The effect of exercise is determined primarily by them. Physical education means

"Physical health" - Social. Assignment: name the manifestations of the student's health condition. Homework: Mental. Learning questions: Practical work: create a project for a student health model. Schoolchildren's health model. I can: I. I know: Physical health. Physical. From the treatise of the ancient Roman politician Mark Tullius Cicero "On duties".

"Physical culture of a schoolchild" - Metasubject. Deterioration of mental activity. Refresher courses. introduction of the second generation FSES. Monitoring the physical development of students MBOU "Secondary School No. 70". Physical exercise of a creative nature. Regional sports festival for schoolchildren. Negative mental influences. Static exercises (postures).

"Physical culture lesson" - The results of the Competition will be announced in October 2010. The competitor must have at least one year of experience in teaching in the field of physical culture, sports or fitness. Identification of specialists with advanced pedagogical experience in the field of physical education; "Physical education lesson of the XXI century."

"Physical education" - Harmonious development provides for versatile physical education. 2. Natural forces of nature. The principles of physical education. 1. Hygienic factors. Physical education is a pedagogical process aimed at improving the forms and functions of the human body, developing physical qualities, abilities, developing motor skills and abilities, special knowledge in the field of physical culture and sports.

Animation Effects - The animation speed is very slow. Ra = 745 mm. rt. Art. Click here again. Crossbar # 2 is initially invisible. The direction of the current is clockwise. Reversal of polarity of current sources - two figures. How do I save changes to an existing presentation? Click. Effects "Exit - appearance" (right or left, depending on the direction of the current).

"Physical development" - 2. Regulates the work of internal organs (autonomic nervous system and endocrine glands). The term "absolute" and "relative" muscle strength is often confused. 3. Cross section of the muscle. Fiber thickness - 10 - 100 microns. 6. Requirements for the methodology for the development of physical qualities. The methods used to educate physical qualities.

Physical exercises are such motor actions (including their aggregates), which are aimed at the implementation of the tasks of physical education, formed and organized according to its laws.

The word physical reflects the nature of the work being done (as opposed to mental), externally manifested in the form of movements of the human body and its parts in space and time.

The word exercise denotes directed repetition of an action with the aim of influencing the physical and mental properties of a person and improving the way of performing this action.

Thus, physical exercise is viewed, on the one hand, as a specific motor action, and on the other, as a process of multiple repetitions.

The effect of exercise is primarily determined by the content. The content of physical exercises is a combination of physiological, psychological and biomechanical processes occurring in the human body when performing this exercise (physiological changes in the body, the degree of manifestation of physical qualities, etc.).

Wellness value. Performing physical exercises causes adaptive morphological and functional restructuring of the body, which is reflected in the improvement of health indicators and, in many cases, has a therapeutic effect.

The health-improving value of physical exercise is especially important in hypokinesia, physical inactivity, and cardiovascular diseases.

Under the influence of physical exercise, you can significantly change your body shape. By choosing the appropriate method of performing physical exercises, in some cases, the mass of muscle groups is increased, in other cases, it is reduced.

With the help of physical exercises, it is possible to purposefully influence the education of a person's physical qualities, which, of course, can improve his physical development and physical fitness, and this, in turn, will affect health indicators. For example, with the improvement of endurance, not only the ability to perform any moderate work for a long time is brought up, but the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are also improved at the same time.

Educational role. Through physical exercises, the laws of motion in the environment and of one's own body and its parts are learned. Performing physical exercises, students learn to control their movements, master new motor skills and abilities. This, in turn, allows you to master more complex motor actions and learn the laws of movement in sports. The more baggage of motor skills and abilities a person has, the easier it is to adapt to environmental conditions and the easier it is to master new forms of movement.

In the process of doing physical exercises, a whole range of special knowledge is mastered, the previously acquired knowledge is replenished and deepened.

Impact on personality. Exercise often requires an extraordinary manifestation of a number of personality traits. Overcoming various difficulties and controlling their emotions in the process of exercising, a person develops traits and character traits that are valuable for life (courage, perseverance, hard work, determination, etc.).

