What sport is useful and harmful for potency and men's health? Most male sports Only male sports.

It just so happened that almost all men are engaged in or are passionate about some kind of sport. It is difficult to imagine today a man who would not watch football with friends or was not going to leave for the weekend basketball In garbage. Some even go in for sports professionally and build their careers on it! But this article is focused on a completely different type of men, namely those who still cannot decide what kind of sport they like and what they would like to do in life!

First, I would like to note that no matter what sport you choose, the main thing is that you set yourself a course healthy lifestyle life! After all, health and physical development for a man plays an important role in his life, in the life of his family and in relation to friends and colleagues!

So, how to choose your sport ? The answer depends on many factors, for example: physique, reaction, strength, mobility and many others. physical characteristics men, and in addition to this personal sympathy for a particular sport. Let's deal with the most common sports that millions of men on our planet have chosen and are choosing!


A combat sport that is not suitable for all men. If there are flaws in health - it is better to refuse it. power sports, because in different weight categories you can get serious injuries that can complicate your the physical state! Therefore, it is suggested that you undergo a medical examination before training in order to make sure that you are completely healthy and fit for heavy physical exertion.

Boxing is a sport for real men who are not afraid of difficulties and pain! In training, you will not only learn how to defend properly, but also be able to maximize your muscle mass and hand strength. In the process of training introduced, sometimes, not quite at first glance male exercises, such as jumping rope, gymnastic stretching, running, as well as harsh male combat lessons: setting the speed and accuracy of the strike, endurance, the ability to "go on the defensive" and so on.

In addition, athletes spend a lot of time on physical activity, strengthening the muscles of the press, back, arms, and even do a series of breathing exercises.

By the way, boxing is a great opportunity for men to shake off unnecessary weight and ensure a decent physical shape!

Football, basketball, volleyball and other ball sports

This is probably the most popular category among men, because men love to kick the ball at any age! This can happen in the yard with friends, in gym with work colleagues or even during a picnic in nature. Moreover, almost all sports with the ball do not have a strict framework about the fact that only men should play: you can invite members of your family or girlfriends to your team.

But in the event that you decide to take up football or basketball more seriously, remember that these sports require from athletes not only the swiftness and clarity of a strike or throw, but also stamina, special physical training and dexterity! In order to become a pro in such sports, it is not enough to learn how to control your own body, you also need to learn how to perfectly manipulate the ball and be able to move very quickly with it, bypassing all obstacles. This requires more than one year of practice to achieve good result! I think that today in every city there are football or other sport sections with a ball for different age categories, where you can improve your physical shape.

Moreover, getting carried away and watching football and basketball on TV is one of the favorite activities and types of recreation for men!

A sport accessible to every man! For this, you do not need a special room or any special training, but you only need the desire to make yourself a healthy and physically strong person. Running has a great effect not only on maintaining the tone of the body, but also trains and strengthens the heart system, immunity, develops joints and cleanses the lungs! Everyone can afford to put on sports sneakers and get out the door for a run, as far as he has the strength and desire for it. When running, do not forget to keep the same pace and monitor the frequency of your breathing!


View sports activities for men who want to have a great physique and be physically strong. In every city there is now a choice of fitness centers for classes, where experienced instructors will help you lose weight or show you how to correctly perform exercises on different groups muscles.


Gorgeous complex training for all muscle groups, ligaments and joints. Swimming has a great effect on cardiovascular system and strengthens the immune system at any time of the year. Swimming can also be combined with any kind of sports, which will only contribute to gaining the desired physical shape!

Sports but not sports

Let's not forget that there are sports that, in fact, sometimes are not sports, although one can argue, because for some reason they were given the status of a sport. And someone will say that developing, for example, brains (chess) and hitting accuracy (billiards) is also a sport. However, some sports still require you to be in good shape, for example, those who drive cars or motorcycles require constant physical training(which, by the way, can lead you to other sports too), so you can combine three in one: drive, building your own body and health. So it's up to you to choose, and pay attention to the existence of this opportunity!

In this article, we have considered only the most popular activities for men, but do not forget that there are a number of other sports hobbies, such as: dance Sport, martial arts, cycling and other activities to consider as well!

Men, go in for sports and be healthy!

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Physical exercise, create additional load on the skeleton, beneficial to men's bone health. Osteoporosis affects more than 200,000,000 people on the planet, but women are more susceptible to it, but osteoporosis also occurs among men, as a rule, after 65 years. If left untreated, one in five cases of this disease will result in fractures in the elderly.

