bodybuilder's bible. Top 5 bodybuilding books

Starting their bodybuilding journey, many cannot afford to hire a coach, but the desire to engage is very strong, so they have to study the information on their own. Nowadays, there are a lot of glossy magazines and various literature, but there is little quality information. Beginners begin to read everything in a row, and porridge forms in their heads. In different sources there is a contradiction of information and it is difficult for novice athletes to understand where is the truth and where is the lie. Each author tries to exalt his concept as the best and thereby confuses not only beginners, but sometimes experienced athletes in confusion.

Top 5 best bodybuilding books

1. "Think" by Stuart Mac Robert

Be sure to read this book, as it gives the basics, so to speak, for the most dummies. Gives basic principles building workouts, progression of loads, about the necessary rest, about periodization, and much more. It is easy to read, all the information is structured.

2. “The Anatomy of Strength Exercise” by Frederic Delavier

The book is beautifully illustrated. It understands all the exercises in bodybuilding, and clearly shows with explanations which muscles work in a particular exercise. Many do exercises and do not understand what muscles work for them, and after reading this book, you will learn to understand.

3. "Super Training" by Mike Mentzer

This is my favorite book and a must read. The author is a professional bodybuilder who competed at Olympia, so the book is not based on one theory, but really works in practice, verified personally by me and my students. Mentzer promoted the HIT (high intensity training) system, which was fundamentally different from the Joe Weider system. The essence of his method is short and rare workouts, thanks to which you will not drive yourself into overtraining and will constantly receive supercompensation. Dorian Yates, 6 multiple mr Olympia also trained this way and he was one of the biggest bodybuilders in the world.

4. “Bodybuilding in our way”, author Alexey Kireev

Since the author of this book is our compatriot, the book has value, because the conditions of our life and those abroad are different. The book does not load with theory, but immediately gives working domestic training schemes. The author has brought up many successful bodybuilders, and if you want to grow according to his schemes, you will have to specifically smack.

5. "Super training without delusions", by Vadim Protasenko

A book that gives a lot of theory about strength training, the author collected everything, systematized and placed it in this edition. One of the best books, it is also desirable that you read it. Yes, it is not very easy to understand, because. written in academic language, but if you overcome your laziness and read to the end, then you will gain an understanding of how muscle growth occurs.

Friends, I am sure that if you master and read all these 5 wonderful books about bodybuilding, then a clear understanding will appear in your head of how you need to train to get desired result and you will become a guru among your friends.

(edited by Adam Campbell) - contains illustrated descriptions modern exercises, best programs workouts to gain mass, burn fat and improve physical form. Men's Health Publishing, 2011.

Relief torso in 3 months (Dmitry Murzin). Author Dmitry Murzin Publisher Litres, 2014

Serious training for endurance athletes.

Heart rate, lactate and endurance training

Competitive weight. How to get dry for peak performance.

Fitness. Life guide.

Bodyflex. Breathe and lose weight.

Rock climbing.

Mass Titans.

Anatomy of Fitness and Strength Training for Women (Vella)- a manual containing training programs and more than 80 exercises of various profiles specially designed for women, described and illustrated in detail.

Anatomy of Pilates (R. Isakowitz, K. Clippinger)- This book will serve as a tool to bring Pilates professionals and enthusiasts together in an international community that speaks the same common language.

yoga anatomy(Author: Leslie Kaminoff, Aimee Matthews) is a practical yoga guide with detailed, multi-colored analytical illustrations that allow you to appreciate the role of each muscle and understand how even the slightest change in posture increases or decreases breathing efficiency, as well as trace the relationship between the spine , breathing mechanisms and body position.

Bodybuilding and fitness e-books

The book combines a visual, extremely accurate and detailed graphic representation of the main positions of the basic strength exercises with a conscientious textual description of the movement procedure.

The book of the famous American bodybuilding specialist is addressed to professionals in this sport. It gives a training methodology for the world's leading bodybuilders, both men and women, and their training complexes, work diaries, thoughts and observations related to sports; placed the author's original developments to improve the training process and prepare for competitive competitions...

Big hands! I have always been fascinated by them. In thirty years of practice, I have seen almost all bodybuilding champions from Arnold to Zane and was personally acquainted with them. I got a good look at the symmetry and power put into the hands. Many of them left indelible impressions in my memory. But only three people really fit into the category...