Physical exercises are usually carried out in a team. When doing physical exercises, in many cases, the actions of one practitioner depend or largely determine the actions of another. There is, as it were, the coordination of their actions with the motives and actions of the collective, the subordination of the individual to the general strategy of actions. This is manifested in many outdoor and sports games. The ability to be restrained, to subordinate yourself to the will of the team, to find the one and only correct solution and, regardless of your personal ambitions, to help a friend. These and many other moral qualities are formed during physical exercise.

The content of any physical exercise is associated, as a rule, with a complex of effects on a person. Professionally, it is very important for a physical education teacher (sports coach) to be able to comprehensively assess the content of the exercise used in the pedagogical aspect, to really determine the possibility of using its various aspects for educational purposes.

Features of the content of a particular physical exercise are determined by its form. The form of physical exercise is a certain orderliness and consistency of both the processes and the elements of the content of this exercise. In the form of physical exercise, a distinction is made between internal and external structure. The internal structure of physical exercise is due to the interaction, consistency and connection of various processes occurring in the body during this exercise. The external structure of physical exercise is its visible form, which is characterized by the ratio of spatial, temporal and dynamic (power) parameters of movements.

The content and form of physical exercise are closely interrelated. They form an organic unity, with content playing a leading role in relation to form. For improvement in motor activity, it is necessary to ensure, first of all, a corresponding change in its content side. As the content changes, so does the form of the exercise. For its part, the form also affects the content. The imperfect form does not allow the content of the exercise to be fully revealed.

Physical exercise technique. The target result of the movement depends not only on the content, but also simultaneously on the technique of physical exercises. The technique of physical exercises is understood as the ways of motor actions fulfillment, with the help of which the motor task is solved expediently with relatively greater efficiency.

In physical exercise, there are three phases: preparatory, main (leading) and final (final).

Preparatory phase is designed to create the most favorable conditions for the main task of the action (for example, the starting position of a short-distance runner, swing when throwing a discus, etc.).

Main phase consists of movements (or movement), with the help of which the main task of the action is solved (for example, starting acceleration and running at a distance, making a turn and final effort in throwing a discus, etc.).

Final phase completes an action (for example, a run by inertia after the finish, movement to maintain balance and extinguish the body's inertia after the release of the projectile in throwing, etc.). The effect of physical exercise depends significantly on the biomechanical characteristics of individual movements.

Movement characteristics.

Distinguish between spatial, temporal, spatio-temporal and dynamic characteristics of movements.

Spatial characteristics. These include the position of the body and its parts (initial position and operational posture in the process of performing the movement), direction, amplitude, trajectory. The effectiveness of subsequent actions largely depends on the starting position. So, for example, bending the legs and swinging the arms before taking off in standing jumps largely determine the effectiveness of subsequent actions (takeoff and flight) and the final result.

An equally important role is played by a certain posture in the process of performing the exercise. The final result depends on how rational it is. For example, if a skater is not properly seated, the running technique becomes difficult; incorrect posture when jumping from a springboard does not allow full use of the air cushion and gliding flight. The direction of movement affects the accuracy of the motor action and its final result. For example, the deviation of the hand from the correct position when throwing a javelin or a disc significantly affects the direction of flight of the projectile. Therefore, carrying out a motor action, each time they choose a direction that would most closely correspond to a rational technique. Rational technique largely depends on the amplitude in the preparatory or main phases of the movement. In many cases, it defines:

1) the duration of the application of forces and, consequently, the magnitude of the acceleration (which is very important, for example, for the result in throwing);

2) completeness of stretching and contraction of muscles;

3) the aesthetics and beauty of the movements performed, which are characteristic of sports and rhythmic gymnastics, figure skating, etc. The range of movements depends on the structure of the joints and the elasticity of ligaments and muscles.

The trajectory of movement is essential for the effectiveness of physical exercises. In shape, it can be curvilinear and rectilinear. In many cases, the rounded shape of the trajectory is justified. This is due to the inappropriate expenditure of muscle efforts. In other cases, a straight-line form of the trajectory is preferable (blow in boxing, thrust in fencing, etc.).

Time characteristics. These include the duration of the movements and the pace. The duration of the exercise as a whole (running, swimming, etc.) determines the magnitude of its impact (load). The duration of individual movements affects the performance of the entire motor action.

The pace of movement is determined by the number of movements per unit of time. The speed of movement of the body in cyclic exercises (walking, running, swimming, etc.) depends on it. The amount of load in the exercise is also in direct proportion to the pace.

