Fireworks on the water. Fireworks on the water lets you see something special


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Today, not a single significant event can do without fireworks, whether it be a birthday, wedding, graduation party, anniversary or city event. But today we will talk about a specific, enough rare fireworks - the so-called water salute.

What it is?

Water fireworks can be safely called the brother of the classic salute, but this option is much more demanding on the launch site. However, in fairness it should be said that he makes a much greater impression on the audience.
This firework is usually used exclusively in areas where there are large bodies of water: the sea coast, lakes, large rivers. So if you are celebrating an event on the shore, you will have a holiday or from the water it will be very nice.
And the system for launching water fireworks is quite simple: its charge is fired at an angle to the horizon. That is, the explosion is not carried out immediately, but only after splashing the charge. As experience shows, this type of salute has not left anyone indifferent - after all, its exoticism and low popularity play a certain role here.

Features of water fireworks

Despite some exoticism and exactingness, this type of fireworks has a number of advantages over its "classic" counterparts. So, the main advantages of this type of fireworks include the fact that the smallest nuances of the water pyrotechnic show, as in a mirror, are reflected in the water, further enhancing the effect of extravaganza.
In addition, an important feature of the water salute is that it can be both an independent show and combined with any other types of fireworks. That is, if you want a pyrotechnic performance that will definitely be remembered by everyone present for many years, order a pyrotechnic performance with elements of water fireworks. And then you can definitely be sure that this show will be unforgettable for all those present!


According to experts, water fireworks, although rarer than conventional pyrotechnic shows, do not differ significantly from, for example. So, depending on your wishes and financial capabilities, specialists can create an amazing picture - the combination of two elements at once: fire and water, in a bizarre dance. Fabulous flowers will bloom above the mirror surface of the water, fantastic patterns will shimmer with seven colors of the rainbow, and your guests will sincerely believe in a fairy tale that will happen right before their eyes ...

Walking along the embankment, you must have admired the beauty of the lights of the night city reflected in the water. In the water surface, as in a giant mirror, bright colors of lights are reflected in bizarre patterns and diverge in different directions from every breath of the wind. The picture fascinates and inspires, probably, on one of these evenings, the inventor, walking in the field of pyrotechnics like this, came up with the most beautiful show among pyrotechnic inventions - water fireworks. Pyrotechnics always keeps pace with the times, in order to amaze and amaze grateful spectators every time. Therefore, specialists in the field of pyrotechnic arts successfully began to use the effect of a mirror of the water surface to organize grandiose pyrotechnic shows. Combining two elements, water and fire, it gives the audience an incomparable aesthetic pleasure, playing a fabulous performance on the water. Water fireworks are rare, one might even say specific. This is due to the fact that the site for such a salute imposes certain requirements, the main of which is the presence of large reservoirs. But if the place where you are planning to hold a celebration still meets such requirements, you will not regret for a minute by ordering a service from us - organizing fireworks on the water. After all, genuine pleasure, delight and gratitude in the eyes of your guests is priceless.


The salute on the water is very similar in organization to the high-altitude salute, but the first option requires a more careful approach to choosing a site for it. Despite all the difficulties, it is really worth it, since water fireworks make a much more powerful impression on the audience, leaving sparks of delight, genuine happiness in the hearts of people. Today, this type of pyrotechnic show is the most exotic, spectacular, luxurious fiery performance. It is based on the interaction of two types of elements: fire and water, when combined, they produce a bewitching effect. Water fireworks are ideal for large water bodies, such as a river, lake, sea coast. The mechanism for launching fireworks on water is quite simple: a pyrotechnic charge flies out at a special angle, which makes it possible to make its explosion not immediately, but only when it reaches the surface of the water. Creating the effect of surprise, the water charge opens into a beautiful fiery flower, casting its sparkling reflection in the water, as in a mirror. This creates a stereo effect that magically acts on viewers watching what is happening from the shore. All this is accompanied by loud sound effects, as well as peals of music specially selected to the rhythm of the flying shells. Flickering lights, randomly moving through the water, endlessly reflected in it, are repeated hundreds and hundreds of times. This is insanely beautiful! In combination with high-rise or park fireworks, adding musical accompaniment, harmoniously selected only for your event, fireworks on the water can be turned into a chic, grandiose pyrotechnic show. The experience of holding such events shows that this type of salute did not leave indifferent any person, regardless of age or social status.


Despite the strict requirements and a certain exoticism, water fireworks have a number of advantages over their counterparts.

Here are some of them:

. The main feature is the presence of water during such a show, because it is it that gives this action a certain fantasy and a feeling of fire, which, reflected in the water, seems to get so close to you that you can feel its hot breath. Thanks to water, the effect of volume and scale of fiery paintings is achieved.

. The safety of this type of fireworks is also due to the presence of water around, as well as a sufficient distance from the audience.

. A pyrotechnic show on the water can be both a full-fledged, self-sufficient performance, and it can be perfectly combined with other elements.

