Single speed bike pros and cons. Pros and cons of a bike

The high-speed bike has a multistage transmission, which fundamentally distinguishes it from the classic one-gear bike. A big problem for singspeed (single-speed) is steep and long climbs, especially without a perpendicular slope of the road. The low gears of the high-speed bike reduce the speed, but make it possible to overcome the hills without additional power costs. High gears allow you to accelerate the bike on level ground, and it will outperform singlespeed in speed.

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Speed ​​Bike

For trips around the city on flat roads and simple rides in parks and embankments, the presence of a high-speed bike is not essential. A simple one-gear touring bike is fine here: it is both cheaper and does not require frequent maintenance.

Another thing is long trips on highways, dirt roads and, even more so, off-road. Here you will need a more stable bike that will pass under any conditions, save energy, and make the trip more comfortable. It is difficult to imagine a long tourist route on a single speed, to put it mildly, although, in principle, nothing is impossible.

Compared to a single-speed model, a bicycle with a multistage transmission has several advantages:

  • climbing hills in low gears;
  • less power costs in a headwind;
  • overclocking on flat areas;
  • maximum accuracy of adjusting the bike to specific riding conditions (especially on models with a large number of gears);
  • constant cadence, less fatigue;
  • the braking system of speed bikes is more powerful than singlespeeds.

Let's see from the other side, where single-speed models outperform their rivals:

  • the bike is cheaper;
  • undemanding to maintenance of the transmission: the chain and sprockets are designed for almost the entire life of the bike;
  • if the chain is replaced, it is easily rubbed against the old stars;
  • singlespeed gives good workout all muscle groups of the legs on the rise;
  • allows you to develop the skill of high-frequency pedaling.

Scheme of gear shifting on a classic transmission 3 x 8

The controversial advantage of the single-speed model is the reduction in weight due to the absence of switches and cassettes. Only valid when comparing identical models with and without cassette. To put in one row, for example, a light road bike with speeds and a steel road road in this sense is wrong.

What are high-speed bicycles

By the type of transmission, bicycles with speeds can be divided into three types:

  • with a double switching system: mountain, road and;
  • with a single gear system - high-speed road models;
  • planetary velocity models.

The dual gearshift system has two star systems - at the front of the bottom bracket and at the rear hub. For the chain transfer along the front and rear sprockets, the corresponding switches are responsible - front and rear. Standard systems:

  • 3 x 7;
  • 3 x 8;
  • 3 x 9.

The device of the classic transmission of a high-speed bike

There are several rear sprockets for one chainring: a large chainring in front is combined with small rear ones, and vice versa. Average values, for example, 2 x 5 are commensurate with gear ratio singlespeed. The switches are controlled by shifters located on the steering wheel: on the left - front, on the right - rear switch.

A single gearshift system includes only the rear cassette, one derailleur and, accordingly, one shifter. At the front, the chain only runs along one leading star, like on a single speed.

Road model with gears

City bicycles with speeds make it possible to move more comfortably on roads with inclines, have a more developed braking system - front and rear v-brakes against the rear drum brake of a conventional bike.

It is worth noting that in the city high-speed roadways run better than mountain ones: there are high gears, large wheels, the geometry is sharpened for movement on flat roads.

The planetary gearshift system is located in the rear wheel hub. The planetary hub transmission combines the characteristics of a single shift system and a single speed:

  • rear derailleur + shifter;
  • one front and one rear sprocket;
  • the chain is short, runs straight.

Gear shifting is carried out while coasting, in contrast to the classic system, where the chain is thrown over the stars when pedaling.

Benefits of the planetary hub:

  • the mechanism is completely protected from dirt, water, dust;
  • durability;
  • does not require maintenance and repair;
  • it is more convenient to change gears.

Disadvantages of planetary bushings: significant weight gain, high friction and low endurance of mechanisms, high price bike. Taking this into account, it is advisable to use the planetary only in urban driving conditions and on suburban highways.

How to remake Singlespeed

Let's try to turn a regular bike into a high-speed one with a single shifting system. For this you will need:

  • singlespeed;
  • non-brake bushing;
  • v-brakes or pliers, front and rear;
  • rear cassette 6 stars;
  • two chains for a speed bike;
  • switch;
  • shifter;
  • switch cable;
  • clamps.