Spatio-temporal characteristics is speed and acceleration. They determine the nature of the movement of the body and its parts in space. The speed of movements depends on their frequency (pace), the magnitude of the load during the exercise, the result of many motor actions (walking, running, jumping, throwing, etc.).

Dynamic characteristics. They reflect the interaction of internal and external forces in the process of movement. Internal forces are: forces of active contraction - traction of muscles, forces of elastic, elastic resistance to stretching of muscles and ligaments, reactive forces. However, internal forces cannot move a body in space without interaction with external forces. External forces include support reaction forces, gravitational forces (gravity), friction and resistance of the external environment (water, air, snow, etc.), inertial forces of moved objects, etc.

Rhythm as a complex characteristic of physical exercise technique reflects the natural order of distribution of efforts in time and space, the sequence and measure of their change (increase and decrease) in the dynamics of action. Rhythm unites all the elements of the technique into a single whole, is the most important integral feature of the technique of motor action.

Means - this is what is used to achieve the goal. Means of physical education are those that are used to strengthen health, the all-round development of the body, physical abilities, motor skills and the transfer of knowledge, i.e. for solving problems of physical education.

Physical exercises the main and specific means of physical education. Human motor activity, organized in accordance with the laws of physical education.

The effect of exercise is primarily determined by the content. Exercise content - a set of physiological, psychological and biomechanical processes occurring in the human body when performing this exercise (physiological changes in the body, the degree of manifestation of physical qualities, etc.).

Wellness value. Performing physical exercises causes adaptive morphological and functional restructuring of the body, which is reflected in the improvement of health indicators and, in many cases, has a therapeutic effect.

The health-improving value of physical exercise is especially important in hypokinesia, physical inactivity, and cardiovascular diseases.

Under the influence of physical exercise, you can significantly change your body shape. By choosing the appropriate method of performing physical exercises, in some cases, the mass of muscle groups is increased, in other cases, it is reduced.

With the help of physical exercises, it is possible to purposefully influence the education of a person's physical qualities, which, naturally, can improve his physical development and physical fitness, and this, in turn, will affect health indicators. For example, with the improvement of endurance, not only the ability to perform any moderate work for a long time is brought up, but the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are also improved at the same time.

Educational role. Through physical exercises, the laws of motion in the environment and of one's own body and its parts are learned. Performing physical exercises, students learn to control their movements, master new motor skills and abilities. This, in turn, allows you to master more complex motor actions and learn the laws of movement in sports. The more baggage of motor skills and abilities a person has, the easier it is to adapt to environmental conditions and the easier it is to master new forms of movement.

In the process of doing physical exercises, a whole range of special knowledge is mastered, the previously acquired knowledge is replenished and deepened.

Impact on personality. Exercise often requires an extraordinary manifestation of a number of personality traits. Overcoming various difficulties and controlling their emotions in the process of exercising, a person develops traits and character traits that are valuable for life (courage, perseverance, hard work, determination, etc.).

The content of any physical exercise is associated, as a rule, with a complex of effects on a person. Professionally, it is very important for a physical education teacher (sports coach) to be able to comprehensively assess the content of the exercise used in the pedagogical aspect, to really determine the possibility of using its various aspects for educational purposes.

II.Form of physical exercise:

1. The internal structure of physical exercise is due to the interaction, consistency and connection of various processes occurring in the body during this exercise.

2. External structure - a visible form, characterized by the ratio of spatial, temporal and dynamic parameters of movement.

Exercise technique - methods of motor actions fulfillment (their organization), with the help of which the motor task is solved expediently, with relatively greater efficiency (in long jumps: takeoff, takeoff, flight phase, landing).

Basis of technique a set of links and features of the dynamic, kinematic and rhythmic structure, which, of course, are necessary for solving a motor problem.

The defining link of technology(repulsion - in jumping, the phase of the final effort - in throwing) is the most important, decisive part of this method of performing a motor task.

Technique details(length, frequency, rhythm of steps) minor features of the movement that do not violate its main mechanism.

Exercise Technique Evaluation Criteria:

1) the effectiveness of physical exercise;

2) the parameters of the reference technique;

3) the difference between the real result and the possible.

