choose them together with clips.

If you only plan on skating occasionally, don't buy inline skates that have detachable boots. This design, seemingly convenient, is actually very impractical. Its fastening mechanism quickly fails.

Hard or soft?

Roller boots are hard and soft. The first is a molded construction with an inner fabric cover, the second resembles ordinary sneakers, they are made of the same materials and are well ventilated. For rigidity, they are filled with plastic in the necessary places.

They are very comfortable and have good ventilation and low weight, but at the same time they are less durable and shock-resistant and can be deformed under lateral load.

In addition, soft boots cannot be washed, unlike hard ones, from which it is possible to remove textile boots.

Let's talk about the frame

They are either plastic or metal. The frame is the part to which the wheels are attached. Of course, the most reliable option is aluminum. These skates are light and strong, but they are quite expensive, so a frame made of high-quality plastic is quite suitable for a kid with a small weight.

The usual material for the frame is aluminum-magnesium alloy. Products from it do not break, they can only bend when strong blow. But they have poor depreciation. When driving, the roller feels every pebble on the road.

An alternative would be nylon or carbon frame and also made of fiberglass. She has better cushioning, when hit, she will not break or bend, she can only crack or scratch.

There are removable frames to be replaced. But, as a rule, it is not easy to buy a spare. In addition, the screws on it can spontaneously unwind. The reliability of its fastening should be checked before each ride.

Other Important Details

Roller wheels are consumables and must be replaced periodically. The stiffer they are, the easier they turn, but they hold the road worse, especially when cornering. They are sensitive to the slightest flaws in the road surface.

What should be the wheels roller skates? In models for beginners, they are always made of soft material to prevent strong slipping and prevent young rider accelerate too much. Their diameter should be large enough. Roller skates with smaller, harder wheels can be bought later, when the child is already riding confidently.

What do the marking numbers mean?

Before choosing rollers in a specialized store, you should remember the following. The size of the wheels is indicated on them in millimeters. Fitness rollers have a diameter of 76 to 100. Rigidity is indicated by a number in the range from 72 to 85 with a letter. For fitness class rollers, this is the letter A, and the optimal model is 82A.

The higher the number, the harder the material, the larger the diameter of the wheels and their softness, the easier it is to ride. In our country, the asphalt on the streets is often uneven, small pebbles come across. On small and hard wheels, riding can turn into a real torment.

For a comfortable ride, experts recommend choosing a diameter of 84-100 millimeters and a stiffness of no higher than 80A. Of course, soft wheels wear out much faster, but even they are guaranteed to last a season when riding an average of two or three times a week.

If the wheels do not have this marking, it is not recommended to buy. This is a Chinese product that will not last long.

About bearings

This is another important component of the roller mechanism. They need two pieces for each wheel. The bearings are also specially marked and are divided into five accuracy classes. The higher the indicated figure, the more fragile they are, but they will also drive faster.

The best choice for beginners is bearings marked ABEC-3. They are reliable and durable, provide good speed movement. After working out the skating technique, you can move on to bearings of the ABCE-5 class.

If they start to creak, the instruction suggests lubricating them, but it's better to just buy new ones. Bearings are available at any specialty store along with quality skates.

Their other classes are for specialized rollers. For example, for racing, or for those on which various tricks are performed. Such bearings are fragile, expensive, and even when driving on Russian asphalt they are subject to very frequent replacement.

Of course, like the skates themselves, you should not take any components without marking.

Safety above all!

Do roller skates need protection? Medical statistics show that when roller skating there are many injuries, and quite serious ones - from bruises to fractures. It is better not to risk the health of the baby. Teach him from the very beginning that protection is an essential component of roller equipment. It should not be abandoned, even when the child learns to ride confidently.

The most important elements of protection are shields on the hands, knee pads, protection for the elbows and the wrist joint. The hands and wrists of young roller skaters suffer from dislocations and fractures, most often during falls.

Elbow pads may not be needed, as falling onto your elbows is a fairly rare thing in roller skating. But knee pads and gloves are truly necessary things.

Come to terms with the idea that falls are inevitable, and your task is to make them as safe as possible for the baby's health.

