Citrulline sports supplements. Citrulline: instructions for use

Watermelon - a berry loved by many - contains an amino acid citrulline who plays important role in building muscle. Already about a century ago, scientists said that watermelon helps build muscle.

What is citrulline?

Citrulline is an amino acid extracted from watermelon designed to help muscle recovery after workouts. Unlike other amino acids, it does not build muscle. The action of this substance is rather directed to maintaining muscle energy, reducing fatigue and improving blood circulation throughout the body.

The benefits of citrulline include:

  • improvement of blood circulation in the muscles;
  • provision of pumping;
  • reduction of post-workout muscle pain;
  • increased endurance;
  • accelerated excretion of lactic acid;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • improving the condition of the skin and hair;
  • maintaining nitrogen balance;
  • improvement of erectile function, etc.

Citrulline in sports

Due to its unique properties, citrulline has been used by athletes to improve muscle performance. Scientifically proven that citrulline malate (an organic salt of the substance) at a dosage of 6 g increases ATP production by 34%, and also increases creatine levels by 20% during training. By the way, ATP and creatine are a kind of fuel for our muscles. Therefore, an increase in their concentration contributes to a longer muscle work.

It is useful for bodybuilders to know that citrulline is a nitrogen donator and pumps muscles well. Once in the body, part of this substance is converted into arginine, an amino acid that improves nitrogen metabolism. Due to the effect on the level of nitrogen, the vessels in the whole body relax. This improves blood flow in the arteries and veins. And given that the muscles are literally permeated with blood vessels, the blood supply is also normalized in the muscles.

In addition to bodybuilding, citrulline is used by athletes involved in aerobic sports. It is used by cyclists, swimmers, runners, as well as football players, basketball players, hockey players and other athletes.

Citrulline. Application in medicine

The beneficial properties of citrulline will also be useful for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. It is used at diabetes mellitus, metabolic acidosis, syndrome chronic fatigue and neurasthenia. Also, taking citrulline malate is recommended by doctors for quick recovery after surgery. Due to improved blood supply, wound healing and fusion of damaged tissues is accelerated. In addition, the amino acid helps in the treatment of asthenia in pregnant women and the elderly. This substance tones the body and contributes to its rapid recovery.

Where is citrulline found?

As mentioned earlier, watermelon contains a lot of citrulline. However, if you consume the red-green berry in abundance, you will not get enough of this amino acid, since most of it is hidden in watermelon rind. We will not advise you to consume watermelon leftovers, because there are other sources of this substance.

Citrulline isn't just found in watermelon. This substance can be found in milk, soy, peanuts, eggs, garlic, onions, beans and cucumbers. In addition to food, the amino acid is also present in the composition of sports supplements. But it is immediately worth noting that these supplements contain not natural, but synthetic citrulline. As a rule, it also works, but in large quantities it can harm your body.

Disadvantages of Citrulline

Alas, citrulline also has its downsides. First of all, it is extremely difficult to get the daily norm of this substance from food. Because you have to eat it every day. at least 6 kg of watermelons. And along with the crust. Nevertheless, it is better to refrain from such gastronomic experiments, as this can harm digestion.

It has already been said above that citrulline found in supplements can be harmful. This idea is prompted by the fact that this amino acid is obtained from watermelon extract. As a rule, when extracting berries, various oils are used, and not always of natural origin. As a result of this processing, some of the unnecessary substances enter the extract and impurities are formed in citrulline, which can accumulate and harm the body.

In addition, in one of the latest studies, experts have suggested that excessive consumption of citrulline contributes to the development Alzheimer's disease. Although it was previously stated that this amino acid can fight this disease.

Among side effects more common when taking citrulline supplements nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and weakness. They are caused, as a rule, by an excess of the dosage of drugs or their individual intolerance.

Do I need to take citrulline supplements?

Many citrulline supplements are virtually useless for athletes. After all, the latter needs more nutrients for full recovery between workouts. Accordingly, the dosage of citrulline should also increase in order to cover all the needs of the body that have arisen. However, in supplements, the dosages of this amino acid are greatly underestimated and the athlete has to take such drugs in large quantities. And this, by the way, increases the risk of side effects.

It is also worth noting that citrulline supplements do not increase muscle, but only help them grow. This conclusion was reached by American scientists from the Mauo Clinic in their recent study conducted in 2015. For muscle hypertrophy, it is necessary that the level of anabolic hormones in the body be high. However, citrulline supplementation does not promote the growth of these hormones and therefore does not add muscle mass.

Is there an effective citrulline replacement for athletes?

