How to make your wrist wider. Why can't you pump up? Bodyweight exercises

Powerful relief biceps and triceps, developed deltoids and wide forearms - this is admiration from the opposite sex and respect of other athletes. Probably, there is no such bodybuilder and bodybuilder who would not dream of pumping up huge arms. The volume of the arm is 40–45–47 cm, and maybe more - this is the goal of the pitching of all times. Many athletes, having tremendous strength in their hands, do not differ in the impressive size of this area, and are puzzled over how to achieve the desired results in muscle growth.

When talking about the huge size of the arms, often only the biceps are discussed. However, in a 40 cm arm, less than 30% of the total arm mass is allocated to the biceps. The remaining 70% is occupied by triceps, so about this group muscle fibers also don't forget.

How to build biceps 40 cm?

The first and most important rule is that hands will only grow from hard training with iron. Other options to dial muscle mass(not fat!) no. Nevertheless, it is impossible to grab big weights from the start.

The fatal mistake of straight newcomers is the use of overly heavy shells. In pursuit of large weights athletes always make a lot of mistakes in technique. Exercises with unbearable weights leads to constant cheating and "turning on" the muscles of the back, chest, legs. This will not in any way affect the hypertrophy of the hands, but it will easily lead to unpleasant consequences in the form of convulsions, sprains, dislocations and fractures. For exercises, it is necessary to choose such a weight that will allow you to smoothly and clearly, without disturbing the technique, perform the approaches. This is how the maximum tension in the muscles being worked will feel.

Muscular voluminous arms are formed step by step. Sometimes it takes years. If a beginner comes to a rocking chair with thin "matches" of 25 cm, then he will never reach a volume of arms of 40 cm in a year or even less time.

It is worth noting the fact that the training of each athlete is individual. There is no boilerplate program that works for everyone. Blind copy training splits"Pros" have not brought much success to anyone yet. Best coach any athlete - he himself. By feeling their muscles, athletes use trial and error to determine which exercises work for them and which do not bring much benefit.

Exercises to increase arm volume

To make arms in the volume of 40 cm, it is necessary to gradually but regularly increase the working weights. Therefore, the main training plan for muscles upper limbs will remain unchanged for many years.

The main biceps exercises are standing barbell curls and dumbbell hammer curls. They need to be practiced regularly with consistent training weights added. You can "finish off" the muscles at the end of the workout every time with new isolating exercises: bending the arms on the Scott bench, concentrated lifts of the dumbbells, bending the arms on the lower block (bent or rope stick), alternating bending of arms with dumbbells.

The close-grip bench press and dips are the basis for triceps. These are the exercises that should invariably be included in every arm workout. You can experiment with the end of the workout, just like when working on the biceps, adding a variety of isolation: extension of the arms with dumbbells while standing in an incline, extension at vertical block or extending the arms overhead.

Biceps and triceps training must be combined into one workout using alternation methods. The muscles in the arms are made up of different types of fibers. Some of them respond to pumping, others to strength work. Periodization of exercises for individual muscle bundles will allow you to achieve maximum hypertrophy. Such approaches will most effectively increase endurance, improve muscles and allow you to make arms in the volume of 40 cm.Their essence is as follows (3 options):
  • First, exercises are performed in several approaches for triceps, then an exercise for biceps. And so in a circle: again work on the triceps, and then return to the biceps.
  • The athlete performs a triceps approach, then rests as much as he needs, and after that performs a biceps approach.
  • Superset: One set of two exercises (biceps and triceps) performed sequentially without rest breaks or with a very short break of 15–20 seconds.
In order for all parts of the arms to develop harmoniously and proportionally, do not forget about pumping the forearms. This muscle group is worked out by lifting dumbbells for biceps, hammer bends and wrist curl.

At the end training process, after heavy weight exercises on the arms, it is recommended to do a small stretch. She will not allow loss of mobility and stagnation in growth. Good quality stretching will relax, soothe, and accelerate muscle growth.