The healing forces of nature

The healing forces of nature have a significant impact on those involved in physical exercise. Changes in meteorological conditions (solar radiation, exposure to air and water temperature, changes in atmospheric pressure at sea level and at altitude, movement and ionization of air, etc.) cause certain biochemical changes in the body, which lead to a change in the state of health and human performance.

In the process of physical education, the natural forces of nature are used in two directions:

1) as accompanying factors that create the most favorable conditions in which the process of physical education is carried out. They complement the effect of physical exercise on the body of those involved. Classes in the forest, on the shore of the reservoir contribute to the activation of biological processes caused by physical exercises, increase the overall performance of the body, slow down the process of fatigue, etc.;

2) as a relatively independent means of healing and hardening the body (sun, air baths and water procedures).

When used optimally, they become a form of active recreation and enhance the recovery effect.

One of the main requirements for the use of the healing forces of nature is their systematic and complex application in combination with physical exercises.

Hygiene factors

The hygienic factors contributing to the strengthening and increasing the effect of physical exercises on the human body, stimulating the development of the adaptive properties of the body, include personal and public hygiene (cleanliness of the body, cleanliness of places of employment, air, etc.), adherence to the general regime of the day, motor regimen activity, diet and sleep.

Failure to comply with hygiene requirements reduces the positive effect of exercise.

8. Classification of exercise

Classification - presentation of exercises as an ordered set with subdivision into groups and subgroups according to certain criteria.

1. Classification of physical exercises based on the historically established systems of physical education. Historically, society has developed so that all the variety of physical exercises gradually accumulated in only four typical groups: gymnastics, games, sports, tourism.

Each of these groups of physical exercises has its own essential features, but mainly they differ in pedagogical capabilities, specific purpose in the system of physical education, as well as in their characteristic method of conducting classes.

In our system of physical education, gymnastics, play, sports and tourism make it possible to:

First, to provide a comprehensive physical education of a person;

Secondly, to satisfy the individual needs and interests of many people in the field of physical education;

Thirdly, to cover people with physical education practically throughout their life - from elementary children's outdoor games to exercises from the arsenal of physical therapy in old age.

2. Classification of physical exercises according to their anatomical characteristics. On this basis, all physical exercises are grouped according to their effect on the muscles of the arms, legs, abdominals, back, etc. With the help of this classification, various sets of exercises are compiled (hygienic gymnastics, athletic gymnastics, warm-up, etc.).

3. Classification of physical exercises on the basis of their predominant focus on the education of individual physical qualities. Here the exercises are classified into the following groups: 1) speed-strength types of exercises, characterized by the maximum power of efforts (for example, sprinting, jumping, throwing, etc.); 2) cyclic endurance exercises (for example, middle and long distance running, cross-country skiing, swimming, etc.); 3) exercises requiring high coordination of movements (for example, acrobatic and gymnastic exercises, diving, figure skating, etc.); 4) exercises requiring complex manifestation of physical qualities and skills in conditions of variable modes of motor activity, continuous changes in situations and forms of actions (for example, sports games, wrestling, boxing, fencing).

4. Classification of physical exercises based on the biomechanical structure of movement. On this basis, cyclical, acyclic and mixed exercises are distinguished.

5. Physical exercise classification based on physiological power zones. On this basis, exercises of maximum, submaximal, high and moderate power are distinguished.

6. Classification of physical exercises based on sports specialization. All exercises are combined into three groups: competitive, special preparatory and general preparatory.

In any classification of exercises, it is assumed that each of them has relatively constant features, including the effect of influencing the exercise.

Physical education is a very important part of education. Without it, it is impossible to imagine any school or university curriculum. Even in ancient Greece, especially in Sparta, special attention was paid to physical education. This is understandable - the Greeks raised warriors capable of defending their country. In addition, it was in Greece that physically strong people began to enjoy popularity in peacetime. These were, of course, the Olympic Games, in which the strongest, fastest and most enduring Greeks participated. Hymns were composed to the victors at home and statues were erected. At that time, the first foundations of physical education appeared. But physical education has received a particularly strong impetus to development in our time. One classic said that everything in a person should be beautiful - body, soul, and thoughts. It is the "body" that comes first, and this is no coincidence. We must remember what time it is now - the time of machines and computers. The man was freed from hard, sweatshop labor. But is it good? No - without physical activity, the human body begins to atrophy. The body loses its protection, it quickly succumbs to various infections and diseases. This, plus environmental pollution - are the main reasons for the appearance of the so-called "sick generation".