The lack of anabolic effect when taking citrulline is a disadvantage for power athletes and bodybuilders. In addition, supplements with this amino acid can cause side effects, which again is considered a significant drawback.

An effective and safe replacement for citrulline supplements is a natural product Leveton Forte. Unlike citrulline, the active ingredients of Leveton Forte grow muscles, increase the level of anabolic hormones and accelerate the recovery of the body after exercise. In this case, the drug has no side effects and can be taken for a long time.

Action Leveton Forte due to its composition:

  • leuzea root- a plant component that increases testosterone levels for muscle growth. This component contains 65 ecdysteroids- natural hormones with a strong anabolic effect. In addition, it is an excellent adaptogen and improves exercise tolerance;
  • drone brood- a product of beekeeping, accelerating the hypertrophy of our muscles. This component contains testosterone and growth hormone. Of these, the body completes its own anabolic hormones needed to increase muscle volume;
  • bee pollen- a storehouse of vitamins and minerals for quick muscle recovery;
  • C and E- antioxidants that protect muscles from destruction during stress.



Athletes-vegetarians today are of little surprise. Many sports stars consciously choose this path and only win. Much more surprising is the fact that similar practice existed long before vegetarianism became mainstream. The great athletes of the past basically refused meat, but at the same time they continued to beat record after record. Who are these heroes, and in what ...

citrulline(English L-citrulline) is an amino acid necessary for the production, which activates nitric oxide. Used to detoxify ammonia, which destroys liver cells. citrulline important for metabolic processes in the body. The lack of amino acids is expressed in a decline in strength and muscle fatigue. Therefore, an additional dose of the drug is recommended.

Citrulline: an amino acid

citrulline, is a non-essential amino acid that is formed as a result of the combination of carbamoyl phosphate and during the urinary cycle. In this way, nitrogenous waste is disposed of. It is called interchangeable because a certain amount is contained in the body itself.

Citrulline: formula

citrulline has the following chemical formula - C₆H₁₃N₃O₃.

It refers to general tonic and adaptogens. Increases the efficiency and endurance of the body. For the first time, an amino acid was isolated from a watermelon, so they gave it the Latin name for this fruit. It is found in the body in the skin and hair, and is produced in the kidneys.

Citrulline: malate

citrulline varies: and citrulline malate(eng. Citrulline malate).

Promotes the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the muscles and plays an important role in the elimination of fatigue-causing ammonia.

Unlike the simple citrulline malate malic acid is added. This component increases the production of energy by the athlete's body. citrulline malate at times increases the flow of blood, and consequently, oxygen to the muscles. As a result, training performance increases.

Impact studies citrulline malate started not so long ago, but already the first results are impressive. A scientific article in the European Journal published data that taking 8 g of the drug before training weightlifters increased the number of repetitions to failure by several positions. Taking the same 8 g of the substance significantly reduces muscle pain after training.

Both components have a positive effect on the body, but the action citrulline malate stronger.

one). Company Primaforce offers a drug Citrulline Malate, unflavored "Citrulline Malate, Unflavored" (200 g). Contains citrulline malate. This dietary supplement helps to increase blood flow and the delivery of amino acids to skeletal muscles which leads to an increase in muscle mass. Also, the supplement is a source of arginine formation.

Citrulline: composition

The composition of the drug citrulline malate usually contains about 57% and about 43% DL-malate.

Amino acids are rich in watermelon fruits, especially peel and seeds. Also in different concentrations contain the following products:

  • Fish and meat.
  • Eggs and milk.
  • Beans and soybeans.
  • Peanuts and onions.

Citrulline: properties

citrulline is not included in the composition of proteins, but, nevertheless, performs vital functions in the body due to its properties. Scientists have concluded that it is a natural remedy for lowering blood pressure and preventing Alzheimer's disease. It has also been found that:

  • Strengthens immune system.
  • Regulates the balance of nitrogen, which leads to an increase in muscle mass.
  • Supports metabolic processes in the body.
  • Stimulates blood circulation in the peripheral regions.
  • Provides removal of ammonia and lactic acid.
  • Helps to improve the patency of blood vessels in clogged arteries and heart disease.
  • Increases the overall tone of the body.

Citrulline: application

citrulline differs in that it has practically no side effects. This allows the use of pregnant women in violation of the basic acid balance.

  • It is prescribed as a recovery after operations and prolonged illnesses.
  • With diabetes and metabolic disorders.
  • For the treatment of chronic fatigue syndrome.
  • In old age, the drug is prescribed as a tonic.
  • With a constant decline in strength and increased drowsiness during the day.

