The healthiest sports for men. What role does sport play in life for men, and what kind of sport is it for men?

Exercise, pose additional load on the skeleton, good for bone health in men. Osteoporosis affects more than 200 million people on the planet, but women are more susceptible to it, but osteoporosis occurs among men, as a rule, after the age of 65. If left unchecked, one in five cases of this disease results in fractures in old age.

Scientist Mattias Lorentzon from the University of Gothenburg (Sweden) and his colleagues assessed the health of 833 men aged 18 to 20 at the start of the study. The scientists measured the participants' bone mass and processed data on their daily physical activity. Five years later, a second examination and X-ray were carried out. Scientists found that men who were exercising at the start of the study put additional stress on their bones, and who increased that stress in five years, had better growth rates. bone tissue than those who led a passive lifestyle or stopped practicing physical exercise... Also each extra hour vigorous physical activity during the 5 years of the study contributed to the growth of bone mass in the participants. Those who played sports put additional stress on their bones, for four hours a week, there was an increase in the bone density of the thigh by 1.3%, while the participants leading a passive lifestyle lost about 2.1% these fabrics. Sports that involve jumping or fast starting and stopping put additional stress on the bones of the body and are very beneficial for men. The most effective for building bone tissue are volleyball and basketball, followed by football and tennis. Such sports activities encourage the body to build up bone tissue.

Sports that do not put additional stress on bones, such as swimming and cycling, are not related to building bone mass, although they have many other benefits for the human body. The researchers of this study concluded: "Increased physical activity increases local and trabecular bone mineral density and the size of the cortical bone, indicating the need for these exercises to achieve maximum bone mass at a young age."

Young people who play volleyball, basketball and other sports that put additional stress on their bones for four hours a week or more increase bone mass. This discovery was another reminder of the important role of all types of exercise for physical indicators health conditions.

It just so happened that almost all men are engaged in or are passionate about any kind of sport. It is difficult to imagine a man today who would not watch football with friends or was not going to leave on the weekend basketball Add to cart. Some even go in for sports professionally and build their careers on it! But this article is focused on a completely different type of men, namely those who still cannot decide what kind of sport they like, and what they would like to get involved in in life!

First, I would like to note that no matter what kind of sport you choose, the main thing is that you set yourself a course aside healthy way life! After all, health and physical development for a man plays important role in his life, in the life of his family and in relations with friends and colleagues!

So, how to choose your sport for yourself ? The answer depends on many factors, for example: physique, reaction, strength, mobility and many other physical characteristics of a man, and in addition to this, personal sympathy for a particular sport. Let's take a look at the most common sports that have been and are chosen by millions of men on our planet!


A combat sport that is not suitable for all men. If there are flaws in health, it is better to give it up. strength sports since in different weight categories you can get serious injuries that can complicate your the physical state! Therefore, it is suggested that you undergo a medical examination before training in order to make sure that you are completely healthy and fit for heavy physical activity.

Boxing is a sport for real men who are not afraid of difficulties and pain! In training, you will not only learn how to defend correctly, but you will also be able to maximize your muscle mass and the strength of the hands. Introduced into the training process, sometimes, not quite at first glance male exercise, such as jumping rope, gymnastic stretching, running, as well as harsh men's combat lessons: setting the speed and accuracy of a blow, endurance, the ability to "go in defense" and so on.

In addition, athletes spend a lot of time on physical exercise, strengthening the muscles of the press, back, arms, and even carry out a series of breathing exercises.

By the way, boxing is a great opportunity for men to shake off unnecessary weight and provide themselves with a decent physical shape!

Football, basketball, volleyball and other ball sports

This is probably the most popular category among men, because men love to play the ball at any age! This can happen in the yard with friends, in sports hall with colleagues at work or even during a picnic in nature. Moreover, almost all sports with a ball do not have a rigid framework about what only men should play: you can invite your family members or girlfriends to your team.

But in the event that you decide to take up football or basketball more seriously, remember that these sports require athletes not only to swiftly and accurately strike or throw, but also to have stamina, special physical fitness and agility! In order to become a pro in such sports, it is not enough to learn how to control your own body, you still need to learn how to perfectly manipulate the ball and be able to move very quickly with it, bypassing all obstacles. This requires more than one year of exercise to achieve good result! I think today in every city there are football or other sport sections with a ball for different age categories, where you can tighten your physical shape.