Tools and working devices:

  • spanners;
  • squeezing the chain;
  • cassette remover;
  • grinder.

At the very first stage, you should choose the type of brakes, which we will then install on the bike. We look at the feathers and the fork - if they do not have seats for the brakes (they are not provided on classic frames), then we purchase pliers. If there are sockets, we take v-brake. Another, more complicated, option is to place a similar fork under the vectors, and put a tick back. In this case, you will have to

How to convert a single speed bike into a multi speed bike - step-by-step instruction:

1. Remove rear wheel with a wrench and disassemble it.

2. Open and remove the chain - you will no longer need it.

3. Make one of the two chains, with 128 links for a 6-speed cassette. To unclamp the additional links to the standard chain and connect them, you will need a squeeze.

4. Next, you need to put a non-brake hub in the rear wheel. The work is divided into 3 stages: dismantling a conventional hub, re-spacing the wheel and installing a new hub. It is quite difficult to do the repositioning, therefore it is better to entrust this work to the master. A simple option is to purchase a ready-made wheel with a 6-star cassette.

5. If you install the sprockets yourself, you will need a cassette remover.

6. It will not work to put the rear wheel on the stays of a standard frame - the speed bushings are wider. To do this, you need to unclench the feathers by 2-3 cm. This is easiest to do on the machine.

7. The next step is to install the derailer - the rear derailleur. Choose a device with an axle mount, because no special attachment is provided for classic frames.

8. Apply the front brake - standard procedure.

9. The front sprocket on single speed bikes has thicker teeth so the speed chain will not fit. We remove the star paired with the connecting rod, grind the teeth on a milling machine.

10. Assemble the bike: place the wheel on the dropouts of the feathers, the chainring on the carriage and clamp the chain.

11. When the rear wheel is in place, apply the rear caliper brake.

12. Installing the rear shifter for the derailleur right side steering wheel.

13. Connect the shifter and the switch, fasten the cable to the upper frame tube with clamps.

14. At the last stage, check and

By changing the transmission configuration and installing a new brake system from a simple bike you can make a high-speed one.

Today, sales are dominated by speed bikes, so there is plenty to choose from. All classes fall into this family:

  • hybrids;
  • road bikes;

To choose the right speed model for yourself, you need to decide where and on what routes you plan to drive. For example, for city driving, it is not necessary to take a professional mountain or road bike with a lot of gears, a classic road model or. However, the latter are distinguished by an overpriced price.

In addition to the purpose of travel, cost plays an important role, and both of these factors are closely related to each other. For trips in aggressive driving and tourism conditions, you should not save on the model - you will have to spend more on maintenance and alterations. If the goals are modest, for example, to roll out 50 km a couple of times a week, then you can choose an inexpensive model - it will be economically justified. And of course, we pay attention to brands and fakes for them.

The bike should be comfortable to travel. Multi-speed models make it possible to evenly distribute efforts, make movement more comfortable. But do not forget about such an important parameter as the size of the frame. It must fully match the height of the cyclist. There are size tables for verification, and of course, we draw attention to our own feelings when trying on a bicycle.

Frames are divided into male and female. The latter are designed for the convenience of cyclists to get off and on the bike. In principle, both male and female frames will be comfortable for men, but women on male frames would be uncomfortable.

If you want to buy a bike that is fast, light and easy to maintain, then a single speed bike is best suited for these parameters. Before deciding on the final choice of a single speed bike, there are several important points... How many kilometers per day will you drive? Is your route on flat or hilly terrain? A single-speed bike is only suitable for you if you do not plan to ride long distances and you do not have to constantly descend. The single-speed bike is ideal for short, fast-paced city rides, and for those cyclists who don't want to spend a lot of time.

Before making a final decision, you should decide on the type of single speed bike. Depending on the technique of cycling, they are divided into two types. In a single-speed bicycle with a fixed gear, the so-called "fixed" or "wood grouse", the star in the rear is rigidly fixed relative to the wheel. That is, the wheel spins along with the pedaling. In this way, the bike rides while you pedal, and as soon as you stop, the bike will stop. Fixed gear bikes are equipped with a front brake only, and some models may not have any brakes at all.