The specialists of our company, together with you, will develop a scenario and organize a water fireworks display. Tyumen - it is a city that has a sufficient number of reservoirs ideally suited for such an exotic, unique show. At your request, our pyrotechnicians will create for you an amazing picture, where the main roles will be played by two irreconcilable elements - fire and water. Merging together in a frantic dance, they will create bizarre patterns, voluminous fiery flowers that will scatter across the water surface with many stars and sparks, and will circle for a long time, keeping the astonished spectators in suspense. Treat yourself and your guests to an unforgettable experience from a fabulous fiery performance on the water!

V Lately non-traditional types of pyrotechnic shows have gained wide popularity. Fireworks launched on the water look very impressive and interesting, especially at night. In order to prepare for such an unusual event as launching fireworks on the water, you need:



Special projectiles designed to be launched on the water surface;

Free space on the pond.

Contrary to popular belief, fire and water are quite compatible. Such fireworks are an amazing and bewitching spectacle. But it is worth remembering that for its organization it is necessary to take into account all the nuances and subtleties. It is difficult to organize the launch of water fireworks on your own, but it is quite possible to try.

Features of launching fireworks on the water

The stereoscopic effect is the result of a harmonious combination of a bright, picturesque explosion and its reflection in the water. Unusual patterns during the explosion are displayed in the water, splashing over the surface for considerable distances.

Due to the complexity of preparing and conducting a fireworks show on the water, it is rarely used. Water projectiles for such salutes according to technical specifications significantly different from the classic ground fireworks. They are laid in a special device - a mortar, which is installed at a certain angle on the water surface.

Special attention it is necessary to pay attention to the installation of mortars. It is important to calculate that the fired projectile hits exactly the intended point of the water surface. If you violate the technical instructions, then you will not be able to create a bright and colorful show.

Expert opinion

The firework explosion must occur after the projectile is immersed in water. Therefore, it is important to calculate the flight path in detail, since if the charge explodes in the air, then the expected effect will not work.

As in working with other pyrotechnic elements, safety rules must be strictly observed when launching a water salute. To organize this type of show, it is necessary to properly issue permits. Spectators h must be located at the most favorable and safe distance from the intended place of the explosion of shells.

It is also important to choose the right reservoir. The salute explosion must be carried out at a sufficient distance from the coast. Particular attention should also be paid to climatic conditions. With high winds and strong waves, the fireworks launch should be postponed. The best job of organizing an enchanting water show entrust to specialists, because if something goes wrong, all the money invested can be spent in vain.

All that is needed

If you decide to organize an amazing fireworks show on the surface of the water, visit the online store. We can offer you a wide range of projectiles for water fireworks, as well as other types of pyrotechnic products. In the catalog of our company, everything you need to organize fireworks on the water can be bought at the best price. And on the eve of the New Year festivities, each of our customers is waiting for interesting promotions and bonus discounts.

Water fireworks is one of the most spectacular and luxurious performances, it has no rivals in terms of the impression it makes. The pyrotechnic performance will make the hearts of the audience freeze.

Carrying out fireworks on the water from the pontoons

Universal rafts allow us to create up to 10 launch pads on the water or a single pontoon with the ability to launch high-altitude balloons with a caliber of up to 5". Products over 5" to 12" are launched from barges, special designs. The rafts are connected at a distance from each other and fixed with anchors on both sides, which prevents the raft from accidentally turning and changing the side of the shot.

Coordination with local authorities

Forget about all the technical difficulties, we will take care of the organization and holding of fireworks. The key to success is careful preparation. We will check and evaluate the venue of the event in order to select a powerful and grandiose fireworks display that will look the most advantageous for guests. We will agree with the local authorities on the upcoming show, we will obtain the necessary permits. Certified pyrotechnicians will prepare everything for the fireworks, deliver and install equipment, and launch at exactly the agreed time.
You just have to enjoy the result.

We develop projects for any budget

Since each event is unique, we can make changes to the program or put together an individual one, taking into account your wishes, venue and financial capabilities.

Water fireworks on private property

Water fireworks are exotic and rare in our country. It is one of the most difficult to prepare, it requires a competent approach. Knowledge and experience are indispensable.
What is the difference between water fireworks and ordinary fireworks?
The explosion of water fireworks does not occur immediately and not at the final point of the flight. The charge is launched into the water, floats up and after a certain time breaks up into many fires. They begin to spin in the water, disintegrate into millions of sparks on the surface or fly up, drawing fiery pictures. You will be surrounded by an extravaganza of light, color and sound. The reflection creates an excellent stereoscopic effect. Even a simple firework becomes incredibly voluminous, deep, let alone luxurious, as if all the stars of the universe came to the holiday. Dancing colored hemispheres and fireballs fascinate, the unusual burning of fireworks in the water makes you freeze in surprise.
Water salute can be used in tandem with ground, park and high-rise. So it is possible to feel the full power and beauty of the pyrotechnic show. Spectacular and sound effects of fireworks at different heights, harmoniously complemented by music - this is an incendiary mixture for your holiday.

Ready kits

Choosing the best fireworks for the holidays is easy. We offer ready-made programs that are designed specifically for water fireworks.