Most often used by athletes to optimize training process and achieve the desired results faster.

Citrulline: for potency

citrulline for potency - this is another indicator for taking the drug. citrulline increases blood flow, thereby increasing potency. Nitric oxide synthesized by the amino acid expands the walls of blood vessels. With erectile dysfunction, the drug provides blood saturation of the cavernous bodies. As a result, they expand and a stable erection occurs. The substance is safe for men's health, as it is already in the human body.

Citrulline: in sports

citrulline activates the filling of muscles with blood during complex training and sports in general. When hydrogen activity decreases, muscle acidification occurs and fatigue sets in. In the process of training, the muscles produce ammonia, which accelerates its excretion. This does not allow the hydrogen activity to decrease for a longer time and fatigue comes later.

Studies have shown that athletes who take it are less likely to experience complications after intense physical exertion. This proves that the drug helps to recover from a workout and reduce the effects of overtraining. It has also been proven that citrulline enhances the effect in the process of exertion on the muscular corset.

citrulline effective for athletes of aerobic sports: cycling, running, swimming; also powerlifters and bodybuilders.

Citrulline: in bodybuilding

citrulline provides a natural formation of arginine in the body already in the second hour after ingestion. This increases blood flow to the muscles during bodybuilding training. Arginine strengthens muscles, saturates them with hormones, oxygen and nutrients.

For bodybuilders, sports nutrition is needed to accelerate muscle growth. citrulline they use to stay fatigued longer during an intense workout. citrulline are increasingly included as a supplement to increase the pump during the training process.

With regular intake of the supplement, muscle weakness after intense exercise will decrease. It will be possible to increase the duration of training.

It is important not to take the supplement on an empty stomach, as stomach upset may occur.

Citrulline: and arginine

In complexes of supplements taken before training, and arginine are used equally. Their properties are similar, and yet they are not interchangeable. The fact is that it immediately enters the bloodstream. Arginine, on the other hand, passes through the digestive tract, is absorbed in the liver and small intestine, and only then enters the bloodstream. In addition, it has no side effects on the body.

Scientists have found that the intake has a greater effect in fortifying arginine than taking arginine alone. citrulline stimulates the body itself to produce arginine.

2). Company Now Foods offers arginine and Sports, Arginine & Citrulline supplements in capsules (500mg/250mg, 120 capsules). The composition of the drug includes 2 amino acids: arginine and. Their combination helps to speed up metabolism and strengthen muscle tissue. Both of them are the main links in the cycle of urea formation and ammonia excretion.

Citrulline: sports nutrition

citrulline in sports nutrition works in three directions:

  • Increases the duration of the workout.
  • Delays the moment of fatigue.
  • Helps muscles recover faster after exercise.

In order to improve efficiency strength training and to accelerate the growth of muscle mass, the use of pre-workout supplements is introduced. This type of nutritional supplement is aimed at improving the performance of an athlete. The composition of the complex includes elements that stimulate the blood supply to the muscles and stimulating substances.

3). Company BSN offers Pre-Workout Stimulant, Caffeine Free, Pre-Workout Igniter, Non-Caffeinated, Fruit Punch (548g, powder with scoop).

The complex includes:

  • L-citrulline malate,
  • Phosphorus,
  • Sodium,
  • (root),

Also other herbal ingredients. The complex increases endurance, helps to achieve maximum performance in training.

Citrulline: in a pharmacy

It is very difficult to buy a real one in a pharmacy. There are a lot of fakes on the drug market. They are characterized by a low percentage of amino acids in the preparation.

Reputable companies distribute their products through reliable online stores that have been operating for years and are trusted by consumers. A link to one of these stores is given below. There are affordable prices for goods of proven quality.

Citrulline: instruction

Before taking, be sure to read the instructions and consult with a trainer or doctor.

Citrulline: how to take

Citrulline is a powerful energy booster. Its maximum effect occurs an hour after ingestion, so the supplement should be taken half an hour before training.

The optimal amount of the supplement is 6 g per day. The recommended intake for adults is 1-3 times 500 mg for two weeks. For athletes 5-10 g before and after training.

Citrulline: contraindications

Citrulline: reviews

Positive customer reviews speak about the effectiveness of the drug. They note an increase in endurance in the gym, the ability to work with big weights without experiencing later muscle pain or significant reduction. Consumers combined reception citrulline citrulline:

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Approximately 57% L-citrulline and about 43% DL-malate .