Scientist Mattias Lorentzon from the University of Gothenburg (Sweden) and colleagues assessed the health status of 833 men aged 18 to 20 at the start of the study. The scientists determined the bone mass of the participants and processed data on their daily physical activity. Five years later, a re-examination and x-rays were carried out. The researchers found that men who exercised at the start of the study put extra stress on their bones, and who increased that stress over five years, had better build rates. bone tissue than those who led a passive lifestyle or stopped exercising exercise. Also each extra hour intensive physical activity during the 5 years of the study contributed to the increase in bone mass in the participants. Individuals who exercised extra stress on their bones for four hours a week experienced a 1.3% increase in hip bone density, while participants who were sedentary lost about 2.1%. these tissues. Sports that are accompanied by jumps or quick start and stop put additional stress on the bones of the body and are very beneficial for men. The most effective for building bone tissue is volleyball and basketball, followed by football and tennis. Such sports activities encourage the body to build bone tissue.

Sports that do not put extra stress on the bones, such as swimming and cycling, do not involve building bone mass, although they have many other benefits for the human body. The scientists of this study concluded: “Increased physical activity contributes to an increase in local and trabecular bone mineral density and the size of the cortical bone, indicates the need for these exercises to achieve maximum bone mass at a young age.

Young people who play volleyball, basketball and other sports that put extra stress on the bones for four or more hours a week increase bone mass. This discovery was another reminder of important role all kinds of exercises for physical indicators health status.

The division into male and female species sport has always been rather conditional, and in our days, when emancipation is flourishing, it is completely difficult to talk about such a division. Many women in purely male sports, such as boxing, achieve stunning success, in no way inferior to men. Yes, and men, in turn, quite successfully master rhythmic gymnastics and figure skating. And yet, what kinds of sports are preferable for men to do, so that the benefits are both for the health of the body and for psychological comfort.

Most Popular Men's Sports

Men's love for active sports, as a rule, originates in early childhood. Also in kindergarten boys are beginning to be interested in outdoor ball games, which involve an element of rivalry and to some extent aggression. Any manifestations of activity, danger, even rudeness and aggressiveness are the key concepts that should be present in men's sports.


Boxing is one of the most ancient types of martial arts. It's hard to argue with the practicality and versatility of boxing, but the most important thing that attracts men to this sport is that the basic elements of punching and blocking can be mastered very quickly. Without a doubt, boxing is a very tough sport, but despite all the toughness and aggression, everyone can master boxing skills, regardless of physical fitness. Any "nerd" can reach certain heights in this sport in a short time.

American football

Probably, in terms of aggressiveness and brutality, American football ranks second after boxing. This sport did not take root at all in Europe, but in America it gathers many thousands of stadiums of fans. American football is a cross between boxing and football. This sport requires good physical preparation, because in addition to the tough aggression inherent in boxing, speed is also needed here.


Hockey is considered the most traumatic sport. It combines speed, agility, extreme and strength. No wonder there is a saying "A coward does not play hockey." Hockey is really not for wimps, but for real men.


Football is the most popular view sports, but its popularity is passive, that is, few people play football, but the fans are a multi-million army. If you count the adrenaline rush in the stands or in front of the TV as a certain workout, then football can be attributed to one of the most masculine sports.


Golf is a game for smart and intelligent men. At first glance it may seem that golf is a fairly passive sport, but it's not that simple. Golf like chess with moderate physical activity. For special men with extraordinary mental abilities who must not forget about 19 holes, while making small talk, combined with complex calculations. In a word, golf is played by men who can do several things at the same time, and there are not so many such "Caesars" in our time.


Motocross for strong and agile men. This type of motorcycle sport is off-road racing. Closed track, unpaved, a large number of obstacles in the form of jumps, slides, turns. Risk at every meter and a sea of ​​​​adrenaline.

auto racing

Auto racing for lovers of speed and technology. For most men, this is the perfect combination to strain your brains in search of new tuning for the iron “horse”, and demonstrate courage and agility during the races. Again, a portion of adrenaline is always provided.

Karate is the most best sport for older men.

And I will prove it to you now. Judge for yourself - everything that is so necessary for an adult man, even if he is just starting to play sports, is given karate training.

There is always a run at the beginning of the lesson. Running is the foundation of the basics and you probably considered it as one of the options sports. Now you will have running, but there will be many other things that are no less useful.

For example, flexibility exercises. Stretching is one of essential elements karate and much attention is paid to this. But after all, stretching, especially at our age, is not only, or rather, not so much for the amplitude of the blow, it is simply necessary for health, for the joints and spine, to preserve youth. All these newfangled types of fitness - Pilates, yoga, stretching, etc. are based on stretching, and very smart people came up with it, and implement it, and use it. Karate gives us all this as well.