For more than fifty years, bodybuilders have been persistently looking for the best ways to build. muscle mass. Bodybuilding (“building the body”) involves working to increase muscle size. This is for those who want to receive practical advice, proven by many years of experience, on how to fully realize the potential inherent in the human body by nature.

Following the “Lyubertsy method” allows almost any beginner to reach the level of 120-150 kg in the bench press and 150-180 kg in the squat after two years of training, while looking like a bodybuilder, and not like a powerlifter. The technique is not distinguished by any particular complexity or any supernatural costs.

Here are collected all the exercises that are used by bodybuilders, given detailed descriptions each with animated illustrations. This selection is indispensable for a novice bodybuilder and will help prevent many of the mistakes that beginners make.

Renowned bodybuilding expert Per Tesch did the seemingly impossible: he allowed athletes to look inside their bodies and, using magnetic resonance imaging, see how muscles work under load. This feedback with your muscles allows you to do "directed" bodybuilding, that is ...

The book contains tips for a novice athlete, as well as split programs for professional bodybuilding masters, provides a variety of recommendations on nutrition and training. Recommendations are provided by Mike Mentzer, Joe Weider, Dave Fisher, Bill Dobyns and others. Indispensable for a beginner bodybuilder.

Based on data from human anatomy and physiology, the book examines in detail the reactions of the body to physical activity. The role of the nervous, endocrine, cardiovascular and respiratory systems in the regulation of metabolic processes is highlighted. the influence of factors environment on motor activity, the ways of optimizing the muscular activity of athletes are outlined.

Many trainees are excellent specialists in their professional environment, but outside of it they are powerless. There are a lot of bodybuilding techniques, and you can get lost in them. Choose only those that affect you. Do not repeat the program after someone who claims that she helped him "pump up" in two weeks. People are different, but miracles do not happen.

Do you dream that your body Shines as harmoniously developed, as beautiful and strong as his? So what's the deal! Dare! Start systematically, training and you will surpass yourself. This book will help you, which will become a kind of bodybuilding coach for you.

Do you know what is the most important thing in training? Are you thinking of squatting with a 250kg barbell? No. Not at all. For most athletes, the hardest part is starting to pack your bag to go to the gym. So what is next? How to effectively build muscle mass? You will learn the true secrets of power. About this book.

The textbook covers the basics modern theory and methods of such strength sports as weightlifting, powerlifting, weight-lifting and bodybuilding. When writing the book, the author used the results scientific research, scientific and methodological recommendations, widely known throughout the world.

This book is written for those who sincerely want to learn the theoretical foundations of bodybuilding. For many bodybuilders, such philosophical concepts as mind, essence, individuality, theory, principle, rational thinking, act of will, causality, judgments, morality, ethics have little to say. Why do we need such wisdom, you say, especially when applied to bodybuilding? However, without them it is simply impossible to comprehend the science of training. Moreover: these concepts are an indispensable condition for the knowledge of being, and its highest form - human life.

A very good book, considered a classic on the subject. Contains a lot of recommendations, explains the principles used in training, and of course descriptions of exercises (technique, efficiency, etc.).

By reading John McCallum's articles, you're not only learning how to get big and strong - from head to toe - and how to improve your health in the process. John's articles will make you laugh and plunge back into that era and remember what people believed then.

Collections of publications published in the early 70s. Author - Arthur Jones (Arthur Jones) the founder of the concept of high-intensity training in bodybuilding and powerlifting.

In your hands - the long-awaited guide to strength training, written by Brooks Kubik himself - a national bench press champion and the author of many articles published in the best strength training magazines. This book was written for those of us who are interested in POWER, not in its SIGHT.

A collection of lectures by one of the famous sports psychologists D. Biasiotto. One of the best books on motivation. Judd is a former powerlifter and has set 4 world records and many more. He shocked the entire world sports community when, with a body weight of 59 kg, he squatted with a barbell weighing 273.5 kg. I recommend that you read this book, even if you are far from sports. This book teaches you to win not only in sports.

“... it is not enough to have strong muscles and broad chest. You need to develop a character that will give you the courage to take on the impossible. And then, firmly believing in the reality of what you will definitely do, you must go forward.«

Now you will be faced with a program for getting big and strong, so effective that it can surpass any other. Absolutely any. And yet it's so simple that you'll wonder why you haven't heard of it before - especially since the promises it makes are incredible and yet completely true.