Nutrition for gaining muscle mass

No matter how hard the athlete does, no matter how strictly he observes all the rules for gaining muscle mass, it is unlikely and practically impossible to "disperse" the arm to 40 cm without a properly composed diet.

The body needs to get enough protein, fat and carbohydrates for muscle growth. Exactly as with exercise, there is no single pattern in nutrition. It will be different for everyone, depending on the goals set, the characteristics of the organism and taste preferences.

Dry, wiry athletes who lack the smallest amount to achieve success in arm volume need to lean towards carbohydrate foods to compensate for the loss of energy costs. Athletes who are prone to overweight should, on the contrary, eat more dietary meat, fish and eggs in order to build up the muscle cells of the arms to a volume of 40 cm of protein. But the food intake scheme should be equally fractional for everyone: at least 6 meals a day in small portions.

Video on how to pump up voluminous arms:

Large, sculpted biceps are the dream of many men. For the sake of achieving it, they train in gyms for several hours without sparing themselves. This muscle is an integral part of a harmonious body.
You will learn how to build wide biceps without using steroids. But first, let's understand what "banks" are.

The biceps consists of a pair of muscles that serve a dual purpose:

Shoulder muscle. It starts from the middle of the arm in front, passes over the shoulder and is attached to the ulna. Its main function is to flex the elbow. It is directly involved in the implementation of elbow flexion, however, not in supination.

2-glacial muscle of the shoulder. Includes a pair of heads starting at different locations on the shoulder blade. The heads are connected at the radius, which can rotate. Her main function consists in supination of the forearm and the implementation of flexion of the elbow. The 2-main muscle is assisted by the semi-humeral and brachial muscles.

Why can't you pump up?

The most common mistake athletes make when pumping up their biceps is overtraining. Many
athletes, in an effort to quickly achieve desired result, train for hours in gyms, doing one set after another of curls with dumbbells, with a barbell, on a simulator. Most of these exercises are performed without any meaning, and as a result, the athlete wastes time without achieving any result. To avoid this, you should train according to a specific program created by qualified specialists.

Another common reason why some are unable to increase the size of their cans is due to inadequate flexion techniques. You need to stand straight, take your shoulders back and lower them down, so that most of the load falls on the biceps.

Best Exercises

So, we figured out the anatomy and the main mistakes. Now let's figure out how you can pump up your biceps in width. Below are the exercises created by experienced fitness trainers to achieve maximum effect after each visit to the gym.

Use only optimal technique and do not lift too much weight, so as not to harm your own health:

1. Flexion of arms with dumbbells, with a barbell. Take the barbell with a grip at the level of the width of your own shoulders, press your elbows tightly to your sides. Concentrate all your attention on the biceps. Do the bends with 100 percent amplitude, without wasting time resting at the highest point. Squeeze the biceps, return to the previous position.

2. To carry out curls with dumbbells, stand straight, hands squeezing the dumbbells, keep strictly along the body. Bending your arms, try to turn your wrists so that at the top of the amplitude of the palms, the palms are turned up, and thumbs looked out. At the extreme point, squeeze the muscles, return your arms to their original position.

3. Approximately in the middle of the training session, when the muscles are tired and competent exercise technique and balance are extremely important, use the Smith simulator. Place your chest on the elbow pad with your arms hanging down. With a grip at the level of your own shoulder width, grab a barbell with moderate weights, raise it and lower it.

4. Bending of arms with dumbbells on a bench in an incline. It is an excellent remedy for the gradual increase in muscle mass. Set the slope of the bench to 45 °. Lie with your back on the bench, and so that your shoulders are in contact with its surface. Raise and lower your straight arms with dumbbells. Repeat this about 10 times.

5. Flexion in sitting position... Sit on the edge of the bench. Bend forward with a dumbbell, resting your elbow on your thigh. Bend your arm with the dumbbell towards your shoulder. Use the weight that is optimal for you, which you can not only lift, but also control. Do not help yourself with the shoulder, let the biceps do all the work.