That is why the question of physical education is so relevant in our time. It is physical education and sports that meets the body's needs for physical labor. Therefore, physical education is so necessary in schools and universities. But we must not forget that unsystematic training in physical culture may not help, but, on the contrary, harm the body. It must be remembered that only physical education based on a strict and understandable system is useful. In my essay, I want to consider the principles of physical education and the classification of physical exercise.

Means in physical education are called the totality of objects, forms and types of activity used by people in the process of influencing their physical nature in order to improve it.

To date, in the practice of physical education, a whole complex of means has been formed, which consists of the following types:

· physical exercises;

· Use of the healing forces of nature - hardening, water procedures, air baths, rational use of solar radiation, etc .;

· The use of hygienic factors - the regime of work, rest, food, observance of the rules of personal and public hygiene, etc .;

· Specially made inventory, technical means and training devices;

Ideomotor, psychogenic and autogenic means - performing tasks for the mental reproduction of movements, associated sensations, methods of a psychological mood for performing movements or contributing to a faster and more qualitative recovery after their implementation, etc.

The main specific means of physical education are physical exercises, auxiliary means are the healing forces of nature and hygienic factors.

It should always be remembered that all means of physical education should be used in an integrated manner. Only their complex use can provide a versatile effect on the body and a successful solution to all tasks of physical education.

Knowledge of the full volume of physical education means allows:

· Select the most effective of them for solving certain specific problems of physical education;

· Make up diverse combinations of different types of funds;

· Carry out the purposeful development of new complexes and systems of physical exercises.

Each of the listed types of funds is distinguished by its specificity and variety of effects. In this regard, the following important points must be taken into account:

· A variety of means creates unlimited opportunities for solving any problems of physical education;

· The same variety of tools creates great difficulties in choosing the most valuable of them for solving a particular problem; the choice of a tool should always end with the development of complexes that are most appropriate for each specific task.

Physical exercises are motor actions, with the help of which educational, upbringing tasks and tasks of physical development are solved.

When performing a separate physical exercise, it is almost impossible to achieve the pedagogical goals and objectives of the formation of a person's physical culture. Multiple repetitions of the exercise are necessary in order to improve movement or develop physical qualities.

The effect of exercise is primarily determined by the content. The content of physical exercises is a combination of physiological, psychological and biochemical processes occurring in the human body when performing this exercise (physiological changes in the body, the degree of manifestation of physical qualities, etc.).

Wellness value. Performing physical exercises causes adaptive morphological and functional restructuring of the body, which is reflected in the improvement of health indicators and, in many cases, has a therapeutic effect.

The health-improving value of physical exercise is especially important in hypokinesia, physical inactivity, and cardiovascular diseases.

Under the influence of physical exercise, you can significantly change your body shape. By choosing the appropriate method of performing physical exercises. In some cases, the mass of muscle groups is increased, in other cases, it is reduced.

With the help of physical exercises, it is possible to purposefully influence the education of a person's physical qualities, which, of course, can improve his physical development and physical fitness, and this, in turn, will affect health indicators. For example, with the improvement of endurance, not only the ability to perform any moderate work for a long time is brought up, but the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are also improved at the same time.

Educational role. Through physical exercises, the laws of motion in the environment and of one's own body and its parts are learned. Performing physical exercises, students learn to control their movements, master new motor skills and abilities. This, in turn, allows you to master more complex motor actions and learn the laws of movement in sports. The more baggage of motor skills a person has, the easier it is to adapt to environmental conditions and the easier it is to master new forms of movement.

In the process of doing physical exercises, a whole range of special knowledge is assimilated, the previously acquired knowledge is replenished and deepened.

Impact on personality. Exercise often requires an extraordinary manifestation of a number of personality traits. Overcoming various difficulties and controlling their emotions in the process of exercising, a person develops traits and character traits that are valuable for life (courage, hard work, determination, etc.).