If the above with a fixed gear does not suit you and you want to ride a bike so that you do not need to constantly, then in this case you should buy a single-speed bike with a ratchet, rather than a fixed gear.

Although most cyclists associate the name Surly with, the company is also known as a manufacturer of quality single-speed bicycles. Steamroller has double butted road geometry. It is a very reliable bike with a simple design and available in two colors. Even though Surly Steamroller ranks # 1 among the best single-speed bikes, its price tag is affordable for most cyclists. Before you buy the Surly Steamroller, be sure to first try riding it and discuss all the details with the seller at the bike store.

Rating: 5/5.

Specialized is one of the most respected brands in the cycling community. The Specialized Langster is one of the most stylish single speed bikes on the market. If looking stylish while commuting to work is important to you, then pay close attention to this bike. Lightweight and stylish, the Langster is easy to ride. Its high performance is achieved through the use of a compact and lightweight frame with track geometry. The carbon fork and carbon fork help to reduce the weight of the bike and absorb vibration well.

Rating: 4.75 / 5.

The Felt B linkedin is the most beautiful single speed bike in the rankings. The frame is gunpowder, bright white, and the grips are very stylish. If you are not satisfied with this coloring, you can choose this model in a different color. You won't find a single speed bike so simple and stylish anymore. The Felt B linkedin is equipped with Tektro brake levers and double joint caliper brakes. Considering the price tag of the Felt B linkedin at $ 570, it deserves your attention.

Rating: 4.5 / 5.

Republic Aristotle is suitable for those who like to constantly upgrade their bike. The buyer can customize the bike configuration in 3D mode on the Republic website in accordance with his requirements. You may think that the ordered bike will take a very long time, but in accordance with Republic policy, the time for assembling a bike to order does not exceed five days. The Aristotle steel frame is available in a variety of sizes, including a very small one. This model is also available in a female version.

Rating: 4.25 / 5.

In 2016, Bianchi celebrates its 130th anniversary. It is one of the oldest bicycle manufacturers in existence. If a company has been making bicycles for so long, then it knows exactly how to do it right. Bianchi Pista is available in two colors and several sizes. This fixed gear is equally well suited for off-road driving as well as for. The Pista bike easily converts from an "off-road" to a simple and fast vehicle for city driving. The frame geometry is very similar to road geometry. Considering the price tag of around $ 770, this is a pretty good choice.

According to statistics, the majority of respondents recognize the bicycle as the greatest invention of mankind. And this despite the fact that it acquired its more or less familiar form only in the second half of the 19th century!

Many inventors and engineers had a hand in improving the two-wheeled unit until it became recognized leader among wheeled vehicles.

Cycling today is a sport, a hobby and a method of treatment at the same time. Whichever side you look at, solid pluses. Are there any downsides? Let's figure it out!

Bicycle as a means of transportation

V modern world replete with technical gadgets, the bicycle is still relevant. It is relatively cheap to manufacture (we are, of course, not talking about elite specimens for cycling), does not pollute at all environment and does not require fuel at all. Almost a perpetual motion machine! All that is needed is the muscular effort of the person pedaling.

Yes, the speed of the bike allows you to develop a small one, even in comparison with a horse. But he, unlike her, does not ask to eat and drink. He does not need rest and special care. How fast to go is up to the rider himself.

Another undoubted plus of the bike is that it is not afraid of traffic jams. It is not for nothing that in densely populated Asian countries, the majority of residents travel by bicycles, recognizing their advantage over cars and motorcycles.

Two wheeled doctor

With the sedentary lifestyle that most city dwellers lead today, cycling becomes a real salvation. Medical research confirms the positive effects that cycling has on all human systems and organs.

  • Cordially- vascular system... When riding a bicycle or exercising on its stationary counterpart on an exercise bike, the heart muscle is trained. Cardio workout strengthens blood vessels and helps lower blood pressure.
  • Nervous system. Slow driving perfectly calms your nerves, increases stress resistance, broadens your horizons and helps you to disconnect from routine worries.
  • Respiratory system. Aerobic exercise, increased by fast cycling, improves ventilation of the lungs, trains active breathing and reduces the likelihood of respiratory diseases.
  • The musculoskeletal system. In the process of riding, many muscles of the body are involved. First of all, legs, buttocks, back and abs. Regular travel trains these muscle groups effectively. And in addition, they strengthen the joints, develop the ligamentous apparatus.
  • Metabolism. Cycling burns fat as well as running. Starting to pedal, you can say goodbye to 300-500 calories in one hour. Exercise speeds up the metabolism, restoring the slimness of the legs, the tightness of the buttocks and the thinness of the waist.