6. Hammer curls. Promotes the pumping of the upper biceps. Lower the dumbbells along your torso, trying to keep your wrist still. Bend up, squeeze the muscles, at the end of which return to the previous position. Flexions can be performed alternately, with both hands at once.


Beginners should not train daily, as muscles should be trained to exercise gradually, rather than immediately. For example, you can start with three training sessions over the course of a week of 1 hour duration. We must not forget that you can get beautiful "banks" only thanks to a large number of repetitions and exercises through force. To increase biceps in size, do 8-13 reps.

To prevent muscle adaptation from occurring, alternate exercises after a couple of workouts.
The most effective stimulating factor is the gradual increase in the level of load. After 2-3 training sessions put on weight. Just do not overdo it, otherwise all efforts will go to waste, but you also do not need to indulge yourself. Defeat yourself, be persistent and the result will not be long in coming!

How to create volume and relief muscles of the arms without increasing the duration of the workouts? Take 30 minutes to practice hard and reap the harvest in powerful and beautiful hands!

I have always been attracted by the power that can be applied in practice. I also love working with people and explaining to them that hard muscular work is often more enjoyable than the aesthetic pleasure of being athletic in the mirror. However, I often encounter a problem that was described by Bob Hoffman. In those distant times, when bodybuilding had not yet formed as an independent sport, its athletes, Olympic weightlifters, were already obsessed with the size and shape of their hands. And instead of fighting a manic obsession with biceps and triceps, I decided to channel this energy in a good direction.

Due to the different lengths and the presence of several points of origin and attachment of the biceps and triceps, you can focus on pumping each head of these muscles by varying the position of the arms and rotation of the hands in the wrist joints.

And since your hands are actively involved in the work being done top body, you just need to adjust your actions a little, and the shapeless piles of muscles will turn into embossed jackhammers!

Half Hour Hand Strength Workout

With this complex, you will learn how to use various techniques and tricks to create powerful and evenly developed arms. We will perform three pairs of exercises, forming supersets from approaches for biceps and triceps.

Let's start with the hard work with heavy weights, and then smoothly move on to multi-repetition training to force maximum hypertrophy. Training will not take much of your time, but it will give you a powerful impetus for the growth of volume and the formation of the relief of the biceps and triceps.

Dips on the uneven bars

Training program

Superset 1:

For me, no better exercise to build massive and stronger triceps than the JM bench press. This movement is often used by powerlifters to transform the jelly-like semblance of muscles into concrete extensors that Optimus Prime himself would envy. Do five reps and go straight to the pull-ups. Then, after resting properly, add weight and repeat the superset. Continue to increase the weight with each set to make your final set go to hell.

This is primarily an exercise for the back, but electromyography shows that the reverse grip puts a serious strain on the biceps, which is mainly placed on the short head. You can use the straps for support or, alternatively, put on a sports belt and add weight.

Superset 2:

When done right, dips are a great way to develop strong triceps. Ideally, you should use V-bars, which allow you to vary the width of the grip, but you can work with whatever is at hand. To make the push-ups as effective as possible, you will need extra stress. To do this, hold dumbbells between your legs, use an expander or sports belt. And take care of your shoulders - do not let them sink below the elbows.

By using the reverse grip, you make the long bicep head work a little easier. (You can check: bend right hand at a 90 ° angle and place your left palm on your right bicep. Now rotate the brush and notice how the muscle tension changes). Doing flexion reverse grip, you are boosting the growth of the brachialis and brachioradialis muscles, and you know that every bodybuilder dreams of having a powerful brachialis muscle protruding from under a strong bicep.

Superset 3:

The French bench press works best long head... You can increase the range of motion by performing the exercise unilaterally (with one hand). It also reduces the risk of elbow pain.

V starting position, the arms are located behind the plane of the torso, and this stretches the long head of the biceps and creates additional load... Since the biceps are also involved in the rotation of the hand, I prefer to start with a hammer grip and unfold the hand as I move.