The content of any physical exercise is associated, as a rule, with a complex of effects on a person. Features of the content of a particular physical exercise are determined by its form. The form of physical exercise is a certain ordering and consistency of both the processes and the elements of the content of this exercise. In the form of physical exercise, a distinction is made between internal and external structure. The internal structure of physical exercise is due to the interaction, consistency and connection of various processes occurring in the body during this exercise. The external structure of physical exercise is its visible form, which is characterized by the ratio of spatial, temporal and dynamic (power) parameters of movements.

The content and form of physical exercise are closely interrelated. They form an organic unity, with content playing a leading role in relation to form. For improvement in motor activity, it is necessary to ensure, first of all, a corresponding change in its content side. As the content changes, so does the form of the exercise. For its part, the form also affects the content. The imperfect form does not allow the content of the exercise to be fully revealed.

The healing forces of nature have a significant impact on those involved in physical exercise. Changes in meteorological conditions (solar radiation, exposure to air and water temperature, changes in atmospheric pressure at sea level and at altitude, movement and ionization of air, etc.) cause certain biochemical changes in the body, which lead to a change in the state of health and human performance.

In the process of physical education, the natural forces of nature are used in two directions:

1) as accompanying factors that create the most favorable conditions in which the process of physical education is carried out. They complement the effect of physical exercise on the body of those involved. Classes in the forest, on the shore of the reservoir contribute to the activation of biological processes caused by physical exercises, increase the overall performance of the body, slow down the process of fatigue, etc.;

2) as a relatively independent means of healing and hardening the body (sun, air baths and water procedures).

When used optimally, they become an active recreation factor and enhance the recovery effect.

One of the main requirements for the use of the healing forces of nature is their systematic and complex application in combination with physical exercises.

The hygienic factors that promote health and increase the effect of physical exercise on the human body, stimulating the development of adaptive properties of the body, include personal and public hygiene (cleanliness of the body, cleanliness of places of employment, air, etc.), adherence to the general regime of the day, regimen physical activity, diet and sleep.

Failure to comply with hygiene requirements reduces the positive effect of exercise.

To classify physical exercises means to logically represent them as some ordered aggregate with subdivision into groups and subgroups according to specific characteristics. The meaning of the classification is determined primarily by what kind of feature (or signs) is taken as its basis, how important it is in scientific and practical terms. If the classification of physical exercises is based on a sign that is essential for physical education, the classification helps to navigate correctly in a huge variety of exercises, to rationally choose and use them expediently.

There are many different classifications of exercise known in the history of physical education. Often, classifications were built on a purely formal basis (for example, exercises with shells, on shells and without shells - from the German turnin of the 18th century and Sokol gymnastics of the 19th century) or private, insignificant signs determined by a narrow formulation of physical education tasks (for example, by anatomical a feature in Swedish gymnastics of the 19th century with its narrow focus on the development of external forms of the body or on a purely utilitarian basis, like the classification of Ebert in France).

A fully developed general classification of physical exercises has not yet been created. The problem is to systematize all the variety of physical exercises based on the objective opportunities provided by them for the implementation of the tasks of comprehensive physical education, and to group them so that you can choose exercises based on the highest efficiency. It is also essential that the classification also provides for the possibility of the emergence of new forms of exercises.

With a general overview of the totality of physical exercises in the special literature, they often resort to grouping them according to their belonging to the historically established types of gymnastics, sports, games and tourism. Within the same groups, more fractional divisions are introduced (for example, gymnastics is subdivided into basic, or general preparatory, sports, sports auxiliary, industrial). However, such a classification does not differ with sufficient clarity, does not reflect to the required extent the ever deeper interpenetration and changes in the previously established means and methods of physical education, and has other disadvantages.

One of the widespread and practically justified at the present time is the classification of physical exercises according to the requirements that they predominantly make on the physical qualities of a person, and according to some additional characteristics. Accordingly, there are:

1) speed-strength types of exercises, characterized by maximum intensity, or power, efforts (sprint running, throwing, jumping, lifting the bar, etc.);

2) types of exercises that require the predominant manifestation of endurance in movements of a cyclical nature (running at medium and long distances, cross-country skiing, walking, swimming, rowing at appropriate distances, etc.);

3) types of exercises that require the manifestation of mainly coordination and other abilities under conditions of a strictly defined program of movements (gymnastic and acrobatic exercises, jumping into water, figure skating, synchronized swimming, etc.);

4) types of exercises requiring complex manifestation of physical qualities in conditions of variable modes of motor activity, continuous changes in situations and forms of actions (wrestling, boxing, fencing, sports games, etc.).