Release form

citrulline malate It is sold as a raw material for the production of various dietary supplements. It is a white or almost white crystalline powder with a slightly sour taste, which dissolves well in water. The package may contain 100 g, 200 g of raw materials.

pharmachologic effect

Pronounced general tonic, anti-asthenic, adaptogenic effect, normalizing metabolic processes.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

l-citrulline - is interchangeable, it is able to provide natural production within an hour after ingestion and for the next 20 hours. In addition:

  • provides pumping ;
  • Maintains a positive nitrogen balance in the body ammonia and lactic acid ;
  • increases muscle endurance (restores reserves ATP and phosphoric acid );
  • strengthens the immune system and increases the energy potential of the whole organism.


L-citrulline absorbed mainly in the gastrointestinal tract, a dose of 0.18 g / kg causes a doubling of plasma and tissue concentrations arginine , as well as an increase in the plasma concentration of citrulline itself by 6-11 times. Metabolism occurs through arginosuccinate synthase and arginosuccinate lyase and leads to the formation L-arginine in nearby vessels.

Indications for use

Symptomatic treatment asthenia various types, including functional , sexual , athletes, and overwork and fatigue .

In addition, it is used in the recovery process, the postoperative period, during pregnancy and in old age.


Hypersensitivity to citrulline malate .

Side effects

Unpleasant sensations in the epigastric region at the beginning of therapy, as well as allergic reactions, are possible.

Citrulline, instructions for use (Method and dosage)

For the elderly and adults

A single dose for oral administration is 200 mg, the frequency of administration should not exceed 1-3 times a day, the duration of therapy is up to 12 days.

For kids

Up to 5 years: daily dose - 200 mg per 1 dose.

From 5 to 15 years - 400 mg in 2 doses.

Application in sports and bodybuilding

It is necessary to take 5-10 g with liquid - during and before training (for 0.5 hours), as well as before bedtime. Preferably on an empty stomach.

The feeling of fatigue is common to all people. Someone gets tired of constant training in pursuit of results and beautiful body, in others this condition is associated with clinical symptoms of various diseases. In all these cases, a drug called "Citrulline malate" will come to the rescue.

What is a substance

Citrulline is an amino acid that is involved in the process of ridding the body of lactic acid and ammonia. It is these substances that cause muscle fatigue in humans. The citrulline molecule, binding to the organic salt molecule - malate, forms the substance citrulline malate. At its core, malate is nothing more than malic acid, which the body, through its processing, uses to increase energy.

Citrulline malate is converted to nitric oxide, which allows the muscles to consume more glucose and prevent the accumulation of fatigue. Cellular mitochondria, responsible for energy production, increase in number along with an increase in nitric oxide. As a result, the muscles begin to contract better, receive more blood, which transports the necessary substances and utilizes decay products.

The most important purpose of the substance is the ability to increase the production of arginine, which stimulates the growth of nitric oxide. Hence the focus in the use of the drug to prevent and relieve the syndrome of excessive fatigue.

The composition and properties of the drug

The additive consists only of the components included in its name. Approximately 55-60% is citrulline, the remaining 40-45% is malate. To improve the action, the drug is supplemented with various components:

  • arginine, which stimulates muscle vessels;
  • creatine, which increases muscle mass;
  • carnosine, which eliminates the effect of oxidative processes on muscles;
  • carnetine, which improves heart function;
  • B-group vitamins and zinc, which are a link in all metabolic processes.

The main properties of the substance are:

  • synthesis of arginine in the body;
  • increase in muscle mass and increase its nutrition;
  • increase of energy potential;
  • strengthening immunity;
  • maintaining a normal nitrogen balance;
  • improvement of erectile function.

We can say that citrulline malate is a regulator of many metabolic processes in the human body and allows you to make it not only healthy, but also beautiful.

Application in sports

Recently, citrulline malate has been used in the preparation of athletes. Sports nutrition is used in the pre-workout complex in power sports to build muscle. This is bodybuilding, weightlifting, fitness, etc. The use of the substance helps to reduce muscle fatigue by improving blood flow. In aerobic exercises (running, swimming), the drug helps to increase the athlete's endurance. The pressure remains within the normal range.

In 2015, American scientists proved that citrulline malate is able to eliminate protein deficiency in the body without causing hormonal disorders. Experts advise to use the drug for very intense training and increased load. To work with one muscle group, the effect will be negligible.

Application in medicine

Citrulline malate is used medicinally in the treatment of the following conditions:


    metabolic acidosis;

    drowsiness of unclear etiology;

    chronic fatigue syndrome.