Moreover, getting involved and watching football and basketball on TV is one of the favorite activities and types of recreation for men!

A sport accessible to every man! This does not require a special room or any special training, but only the desire to make yourself a healthy and physically strong person. Running has a great effect not only on maintaining the tone of the body, but also trains and strengthens the heart system, immunity, develops joints and cleanses the lungs! Everyone can afford to put on sports sneakers and get out the door for a run, as far as he has the strength and desire for it. Remember to maintain the same pace and breathing rate as you run!


View sports activities for men who want to have an excellent physique and be physically strong. Each city now has a selection of fitness centers for classes, where experienced instructors will help you to throw off excess weight or show you how to competently perform exercises on different groups muscles.


Gorgeous complex training for all muscle groups, ligaments and joints. Swimming otlchino affects cardiovascular system and strengthens the immune system at any time of the year. Swimming can also be combined with any sports, which will only contribute to recruiting the necessary physical form!

Sports, but not sports

Let's not forget that there are sports that, in fact, sometimes are not sports, although one can argue, because for some reason they were given the status of sports. And someone will say that developing, for example, brains (chess) and hitting accuracy (billiards) is also a sport. However, some sports still require you to be in good shape, for example, those who race cars or motorcycles require constant physical training(which, by the way, can lead you to other sports), and thus you can combine three in one: drive, building own body and health. So it's up to you to choose, and pay attention to the existence of this possibility!

In this article, we have covered only the most popular activities for men, but do not forget that there are a number of other sports hobbies, such as: dance Sport, oriental martial arts, cycling and other activities that also need to be taken into consideration!

Men, go in for sports and be healthy!

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Can you list the 5 most popular men's sports without hesitation? We are, yes. Collected them in our article.

When we talk about the division into masculine and female species sports, then this gradation is very conditional. V modern world the boundaries between "feminine" and "masculine" are rather blurred. This also applies to areas in sports.

If earlier such "rough", requiring a pronounced physical strength areas such as boxing, wrestling, rugby and others were exclusively male prerogative, but now women are not inferior to men in these sports. Moreover, they achieve stunning results and can easily compete in the ring with the opposite sex!

Nevertheless, the division into women's and men's sports takes place. And real men love real men men's sports... This is due primarily to animal instincts and increased testosterone levels. Danger and the possibility of using physical force - that's what men need! We have identified several sports that are preferred by the overwhelming majority of men and the minimum - by women. Let's take a closer look at each of them:

1) Football- one of the most popular types sports among men. In practice, the number of fans is many times greater than that of the football players themselves. At an early age, boys begin to take an interest in ball activities. Especially masculine can be called American football- this is something between ordinary football and boxing, so this direction in sports rightfully occupies the first line in the list of men's sports. We also include here rugby, the same American football, but without heavy equipment, which even more exceeds the risk of injury (or, conversely, inflicting it on the opponent).

2) Hockey- Along with football, it belongs to men's, aggressive sports. In hockey, unlike football, the likelihood of injury is much higher. On the ice, clashes and even group fights often arise between rival teams, the adrenaline level is off the charts, so this sport is also one of the five most male sports. It is not for nothing that the phrase, which has become a winged one, from a song to the music of Alexandra Pakhmutova is so popular in our country: "Real men play hockey, a coward does not play hockey!"

3) Boxing- one of the most ancient types of martial arts. This can also include wrestling, MMA, wrestling, sumo and other sports, where the main task is to inflict physical damage on an opponent in the ring, overcome him physically, break him down by force of a blow or dexterous grip. Despite the growing popularity of such sports among women, nevertheless, it is men that we imagine in the ring, because it is the stronger sex that is inherent in the desire to stand out physically against the background of other rival representatives.

4) Golf- sports for aesthetes. In foreign films, representatives of high society and the intelligentsia play golf. This sport does not require any special physical training. As a rule, while playing golf, opponents not only try to get into 19 holes, but also keep score and discuss everyday or work issues.