Arm muscles - these are deltas, biceps, triceps, forearm muscles and brachialis. But in bo-di-bil-ding-ge it is customary to consider the deltas and muscles of the forearm as separate muscle groups, therefore, when bodybuilders ask the question "how to make big hands", they mean biceps, triceps and brachialis. In any case, in the framework of the article about how to make big hands, we will talk about these muscles. But, since the training of hands is only part of the training process, you do not need to read our previous article about planning training cycles ... Without this, this article will simply lose any practical sense for you. Also for the self-standing-tel-th drawing up of training schemes re-co-men-du-em-Xia oz-na-co-mit-Xia with an article about optimal training volume .

So, if you followed our advice and read the article about different types tre-ni-ro-wok, then you now know that training cycles are developmental and renewal. During the developmental cycles, athletes are engaged in a goal-directed hyper-trophy of myofibrils, strengthening the articular-ligamentous apparatus and, in general, with - muscle abilities. During the recovery cycle, at-le-you are engaged in protein hypertrophy, realizing the po-ten-tsi-al, accumulated during the development cycle. And since the purpose of skeletal muscles is you-ness of physiological-logistic movements, during developmental cycles and not-about-ho-di-mo nor-to-whale the ability of muscles to perform their targeted movements with the greatest load. Do not "read" the muscle, but focus on the load in it.

Development cycle for big hands

The functions of the biceps include flexion elbow joint and stabilization of the shoulder-th-th sous-st-va. The functions of the brachialis include flexion and stabilization of the elbow joint. The function of the tri-chain includes the extension of the elbow joint. The innervation, that is, the degree of tension, of a particular muscle depends on its space-venous position in relation to the load, therefore, in similar Exercises muscles can give out different coefficients of useful action (efficiency). In particular, the spatially-venous position of the arms during the execution of the curl of the arms with the barbell while standing allows you to achieve a greater degree of inertia of the biceps than during performing curls of arms on Scott's ska-mye.

We draw your attention to the fact that it comes not about the ability to lift less or more weight, but about the degree of muscle innervation. This is due to the work of the nervous system. She, during the execution of curls with a barbell while standing, gives out more powerful signals for muscle tension than during the curl of the arms on the Scott's chair. Apparently, it is precisely this feature of the work of the nervous system and the ob-us-lov-le-na that the efficiency of the basic exercises ... During the exercise of these exercises, the ligaments and joints are in more than a hundred bi-li-zi-ro-van-nn in-lo-zi, so this is the probability their damage decreases, and therefore the nervous system-te-ma go-to-va-give more powerful impulses for the innervation of the muscles. If the likelihood to receive injury increases, the Golgi tendon organ limits the muscle's ability to work.

Another important fact is muscle coactivation. The essence of this phenomenon is that when one muscle is innervated, other muscles can be innervated, which are attached to the same joint as working muscle group... That is why, during the performance of "pressing exercises", the triceps receives a load not only during the extension of the elbow joint, but also throughout the entire amplitude of the movement in the force of coactivation. In the same way, the biceps receives an indirect load during exercise on the back. But since, unlike triceps, in these exercises, he is only a coactivator, for his training during development cycles he is not -ho-di-mo also apply the most effective exercise on bi-seps - bending hands with a barbell while standing.

This conclusion follows from the fact that muscles are more innervated in basic exercises than during isolation. Evidence of this is the ability of the muscles to lift more heavy weights... Moreover, since the task of the athlete during the development cycle is the innervation of the muscles, and not their "pumping". You-complete-exercise-not-nia should be in a power style. The power style of performing exercise-not-ni pre-la-ga-z is the use of cheating. The goal of the athlete should be to do-not-do-exercise-not-exercise with maximum weights. Of course, it is not worthwhile to elevate this to an absolute. Exercises should remain similar to themselves. But they need to be performed with a jerk, in some places with a swing, in general, in such a technique that is used by cha-lo-at-le-you and power-lif-te -ry.