A helmet for the head is also needed. This is the most important attribute of protection, which can sometimes save not only health, but life itself. In the United States, children under 15 are prohibited from rollerblading or cycling without a crash helmet. Parents of young offenders can be fined, sent to prison, or even deprived of parental rights.

Other types of skates

How to choose skates if you already have some experience in skating and want more? In addition to skates for ordinary riding, there are also special models, for example, for an aggressive style of skating. They jump on them, go down the steps, ride on the railing and perform other complex tricks. Such skates, by definition, must be impact-resistant and as durable as possible. outer part the boot there is made of hard plastic, the wheels are hard of small diameter.

There are also cross-country roller skates that are classified as professional. sports equipment. Athletes compete in them, and skaters also train in the summer. These rollers have an extended frame with five large diameter wheels instead of four, which provides stability and good grip needed when cornering. They have understated boots that fix the ankle joint very strongly. They are made from the most durable yet lightweight materials.

There are also special off-road videos for wildlife lovers. They are the most different from the usual fitness class models. Such skates can have 3 or 4 wheels, which are sometimes large inflatable, fastened in one row under the boot.

Their design can also consist of a frame and two wheels attached in front of the toe and behind the heel.

Such rollers have increased cross-country ability, they can ride on the grass and not get stuck in large recesses. They have waterproof bearings that are not afraid of moisture, and a durable frame made of a special alloy.

It is not worth learning to ride them, extreme riding requires good technique and a lot of experience. We will also not give advice on how to choose rollers for professionals - skaters with experience are quite well versed in this matter.

First lessons

How to teach a child to roller skate? The best option is to take a few lessons from an experienced instructor. At the first lesson, he will definitely teach the child the basics of safety, then he will teach him to keep his balance, to brake correctly. correctly group the muscles when falling.

If there is no such coach among your acquaintances, you will have to take over his functions. Instructions for skating technique can be found in specialized publications. Before proceeding to practical training with a baby, you must be as savvy as a professional trainer, because the safety and health of your child depends on it.

Roller skating is not only a lot of fun, but also very healthy. And it doesn’t matter how old a person is: 10 or 40, the joy of such an active holiday will make you discard laziness and every day again set off to conquer the streets. The main thing is that the “suit sits”. And here the first snag arises - how to choose roller skates so that they are comfortable and safe?

Roller skates: how to choose? Important parameters

Considering the videos you like, you must definitely evaluate what material they are made of. Special attention focus on key design elements:

1. Frame. The most common is metal or plastic, occasionally carbon models come across. The metal is durable and can withstand considerable weight, the plastic, in turn, is quite elastic and provides soft rolling.

2. Wheels. High-quality models involve the use of polyurethane, but in cheap or children's versions, plastic is allowed. In addition, other wheel parameters should be taken into account:

  • hardness - can be from 72A to 93A. The degree of rigidity increases with the number, and the letter simply indicates that the A scale was used for marking. The more the roller weighs, the harder the wheels are needed: in this way they can be prevented from premature erasure;
  • diameter - usually from 44 to 100 mm. The size of the wheel depends on the style of riding: if fitness involves 70-100 mm, then aggressive - up to 64 mm. There is a little secret - in the first few days of skiing, 2-3 mm are immediately erased, so it's better to take the wheel "for growth".

3. Bearings. They are made of stainless or chrome steel, ceramic options are less common. The latter are more durable, 7-10 g lighter and practically do not require lubrication. Bearings are divided into classes: from ABEC-1 to ABEC-9. The higher the class, the more speed roller skates can develop.

You should not buy videos of an unknown brand: there is a high chance of getting just “boots on wheels”. Proven manufacturers that produce quality products are RollerBlade, Fila, K2, Michelin, Powerslide, Seba, Roces.