Thinking about the title of a future article, it was not by chance that I chose the option that was written a little higher - the reader can easily recognize in it a collage made up of the titles of two, perhaps the most popular bodybuilding books among amateur athletes. "Think! Bodybuilding Without Steroids" by Stuart McRobert and "Supertraining" by Mike Mentzer rocked the world amateur sports and turned over what seemed to be well-established ideas about the theory of training...

This famous book will lead the reader to magical land- athleticism, where the weak can become strong, the sick can become healthy, where young men, embarrassed by their frailty and underdevelopment, turn into beautiful and powerful guys. The reader will find in the book complexes of athletic gymnastics, learn about outstanding athletes of the past and present, and also study ways to develop strength in bodybuilding. The book is intended for the general reader.

Download bodybuilding books for free.

Download the anatomy of strength exercises for men and women. Delavier F.- downloads: 15603
This book is a useful universal guide both for the audience of beginner strength training enthusiasts and for experienced practicing coaches who can offer it as an illustrative and reference material for training athletes. This edition, awarded the Grand Prix in the field sports equipment and pedagogy, has become a reference book for teachers sports clubs and students of physiotherapy and physiological educational institutions Western Europe and USA.
Detailed and good illustrations, clear explanations, which contribute to the most complete perception and reproduction of the author's system of exercises, give a special, exclusive character to the publication.

Download the anatomy of strength exercises for men and women- downloads: 9492
This book is, in fact, a useful universal guide for both beginner strength training enthusiasts and experienced practicing coaches who can offer it as an illustrative and reference material for training athletes. Thanks to the work with this guide, the student will be able to form a clear, correct image of exercises in his mind, which will certainly give a qualitative advantage over simple external copying of training forms and actions. This publication, awarded the Grand Prix in the field of sports technology and pedagogy, has become a reference book for teachers of sports clubs and students of physiotherapy and physiological educational institutions in Western Europe and the USA. The special, exclusive character of the publication is given by detailed and solid illustrations...

Strength training. Get rid of delusions download- downloads: 7051
There are many misconceptions about strength training and pumping muscles. A wave of erroneous, and often harmful information falls on a novice athlete. As a result, an athlete can jump from complex to complex, from method to method for years, but not get any noticeable effect.

The author is convinced that the use of training process properly built stress and recovery cycles will bring no less effect than the use of anabolic steroids.
If you want to progress without using steroids, then this book is for you.

Download all books on bodybuilding, bodybuilding and powerlifting- downloads: 9073
1.V.Fokhtin - Athletic gymnastics without shells
2.V.Goncharov - The logic of bodybuilding training
3.P.Lukashin - Bodybuilding
4. Mike Mentzer - Bodybuilding
5. Michael Midgia - From skeleton to athlete ()
6. S. Mitrofanov - We sculpt the body with improvised means
7. Stuart McRobert - Bodybuilding without steroids 1h.
8. Stuart McRobert - Bodybuilding without steroids 2h.
9. Stuart McRobert - Bench Press
10. Stuart McRobert - Hands of a Titan
11. V. Faleev - Anti MacRobert, think in Russian
12. S. Shestopalov - Bodybuilding
13. Athleticism
14. Dr. Luber - Bodybuilding in our way and other books ...

Download the book Dr. Luber Secrets of the rocking chair- downloads: 6714
I am Russian and live in Russia. He began to engage in bodybuilding in those same Lyubertsy, back in the early 80s. We did not have any literature on overseas methods, and yet, everything "grew" perfectly. In any case, it was difficult to surprise with a bench press of 200 kg ... And then, along with Perestroika, the "Arnold Encyclopedia" appeared ... And we all unanimously decided (for some reason ?!) that before that we had trained incorrectly. And rightly so - this is how it is written in this wonderful book. We immediately stopped growing, and after a couple of years, only a handful of fanatics remained from the crowd of those involved, who see progress only in increasing the dosage of steroids (among them, to be honest, there was ...