Together with this relatively general classification and in addition to it, in a number of special disciplines they use master classifications of physical exercises. So, in biomechanics, it is customary to subdivide them into locomotor (aimed at moving your body in space), rotational, moving (associated with the movement of external physical bodies), etc., in physiology - into exercises performed in different zones of physiological work intensity (maximum, submaximal, large and moderate).

The classification of exercises according to the peculiarities of the structure of movements is quite widespread, when groups of cyclic, acyclic and combined (compound) exercises are distinguished. The classification of physical exercises according to their purpose in the preparation and demonstration of achievements, provided for by the milestone goals, implemented in the process of physical education, has an important methodological significance. In this regard, it makes sense to distinguish between preparatory and target (or, more precisely, stage-target) exercises. The latter (target) are exercises, during the implementation of which, in the process of physical education, in stages, certain achievements are identified that correspond to the program goals that are realized as a result of one or another stage. Often these are sports and competitive exercises. But not only they and not always. Certain milestone achievements in the course of physical education are demonstrated in unified program-normative, and in testing, and in control, and in other exercises that become the subject of improvement and therefore acquire the meaning of conditionally target. As for the preparatory exercises, they, as their name suggests, are the means of preparation for the achievements demonstrated in stage-targeted exercises.

The set of preparatory exercises is subdivided into groups of general preparatory and special preparatory exercises. The former differ from the target ones structurally, and often also in the manifested physical abilities, but nevertheless they can contribute to the advancement to the target achievements (in particular, due to the so-called indirect positive "transfer" of motor skills, and especially by promoting the growth of general fitness). Special-preparatory exercises are more or less similar to target exercises, coincide with them in certain fragments or reproduce their characteristic features in general. At the same time, special preparatory exercises also have certain differences from target exercises, arising from the need to gradually and effectively influence the formation and improvement of motor skills and the development of physical qualities that determine the achievements in target exercises. Specially preparatory exercises, which have features that are perhaps closely similar to those that will be characteristic of target exercises designed for a new achievement, it is logical to call “model-target” exercises, since in the stated sense they model target exercises.

The existence of a number of classifications based on various characteristics is not meaningless if the characteristics, at least to some extent, have scientific and (or) practical significance. In this case, the classifications complement each other, in their totality help to navigate in the real variety of phenomena, their properties and relationships, it is advisable to streamline activities aimed at their use.

In any classification, it is assumed that each exercise has relatively constant (invariant) features, including the effect of exposure. However, in fact, as already mentioned, the specific effect of any exercise depends not only on the properties inherent in the exercise itself, but also on a number of conditions for its implementation: on who exactly performs it, how it is performed, under whose leadership and in what environment the classes are held. Therefore, in order to correctly judge the possible effect of this or that exercise, it is not enough to represent only its place in the classification - it is necessary to consider each exercise in unity with the methodology and other essential conditions of its application.

The term "remedy" comes from the word "average", "middle" means is something that is created by a person to achieve certain goals. Means of physical improvement include physical exercise, natural forces of nature and hygienic factors

Natural forces of nature, hygiene factors are auxiliary means. With their help, the main tool is used more fully and better, conditions are created for the effective influence of physical exercise on the trainees, for the successful organization and conduct of the lesson. The main and auxiliary means of physical education should be used in unity.

Performing physical exercises activates the activity of various systems and functions of the body. At the same time, physical exercises are considered as a method of teaching and upbringing. The most important feature of physical exercises as a method is the repetition of their use, which allows the teacher to exert the necessary influence on the students. With the help of physical exercises, on the one hand, a biological effect on the human body is carried out, its physical state changes, on the other hand, the social and historical experience of one of the types of physical activity is transmitted, that is, social impact is carried out.

The classification of physical exercises is their division into groups (classes) in accordance with a certain classification criterion. With the help of classification, a teacher, teacher, trainer can determine the characteristic properties of certain physical exercises, their educational and educational potential, and therefore, more purposefully and effectively select those exercises that are more consistent with the solution of specific pedagogical problems, the individual and age characteristics of those involved. , the nature of physical activity and the conditions for conducting classes.