5) Auto racing (motor sports)- what do men like the most? That's right - cars! Rushing along the highway at a speed of 300 km per hour is not a great pleasure for a real man? One of the most dangerous, extreme and blood-thrilling sports. Among the famous racers, will anyone remember at least one female name? That's right, there are only real men on these lists! We also include here motocross- off-road motorcycle racing. Not every woman will agree to cut through the swamps and ravines on an iron roaring horse and rightly so. Let's leave that to the men.

March 17, 2017, 17:46 2017-03-17

You can have fun in different ways. Running, jumping, tumbling, licking a herring, launching airplanes ... However, some types of actions at the same time also allow you to achieve something. For example, by eating a cake, one satisfies hunger and enjoys the tastes / smells. Walking the cow, the shepherd observes the nature, and arranges the accumulation of milk. By participating in wrestling, the wrestler strives for victory, and trains his muscles and skills ... By the way, sports. Especially male. Curious - what is the most popular in it, and why?

Prelude to "kindergarten"

It is clear that it is precisely those men who are usually called "real" men who show an increased interest in various manifestations of sports. And the one who is not interested in sports - so it turns out - artificial, illusory, not real. Well, we will not touch on the pathological side for now. We are curious about the "real" ones. Why are they like this? Because they love men's "games". Because in the process of participating in some kind of sport, they use energy, skills, and something else. Because they like being active. Because they enjoy making testosterone (and then using it). Because the manifestations of danger, rudeness, activity, aggression are interesting - but not methods of survival, but as a kind of tools. In general, they treat them like children treat their favorite toys. Let's go to " Kindergarten" And we.

What do men prefer

Boxing... You can remember many, but the Klitschko brothers alone are enough for us. They are real. I mean, strong, dexterous, strong, cute. Do men like it in relation to themselves? Yes. Many people like to fight. But they pretend to be shy. Even in spite of the fact that some boxers are carried out of the ring with their feet in front of them.

American football. This is something transitional - from football to boxing, then in the opposite direction. The qualities are demonstrated the same as in boxing. Plus speed, the presence of a "pack" and again a fight. But now not one on one, but wall to wall.

Hockey... Almost football, but on ice, with sticks and a puck. In its own way cruel and dangerous sport... Having smashed the flying puck head-on, you will understand why. Extreme. Sometimes it looks like boxing, sometimes it looks like figure skating... But it is always clear - a coward does not play hockey. Even frostbitten.

Rugby... For some reason, American football immediately comes to mind, but without accessories (shoulder pads, helmets). Speed, quickness, strength, daring, actions that are especially understandable for a dentist ... Real men.

Football... Ordinary. Classical. But with masses of spectators, of whom almost no one can run 90 minutes across the field. At least in circles, at least in eights, at least along any other trajectory. Especially if the ball hits the top of your head. Are you handsome? Yes. Fast? Yes. Smart? Perhaps.

Golf... Intelligently. Relatively calm. But all the same - for real men. Which can not only satisfy thirst during the game, but also remember about 19 holes, talk, and make complex calculations in their mind (taking into account wind, weather, ocean level, and much more). Handsome men.

Sumo... For an amateur. Because not every native of the Earth recognizes this ponderous (two opponents, each 300 kilos ...) Japanese struggle as real. Moreover, women also flicker there. So what? Women are everywhere. But this does not prevent real men from being real men. Imaginary - imaginary. To rabbits - to rabbits. Cheburashkas - Cheburashkas.

Mixed martial arts ... Well, this is generally the finish line. Moreover, often - long before the start. But, in the long term - a knockout. And it remains only to apply maximum strength, dexterity, skill and patience so that this knockout is not yours. If this does not work out, you will have to get acquainted with the representatives of the Red Cross. ... Tough guys. They literally fly on the ground. So we don't have to talk about speed - though not personal, but technical. For you can miss the moment when the flight goes from the horizontal plane to the vertical one. Esoteric. Risky guys. And therefore they are real.

Auto racing.

Also a technique, but now there are twice as many wheels. The speed is also sometimes such that the head turns more slowly. Is it exciting? And how! But at the same time it is very focused. Otherwise, the vertical again. And the track is from bottom to top.

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