Recovery cycle for hands

This cycle is designed to realize the training potential through the synthesis of protein structures. For this purpose, it is necessary to engage in "pumping", stimulating the development of the growth factor. And in order to make big hands, it is necessary to real-li-call all of them in ten-tsi-al-growth. For this purpose, various isolating exercises are used, capable of "pumping" the muscle under different angles... Why? Due to the fact that the total efficiency of muscles is most of all in basic exercises, but the degree of in-ner-vation of particular beams may be higher at an angle at which the co-in-ner muscle variation is lower. And during this period it is necessary to apply, so-called, clean technique. Firstly, this will allow you to avoid injury during the exercise of phi-zio-lo-gi-chi-ki uncomfortable exercises, and secondly, it will allow you to take -load-ku named-but in different areas of the target muscle groups.

Conclusion: in order to make big hands, you need to hyper-trop-fi-ro-vat co-rich and energetic muscle proteins. For this purpose, it is necessary to perform heavy basic exercises, creating an indirect burden on the hands. Also, during developmental cycles, you can use bending of the arms with a barbell while standing in a special-tia-li-zi-ro-van-no-go exercise for biceps. The triceps does not need such an exercise, since it already receives enough load while you are doing the bench press and army press... In this tre-ni-ro-voch-ny-ri-ode, it follows-strives to increase the power indicators in the movements. During the developmental cycles of at-years, he trains not the working ability of the muscles, but the completion of movement. During the rest-to-one-hundred-and-force cycles, it is necessary to apply different exercises, to load the muscles at different angles. Thanks to such a different-but-formation on-load, it is possible to in-energize all parts of the muscles. As a result, this is what leads to the hyper-trophy of skeletal muscles and the cherished big hands!

Sources of

There is special exercises allowing you to increase the thickness of your wrists and the thickness of your forearms. I have very thin arms and bones by nature, so I am familiar with this problem firsthand. The exercises used in armwrestling helped a lot, because there the wrist is the key point.

In general, many people think that the section of the arm from the elbow to the hand is ... in general, they do not know what to call it and is often called the wrist. In fact, this part of the arm is called the forearm, and from the elbow and above the shoulder. Study the school physics course and you will understand why this is so.

Therefore, we will talk with you how to pump up your forearms, make your hands strong and your wrists thick.

Exercises to pump up your wrists and hands

It is not so easy to increase the thickness of the bone itself. Here genetics has a very strong effect. But even if you have thin bones, then in a few years the thickness of the bone in the area of ​​the wrist joint will necessarily become greater, because bones grow in thickness throughout their lives.

Especially good for the growth of thickness strength training... Of course, the bones inside are like a sponge and at first they thicken mostly from the inside, but the outer thickness will grow too.

It is much faster to grow muscle mass in the forearm. And even if you have thin bones, like a girl's, then with massive forearms your wrists will look great!

You need to do the following exercises:

  • Barbell Curl (palms up)
  • Reverse bends of the hands (palms down)
  • Flexion on top block with a thick handle
  • Any grip work
  • Standing barbell curls (heavy weight)

When working on, it works (). It sits almost entirely on your forearm, so it gives the finish to your arms and adds bulk to your hands and wrists.

How to strengthen the brush

You need to develop the strength of your fingers. They should be as hard as "stone". To do this, you can do push-ups on your fingers, do racks on your fingers while lying down. Some gyms and armwrestling sections have special simulators in order to pump up your fingers and a brush.

Even the usual heavy deadlift, when the bar just falls out of your hands, is great for strengthening your fingers, developing grip strength and pumping up your forearms.

I personally have never done deadlift with one or three fingers, but I heard that it also helps a lot, although you need to have appropriate training so as not to tear the tendons. You can also do hanging or pull-ups on one, two or three fingers. To do this, you will have to buy or sew a special belt.

To pump up your wrists, hand and forearms, you must do curls with large weights. Armwrestlers do curls with a barbell weighing 100kg and this is quite a common indicator. Lifting 40kg with one hand is the norm for them. Therefore, their hands are huge, and their forearms are strong and massive. In this regard, it is worth taking an example from them. Only workouts should not be done so long. Take exercises from hand wrestling, but use them in a bodybuilding style, then muscles will grow quickly, and noticeable results will be in the first month!

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