On wheels for glory

Cycling is not only an activity for the soul, but also a serious sport, included in the number of Olympic ones.

Cycling has traditionally attracted many fans around the world. Even a novice rider, taking part in races significantly increases self-esteem and allows you to fully taste the spirit of competition and, if you're lucky, the sweet taste of victory.

Cycling: Cons

  1. All the time uphill and against the wind. All cyclists will sooner or later face this comic Murphy's law. Alas, you often have to overcome steep mountains on your own two feet, and even an iron friend about to lead. A strong wind, and even seasoned with rain, will also nullify all the pleasure of cycling. After all, this transport, as you know, does not have a roof, as well as a motor that would allow jokingly to overcome any obstacle.
  2. Dirty jokes are bad! Unfortunately, the cross-country ability of the bike (unless, of course, this is a specialized mountain version) leaves much to be desired. The average walking bike is designed for asphalt pavement or a good dirt road. Sand drifts and even more dirt make this type of transport useless. An unlucky cyclist who has chosen an unsuccessful path is left with one thing - to look for a detour or, having shouldered the bike, overcome the obstacle on his own.
  3. Bicycle or personal life? Medics different countries are seriously concerned about the impact that cycling has on the human reproductive system. More precisely, not the apparatus itself, but its saddle, which squeezes the blood vessels and nerves going to the genitals. Stagnation of blood in the small pelvis, as studies show, leads to impotence in men and a decrease in libido in women. Fortunately, such complications are quite rare and only in those who literally do not get out of the bike saddle. The vast majority of cycling enthusiasts need not worry.

Check-in at short distances, a high-quality apparatus, equipped with an anatomical saddle, a mandatory warm-up before the trip - and bike ride will only benefit.

In most cases, when an amateur chooses a bicycle for himself, the only criterion is the word "like". If we like the bike, we buy it, if not - goodbye. Many do this without thinking that the extra half hour spent on right choice, in the future they will save not only time and nerves, but also money.

And who, if not the world champion in road cycling, can help you choose the right device that will serve its owner for a long time and efficiently? A professional mountain biker will help to consider the problem of choosing a two-wheeled friend from all sides.

For advice, correspondents turned to the world champion in cycling Anton Vorobyov and the winner and prize-winner of many mountain bike competitions Roman Sharfutdinov.

“When choosing a bike, you need to know for what purpose you are doing it. For walking around the city, you can choose not a professional cool bike with a shock absorber, but a regular, city one. If you want to ride off-road, through the forest, over bumps, jump somewhere, you have to choose a different bike with shock absorbers. There are also small BMX bikes. Now this direction is very developed among young people, girls ride, guys. These are already extreme bicycles. They jump on them, jump, ride the stairs. There are bicycles for dirt ( jumps, railings, halfpipes - approx. ed.), and for flat ( so-called dances on bicycles - approx. ed.), that is, special tubes are inserted into the wheels, on which they slide along the curbs, along the railings. This is already large equipment", - explains Anton Vorobyov.

“When we say 'bicycle', we imagine a single mechanism that is sold in the store. In many cases, when we just want to drive around the city, this is the way it is. But, if you are going to drive off-road, participate in speed competitions or jump on halfpipes, the bike will be assembled, like a constructor, from a large number of parts. The key, of course, are the frame, wheels, brakes, sprockets, ”adds Roman Sharfutdinov.


The frame is the foundation of the entire bike, just like the foundation for your home. All other parts will be attached to it. They will be changed, updated, repaired, but the frame in most cases will always remain in place.

The world champion himself is not averse to occasionally cycling around the city on a regular bike. Photo: AiF / Ekaterina Izmestieva

“If we are dealing with a simple city bike, then the main thing when choosing a frame will be its structure: open or closed. Closed frames are stiffer and more durable, withstand heavy loads and will not bend. Open ones are softer, so the tubes of the frame itself are thicker to give rigidity. But rigidity is not the main thing. In urban conditions, extreme loads on the frame are not expected. The main thing is convenience. Girls often choose an open frame: it is easier to get on and off the bike. Men prefer closed frames more often: thanks to the smaller diameter of the tubes, the bicycle becomes lighter, and it is more convenient to carry it behind the frame, ”explains Roman.