The drug is recommended for use in order to speed up recovery after surgical interventions. Also, citrulline malate, reviews of which are mostly positive, is prescribed for the elderly and pregnant women with asthenia.

The drug belongs to the group of tonic and adaptogens. The most famous drug based on citrulline malate is Stimol. It is presented in the form of tablets and solution for injection.

Contraindications, except for individual intolerance, were not identified. Of the side effects - only discomfort in the epigastric region at the beginning of the reception.

Dosage and features of use

Experts recommend daily use of citrulline malate, the sporting purpose of which is approved by the Ministry of Health. Half an hour before training, one dose is taken and 1-2 more additionally - after waking up and at bedtime. A single dosage of the supplement should be at least 6 g.

To enhance the effect of the drug, it is advised to take it before meals, preferably diluted with water in proportions according to the annotation. Before use, it is important to study the composition of the supplement so that the dosage corresponds to the minimum amount of the drug. V otherwise effectiveness will be negligible.

For medical purposes, both adults and children are recommended citrulline malate. How to take - described in the instructions for the drug. Usually for adults, the use is limited to a single dose of 200 mg and a frequency of administration from 1 to 3 times a day. The course of treatment should not exceed 12 days. Children under 5 years of age are prescribed 200 mg once a day. From 5 to 15 years - 400 mg in 2 doses. When using the drug, care must be taken if the patient is on a diet without salt, because the drug contains sodium.

Natural substitutes for citrulline

The highest amount of citrulline malate is found in watermelon. Studies using this particular berry led to the study of amino acids as an energy source, the increased content of which is also characterized by:

  • beans;
  • a fish;
  • meat;
  • milk;
  • onion and garlic.

Beans are a plant source of citrulline. In watermelon, there is especially a lot of this substance in peels and seeds.

The use of citrulline malate both in sports and for medical purposes has a positive effect on the functioning of the body as a whole: it allows you to relieve the symptoms of fatigue and achieve excellent sports performance, while strengthening the immune system.

Citrulline (Citrulline) is a sports supplement that promotes the formation of. The latter is a nitrogen donator that improves blood flow in muscle fibers. Also, the product provides a good pumping, increases the level of endurance, delivers nutrition to the muscles. Due to it, immunity is strengthened, the boundaries of energy accumulation are expanded, and a positive nitrogen balance is maintained.

Application in sports

Citrulline is very popular with bodybuilders. Worth buying to ensure productivity gains, help efficient recovery, and improve supply muscle tissue blood.

Citrulline malate in bodybuilding is actively involved in the utilization of the urea substance. This is the chemical compound "urea". The supplement provides a quick removal of toxins from the body. Slags that appear during protein metabolism, strength activity, catabolism interfere with recreation and reduce the athletic performance of an athlete. To prevent this from happening, you should use L-citrulline.

Scientists have determined that the substance is able to replace arginine. This is due to the process of inversion of matter from one species to another. The product allows you to increase the production of growth hormone and creatine, helps to increase the synthesis of insulin. With a daily intake of 6 grams, fatigue is reduced muscle fibers, ATP production is increased by 34%. After physical effort, the concentration of phosphocreatine increases by 20%.

Thanks to the listed qualities, citrulline can rightfully be called a powerful restorative and energy remedy. Representatives of the strength disciplines take it to improve their sports results. The connection helps to reduce the recovery time after physical activity, gives classes high intensity. Reduces the risk of overtraining. The supplement can also be used in case of aerobic exercise.

Many athletes believe that taking citrulline is more effective than arginine. It is optimally absorbed, not destroyed in the liver, when it has gone through the process of absorption from the digestive tract. This amino acid neutralizes enzymes that destroy nitric oxide. Perhaps a combination of citrulline with arginine.

The maximum effectiveness of the product is noticeable at the beginning of the third week of use. The first results of a positive influence can be found on the third or fourth day at the beginning of the course. The course of admission should last one to two months. It is allowed to take the supplement on an ongoing basis without interruption.

Rules for taking citrulline

It is recommended to take the drug on an empty stomach, half an hour before training. Additionally, you can drink the supplement before bedtime and after waking up. The effects that appear after taking it are provided by a rise in the level of arginine. For achievement desired result you need to consume at least 6 grams of citrulline per day.

Side effect

Clinical trials did not reveal any side effects from taking citrulline. Those who practice taking the remedy do not report any deviations or disturbances in the functioning of the body.

To increase the effectiveness of the supplement, you can combine it with other products. sports nutrition. This increases the positive effect of citrulline on the athlete's body.