1. Lukyanenko VP Physical culture: knowledge bases; ed .- "Soviet Sport" 2007.

2. Reshetnikov NV Physical culture; ed.- "Academy" Moscow 2006.

3. Kholodov Zh. K., Kuznetsov VS Theory and methods of physical education and sports; 2005

4. Kuramshina Yu. F. Theory and methodology of physical culture; ed .- "Soviet Sport" 2007

Physical exercises- these are motor actions (including their aggregates), which are aimed at the implementation of the tasks of physical education, formed and organized according to its laws.

Word physical reflects the nature of the work being done (as opposed to mental), externally manifested in the form of movements of the human body and its parts in space and time.

Word the exercise denotes directed repetition of an action with the aim of influencing the physical and mental properties of a person and improving the way of performing this action.

Thus, physical exercise is viewed, on the one hand, as a specific motor action, and on the other, as a process of multiple repetitions.

The effect of exercise is primarily determined by the content. The content of physical exercises is a combination of physiological, psychological and biomechanical processes occurring in the human body when performing this exercise (physiological changes in the body, the degree of manifestation of physical qualities, etc.).

The health benefits of exercise

Performing physical exercises causes adaptive morphological and functional restructuring of the body, which is reflected in the improvement of health indicators and, in many cases, has a therapeutic effect.

The health-improving value of physical exercise is especially important in hypokinesia, physical inactivity, and cardiovascular diseases.

Under the influence of physical exercise, you can significantly change your body shape. By choosing the appropriate method of performing physical exercises, in some cases, the mass of muscle groups is increased, in other cases, it is reduced.

With the help of physical exercises, it is possible to purposefully influence the education of a person's physical qualities, which, naturally, can improve his physical development and physical fitness, and this, in turn, will affect health indicators. For example, with the improvement of endurance, not only the ability to perform any moderate work for a long time is brought up, but the cardiovascular and respiratory systems are also improved at the same time.

The educational role of exercise

Through physical exercises, the laws of motion in the environment and of one's own body and its parts are learned. Performing physical exercises, students learn to control their movements, master new motor skills and abilities. This, in turn, allows you to master more complex motor actions and learn the laws of movement in sports. The more baggage of motor skills and abilities a person has, the easier it is to adapt to environmental conditions and the easier it is to master new forms of movement.

In the process of doing physical exercises, a whole range of special knowledge is mastered, the previously acquired knowledge is replenished and deepened.

Effect of exercise on personality

Exercise often requires an extraordinary manifestation of a number of personality traits. Overcoming various difficulties and controlling their emotions in the process of exercising, a person develops traits and character traits that are valuable for life (courage, perseverance, hard work, determination, etc.).

Physical exercises are usually carried out in a team. When doing physical exercises, in many cases, the actions of one practitioner depend or largely determine the actions of another. There is, as it were, the coordination of their actions with the motives and actions of the collective, the subordination of the individual to the general strategy of actions. This is manifested in many outdoor and sports games. The ability to be restrained, to subordinate yourself to the will of the team, to find the one and only correct solution and, regardless of your personal ambitions, to help a friend. These and many other moral qualities are formed during physical exercise.

The content of any physical exercise is associated, as a rule, with a complex of effects on a person. Professionally, it is very important for a physical education teacher (coach in a kind of sport) to be able to comprehensively assess the content of the exercise used in the pedagogical aspect, to really determine the possibility of using its various aspects for educational purposes.

Features of the content of a particular physical exercise are determined by its form. The form of physical exercise is a certain orderliness and consistency of both the processes and the elements of the content of this exercise. In the form of physical exercise, a distinction is made between internal and external structure. The internal structure of physical exercise is due to the interaction, consistency and connection of various processes occurring in the body during this exercise. The external structure of physical exercise is its visible form, which is characterized by the ratio of spatial, temporal and dynamic (power) parameters of movements.

The content and form of physical exercise are closely interrelated. They form an organic unity, with content playing a leading role in relation to form. For improvement in motor activity, it is necessary to ensure, first of all, a corresponding change in its content side. As the content changes, so does the form of the exercise. For its part, the form also affects the content. The imperfect form does not allow the content of the exercise to be fully revealed.

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