Most frames are made from various aluminum alloys. The main markings are 7005 and 6061. For the city, it is more expedient to purchase cheaper frames with the numbers 7005. Aluminum with the mark 6061 is stronger and suitable for extreme loads.

There are also titanium and carbon frames. The former, due to their strength, are used for trial and mountain bikes, the latter, possessing incredible lightness, are put on racing bikes.

"Professional racing bike completely made for a specific athlete. The size of the wheels, the size of the frame, and many other factors depend on the athlete. The cost of such a bike can reach three to four thousand euros. The same goes for service. In this regard, it can be compared to an expensive imported car: constant care, maintenance, expensive spare parts, ”says Anton Vorobyov from the only Russian professional team of the Katyusha World Tour.

The only thing experts advise to avoid is cheap steel frames. With comparatively the same stiffness and strength, in comparison with aluminum, they are much heavier, which is especially important in conditions big city with apartments on high floors.


The second component, without which a bicycle would not be a bicycle, are wheels. In many ways, not only comfort, but also safety when cycling depends on them.

“It is important for the city that the wheels are large and wide enough. This will ensure a comfortable ride. Due to the width of the wheel, many road errors will be swallowed, which interfere with a quiet ride. On road bikes, the wheels are large and very thin, and the tires are very tight. So you can drive fast only on high-quality asphalt, ”explained Anton.

Everything about wheels is important: size, material, and construction. Photo: AiF / Ekaterina Izmestieva

If for pleasure bicycles the presence of pronounced protectors is not essential, and for road bikes it is not at all necessary, then for mountain bikes a deep tread pattern is a necessity. This helps the wheels to better cling to what is under the wheels instead of asphalt, and anything can get there in off-road conditions.

“In the choice of wheels, besides the size, the structure of the rim is also important. There are single and double rims. Single - A more traditional and cheaper design, ideal for relaxing city riding. For professional athletes trials, mountain bikers, BMXers need double rims, which will help to avoid frequent wheel damage and such breakdowns that lead to the "eight" or "egg", "added Roman.


On a bike, it is important not only to gain speed, but also to be able to master it. Brakes help in this. But they are also different.

“As a child, I rode a Stork bike, on which so-called“ foot brakes ”were installed, which are now practically not used. Basically, hand brakes are installed on modern bicycles. For beginners riding in the city, I would recommend hand brakes, either rear only, or both rear and front. I've seen bikes with only front brakes, like this one ( points to the bike - approx. ed.). But it's not right. If you only use the front brake to brake sharply, you can simply throw yourself over the bike - this is dangerous. In general, there are drum brakes, rim brakes (mechanical and hydraulic) and disc brakes, ”said the world road cycling champion from the Katyusha team.

Modern bicycles are mostly equipped with a hand brake. Photo: AiF / Ekaterina Izmestieva

Any brakes are suitable for driving around the city. The optimal solution would be mechanical cable operated rim brakes. They are as practical as possible, reliable and easy to repair. Professional cyclists use either hydraulic rim brakes on their machines, which guarantee great reliability and convenience, but are very difficult to repair. Or disk ones, which also combine convenience and reliability, and the complexity of repair due to a more complex design. Disc brakes are used in mountain bikes and trials, but not in road racing; they are heavier than rim brakes, or, as they are called, tick-borne ones. And in cycling, every gram counts.

Sprockets and speeds

When bicycles with several speeds only began to appear on the mass sale in Russia, it was believed that the more speeds a bicycle has, the more expensive it is, and therefore the better.

“In fact, a bike at the same speed is also suitable for riding around the city. If this good bike, then asterisks, the number of teeth will be selected so that it is convenient for both a child and an elderly person to ride a bicycle. Indeed, in the city you can hardly find steep hills, which you need to climb in first gear. For the rest, one gear is enough. Bicycles with multiple gears are already professional machines for road racing, for extreme. And the number of speeds is far from being an indicator, ”explains Anton Vorobyov.