Vladimir Turchinsky. Explosive Philosophy - Free Download- downloads: 4318
In the book "Explosive Philosophy" Vladimir Turchinsky shares his experience own studies fitness and BB, encourages us to do own body perfect, beautiful. Brings us to a wonderful thought: if the state is not interested in healthy way the lives of our citizens, then we ourselves must strive for this. It is impressive that he is a supporter of an individual approach in the choice of exercises. And with an amazing sense of humor, he describes his own failures, when, having heard enough of other people's advice, he began to follow them. The first chapter is called "Fitness and ...", that is, it is devoted. In the second chapter, "Food arrogance", the author writes with humor about the features sports nutrition, generally accepted misconceptions on this topic, about protein-carbohydrate cocktails, "chemistry", dietary supplements and pharmacological preparations for building strength or muscles. Moreover, he divides the methods depending on the goal: building strength or building muscle.
The third chapter recommends training programs depending on the constitution, age and individual characteristics.
I liked the sense of humor, the approach to the issues covered, and the actual role that he assigns to the body...

Glad to welcome everyone! Today, we will talk about what books exist on bodybuilding - an important building block in the development of harmonious muscles, which, in combination, is also spiritual food. Few on this topic (or rather, units) pays due attention, however, it is on the development in this educational sphere that your sports results and career growth.

So, take your seats, we are waiting for a little dive into the bodybuilder's library, let's go.

What are the best bodybuilding books?

Some more 10-15 years ago, in order to find a good “book”, it was necessary to run and sweat a lot in order to get this valuable copy in your collection. Some books were so “rare” that they could only be used in the library and only under the vigilant gaze of cultural workers. This was the case in almost every field, and sports (particularly bodybuilding) t also was no exception. Of course, I didn’t fully catch that time, but the stories of many athletes born in the USSR will not let you lie - with high-quality literature, namely books on bodybuilding , there was tension.

Now, in the age of the total dominance of the Internet and electronic technologies, finding even a rare copy of a book is not a difficult task. In addition, the development of various scanning and recognition technologies is moving by leaps and bounds, and now “digging up” an electronic version of a tome in the global web is a matter of 2 minutes and search phrase - free download. Although electronic “readers” and “writers” are gradually replacing ordinary books, the latter (as I deeply believe) will never go out of fashion.

So, let's move on to a review of the sources.

Bodybuilding Books: An Overview of Sources

Of course, your professional growth and development as an athlete is not possible without reading specialized literature. The more you read, the more authoritative you become in your own eyes and in the eyes of the people around you. In addition, reading books on bodybuilding is your personal fitness instructor and correspondence consultations with the best specialists of all time in one person. It is very common to see in gyms people who are looking for help from more experienced brothers in iron or trainers. On the one hand, this is good - communications are being established, but on the other hand, they will not be able to provide you with free consultations all the time, while comrades - it’s not a fact that they will be there at the right moment.

That's when the black cloak of scientific bodybuilding comes to the rescue in the form of books. Here it is worth saying that the choice of the authors' card index is simply amazing, but you should not spray them all, but you should give preference only to true professionals in their field. That's exactly what we're talking about now.

Bodybuilding Books: TOP 10

So, here are the top 10 best works that should be in the reading form of any bodybuilder.

No. 1. Wendy Lei. “The unofficial biography of Arnold Schwarzenegger”

Of course, no athlete can do without motivation, and a beginner needs it all the more. So, this book is just designed to spur any, even the weakest (as he thinks) person, to take care of his body. She clearly demonstrates how the frail and unknown boy Arnold turned into a man with the world name Eminem.

We can say that this book contains the philosophy of becoming a great athlete. This is the perfect motivating read. After reading this "beech", you will learn a lot of interesting things from the biography of the most titled bodybuilder in the world, Iron Arnie. This book will give you the opportunity to get behind the scenes of his personal and professional life and lift the veil of stellar success.

Unofficial biography of Arnold Schwarzenegger, download:

No. 2. Arnold Schwarzenegger. “The New Encyclopedia of Bodybuilding”

The book that came out from under the pen of Arnold in 1998 year (original) and representing a squeeze of the training experience that he has accumulated over the years of the procession to the titles of Mr. Olympia. The book is richly illustrated and consists essentially of 5 books combined into one. From it you will learn everything about training programs, types of exercises, nutrition, posing and the intricacies of preparing for competitions.