Roller skates: how to choose the right one? Fitting tricks

Buying roller skates "blindly" without trying them on is a gross mistake. Therefore, having chosen the model you like, you should retire with it in the fitting room. So, the "correct" roller skates should:

  • fit in size and even press a little (during the process of skiing, the boot breaks in by 0.5-1.5 sizes). To check, you need to unlace the roller, put it on the rear wheel, stick your foot in there and again freely lace up the boot. Finishing touch– hit the floor with the rear wheel several times. If the size is right, then both the heel and the toes will rest against the boot. AT otherwise need to try on a smaller size;
  • provide secure heel support. It is necessary to put the roller on the rear wheel, pull the tongue and lace up the boot. In this case, the heel should be kept tightly pressed to the back. When the lacing is done, you need to fasten the clip and the heel strap (if any). The same procedure should be repeated with the second roller. Then you need to sit down 2-3 times so that the boot takes a natural position on the leg. After that, you need to slightly take one leg back and, squatting a little, swing with emphasis on front wheel. During this "exercise" the heel should not slip or come off the heel counter;
  • be comfortable. You should try to ride and check how comfortable your legs are in roller skates. If it is inconvenient, you need to look further. You also need to stand in the rollers for a while, try tilting them to the side to assess whether the lateral support is sufficient.

It is assumed that the beginner will be limited to driving around the city and will not "adventure" on his own feet. Therefore, beginners are advised to give preference to one of these types of roller skates:

  1. Leisure/Recreation. This option is good for those who plan to get on wheels several times a month and are not going to conquer the heights of skill. Recreation class skates are affordable, and their design makes it easy to learn how to ride. In particular, such roller skates are characterized by simple boots, soft small wheels (up to 80 mm in diameter) and a plastic frame. Naturally, one cannot count on the development of any serious speed.
  2. For fitness/Fitness. An excellent choice for almost any beginner. The rollers do an excellent job with smooth city roads, while ensuring the comfort and safety of the ride. The design of these roller skates is lightweight, but durable due to the reliable aluminum frame. A quick lacing system, large wheels (up to 100mm) and high-speed bearings are what you need to quickly move through the urban jungle.
  3. Baby/Kids. "Kids" are no different from the adult fitness version, except for one feature: the rollers are made sliding, so that they can increase within 4 sizes.
  4. Off-road. This model experienced the peak of its popularity in the late 90s. The rollers are designed for driving outside the city and asphalt surfaces. You can recognize them by their large pneumatic rubber wheels. But you should be prepared for the fact that the rollers “save” before gravel, sand or mud - you just have to run in them.

Children are the most limited in their choice: there are practically no professional models for them. And although Kids class roller skates are as safe as possible for a child, you should purchase a protective kit for him (helmet, elbow pads, knee pads, wrist protection). However, for adults inexperienced in skating, additional “software” will not hurt either.

How to choose videos for adults for tricks

Stunt tricks require not only skating skills, but also suitable "wheels". Which rollers to choose is mainly influenced by the style of riding:

  1. For slalom. Slalom is real sports art requiring serious preparation. The movements of the roller resemble a dance, and not everyone understands how much effort is being applied. Slalom rollers are chosen either by professionals or beginners who are purposefully going to develop in this direction. Among the main requirements for such roller skates: light weight, a rigid frame and a boot of medium softness.
  2. For freeskate. Everyone has seen free skaters in their city. Usually these are crazy guys, easily jumping over any obstacles that arise in their path. This style of skiing is also called freestyle. It requires rollers with a strong hard boot, a strong frame and a removable boot-liner that fixes the foot in the boot. Preference is given to wheels of medium diameter (up to 80 mm).
  3. Speed/Race. Such rollers are designed for fast movement and skating on a special track. They are not suitable for walking in the park, since their main purpose is a constant race, achieving the highest possible speed. Inline skates of this type are characterized by low rigid boots, light strong frames and either four wheels of 90-100 mm or five of 80-84 mm.
  4. Aggressive / Aggressive. Aggressive is an extreme style of riding that includes jumps, spins and other acrobatic tricks. Outwardly, the rollers are distinguished by a massive boot, a short solid frame and small wheels (up to 64 mm). These inline skates provide stability but lack high speed.

Do not forget that performing unfamiliar tricks during the first skating on new skates is not a very sound idea. You need to get used to roller skates at least a little and study their “behavior”. It will be useful to purchase protective equipment.

Rollerblading around the city is a great idea for the summer. Fast, fun and helpful. What else is needed for a "vehicle"?