Happiness is not in the number of stars. Photo:

“Between the 18th and 27th speeds on a bicycle, as we used to think, there is not much difference. In both cases, the driving style is determined by the choice of just between three front sprockets, from the smallest - in order to climb a mountain, to the largest - for the fastest driving. Changing the rear sprockets only provides a more comfortable ride in the chosen style. This design makes the bike more versatile, ”continues the story of the sprockets and speeds of mountain biker Roman Sharfutdinov.


In addition to the main elements, the bike has a huge number of parts that you can choose "for yourself".

“In the professional road bike all parameters are chosen for you - everything is tailored for the athlete with millimeter precision. Everything, from the steering wheel to the seat, is made so that the athlete takes the correct position, so that all muscles work correctly. In an ordinary city bike, you can choose all this yourself, so that you can ride comfortably: a comfortable handlebar, a soft high seat. It is also important not to forget about protection. If it is not very convenient for the city to constantly remove and put on the armrests and knee pads, then the helmet should always be present, ”Anton began to explain safety precautions. together with the champion from the Katyusha team will tell you more about this in one of the following articles in the Sport section.

For each riding style, you can choose your own, unique bike. Photo:

“Front shocks are a must for a mountain bike. Most of them are of a fairly standard design and differ only in the size of the "stroke". The larger the move, the bigger bike will sag when jumping. This is important for the descent from the years, the so-called downhill, or for the trial. Shock absorbers allow you to damp the force of impact when landing or passing strong bumps, ”adds Roman.

A city bike doesn't need shock absorbers. They would rather even interfere than help. Therefore, for universal bicycles, it is possible to disable the shock absorber or lock it in one convenient position.

1. Price. Yes, in the current economic situation, due to the high cost of foreign currency, prices for bicycles (and not only) have become about twice as high as, for example, in 2014, but nevertheless, a decent device can be found in the range of 20-30 thousand rubles. , depending on individual preferences, it is much cheaper than alternative, two-wheeled, summer transport such as a motorcycle or even a scooter.

2. Health. A very significant factor. When cycling, almost all muscle groups work, especially when riding over rough terrain. Among other things, the cardiovascular system is strengthened, the volume of the lungs increases, excess calories are burned in problem areas, the figure becomes more prominent.

3. Environmentally friendly transport. Here the Greens and those who are not indifferent to the ecology of the planet will be especially pleased. The bicycle does not emit harmful emissions into the atmosphere, and does not require ozone-depleting substances in maintenance.

4. Emotions. Not everyone knows, but during physical activity the hormone endorphin is released - this is one of the hormones of human joy and happiness, and of course vivid emotions from visiting new places.

Night bike ride

5. Great views. If, while driving around the city, you turn off the beaten asphalt roads and get out of the "urban jungle", then in a few minutes you will see magnificent views of wildlife. In my opinion, the most pleasant cycling trips are riding in the parks and forests of your city. Inhaling clean air saturated with oxygen and phytoncides can be distracted from all worldly problems no worse than using the practice of meditation.

Of course, where there are pluses, there are minuses, about them below:

1. Injuries. One of the most "fat" disadvantages of cycling in my opinion is injuries. Any person, regardless of the level of training and experience, can quite unsuccessfully fall off the bike, damaging the limbs. Also, when moving around the city, there is a risk of hitting a cyclist with vehicles, but this only threatens those who move mainly on auto roads, subject to the rules of standard cycling: moving only along the sidewalk and pedestrian and bike paths, crossing the road only under the signs pedestrian crossing When driving on foot, without crossing the “zebra” on a bike (by the way, for traveling along the “zebra” on a bicycle, there is a fine, point 24.8), give way to cars leaving the courtyards, then the risks associated with the danger of getting under the wheels will be minimal.

2. Theft. Yes, a bicycle, like any other property, can be stolen. But if you take the necessary security measures- this can be avoided.

3. Cyclists- a disaster for the economy, they do not pay for parking, gasoline, road taxes, they are not repaired in services, they use the services of pharmacies and clinics less often, as they are in good health. I hope you understand that it was a joke, but seriously, I don't see any more minuses, if you see - then write in the comments.

Assistance in choosing your two-wheeled friend will be provided to you THIS article.

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