Now let's talk about kata and kihon. This basic technique, reminiscent of gymnastics, mainly flywheel, imitating strikes and protection from them. Than stupidly doing inclines and bridges in a fitness club, doing these exercises is much more interesting. The load gives an impressive and a person gets excited while doing this. However, the load is an individual matter and your coach will determine it for you, based on your current state.

Physics, strength exercises and strength endurance, karate, as you understand, pays Special attention. A karateka without strength and speed is not a karateka. Moreover, exercises are used, as a rule, with own weight which minimizes the risk of injury. Push-ups, light dumbbells, jumping jacks, and especially abs are the pillars of physical fitness.

The bar, of course, is good, but there are a lot of contraindications there. Most best exercises(for example, squats and deadlift) - the most traumatic and with the most sophisticated technique, without personal trainer not enough. And not all guys over 40, due to accumulated sores, it will be useful to pull heavy weights. Understand, I am not against the bar in principle, but only as an addition to dynamic loads and flexibility exercises.

With that figured out, let's move on. What man does not like to fight?)) to throw out adrenaline in comfortable and safe conditions - better than easy sparring is nothing invented. And there is no need to be afraid - in the fighting hall everyone respects and cherishes each other. I guarantee that you will not get any injuries, unless you suddenly decide to become a world champion and prepare seriously for the competition)) and in this case the risk is not great.

About the atmosphere and friendship. Such universal mutual assistance and respect, as in the fighting sections, is not, perhaps, anywhere else. And it doesn’t matter if you have a black belt or you are in training for the first time, no one will look askance, will not smile if it doesn’t work out. On the contrary, everything will be. Here, everything is not at all like in a fitness club or a football team.

But if you are still shy about your physical form, then there are many sections for the same as you, poorly trained and not very young. And let it not necessarily be karate, but any other martial art - boxing, kudo, sambo, some kind of capoeira or taekwondo. The principles are almost the same.

Well, prices are also important. The cost of training in a martial arts group is an order of magnitude lower than in the same fitness club, even if you save money on an instructor there (and this cannot be done).

Well, more. Classes in a group motivate and do not allow to shirk much more effectively than individual classes. I hope I convinced you and you will accept the right decision when choosing a sport, which one will you start doing))

Let's start with the main thing: sports for men should be as much a part of life as, I don't know, sex! And if you dig deeper, for some men suffering from an overabundance of testosterone, sex is in itself a favorite sport. But today we will talk about men's sports.

No matter who you are, who you work for, where you live, what you prefer, you will certainly not be indifferent to the roaring stadium, the blinding light of the ring, or the endless slope that the slalom skier sees in front of him. It takes your breath away and makes you want to jump onto the field and help your favorite team achieve a much-needed victory. This overwhelming feeling, this adrenaline rush is what men love to feel so much, that's why there is such a love for men's sports! And we go to the gyms, on football fields, basketball courts to get even more emotions.

What gives sport?

What else gives sport for men besides emotions? It's definitely physical form, which is very important for a man, which allows him to feel powerful and strong, increases self-esteem. This is a competitive moment, thanks to which a man strives for best results. There should always be a worm that will drill you, saying: “Look, this boy next door is pulling up 25 times, and you are only 15!” This is communication with people united by one goal - to become healthier, stronger, to develop certain physical skills.

What sport to choose for a man?

martial arts

Many will say that the real men's sport is boxing, karate, judo, aikido or other martial arts. It is difficult to disagree with this, because here the will, strength, endurance, attention and reaction are manifested to the highest degree. While doing such sports, you can develop a sharpness of movements, but inadvertently you can get a concussion, a broken nose, or something else interesting.

Team sport

Of course, football or hockey are very traumatic sports for men, but there, at least, injuring the opponent is not the primary task of the participants. In turn, football allows you to develop the respiratory apparatus, muscles, coordination of movement, teamwork skills, attentiveness, and the ability to make decisions instantly.


If you prefer solitude, communication with yourself, then running is your friend! Daily morning jogs will help you enjoy the freshness of the awakening day, shake all your bones, recharge your batteries for the whole day. Running allows you to keep your body in good shape and protects you from set excess weight. Moreover, you can compete with yourself, raising the bar of speed or distance higher and higher and reaching it.


And of course, one cannot fail to mention swimming as one of the most important sports for men, which allows you to develop all the muscles of the body and the respiratory apparatus. And at the same time it gives, I think, everyone's favorite sensations from being in the water.


Classes in gym are definitely one of the favorite sports for men. Every man is pleased to see how his body improves, biceps, triceps appear, these unattainable press cubes. The main thing in this, truly, male sport is to maintain naturalness. I mean do not abuse various supplements that help build muscle mass.