No. 3. Joe Vader. "Body Construction System"

In our previous articles, namely in this and in this one, we have already talked about this man - the founding father of bodybuilding and part-time manager and mentor of Schwarzenegger. So, in this book, its author (dedicated over 50 years of bodybuilding talks not only about the training methodology, the muscle building system, but also about the problems in weightlifting, including numerous injuries and how to avoid them. The book, and the Vader system described in it, is suitable for both men who want to create a strong, muscular figure, and for women who want to give new forms to their bodies.

No. 4. Stuart McRobert. “Think. Part 2"

It is considered one of the best "thinking" books on bodybuilding, designed specifically for amateur beginners. It is an encyclopedic tutorial on all aspects of training. After reading this book, you will become your own director and trainer and will easily understand all the processes associated with strength training. The book is an absolute bestseller on bodybuilding in many countries, which speaks of its popularity and authority in the eyes of many people.

This is the best bodybuilding book for experienced athletes. She is the complete opposite of the book. McRobert and is ideal for experienced bodybuilders to build their high intensity training. The main concept of the book is that you do not need to overload your body with constant and exhausting workouts, but you need to perform the minimum number of approaches, but with 100% efficiency (to failure). In other words, muscles do not need overtraining, but their maximum work in the exercise is needed. The book is not large in volume, but very valuable in content, so we send it to the bookshelf.

No. 6. Frederick Delavier. "Anatomy of strength training"

The most detailed illustrative guide to the technique of performing almost any strength exercise. The book is universal, and will suit both men and women, both amateurs and professionals. translated into more than 30 languages ​​and is a bestseller №1 . Having studied the book, its illustrative material and practical recommendations, you can easily create your own training program.

Frederic Delavier Anatomy of strength exercises. Attention! The book was removed in connection with the claim of the copyright holder LLC Group of Companies "RIPOL classic"

No. 7. Randal Strossen. "Super Squats"

A book from the category of "heavy artillery". According to the author, it allows 6 weeks dial about 15 kg of muscle mass. Of course, in order to achieve such impressive results, it will be necessary to give all your best to 110% . Therefore, if you are impatient to "get loose" (v good sense this word), then get ready for the exhausting strength training described in this book.

Randal Strossen. Super squats, download:

No. 8. Brooks Kubik. “Dinosaur Training. Forgotten Secrets"

Intriguing book title and no less intriguing content. The book is a guide to strength training. In it you will find not only comprehensive information about productive methods, but also learn about forgotten secrets the training of the masters of the past. After reading it, you have a chance to become a new Russian hero, for example, Poddubny.

No. 9. Vladimir Turchinsky. "Explosive Philosophy"

Of course, you can not ignore the book "Dynamite" (who hasn't been with us for 4 years now). His book is a detailed instruction manual for any male body. It is suitable for anyone who wants to be in excellent muscular shape, and is guaranteed to pump main muscle- brain. Of course, after reading this book, you will not budge the Ruslan aircraft, but something in your skull will definitely change, and in the right direction.

Vladimir Turchinsky. Explosive philosophy, download:

No. 10. Faleev. "School of your body"

Closes the top 10 books on bodybuilding - another "domestic manufacturer". His work is perfect for all bodybuilding lovers without exception. It outlines and explains in detail the basic training methods, daily routine and lifestyle of athletes. The book is written in a simple and understandable language, which undoubtedly increases its value in the eyes of readers.

Faleev. School of your body, download:

So, we figured out the bodybuilder's library shelf, now a few practical advice on the most effective assimilation of information from these books. As I said, with literature in the age of the Internet it has become much easier, therefore, so that you do not have porridge in your head, remember:

  • clearly define the subject of the book: for general development (everything about everything), narrow specialization (nutrition, weight gain) etc.
  • in authors, give preference to real professionals with many years of practical experience;
  • start with small (in terms of volume) books;
  • be consistent and don't jump from one (still unfinished) books to another;
  • read on 2-5 pages, but every day;

By following these simple tips, you will grow not only physically, but also mentally.


So, today we got acquainted with the topic - best books bodybuilding , and now you have that solid foundation of knowledge (if you read them, of course), based on which, you can “sculpt” the body of your dreams. Well, it remains to reinforce the theory with practice, which means - we all blow into the hall together! ... I also ran.

I was glad to see and hear all of you, go to “”, subscribe to updates, and see you soon!

PS. Who has forgotten or not in the know, comments are waiting for your comments.
